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X5045PIZ 数据手册
DATASHEET X5043, X5045 FN8126 Rev 3.00 September 23, 2015 4K, 512 x 8 Bit CPU Supervisor with 4K SPI EEPROM These devices combine four popular functions, Power-on Reset Control, Watchdog Timer, Supply Voltage Supervision, and Block Lock Protect Serial EEPROM Memory in one package. This combination lowers system cost, reduces board space requirements, and increases reliability. Applying power to the device activates the power-on reset circuit which holds RESET/RESET active for a period of time. This allows the power supply and oscillator to stabilize before the processor executes code. The Watchdog Timer provides an independent protection mechanism for microcontrollers. When the microcontroller fails to restart a timer within a selectable time out interval, the device activates the RESET/RESET signal. The user selects the interval from three preset values. Once selected, the interval does not change, even after cycling the power. The device’s low VCC detection circuitry protects the user’s system from low voltage conditions, resetting the system when VCC falls below the minimum VCC trip point. RESET/RESET is asserted until VCC returns to proper operating level and stabilizes. Four industry standard VTRIP thresholds are available, however, Intersil’s unique circuits allow the threshold to be reprogrammed to meet custom requirements or to fine-tune the threshold for applications requiring higher precision. Features • Low VCC Detection and Reset Assertion - Four standard reset threshold voltages 4.63V, 4.38V, 2.93V, 2.63V - Re-program low VCC reset threshold voltage using special programming sequence. - Reset signal valid to VCC = 1V • Selectable Time Out Watchdog Timer • Long Battery Life with Low Power Consumption - 3.3V, IOH = –1.0mA VCC - 0.8 V VOH2 Output HIGH Voltage (SO) 2V < VCC  3.3V, IOH = –0.4mA VCC - 0.4 V VOH3 Output HIGH Voltage (SO) VCC  2V, IOH = –0.25mA VCC - 0.2 V VOLRS Output LOW Voltage (RESET, RESET) IOL = 1mA VIL VIH Capacitance CIN(2) V TA = +25°C, f = 1MHz, VCC = 5V SYMBOL COUT(2) 0.4 TEST Output Capacitance (SO, RESET, RESET) Input Capacitance (SCK, SI, CS, WP) CONDITIONS MAX UNIT VOUT = 0V 8 pF VIN = 0V 6 pF NOTES: 1. VIL min. and VIH max. are for reference only and are not tested. 2. This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested. 3. SCK frequency measured from VCC x 0.1/VCC x 0.9 FN8126 Rev 3.00 September 23, 2015 Page 13 of 21 X5043, X5045 Equivalent A.C. Load Circuit at 5V VCC 5V A.C. Test Conditions 5V 4.6k 1.64k Output Input pulse levels VCC x 0.1 to VCC x 0.9 Input rise and fall times 10ns Input and output timing level VCC x 0.5 RESET/RESET 1.64k 30pF 30pF AC Electrical Specifications (Over recommended operating conditions, unless otherwise specified) 2.7V–5.5V SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT 0 3.3 MHz DATA INPUT TIMING fSCK Clock Frequency tCYC Cycle Time 300 ns tLEAD CS Lead Time 150 ns tLAG CS Lag Time 150 ns tWH Clock HIGH Time 130 ns tWL Clock LOW Time 130 ns tSU Data Setup Time 30 ns tH Data Hold Time 30 ns tRI(4) Input Rise Time 2 µs tFI(4) Input Fall Time 2 µs tCS CS Deselect Time tWC(5) Write Cycle Time 100 ns 10 ms MIN MAX UNIT 0 3.3 MHz Data Output Timing 2.7–5.5V SYMBOL PARAMETER fSCK Clock Frequency tDIS Output Disable Time 150 ns Output Valid from Clock Low 120 ns tV tHO Output Hold Time tRO(4) Output Rise Time 50 ns tFO(4) Output Fall Time 50 ns 0 ns NOTES: 4. This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested. 5. tWC is the time from the rising edge of CS after a valid write sequence has been sent to the end of the self-timed internal nonvolatile write cycle. FN8126 Rev 3.00 September 23, 2015 Page 14 of 21 X5043, X5045 Serial Output Timing CS tCYC tWH tLAG SCK tV MSB Out SO SI tHO tWL tDIS MSB–1 Out LSB Out ADDR LSB IN Serial Input Timing tCS CS tLEAD tLAG SCK tSU tH MSB In SI SO tRI tFI LSB In High Impedance Symbol Table WAVEFORM FN8126 Rev 3.00 September 23, 2015 INPUTS OUTPUTS Must be steady Will be steady May change from LOW to HIGH Will change from LOW to HIGH May change from HIGH to LOW Will change from HIGH to LOW Don’t Care: Changes Allowed Changing: State Not Known N/A Center Line is High Impedance Page 15 of 21 X5043, X5045 Power-Up and Power-Down Timing VCC VTRIP VTRIP tPURST 0 Volts tPURST tF tR tRPD RESET (X5043) RESET (X5045) RESET Output Timing SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT VTRIP Reset Trip Point Voltage, (-4.5A) Reset Trip Point Voltage, (Blank) Reset Trip Point Voltage, (-2.7A) Reset Trip Point Voltage, (-2.7) 4.5 4.25 2.85 2.55 4.62 4.38 2.92 2.62 4.75 4.5 3.0 2.7 V tPURST Power-up Reset Time Out 100 200 400 ms tRPD(6) VCC Detect to Reset/Output 500 ns tF(6) VCC Fall Time 10 µs tR(6) VCC Rise Time 0.1 ns VRVALID Reset Valid VCC 1 V NOTE: 6. This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested. CS/WDI vs. RESET/RESET Timing CS/WDI tCST RESET (5043) tWDO tRST tWDO tRST RESET (5045) RESET/RESET Output Timing SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNIT Watchdog Time Out Period, WD1 = 1, WD0 = 1 (default) WD1 = 1, WD0 = 0 WD1 = 0, WD0 = 1 WD1 = 0, WD0 = 0 100 450 1 OFF 200 600 1.4 300 800 2 ms ms sec tCST CS Pulse Width to Reset the Watchdog 400 tRST Reset Time Out 100 tWDO PARAMETER FN8126 Rev 3.00 September 23, 2015 ns 200 400 ms Page 16 of 21 X5043, X5045 VTRIP Programming Timing Diagram VCC (VTRIP) VTRIP tTSU tTHD VP WP tVPS tVPH tPCS CS tVPO tRP SCK SI 06h 02h 01h or 03h VTRIP Programming Parameters PARAMETER DESCRIPTION MIN MAX UNIT tVPS VTRIP Program Enable Voltage Setup time 1 µs tVPH VTRIP Program Enable Voltage Hold time 1 µs tPCS VTRIP Programming CS inactive time 1 µs tTSU VTRIP Setup time 1 µs tTHD VTRIP Hold (stable) time 10 ms tWC VTRIP Write Cycle Time tVPO VTRIP Program Enable Voltage Off time (Between successive adjustments) 0 µs tRP VTRIP Program Recovery Period (Between successive adjustments) 10 ms VP Programming Voltage 15 18 V VTRIP Programmed Voltage Range 1.7 4.75 V VTRIP Program variation after programming (0-75°C). (Programmed at 25°C.) -25 +25 mV VTRAN Vtv 10 ms VTRIP programming parameters are periodically sampled and are not 100% tested. FN8126 Rev 3.00 September 23, 2015 Page 17 of 21 X5043, X5045 Revision History The revision history provided is for informational purposes only and is believed to be accurate, but not warranted. Please go to the web to make sure that you have the latest revision. DATE REVISION September 23, 2015 FN8126.3 CHANGE - Updated Ordering Information Table on page 3. - Added Revision History. - Added About Intersil Verbiage. - Attached current POD. About Intersil Intersil Corporation is a leading provider of innovative power management and precision analog solutions. The company's products address some of the largest markets within the industrial and infrastructure, mobile computing and high-end consumer markets. For the most updated datasheet, application notes, related documentation and related parts, please see the respective product information page found at www.intersil.com. You may report errors or suggestions for improving this datasheet by visiting www.intersil.com/ask. Reliability reports are also available from our website at www.intersil.com/support. © Copyright Intersil Americas LLC 2005-2015 All Rights Reserved. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For additional products, see www.intersil.com/en/products.html Intersil products are manufactured, assembled and tested utilizing ISO9001 quality systems as noted in the quality certifications found at www.intersil.com/en/support/qualandreliability.html Intersil products are sold by description only. Intersil may modify the circuit design and/or specifications of products at any time without notice, provided that such modification does not, in Intersil's sole judgment, affect the form, fit or function of the product. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see www.intersil.com FN8126 Rev 3.00 September 23, 2015 Page 18 of 21 X5043, X5045 Plastic Dual-In-Line Packages (PDIP) E D A2 SEATING PLANE L N A PIN #1 INDEX E1 c e b A1 NOTE 5 1 eA eB 2 N/2 b2 MDP0031 PLASTIC DUAL-IN-LINE PACKAGE INCHES SYMBOL PDIP8 PDIP14 PDIP16 PDIP18 PDIP20 TOLERANCE A 0.210 0.210 0.210 0.210 0.210 MAX A1 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 MIN A2 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 ±0.005 b 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 ±0.002 b2 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 +0.010/-0.015 c 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 +0.004/-0.002 D 0.375 0.750 0.750 0.890 1.020 ±0.010 E 0.310 0.310 0.310 0.310 0.310 +0.015/-0.010 E1 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 ±0.005 e 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Basic eA 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 Basic eB 0.345 0.345 0.345 0.345 0.345 ±0.025 L 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 ±0.010 N 8 14 16 18 20 Reference NOTES 1 2 Rev. C 2/07 NOTES: 1. Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.010” maximum per side are not included. 2. Plastic interlead protrusions of 0.010” maximum per side are not included. 3. Dimensions E and eA are measured with the leads constrained perpendicular to the seating plane. 4. Dimension eB is measured with the lead tips unconstrained. 5. 8 and 16 lead packages have half end-leads as shown. FN8126 Rev 3.00 September 23, 2015 Page 19 of 21 X5043, X5045 Package Outline Drawing M8.15 8 LEAD NARROW BODY SMALL OUTLINE PLASTIC PACKAGE Rev 4, 1/12 DETAIL "A" 1.27 (0.050) 0.40 (0.016) INDEX 6.20 (0.244) 5.80 (0.228) AREA 0.50 (0.20) x 45° 0.25 (0.01) 4.00 (0.157) 3.80 (0.150) 1 2 8° 0° 3 0.25 (0.010) 0.19 (0.008) SIDE VIEW “B” TOP VIEW 2.20 (0.087) SEATING PLANE 5.00 (0.197) 4.80 (0.189) 1.75 (0.069) 1.35 (0.053) 1 8 2 7 0.60 (0.023) 1.27 (0.050) 3 6 4 5 -C- 1.27 (0.050) 0.51(0.020) 0.33(0.013) SIDE VIEW “A 0.25(0.010) 0.10(0.004) 5.20(0.205) TYPICAL RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN NOTES: 6. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M-1994. 7. Package length does not include mold flash, protrusions or gate burrs. Mold flash, protrusion and gate burrs shall not exceed 0.15mm (0.006 inch) per side. 8. Package width does not include interlead flash or protrusions. Interlead flash and protrusions shall not exceed 0.25mm (0.010 inch) per side. 9. The chamfer on the body is optional. If it is not present, a visual index feature must be located within the crosshatched area. 10. Terminal numbers are shown for reference only. 11. The lead width as measured 0.36mm (0.014 inch) or greater above the seating plane, shall not exceed a maximum value of 0.61mm (0.024 inch). 12. Controlling dimension: MILLIMETER. Converted inch dimensions are not necessarily exact. 13. This outline conforms to JEDEC publication MS-012-AA ISSUE C. FN8126 Rev 3.00 September 23, 2015 Page 20 of 21 X5043, X5045 Package Outline Drawing M8.118 8 LEAD MINI SMALL OUTLINE PLASTIC PACKAGE Rev 4, 7/11 5 3.0±0.05 A DETAIL "X" D 8 1.10 MAX SIDE VIEW 2 0.09 - 0.20 4.9±0.15 3.0±0.05 5 0.95 REF PIN# 1 ID 1 2 B 0.65 BSC GAUGE PLANE TOP VIEW 0.55 ± 0.15 0.25 3°±3° 0.85±010 H DETAIL "X" C SEATING PLANE 0.25 - 0.36 0.08 M C A-B D 0.10 ± 0.05 0.10 C SIDE VIEW 1 (5.80) NOTES: (4.40) (3.00) 1. Dimensions are in millimeters. (0.65) (0.40) (1.40) TYPICAL RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN FN8126 Rev 3.00 September 23, 2015 2. Dimensioning and tolerancing conform to JEDEC MO-187-AA and AMSEY14.5m-1994. 3. Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.15mm max per side are not included. 4. Plastic interlead protrusions of 0.15mm max per side are not included. 5. Dimensions are measured at Datum Plane "H". 6. Dimensions in ( ) are for reference only. Page 21 of 21
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