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RF2186PCBA 数据手册
Preliminary 2 Typical Applications • 3V 1850-1910MHz CDMA-2000 Handsets • 3V 1920-1980MHz W-CDMA Handsets • Spread-Spectrum Systems RF2186 3V W-CDMA POWER 1900MHZ/ 3V LINEAR POWER AMPLIFIER • Commercial and Consumer Systems • Portable Battery-Powered Equipment 2 POWER AMPLIFIERS Product Description 2 1 0.80 TYP 1 The RF2186 is a high-power, high-efficiency linear amplifier IC targeting 3V handheld systems. The device is manufactured on an advanced Gallium Arsenide Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) process, and has been designed for use as the final RF amplifier in 3V CDMA-2000 and W-CDMA handsets, spread-spectrum systems, and other applications in the 1850MHz to 2000MHz band. The device is self-contained with 50 Ω input and the output can be easily matched to obtain optimum power, efficiency, and linearity characteristics over all recommended supply voltages. 3.75 0.75 0.50 0.45 0.28 3.75 + 1.60 4.00 12° 1.50 SQ 3 INDEX AREA 3.20 4.00 1.00 0.90 0.75 0.65 NOTES: 1 Shaded Pin is Lead 1. 2 Dimension applies to plated terminal and is measured 0.10 mm and 0.25 mm from terminal tip. 0.05 0.00 Dimensions in mm. The terminal #1 identifier and terminal numbering conv 3 shall conform to JESD 95-1 SPP-012. Details of termin identifier are optional, but must be located within the zo indicated. The identifier may be either a mold or marke feature. 4 5 Pins 1 and 9 are fused. Package Warpage: 0.05 max. Optimum Technology Matching® Applied Si BJT Si Bi-CMOS ü GND1 Package Style: LCC, 16-Pin GaAs HBT SiGe HBT GaAs MESFET Si CMOS Features • Single 3V Supply • 27dBm Linear Output Power • 31dB Linear Gain • 35% Linear Efficiency • On-board Power Down Mode VCC1 RF IN NC 14 8 RF OUT 1 VPD1 2 VMODE 3 VPD2 4 5 BIAS GND 16 15 13 12 VCC2 11 VCC2 10 VCC 6 NC 7 RF OUT 2F0 NC 9 Ordering Information RF2186 RF2186 PCBA 3V W-CDMA Power 1900MHZ/ 3V Linear Power Amplifier Fully Assembled Evaluation Board Tel (336) 664 1233 Fax (336) 664 0454 http://www.rfmd.com Functional Block Diagram RF Micro Devices, Inc. 7625 Thorndike Road Greensboro, NC 27409, USA Rev A2 010515 2-197 RF2186 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Supply Voltage (RF off) Supply Voltage (POUT ≤ 31dBm) Mode Voltage (VMODE) Preliminary Rating +8.0 +5.0 +3.0 +3.0 +6 -30 to +100 -30 to +150 Unit VDC VDC VDC VDC dBm °C °C Caution! ESD sensitive device. RF Micro Devices believes the furnished information is correct and accurate at the time of this printing. However, RF Micro Devices reserves the right to make changes to its products without notice. RF Micro Devices does not assume responsibility for the use of the described product(s). 2 POWER AMPLIFIERS Control Voltage (VPD) Input RF Power Operating Case Temperature Storage Temperature Parameter Overall Usable Frequency Range Typical Frequency Range Linear Gain Second Harmonic (including second harmonic trap) Third Harmonic Fourth Harmonic Maximum Linear Output Power (W-CDMA Modulation) Total Linear Efficiency Adjacent Channel Power Rejection@5MHz Adjacent Channel Power Rejection@10MHz Noise Power Maximum Linear Output Power (W-CDMA Modulation) Total Linear Efficiency Input VSWR Output Load VSWR Specification Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition T=-25°C, VCC =3.4V, VREG =2.8V, Freq=1920MHz to 1980MHz (unless otherwise specified) 1850 1850 to 1910 1920 to 1980 34 31 -35 -40 -45 27 30 35 -40 -50 -137 26 34 < 2:1 2000 MHz MHz dB dB dBc dBc dBc dBm % dBc dBc dBm/Hz dBm % POUT =27dBm, VMODE High POUT =27dBm, W-CDMA Modulation 3G PP 3.2 03-00 DPCCH+1DPDCH POUT =27dBm, W-CDMA Modulation 3G PP 3.2 03-00 DPCCH+1DPDCH POUT =+27dBm, Rx Band 2110MHz to 2170MHz VCC =3.0V Mode=Low Mode=High 31 28 -38 -48 5:1 3.0 3.4 120 13 10 0 2.8 2.8 0 5.0 V mA mA µA V V No oscillations Power Supply Power Supply Voltage Idle Current VPD Current Total Current (Power down) VPD “Low” Voltage VPD “High” Voltage MODE “High” Voltage MODE “Low” Voltage MODE = high Total pins 2 and 4, VPD = 2.8 V VPD = low 2.7 2.5 0.2 2.9 0.5 2-198 Rev A2 010515 Preliminary Pin 1 2 Function GND1 VPD1 Description RF2186 Interface Schematic Ground for first stage. For best performance, keep traces physically See pin 16. short and connect immediately to ground plane. This ground should be isolated from the backside ground contact. Power Down control for first and second stages. When this pin is “low”, all first and second stage circuits are shut off. When this pin is 2.8V, all first and second stage circuits operate normally. VPD1 requires a regulated 2.8V for the amplifier to operate properly over all specified temperature and voltage ranges. A dropping resistor from a higher regulated voltage may be used to provide the required 2.8V. VMODE adjusts the bias to the second and third stages. In normal operation and for maximum efficiency, VMODE should be “high”. In this mode the power and linearity will meet the published specifications. If additional linearity is desired, VMODE may be pulled “low”, however efficiency will decrease. If VMODE is pulled “low”, the output match will need to be adjusted for optimum performance. Power Down control for third stage. When this pin is “low”, all third stage circuits are shut off. When this pin is 2.8V, all third stage circuits operate normally. VPD requires a regulated 2.8V for the amplifier to operate properly over all specified temperature and voltage ranges. A dropping resistor from a higher regulated voltage may be used to provide the required 2.8V. A 15pF high frequency bypass capacitor is recommended. For best performance, keep traces physically short and connect to ground plane through a 15nH inductor. This ground should be isolated from the backside ground contact. Not Connected. RF output and power supply for final stage. This is the unmatched collector output of the third stage. A DC block is required following the RF OUT matching components. The biasing may be provided via a parallel L-C set for resonance at the operating frequency of 1920MHz to 1980MHz. It is important to select an inductor with very low DC resistance with a 1A current rating. Alternatively, shunt microstrip techniques are also From Bias Network applicable and provide very low DC resistance. Low frequency bypassing is required for stability. Same as pin 7. See pin 7. Second harmonic trap. Keep traces physically short and connect immediately to ground plane. This ground should be isolated from backside ground contact. Supply for bias reference and control circuits. High frequency bypassing may be necessary. Power supply for second stage and interstage match. Pins 11 and 12 should be connected by a common trace where the pins contact the printed circuit board. Same as pin 11. Not Connected. Not Connected. Power supply for first stage and interstage match. VCC should be fed See pin 16. through a 1.2nH inductor terminated with a 8.2pF capacitor on the supply side. The inductor should be as close to the pin as possible. RF input. An external series capacitor is required as a DC block. RF IN From Bias Network GND1 2 POWER AMPLIFIERS VCC1 3 VMODE 4 VPD2 5 6 7 BIAS GND NC RF OUT 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RF OUT 2FO VCC VCC2 VCC2 NC NC VCC1 RF IN Pkg Base GND Ground connection. The backside of the package should be soldered to a top side ground pad which is connected to the ground plane with multiple vias. The pad should have a short thermal path to the ground plane. Rev A2 010515 2-199 RF2186 Application Schematic W-CDMA (1920MHz to 1980MHz) RF IN Preliminary 2 POWER AMPLIFIERS + VREG 1 2 1.8 kΩ VMODE 3 4 15 pF 5 6 16 1 µF 15 pF 15 pF R2 1.2 nH 8.2 pF 10 nF + 1 µF 15 14 13 TL3 12 11 10 C30 10 nF 10 nH VCC 7 8 9 15 pF L1* 15 nH TL1 15 pF 10 nF + 4.7 µF C1** Transmission Line Length W-CDMA TL1 TL2 TL3 TL2 0.053" 0.140" 0.022" C14** 15 pF Board W-CDMA R2 (Ω) 150 C30 (pF) 8.2 C1 (pF) 4.7 L1 (nH) 16 C14 (pF) 2.2 RF OUT * L1 is a High Q inductor (i.e., Coilcraft 0805HQ-series). **C1 and C14 are High Q capacitors (i.e., Johanson C-series). 2-200 Rev A2 010515 Preliminary Evaluation Board Schematic W-CDMA (1920MHz to 1980MHz) J1 RF IN 50 Ω µstrip C5 15 pF C10 + 1 µF P2 1 2 3 4 C13 15 pF 2186400B RF2186 C11 8.2 pF L3 1.2 nH 14 13 TL3 12 11 10 C12 10 nF C7 + 1 µF 16 15 L5 10 nH P1 C30 C8 10 nF R1 1.8 kΩ P3 5 6 7 8 9 C6 15 pF P1 P1 VCC 1 HDR_1 P1 VREG 1 HDR_1 P1 VMODE 1 HDR_1 P1 1 GND HDR_1 P2 L4 15 nH L1* TL1 C4 15 pF C26 10 nF + C2 4.7 µF P3 C1** * L1 is a High Q inductor (i.e., Coilcraft 0805HQ-series). **C1 and C14 are High Q capacitors (i.e., Johanson C-series). TL2 P4 C3 15 pF Transmission Line Length WCDMA Board WCDMA R2 (Ω) 150 TL1 TL2 TL3 0.053" 0.140" 0.022" C30 (pF) 8.2 C1 (pF) 4.7 L1 (nH) 16 C14 (pF) 2.2 C14** 50 Ω µstrip J2 RF OUT Rev A2 010515 2-201 POWER AMPLIFIERS C27 15 pF R2 2 RF2186 Evaluation Board Layout Board Size 2.0” x 2.0” Preliminary Board Thickness 0.028”, Board Material FR-4, Multi-Layer, Ground Plane at 0.014 2 POWER AMPLIFIERS 2-202 Rev A2 010515
1. 物料型号: - 型号:RF2186 - 描述:3V W-CDMA Power 1900MHz/3V Linear Power Amplifier

2. 器件简介: - RF2186是一款高功率、高效率的线性放大器IC,针对3V手持系统设计。该器件采用先进的砷化镓异质结双极晶体管(HBT)工艺制造,适用于作为3V CDMA-2000和W-CDMA手机、扩频系统以及其他1850MHz至2000MHz频段应用的最终射频放大器。该设备自含50Ω输入和输出,可以轻松匹配以获得所有推荐供电电压下的最佳功率、效率和线性特性。

3. 引脚分配: - 1 GND1:第一阶段的地。 - 2 VPD1:第一和第二阶段的电源关闭控制。 - 3 VMODE:调整第二和第三阶段的偏置。 - 4 VPD2:第三阶段的电源关闭控制。 - 5 BIAS GND:最佳性能下,通过15nH电感连接到地平面。 - 6 NC:未连接。 - 7 RF OUT:RF输出和最终阶段的电源供应。 - 8 RF OUT:同7。 - 9 VCC2:第二阶段和阶段匹配的电源供应。 - 10 VCC2:同9。 - 11 NC:未连接。 - 12 NC:未连接。 - 13 VCC1:第一阶段和阶段匹配的电源供应。 - 14 RF IN:RF输入。

4. 参数特性: - 单3V供电。 - 27dBm线性输出功率。 - 31dB线性增益。 - 35%线性效率。 - 板上电源关闭模式。

5. 功能详解: - RF2186设计用于3V CDMA-2000和W-CDMA手机、扩频系统等应用。 - 自含50Ω输入和输出,易于匹配以获得最佳性能。

6. 应用信息: - 商用和消费系统。 - 便携式电池供电设备。

7. 封装信息: - 封装风格:LCC,16引脚。
RF2186PCBA 价格&库存

