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    GPS-41EBR - Fast Acquisition Enhanced Sensitivity 12 Channel GPS Sensor Module - rfsolutions.ltd

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GPS-41EBR 数据手册
GPS Receiver Module GPS-41EBR GPS-41EBF GPS-41EB Fast Acquisition Enhanced Sensitivity 12 Channel GPS Sensor Module FEATURES 12 parallel channel GPS receiver 4000 simultaneous time-frequency search bins SBAS (WAAS, EGNOS) support High Sensitivity: -140dBm acquisition sensitivity -150dBm tracking sensitivity Fast Acquisition: < 10 second hot start < 45 second cold start 5m CEP accuracy ‘F’ Module Programmable The GPS-41EB module is a small, single-board, 12 parallel-channel receiver intended for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) products. The receiver continuously tracks all satellites in view and provides accurate satellite positioning data. The GPS-41EB is optimized for applications requiring good performance, low cost, and maximum flexibility; suitable for a wide range of OEM configurations including handhelds, asset tracking, marine and vehicle navigation products. Its 12 parallel channels and 4000 search bins provide fast satellite signal acquisition and short startup time. Acquisition sensitivity of –140dBm and tracking sensitivity of –150dBm offers good navigation performance even in urban canyons having limited sky view. The module has an MMCX socket for connection of an external active antenna. Satellite-based augmentation systems, such as WAAS and EGNOS, are supported to yield improved accuracy. The GPS-41EBF module has programmable flash memory. This enables users to modify the NMEA sentence configuration and re-flash the firmware in the modem. Ordering Information Part Number GPS-41EBR GPS-41EBF Description Embedded GPS Module Embedded GPS Module, Programmable DS-41EB-3 Oct ’06 ©2006 RF Solutions Ltd, www.rfsolutions.co.uk Tel 01273 898000 Fax 01273 480661 Page 1 GPS Receiver Module TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Receiver Type Accuracy 12 parallel channel, L1 C/A code Position Velocity 1PPS Timing 5m CEP 0.1m/sec +/-1us GPS-41EBR GPS-41EBF Startup Time < 10sec hot start < 35sec warm start < 45sec cold start 1s -140dBm acquisition -150dBm tracking 1Hz 4G (39.2m/sec2) Altitude < 18,000m or velocity < 515m/s (COCOM limit, either may be exceeded but not both) LVTTL level NMEA-0183 V3.01 GPGGA, GPGLL, GPGSA, GPGSV, GPRMC, GPVTG, GPZDA 4800 baud, 8, N, 1 Default WGS-84 User definable MMCX 10 pin 2.0mm pitch male header 3.3V DC +/-100mV or 3.8V ~ 8.0V (5V version) 28-33 mA 43.3mm L x 31.1mm W x 5.8mm H 8g -40oC ~ +85oC 5% ~ 95% Signal Reacquisition Sensitivity Update Rate Dynamics Operational Limits Serial Interface Protocol Datum RF Connector Interface Connector Input Voltage Current Consumption Dimension Weight: Operating Temperature Humidity DS-41EB-3 Oct ’06 ©2006 RF Solutions Ltd, www.rfsolutions.co.uk Tel 01273 898000 Fax 01273 480661 Page 2 GPS Receiver Module GPS-41EBR GPS-41EBF Pin-10 Pin-1 UT-41EBF Lateral View PINOUT DESCRIPTION Pin Number Signal Name Description 1 Serial Data Out 1 Asynchronous serial output at LVTTL level, to output NMEA message 2 Serial Data In 1 Asynchronous serial input at LVTTL level, to input commands Pull high if not used 3 VCC Regulated 3.3V power input (3.3V version) 3.8V ~ 8.0V (5V version) 4 GND Ground 5 PIO Output PIO output, default used for GPS status indication 6 1PPS 1 pulse per second time mark 7 RESET IN Reset input, active LOW 8 Serial Data In 2 Asynchronous serial input at LVTTL level, to input DGPS RTCM data Pull high if not used 9 VBAT Optional 3.3V backup power input to sustain RTC and SRAM data 10 Antenna Power Power input for active antenna 1PPS Output The GPS receiver is in navigation mode upon power-up, with 1PPS output free running. After 3 minutes of valid position fix and remaining under static-mode, the receiver changes to timing-mode, with 1PPS output signal synchronized to the UTC second. The receiver will change to navigation-mode, with 1PPS output free running, if the receiver is in motion. The 1PPS output will become synchronized to the UTC second again after the receiver had remained in static mode for 3 minutes. DS-41EB-3 Oct ’06 ©2006 RF Solutions Ltd, www.rfsolutions.co.uk Tel 01273 898000 Fax 01273 480661 Page 3 GPS Receiver Module NMEA Messages GPS-41EBR GPS-41EBF The serial interface protocol is based on the National Marine Electronics Association’s NMEA 0183 ASCII interface specification. This standard is fully define in “NMEA 0183, Version 3.01” The standard may be obtained from NMEA, www.nmea.org GGA - GPS FIX DATA Time, position and position-fix related data (number of satellites in use, HDOP, etc.). Format: $GPGGA,,,,,,,,,,M,,M,,,* Example: $GPGGA,104549.04,2447.2038,N,12100.4990,E,1,06,01.7,00078.8,M,0016.3,M,,*5C Field 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Example Description 104549.04 UTC time in hhmmss.ss format, 000000.00 ~ 235959.99 2447.2038 Latitude in ddmm.mmmm format Leading zeros transmitted N Latitude hemisphere indicator, ‘N’ = North, ‘S’ = South 12100.4990 Longitude in dddmm.mmmm format Leading zeros transmitted E Longitude hemisphere indicator, 'E' = East, 'W' = West 1 Position fix quality indicator 0: position fix unavailable 1: valid position fix, SPS mode 2: valid position fix, differential GPS mode 06 Number of satellites in use, 00 ~ 12 01.7 Horizontal dilution of precision, 00.0 ~ 99.9 00078.8 Antenna height above/below mean sea level, -9999.9 ~ 17999.9 0016.3 Geoidal height, -999.9 ~ 9999.9 Age of DGPS data since last valid RTCM transmission in xxx format (seconds) NULL when DGPS not used Differential reference station ID, 0000 ~ 1023 NULL when DGPS not used 5C Checksum Note: The checksum field starts with a ‘*’ and consists of 2 characters representing a hex number. The checksum is the exclusive OR of all characters between ‘$’ and ‘*’. DS-41EB-3 Oct ’06 ©2006 RF Solutions Ltd, www.rfsolutions.co.uk Tel 01273 898000 Fax 01273 480661 Page 4 GPS Receiver Module GLL - LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE, WITH TIME OF POSITION FIX AND STATUS Latitude and longitude of current position, time, and status. Format: $GPGLL,,,,,,,* Example: $GPGLL,2447.2073,N,12100.5022,E,104548.04,A,A*65 GPS-41EBR GPS-41EBF Field 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Example Description 2447.2073 Latitude in ddmm.mmmm format Leading zeros transmitted N Latitude hemisphere indicator, ‘N’ = North, ‘S’ = South 12100.5022 Longitude in dddmm.mmmm format Leading zeros transmitted E Longitude hemisphere indicator, 'E' = East, 'W' = West 104548.04 UTC time in hhmmss.ss format, 000000.00 ~ 235959.99 A Status, ‘A’ = valid position, ‘V’ = navigation receiver warning A Mode indicator ‘N’ = Data invalid ‘A’ = Autonomous ‘D’ = Differential ‘E’ = Estimated 65 Checksum GSA - GPS DOP AND ACTIVE SATELLITES GPS receiver operating mode, satellites used for navigation, and DOP values. Format: $GPGSA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* Example: $GPGSA,A,3,26,21,,,09,17,,,,,,,10.8,02.1,10.6*07 Field Example 1 A 2 3 3 26,21,,,09,17,,,,,, 4 10.8 5 02.1 6 10.6 7 07 Description Mode, ‘M’ = Manual, ‘A’ = Automatic Fix type, 1 = not available, 2 = 2D fix, 3 = 3D fix PRN number, 01 to 32, of satellite used in solution, up to 12 transmitted Position dilution of precision, 00.0 to 99.9 Horizontal dilution of precision, 00.0 to 99.9 Vertical dilution of precision, 00.0 to 99.9 Checksum DS-41EB-3 Oct ’06 ©2006 RF Solutions Ltd, www.rfsolutions.co.uk Tel 01273 898000 Fax 01273 480661 Page 5 GPS Receiver Module GPS-41EBR GPS-41EBF GSV - GPS SATELLITE IN VIEW Number of satellites in view, PRN number, elevation angle, azimuth angle, and C/No. Only up to four satellite details are transmitted per message. Additional satellite in view information is sent in subsequent GSV messages. Format: $GPGSV,,,,,,,,…,,,, * Example: $GPGSV,2,1,08,26,50,016,40,09,50,173,39,21,43,316,38,17,41,144,42*7C $GPGSV,2,2,08,29,38,029,37,10,27,082,32,18,22,309,24,24,09,145,*7B Field 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Example 2 1 08 26 50 016 40 7C Description Total number of GSV messages to be transmitted Number of current GSV message Total number of satellites in view, 00 ~ 12 Satellite PRN number, GPS: 01 ~ 32, SBAS: 33 ~ 64 (33 = PRN120) Satellite elevation number, 00 ~ 90 degrees Satellite azimuth angle, 000 ~ 359 degrees C/No, 00 ~ 99 dB Null when not tracking Checksum RMC - RECOMMANDED MINIMUM SPECIFIC GPS/TRANSIT DATA Time, date, position, course and speed data. Format: $GPRMC,,,,,,,,,,,,* Example: $GPRMC,104549.04,A,2447.2038,N,12100.4990,E,016.0,221.0,250304,003.3,W,A*22 Field 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Example 104549.04 A 2447.2038 N 12100.4990 E 016.0 221.0 250304 003.3 W A 13 DS-41EB-3 Oct ’06 22 Description UTC time in hhmmss.ss format, 000000.00 ~ 235959.99 Status, ‘V’ = navigation receiver warning, ‘A’ = valid position Latitude in dddmm.mmmm format Leading zeros transmitted Latitude hemisphere indicator, ‘N’ = North, ‘S’ = South Longitude in dddmm.mmmm format Leading zeros transmitted Longitude hemisphere indicator, 'E' = East, 'W' = West Speed over ground, 000.0 ~ 999.9 knots Course over ground, 000.0 ~ 359.9 degrees UTC date of position fix, ddmmyy format Magnetic variation, 000.0 ~ 180.0 degrees Magnetic variation direction, ‘E’ = East, ‘W’ = West Mode indicator ‘N’ = Data invalid ‘A’ = Autonomous ‘D’ = Differential ‘E’ = Estimated Checksum ©2006 RF Solutions Ltd, www.rfsolutions.co.uk Tel 01273 898000 Fax 01273 480661 Page 6 GPS Receiver Module VTG - COURSE OVER GROUND AND GROUND SPEED Velocity is given as course over ground (COG) and speed over ground (SOG). Format: GPVTG,,T,,M,,N,,K,* Example: $GPVTG,221.0,T,224.3,M,016.0,N,0029.6,K,A*1F GPS-41EBR GPS-41EBF Field 1 2 3 4 5 Example 221.0 224.3 016.0 0029.6 A 6 1F Description True course over ground, 000.0 ~ 359.9 degrees Magnetic course over ground, 000.0 ~ 359.9 degrees Speed over ground, 000.0 ~ 999.9 knots Speed over ground, 0000.0 ~ 1800.0 kilometers per hour Mode indicator ‘N’ = Data invalid ‘A’ = Autonomous ‘D’ = Differential ‘E’ = Estimated Checksum ZDA TIME AND DATE Format: $GPZDA,,,,,,* Example: $GPZDA,104548.04,25,03,2004,,*6C Field 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Example 104548.04 25 03 2004 6C Description UTC time in hhmmss.ss format, 000000.00 ~ 235959.99 UTC time: day (01 ... 31) UTC time: month (01 ... 12) UTC time: year (4 digit year) Local zone hour Not being output by the receiver (NULL) Local zone minutes Not being output by the receiver (NULL) Checksum Binary Messages Please refer to DS-40COM-1, Binary Message Protocol Guide for detailed descriptions on configuration of the NMEA string. DS-41EB-3 Oct ’06 ©2006 RF Solutions Ltd, www.rfsolutions.co.uk Tel 01273 898000 Fax 01273 480661 Page 7 GPS Receiver Module GPS-41EBR GPS-41EBF MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS 43.3mm 2mm 1.9 mm 6.6mm Ø2.3mm x 3 2.5mm 31.1mm 2mm 2.8mm Ø0.5mm x 10 2.2mm 2.5mm 4.5mm 2.1mm 3mm 4.54mm 1.9mm 3.5mm 6.5mm 2.2mm RF Solutions Ltd., Unit 21, Cliffe Industrial Estate, South Street, Lewes, E Sussex, BN8 6JL. England Tel +44 (0)1273 898 000 Fax +44 (0)1273 480 661 Email: sales@rfsolutions.co.uk http://www.rfsolutions.co.uk DS-41EB-3 Oct ’06 ©2006 RF Solutions Ltd, www.rfsolutions.co.uk Tel 01273 898000 Fax 01273 480661 Page 8 2mm 1.2mm 4mm
### 物料型号 - GPS-41EBR:嵌入式GPS模块。 - GPS-41EBF:嵌入式GPS模块,可编程。

### 器件简介 GPS-41EB模块是一款小型单板12并行通道接收器,适用于原始设备制造商(OEM)产品。该接收器连续跟踪所有可视卫星,并提供准确的卫星定位数据。GPS-41EB适用于需要良好性能、低成本和最大灵活性的应用,适合各种OEM配置,包括手持设备、资产跟踪、航海和车辆导航产品。

### 引脚分配 | 引脚编号 | 信号名称 | 描述 | | --- | --- | --- | | 1 | Serial Data Out | 异步串行输出,输出NMEA消息 | | 2 | Serial Data In 1 | 异步串行输入,输入命令 | | 3 | VCC Regulated | 3.3V电源输入 | | 4 | GND | 地线 | | 5 | PIO Output | PIO输出,默认用于GPS状态指示 | | 6 | 1PPS | 每秒一个脉冲的时间标记 | | 7 | RESET IN | 复位输入,低电平有效 | | 8 | Serial Data In 2 | 异步串行输入,输入DGPS RTCM数据 | | 9 | VBAT | 可选的3.3V备份电源输入 | | 10 | Antenna Power | 有源天线的电源输入 |

### 参数特性 - 通道数量:12个并行通道 - 灵敏度:-140dBm获取灵敏度,-150dBm跟踪灵敏度 - 启动时间:热启动<10秒,温启动<35秒,冷启动<45秒 - 信号重新获取:1秒 - 更新率:1Hz - 动态:4G (39.2m/s²) - 操作限制:高度<18,000m或速度<515m/s - 接口:NMEA-0183 V3.01, 4800波特率 - RF连接器:MMCX - 输入电压:3.3V DC ±100mV或3.8V~8.0V (5V版本) - 电流消耗:28-33 mA - 尺寸:43.3mm L x 31.1mm W x 5.8mm H - 重量:8g - 工作温度:-40°C~+85°C - 湿度:5%~95%

### 功能详解 GPS-41EBF模块拥有可编程的闪存,允许用户修改NMEA语句配置和重新刷写调制解调器中的固件。支持SBAS(如WAAS和EGNOS),以提高精度。

### 应用信息 适用于需要良好性能、低成本和最大灵活性的应用,适合各种OEM配置,包括手持设备、资产跟踪、航海和车辆导航产品。

### 封装信息 - 尺寸:43.3mm x 31.1mm x 5.8mm - 重量:8g
GPS-41EBR 价格&库存

