These high resistance precision chip resistors are designed for use These high resistance precision chip resistors are designed for use MG 650 10 low signal resistance films are are designed in addock's resistance100 Meg,/ 1% Tolerance, Temperature Coefficient to as low as 25 ppm/C C extremelyMeg to ® precision chipamplification circuits. of for use Preconditioning for Power and Voltage Ratings in high Micronox detection / resistorsthe source Applications Theseextremely low signal detection amplification circuits. Applications in extremely low signal detectionResistance Range for use These Photodiode signal Voltage resistors outstandingionization MG 655 high resistance precision chip Resistors'are designedto 10,000 Megohms and Additional Models Now low Extended / amplification circuits. Applications theinclude:MG withsignalHigh amplification, photomultipliers, ionization All power ratings and maximum operating voltage ratings Type include: Photodiode signal amplification, photomultipliers, in extremelyPrecisionsignal amplification, photomultipliers, ionization include: Photodiode detection / amplification circuits. Applications for continuous duty. These ratings are based on prein extremely performanceprecision /high resistancechip resistors canare combination Photodiode signal amplification, photomultipliers, ionization features: These high low signalprecision as resistors are Combined can designed for use detection, etc. These as tight amplification MG 660 detection, of Coefficientdetectionchip resistance circuits. Applications include: etc. These precision high resistance chip resistors can Temperature resistance precision high 80 ppm/°C,chipresistors with Excellent Long-Term Stability and Precision Tolerances. detection,Photodiode signal amplification, photomultipliers, ionization etc. These include: ideal low use asdetection10,000 Megohms. impedance voltage also idealThese the input amplification chip resistors voltage in 680 extremely values as theas /resistor for high impedance canstress voltage levels applied during the manufacturing signal high input resistor for high also be be etc.for for useprecision high resistance circuits. Applications • Sdetection, for use as the input resistor for high impedance voltage ingle-resistor MG also be ideal These®precision high resistance source of canprocess to Caddock's esistance films photomultipliers, ionization Preconditioning for for stable Voltage Ratings even detection,continuous as rthe division. include: etc.for use division. Photodiode signal amplification, are theas • MaximumidealMicronoxoperating voltages as high chip resistors voltage All powerprovide Power and resistor performanceratings MG 710 division.ideal for use as the input resistor for high impedance thealso be MG ("-15" ratings). input resistor for high impedance voltage momentary overload conditions. Type volts Precision High Voltage resistance outstanding ratings and maximum operating voltage also be etc. These precision high Resistors' chip resistors canunder detection, 48,000 division. of performance features: Style MG 712 FC - Flip Chip version for surface mount applications. This combinationFC - Flip Chip version for surface mountapplications. This are Maximum operating higher based division.ideal for use asofmetallized termination applications.side of the for continuous duty. These ratings are than the values Style FC - Flip Chip version for surface mount pads also voltage • OStylebe hashas solderablethe inputof standard workingonone side oflisted involtage levels voltages 60% by adding "-15"on prevervoltage capabilities 150% resistor for high impedance This version be specified to the Style FC - solderableand values,termination pads on one • voltages hasFlipmodelsasmetallized10,000 mount applications.side ofstress the table may applied during the manufacturing Sversion for all values version for surface Megohms. on one This the ingle-resistor Chip metallized termination pads high as (except "-15" ratings). MG 714 version - Flip Chip version for surface mount applications. sideprocess to provide for stable resistor performance even the division. substrate,solderable resistive Style FC thethe same side the resistive element. on one side of of substrate,continuous side asas the termination pads The back This model number (Example: MG750-15). Note that overload same operating voltages aselement. The back side of version has same the • Mesistance Tolerances from the resistive element. aximum high as substrate, solderable metallized to ±0.1%. • Rthe theFC -the is Chip side as±1.0%termination pads Theone side ofand overvoltage ratings do conditions. to the "-15" resistors. versionsubstrate is bare metallized on back side of the Style has solderable ceramic. MG 715 substrate ceramic. 48,000 voltsFlip bareside as the surface mount applications. This under momentary overload not apply substrate, the is bare version for resistive element. The back side of the substrate same sidefor the resistive element. The of ceramic. • Temperature ("-15" ratings). standard resistance range,one side ofResistance ranges for "-15" resistors shown in thethe values Coefficient,metallized termination pads on are available Maximum operating voltages 60% higher than table are substrate, the-is bare ceramic. of standard working back side of same Bond 150% version has capabilities ofas solderable versions for hybrid applications the • 80 ppm/°CWB combination with resistance tolerances asare available "-15 the table"Standard specified by adding "-15" to the Overvoltage Wire Bond versions for hybrid applications the Style substrate Wire MG 716 WB in Style listed the on a for Wirebare and values, hybridelement. The back side from substrate Style WB the modelsfor as substrate, - all same ceramic.quantity applications. Contact Applications in Min." to may be Max." of custom Bond versions resistive "-15" ratings). available voltages± basisside highthe for (except applications are Applications tight a customWire Bondhigh quantity hybrid applications are available on asWB model number (Example: MG750-15). Note that overload Style MG 720 custom basis for versions for applications. Contact Non-Inductive Performance on Engineering. the substrate basis for from ±1.0% is Style WB -Tolerances high quantity applications. Contact available • RypeaMG resistorsBondhigh quantity hybrid applications areApplications ost models Non-inductive performance esistance andM not apply • TEngineering.Wirebare ceramic. forto ±0.1%. of 0.01% Applications overvoltage ratings doexclusive design to the "-15" resistors. on a custom basishave versions for demonstrated stability applications. Contact are manufactured with Caddock's with Caddock's on a WB - basis for for load life resistance Contact MG 1,000 hours in extended standard testing of standard • per 725 customWire Bondhigh quantity hybrid applications areApplications TEngineering.Coefficient,versions for applications. range, of available emperature Resistance ranges for which uses shown in the resistive Style Non-Inductive Design "-15" resistors a serpentine table are Engineering. Style FC Flip soldering. 80 ppm/°C in combination with resistance is a surface as Applications "-15 Min." to lip chipneighboring Engineering. basis for high quantity applications. Contact from resistance range -values.Chip Version tolerancesmount version with solderable pads for f"Standard Max." lines to carry current in on a custom - Flip Chip Version is surface pattern that provides Style±0.1%. Flip Chip Version is a surface mount version with solderable pads for flipfor soldering. MG 717 tight asexceptional performance has been a proven mount version with on-InductiveMostlip chip soldering. Style FC FC solderable pads(millimeters) for f thereby are available with chip achieving maximum cancellation This through N opposite directions, models Engineering. Dimensions in inches and Performance Resistance
Page 1 of 2 10 Meg to 100 tight 1% ppm/°C, Combined with Excellent Long-Term Stability and Precision Tolerances. Temperature Coefficient as Meg,as 80Tolerance, Temperature Coefficient to as low as 25 ppm/C These high resistance precision chip resistors are designed for use
Type CHRMG Precision High VoltageChipResistors Type CHRHigh Resistance Precision Chip Resistors High Resistance Precision Type CHR High Resistance Precision Chip Resistors Type High Resistance Precision Chip Resistors Type CHRMG Precision High VoltageResistors Type High Resistance Precision Chip Resistors Resistors Type CHR Type CHR High Resistance Precision Chip Resistors Type100 Meg,Precision to 10,000Voltageas low as 25 ppm/ MG 1% Tolerance, Temperature Megohms Additional Models 10with Extended Resistance Range High Coefficient toasResistors Now 10 Meg to 100 Meg, 1% Tolerance,Temperature Coefficient toand low as 25 ppm/C 10 Meg to 100 Meg, 1% Tolerance, Temperature Coefficient to aslow as 25 ppm/CC Meg to
10 Meg to 100 Meg, 1% Tolerance, Temperature Coefficient to as low as 25 ppm/C
Chip Version is a surface highest A Dimensions infieldsand for lip chipmanufactured the • TStyle FC - Flip equipment that Voltage Rating themount version with solderable padsC(millimeters) entire length Comments resistor. This ype MG Model use have Max. stability Temp. Resistance Max. many yearsresistors inMin. demonstrateddemandsof 0.01% version with solderablemodelsfNon-inductive Serpentine Pattern of M ost pads for the of flux inches and (millimeters) D soldering. of with Caddock's B inches over are Style FC - Flip Chip Version is a surfaceMax.Temp. mount Dimensions in Caddock's flip chip soldering. Resistance Comments MG 1,000 hours in extended loadMax. Voltage Rating standard per721 Model lifeVoltage Rating testing of Max. Temp. Min. Max. reliabilityModel and stability, including TWT amplifiers, X-ray.250A.007 efficient inches .027 .003 Non-Inductive (millimeters)construction isa accomplishedresistive Design which uses serpentine without D Dimensions .007 and C Max. Comments Resistance 100 Meg Max. .200 B in non-inductive .033 min. 150 10 Min. Solderable Pads CHR2520FCFlip Meg Max. A B C D +85 Stylegeophysical Resistance FC - values. mount Dimensionsin inchesprovides chip s advantages. and (millimeters) (.84) resistance (6.35 with solderable pads for flip for neighboring (5.08 of (.69 .003 .08) Max. Voltage Rating Max. Temp. Comments systems, Modelrange 10 Meg Chip Version is a surface+85CC version .18)deratingthatany performanceoldering. lines to Pads medical carry current in .033 min. .200 B .18) .027C Min.instruments, andVoltage Rating electronics. .250 A.007 pattern.007 Max. D 100 Meg Solderable CHR2520FC Max. 150 Max. Temp. Comments Model .250 A.18) .007 .200 B.18) .007 .027C .003 .08) .033 min. (.84) (6.35 (5.08 (.69 MG his exceptional Meg 10 Resistance Meg 100 Min. Max. D T730CHR2520FC performance has 150 been proven+85C through .007Dimensions.007directions, thereby achieving Solderable Pads cancellation maximum (6.35 .18) opposite inches and (millimeters).033 min. (5.08 in (.69 .08) (.84) .250 .200 .18) .027 .003 10 Meg 100 Meg CHR2520FC +85C Comments Model many years of useMin. equipment Max. Voltage Rating the Temp. Dimensions in inchesB.007(millimeters).003 Specifications:of thePads in that 150Resistance Max. highest A.007 of (5.08 .18) demands (.84) (6.35 .18) (.69 flux fields.027C .08) the .033Dmin. length Solderable Pads over entire This .250 .200 and Max. Max. 150 Solderable resistor. CHR2520FC +85C Overload 100 Values: Model Standard Resistance Meg Watt- Continuous 10 Meg Dielect. (6.35 .18) (5.08 .18) (.69 .08) (.84) reliability and stability, including TWT amplifiers, X-ray A.007 efficient non-inductive construction is 1,000 Meg •.003 Higher .033 min. Resistances up to accomplished without Standard Extended -15 No. 735age Oper. Volt. Rating Strength Min. B C MG .200 .007 .027 Custom .250 Resistance Tolerance: 150 10 Meg Tolerance 1% Standard. Values: Max. Max. Min. Solderable Standard Resistance 100 Meg CHR2520FC +85C systems, geophysical instruments, and medical electronics. (6.35 .18) derating of any performance advantages.1,000 Pads •.08) (5.08 .18) (.69 • Higher Voltage Ratings to (.84) Higher Resistances up Meg Standard Resistance Values: Custom .313 �.020 .094 �.015 .025 �.002
Tolerance MG650 0.5 Tolerance MG 745 1%Meg Standard. 200 750 Standard10600 Type 1 Values: � Resistance 50 Meg 1% Standard. Standard20 Meg Resistance Values: Tolerance 1% Standard.1 50 75 Meg � Max. Type 0.5 10 Meg 600 750 MG655 Watt- 1% Standard. 50 Meg 200 Model Dielect. 10 Meg Meg Tolerance Continuous Standard25 Meg Overload 75 80 MegMin. Resistance50 Meg Values: Rating Strength No. age20 Meg 10 Meg Meg
• Higher Resistances Tolerance Tolerance Meg Resistance Range Type A N/ CHR Resistors Custom (7.95 �.51) (2.39 �.38) (.64 �.05)•• Application Optimizedup to 1,000and TC • Higher Voltage Ratings to 1,000 Higher Resistances up Custom Type N/A Dimensions and.109 �.025 (millimeters)• PrecisionStandard RatingsToleranceMeg0.25%, �0.1% CHR Resistorsand .025 �.002• Application Optimized 0.25% �0.5%, � TC Custom resistanceResistors values in non-standard •• Higher Voltage Ratings to 1,000 Meg Tolerance to Higher Voltage Resistances up �1%, .313 �.030 inches Resistance and Specifications: Type CHR manufactured for�high (.64 �.05)• Higher 8 Meg N/A Custom be (7.95 �.76) (2.77 .64) tolerances can Application Optimized •• Offset TC (suchratin -150ppm/C 50and TC Standard Extended -15 • Precision Tolerance upTolerance and TC TypeMax. CHR values and.094B Custom resistance Resistors St'd Resistances "-15" as Higher Voltage Tolerance:1,000 ppm/C) to quantity applications. A �.030 contact.015 .025 Please non-standard • Higherwith Tolerance to Tolerance �1% Application Optimized 0.25% Resistance Ratings0.25% Custom resistance Resistors values and for�high Max. .500 Min. Custom be manufacturednon-standardC�.002• Gold Wire BondablegVersions C Meg ppm/C) Type N/can to 1tolerancesCHR (12.70 �.76) (2.39 �.38) 0 Meg A N/A •• Precision (such as -150ppm/ and Caddock can be manufactured for • Higher TC Range Offset Voltage Ratings Custom resistance values and non-standard tolerances ApplicationsPlease .094 �.015 (.64 �.05)• Application Optimized Tolerance50 TC Extended �1% • Precision Tolerance to Resistance Range quantity applications..313 �.020 contacthigh .025 �.002 Aluminum Wire Bondable 0.25%CTolerance C) 5 Engineering. Meg N/A N/A •• Offset TC (such as -150ppm/ 50 ppm/ Versions Custom resistance (7.95 .51) (2.39 �.015 (.64 values and.094 � Type N/can be Resistors.38) 0.25% tolerancesCHRmanufacturednon-standard �.05)• Precision Bondable to Tolerance and TC for . Please quantity applications.750 �.030 contacthigh .025 �.002• Gold WireTolerance -150ppm/C 50 ppm/C) Versions 20 Meg A N/A • Application Optimized Offset TC (such as Caddock Applications
20 Oper. Volt. Meg MG 731 100 Meg 1,000 750 MG660 0.6 25 40 Meg Type 1 80 Meg 400 � Tolerance MegStandard. 75 Meg 1% 10 Meg 50 Meg 20 Meg 75 Meg 25 80 750 600 Type 1 100 Meg 200 � MG650 0.5 40 Meg 20 75 25 Meg 10 Meg 80 Meg 600 � 50 Meg 750 MG680 0.8 40 2,000 Type (2.39 (19.05 tolerances can be manufactured for� .025 • Offset TC Standard �1%, � 25 Meg quantity applications..313 �.76) contact.38) (.64 �.002 Gold Wire (suchCoefficient: 0.5%, � ppm/ C) Specifications: 1 100 Meg 200 � N/A Temperature as Versions 80 Meg Caddockresistance values and .109 �high .025 �.05)• Aluminum Bondable-150ppm/C 500.25%,�0.1% Applications �.030 non-standard • Precision Wire Bondable Versions 20 Custom applications. Please contact.015 (.64 �.05)• Gold WireTolerance to 0.25% Type 1 100 750 75 600 8 Meg N/A MG655 Engineering. MG 740 0.5 40 Meg quantity Applications Please (2.77 � .64) .025 �.002• Aluminum Bondable Versions (7.95 .040 1.000 ��.76) .094 � Caddock N/A Wire Bondable Versions 100 Meg 1.0 40 Meg Coefficient: Meg 800 � 4,000 750 5Engineering. be manufactured for�high 0 Meg N/A Type 1 80 MG710 Temperature tolerances can (25.40 1.02) .094 .015 (.64 St'd with Bondable Versions �1% Resistance 25 Meg Caddock Applications ��.030 (2.39 �.38) .025 �.05)• Gold Wire "-15" rating -150ppm/C 50 ppm/C) .500 �.002 Offset TC (such as Versions Type 1 0.6 1,000 750 400 � 1Engineering. 0 Meg N/A N/A MG660 10 Meg to 25 Meg: Packaging information: quantity applications. Please contact.030 .025 �.002• Aluminum Wire Bondable TC Specifications Range .140 � (12.70��.76) (2.39 � .38) (.64 �.05)• Aluminum Wire Bondable Versions Engineering. 40 Meg .400 .060 �1% • GoldExtended Range Versions Wire Bondable Type 2 100 Meg 800 � 1,000 750 2Caddock N/A 0 Meg N/A MG712 0.6 Temperature Coefficient: Applications �.152) (3.56 �.76) (.64 �.05) Style Standard and (10.16 �.030 .094 �.015 FC, flip chip resistors, are shipped with the bare ceramic to N/ 25 .750 Temperature Coefficient: MG 750 0.ppm/C -40C to +85C, referenced � +25AC. 600 750 20 Solder attachment note: �.030 .025 �.002side up in theinformation: �80 ppm/�C from -15�down.+105�C, Meg N/A MG680Meg8 to 25 Meg: Type 1 Aluminum"-15" Bondable Versions C to Engineering. 10 Above 252,000 .150 (19.05��.76) (2.39 �.38) .032 �.002 Packaging information: solderable pads facing (.64 �.05)• Packaging pocket, withCoefficient: St'd with Wire the .562 .060 TemperatureMeg: Type 2 Coefficient: 750 200 � 6.5 Meg Temperature referenced to +25�C. 1,000 20 Meg N/A MG714 Meg to 25 Meg: 10 1.0 (14.27 �.040 .094 �.015 flip Temperature +10 +85+40 25 ppm/C -40Coefficient:referenced to�+25C. Style FC has a 1.000 �1.52) (3.81back .025 �.05) Style FC,rating resistors, are shipped with the bare ceramic bare note: �.76) (.81 Packaging information: attachmentceramic �.030 (.64 �.002The illustrationchip resistors, are shippedpads facing down. 10 35 to -40 C to to C, 1.0 4,000 750 800 5Solder N/A 0 Meg N/A MG710ppm/C 25 Meg: C TypeC, C, referenced +25C. C. Style Resistance FC shows the orientation of with pocket. ceramic the the bare The 25 Megppm/C C to +85 1 referenced to to +25 (25.40 �.060 (2.39 �.38) .025 �.05) side up in, the chip Packaging information: the .750 �1.02) .140 attachment note:solders for �.002CHR2520FCflip pocket, with�80 solderableSpecifications +105�C, 10780 1.25 Meg:-40to +85C,referenced to�+25C.C. 5Solder N/A Megppm/CMeg:C to +85 C, referenced to +25 to 25 Coefficient: 750 400 surface. The recommended �.76) Above 0 2,000 0 Meg 26 Meg MG715 ppm/C -40 C Type 2 ppm/TC from +25 bare �C is chip in flip available only with this pocket orientation. MG 70 25 Meg: 25 Temperature Range (19.05 �1.52) (3.56 �.030 .025 �.05) side upExtended resistors, are shippedpads facing down. (.64 �.002 Style FC, the pocket, with the solderable with the�C to ceramic Above0.6 -40C to +85C, referenced to� C. Solder N/solder bare�ceramic .400 .060 Stylechipattachment note: back FC has a attachment.140 Style FC flip chip resistors, orientation with thepocket. shipped are 1,000 2Solder attachment note: back 0 flip Meg A A MG712ppm/is referenced Type+25referenced to +25N/C. 25 side illustration shows -200 ppm/�C pads facing down. The 35 Meg CMeg:C to +40C, C,750R taken+25low Packaging information: the solderable +50 bare ceramic to 2 800 at C. Style FC A as a (10.16 �.060 (3.56 �.030 .025 �.05) The up in, the pocket, withthe are to +25 toof theppm/�C from h bare .152) .140 Range (.64 Above 5 to +10 10 1. 1.000 �ceramic �.76) Standard shows -15 orientation of facing down. The 35 TC25 25 Meg: Type C, the the C 600 4,000 750 75 Meg 70 MG716 ppm/C +10C to +402 referenced to +25Meg surface. N/The recommended solders for �.002 CHR2520FC is available only �with thisC �C. the �pocket. Page 1 of 2 The illustrationand �80solderable ppm/� from 62Sn/36Pb/2Ag,bare�ceramic �or 96.5Sn/3.5Ag, �.76) (.64 Above 25C +10 C to +85C, +25C. Style FC The recommended solders for �.05) side up in, withpocket, withthe are shippedpads-15 C to +105�C, h 70 ppm/CMeg:Cand+40C, referenced to�+25C. .150 .030 temperature to Type 2 referenced high .562 .060 Styleillustration shows only with this pocket orientation. FC the surface. N/A as a (25.40 �1.52) (3.56back .032 �.002 CHR2520FC is"-15" 35 ppm/C -40C to +85C, referenced to�+25C. 25 ppm/ -40C to +85C, referenced to +25 C. The St'd flip chip resistors, orientation +25the pocket. The of C. bare ceramic available the 1,000 750 200 2flip chip attachment note: back 0 Meg 6.5 Meg MG714 70 1.0 -40 to withorientation. Solder The recommendedare�.030 .040 �.002 side up inratinpocket, with referenced pocket �facing down. Style FCsolder (14.27solder alloys. bare�ceramicsolders standard M Sn/Ag/Cu �.050 .240 .710 1.52) C. 35 MG 785 1.5 C -40C to +402 C, 750 taken �+25C. surface. has a attachment(3.81 � .76) (.81 �.05) CHR2520FC isgavailable only orientationpadstheMegohms, min. the the solderable of TC ppm/ Meg: Insulation Resistance: pocket orientation. 12mm The illustration shows the with this10,000 pocket. The 2,000 7flip chip solder attachment are .76) for 5 Meg 225 MG717 ppm/C +10C to +85C, referenced toat low 70 is referenced to +25C, referenced to +25Meg Above 25 Life: 1000 +25 at R taken Load hours voltage17 TC is referenced to Type C, rated 600 at low R Bo surface. solder attachment .140 �or for �.002 0.473” The recommendedare .030 .025 solders 62Sn/36Pb/2Ag,(18.03 �1.27) (6.10back (1.02 �.05) CHR2520FC is available only with this pocket orientation. 96.5Sn/3.5Ag, � .750 .060 70 is 1.0 -40C to TypeC,C, 750takento +25C. Style FC A bare�1.52) temperature 2,000 high 2 referenced 5flip chip N/has a (19.05 �ceramic �.030 0 Meg 26 Meg MG715ppm/C +10C to +85temperature.400 �+25C. �80 ppm/ from +25�C to +105�C, Overload/Overvoltage:�C 5 ofimespocket. The rated power 62Sn/36Pb/2Ag, 1.500 �.080 (3.56 �or .025 �.05) 96.5Sn/3.5Ag, .76) (.64 TC ppm/CC, and to+40C, referenced toat low +25 35 at referenced 0.3% max. R 7” R +85 and illustration shows the orientation t the dia. Extended temperature6,000 high 2C, 750 takenK flip chip solder attachment.140 �or standardN/The recommendedare .76) for �.002 The12mm 150 Meg A N/A MG720 is2.0 -200 ppm/� exceed ppm/� TC ppm/C -40C to +85temperature. 1toat low referenced to TypeC, +25 R 62Sn/36Pb/2Ag,(38.10 �2.03) alloys. 96.5Sn/3.5Ag, surface. Sn/Ag/Cu solder alloys. solders (.64 �.002 with Range Ao voltage not to pocket orientation. applied 1.5 times standard Sn/Ag/Cu solder (3.56 �.030 .025 �.05) CHR2520FC is available only with this C to +50(178 mm)C frommax.140 temperature 1000 high temperature.600 �+25 Meg and hours 2 rated voltage at 70 1.5 1.000 �.060 Load Life: 4,000Overload: referenced rated 70C. 0.473” Bo 12mm -15�C to +25�C. 62Sn/36Pb/2Ag,(25.40 �.050 alloys. 96.5Sn/3.5Ag,�.030 .040 �.002 or Type at rated voltage 750 75 Meg N/A MG716 Momentary high temperature. 1.5 times MG 810 Life: 1000 hours Load referenced temperature and 0.473” Bo standard solder attachment(3.56 �.76) (.64 �.05) flip chip Sn/Ag/Cu solder .240 are 1.000 �1.52) imum continuous operating voltage fordia. seconds. 12mm TC is2.0C, 4,000 to Type 2C, 750 voltage 51 Meg 100 Meg 300 M 7” 5 200 at MG721+85Life: R 0.3%+25at rated taken � low at voltage, for 5 seconds, R R 0.3% max. standard Sn/Ag/Cu solder alloys. (25.40 �1.27) (6.10 �.76) (1.02 �.05) Ko signifies tape thickness and dimension Load C, R 0.3% max. 1000 hours 0.473” (178 mm) 7” dia. .030 .040 �.002 .240 �or 12mm .710 �.050 at +85Life: 2,000 highmax. rated voltage 17 Meg Insulation Resistance: 10,000 Megohms, min. Type 1: DC Voltage Bo 750 75 Dimensions: 96.5Sn/3.5Ag,�.030 Meg 225 M MG717 temperature 1000 Type at temperature.600 � (178 mm) Load 1.5C, Rand hours 2® resistance films are62Sn/36Pb/2Ag,(18.03 �.080 Preconditioning for Power Ao 0.473” Bo (6.10 �.76) (1.02 �.002 .140 7” �.05) C 2.5 Micronox the source of �1.27) and Voltage Ratings dia. 2.000 at addock's 0.3% max. 750 rated Ao Momentary Overload: 21.5 timesMethod 107. 1.5 K 200 Meg MG725+85 standardN/A Sn/Ag/Cu �2.03) (3.56 �.76) .025 Thermal Overload: Type 2: DC Ao and dimension 5 Voltage or 7” dia. 12mm Overload/Overvoltage: rated (.64 �.002 (50.80 �.080 MomentaryRShock: Type atHigh Voltage N/A atTypeC, 10,0000.3% Mil-Std-202, voltage Resistors' outstanding solder alloys. power�.05) Ko signifies tape maximum BoVrmsAC times (178 mm) ratings +85Life: 1000 hours 1.5 times rated MG max. rated .140 �.030 .025 ratings and thickness 1.500 thevoltage,C to 5 seconds, R R 0.3% max.A Precision A�.76) ll operating voltage power Load 2.0 for 6,000C, 5 cycles, times rated N/ 0.473” (178 mm) Type 750 1K 150 Meg N/A A (38.10 �2.03) (3.56 �.030 MG720 -40 MG 815 dimension +85 Momentary 5 seconds, 1.5 0.3% max. Overload: 2R 0.3% max. .240 Ao 2520 (.64 �.05) .040 �.002 Ko signifiesapplied voltage not to exceed 1.5 times max1.500 �.080 with tape thickness and ratings are based on preSize voltage, for of 0.3% max. 1,000 rated Overload/Overvoltage, �R Dimensions: (38.10 �2.03) are for continuous ResistanceThese dimension 3.0 6,000 750 M MG730+85C, R performance features: 77 Meg 250 Meg Type 21.5 times 500 � 7” dia. duty. Range C (1.02 �.05) Ko signifies tape thickness and combination 5 seconds, R 0.3% max. at Momentary Overload: .240 �.030 D Dimensions: 1.000 �.050 (6.10 �.76) .040 �.002 Ko signifies tape thickness and dimension voltage for 5 seconds. (178 mm) voltage, for 4,000 Mil-Std-202, Method�107. imumAo 0.271” (6.88mm) operating continuous Thermal Shock: 2.0 750 300 M to MG721 Operating Temperature: -40C 200 +85CMeg 100 Meg Type Ao applied .512” manufacturing 0.5% max. .315 �.76) .040 �.05) Dimensions: (25.40 �.060 stress voltage levels Standard(5.49mm) during the arbor hole Thermal Shock: Type voltage, for 5 seconds, 2R times rated107. 0.3% max. 51 1.000 �1.27) (6.10 �.030 (1.02 �.002 Single-resistor valuesas1,000 as max.0 Meg 150 Meg 750 MG731 C2.6 +85Overload: 21.5 R 0.3% 10,000 Megohms. M A (25.40 �1.52) (8.00 �.76) (1.02 �.05) Momentary 4,000 5 Mil-Std-202, Method�107. (13mm) Type Bo 0.216”Size 2520 1: Page 1 of 2 -40 to Shock: Mil-Std-202, Method 4 C, cycles, high 200 Dimensions: 2.000 �.080 process to provide for DC Voltagedimension performance even Thermal +85C, 5 cycles, R 0.3% max. .140 �.030 .025 �.002 Ko signifies tape thickness and stable resistor A -40 10,000 C St'd with "-15"Size 2520 rating 5 Meg N/ MG725 Ordering seconds, R 0.3% max. Type Maximum continuous 2operating 1.5coveredAbyas200or more N/A A (50.80 �.080 also patents .040 �.002 Type KoAoDC Voltage or VrmsAC N/A voltages high voltage, +85C, cycles, R 7500.3% K107. 5 Information: Method 2: 0.066” (1.68mm) Thermal Shock: D .240 � C B for10,000 5 Mil-Std-202,C to750 max. Meg one Meg as patents, 2.000 �2.03)under.030 pending. overload 0.271” (6.88mm) in this -40 there are (3.56 � .76) (.64 �.05) -40C products shownType 2 catalog are � C Operating Temperature: 1,000 +85 178 momentary Extended 0.271” (6.88mm) conditions. 6 300 MG735 Size 2520 D 1,000 M A Dimensions: (50.80 �2.03) (6.10 �.76) (1.02 �.05) Carrier Tape and pocket dimensions: .512” arbor hole Ao Range 0.8% max. 48,000to +85C, 5 cycles, R C Physical Size ratings). to500 C77 C .240 �.030 .040 �.002 -40C volts ("-15"Type 2 +85 Operating Temperature: -40 0.3% max. 1.500 �.080 Tape is Bo Size 2520 (13mm) .512” arbor Resistance 0.216” (5.49mm) Range D 750 Thermal 1,000 6,000 MG730 3.0 Shock: Mil-Std-202, Method�107. Meg 250 Meg Ao 0.271” (6.88mm) Maximum operating 12mm Carrier Tape (8mm pitch) Overload/Overvoltage, �values voltages 60% higher than hole R the C (38.10 �.060 (6.10 �.030 (1.02 �.002 Bo 0.216” (5.49mm) Operating Temperature: 1,000 2520 of standard Meg 1,500 M C to300 0.250” +85 64 1.500 �2.03) .315 �.76) .040 �.05) (13mm) D .512” Overvoltage capabilities -40150%= � C x 0.200” 6,000 Type 2 MG740 C3.6 +85C, 5 cycles, of 0.3% max. Meg 300 working M A (38.10 �1.52) (8.00 �.76) (1.02 �.05) Ko Ao 0.271” (6.88mm) Thermal 0.066” (1.68mm) Mby adding Methodto the Shock: il-Std-202,arbor hole 107, -40 1.500 ± . Temperature: R to Operating Information: -40CBto +85C Ordering125 Bo 0.216” 2520 Standard (5.49mm) 0.5% arbor hole (13mm) "-15" .315 � in .040 .002 Full may Ko be specified B listed .030 the �table reel quantities:0.066” (1.68mm) Size .512” max. A2 C (except 150 Meg ratings). 1.000 �.060 (8.00 �.76) 2.6 4,000 Type MG731 Ordering .18)all 2520 FC - 10 Meg200 � Information: 1,000 B voltages± forCHRmodels and Physical 1% 40 Meg "-15" 750 M values, CarrierC, 0.216” (5.49mm) Tape and 0.25% max. Bo (13mm) (25.40 �.100 model C (1.02 �.002 1000 pieces is Ao Δ Quantities of pitch) Cond.per "-15" pocket dimensions: D 1,500 (38.10 3 3.000 �1.52) .240 �.030 .040 �.05) 250 will that overload 0.271” (6.88mm) Tape Ko Carrier Tape Size Carrier12mm0.066” (1.68mm) and rating (8mm less MG745 5.0 Type 2 Ordering Information: -402520 = +85C0.200” 500 Meg table for M (76.20 inches and.240 �.76)number (Example:reel. Rpocket dimensions: thanNote be shipped in St'd withTape MG750-15). N/A hole C Operating 15,000 Temperature: 1,000 to 1 K 288 Meg B (6.10 �.030 (1.02 �.05) .512” arbor Tape reel 12mm0.066” (1.68mm) leader Carrier Tape (8mm pitch) (millimeters). .040 �.002 Physical Size x 0.250” withoutis Ko Resistance: the option of Method 2.000 �.080 Carrier Tape and pocket dimensions: Resistance10,000 Tolerances esistance films 300 See Ordering Information: r1,000±1.0% to0.200” are Meg 1,000 dimensions in �2.54)PreconditioningtapeMoistureandand apply MatRatingsCaddock. 106, Bo B (13mm) 3. 750 � 178 Meg M MG735addock's Micronox®from2520 = Tolerance:±0.1%. the source of Type 2 do without tape 0.250” C Type6 Power0.216” (5.49mm) Tape .315 overvoltage ratings 12mm Carrier Tape (8mm pitch)to the "-15" matched Physical Size x (50.80 �.060 engineering �.002 Tape dimensions developing Low 0.8% max. For immediate and �.030 (1.02 �assistanceis in andnot Voltageil-Std-202, TCresistors. Ratio 2.125 �2.03) (6.10 �.76) .040 .05) for Extended and materials will be consistent with EIA-481-1. CHR Carrier Tape Range dimensions: pocket 400Size x Meg 500 Meg 2,500 M � 10,000 MG750 5.0IN INCHESCoefficient, 1,000 standard0.200” Type 2 2520 = 0.250” 128resistance range, of (53.98 �1.52) Resistance ranges ΔR 0.4% max.Tape (8mm pitch) (8.00 �.76) (1.02 �.05) Full reel quantities: resistors shown in the table are Tape"-15" is Ko 12mm0.066” (1.68mm) Carrier T TypeStyle:Information: Meg - 1% DIMENSIONS CHR 2520 FC - High Voltage Resistors' AND Ordering 6,000 (MILLIMETERS) 2520 =1% 0.200” theemperature Precision 10 forPhysical � x64 Meg 300 Megoutstanding resistor.315 ll.030 call or writewill quantities: with a labeloperating voltage ratings MG 2520 FC - 10 1,000 - 300 A � power �ratingsfor be marked Quantities containing Caddock beand we will and ApplicationsofEngineering shipped in maximum Full pieces per reel. .040 .002 Reelsreel 1.500 �.060 logo, part B high voltage sets, our 0.250” 3.6 1,500 M Type 2 MG740 Meg resistance (8.00 �.030 .040 �.05) 1000 pieces Tape and tolerance, Mless than 250 willMethod 107, il-Std-202, be Caddock. .315 .76) (38.10 �1.52)from �"-15 (1.02 �.002 number, Carrierper reel.pocket dimensions: 3.125 80 7.5FCCHR performance with 1% in 1000without reel Carrier Tape (8mm ofleader atdate,based will FullThermalThese ratings resistor Shock: See for M tapereel quantities: 1,000 hoursare resistorat preduty. value, high less 750 Meg table pleased to offer the best solution Tape is Life: without packaging at250and quantity. product combination 15,000 MG780ppm/°C of 2520 Type 2 10 1,000 - 600Size192 Meg tolerances dimensions in inches and (millimeters). Min." to "Standard Max." tapevoltage +125°C on rated Physical � CHR combination features: FC Meg Tolerance: be 3,750as (79.38 �.060 are for continuous Load 12mmand Quantitiespitch) thanthe option ofshipped in our0.25% max. �1.52) (8.00 �.76) (1.02 �.002 1000without per and Quantities of less than 250 will be Caddock. See table for dimensions in inches and.(millimeters). .040 �.05) tapereel from reel. without tape leader at the option ofshipped in FullCond. reel Δ quantities: 240 �.030 pieces C, 3.000 �.100 ) Type tight as Resistor 2520FC - Values” 2520Tolerance: 0.200” CHR Meg 1% x voltage, not Derating 5.0 See “Standard Resistance10 1,000 - = 0.250” 288 Meg 500 See table for dimensions in inches andon-Inductive PerformanceRwithout tape leader at the manufacturing Curve: Value (100 2 15,000 Meg 1,500 M MG745 CHR ±0.1%. Tape dimensionsandto during the 250 will and Type (millimeters). of be consistent with Caddock. than option capabilities..000 �2.54)N(6.10 �.76) .040 �.05) tape piecesapplied exceed rated power. ofshipped in Type CHR 4 Single-resistor values 2as 1,000 Tolerance: MegMegohms. for dimensions in inches and.315 �.030 (1.02 �.002 levelsquantities: Quantities willlessil-Std-202,beEIA-481-1. high as1 K 10,000 1,000 See table M (76.20 �.120 stress voltage 1000without per reel. materials willcontaining CaddockEIA-481-1. Tape will reel be consistent with 20,000 Meg 5,000 MG785 Style: Type Reelsdimensions Full without reel and materials (millimeters). (8.00 �.76) (1.02providereel be stable resistor atwith Caddock's Type 8.0 CHR 2520 80have demonstrated stability of 0.01% (101.60 �3.05)process tomodels Moisture and without tape leaderperformance part MG resistorsFC - 10 Meg - 800 � 320 Caddock. �.05) tape ResistanceResistance: containing CaddockR Type Style: CHR forbeper reel. Quantities willless consistent withMethod in .315 �.030 .040 �.002 Reelsdimensions and materials Tolerance: M ost are marked with a label M Loadoption of quantity. 106, manufactured the will � logo, part Range 2.125 �.060 Tape pieces marked with a label be than date, and shipped will logo, even FC5.0 number, resistor value, Maximum POWER ORinType 2 1,000 load � 128 Megas 500 Meg as M (53.98 �.120 (8.00 �.030 (1.02 �.002 1000 R 0.4% max.tolerance, packaging250Life,beEIA-481-1. continuous operating 1%life testinghigh 2,500 voltages 60 10,000 MG750 CHR Type 1,000 hours Δ will marked uses of �1.52) per FC RATED VOLTAGE,)% 40extended 400 400 Meg 1,250of standard 5.000inches and.315 �.76) .040 �.05)Design bereelconditions. abeserpentinequantity. : Reelsdimensions and with a label containing option and resistive momentarynumber, resistor value, tolerance, packaging date,withof Caddock. overload -100M - will See (millimeters). Non-Inductive Tape MG750and materials 1% consistent max.EIA-481-1. 10.0 1,000 Tolerance: 1K Meg table for dimensions in �3.05)under.76) (1.02 �.05) tape withoutwhichwithout tape leader at theCaddock logo, part 6,250 M (127.00 RATED Value MG810 Style:volts ("-15"Type 2 Resistor 25,000( (8.00 � .030 Standard with a label packaging 0.5% and 48,000 FC Reels marked .315 � Style: .040 3.125 Resistor 15,000 Load voltagestolerance, higher Caddock logo,values See resistance Value () values. LTD 600 � 192 Meg 750 Meg 3,750 M (79.38 �.060 pattern that provides will beLife: materials willcontaining date,withtheatpart in range 20ratings). Type CHR RHOPOINT COMPONENTS Type 2 Maximum �.002 number,for neighboring hours at than 717988 rated operatingresistor value,1,000 TEL: +44/01883 quantity. 60% packaging +125°C MG780 FC7.5 “Standard Resistance Values”1,000 carry quantity. current be consistent �1.52) .350 �.76) .040 �.05) Tape dimensions and See “Standard Resistance Values” 6.000 �.120 (8.00�.040 (1.02 �.002 number, resistor value, tolerance,lines todate, andEIA-481-1. Resistor Value Overvoltage capabilities 1,000 Model Number: Tolerance712938 St'd with not rating 15.0 1 of standard Meg 10,000 MG815 Style: Road, Hurst0Green, of 150% K 384 Meg 2,000working M (152.40 �3.05)listed 1.02) the �.05) Reels will be marked with a label containing Caddock logo, to the 2 Holland 30,000() TypeValues” FAX: +44/01883"-15" part voltage, "-15" to exceed rated 0.8% max. power. (8.89 � .030 directions, thereby achieving maximum This exceptional performance 175 225been proven through �.120 opposite (1.02 �.002 may be specified by adding cancellation has 275 See “Standard Resistance 25 .315 � in Resistor Value () .040 table 75 values, (except "-15" ratings). 4.000 125 Oxted, for all 9AX voltages Surrey, models Email: 20,000 5,000 M (101.60 MG785 FC8.0 “Standard RH8 Type 2 and resistor (8.00 � number See Extended Range 0.8% max. many years ValueResistance Values”1,000 800that °CMeg 1,000 Megthe highest �3.05)model.76) fields�.05)(Example: MG750-15). of Note resistor. This equipment � 320 Load that of Resistor (1.02 over Resistancevalue, length packaging date, and Roverload flux Value: number,WebsiteRange the entire tolerance, the Life, � quantity. ENGLAND of use in AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, demands Resistor with ) ModelsCOMPONENTS LTD in .315 �.030 .040 �.002 Resistance25,000(stability,from ±1.0% TWT shadedMeg 6,250 M 5.000 �.120 and overvoltage ratingsconstruction is TEL: +44/01883 resistors. Tolerances including are Meg amplifiers, X-ray RHOPOINTand low inductance constructionto ±0.1%. areas. do not to the "-15" 717988 reliability“Standard Resistance Values”1,000 efficient non-inductive Standard apply TEL: +44/01883 717988 accomplished without Type 2 10.0 1 K 400 1,250 Solderable Leads MG810 See 0.5% max. RHOPOINT COMPONENTS LTD (127.00 �3.05) (8.00 �.76) (1.02 �.05) Holland Road, Hurst Green, FAX: +44/01883 712938
Specifications: Specifications: Specifications: Specifications: Specifications:
Temperature Coefficient as tight as 80 ppm/°C, Combined with Excellent Long-Term Stability and Precision Tolerances.
Now with Extended Resistance Range to 10,000 Megohms and Additional Models
• • • • •
Design Assistance in Developing High Voltage Resistor Sets with Temperature Coefficient as tight as 80 ppm/°C, Combined with Excellent Long-Term Stability and Precision Tolerances. Low TC Tracking.
Now with Extended Resistance Range to 10,000 Megohms and Additional Models
• • • •
RHOPOINT 0 COMPONENTS LTD rating 0.8% (0)1883 717988 1 K 384 Meg 2,000 Meg 10,000 M MG815 15. COMPONENTS LTD. 1,000 Tel: +44max. RHOPOINT 30,000 9AX TEL: +44/01883 717988 Holland Road, Hurst Green, FAX: +44/01883 712938 80 ppm/°C RH8 Type 2 Oxted, Surrey, in combination with resistance tolerances as (152.40 �3.05) (8.89 �1.02) (1.02 �.05) "Standard Max." Email: from "-15 Min." to St'd with "-15" ENGLAND Website Holland Road Hurst9AX Fax: +44max. (0)1883 712938 HollandSurrey, RH8 Road, FAX: +44/01883 712938 Oxted, as Email: ENGLAND±0.1%. Green, LTD Website Extended Range 0.8% Applications Engineering Sales and Corporate Office tight Surrey, RH8 RHOPOINT TEL: +44/01883 717988 Hurst Green COMPONENTS Resistance DimensionsNon-Inductive Performance in inches and (millimeters) e-mail: Specifications: 1717 Chicago Avenue Max. Oxted,Models with 9AX Email: ENGLAND Continuous Overload Dielect. Website Model Surrey, RH8low inductance construction are in Watt17271 North Umpqua9AX have demonstrated -15 shaded areas. Hwy. RHOPOINTofCOMPONENTSmodels Solderable Holland age Road, Hurst Oxted, MG resistors Rating Strength FAX: +44/01883 712938 web: • ©Type CaddockOper. Volt.Green, stability Standard 0.01% Extended ENGLAND Electronics, Inc. Website Leads No. A C MB ost LTD. Resistance Tolerance: California L-357.0103 are manufactured with Caddock's Min. 2003 Surrey, RH8 9AX Roseburg, Oregon 97470-9422 Riverside, 92507-2364 Max. Min. Oxted, Models with Caddock's Email: © 2003 Caddock Electronics, Inc. Non-Inductive life testing Max.standard per (541) 496-0700 extended load Resistance Pattern are in non-shaded areas. .094www.caddock.comncapsulation:uses Temperature Silicone resistive Non-Inductive Design Website which High a serpentineL-357.0103 e-mail:of • web: �.015 .025 �.002 E Resistance Range Phone: 1,000 hours in Inc. Phone: (951) Conformal. ENGLAND .313 �.020 © 2003 Caddock Electronics, Type 1 Tolerance 788-1700 L-357.0103 IL-110.019 600 200 � 5 Meg N/A 750 N/A MG650 0.5
• RHOPOINT COMPONENTS LTD Models with Caddock's • Oxted,2003 geophysical instruments, and medical electronics. 6.000 �.120 Resistance any performance resistors shown in the 712938are Temperature Electronics, Non-Inductive Resistance Pattern are in non-shaded areas..350 �.040 of ranges Encapsulation: High Temperature Siliconetable systems, CaddockCoefficient, LTD standard resistance range, of RHOPOINT COMPONENTS TEL: derating .040 �.002 for "-15" advantages. +44/01883 717988 HollandSurrey, Hurst9AX Inc. for Road, RH8 Green, FAX: Conformal. © L-357.0103 Email:
resistance Electronics, Inc. Fax:2003 Caddock range values. lines toFax: (951) 369-1151 carry L-357.0103 in current © (541) 496-0408 Applications Engineering Standard �1%, �0.5%, cancellation .109 �.025 This0.5 exceptional Type performance200 � been proven through .313 �.030 (2.77 �.64) directions, thereby achievingSales and Corporate 0.1% has N/A opposite .025 �.002 maximum�0.25%, � Office 600 750 8 Meg N/A MG655North Umpqua Hwy. 1 17271 Caddock Electronics, Inc. 1717 • R L-357.0103 UK Chicago • (7.95 �.76) (.64 �.05) © © 2003 Caddock Electronics, Inc. 2004 28_IL110.1004 HurstgGreen • the resistor. Avenue Surrey �1%H8 9AX This many years of use in equipment that demands the highest .500 �.030 .094 �.015 .025 �.002 the with "-15" length of California 92507-2364 of flux fields over St'd entire ratin Roseburg, Oregon 97470-9422 Riverside, 1,000 750 400 � 1 N/A N/A MG660 0.6 Email • reliability 496-0700 Type 1 (12.70 �.76) web: construction is accomplished 788-1700 e-mail: 0 Meg efficient non-inductive Extended Range • (2.39 �.38) (.64 �.05) Phone: (541) and stability, including TWT amplifiers, X-ray Phone: 1% � (951) without For Caddock Distributors N/A listed see (0) of any performance Web • .750Tel: advantages. �.030 .094 �.015 .025 .002 Fax: (541) 496-0408 Fax: (951) 369-1151 systems, 8geophysical instruments, and medical20electronics. by countryderating870 608�1188 600 � 2,000 750 Meg N/A MG680 0. Type 1
UK & Ireland Distributors
© 2004 Caddock Electronics, Inc. 1.0 4,000 Type 1 MG710 Max. Overload Model Watt-
Type MG Precision High Voltage Resistors
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5 Meg
Type MG Precision High Voltage Resistors
Type MG Precision High Voltage Resistors
Ordering Information
RHOPOINT COMPONENTS LTD RHOPOINT COMPONENTS LTD RHOPOINT COMPONENTS LTD RHOPOINT COMPONENTS LTD (2.39 � that �.05) (7.95 �.51)see For Caddock Distributors listed by countrypattern.38) (.64 LTD RHOPOINT COMPONENTSprovides for neighboring
(19.05 �.76) (2.39 �.38) (.64 �.05) .094 �.015 .025 �.002 1.000 �.040 Dimensions in inches �.38)(millimeters) (25.40 �1.02) (2.39 and (.64 �.05)
800 � 50 Meg N/A Resistance N/A
750 Dielect.
Resistance Specifications: Range
Temperature Coefficient:
28_IL110.1004 TC Specifications