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BA4560RF-E2 数据手册
Datasheet Operational Amplifiers Low Noise Operational Amplifiers BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV General Description Packages BA4560xxx for normal grade and BA4560Rxxx, BA4564RFV, BA4564WFV for high-reliability grade integrate two or four high voltage gain Op-Amps on a single chip. Especially, this series is suitable for any audio applications due to low noise and low distortion characteristics and they are usable for other many applications of wide operating supply voltage range.BA4560Rxxx, BA4564RFV, BA4564WFV are high-reliability products with extended operating temperature range. SOP8 SOP-J8 TSSOP-B8 MSOP8 SOP14 SSOP-B14 Key Specification ◼ Operating Supply Voltage (Split Supply):±4V to ±15V ◼ Temperature Range: BA4560xxx -40°C to +85°C BA4560Rxxx,BA4564RFV,BA4564WFV -40°C to +105°C ◼ Slew Rate: 4V/µs(Typ) ◼ Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.003%(Typ) ◼ Input Referred Noise Voltage: 8 nV/ Hz (Typ) ◼ Offset Voltage: BA4564WFV 2.5mV(Max) Features ◼ High Voltage Gain, Low Noise, Low Distortion ◼ Wide Operating Supply Voltage Range ◼ Wide Operating Temperature Range Selection Guide W(Typ) x D(Typ) x H(Max) 5.00mm x 6.20mm x 1.71mm 4.90mm x 6.00mm x 1.65mm 3.00mm x 6.40mm x 1.20mm 2.90mm x 4.00mm x 0.90mm 8.70mm x 6.20mm x 1.71mm 5.00mm x 6.40mm x 1.35mm Maximum Operation Temperature Normal Dual Slew Rate +85°C 4V/µs BA4560F BA4560FJ BA4560FV BA4560FVT BA4560FVM +105°C Slew Rate High Reliability Dual 4V/µs Quad 4V/µs Simplified Schematic BA4560RF BA4560RFJ BA4560RFV BA4560RFVT BA4560RFVM BA4564RFV BA4564WFV VCC -IN VOUT +IN VEE Figure 1. Simplified Schematic ○Product structure:Silicon monolithic integrated circuit ○This product is not designed protection against radioactive rays. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・14・00 1/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Pin Configuration BA4560F, BA4560RF BA4560FJ, BA4560RFJ BA4560FV, BA4560RFV BA4560FVT, BA4560RFVT BA4560FVM, BA4560RFVM OUT1 1 : SOP8 : SOP-J8 : SSOP-B8 : TSSOP-B8 : MSOP8 Pin No. Pin Name 1 OUT1 2 -IN1 3 +IN1 8 VCC CH1 - + + -IN1 2 CH2 + - +IN1 3 VEE 4 7 OUT2 6 -IN2 5 +IN2 4 VEE 5 +IN2 6 -IN2 7 OUT2 8 VCC Pin No. Pin Name 1 OUT1 OUT2 BA4564RFV, BA4564WFV OUT1 : SSOP-B14 1 -IN1 2 +IN1 3 CH1 - - + + CH4 + + - 14 OUT4 2 -IN1 13 -IN4 3 +IN1 4 VCC 5 +IN2 6 -IN2 7 OUT2 8 OUT3 9 -IN3 10 +IN3 11 VEE 12 +IN4 12 +IN4 VCC 4 11 VEE +IN2 5 10 +IN3 -IN2 6 OUT2 7 - + + - CH2 + + - CH3 9 -IN3 8 OUT3 13 -IN4 14 OUT4 Package SOP8 SOP-J8 SSOP-B8 TSSOP-B8 MSOP8 SSOP-B14 BA4560F BA4560RF BA4560FJ BA4560RFJ BA4560FV BA4560RFV BA4560FVT BA4560RFVT BA4560FVM BA4560RFVM BA4564RFV BA4564WFV www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 2/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Ordering Information B A 4 5 6 x Part Number BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4560WFV x x x x - Package F : SOP8 FJ : SOP-J8 FV : SSOP-B8 : SSOP-B14 FVM : MSOP8 FVT : TSSOP-B8 xx Packaging and forming specification E2: Embossed tape and reel (SOP8/SSOP-B8/TSSOP-B8/SOP-J8 SSOP-B14) TR: Embossed tape and reel (MSOP8) Line-up Operating Temperature Range Operating Supply Voltage (Split Supply) -40°C to +85°C Supply Current (Typ) Offset Voltage (Max) 4mA 6mV ±4.0V to ±15.0V 3mA -40°C to +105°C 6mA www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 2.5mV 3/48 Orderable Part Number Package SOP8 Reel of 2500 BA4560F-E2 SOP-J8 Reel of 2500 BA4560FJ-E2 SSOP-B8 Reel of 2500 BA4560FV-E2 TSSOP-B8 Reel of 2500 BA4560FVT-E2 MSOP8 Reel of 3000 BA4560FVM-TR SOP8 Reel of 2500 BA4560RF-E2 SOP-J8 Reel of 2500 BA4560RFJ-E2 SSOP-B8 Reel of 2500 BA4560RFV-E2 TSSOP-B8 Reel of 3000 BA4560RFVT-E2 MSOP8 Reel of 3000 BA4560RFVM-TR SSOP-B14 Reel of 2500 BA4564RFV-E2 SSOP-B14 Reel of 2500 BA4564WFV-E2 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA=25℃) Parameter Ratings Symbol Supply Voltage BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV VCC-VEE Power Dissipation PD +36 V SOP8 0.55(Note1,6) 0.69(Note1,6) - - SOP-J8 0.54(Note2,6) 0.67(Note2,6) - - SSOP-B8 0.50(Note3,6) 0.62(Note3,6) - - TSSOP-B8 0.50(Note3,6) 0.62(Note3,6) - - MSOP8 0.47(Note4,6) 0.58(Note4,6) - - - 0.87(Note5,6) 0.87(Note5,6) SSOP-B14 Voltage(Note 7) - Unit W Differential Input Input Common-mode Voltage Range Input Current(Note 8) VID VCC-VEE +36 V VICM VEE to VCC (VEE-0.3) to VEE+36 V Operating Supply Voltage Range Vopr Operating Temperature Range Topr -40 to +85 -40 to +105 ℃ Storage Temperature Range Tstg -55 to +125 -55 to +150 ℃ TJMAX +125 +150 ℃ Maximum Junction Temperature II mA -10 +8 to +30 (±4 to ±15) V Note: Absolute maximum rating item indicates the condition which must not be exceeded. Application of voltage in excess of absolute maximum rating or use out absolute maximum rated temperature environment may cause deterioration of characteristics. (Note 1) To use at temperature above TA=25℃ reduce 5.5mW. (Note 2) To use at temperature above TA=25℃ reduce 5.4mW. (Note 3) To use at temperature above TA=25℃ reduce 5.0mW. (Note 4) To use at temperature above TA=25℃ reduce 4.7mW. (Note 5) To use at temperature above TA=25℃ reduce 7.0mW. (Note 6) Mounted on a FR4 glass epoxy PCB(70mm×70mm×1.6mm). (Note 7) The voltage difference between inverting input and non-inverting input is the differential input voltage. Then input terminal voltage is set to more than VEE. (Note 8) An excessive input current will flow when input voltages of less than VEE-0.6V are applied. The input current can be set to less than the rated current by adding a limiting resistor. Caution: Operating the IC over the absolute maximum ratings may damage the IC. In addition, it is impossible to predict all destructive situations such as short-circuit modes, open circuit modes, etc. Therefore, it is important to consider circuit protection measures, like adding a fuse, in case the IC is operated in a special mode exceeding the absolute maximum ratings. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 4/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Electrical Characteristics ○BA4560xxx (Unless otherwise specified VCC=+15V, VEE=-15V) Limits Symbol Temperature Range Min Typ Max Input Offset Voltage (Note 9) VIO 25℃ - 0.5 6 mV VOUT=0V Input Offset Current (Note 9) IIO 25℃ - 5 200 nA VOUT=0V Input Bias Current (Note 10) IB 25℃ - 50 500 nA VOUT=0V Supply Current ICC 25℃ - 4 7.5 mA RL=∞, All Op-Amps, VIN+=0V Maximum Output Voltage VOM 25℃ ±12 ±14 - 25℃ ±10 ±13 - Large Signal Voltage Gain AV 25℃ 86 100 - dB VICM 25℃ ±12 ±14 - V Common-mode Rejection Ratio CMRR 25℃ 70 90 - dB VICM=-12V~+12V Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR 25℃ 76.3 90 - dB RI≤ 10kΩ SR 25℃ - 4 - V/μs fT 25℃ - 4 - MHz RL=2kΩ GBW 25℃ - 10 - MHz f=10kHz THD+N 25℃ - 0.003 - % - 8 - nV/ Hz RS=100Ω, VI=0V f=1kHz - - 2.2 μVrms RS=2.2Ω, RIAA BW=10kHz to 30kHz Parameter Input Common-mode Voltage Range Slew Rate Unity Gain Frequency Gain Band Width Total Harmonic Distortion+Noise Input Referred Noise Voltage VN Unit Condition RL≥ 10kΩ V RL≥ 2kΩ RL≥ 2kΩ, VOUT=±10V VICM=0V - AV=0dB, RL=2kΩ CL=100pF AV=20dB, RL=2kΩ VIN=0.05Vrms, f=1kHz 25℃ (Note 9) Absolute value (Note 10) Current direction: Since first input stage is composed with PNP transistor, input bias current flows out of IC. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 5/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet ○BA4560Rxxx (Unless otherwise specified VCC=+15V, VEE=-15V, Full range -40℃ to +105℃) Limits Temperature Parameter Symbol Unit Range Min Typ Max Input Offset Voltage (Note 11) VIO Input Offset Current (Note 11) IIO Input Bias Current (Note 12) IB Supply Current ICC Maximum Output Voltage VOM Large Signal Voltage Gain Input Common-mode Voltage Range AV VICM 25℃ - 0.5 6 Full range - - 7 25℃ - 5 200 Full range - - 200 25℃ - 50 500 Full range - - 800 25℃ - 3 7 Full range - - 7.5 25℃ ±12 ±14 - Full range ±10 ±11.5 - 25℃ 86 100 - Full range 83 - - 25℃ ±12 ±14 - Full range ±12 - - Condition mV VOUT=0V nA VOUT=0V nA VOUT=0V mA RL=∞, All Op-Amps VIN+=0V RL≥ 2kΩ V IO=25mA dB RL≥ 2kΩ, VOUT=±10V VICM=0V V - Common-mode Rejection Ratio CMRR 25℃ 70 90 - dB VICM=-12V~+12V Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR 25℃ 76.5 90 - dB RI≤ 10kΩ Channel Separation CS 25℃ - 105 - dB R1=100Ω,f=1kHz Slew Rate SR 25℃ - 4 - V/μs AV=0dB, RL=2kΩ CL=100pF fT 25℃ - 4 - MHz RL=2kΩ THD+N 25℃ - 0.003 - % - 8 - nV/ Hz - 1.0 - μVrms DIN-AUDIO Unity Gain Frequency Total Harmonic Distortion+Noise Input Referred Noise Voltage VN AV=20dB, RL=2kΩ VIN=0.05Vrms, f=1kHz RS=100Ω, VI=0V f=1kHz 25℃ (Note 11) Absolute value (Note 12) Current direction: Since first input stage is composed with PNP transistor, input bias current flows out of IC. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 6/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet ○BA4564RFV (Unless otherwise specified VCC=+15V, VEE=-15V, Full range -40℃ to +105℃) Limits Temperature Parameter Symbol Unit Range Min Typ Max Input Offset Voltage (Note 13) VIO Input Offset Current (Note 13) IIO Input Bias Current (Note 14) IB Supply Current ICC Maximum Output Voltage VOM Large Signal Voltage Gain Input Common-mode Voltage Range AV VICM 25℃ - 0.5 6 Full range - - 7 25℃ - 5 200 Full range - - 200 25℃ - 50 500 Full range - - 800 25℃ - 6 14 Full range - - 15 25℃ ±12 ±14 - Full range ±10 ±11.5 - 25℃ 86 100 - Full range 83 - - 25℃ ±12 ±14 - Full range ±12 - - Condition mV VOUT=0V nA VOUT=0V nA VOUT=0V mA RL=∞, All Op-Amps VIN+=0V RL≥ 2kΩ V IO=25mA dB RL≥ 2kΩ, VOUT=±10V VICM=0V V - Common-mode Rejection Ratio CMRR 25℃ 70 90 - dB VICM=-12V~+12V Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR 25℃ 76.5 90 - dB RI≤ 10kΩ Channel Separation CS 25℃ - 105 - dB R1=100Ω, f=1kHz Slew Rate SR 25℃ - 4 - V/μs AV=0dB, RL=2kΩ CL=100pF fT 25℃ - 4 - MHz RL=2kΩ THD+N 25℃ - 0.003 - % - 8 - nV/ Hz - 1.0 - μVrms DIN-AUDIO Unity Gain Frequency Total Harmonic Distortion+Noise Input Referred Noise Voltage VN AV=20dB, RL=2kΩ VIN=0.05Vrms, f=1kHz RS=100Ω, VI=0V f=1kHz 25℃ (Note 13) Absolute value (Note 14) Current direction: Since first input stage is composed with PNP transistor, input bias current flows out of IC. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 7/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet ○BA4564WFV (Unless otherwise specified VCC=+15V, VEE=-15V, Full range -40℃ to +105℃) Limits Temperature Parameter Symbol BA4564WFV Unit Range Min Typ Max Input Offset Voltage (Note 15) VIO Input Offset Current (Note 15) IIO Input Bias Current (Note 16) IB Supply Current ICC Maximum Output Voltage VOM Large Signal Voltage Gain AV Input Common-mode Voltage Range VICM 25℃ - 0.5 2.5 Full range - - 4 25℃ - 5 200 Full range - - 200 25℃ - 50 300 Full range - - 500 25℃ - 6 11 Full range - - 13 25℃ ±12 ±14 - Full range ±10 ±11.5 - 25℃ 86 100 - Full range 83 - - 25℃ ±12 ±14 - Full range ±12 - - Condition mV VOUT=0V nA VOUT=0V nA VOUT=0V mA RL=∞, All Op-Amps VIN+=0V RL≥ 2kΩ V IO=25mA dB RL≥ 2kΩ, VOUT=±10V VICM=0V V - Common-mode Rejection Ratio CMRR 25℃ 70 90 - dB VICM=-12V~+12V Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR 25℃ 76.5 90 - dB RI≤ 10kΩ Channel Separation CS 25℃ - 105 - dB R1=100Ω, f=1kHz Slew Rate SR 25℃ - 4 - V/μs AV=0dB, RL=2kΩ CL=100pF fT 25℃ - 4 - MHz RL=2kΩ THD+N 25℃ - 0.003 - % - 8 - nV/ Hz - 1.0 - μVrms DIN-AUDIO Unity Gain Frequency Total Harmonic Distortion+Noise Input Referred Noise Voltage VN AV=20dB, RL=2kΩ VIN=0.05Vrms, f=1kHz RS=100Ω, VI=0V f=1kHz 25℃ (Note 15) Absolute value (Note 16) Current direction: Since first input stage is composed with PNP transistor, input bias current flows out of IC. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 8/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Description of electrical characteristics Described here are the terms of electric characteristics used in this datasheet. Items and symbols used are also shown. Note that item name and symbol and their meaning may differ from those on another manufacture’s document or general document. 1. Absolute maximum ratings Absolute maximum rating item indicates the condition which must not be exceeded. Application of voltage in excess of absolute maximum rating or use out of absolute maximum rated temperature environment may cause deterioration of characteristics. 1.1 Power supply voltage (VCC-VEE) Indicates the maximum voltage that can be applied between the positive power supply terminal and negative power supply terminal without deterioration or destruction of characteristics of internal circuit. 1.2 Differential input voltage (VID) Indicates the maximum voltage that can be applied between non-inverting terminal and inverting terminal without deterioration and destruction of characteristics of IC. 1.3 Input common-mode voltage range (VICM) Indicates the maximum voltage that can be applied to non-inverting terminal and inverting terminal without deterioration or destruction of characteristics. Input common-mode voltage range of the maximum ratings not assure normal operation of IC. When normal operation of IC is desired, the input common-mode voltage of characteristics item must be followed. 1.4 Power dissipation (PD) Indicates the power that can be consumed by specified mounted board at the ambient temperature 25℃(normal temperature). As for package product, PD is determined by the temperature that can be permitted by IC chip in the package (maximum junction temperature)and thermal resistance of the package. 2. Electrical characteristics item 2.1 Input offset voltage (VIO) Indicates the voltage difference between non-inverting terminal and inverting terminal. It can be translated into the input voltage difference required for setting the output voltage at 0 V . 2.2 Input offset current (IIO) Indicates the difference of input bias current between non-inverting terminal and inverting terminal. 2.3 Input bias current (IB) Indicates the current that flows into or out of the input terminal. It is defined by the average of input bias current at non-inverting terminal and input bias current at inverting terminal. 2.4 Input common-mode voltage range(VICM) Indicates the input voltage range where IC operates normally. 2.5 Large signal voltage gain (AV) Indicates the amplifying rate (gain) of output voltage against the voltage difference between non-inverting terminal and Inverting terminal. It is normally the amplifying rate (gain) with reference to DC voltage. AV = (Output voltage fluctuation) / (Input offset fluctuation) 2.6 Circuit current (ICC) Indicates the IC current that flows under specified conditions and no-load steady status. 2.7 Output saturation voltage (VOM) Signifies the voltage range that can be output under specific output conditions. 2.8 Common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) Indicates the ratio of fluctuation of input offset voltage when in-phase input voltage is changed. It is normally the fluctuation of DC. CMRR = (Change of Input common-mode voltage) / (Input offset fluctuation) 2.9 Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) Indicates the ratio of fluctuation of input offset voltage when supply voltage is changed. It is normally the fluctuation of DC. PSRR = (Change of power supply voltage) / (Input offset fluctuation) 2.10 Unity gain frequency (ft) Indicates a frequency where the voltage gain of operational amplifier is 1. 2.11 Slew Rate (SR) SR is a parameter that shows movement speed of operational amplifier. It indicates rate of variable output voltage as unit time. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 9/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet 2.12 Gain Band Width (GBW) Indicates to multiply by the frequency and the gain where the voltage gain decreases 6dB/octave. 2.13 Total harmonic distortion + Noise (THD+N) Indicates the fluctuation of input offset voltage or that of output voltage with reference to the change of output voltage of driven channel. 2.14 Input referred noise voltage (VN) Indicates a noise voltage generated inside the operational amplifier equivalent by ideal voltage source connected in series with input terminal. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 10/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Typical Performance Curves ○BA4560xxx 8.0 0.8 SUPPLY CURRENT [mA]   . POWER DISSIPATION [W] . 1 BA4560F BA4560FJ 0.6 BA4560FV/FVT BA4560FVM 0.4 0.2 -40℃ 6.0 25℃ 4.0 85℃ 2.0 0.0 0 0 25 50 75 100 0 125 MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING [VP-P] SUPPLY CURRENT [mA] 6.0 ±15V 4.0 ±4 V 2.0 0.0 -25 0 25 50 75 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] 15 20 25 30 35 Figure 3. Supply Current - Supply Voltage 8.0 -50 10 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] AMBIENT TEMPERTURE [℃] . Figure 2. Derating Curve ±7.5 V 5 100 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.1 1 10 LOAD RESISTANCE [kΩ] Figure 4. Supply Current - Ambient Temperature Figure 5. Maximum Output Voltage Swing - Load Resistance (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V,TA=25℃) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 11/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet ○BA4560xxx 20 20 15 15 10 10 OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] VOH VOH 5 0 -5 VOL -10 5 0 -5 -10 VOL -15 -15 -20 0.1 -20 1 LOAD RESISTANCE [kΩ] 10 ±2 ±4 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 ±16 ±18 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] Figure 7. Maximum Output Voltage - Supply Voltage (RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) 20 20 15 15 10 OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] Figure 6. Maximum Output Voltage - Load Resistance (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, TA =25℃) VOH 5 0 -5 VOL -10 -15 -20 -50 10 VOH 5 0 -5 VOL -10 -15 -20 -25 0 25 50 75 100 0 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] 5 10 15 20 25 OUTPUT CURRENT [mA] Figure 9. Maximum Output Voltage - Output Current (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, TA =25℃) Figure 8. Maximum Output Voltage - Ambient Temperature (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, RL=2kΩ) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 12/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet ○BA4560xxx 6 4 -40℃ INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE [mV] INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE [mV] 6 25℃ 2 0 -2 85℃ -4 -6 4 ±4V ±7.5V 2 0 ±15V -2 -4 -6 ±2 ±4 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 ±16 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] Figure 10. Input Offset Voltage - Supply Voltage (VICM=0V, VOUT=0V) Figure 11. Input Offset Voltage - Ambient Temperature (VICM=0V, VOUT=0V) 60 . 80 INPUT BIAS CURRENT [nA] INPUT BIAS CURRENT [nA] 70 60 -40℃ 50 25℃ 40 30 20 85℃ 10 50 ±4V 40 30 ±7.5V ±15V 20 10 0 0 ±0 ±2 ±4 ±6 ±8 -50 ±10 ±12 ±14 ±16 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] -25 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] Figure 13. Input Bias Current - Ambient Temperature (VICM=0V, VOUT=0V) Figure 12. Input Bias Current - Supply Voltage (VICM=0V, VOUT=0V) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 13/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet 20 30 INPUT OFFSET CURRENT [nA] . 30 INPUT OFFSET CURRENT [nA] ○BA4560xxx -40℃ 10 25℃ 0 -10 85℃ -20 20 10 ±4V 0 ±15V -10 -20 -30 -30 ±0 ±2 -50 ±4 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 ±16 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] COMMON MODE REJECTION RATIO [dB] 5 4 85℃ 3 2 25℃ 1 -40℃ 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 0 2 4 6 -25 0 25 50 75 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [°C] 100 Figure 15. Input Offset Current - Ambient Temperature (VICM=0V, VOUT=0V) Figure 14. Input Offset Current - Supply Voltage (VICM=0V, VOUT=0V) INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE [mV] ±7.5V 8 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 -50 COMMON MODE INPUT VOLTAGE [V] Figure 16. Input Offset Voltage -Common Mode Input Voltage (VCC=8V, VOUT=4V) -25 0 25 50 75 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [°C] 100 Figure 17. Common Mode Rejection Ratio - Ambient Temperature (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, VICM=-12V to +12V) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 14/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet . ○BA4560xxx . 6 5 125 SLEW RATE [V/µs] POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO [dB] 150 100 75 50 4 3 2 25 1 0 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] ±2 100 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] ±14 ±16 Figure 19. Slew Rate - Supply Voltage (CL=100pF, RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) Figure 18. Power Supply Rejection Ratio - Ambient Temperature (VCC/VEE=+4V/-4V to +15V/-15V) 80 1 TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION [%] INPUT REFERRED NOISE VOLTAGE [nV/√Hz] ±4 60 40 20 0 1 10 100 1000 FREQUENCY [Hz] 10000 Figure 20. Equivalent Input Noise Voltage - Frequency (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, RS=100Ω, TA =25℃) 0.1 20kHz 0.01 1kHz 0.001 20Hz 0.0001 0.1 1 OUTPUT VOLTAGE [Vrms] 10 Figure 21. Total Harmonic Distortion - Output Voltage (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, AV=20dB, RL=2kΩ, 80kHz-LPF, TA =25℃) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 15/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet 50 200 PHASE 25 20 15 10 40 160 140 30 20 GAIN . 120 100 80 60 10 5 180 PHASE [deg] 30 VOLTAGE GAIN[dB] MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING [VP-P] ○BA4560xxx 40 20 0 0 102 103 104 105 106 107 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] 0 10 13 5 10 10 104 100 FREQUENCY [KHz] 106 1000 Figure 22. Maximum Output Voltage Swing – Frequency (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) Figure 23. Voltage Gain - Frequency (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, AV=40dB, RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 16/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet ○BA4560Rxxx 5.0 0.8 SUPPLY CURRENT [mA]   . POWER DISSIPATION [W] . 1 BA4560RF BA4560RFJ BA4560RFV/FVT 0.6 BA4560RFVM 0.4 0.2 0 -40℃ 4.0 3.0 2.0 105℃ 1.0 0.0 0 25 50 75 100 0 125 AMBIENT TEMPERTURE [℃] . MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING [VP-P] 5.0 ±15V 4.0 3.0 ±4 V 2.0 ±7.5 V 1.0 0.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] 5 10 15 20 25 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] 30 35 Figure 25. Supply Current - Supply Voltage Figure 24. Derating Curve SUPPLY CURRENT [mA] 25℃ 125 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.1 1 10 LOAD RESISTANCE [kΩ] Figure 27. Maximum Output Voltage Swing - Load Resistance (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, TA =25℃) Figure 26. Supply Current - Ambient Temperature (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 17/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet ○BA4560Rxxx 20 20 15 15 10 10 OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] VOH VOH 5 0 -5 VOL -10 5 0 -5 -10 VOL -15 -15 -20 -20 0.1 1 10 ±4 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] LOAD RESISTANCE [kΩ] Figure 29. Maximum Output Voltage - Supply Voltage (RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) 20 20 15 15 10 OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] Figure 28. Maximum Output Voltage - Load Resistance (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, TA =25℃) VOH 5 0 -5 VOL -10 10 VOH 5 0 -5 VOL -10 -15 -15 -20 -50 ±16 -20 -25 0 25 50 75 100 0 125 5 10 15 20 25 OUTPUT CURRENT [mA] AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] Figure 31. Maximum Output Voltage - Output Current (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, TA =25℃) Figure 30. Maximum Output Voltage - Ambient Temperature (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, RL=2kΩ) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 18/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet ○BA4560Rxxx 6 INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE [mV] INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE [mV] 6 4 2 -40℃ 25℃ 0 105℃ -2 -4 4 ±4V 2 ±7.5V 0 -2 ±15V -4 -6 -6 ±2 ±4 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 -50 ±16 0 25 50 75 100 125 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] Figure 33. Input Offset Voltage - Ambient Temperature (VICM=0V, V VOUT =0V) Figure 32. Input Offset Voltage - Supply Voltage (VICM=0V, VOUT=0V) . . 200 180 200 180 INPUT BIAS CURRENT [nA] INPUT BIAS CURRENT [nA] -25 160 140 120 25℃ 100 -40℃ 80 60 40 105℃ 160 140 120 ±4V ±7.5V 100 80 60 40 ±15V 20 20 0 0 ±2 ±4 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 ±2 ±16 ±4 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 ±16 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] Figure 35. Input Bias Current - Ambient Temperature (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) Figure 34. Input Bias Current - Supply Voltage (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 19/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet . ○BA4560Rxxx 60 INPUT OFFSET CURRENT [nA] INPUT OFFSET CURRENT [nA] 60 40 -40℃ 105℃ 20 0 -20 25℃ -40 40 ±4V 20 ±15V 0 ±7.5V -20 -40 -60 -60 ±0 ±2 ±4 ±6 ±8 -50 ±10 ±12 ±14 ±16 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] Figure 36. Input Offset Current - Supply Voltage (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) COMMON MODE REJECTION RATIO [dB] INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE [mV] 4 3 2 1 0 -40℃ -2 25℃ -3 105℃ -4 -5 0 2 4 6 125 Figure 37. Input Offset Current - Ambient Temperature (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) 5 -1 -25 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [°C] 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 -50 8 COMMON MODE INPUT VOLTAGE [V] -25 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [°C] 125 Figure 39. Common Mode Rejection Ratio - Ambient Temperature (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, VICM=-12V to +12V) Figure 38. Input Offset Voltage -Common Mode Input Voltage (VCC=8V, VOUT =4V) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 20/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet 5.0 . 150 125 4.0 SLEW RATE [V/µs] POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO [dB] . ○BA4560Rxxx 100 75 50 3.0 2.0 1.0 25 0 0.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] 125 ±2 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] ±14 ±16 Figure 41. Slew Rate - Supply Voltage (CL=100pF, RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) Figure 40. Power Supply Rejection Ratio - Ambient Temperature (VCC/VEE=+4V/-4V to +15V/-15V) 1 TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION [%] 80 INPUT REFERRED NOISE VOLTAGE [nV/√Hz] . ±4 60 40 20 10 100 1000 FREQUENCY [Hz] 0.01 1kHz 0.001 20Hz 0.0001 0.1 0 1 20kHz 0.1 10000 1 OUTPUT VOLTAGE [Vrms] 10 Figure 43. Total Harmonic Distortion - Output Voltage (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, AV=20dB, RL=2kΩ, 80kHz-LPF, TA =25℃) Figure 42. Equivalent Input Noise Voltage - Frequency (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, RS=100Ω, TA =25℃) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 21/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet 30 60 25 50 0 -30 20 15 10 5 10 10 1000 103 10000 104 100000 105 30 -60 GAIN -90 20 -120 10 -150 0 -180 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 10 10 10 10 10 10 FREQUENCY [Hz] 0 2 100 10 40 PHASE [deg] PHASE VOLTAGE GAIN [dB] MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING [VP-P] ○BA4560Rxxx 1000000 106 FREQUENCY [Hz] Figure 45. Voltage Gain - Frequency (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, AV=40dB, RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) Figure 44. Maximum Output Voltage Swing - Frequency (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 22/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet ○BA4564RFV 12.0 SUPPLY CURRENT [mA]   . SUPPLY CURRENT [mA] 1 BA4564RFV 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 10.0 -40℃ 8.0 25℃ 6.0 4.0 105℃ 2.0 0 0.0 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] 125 0 MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING [VP-P] SUPPLY CURRENT [mA] 10.0 ±15V 6.0 ±4V ±7.5V 2.0 0.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] 15 20 25 30 35 Figure 47. Supply Current - Supply Voltage 12.0 4.0 10 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] Figure 46. Derating Curve 8.0 5 125 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.1 1 10 LOAD RESISTANCE [kΩ] Figure 49. Maximum Output Voltage Swing - Load Resistance (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, TA =25℃) Figure 48. Supply Current - Ambient Temperature (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 23/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet 20 20 15 15 VOH 10 OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] ○BA4564RFV VOH 5 0 -5 VOL -10 10 5 0 -5 -10 VOL -15 -15 -20 0.1 -20 1 ±4 10 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] LOAD RESISTANCE [kΩ] Figure 51. Maximum Output Voltage -Supply Voltage (RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) 20 20 15 15 10 OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] Figure 50. Maximum Output Voltage -Load Resistance (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, TA =25℃) VOH 5 0 -5 VOL -10 -15 -20 -50 ±16 10 VOH 5 0 -5 VOL -10 -15 -20 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 0 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] 5 10 15 20 25 OUTPUT CURRENT [mA] Figure 52. Maximum Output Voltage - Ambient Temperature (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, RL=2kΩ) Figure 53. Maximum Output Voltage - Output Current (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, TA =25℃) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 24/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet ○BA4564RFV 6 INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE [mV] INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE [mV] 6 4 -40℃ 25℃ 2 0 105℃ -2 -4 4 ±4V ±7.5V 2 0 ±15V -2 -4 -6 -6 ±2 ±4 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 -50 ±16 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] Figure 54. Input Offset Voltage - Supply Voltage (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) Figure 55. Input Offset Voltage - Ambient Temperature (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) 200 180 180 160 160 INPUT BIAS CURRENT [nA] INPUT BIAS CURRENT [nA] . 200 140 -40℃ 25℃ 120 100 80 60 105℃ 40 20 140 ±7.5V ±4V 120 100 80 60 ±15V 40 20 0 0 ±2 ±4 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 ±16 -50 -25 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] 0 25 50 75 100 125 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] Figure 56. Input Bias Current - Supply Voltage (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) Figure 57. Input Bias Current - Ambient Temperature (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 25/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet ○BA4564RFV 60 INPUT OFFSET CURRENT [nA] INPUT OFFSET CURRENT [nA] 60 40 -40℃ 20 105℃ 0 -20 25℃ -40 40 ±15V 0 ±7.5V -20 -40 -60 -60 ±0 ±2 -50 ±4 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 ±16 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] 5 4 -40℃ 3 25℃ 2 105℃ 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 0 2 4 6 -25 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [°C] 125 Figure 59. Input Offset Current - Ambient Temperature (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) COMMON MODE REJECTION RATIO [dB] Figure 58. Input Offset Current - Supply Voltage (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE [mV] ±4V 20 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 -50 8 COMMON MODE INPUT VOLTAGE [V] -25 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [°C] 125 Figure 61. Common Mode Rejection Ratio - Ambient Temperature (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, VICM=-12V to +12V) Figure 60. Input Offset Voltage - Common Mode Input Voltage (VCC=8V, VOUT =4V) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 26/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet 150 . 5.0 125 4.0 SLEW RATE [V/µs] POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO [dB] . ○BA4564RFV 100 75 50 3.0 2.0 1.0 25 0 0.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] 125 ±2 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] ±14 ±16 Figure 63. Slew Rate - Supply Voltage (CL=100pF, RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) Figure 62. Power Supply Rejection Ratio - Ambient Temperature (VCC/VEE=+4V/-4V to +15V/-15V) 80 1 TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION [%] INPUT REFERRED NOISE VOLTAGE [nV/√Hz] . ±4 60 40 20 10 100 1000 FREQUENCY [Hz] 20kHz 1kHz 0.01 0.001 20Hz 0.0001 0.1 0 1 0.1 10000 Figure 64. Equivalent Input Noise Voltage - Frequency (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, RS=100Ω, TA =25℃) 1 OUTPUT VOLTAGE [Vrms] 10 Figure 65. Total Harmonic Distortion - Output Voltage (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, AV=20dB, RL=2kΩ, 80kHz-LPF, TA =25℃) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 27/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet 60 25 50 20 15 10 -200 PHASE -170 -140 40 -110 30 GAIN -80 20 PHASE [deg] 30 VOLTAGE GAIN [dB] MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING [VP-P] ○BA4564RFV -50 10 5 -20 0 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 10 102 103 104 105 106 FREQUENCY [Hz] Figure 66. Maximum Output Voltage Swing – Frequency (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) 0 102 1.E+03 103 104 1.E+05 105 106 107 1.E+02 1.E+04 1.E+06 1.E+07 FREQUENCY [Hz] Figure 67. Voltage Gain - Frequency (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, AV=40dB, RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 28/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet ○BA4564WFV 12.0 SUPPLY CURRENT [mA]   . POWER [W] SUPPLY DISSIPATION CURRENT [mA] 1 0.8 BA4564WFV 0.6 0.4 0.2 10.0 -40℃ 8.0 25℃ 6.0 4.0 105℃ 2.0 0 0.0 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] Figure 68. Derating Curve 125 0 MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING [VP-P] SUPPLY CURRENT [mA] ±15V 6.0 ±4V ±7.5V 2.0 0.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] 15 20 25 30 35 Figure 69. Supply Current - Supply Voltage 10.0 4.0 10 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] 12.0 8.0 5 125 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.1 1 10 LOAD RESISTANCE [kΩ] Figure 71. Maximum Output Voltage Swing - Load Resistance (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, TA =25℃) Figure 70. Supply Current - Ambient Temperature (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 29/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet 20 20 15 15 VOH 10 OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] ○BA4564WFV VOH 5 0 -5 VOL -10 10 5 0 -5 -10 VOL -15 -15 -20 0.1 -20 1 LOAD RESISTANCE [kΩ] 10 ±4 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] Figure 73. Maximum Output Voltage -Supply Voltage (RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) 20 20 15 15 10 OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] OUTPUT VOLTAGE [V] Figure 72. Maximum Output Voltage -Load Resistance (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, TA =25℃) VOH 5 0 -5 VOL -10 -15 -20 -50 ±16 10 VOH 5 0 -5 VOL -10 -15 -20 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 0 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] 5 10 15 20 25 OUTPUT CURRENT [mA] Figure 74. Maximum Output Voltage - Ambient Temperature (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, RL=2kΩ) Figure 75. Maximum Output Voltage - Output Current (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, TA =25℃) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 30/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet ○BA4564WFV 6 INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE [mV] INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE [mV] 6 4 -40℃ 25℃ 2 0 105℃ -2 -4 4 ±4V ±7.5V 2 0 ±15V -2 -4 -6 -6 ±2 ±4 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 -50 ±16 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] Figure 76. Input Offset Voltage - Supply Voltage (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) Figure 77. Input Offset Voltage - Ambient Temperature (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) 200 180 180 160 160 INPUT BIAS CURRENT [nA] INPUT BIAS CURRENT [nA] . 200 140 -40℃ 25℃ 120 100 80 60 105℃ 40 20 140 ±7.5V ±4V 120 100 80 60 ±15V 40 20 0 0 ±2 ±4 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 ±16 -50 -25 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] 0 25 50 75 100 125 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] Figure 78. Input Bias Current - Supply Voltage (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) Figure 79. Input Bias Current - Ambient Temperature (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 31/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet ○BA4564WFV 60 INPUT OFFSET CURRENT [nA] INPUT OFFSET CURRENT [nA] 60 40 -40℃ 20 105℃ 0 -20 25℃ -40 40 ±15V 0 ±7.5V -20 -40 -60 -60 ±0 ±2 -50 ±4 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 ±14 ±16 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] 5 4 -40℃ 3 25℃ 2 105℃ 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 0 2 4 6 -25 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [°C] 125 Figure 81. Input Offset Current - Ambient Temperature (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) COMMON MODE REJECTION RATIO [dB] Figure 80. Input Offset Current - Supply Voltage (VICM=0V, VOUT =0V) INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE [mV] ±4V 20 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 -50 8 COMMON MODE INPUT VOLTAGE [V] -25 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [°C] 125 Figure 83. Common Mode Rejection Ratio - Ambient Temperature (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, VICM=-12V to +12V) Figure 82. Input Offset Voltage - Common Mode Input Voltage (VCC=8V, VOUT =4V) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 32/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet 150 . 5.0 125 4.0 SLEW RATE [V/µs] POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO [dB] . ○BA4564WFV 100 75 50 3.0 2.0 1.0 25 0 0.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [℃] 125 ±2 ±6 ±8 ±10 ±12 SUPPLY VOLTAGE [V] ±14 ±16 Figure 85. Slew Rate - Supply Voltage (CL=100pF, RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) Figure 84. Power Supply Rejection Ratio - Ambient Temperature (VCC/VEE=+4V/-4V to +15V/-15V) 80 1 TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION [%] INPUT REFERRED NOISE VOLTAGE [nV/√Hz] . ±4 60 40 20 10 100 1000 FREQUENCY [Hz] 20kHz 1kHz 0.01 0.001 20Hz 0.0001 0.1 0 1 0.1 10000 Figure 86. Equivalent Input Noise Voltage - Frequency (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V,RS=100Ω, TA =25℃) 1 OUTPUT VOLTAGE [Vrms] 10 Figure 87. Total Harmonic Distortion - Output Voltage (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, AV=20dB, RL=2kΩ,80kHz-LPF, TA =25℃) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 33/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet 60 25 50 20 15 10 -200 PHASE -140 40 30 -170 -110 GAIN -80 20 PHASE [deg] 30 VOLTAGE GAIN [dB] MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING [VP-P] ○BA4564WFV -50 10 5 -20 0 10 102 103 104 105 106 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 FREQUENCY [Hz] Figure 88. Maximum Output Voltage Swing – Frequency (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) 0 10 10 10 10 10 1.E+02 1022 1.E+03 103 3 1.E+04 104 4 1.E+05 105 5 1.E+06 106 6 1.E+07 107 7 FREQUENCY [Hz] Figure 89. Voltage Gain - Frequency (VCC/VEE=+15V/-15V, AV=40dB, RL=2kΩ, TA =25℃) (*)The above data is measurement value of typical sample, it is not guaranteed. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 34/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Application Information Test Circuit1 NULL method VCC, VEE, EK, VICM Unit: V Parameter VF S1 S2 S3 VCC VEE EK VICM Calculation Input Offset Voltage VF1 ON ON OFF 15 -15 0 0 1 Input Offset Current VF2 OFF OFF OFF 15 -15 0 0 2 VF3 OFF ON OFF -15 0 ON 15 0 VF4 OFF 0 0 ON ON ON 15 -15 0 0 15 -15 0 0 ON ON OFF ON ON OFF Input Bias Current VF5 Large Signal Voltage Gain VF6 Common-mode Rejection Ratio (Input common-mode Voltage Range) VF7 Power Supply Rejection Ratio VF9 VF8 VF10 3 -27 -12 0 27 -3 12 0 4 -4 0 0 15 -15 0 0 -Calculation1. Input Offset Voltage (VIO) VIO = |VF1| 4 5 6 0.1µF RF=50kΩ [V] 1+RF/RS |VF2-VF1| RI ×(1+RF/RS) 0.1µF 500kΩ SW1 VCC 2. Input Offset Current (IIO) IIO = 3 +15V EK RS=50Ω RI=10kΩ [A] 500kΩ DUT NULL SW3 3. Input Bias Current (IB) |VF4-VF3| 1000pF RI=10kΩ RS=50Ω VF RL [A] IB = 2 × RI ×(1+RF/RS) SW2 50kΩ -15V VEE 4. Large Signal Voltage Gain (AV) AV = 20Log ΔEK × (1+RF/RS) |VF5-VF6| [dB] Figure 90. Test Circuit1 (one channel only) 5. Common-mode Rejection Ration (CMRR) CMRR = 20Log ΔVICM × (1+RF/RS) [dB] |VF8-VF7| 6. Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) PSRR = 20Log ΔVCC × (1+ RF/RS) [dB] |VF10 – VF9| Test Circuit 2 Switch Condition SW No. SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8 SW9 SW10 SW11 SW12 SW13 SW14 Supply Current OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF High Level Output Voltage OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF Low Level Output Voltage OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF Slew Rate OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF Unity Gain Frequency OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF Total Harmonic Distortion ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF Input Referred Noise Voltage ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 35/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Input voltage SW4 R2 SW5 VH ● VCC VL - SW1 SW2 SW3 SW6 RS SW7 t Input wave + SW9 SW8 SW10 SW11 Output voltage SW12 SW13 SW14 R1 90% SR=ΔV/Δt VH VEE C RL VIN- ΔV CL VIN+ 10% VOUT VRL VL Δt Figure 91. Test Circuit 2 (each Op-Amp) Figure 92. Slew Rate Input/Output Waveform VCC VCC R1//R2 R1//R2 OTHER CH VEE R1 VIN R2 t Output wave VEE VOUT1 V VOUT1 R1 R2 V =0.5Vrms =0.5[Vrms] CS=20×log VOUT2 VOUT2 100×VOUT1 VOUT2 Figure 93. Test Circuit 3(Channel Separation) (VCC=+15V, VEE=-15V, R1=1kΩ, R2=100kΩ) www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 36/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Power Dissipation Power dissipation(total loss) indicates the power that can be consumed by IC at TA =25℃(normal temperature). IC is heated when it consumed power, and the temperature of IC chip becomes higher than ambient temperature. The temperature that can be accepted by IC chip depends on circuit configuration, manufacturing process, and consumable power is limited. Power dissipation is determined by the temperature allowed in IC chip(maximum junction temperature) and thermal resistance of package(heat dissipation capability). The maximum junction temperature is typically equal to the maximum value in the storage temperature range. Heat generated by consumed power of IC radiates from the mold resin or lead frame of the package. The parameter which indicates this heat dissipation capability(hardness of heat release)is called thermal resistance, represented by the symbol θJA℃/W. The temperature of IC inside the package can be estimated by this thermal resistance. Figure 94.(a) shows the model of thermal resistance of the package. Thermal resistance θJA, ambient temperature TA, junction temperature TJMAX, and power dissipation PD can be calculated by the equation below: θJA = (TJMAX - TA) / PD ℃/W Derating curve in Figure 94. (b) indicates power that can be consumed by IC with reference to ambient temperature. Power that can be consumed by IC with reference to ambient temperature. Power that can be consumed by IC begins to attenuate at certain ambient temperature. This gradient is determined by thermal resistance θJA. Thermal resistance θJA depends on chip size, power consumption, package, ambient temperature, package condition, wind velocity, etc even when the same of package is used. Thermal reduction curve indicates a reference value measured at a specified condition. Figure 95.(c), to , (e) show a derating curve for an example of BA4560xxx, BA4560Rxxx, BA4564RFV, BA4564WFV. Power Dissipation of LSI [W] PD(max) θJA=(TJmax-TA)/ PD °C/W P2 θJA2 < θJA1 Ambient Temperature TA [ °C ] θ’JA2 θ JA2 P1 TJ’max θ’JA1 0 Chip Surface Temperature TJ [ °C ] 25 50 TJmax θJA1 75 100 125 150 Ambient Temperature TA [ °C ] (b) Derating Curve (a) Thermal Resistance Figure 94. Thermal Resistance and Derating Curve 1 BA4560F(Note 17) 0.6 BA4560FJ(Note 18) BA4560FV/FVT(Note 19) BA4560FVM(Note 20) 0.4 0.2 1 BA4560F(Note 17) 0.8 BA4560FJ(Note 18) BA4560FV/FVT(Note 19) 0.6 BA4560FVM(Note 20) 0.4 0.2 0 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 (Note 19) 5.0 25 50 75 100 AMBIENT TA [℃] AMBIENTTEMPERATURE TEMPERTURE [℃] . (d)BA4560Rxxx (c)BA4560xxx (Note 18) 5.4 0.8 BA4564RFV/WFV(Note 21) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 AMBIENT [℃] . AMBIENT TEMPERTURE TEMPERATURE TA[℃] (Note 17) 5.5 POWER DISSIPATION PD [W] . 0.8 POWER DISSIPATION PD[W] POWER DISSIPATION [W] . POWER DISSIPATION PD[W] . POWER DISSIPATION 1 (Note 20) 4.7 (Note 21) 7.0 125 0 25 50 75 100 125 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE TA [℃] . (e)BA4564RFV/BA4564WFV Unit mW/℃ When using the unit above TA=25℃, subtract the value above per degree℃. Permissible dissipation is the value. Permissible dissipation is the value when FR4 glass epoxy board 70mm ×70mm ×1.6mm (cooper foil area below 3%) is mounted. Figure 95. Derating Curve www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 37/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Examples of Circuit ○Voltage Follower Voltage gain is 0dB. Using this circuit, the output voltage (OUT) is configured to be equal to the input voltage (IN). This circuit also stabilizes the output voltage (OUT) due to high input impedance and low output impedance. Computation for output voltage (OUT) is shown below. OUT=IN VCC OUT IN VEE Figure 96. Voltage Follower Circuit ○Inverting Amplifier R2 For inverting amplifier, input voltage (IN) is amplified by a voltage gain and depends on the ratio of R1 and R2. The out-of-phase output voltage is shown in the next expression OUT=-(R2/R1)・IN This circuit has input impedance equal to R1. VCC IN R1 OUT R1//R2 VEE Figure 97. Inverting Amplifier Circuit ○Non-inverting Amplifier R1 R2 VCC OUT IN For non-inverting amplifier, input voltage (IN) is amplified by a voltage gain, which depends on the ratio of R1 and R2. The output voltage (OUT) is in-phase with the input voltage (IN) and is shown in the next expression. OUT=(1 + R2/R1)・IN Effectively, this circuit has high input impedance since its input side is the same as that of the operational amplifier. VEE Figure 98. Non-inverting Amplifier Circuit www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 38/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Operational Notes 1. Reverse Connection of Power Supply Connecting the power supply in reverse polarity can damage the IC. Take precautions against reverse polarity when connecting the power supply, such as mounting an external diode between the power supply and the IC’s power supply pins. 2. Power Supply Lines Design the PCB layout pattern to provide low impedance supply lines. Separate the ground and supply lines of the digital and analog blocks to prevent noise in the ground and supply lines of the digital block from affecting the analog block. Furthermore, connect a capacitor to ground at all power supply pins. Consider the effect of temperature and aging on the capacitance value when using electrolytic capacitors. 3. Ground Voltage Ensure that no pins are at a voltage below that of the ground pin at any time, even during transient condition. 4. Ground Wiring Pattern When using both small-signal and large-current ground traces, the two ground traces should be routed separately but connected to a single ground at the reference point of the application board to avoid fluctuations in the small-signal ground caused by large currents. Also ensure that the ground traces of external components do not cause variations on the ground voltage. The ground lines must be as short and thick as possible to reduce line impedance. 5. Thermal Consideration Should by any chance the power dissipation rating be exceeded the rise in temperature of the chip may result in deterioration of the properties of the chip. The absolute maximum rating of the PD stated in this specification is when the IC is mounted on a 70mm x 70mm x 1.6mm glass epoxy board. In case of exceeding this absolute maximum rating, increase the board size and copper area to prevent exceeding the PD rating. 6. Recommended Operating Conditions These conditions represent a range within which the expected characteristics of the IC can be approximately obtained. The electrical characteristics are guaranteed under the conditions of each parameter. 7. Inrush Current When power is first supplied to the IC, it is possible that the internal logic may be unstable and inrush current may flow instantaneously due to the internal powering sequence and delays, especially if the IC has more than one power supply. Therefore, give special consideration to power coupling capacitance, power wiring, width of ground wiring, and routing of connections. 8. Operation Under Strong Electromagnetic Field Operating the IC in the presence of a strong electromagnetic field may cause the IC to malfunction. 9. Testing on Application Boards When testing the IC on an application board, connecting a capacitor directly to a low-impedance output pin may subject the IC to stress. Always discharge capacitors completely after each process or step. The IC’s power supply should always be turned off completely before connecting or removing it from the test setup during the inspection process. To prevent damage from static discharge, ground the IC during assembly and use similar precautions during transport and storage. 10. Inter-pin Short and Mounting Errors Ensure that the direction and position are correct when mounting the IC on the PCB. Incorrect mounting may result in damaging the IC. Avoid nearby pins being shorted to each other especially to ground, power supply and output pin. Inter-pin shorts could be due to many reasons such as metal particles, water droplets (in very humid environment) and unintentional solder bridge deposited in between pins during assembly to name a few. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 39/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Operational Notes – continued 11. Regarding the Input Pin of the IC This monolithic IC contains P+ isolation and P substrate layers between adjacent elements in order to keep them isolated. P-N junctions are formed at the intersection of the P layers with the N layers of other elements, creating a parasitic diode or transistor. For example (refer to figure below): When GND > Pin A and GND > Pin B, the P-N junction operates as a parasitic diode. When GND > Pin B, the P-N junction operates as a parasitic transistor. Parasitic diodes inevitably occur in the structure of the IC. The operation of parasitic diodes can result in mutual interference among circuits, operational faults, or physical damage. Therefore, conditions that cause these diodes to operate, such as applying a voltage lower than the GND voltage to an input pin (and thus to the P substrate) should be avoided. Resistor Transistor (NPN) Pin A Pin B C E Pin A N P+ P N N P+ N Pin B B Parasitic Elements N P+ N P N P+ B N C E Parasitic Elements P Substrate P Substrate GND GND Parasitic Elements GND Parasitic Elements GND N Region close-by Figure 99. Example of monolithic IC structure 12. Unused Circuits It is recommended to apply the connection (see Figure 100.) and set the non-inverting input terminal at a potential within the Input Common-mode Voltage Range (VICM) for any unused circuit. Keep this potential in VICM 13. Input Voltage Applying VEE +36V to the input terminal is possible without causing deterioration of the electrical characteristics or destruction, regardless of the supply voltage. However, this does not ensure normal circuit operation. Please note that the circuit operates normally only when the input voltage is within the common mode input voltage range of the electric characteristics. VCC VICM VEE Figure 100. Example of Application Circuit for Unused Op-amp 14. Power Supply(single/dual) The operational amplifier operates when the voltage supplied is between VCC and VEE. Therefore, the single supply operational amplifier can be used as dual supply operational amplifier as well. 15. IC Handling When pressure is applied to the IC through warp on the printed circuit board, the characteristics may fluctuate due to the piezo effect. Be careful with the warp on the printed circuit board. 16. The IC Destruction Caused by Capacitive Load The IC may be damaged when VCC terminal and VEE terminal is shorted with the charged output terminal capacitor. When IC is used as an operational amplifier or as an application circuit where oscillation is not activated by an output capacitor, output capacitor must be kept below 0.1μF in order to prevent the damage mentioned above. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 40/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Physical Dimension, Tape and Reel Information Package Name SOP8 (Max 5.35 (include.BURR)) (UNIT : mm) PKG : SOP8 Drawing No. : EX112-5001-1 www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 41/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Physical Dimension, Tape and Reel Information Package Name www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 SSOP-B8 42/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Physical Dimension, Tape and Reel Information Package Name www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 SOP-J8 43/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Physical Dimension, Tape and Reel Information Package Name www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 MSOP8 44/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Physical Dimension, Tape and Reel Information Package Name www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 TSSOP-B8 45/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Physical Dimension, Tape and Reel Information Package Name www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 SSOP-B14 46/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Marking Diagrams SOP8(TOP VIEW) SSOP-B8(TOP VIEW) Part Number Marking Part Number Marking LOT Number LOT Number 1PIN MARK 1PIN MARK MSOP8(TOP VIEW) TSSOP-B8(TOP VIEW) Part Number Marking Part Number Marking LOT Number LOT Number 1PIN MARK 1PIN MARK SOP-J8(TOP VIEW) SSOP-B14(TOP VIEW) Part Number Marking Part Number Marking LOT Number LOT Number 1PIN MARK 1PIN MARK Product Name BA4560 BA4560R Package Type F SOP8 FJ SOP-J8 FV SSOP-B8 FVT TSSOP-B8 FVM MSOP8 FJ SOP-J8 F SOP8 FJ SOP-J8 FV SSOP-B8 Marking 4560 4560R FVT TSSOP-B8 FVM MSOP8 FJ SOP-J8 BA4564R FV SSOP-B14 4564R BA4564W FV SSOP-B14 4564W www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 47/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Revision History Date Revision 10/May/2012 07/Sep/2012 19/Nov/2014 11/Dec/2020 001 002 003 004 Changes New Release Added Line-up Page.3 Absolute Maximum Ratings : Added Input Current P.48-2, 48-3 Updated packages and part numbers. www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 48/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Ordering Information B A Part Number BA4564R 4 5 6 4 R F V Package FV: SSOP-B14K - B BZ: Cu Wire Z Z Production site Z : Added E 2 Packaging and forming specification E2: Embossed tape and reel Marking Diagram SSOP-B14K (TOP VIEW) Part Number Marking 4564R LOT Number Pin 1 Mark www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 48-2/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 BA4560xxx BA4560Rxxx BA4564RFV BA4564WFV Datasheet Physical Dimension and Packing Information Package Name www.rohm.com © 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ22111・15・00 SSOP-B14K 48-3/48 TSZ02201-0RAR1G200020-1-2 11.Dec.2020 Rev.004 Notice Precaution on using ROHM Products 1. Our Products are designed and manufactured for application in ordinary electronic equipment (such as AV equipment, OA equipment, telecommunication equipment, home electronic appliances, amusement equipment, etc.). If you intend to use our Products in devices requiring extremely high reliability (such as medical equipment (Note 1), transport equipment, traffic equipment, aircraft/spacecraft, nuclear power controllers, fuel controllers, car equipment including car accessories, safety devices, etc.) and whose malfunction or failure may cause loss of human life, bodily injury or serious damage to property (“Specific Applications”), please consult with the ROHM sales representative in advance. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ROHM in advance, ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of any ROHM’s Products for Specific Applications. (Note1) Medical Equipment Classification of the Specific Applications JAPAN USA EU CHINA CLASSⅢ CLASSⅡb CLASSⅢ CLASSⅢ CLASSⅣ CLASSⅢ 2. ROHM designs and manufactures its Products subject to strict quality control system. However, semiconductor products can fail or malfunction at a certain rate. Please be sure to implement, at your own responsibilities, adequate safety measures including but not limited to fail-safe design against the physical injury, damage to any property, which a failure or malfunction of our Products may cause. The following are examples of safety measures: [a] Installation of protection circuits or other protective devices to improve system safety [b] Installation of redundant circuits to reduce the impact of single or multiple circuit failure 3. Our Products are designed and manufactured for use under standard conditions and not under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions, as exemplified below. Accordingly, ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses arising from the use of any ROHM’s Products under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions. If you intend to use our Products under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions (as exemplified below), your independent verification and confirmation of product performance, reliability, etc, prior to use, must be necessary: [a] Use of our Products in any types of liquid, including water, oils, chemicals, and organic solvents [b] Use of our Products outdoors or in places where the Products are exposed to direct sunlight or dust [c] Use of our Products in places where the Products are exposed to sea wind or corrosive gases, including Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NO2 [d] Use of our Products in places where the Products are exposed to static electricity or electromagnetic waves [e] Use of our Products in proximity to heat-producing components, plastic cords, or other flammable items [f] Sealing or coating our Products with resin or other coating materials [g] Use of our Products without cleaning residue of flux (Exclude cases where no-clean type fluxes is used. However, recommend sufficiently about the residue.) ; or Washing our Products by using water or water-soluble cleaning agents for cleaning residue after soldering [h] Use of the Products in places subject to dew condensation 4. The Products are not subject to radiation-proof design. 5. Please verify and confirm characteristics of the final or mounted products in using the Products. 6. In particular, if a transient load (a large amount of load applied in a short period of time, such as pulse, is applied, confirmation of performance characteristics after on-board mounting is strongly recommended. Avoid applying power exceeding normal rated power; exceeding the power rating under steady-state loading condition may negatively affect product performance and reliability. 7. De-rate Power Dissipation depending on ambient temperature. When used in sealed area, confirm that it is the use in the range that does not exceed the maximum junction temperature. 8. Confirm that operation temperature is within the specified range described in the product specification. 9. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for failure induced under deviant condition from what is defined in this document. Precaution for Mounting / Circuit board design 1. When a highly active halogenous (chlorine, bromine, etc.) flux is used, the residue of flux may negatively affect product performance and reliability. 2. In principle, the reflow soldering method must be used on a surface-mount products, the flow soldering method must be used on a through hole mount products. If the flow soldering method is preferred on a surface-mount products, please consult with the ROHM representative in advance. For details, please refer to ROHM Mounting specification Notice-PGA-E © 2015 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Rev.004 Precautions Regarding Application Examples and External Circuits 1. If change is made to the constant of an external circuit, please allow a sufficient margin considering variations of the characteristics of the Products and external components, including transient characteristics, as well as static characteristics. 2. You agree that application notes, reference designs, and associated data and information contained in this document are presented only as guidance for Products use. Therefore, in case you use such information, you are solely responsible for it and you must exercise your own independent verification and judgment in the use of such information contained in this document. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of such information. Precaution for Electrostatic This Product is electrostatic sensitive product, which may be damaged due to electrostatic discharge. Please take proper caution in your manufacturing process and storage so that voltage exceeding the Products maximum rating will not be applied to Products. Please take special care under dry condition (e.g. Grounding of human body / equipment / solder iron, isolation from charged objects, setting of Ionizer, friction prevention and temperature / humidity control). Precaution for Storage / Transportation 1. Product performance and soldered connections may deteriorate if the Products are stored in the places where: [a] the Products are exposed to sea winds or corrosive gases, including Cl 2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NO2 [b] the temperature or humidity exceeds those recommended by ROHM [c] the Products are exposed to direct sunshine or condensation [d] the Products are exposed to high Electrostatic 2. Even under ROHM recommended storage condition, solderability of products out of recommended storage time period may be degraded. It is strongly recommended to confirm solderability before using Products of which storage time is exceeding the recommended storage time period. 3. Store / transport cartons in the correct direction, which is indicated on a carton with a symbol. Otherwise bent leads may occur due to excessive stress applied when dropping of a carton. 4. Use Products within the specified time after opening a humidity barrier bag. Baking is required before using Products of which storage time is exceeding the recommended storage time period. Precaution for Product Label A two-dimensional barcode printed on ROHM Products label is for ROHM’s internal use only. Precaution for Disposition When disposing Products please dispose them properly using an authorized industry waste company. Precaution for Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade act Since concerned goods might be fallen under listed items of export control prescribed by Foreign exchange and Foreign trade act, please consult with ROHM in case of export. Precaution Regarding Intellectual Property Rights 1. All information and data including but not limited to application example contained in this document is for reference only. ROHM does not warrant that foregoing information or data will not infringe any intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party regarding such information or data. 2. ROHM shall not have any obligations where the claims, actions or demands arising from the combination of the Products with other articles such as components, circuits, systems or external equipment (including software). 3. No license, expressly or implied, is granted hereby under any intellectual property rights or other rights of ROHM or any third parties with respect to the Products or the information contained in this document. Provided, however, that ROHM will not assert its intellectual property rights or other rights against you or your customers to the extent necessary to manufacture or sell products containing the Products, subject to the terms and conditions herein. Other Precaution 1. This document may not be reprinted or reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of ROHM. 2. The Products may not be disassembled, converted, modified, reproduced or otherwise changed without prior written consent of ROHM. 3. In no event shall you use in any way whatsoever the Products and the related technical information contained in the Products or this document for any military purposes, including but not limited to, the development of mass-destruction weapons. 4. The proper names of companies or products described in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of ROHM, its affiliated companies or third parties. Notice-PGA-E © 2015 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Rev.004 Datasheet General Precaution 1. Before you use our Products, you are requested to carefully read this document and fully understand its contents. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for failure, malfunction or accident arising from the use of any ROHM’s Products against warning, caution or note contained in this document. 2. All information contained in this document is current as of the issuing date and subject to change without any prior notice. Before purchasing or using ROHM’s Products, please confirm the latest information with a ROHM sales representative. 3. The information contained in this document is provided on an “as is” basis and ROHM does not warrant that all information contained in this document is accurate and/or error-free. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for an y damages, expenses or losses incurred b y you or third parties resulting from inaccuracy or errors of or concerning such information. Notice – WE © 2015 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Rev.001
BA4560RF-E2 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 2500+2.631962500+0.31686
  • 5000+2.420415000+0.29139
  • 7500+2.312967500+0.27845
  • 12500+2.1925512500+0.26396
  • 17500+2.1887017500+0.26350


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+10.898321+1.31202
  • 10+6.6687410+0.80284
  • 25+5.5550325+0.66876
  • 100+4.29498100+0.51707
  • 250+3.67596250+0.44254
  • 500+3.29505500+0.39669
  • 1000+2.975851000+0.35826


    •  国内价格
    • 1+0.43511
    • 30+0.41957
    • 100+0.40403
    • 500+0.37295
    • 1000+0.35741
    • 2000+0.34809


      •  国内价格 香港价格
      • 1+3.353841+0.40376
      • 10+2.7514510+0.33124
      • 50+1.5711050+0.18914
      • 100+1.48969100+0.17934
      • 500+1.25362500+0.15092
      • 1000+1.212921000+0.14602
      • 2000+1.123382000+0.13524
      • 4000+1.115244000+0.13426


        •  国内价格
        • 5+0.67932
        • 50+0.58860
        • 150+0.54972
        • 500+0.50112
        • 2500+0.47952


          •  国内价格
          • 100+3.76404


            •  国内价格 香港价格
            • 1+3.150901+0.37970
            • 10+2.9656010+0.35740
            • 25+2.7802025+0.33500
            • 100+2.59480100+0.31270
            • 250+2.40950250+0.29040
            • 500+2.22420500+0.26800
            • 1000+2.038801000+0.24570
            • 2500+1.853402500+0.22330


            •  国内价格
            • 25+3.72828
            • 625+3.61690
            • 1250+3.50855
