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    BD7693 功率因数校正 电源管理 评估板

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BD7693FJ-EVK-001 数据手册
Powe er Factor C Corre ection n Boundary y Currrent Mode e Metthod D7693FJ R Reference Boarrd BD Noticce < <High Voltage Saffety Prec cautions> > ◇ Read all a safety prrecautions before use e at this do ocument ccovers only the BD D7693FJ evaluation n board Please note tha (BD7693FJ-EVK-0 001) and itts functions. For add ditional info ormation, p please refe er to the datashe eet. To ensu ure safe operatio on, please carefu ully read all precautions before handling g the eva aluation b board Depe ending on tthe configu uration of the board a and voltage es used, Pote entially lethal volltages may be ge enerated.. There efore, please make sure to read and o observe all sa afety precautions describe ed in the re ed box below w. Before Use U [1] Verify tthat the parts/componen nts are not damaged or missing m (i.e. due to the d drops). [2] Check that there are no condu uctive foreign n objects on the board. eful when pe erforming so oldering on the module and/or a evaluation board to ensure th hat solder [3] Be care splash does not occcur. ater droplets on the circu uit board. [4] Check that there iss no condenssation or wa During U Use [5] Be care eful to not allow conductive objects to come into o contact witth the board. [6] Brief a accidental c contact or even e bringin ng your han nd close to the t board m may result in n discha arge and lea ad to severe e injury or d death. Therefore, DO NOT to ouch the boa ard with your bare han nds or bring g them too c close to the e board. In addition, as mentione ed above ple ease exercisse extreme ccaution when n using cond ductive toolss such as nd screwdrivvers. tweezers an [7] If used under cond ditions beyon nd its rated vvoltage, it ma ay cause de efects such as a short-circuit or, ding on the ccircumstances, explosio on or other permanent da amages. depend [8] Be sure e to wear inssulated glovves when handling is req quired during g operation. After Use e [9] The RO OHM Evaluattion Board ccontains the circuits whicch store the high voltage e. Since it sto ores the chargess even after the connectted power circuits are cu ut, please disscharge the electricity affter using it, and p please deal w with it after cconfirming such electric discharge. [10] Protectt against ele ectric shockss by wearing g insulated gloves when handling. This evalu uation boarrd is intend ded for use e only in re esearch an nd develop pment facilities and should by handled o only by qu ualified pe ersonnel fa amiliar with all safe ety and op perating es. procedure We recom mmend carrrying out operation in n a safe environment that includ des the use e of high voltage sig gnage at all entrance es, safety in nterlocks, a and protecttive glasse es. ww ww.rohm.com m ©2 2018 ROHM M Co., Ltd. All rights rese erved. HVB B01E Us ser’s G Guide PF FC (power Factor Corrrection) IC C P PFC BCM B ( (Boun ndary y Current M Mode e) Metthod O Outpu ut 200 0 W 40 00 V B BD769 93FJ Reference e Boa ard B BD7693FJEVK-001 The e BD7693FJ-E EVK-001 refere ence board ou utputs 400 V vvoltage from the input of 90 V Vac to 264 Vacc. The output current c supplie es up to 0 0.5 A. The BD7 7693FJ which is BCM metho od PFC contro oller IC is used d. The e BD7693FJ ssupplies the syystem which iss suitable for all of products that t requires PFC. P BC CM is used for PFC part, and d Zero Currentt Detection red duces both switching loss an nd noise. THD is less than 6 %. Ele ectronics Characterristics Not guara antee the chara acteristics, is rrepresentative e value. Unless oth herwise noted d; VIN = 230 Va ac, IOUT = 0.5 A A, Ta = 25 °C Parameter Min Typ Max Units Inp put Voltage Range VIN 90 230 264 Vac Inp put Frequency fLINE 47 50/60 63 Hz Outtput Voltage VOUT 376 395 414 V Maximam Outputt Power POUT - - 200 W Outtput Current R Range(Note 1) IOUT 0.0 - 0.5 A Total Harmonic D Distortion(THD D) THD 3.6 6 % PF((Power Factorr) Effiiciency Outtput Ripple Vo oltage (Note 2) Holld Time Operating Tempe erature Range Conditio ons IOUTT = 0.5 A PF 0.93 0.97 - - η 92 96. - % VR - 11 20 Vpp AC9 90 V IOUT = 0.5 5A THOLD 20 ms VOUUT min 280 V TOP -10 +25 +65 AC2 230 V IOUT = 0.5 A °C (Note 1) Coo ol the component surface s temperatu ure with FAN, etc., if necessary, and the load applicatio on time so that the e temperature doe es not exceed 105 ℃. (Note 2) Not include spike noisse ©2 2021 ROHM C Co., Ltd. 1/14 No. 63UG G102E Rev.001 1 Jan.2021 1 BD7693FJ-EVK-001 Use er’s Guide e peration P Procedure Op 1. O Operation Equ uipment 1. AC power supply 90 to o 264 Vac, ove er 200 W 2. Electron nic load capaciity 0.5 A which h supports inpu ut voltage 500 0V 3. Multi me eter 4. Power m meter 2. C Connect Metho od 1. AC power supply pressetting range 9 90 to 264 Vac, Output switch h is OFF. 2. Electron nic load setting g under 0.5 A, Load switch iss OFF. 3. The refe erence board cconnects to me easuring equip pments and po ower supplies as in Figure. 1. 4. AC power supply switch is ON. 5. Check th hat output volttage is 400 V. 6. Electron nic load switch is ON. 7. Operate e with enough caution againsst electric shocck because off non-isolated o output voltage e 400 V. Figure e 1. Connectio on Circuit ©2 2021 ROHM C Co., Ltd. 2/14 No. 63UG G102E Rev.001 1 Jan.2021 1 BD7693FJ-EVK-001 Use er’s Guide e erating De Maximum outtput power Po of the referen nce board is 20 00 W. The derrating curve is shown in Figu ure. 2. If ambient tem mperature is ovver 40 °C, Con nsider the load d current time and air-cool with w FAN so that the compon nent surface tempe erature does n not exceed 105 ℃. T derating curve Figure 2. Temperature ©2 2021 ROHM C Co., Ltd. 3/14 No. 63UG G102E Rev.001 1 Jan.2021 1 BD7693FJ-EVK-001 User’s Guide Schematics VIN = 90 to 264 Vac, VOUT = 400 V D3 130k R21 AC N C1 470n C2 470n 90u L2 130k R22 FG C14 2.2n L1 2 TH1 C3 470n DA1 P1 FL2 10u L3 C15 100n C4 100n 680k R5 100k R23 680k R6 100k R24 C18 33u C13 2.2n C8 R8 680n C7 C16 10n 6.8k R7 C12 230uH R18 RF05VAM2S D4 820k R1 22k R25 RF05VAM2S FB VCC COM VOUT Mult GND CS ZC R4 VOUT D1 S1 ZNR1 FL1 P1 130k R20 S1 F1 S1 AC L P1 6.3 IC1 10 D6 220 R11 R12 100 C9 R10 C19 D2 Q1 15k R13 C11 220p 750k R2 C6 C5 220u 10 R17 220m 220m R14 R15 10k R3 C10 100p GND Figure 3. BD7693FJ-EVK-001 Schematics © 2021 ROHM Co., Ltd. 4/14 No. 63UG102E Rev.001 Jan.2021 BD7693FJ-EVK-001 User’s Guide Bill of Materials Item C1,C2,C3 C4,C15 C5 C6,C8,C9,C12,C19,D2,R4,R8,R16,R18,ZNR1 C7 C10 C11 C13,C14 C16 C18 DA1 D1 D3 D4,D6 F1 IC1 Q1 R1 R2 R3 R5,R6 R7 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14,R15 R17 TH1 R20,R21,R22 R23,R24 R25 FL1 FL2 HEAT1,HEAT3 HEAT2 CN1 CN2 L1 L2 L3 Specifications 470 n, 310 Vac 0.1 uF, 630 Vdc 220 u, 450 V NON MOUNTED 0.68 µF, 50 V 100 pF, 100 V 220 pF, 2k V 2200 pF, 300 V 0.01 µF, 50 V 33 µF, 50 V 600 V, 15 A FRD,10 A, 600 V 15A , 600 V FRD, 0.5 A, 200 V 250 Vac, 6.3 A 600 V, 24 A 820 kΩ 750 kΩ 10 kΩ 680 kΩ 6.8 kΩ 100 Ω 10 Ω 220 Ω 15 kΩ 220 mΩ 10 Ω 2 Ω, 4 A 130 kΩ 100 kΩ 22 kΩ 35 mH / 3.5 A 15 mH 11.5 K/W 22.9 k/W 3pin 3pin 230 µH 7.4A 90 µH 10 µH Parts name 890334025039CS 890303425004CS LGN2W221MELA40 Manufacture WURTH ELECTRONIK WURTH ELECTRONIK NICHICON 885012206051_ HMK107SD101KA-T 885342209008 WURTH ELECTRONIK TAIYO YUDEN WURTH ELECTRONIK DE1E3RA222MJ4BP01F MURATA 885012206089_ WURTH ELECTRONIK 86020672012_ WURTH ELECTRONIK GBU15J-U1 WILLAS Corp. RFNL10TJ6S ROHM RFNL15TJ6S ROHM RF05VAM2S ROHM VBS UDA-A6.30A TAN DOE Corp. BD7693FJ ROHM R6024KNX ROHM KTR18EZPF8203 ROHM KTR18EZPF7503 ROHM MCR03EZPFX1002 ROHM KTR18EZPJ684 ROHM MCR03EZPJ682 ROHM MCR18EZPJ101 ROHM MCR18EZPJ100 ROHM MCR18EZPJ221 ROHM MCR18EZPJ153 ROHM LTR50EZPZFLR220 ROHM ERG2SJ100V PANASONIC 2D2-13LD SEMITEC MCR18EZPJ134 ROHM MCR18EZPF104 ROHM MCR18EZPJ223 ROHM 7748040435_ WURTH ELECTRONIK GSTC1810-153N GANG SONG MARUSAN ELECTRONICS 30PBE30-30B IC-1625-STL SANKYO THRMOTECH B03P-NV(LF)(SN) JST 691137910003_ WURTH ELECTRONIK PFC3819QM-231K07D-50 TDK 7447013_ WURTH ELECTRONIK 744750420100_ WURTH ELECTRONIK Materials may be changed without notifying. © 2021 ROHM Co., Ltd. 5/14 No. 63UG102E Rev.001 Jan.2021 BD7693FJ-EVK-001 Use er’s Guide e CB PC Sizze: 200 mm x 112 mm Figure 4. Top Silkscreen (Top view) ut (Top view) Figure 5. Bottom Layou ©2 2021 ROHM C Co., Ltd. 6/14 No. 63UG G102E Rev.001 1 Jan.2021 1 BD7693FJ-EVK-001 Use er’s Guide e D7693FJ Overview O BD ature Fea Ke ey Specificattion  Boundary C Conduction Mo ode PFC  Operating P Power Supply Voltage Range 10.0 V to 3 38.0 V  Low THD C Circuit Incorparration  Circuit Currrent  VCC Underr Voltage Lock Out Function  Operating T Temperature R Range  ZCD by Auxxiliary Winding g  Static OVP by The VS Pin n  Error Ampliffier Input Shorrt Protection  Stable MOS SFET Gate Driiving  Soft Start Function 0.58 mA ( T Typ.) ackage Pa -4 40 °C to +105 °C W(Typ) x D D(Typ) x H(M Max) SOP-J8 4.90 mm x 6 6.00 mm x 1.65 mm Pitch 1.2 27 mm Figurre 6. Block D Diagram Table 1. BD7693FJ B PIN N description Pin No. Pin Name I/O 1 VS I 2 EO 3 Function ESD Diode e VCC GN ND F Feedback input pin - ○ O E Error amp outp put pin - ○ MULT I M Multiplier input pin - ○ 4 CS I O Over current prrotection pin - ○ 5 ZCD I Z Zero current de etection pin - ○ 6 GND - G GND pin ○ - 7 OUT O E External MOSF FET driver pin - ○ 8 VCC I P Power supply p pin - ○ ©2 2021 ROHM C Co., Ltd. 7/14 No. 63UG G102E Rev.001 1 Jan.2021 1 BD7693FJ-EVK-001 User’s Guide Performance Data Load Regulation VOUT vs VIN VOUT vs POUT 420.00 420 VOUT (V) 410 405 415.00 Vout 410.00 Vout 405.00 VOUT (V) 415 Vout Vout 400 395 Po=200W 400.00 395.00 390 390.00 385 385.00 380.00 380 0 100 80 200 Figure 7. Load Regulation (VoUT vs POUT) Figure 8. Line Regulation (VOUT vs VIN) THD vs VIN PF vs VIN 30.00 100W 200W PF THD (%) 150W 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 80 180 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 0.50 200W 80 280 180 280 VIN(V) VIN(V) Figure 9. Tatal Harmonic Distortion (THD vs VIN) © 2021 ROHM Co., Ltd. 280 VIN(V) POUT(W) 25.00 180 Figure 10. Power Factor (PF vs VIN) 8/14 No. 63UG102E Rev.001 Jan.2021 BD7693FJ-EVK-001 User’s Guide Performance data – Continued Efficiency Efficiency (%) Efficiency vs VIN 100.00 98.00 96.00 94.00 92.00 90.00 88.00 86.00 84.00 82.00 80.00 100W 150W 200W 80 180 280 VIN(V) Figure 11. Efficiency (Efficiency vs VIN) Harmonic Current Harmonic Spectrum of 200W Vin 100V Harmonic Current Class D limit Harmonic Current (A) 1 Harmonic Current (A) Harmonic Spectrum of 200W Vin 230V Harmonic Current 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 1 Class D limit 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 Harmonic number Harmonic number Figure 12. Harmonic Current VIN = 100 Vac © 2021 ROHM Co., Ltd. Figure 13. Harmonic Current VIN = 230 Vac 9/14 No. 63UG102E Rev.001 Jan.2021 BD7693FJ-EVK-001 Use er’s Guide e erformance Data – Continued C Pe Input Current In nput Voltage 1 100 V / Div Input Voltag ge 100 V / Divv In nput Current 2 A / Div Input Curre ent 2A / Div Figure 14.. Input Currentt VIN = 115 Vac, IOUT = 0.5 A Figure 15. Input Current VIN = 230 Vac, IOUT=0.5 A VDS,ID WaveForm VIN = 90 0 Vac Io = 0.5 A D-S Voltage 1 100 V / Div D D-S Voltage 10 00 V / Div Dra ain Current 2.5 5 A / Div Drrain Current 2.5 A / Div Figure 16.. VDS,ID VIN = 9 90 Vac IOUT = 0.5 A ©2 2021 ROHM C Co., Ltd. Figure 17. VDS,ID ZOOM 10/14 No. 63UG G102E Rev.001 1 Jan.2021 1 BD7693FJ-EVK-001 Use er’s Guide e erformance Data – Continued C Pe Hold time Vo out Voltage 10 00 V / Div In nput Current 5 A / Div Input Voltage 250 V / Div Figure 18. Hold time Start Up p Io = 0.5 A Input Voltage 250 V / Div Inp put Voltage 25 50 V / Div Input Volttage 250 V / D Div Input Current C 10 A / Div Input Curre ent 10 A / Div Vout V /VDiv t Voltage 100 Vo out Voltage 10 00 / Div Vout Volttage 100 V / Div D Figure 19. Start Up p VIN = 90 Vac ©2 2021 ROHM C Co., Ltd. Figure 20.Start Up VIN = 264 Vac 11/14 No. 63UG G102E Rev.001 1 Jan.2021 1 BD7693FJ-EVK-001 Use er’s Guide e erformance Data - C Continued Pe ad Transient Loa Io = 0.05 A ⇔ 0.5 A Input Curren nt 5 A / Div Input Current C 5A/D Div Outpu ut Voltage 100 0 V / Div Output Volttage 100 V / Div D Outtput Voltage 100 V / Div Output Current 0.5 A / Div Outp put Current 0.5 5 A / Div Figure e 21. Load Transient VIN = 90 0 Vac Output ripple Figure 22. Load Transien nt VIN = 264 Vac a Io o = 0.5 A Vout Voltag ge 5 V / Div Vou ut Voltage 5 V / Div Figure 23. Output rip pple VIN = 90 Vac ©2 2021 ROHM C Co., Ltd. utput ripple VINN = 264 Vac Figure 24. Ou 12/14 No. 63UG G102E Rev.001 1 Jan.2021 1 BD7693FJ-EVK-001 Use er’s Guide e erformance Data - C Continued Pe E EMI C Conducted Em mission: CISPR R22 Pub 22 Class B Figure 25. VIN = 100 Vac / 6 60 Hz, IOUT = 0.5 0 A ©2 2021 ROHM C Co., Ltd. Figure 26. VIN = 23 30 Vac / 60 Hz,, IOUT = 0.5 A 13/14 No. 63UG G102E Rev.001 1 Jan.2021 1 BD7693FJ-EVK-001 User’s Guide Revision History Date Rev. 4.March.2021 001 © 2021 ROHM Co., Ltd. Changes New Release 14/14 No. 63UG102E Rev.001 Jan.2021 Notice Notes 1) The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 2) Before you use our Products, please contact our sales representative and verify the latest specifications : 3) Although ROHM is continuously working to improve product reliability and quality, semiconductors can break down and malfunction due to various factors. Therefore, in order to prevent personal injury or fire arising from failure, please take safety measures such as complying with the derating characteristics, implementing redundant and fire prevention designs, and utilizing backups and fail-safe procedures. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages arising out of the use of our Poducts beyond the rating specified by ROHM. 4) Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained herein are provided only to illustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions must be taken into account when designing circuits for mass production. 5) The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of and examples of application circuits for the Products. ROHM does not grant you, explicitly or implicitly, any license to use or exercise intellectual property or other rights held by ROHM or any other parties. ROHM shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any dispute arising out of the use of such technical information. 6) The Products specified in this document are not designed to be radiation tolerant. 7) For use of our Products in applications requiring a high degree of reliability (as exemplified below), please contact and consult with a ROHM representative : transportation equipment (i.e. cars, ships, trains), primary communication equipment, traffic lights, fire/crime prevention, safety equipment, medical systems, servers, solar cells, and power transmission systems. 8) Do not use our Products in applications requiring extremely high reliability, such as aerospace equipment, nuclear power control systems, and submarine repeaters. 9) ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or injury arising from non-compliance with the recommended usage conditions and specifications contained herein. 10) ROHM has used reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this document. However, ROHM does not warrants that such information is error-free, and ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of such information. 11) Please use the Products in accordance with any applicable environmental laws and regulations, such as the RoHS Directive. For more details, including RoHS compatibility, please contact a ROHM sales office. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or losses resulting non-compliance with any applicable laws or regulations. 12) When providing our Products and technologies contained in this document to other countries, you must abide by the procedures and provisions stipulated in all applicable export laws and regulations, including without limitation the US Export Administration Regulations and the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act. 13) This document, in part or in whole, may not be reprinted or reproduced without prior consent of ROHM. Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations. More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact us. ROHM Customer Support System https://www.rohm.com/contact/ www.rohm.com © 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. R1102B
BD7693FJ-EVK-001 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+2396.044941+290.16691


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+1604.375681+194.29382
    • 10+1580.4305010+191.39400
    • 50+1572.4433850+190.42674
    • 100+1568.45387100+189.94360
    • 500+1566.05854500+189.65352
    • 1000+1563.323331000+189.32228
    • 2000+1561.267892000+189.07336
    • 4000+1559.673704000+188.88030


      •  国内价格
      • 1+1930.61413
      • 5+1891.99475


        •  国内价格
        • 1+1612.39770


          •  国内价格
          • 1+1930.61413
