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    eMMC Managed NAND闪存解决方案支持移动应用程序

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KLMAG2WEMB-B031 数据手册
SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.0 Jun. 2013 KLMxGxxEMx-B031 Samsung e·MMC Product family e.MMC 5.0 Specification compatibility datasheet SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE PRODUCTS, INFORMATION AND SPECIFICATIONS WITHOUT NOTICE. Products and specifications discussed herein are for reference purposes only. All information discussed herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis, without warranties of any kind. This document and all information discussed herein remain the sole and exclusive property of Samsung Electronics. No license of any patent, copyright, mask work, trademark or any other intellectual property right is granted by one party to the other party under this document, by implication, estoppel or otherwise. Samsung products are not intended for use in life support, critical care, medical, safety equipment, or similar applications where product failure could result in loss of life or personal or physical harm, or any military or defense application, or any governmental procurement to which special terms or provisions may apply. For updates or additional information about Samsung products, contact your nearest Samsung office. All brand names, trademarks and registered trademarks belong to their respective owners. ⓒ 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. -1- KLMxGxxEMx-B031 SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet e·MMC Revision History Revision No. 0.0 History 1. Initial issue Draft Date Remark Editor Jun. 26, 2013 Target S.M.Lee IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. -2- KLMxGxxEMx-B031 datasheet SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 Table Of Contents 1.0 PRODUCT LIST.......................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.0 KEY FEATURES......................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.0 PACKAGE CONFIGURATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 5 3.1 153 Ball Pin Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 5 3.1.1 11.5mm x 13mm x 0.8mm Package Dimension................................................................................................ 6 3.2 Product Architecture ................................................................................................................................................ 7 4.0 e.MMC 5.0 feature ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1 HS400 mode............................................................................................................................................................ 8 5.0 Technical Notes .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 5.1 S/W Agorithm .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 5.1.1 Partition Management ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Boot Area Partition and RPMB Area Partition ............................................................................................ 10 Enhanced Partition (Area) .......................................................................................................................... 10 5.1.2 Boot operation................................................................................................................................................... 11 5.1.3 User Density...................................................................................................................................................... 12 5.1.4 Auto Power Saving Mode.................................................................................................................................. 12 5.1.5 Performance...................................................................................................................................................... 13 6.0 REGISTER VALUE ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 6.1 OCR Register .......................................................................................................................................................... 14 6.2 CID Register ............................................................................................................................................................ 14 6.2.1 Product name table (In CID Register) ............................................................................................................... 14 6.3 CSD Register........................................................................................................................................................... 15 6.4 Extended CSD Register .......................................................................................................................................... 16 7.0 AC PARAMETER........................................................................................................................................................ 21 7.1 Timing Parameter .................................................................................................................................................... 21 7.2 Previous Bus Timing Parameters for DDR52 and HS200 mode are defined by JEDEC standard.......................... 21 7.3 Bus Timing Specification in HS400 mode ............................................................................................................... 22 7.3.1 HS400 Device Input Timing .............................................................................................................................. 22 7.3.2 HS400 Device Output Timing............................................................................................................................ 23 7.4 Bus signal levels...................................................................................................................................................... 24 7.4.1 Open-drain mode bus signal level..................................................................................................................... 24 7.4.2 Push-pull mode bus signal level eMMC ............................................................................................................ 24 8.0 DC PARAMETER ....................................................................................................................................................... 25 8.1 Active Power Consumption during operation .......................................................................................................... 25 8.2 Standby Power Consumption in auto power saving mode and standby state........................................................ 25 8.3 Sleep Power Consumption in Sleep State.............................................................................................................. 25 8.4 Supply Voltage ........................................................................................................................................................ 25 8.5 Bus Signal Line Load............................................................................................................................................... 26 IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. -3- e·MMC SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC INTRODUCTION SAMSUNG e·MMC is an embedded MMC solution designed in a BGA package form. e·MMC operation is identical to a MMC device and therefore is a simple read and write to memory using MMC protocol v5.0 which is a industry standard. e·MMC consists of NAND flash and a MMC controller. 3V supply voltage is required for the NAND area (VDDF or VCC) whereas 1.8V or 3V dual supply voltage (VDD or VCCQ) is supported for the MMC controller. SAMSUNG e•MMC supports 200MHz DDR – up to 400MBps with bus widths of 8 bit in order to improve sequential bandwidth, especially sequential read performance. There are several advantages of using e·MMC. It is easy to use as the MMC interface allows easy integration with any microprocessor with MMC host. Any revision or amendment of NAND is invisible to the host as the embedded MMC controller insulates NAND technology from the host. This leads to faster product development as well as faster times to market. The embedded flash management software or FTL(Flash Transition Layer) of e·MMC manages Wear Leveling, Bad Block Management and ECC. The FTL supports all features of the Samsung NAND flash and achieves optimal performance. 1.0 PRODUCT LIST [Table 1] Product List Capacities e·MMC Part ID 4 GB KLM4G1YEMD-B031 NAND Flash Type User Density (%) 32Gb x 1 8 GB KLM8G1WEMB-B031 64Gb x 1 16 GB KLMAG2WEMB-B031 64Gb x 2 91.0% Power System Package size Pin Configuration - Interface power : VDD (1.70V ~ 1.95V or 2.7V ~ 3.6V) - Memory power : VDDF (2.7V ~ 3.6V) 11.5mm x 13mm x 0.8mm 153FBGA 2.0 KEY FEATURES embedded MultiMediaCard Ver. 5.0 compatible. Detail description is referenced by JEDEC Standard SAMSUNG e·MMC supports features of eMMC5.0 which are defined in JEDEC Standard - Supported Features : Packed command, Cache, Discard, Sanitize, Power Off Notification, Data Tag, Partition types, Context ID, Real Time Clock, Dynamic Device Capacity, HS200 - Non-supported Features : Large Sector Size (4KB)  Additional features of eMMC5.0 : HS400 mode (200MHz DDR - up to 400Mbps), Field Firmware Update, Device Health Report, Sleep Notification, Secure Removal Type  Full backward compatibility with previous MultiMediaCard system specification (1bit data bus, multi-e·MMC systems)  Data bus width : 1bit (Default), 4bit and 8bit  MMC I/F Clock Frequency : 0 ~ 200MHz MMC I/F Boot Frequency : 0 ~ 52MHz  Temperature : Operation (-25C ~ 85C), Storage without operation (-40C ~ 85C)  Power : Interface power → VDD(VCCQ) (1.70V ~ 1.95V or 2.7V ~ 3.6V) , Memory power → VDDF(VCC) (2.7V ~ 3.6V) IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. -4- KLMxGxxEMx-B031 SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet e·MMC 3.0 PACKAGE CONFIGURATIONS 3.1 153 Ball Pin Configuration [Table 2] 153 Ball Information Pin NO Name A3 DAT0 A4 DAT1 A5 DAT2 B2 DAT3 B3 DAT4 B4 DAT5 B5 DAT6 B6 DAT7 NC DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU K5 RSTN C6 VDD A DAT0 DAT1 DAT2 M4 VDD B DAT3 DAT4 DAT5 DAT6 DAT7 N4 VDD C VDDI P3 VDD P5 VDD E6 VDDF F5 VDDF J10 VDDF 1 2 3 4 5 Vss 6 7 Vss RFU E RFU VDDF F G RFU RFU C2 VDDI J M5 CMD K RSTN RFU L VDD CMD CLK VDD Vss Vss VDD VSS A6 VSS C4 VSS E7 VSS G5 VSS H10 VSS K8 VSS N2 VSS N5 VSS P4 VSS P6 VSS M N Vss P VDD RFU Vss Vss J5 RFU RFU H CLK Vss VDDF VDDF Data Strobe RFU 10 11 12 13 14 D K9 H5 9 VDD Data Strobe M6 8 Vss RFU Vss VDDF RFU Vss VDDF RFU RFU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU DNU Figure 1. 153-FBGA  CLK : Clock input  Data Strobe : Newly assigned pin for HS400 mode. Data Strobe is generated from e.MMC to host. In HS400 mode, read data and CRC response are synchronized with Data Strobe.  CMD : A bidirectional signal used for device initialization and command transfers. Command operates in two modes, open-drain for initialization and push-pull for fast command transfer.  DAT0-7 : Bidirectional data channels. It operates in push-pull mode.  RST_n : H/W reset signal pin  VDDF(VCC) : Supply voltage for flash memory  VDD(VCCQ) : Supply voltage for memory controller  VDDi : Internal power node to stabilize regulator output to controller core logics  VSS : Ground connections IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. -5- DNU SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC 3.1.1 11.5mm x 13mm x 0.8mm Package Dimension #A1 INDEX MARK 11.50±0.10 0.08 MAX 11.50±0.10 A 0.50 x 13 = 6.50 B 1413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (Datum A) 153-0.30±0.05  0.2 M 3.25 0.50 AB 0.22±0.05 0.70±0.10 BOTTOM VIEW TOP VIEW Figure 2. 11.5mm x 13mm x 0.8mm Package Dimension IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. -6- 13.00±0.10 0.50 x 13 = 6.50 3.25 0.50 A B (Datum B) C D E F G H J K L M N P 13.00±0.10 13.00±0.10 #A1 SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC 3.2 Product Architecture - e·MMC consists of NAND Flash and Controller. VDD (VCCQ) is for Controller power and VDDF (VCC)is for flash power VDDF CReg Data Strobe CLK CMD DAT[7:0] Core Regulator (Required for 3.3V VDD) VDDi Core Logic Block NAND I/O Block RESET MMC I/O Block VDD Control Signal Memory Data Bus MMC Controller Figure 3. e·MMC Block Diagram IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. -7- SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC 4.0 e.MMC 5.0 feature 4.1 HS400 mode e.MMC5.0 product supports high speed DDR interface timing mode up to 400MB/s at 200MHz with 1.8V I/O supply. HS400 mode supports the following features :  DDR Data sampling method CLK frequency up to 200MHz DDR – up to 400Mbps Only 8-bits bus width available Signaling levels of 1.8V Six selectable Drive Strength (refer to the table below) [Table 3] I/O driver strength types Driver Type HS200 & HS400 Support Nominal Impedance Approximated driving capability compared to Type-0 0 Default 50Ω x1 Default Driver Type. Supports up to 200MHz operation. 1 Optional 33Ω x1.5 Supports up to 200MHz Operation. 2 Optional 66Ω x0.75 The weakest driver that supports up to 200MHz operation. 3 Optional 100Ω x0.5 For low noise and low EMI systems. Maximal operating frequency is decided by Host design. 4 Optional 40Ω x1.2 Supports up to 200MHz DDR operation Remark NOTE: 1) Support of Driver Type-0 is default for HS200 & HS400 Device, while supporting Driver types 1~5 are optional for HS200 & HS400 Device. 2) It is being discussed in JEDEC and is not confirmed yet. It can be modified according to JEDEC standard in the future. [Table 4] Device type values (EXT_CSD register : DEVICE_TYPE [196]) Bit Device Type Supportability 7 HS400 Dual Data Rate e•MMC @ 200 MHz - 1.2V I/O Not support 6 HS400 Dual Data Rate e•MMC @ 200 MHz - 1.8V I/O Support 5 HS200 Single Data Rate e•MMC @ 200 MHz - 1.2V I/O Not support 4 HS200 Single Data Rate e•MMC @ 200 MHz - 1.8V I/O Support 3 High-Speed Dual Data Rate e•MMC @ 52MHz - 1.2V I/O Not support 2 High-Speed Dual Data Rate e•MMC @ 52MHz - 1.8V or 3V I/O Support 1 High-Speed e•MMC @ 52MHz - at rated device voltage(s) Support 0 High-Speed e•MMC @ 26MHz - at rated device voltage(s) Support NOTE: 1) It is being discussed in JEDEC and is not confirmed yet. It can be modified according to JEDEC standard in the future. [Table 5] Extended CSD revisions (EXT_CSD register : EXT_CSD_REV [192]) Value 255-8 Timing Interface EXT_CSD Register Value Reserved 0x071) 7 Revision 1.7 (for MMC V5.0) 6 Revision 1.6 (for MMC V4.5, V4.51) - 5 Revision 1.5 (for MMC V4.41) - 4 Revision 1.4 (Obsolete) - 3 Revision 1.3 (for MMC V4.3) - 2 Revision 1.2 (for MMC V4.2) - 1 Revision 1.1 (for MMC V4.1) - 0 Revision 1.0 (for MMC V4.0) - NOTE: 1) Current eMMC standard defined by JEDEC supports up to 0x06 for EXT_CSD_REV value, 0x07 is additionally assigned to support e.MMC5.0 product. It is being discussed in JEDEC and is not confirmed yet. It can be modified according to JEDEC standard in the future. IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. -8- KLMxGxxEMx-B031 datasheet SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 e·MMC [Table 6] High speed timing values (EXT_CSD register : HS_TIMING [185]) Value 0x0 Timing Interface Supportability Selecting backwards compatibility interface timing Support 0x1 High Speed Support 0x2 HS200 Support 0x3 HS400 Support NOTE: 1) It is being discussed in JEDEC and is not confirmed yet. It can be modified according to JEDEC standard in the future. IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. -9- SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC 5.0 Technical Notes 5.1 S/W Agorithm 5.1.1 Partition Management The device initially consists of two Boot Partitions and RPMB Partition and User Data Area. The User Data Area can be divided into four General Purpose Area Partitions and User Data Area partition. Each of the General Purpose Area partitions and a section of User Data Area partition can be configured as enhanced partition. Boot Area Partition and RPMB Area Partition Boot Partition size & RPMB Partition Size are set by the following command sequence : [Table 7] Setting sequence of Boot Area Partition size and RPMB Area Partition size Function Partition Size Change Mode Command Description CMD62(0xEFAC62EC) Enter the Partition Size Change Mode Partition Size Set Mode CMD62(0x00CBAEA7) Partition Size setting mode Set Boot Partition Size CMD62(BOOT_SIZE_MULT) Boot Partition Size value Set RPMB Partition Size CMD62(RPMB_SIZE_MULT) RPMB Partition Size value F/W Re-Partition is executed in this step. Power Cycle Boot partition size is calculated as (128KB * BOOT_SIZE_MULT) The size of Boot Area Partition 1 and 2 can not be set independently. It is set as same value. RPMB partition size is calculated as (128KB * RPMB_SIZE_MULT). In RPMB partition, CMD 0, 6, 8, 12, 13, 15, 18, 23, 25 are admitted. Access Size of RPMB partition is defined as the below: [Table 8] REL_WR_SEC_C value for write operation on RPMB partition REL_WR_SEC_C Description REL_WR_SEC_C = 1 Access sizes 256B and 512B supported to RPMB partition REL_WR_SEC_C > 1 Access sizes up to REL_WR_SEC_C * 512B supported to RPMB partition with 256B granularity Any undefined set of parameters or sequence of commands results in failure access. If the failure is in data programming case, the data is not programmed. And if the failure occurs in data read case, the read data is ‘0x00’. Enhanced Partition (Area) SAMSUNG e·MMC adopts Enhanced User Data Area as SLC Mode. Therefore when master adopts some portion as enhanced user data area in User Data Area, that area occupies triple size of original set up size. ( ex> if master set 1MB for enhanced mode, total 3MB user data area is needed to generate 1MB enhanced area) Max Enhanced User Data Area size is defined as (MAX_ENH_SIZE_MULT x HC_WP_GRP_SIZE x HC_ERASE_GRP_SIZE x 512kBytes) IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 10 - SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC 5.1.2 Boot operation Device supports not only boot mode but also alternative boot mode. Device supports high speed timing and dual data rate during boot. CLK CMD CMD1 DAT[0] S 010 E S 512bytes +CRC RESP CMD2 E Boot terminated (1) MIn 8 cloks + 48 clocks = 56 clocks required from CMD signal high to next MMC command. (2) *(1) Boot ACK Time (2) Boot Data Time Figure 4. embedded MultiMediaCard state diagram (boot mode) CLK CMD CMD01 CMD0CMD1 Reset DAT[0] S Min74 Clocks required after power is stable to start boot command RESP 010 (1) E S 512bytes +CRC CMD1 RESP E (3) Boot terminated (2) *(1) Boot ACK Time (2) Boot Data Time (3) CMD1 Time *CMD0 with argument 0xFFFFFFFA Figure 5. embedded MultiMediaCard state diagram (alternative boot mode) [Table 9] Boot ack, boot data and initialization Time Timing Factor Value (1) Boot ACK Time < 50 ms (2) Boot Data Time < 100 ms (3) Initialization Time1) < 3 secs NOTE: 1) This initialization time includes partition setting, Please refer to INI_TIMEOUT_AP in 6.4 Extended CSD Register. Normal initialization time (without partition setting) is completed within 1sec IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 11 - CMD2 SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC 5.1.3 User Density Total User Density depends on device type. For example, 32MB in the SLC Mode requires 96MB in TLC. This results in decreasing of user density 4 General Purpose Partitions (GPP) Boot Partition #1  RPMB 1 2 Enhanced User Data Area 4 3 User Density [Table 10] Capacity according to partition 4,8 GB 16 GB Boot partition 1 Boot partition 2 RPMB Default. 4,096KB 4,096KB 512KB Max. 4,096KB 4,096KB 4,096KB Default. 4,096KB 4,096KB 4,096KB Max. 4,096KB 4,096KB 4,096KB [Table 11] Maximum Enhanced Partition Size Device Max. Enhanced Partition Size 4 GB TBD 8 GB TBD 16 GB TBD [Table 12] User Density Size Device User Density Size 4 GB 3,909,091,328 Bytes 8 GB 7,818,182,656 Bytes 16 GB 15,634,268,160 Bytes 5.1.4 Auto Power Saving Mode If host does not issue any command during a certain duration (1ms), after previously issued command is completed, the device enters "Power Saving mode" to reduce power consumption. At this time, commands arriving at the device while it is in power saving mode will be serviced in normal fashion [Table 13] Auto Power Saving Mode enter and exit Mode Auto Power Saving Mode Enter Condition When previous operation which came from Host is completed and no command is issued during a certain time. Escape Condition If Host issues any command [Table 14] Auto Power Saving Mode and Sleep Mode Auto Power Saving Mode Sleep Mode NAND Power ON OFF GotoSleep Time < 1ms < 1ms IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 12 - KLMxGxxEMx-B031 SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet e·MMC 5.1.5 Performance [Table 15] Performance Density 4 GB 8 GB 16 GB Sequential Read (MB/s) Sequential Write (MB/s) 90 6 170 11 * Test / Estimation Condition : Bus width x8, 200MHz DDR, 512KB data transfer, w/o file system overhead IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 13 - SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC 6.0 REGISTER VALUE 6.1 OCR Register The 32-bit operation conditions register stores the VDD voltage profile of the e·MMC. In addition, this register includes a status information bit. This status bit is set if the e·MMC power up procedure has been finished. The OCR register shall be implemented by all e·MMCs. [Table 16] OCR Register OCR bit VDD voltage window2 Register Value [6:0] Reserved 00 00000b [7] 1.70 - 1.95 1b [14:8] 2.0-2.6 000 0000b [23:15] 2.7-3.6 1 1111 1111b [28:24] Reserved 0 0000b [30:29] Access Mode 00b (byte mode) 10b (sector mode) -[ *Higher than 2GB only] [31] e·MMC power up status bit (busy)1 NOTE : 1) This bit is set to LOW if the e·MMC has not finished the power up routine 2) The voltage for internal flash memory(VDDF) should be 2.7-3.6v regardless of OCR Register value. 6.2 CID Register [Table 17] CID Register Name Field Width CID-slice CID Value Manufacturer ID MID 8 [127:120] 0x15 6 [119:114] --- Card/BGA Reserved CBX 2 [113:112] 01 OEM/Application ID OID 8 [111:104] ---1 Product name PNM 48 [103:56] See Product name table Product revision PRV 8 [55:48] ---2 Product serial number PSN 32 [47:16] ---3 Manufacturing date MDT 8 [15:8] ---4 CRC7 checksum CRC 7 [7:1] ---5 not used, always ’1’ - 1 [0:0] --- NOTE : 1),4),5) description are same as e.MMC JEDEC standard 2) PRV is composed of the revision count of controller and the revision count of F/W patch 3) A 32 bits unsigned binary integer. (Random Number) 6.2.1 Product name table (In CID Register) [Table 18] Product name table Part Number Density Product Name in CID Register (PNM) KLM4G1YEMD-B031 4 GB TBD KLM8G1WEMB-B031 8 GB TBD KLMAG2WEMB-B031 16 GB TBD IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 14 - KLMxGxxEMx-B031 SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet e·MMC 6.3 CSD Register The Card-Specific Data register provides information on how to access the e·MMC contents. The CSD defines the data format, error correction type, maximum data access time, data transfer speed, whether the DSR register can be used etc. The programmable part of the register (entries marked by W or E, see below) can be changed by CMD27. The type of the entries in the table below is coded as follows: R : Read only W: One time programmable and not readable. R/W: One time programmable and readable. W/E : Multiple writable with value kept after power failure, H/W reset assertion and any CMD0 reset and not readable. R/W/E: Multiple writable with value kept after power failure, H/W reset assertion and any CMD0 reset and readable. R/W/C_P: Writable after value cleared by power failure and HW/ rest assertion (the value not cleared by CMD0 reset) and readable. R/W/E_P: Multiple writable with value reset after power failure, H/W reset assertion and any CMD0 reset and readable. W/E/_P: Multiple wtitable with value reset after power failure, H/W reset assertion and any CMD0 reset and not readable. [Table 19] CSD Register CSD Value Name Field Width Cell Type CSD-slice CSD structure CSD_STRUCTURE 2 R [127:126] 0x03 System specification version SPEC_VERS 4 R [125:122] 0x04 Reserved - 2 R [121:120] - 4 GB 8 GB Data read access-time 1 TAAC 8 R [119:112] 0x27 Data read access-time 2 in CLK cycles (NSAC*100) NSAC 8 R [111:104] 0x01 Max. bus clock frequency TRAN_SPEED 8 R [103:96] 0x32 Device command classes CCC 12 R [95:84] 0xF5 Max. read data block length READ_BL_LEN 4 R [83:80] 0x09 Partial blocks for read allowed READ_BL_PARTIAL 1 R [79:79] 0x00 Write block misalignment WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN 1 R [78:78] 0x00 Read block misalignment READ_BLK_MISALIGN 1 R [77:77] 0x00 DSR implemented DSR_IMP 1 R [76:76] 0x00 Reserved - 2 R [75:74] - Device size C_SIZE 12 R [73:62] 0xFFF Max. read current @ VDD min VDD_R_CURR_MIN 3 R [61:59] 0x06 Max. read current @ VDD max VDD_R_CURR_MAX 3 R [58:56] 0x06 Max. write current @ VDD min VDD_W_CURR_MIN 3 R [55:53] 0x06 Max. write current @ VDD max VDD_W_CURR_MAX 3 R [52:50] 0x06 Device size multiplier C_SIZE_MULT 3 R [49:47] 0x07 Erase group size ERASE_GRP_SIZE 5 R [46:42] 0x1F Erase group size multiplier ERASE_GRP_MULT 5 R [41:37] 0x1F Write protect group size WP_GRP_SIZE 5 R [36:32] 0x0F Write protect group enable WP_GRP_ENABLE 1 R [31:31] 0x01 Manufacturer default ECC DEFAULT_ECC 2 R [30:29] Write speed factor R2W_FACTOR 3 R [28:26] Max. write data block length WRITE_BL_LEN 4 R [25:22] 0x09 Partial blocks for write allowed WRITE_BL_PARTIAL 1 R [21:21] 0x00 0x00 0x03 0x04 Reserved - 4 R [20:17] - Content protection application CONTENT_PROT_APP 1 R [16:16] 0x00 File format group FILE_FORMAT_GRP 1 R/W [15:15] 0x00 Copy flag (OTP) COPY 1 R/W [14:14] 0x01 Permanent write protection PERM_WRITE_PROTECT 1 R/W [13:13] 0x00 Temporary write protection TMP_WRITE_PROTECT 1 R/W/E [12:12] 0x00 File format FILE_FORMAT 2 R/W [11:10] 0x00 ECC code ECC 2 R/W/E [9:8] 0x00 CRC CRC 7 R/W/E [7:1] - Not used, always’1’ - 1 — [0:0] - IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 15 - 16 GB SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC 6.4 Extended CSD Register The Extended CSD register defines the e·MMC properties and selected modes. It is 512 bytes long. The most significant 320 bytes are the Properties segment, which defines the e·MMC capabilities and cannot be modified by the host. The lower 192 bytes are the Modes segment, which defines the configuration the e·MMC is working in. These modes can be changed by the host by means of the SWITCH command. R : Read only W: One time programmable and not readable. R/W: One time programmable and readable. W/E : Multiple writable with value kept after power failure, H/W reset assertion and any CMD0 reset and not readable. R/W/E: Multiple writable with value kept after power failure, H/W reset assertion and any CMD0 reset and readable. R/W/C_P: Writable after value cleared by power failure and HW/ rest assertion (the value not cleared by CMD0 reset) and readable. R/W/E_P: Multiple writable with value reset after power failure, H/W reset assertion and any CMD0 reset and readable. W/E/_P: Multiple wtitable with value reset after power failure, H/W reset assertion and any CMD0 reset and not readable [Table 20] Extended CSD Register Name Size (Bytes) Field CSD Value Cell Type CSD-slice 6 - [511:506] - EXT_SECURITY_ERR 1 R [505] 0x00 Supported Command Sets S_CMD_SET 1 R [504] 0x01 HPI features HPI_FEATURES 1 R [503] 0x01 Background operations support BKOPS_SUPPORT 1 R [502] 0x01 Max packed read commands MAX_PACKED_READS 1 R [501] 0x3F Max packed write commands MAX_PACKED_WRITES 1 R [500] 0x3F Data Tag Support DATA_TAG_SUPPORT 1 R [499] 0x01 4 GB 8 GB Properties Segment Reserved1 Extended Security Commands Error Tag Unit Size TAG_UNIT_SIZE 1 R [498] 0x04 Tag Resources Size TAG_RES_SIZE 1 R [497] 0x00 Context management capabilities CONTEXT_CAPABILITIES 1 R [496] 0x05 Large Unit size LARGE_UNIT_SIZE_M1 1 R [495] 0x07 Extended partitions attribute support EXT_SUPPORT 1 R [494] 0x03 Supported modes SUPPORTED_MODES 1 R [493] 0x01 FFU features FFU_FEATURES 1 R [492] 0x00 Operation codes timeout OPERATION_CODE_TIMEOUT 1 R [491] 0x00 FFU Argument FFU_ARG Reserved 1 4 R [490:487] 0x00 181 - [486:306] - Number of received sectors NUMBER_OF_RECEIVED_ SECTORS 4 R [305:302] 0x00 Vendor proprietary health report VENDOR_PROPRIETARY_ HEALTH_REPORT 32 R [301:270] 0x00 Device life time estimation type B DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_ TYP_B 1 R [269] 0x01 Device life time estimation type A DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_ TYP_A 1 R [268] 0x01 Pre EOL information PRE_EOL_INFO 1 R [267] 0x01 Optimal read size OPTIMAL_READ_SIZE 1 R [266] 0x00 Optimal write size OPTIMAL_WRITE_SIZE 1 R [265] TBD Optimal trim unit size OPTIMAL_TRIM_UNIT_SIZE 1 R [264] 0x01 Device version DEVICE_VERSION 2 R [263:262] 0x00 Firmware version FIRMWARE_VERSION 8 R [261:254] FW Patch Ver. Power class for 200MHz, DDR at VCC=3.6V PWR_CL_DDR_200_360 1 R [253] 0x00 Cache size CACHE_SIZE 4 R [252:249] 0x00010000 Generic CMD6 timeout GENERIC_CMD6_TIME 1 R [248] 0x0A IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 16 - 16 GB SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC Power off notification(long) timeout POWER_OFF_LONG_TIME 1 R [247] 0x3C Background operations status BKOPS_STATUS 1 R [246] 0x00 Number of correctly programmed sectors CORRECTLY_PRG_SECTORS _NUM 4 R [245:242] 0x00 1st initialization time after partitioning INI_TIMEOUT_AP 1 R [241] 0x1E 1 - [240] - Reserved1 Power class for 52MHz, DDR at Vcc = 3.6V PWR_CL_DDR_52_360 1 R [239] 0x00 Power class for 52MHz, DDR at Vcc = 1.95V PWR_CL_DDR_52_195 1 R [238] 0x00 Power class for 200MHz at Vccq = 1.95V, Vcc = 3.6V PWR_CL_200_195 1 R [237] 0x00 Power class for 200MHz, at Vccq = 1.3V, Vcc = 3.6V PWR_CL_200_130 1 R [236] 0x00 Minimum Write Performance for 8bit at 52MHz in DDR mode MIN_PERF_DDR_W_8_52 1 R [235] 0x00 Minimum Read Performance for 8bit at 52MHz in DDR mode MIN_PERF_DDR_R_8_52 1 R [234] 0x00 1 - [233] - 1 R [232] 0x02 Reserved1 TRIM Multiplier TRIM_MULT Secure Feature support SEC_FEATURE_SUPPORT 1 R [231] 0x55 Secure Erase Multiplier SEC_ERASE_MULT 1 R [230] 0x1B Secure TRIM Multiplier SEC_TRIM_MULT 1 R [229] 0x11 Boot information BOOT_INFO 1 R [228] 0x07 1 - [227] - Reserved1 Boot partition size BOOT_SIZE_MULT 1 R [226] 0x20 Access size ACC_SIZE 1 R [225] TBD High-capacity erase unit size HC_ERASE_GRP_SIZE 1 R [224] 0x01 High-capacity erase timeout ERASE_TIMEOUT_MULT 1 R [223] 0x01 Reliable write sector count REL_WR_SEC_C 1 R [222] 0x01 High-capacity write protect group size HC_WP_GRP_SIZE 1 R [221] 0x10 Sleep current (VCC) S_C_VCC 1 R [220] 0x07 Sleep current (VCCQ) S_C_VCCQ 1 R [219] 0x07 Product state awareness timeout PRODUCTION_STATE_ AWARENESS_TIMEOUT 1 R [218] 0x00 Sleep/awake timeout S_A_TIMEOUT 1 R [217] 0x11 Sleep Notification Timeout SLEEP_NOTIFICATION_TIME 1 R [216] 0x07 SEC_COUNT 4 R [215:212] 0x748000 0xE90000 0x1D1F000 1 - [211] - Sector Count Reserved 1 Minimum Write Performance for 8bit at 52MHz MIN_PERF_W_8_52 1 R [210] 0x00 Minimum Read Performance for 8bit at 52MHz MIN_PERF_R_8_52 1 R [209] 0x00 Minimum Write Performance for 8bit at 26MHz, for 4bit at 52MHz MIN_PERF_W_8_26_4_52 1 R [208] 0x00 Minimum Read Performance for 8bit at 26MHz, for 4bit at 52MHz MIN_PERF_R_8_26_4_52 1 R [207] 0x00 Minimum Write Performance for 4bit at 26MHz MIN_PERF_W_4_26 1 R [206] 0x00 Minimum Read Performance for 4bit at 26MHz MIN_PERF_R_4_26 1 R [205] 0x00 1 - [204] - PWR_CL_26_360 1 R [203] 0x00 Reserved1 Power class for 26MHz at 3.6V 1 R IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 17 - SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC Power class for 52MHz at 3.6V 1 R PWR_CL_52_360 1 R [202] 0x00 Power class for 26MHz at 1.95V 1 R PWR_CL_26_195 1 R [201] 0x00 Power class for 52MHz at 1.95V 1 R PWR_CL_52_195 1 R [200] 0x00 Partition switching timing PARTITION_SWITCH_TIME 1 R [199] 0x01 Out-of-interrupt busy timing OUT_OF_INTERRUPT_TIME 1 R [198] 0x05 I/O Driver Strength CSD structure version DRIVER_STRENGTH 1 R [197] 0x1F DEVICE_TYPE 1 R [196] 0x57 1 - [195] - 1 R [194] 0x02 1 - [193] - 1 R [192] 0x07 1 R/W/E_P [191] 0x00 1 - [190] - CMD_SET_REV 1 R [189] 0x00 1 - [188] - POWER_CLASS 1 R/W/E_P [187] 0x00 1 - [186] - HS_TIMING 1 R/W/E_P [185] 0x00 1 - [184] - BUS_WIDTH 1 W/E_P [183] 0x00 1 - [182] - 1 R [181] 0x00 1 - [180] - [179] 0x00 Device type Reserved 1 Reserved 1 CSD structure version CSD_STRUCTURE Extended CSD revision EXT_CSD_REV Command set CMD_SET Modes Segment Reserved1 Command set revision Reserved 1 Power class Reserved1 High-speed interface timing Reserved 1 Bus width mode Reserved1 Erased memory content ERASED_MEM_CONT Reserved 1 Partition configuration PARTITION_CONFIG 1 R/W/E & R/W/E_P Boot config protection BOOT_CONFIG_PROT 1 R/W & R/W/C_P [178] 0x00 Boot bus Conditions BOOT_BUS_CONDITIONS 1 R/W/E [177] 0x00 1 - [176] - Reserved1 High-density erase group definition ERASE_GROUP_DEF 1 R/W/E_P [175] 0x00 Boot write protection status registers BOOT_WP_STATUS 1 R [174] 0x00 Boot area write protection register BOOT_WP 1 R/W & R/W/C_P [173] 0x00 1 - [172] - 1 R/W, R/W/C_P &R/W/ E_P [171] 0x00 1 - [170] - R/W [169] 0x00 Reserved1 User area write protection register USER_WP Reserved1 FW configuration FW_CONFIG 1 RPMB Size RPMB_SIZE_MULT 1 R [168] Write reliability setting register WR_REL_SET 1 R/W [167] 0x1F Write reliability parameter register WR_REL_PARAM 1 R [166] 0x04 Start Sanitize operation SANITIZE_START 1 W/E_P [165] 0x00 Manually start background operations BKOPS_START 1 W/E_P [164] 0x00 Enable background operations handshake BKOPS_EN 1 R/W [163] 0x00 H/W reset function RST_n_FUNCTION 1 R/W [162] 0x00 HPI management HPI_MGMT 1 R/W/E_P [161] 0x00 IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 18 - 0x04 0x20 SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC Partitioning Support PARTITIONING_SUPPORT 1 R [160] 0x07 Max Enhanced Area Size MAX_ENH_SIZE_MULT 3 R [159:157] TBD Partitions attribute PARTITIONS_ATTRIBUTE 1 R/W [156] 0x00 Partitioning Setting PARTITION_SETTING_ COMPLETED 1 R/W [155] 0x00 General Purpose Partition Size GP_SIZE_MULT 12 R/W [154:143] 0x00 Enhanced User Data Area Size ENH_SIZE_MULT 3 R/W [142:140] 0x00 Enhanced User Data Start Address ENH_START_ADDR 4 R/W [139:136] 0x00 1 - [135] - Reserved 1 Bad Block Management mode SEC_BAD_BLK_MGMNT 1 R/W [134] 0x00 Production state awareness PRODUCTION_STATE_ AWARENESS 1 R/W/E [133] 0x00 Package Case Temperature is controlled TCASE_SUPPORT 1 W/E_P [132] 0x00 Periodic Wake-up PERIODIC_WAKEUP 1 R/W/E [131] 0x00 Program CID/CSD in DDR mode support PROGRAM_CID_CSD_DDR_S UPPORT 1 R [130] 0x01 64 - [129:66] - 2 R [65:64] 0x0F Reserved1 Optimized Features OPTIMIZED_FEATURES Native sector size NATIVE_SECTOR_SIZE 1 R [63] 0x00 Sector size emulation USE_NATIVE_SECTOR 1 R/W [62] 0x00 Sector size DATA_SECTOR_SIZE 1 R [61] 0x00 1st initialization after disabling sector size emulation INI_TIMEOUT_EMU 1 R [60] 0x00 Class 6 commands control CLASS_6_CTRL 1 R/W/E_P [59] 0x00 Number of addressed group to be Released DYNCAP_NEEDED 1 R [58] 0x00 Exception events control EXCEPTION_EVENTS_CTRL 2 R/W/E_P [57:56] 0x00 Exception events status EXCEPTION_EVENTS_STATU S 2 R [55:54] 0x00 Extended Partitions Attribute EXT_PARTITIONS_ATTRIBUTE 2 R/W [53:52] 0x00 Context configuration CONTEXT_CONF 15 R/W/E_P [51:37] 0x00 Packed command status PACKED_COMMAND_STATUS 1 R [36] 0x00 Packed command failure index PACKED_FAILURE_INDEX 1 R [35] 0x00 Power Off Notification POWER_OFF_NOTIFICATION 1 R/W/E_P [34] 0x00 Control to turn the Cache ON/OFF CACHE_CTRL 1 R/W/E_P [33] 0x00 Flushing of the cache FLUSH_CACHE 1 W/E_P [32] 0x00 1 - [31] - MODE_CONFIG 1 R/W/E_P [30] 0x00 MODE_OPERATION_CODES 1 W/E_P [29] 0x00 2 - [28:27] - Reserved1 Mode config Mode operation codes Reserved 1 FFU status FFU_STATUS 1 R [26] 0x00 Pre loading data size PRE_LOADING_DATA_SIZE 4 R/W/E_P [25:22] 0x00 Max pre loading data size MAX_PRE_LOADING_DATA_ SIZE 4 R [21:18] 0x00 Product state awareness enablement PRODUCT_STATE_AWARENE SS_ENABLEMENT 1 R/W/E & R [17] 0x00 SECURE_REMOVAL_TYPE 1 R/W & R [16] 0x09 16 - [15:0] - Secure Removal Type Reserved 1 NOTE : 1) Reserved bits should be read as “0.” IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 19 - SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC 7.0 AC PARAMETER 7.1 Timing Parameter [Table 21] Timing Parameter Timing Paramter Initialization Time (tINIT) Normal 1) 2) Max. Value Unit 1 s 3 s Read Timeout 100 ms Write Timeout 350 ms Erase Timeout 20 ms Force Erase Timeout 3 min Secure Erase Timeout 8 s Secure Trim step1 Timeout 5 s Secure Trim step2 Timeout 3 s After partition setting Trim Timeout 600 ms Partition Switching Timeout (after Init) 1 ms Power Off Notification (Short) Timeout 100 ms Power Off Notification (Long) Timeout 600 ms NOTE: 1) Normal Initialization Time without partition setting 2) Initialization Time after partition setting, refer to INI_TIMEOUT_AP in 6.4 EXT_CSD register 3) Be advised Timeout Values specified in Table above are for testing purposes under Samsung test pattern only and actual timeout situations may vary 4) EXCEPTION_EVENT may occur and the actual timeout values may vary due to user environment 7.2 Previous Bus Timing Parameters for DDR52 and HS200 mode are defined by JEDEC standard IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 20 - SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC 7.3 Bus Timing Specification in HS400 mode 7.3.1 HS400 Device Input Timing tPERIOD VCCQ VIH CLOCK INPUT VT VIL VSS tTLH tISUddr VCCQ tIHddr VIH DAT[7-0] INPUT VIL tTHL tISUddr tIHddr VIH VALID WINDOW VIL VALID WINDOW VSS Figure 6. HS400 Device Input Timing NOTE: 1) tISU and tIH are measured at VIL(max.) and VIH(min). 2) VIH denotes VIH(min.) and VIL denotes VIL(max.) [Table 22] HS400 Device input timing Parameter Symbol Min Max. Unit Cycle time data transfer mode tPERIOD 5 - ns Clock rising / falling time tTLH, tTHL - 0.1·tPERIOD (=0.5) ns 46 54 % Input CLK Clock duty cycle Input DAT (referenced to CLK) Input set-up time tISUddr 0.4 ns Input hold time tIHddr 0.4 ns NOTE : 1) It is being discussed in JEDEC and is not confirmed yet. It can be modified according to JEDEC standard in the future. IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 21 - SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC 7.3.2 HS400 Device Output Timing Data Strobe is used to read data (data read and CRC status response read) in HS400 mode. The device output value of Data Strobe is “High-Z” when the device is not in outputting data(data read, CRC status response). Data Strobe is toggled only during data read period. tPERIOD VCCQ Data Strobe OUTPUT VOH VT VOL VSS tTLH tTHL tRQH tRQ VCCQ VOH DAT[7-0] OUTPUT VOH VALID WINDOW VOL VOL VALID WINDOW VSS Figure 7. HS400 Device Output Timing NOTE: VOH denotes VOH(min.) and VOL denotes VOL(max.). [Table 23] HS400 Device Output timing Parameter Symbol Min Max. Unit Cycle time data transfer mode tPERIOD 5 - ns Clock rising/falling time tTLH, tTHL - 0.16·tPERIOD (=0.8) ns 42 58 % Output Data Strobe Clock duty cycle Output DAT (referenced to Data Strobe) Output hold skew tRQ 0.4 ns Output hold time tRQH 0.4 ns NOTE : 1) It is being discussed in JEDEC and is not confirmed yet. It can be modified according to JEDEC standard in the future. IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 22 - SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC 7.4 Bus signal levels As the bus can be supplied with a variable supply voltage, all signal levels are related to the supply voltage. V VDD input high level output high level VOH VIH undefined VIL input low level VOL output low level VSS t 7.4.1 Open-drain mode bus signal level [Table 24] Open-drain bus signal level Parameter Symbol Min Max. Unit Conditions Output HIGH voltage VOH VDD - 0.2 - V 1) Output LOW voltage VOL - 0.3 V IOL = 2 mA NOTE: 1) Because Voh depends on external resistance value (including outside the package), this value does not apply as device specification. Host is responsible to choose the external pull-up and open drain resistance value to meet Voh Min value. 7.4.2 Push-pull mode bus signal level eMMC The device input and output voltages shall be within the following specified ranges for any VDD of the allowed voltage range [Table 25] Push-pull signal level—high-voltage eMMC Parameter Symbol Min Max. Unit Conditions Output HIGH voltage VOH 0.75*VCCQ - V IOH = -100 uA@VCCQ min Output LOW voltage VOL - 0.125*VCCQ V IOL = 100 uA@VCCQ min Input HIGH voltage VIH 0.625*VCCQ VCCQ + 0.3 V - Input LOW voltage VIL VSS - 0.3 0.25*VCCQ V - [Table 26] Push-pull signal level—1.70 - 1.95 VCCQ voltage Range Parameter Symbol Min Max. Unit Conditions Output HIGH voltage VOH VCCQ - 0.45V - V IOH = -2mA Output LOW voltage VOL - 0.45V V IOL = 2mA Input HIGH voltage VIH 0.65*VCCQ 1) VCCQ + 0.3 V - V - Input LOW voltage VIL VSS - 0.3 0.35*VCCQ 2) NOTE: 1) 0.7*VCCQ for MMC4.3 and older revisions. 2) 0.3*VCCQ for MMC4.3 and older revisions. IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 23 - SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC 8.0 DC PARAMETER 8.1 Active Power Consumption during operation [Table 27] Active Power Consumption during operation Density NAND Type 4 GB 32 Gb x 1 8 GB 64 Gb x 1 16 GB 64 Gb x 2 CTRL NAND Unit 80 150 mA 130 * Power Measurement conditions: Bus configuration =x8 @200MHz DDR * The measurement for max RMS current is the average RMS current consumption over a period of 100ms. 8.2 Standby Power Consumption in auto power saving mode and standby state. [Table 28] Standby Power Consumption in auto power saving mode and standby state Density NAND Type 4 GB 32 Gb x 1 8 GB 64 Gb x 1 16 GB 64 Gb x 2 CTRL NAND 25C(Typ) 85C TBD TBD 25C(Typ) 85C 40 85 50 135 Unit uA NOTE: Power Measurement conditions: Bus configuration =x8, No CLK *Typical value is measured at Vcc=3.3V, TA=25°C. Not 100% tested. 8.3 Sleep Power Consumption in Sleep State [Table 29] Sleep Power Consumption in Sleep State Density NAND Type 4 GB 32 Gb x 1 8 GB 64 Gb x 1 16 GB 64 Gb x 2 CTRL 25C(Typ) 85C TBD TBD NAND Unit 01) uA NOTE: Power Measurement conditions: Bus configuration =x8, No CLK 1) In auto power saving mode , NAND power can not be turned off .However in sleep mode NAND power can be turned off. If NAND power is alive , NAND power is same with that of the Standby state. 8.4 Supply Voltage [Table 30] Supply voltage Item Min Max Unit VDD (VCCQ) 1.70 (2.7) 1.95 (3.6) V VDDF (VCC) 2.7 3.6 V VSS -0.5 0.5 V IF THERE IS ANY OTHER OPERATION TO IMPLEMENT IN ADDITION TO SPECIFICATION IN THE DATASHEET OR JEDEC STANDARD, PLEASE CONTACT EACH BRANCH OFFICE OR HEADQUARTERS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. - 24 - SAMSUNG CONFIDENTIAL Target Rev. 0.0 datasheet KLMxGxxEMx-B031 e·MMC 8.5 Bus Signal Line Load The total capacitance CL of each line of the e·MMC bus is the sum of the bus master capacitance CHOST, the bus capacitance CBUS itself and the capacitance CDEVICE of the e·MMC connected to this line: CL = CHOST + CBUS + CDEVICE The sum of the host and bus capacitances should be under 20pF. [Table 31] Bus SIgnal Line Load Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Pull-up resistance for CMD RCMD 4.7 Typ. 100 KOhm to prevent bus floating Pull-up resistance for DAT0-DAT7 RDAT 10 100 KOhm to prevent bus floating Internal pull up resistance DAT1-DAT7 Rint 10 150 KOhm to prevent unconnected lines floating Single Device capacitance CDEVICE 12 pF 16 nH Maximum signal line inductance Remark fPP
KLMAG2WEMB-B031 价格&库存

