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    IGBT 600V 16A TO-3PF

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FGM622S 数据手册
SANKEN ELECTRIC FGM622S Features ・Low Saturation Voltage VCE(sat)=1.65V typ. (IC=25A) ・High Speed SW tf=120ns typ. (IC=25A) Package TO-3PF http://www.sanken-ele.co.jp Sep. 2011 Applications ・Current Resonance Inverter Switching Equivalent circuit C(2) G(1) E(3) Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25°C) Characteristic Collector to Emitter Voltage Gate to Emitter Voltage Continuous Collector Current Pulsed Collector Current Maximum Collector-emitter dv/dt Maximum Power Dissipation Thermal Resistance IGBT Junction Temperature Storage Temperature 1) PW≦10ms.,Duty cycle≦1% 2) Tc≦125°C, See Fig.1 Symbol VCES VGES IC IC(pulse) dv/dt PC θ j-c Tj Tstg 2) 1) Rating 600 ± 30 25 75 5 60 (Tc=25°C) 2.08 150 −55~150 Unit V V A A V/ns W °C /W °C °C The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD assumes no responsibility for its use ; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Copy Right: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. Page 1 SANKEN ELECTRIC FGM622S ●IGBT Characteristic Symbol Test Conditions http://www.sanken-ele.co.jp Sep. 2011 Electrical characteristics (Ta=25°C) Limits MIN. 600 ±500 100 4 1.65 2.0 1300 80 40 40 10 10 50 60 ns 200 120 50 60 ns 200 200 nC pF 7 1.9 TYP. MAX. Unit Collector to Emitter Breakdown Voltage Gate to Emitter Leakage Current Collector to Emitter Leakage Current Gate Threshold Voltage Collector to Emitter Saturation Voltage Collector to Emitter Saturation Voltage Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Reverse Transfer Capacitance Gate charge Gate to Collector Charge Gate to Emitter Charge Turn-On Delay Time Rise Time Turn-Off Delay Time Fall Time Turn-On Delay Time Rise Time Turn-Off Delay Time Fall Time V(BR)CES IGES ICES VGE(th) VCE(sat) VCE(sat) Cies Coes Cres Qgate Qgc Qge td(on) tr td(off) tf td(on) tr td(off) tf IC=100µA,VGE=0V VGE=±30V VCE=600V, VGE=0V VCE=10V, IC=1mA VGE=15V, IC=25A VGE=15V, IC=40A VCE=20V VGE=0V f=1MHz V nA µA V V V VCE=300V IC=25A VGE=15V VCE=300V,IC=25A VGE=15V,RG=39Ω L=100uH,Tc=25°C See Fig.1 VCE=300V,IC=25A VGE=15V,RG=39Ω L=100uH,Tc=125°C See Fig.1 The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD assumes no responsibility for its use ; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Copy Right: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. Page 2 SANKEN ELECTRIC FGM622S Fig.1 Switching Time Test Method Clamp Di (FMX-G26S) http://www.sanken-ele.co.jp Sep. 2011 IC RG 15 V L Vcc Vcc=300V IC=25A VGE=15V RG=39Ω L=100uH 0V (a) Test Circuit VGE 90% 10% dv/dt VCE IC 90% 90% 10% td(off) tf 10% td(on) tr (b) Waveforms The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD assumes no responsibility for its use ; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Copy Right: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. Page 3 SANKEN ELECTRIC FGM622S Characteristic Curves IC - VCE characteristics (typical) 80 VGE=20V 15V 10V 8V http://www.sanken-ele.co.jp Sep. 2011 IC - VCE characteristics (typical) 80 15V VGE=20V Ta=25℃ Ta=125℃ 10V 8V 60 60 IC (A) IC (A) 7V 40 40 7V 20 6V 20 6V 0 0 1 2 0 VCE (V) 3 4 5 0 1 2 VCE (V) 3 4 5 VCE(sat) - Tc characteristics (typical) 4 IC - VGE characteristics (typical) 80 VGE=15V VCE=5V 3 40A 60 VCE(sat) (V) IC (A) 2 25A 40 Tc = -40℃ 25℃ 1 20 125℃ 0 -50 0 0 Tc (℃ ) 50 100 150 0 5 10 15 VGE (V) VCE - VGE characteristics (typical) 5 VCE - VGE characteristics (typical) 5 Tc = 25℃ Tc = 125℃ 4 4 3 3 IC=40A VCE (V) 2 VCE (V) IC=40A 2 1 25A 1 25A 0 1 0 VGE (V) 10 100 1 10 100 VGE (V) The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD assumes no responsibility for its use ; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Copy Right: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. Page 4 SANKEN ELECTRIC FGM622S Capacitance - VCE characteristics (typical) 10000 Cies http://www.sanken-ele.co.jp Sep. 2011 Characteristic Curves Tc=25℃ f=1MHz VGE=0V VCE,VGE - Qg (typical) 40 VCE Tc=25℃ IC=25A ,VGE(V) VCE(×10V) 30 Coes Capa (pF) 100 20 10 Cres VGE 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 0 10 VCE (V) Qg (nC) 20 30 40 SW Time - IC (typical) 1000 Tc = 25℃ 1000 SW Time - IC (typical) Tc = 125℃ td(off) td(off) SW Time (ns) SW Time (ns) 100 tf td(on) tr inductive load IC=25A VCE=300V VG=15V 100 tf td(on) tr inductive load IC=25A VCE=300V VG=15V 10 1 10 100 10 1 10 100 IC (A) IC (A) SW Time - RG (typical) 1000 Tc = 25℃ 1000 SW Time - RG (typical) Tc = 125℃ td(off) td(off) SW Time (ns) tf SW Time (ns) tf 100 tr 100 tr td(on) inductive load IC=25A VCE=300V VG=15V td(on) inductive load IC=25A VCE=300V VG=15V 10 1 10 100 10 1 10 100 RG (Ω) RG (Ω) The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD assumes no responsibility for its use ; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Copy Right: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. Page 5 SANKEN ELECTRIC FGM622S Characteristic Curves Reverse Bias ASO 100 100 http://www.sanken-ele.co.jp Sep. 2011 SAFE OPERATING AREA IC(pulse) max 10us 10 10 IC (A) IC (A) 100us 1 IGBT VGE=15V Rg=56Ω 1shot Tc=125℃ 1 IGBT Tc=25℃ 1shot 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 VCE (V) VCE (V) TRANSIENT THERMAL RESISTANCE - PULSE WIDTH 1.E+02 1.E+01 Rth j-c (℃ /W) 1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E-02 Tc = 25℃ 1shot VCE < 5V 1.E-03 1.E-06 1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 PT (sec) The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD assumes no responsibility for its use ; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Copy Right: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. Page 6 SANKEN ELECTRIC FGM622S http://www.sanken-ele.co.jp Sep. 2011 Outline TO-3PF Resin coating FGM622S (1) Gate (2) Collctor (1) (2) (3) (3) Emitter Wight Approx : 6.5g The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD assumes no responsibility for its use ; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Copy Right: SANKEN ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. Page 7
FGM622S 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+12.62399
    • 10+11.74732
    • 50+11.22132
    • 100+11.04599
    • 500+10.69532
    • 1000+10.51999
