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    LA1837 - For Home Stereo IC with Electronic Tuning Support Single-Chip IC - Sanyo Semicon Device

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LA1837 数据手册
Ordering number : EN5688C Monolithic Linear IC LA1837 Overview For Home Stereo IC with Electronic Tuning Support Single-Chip IC The LA1837 is a single-chip AM/FM IF and MPX IC that supports electronic tuning and was developed for use in home stereo systems. It is optimal for use in automatic station selection systems that use the SD and IF counting techniques. Features • On-chip MPX VCO (no external components required). • Adjacent channel interference rejection function (third and fifth order). • Supports both the SD and the IF counting techniques. • The AM and FM SD sensitivities can be set independently. • The AM and FM output levels can be set independently. • Improved AM practical sensitivity and high-input distortion characteristics. Functions • AM : • FM-IF : • MPX : RF amplifier, mixer, oscillator, IF amplifier, detector AGC, oscillator buffer, S-meter, narrowband SD, IF buffer IF amplifier, quadrature detector, S-meter, Scurve detector, IF buffer output PLL stereo decoder, stereo display, forced mono, VCO stop, post amplifier, audio muting, adjacent channel interference rejection function Specifications Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C Parameter Maximum supply voltage Allowable power dissipation Operating temperature Storage temperature Symbol VCC max Pd max Topr Tstg Ta ≤ 70°C Conditions Ratings 12 550 -20 to +70 -40 to +125 Unit V mW °C °C Any and all SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. products described or contained herein are, with regard to "standard application", intended for the use as general electronics equipment (home appliances, AV equipment, communication device, office equipment, industrial equipment etc.). The products mentioned herein shall not be intended for use for any "special application" (medical equipment whose purpose is to sustain life, aerospace instrument, nuclear control device, burning appliances, transportation machine, traffic signal system, safety equipment etc.) that shall require extremely high level of reliability and can directly threaten human lives in case of failure or malfunction of the product or may cause harm to human bodies, nor shall they grant any guarantee thereof. If you should intend to use our products for applications outside the standard applications of our customer who is considering such use and/or outside the scope of our intended standard applications, please consult with us prior to the intended use. If there is no consultation or inquiry before the intended use, our customer shall be solely responsible for the use. Specifications of any and all SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. products described or contained herein stipulate the performance, characteristics, and functions of the described products in the independent state, and are not guarantees of the performance, characteristics, and functions of the described products as mounted in the customer' s products or equipment. To verify symptoms and states that cannot be evaluated in an independent device, the customer should always evaluate and test devices mounted in the customer' s products or equipment. 70109 SY / 62409 MS PC/82097HA(OT) No.5688-1/9 LA1837 Operating Conditions at Ta = 25°C Parameter Recommended supply voltage Operating supply voltage range Symbol VCC VCC op Conditions Ratings 9 7 to 11 Unit V V Electrical Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, VCC = 9V, in the specified test circuit Parameter Symbol Conditions min FM Mono characteristics fc = 10.7MHz, fm = 1kHz, with the coil adjusted so that VAFC - VREG = 0V Current drain Demodulation output Channel balance Total harmonic distortion (mono) ICCO-FM VOFM C.B-mono THDFM(1) THDFM(2) Signal-to-noise ratio AM rejection ratio Limiting input voltage LED sensitivity LED bandwidth IF count buffer output S-meter output S/NFM AMR -3dBL.S. SDOn-FM SDBW VIFBuff-FM VSM-FM(1) VSM-FM(2) Muting attenuation Mute-Att 100dBμ 100dBμ, The pin 13 output 0dBμ, The pin 11 output 100dBμ, The pin 11 output 100dBμ, 100% mod. The pin 16 output With no input 100dBμ, 100% mod. The pin 16 output 100dBμ, 100% mod. The pin 16 output/pin 17 output 100dBμ, 100% mod. The pin 16 output 100dBμ, 100% mod. The pin 16 output 100dBμ, 100% mod. The pin 16 output 100dBμ, 100% mod. The pin 16 output 100dBμ, 100% mod. Referenced to the output. The input such that the output is down –3 dB. 72 45 26 51 85 80 0 3.6 75 18 730 -1.5 31 1100 0 0.3 1.0 80 65 32 60 120 120 0.1 4.3 85 38 69 170 160 0.5 5.0 44 1460 +1.5 1.3 5 mA mVrms dB % % dB dB dBμ dBμ kHz mVrms V V dB Ratings typ max Unit FM stereo characteristics fc = 10.7MHz, 100dBμ, fm = 1kHz, L + R = 90%, pilot = 10% Separation (left) Separation (right) Stereo on level Stereo off level Total harmonic distortion (main) Adjacent channel interference rejection ratio Brej-5th SepL SepR STON STOFF THD-main Brej-3rd L mod. The pin 16 output/pin 17 output R mod. The pin 17 output/pin 16 output The pilot modulation such that V7 is under 0.7V. The pilot modulation such that V7 is over 4.5V. L + R mod. The pin 16 output fs = 113kHz, VS = 90%, Pilot = 10%, The pin 16 output vs. the L-R mod. 1kHz demodulated output fs = 189kHz, VS = 90%, Pilot = 10%, The pin 16 output vs. the L-R mod. 1kHz demodulated output AM characteristics fc = 1000kHz, fm = 1kHz Current drain Detector output ICCO-AM VOAM(1) VOAM(2) Signal-to-noise ratio S/NAM(1) S/NAM(2) Total harmonic distortion (mono) THDAM(1) THDAM(2) LED sensitivity Local oscillator buffer output IF counter buffer output ST-IF output S-merer output SDOn-AM VOSC-AM VIFBuff-AM VSTIF-AM VSM-AM With no input. The pin 30 output 80dBμ, no modulation. The pin 13 output 80dBμ, no modulation. The pin 7 output 0dBμ, no modulation. With no input 23dBμ, 30% mod. The pin 16 output 80dBμ, 30% mod. The pin 16 output 23dBμ, 30% mod. The pin 16 output 80dBμ, 30% mod. The pin 16 output 80dBμ, 30% mod. The pin 16 output 80dBμ, 80% mod. The pin 16 output 17 110 160 16 0 15 100 200 18 49 25 180 320 22 55 0.4 1.0 27 160 220 34 0 1.2 4.0 37 220 300 48 0.2 35 360 500 mA mVrms mVrms dB dB % % dBμ mVrms mVrms mVrms V 40 dB 30 30 1.3 45 45 2.7 1.5 0.3 40 1.3 5 dB dB % % % dB No.5688-2/9 LA1837 Package Dimensions unit : mm (typ) 3196A Allowable power dissipation, Pd max -- mW 600 550 500 Pd max – Ta 27.0 30 16 400 10.16 8.6 300 0.25 1 0.95 15 200 3.95 MAX (3.25) 100 0.51 MIN 3.0 0.48 1.78 0 --40 --20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ambient temperature, Ta -- °C (1.04) SANYO : DIP30SD(400mil) Block Diagram FM SD BAND-W AM AGC OSC + + + + L.P.F OSC BUFF FM SD ADJ VT RF AM-STEREO L/R-INPUT L R L-OUT R-OUT L.P.F + + 18 17 16 30 29 28 REG 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 ALC BUFF AM OSC AM AM MIX RF.AMP 3 rd 5 th DECODER ANTI-BIRDIE P-DET φ STEREO SW MUTE AGC AM IF SD COMP AM S-METER DET VCO 304kHz FF 38k FF π 19k∠ 2 FF 19k∠θ PILOT DET FM AM / FM S-METER S-CURVE IF-BUFF AM IF FM DET GND 1 2 FM IFT FM IN (10.7MHz) + 3 4 5 TU-LED 6 ST-LED 7 TUNING DRIVE STEREO DRIVE VCC 8 + AM-IF 9 10 AM NARROW SD 11 12 + AM/FM IF-BUFF MUTE + + AM MONO VCC Top view 13 14 15 FM ST FM VSM AM VSM (SD-ADJ) No.5688-3/9 LA1837 Test Circuit 50Ω AM-IN (1MHz) 39pF 20pF 0.047μF REG AFC 0.047μF 39mH 10kΩ 22μF L.P.F 18kΩ 910pF OSC 3.3kΩ 10μF 0.033μF 1000pF 0.047μF T1 0.033μF 5.1kΩ 10μF + + + + 28 3.3μF + 26 + 24 30 29 27 25 23 22 21 20 19 18 3.3kΩ 10μF OSC BUFF (1.45MHz) 0.01μF L.P.F L-OUT R-OUT 33μF 17 16 LA1837 3kΩ IF-BUFF 4.7kΩ 51Ω NORMAL 10kΩ 0.047μF 0.047μF 47μF 75Ω 1μF AM 5kΩ MONO T2 AM-ST VDD 1μF 100μF T3 + + 5kΩ + Top view Pin Functions Pin No. 1 Pin function FM IF input Pin voltage (V) Vreg Pin description Input impedance ri = 330Ω Equivalent circuit 1 3 2 AM mixer output VCC Connect the mixer coil between this pin and VCC. 2 3 4 FM IF input bypass AM IF input Vreg Vreg Also functions as the MPX regulator filter. Input impedance ri = 2kΩ See pin 1. 4 5 6 7 GND TU-LED ST-LED AM-IF output 0V VCC VCC Active low Open collector output AM stereo IF output (pin 7) The current input must not exceed 150μA. 6 7 8 9 VCC FM detector VCC VCC Recommended detector coil : 600BEAS-9715Z (The Toko Electric Corporation) 9 10 AM narrow band CF connection 1.3V Recommended narrow band CF: BFU450 C4N (Murata Mfg. Co., Ltd.) If the narrow band SD is not used, bypass this circuit with a 50Ω resistor and a 0.047μF capacitor connected in series. Continued on next page. 10 No.5688-4/9 1μF 300Ω + + 0.047μF 5kΩ 0.47μF + SEEK1000pF 68kΩ 0.047μF 1000pF 1 FM IN (10.7MHz) 0.047μF 100Ω 2 450kHz 3 4 5 6 SD 68kΩ 7 ST 8 9 10 11 12 FM AM VSM V SM 13 14 15 FM STEREO ( ) VCC 9.0V LA1837 Continued from preceding page. Pin No. 11 Pin function FM-S-meter output Pin voltage (V) 0V RL = 8kΩ Pin description Equivalent circuit 11 12 AM S-meter output AM SD sensitivity adjustment 0V (AM) The AM SD sensitivity is adjusted with the value of the external resistor connected between this pin and ground. 12 28 13 AM and FM IF buffer output, output control switch (mute switch) 0V V13 ≤ 0.5 V : Reception state 1.4 V ≤ V13 ≤ 2.2 V : IF buffer output turned on V13 ≥ 3.5 V : IF buffer output and muting are turned on 13 14 Phase comparator low-pass filter (FM/AM switching) VCC-1.4 (FM) 0V (AM) Connecting this pin to ground through a resistor sets the IC to AM mode. Resistor value limits : 2.7kΩ (when VCC = 7V) 3.9kΩ (8V) 5.1kΩ (9V) 6.2kΩ (10V) 7.5kΩ (11V) If a current of 50μA or greater flows from this pin, the system is forced to mono. Connecting this pin to ground stops the VCO. The resistor limit values are the same as for pin 14. 14 15 Pilot detector low-pass filter (forced mono) (VCO stop) VCC-1.0 15 16 17 18 19 Post amplifier input and output Vreg Vreg Output impedance ro = 200Ω Pin 16 : right output, pin 17 : left output Inverting inputs Pin 18 : right input, pin 19 : left input RNF = 33kΩ 18 19 16 17 20 21 MOX output 3.5V 3.5V Output impedance ro = 3.3kΩ Pin 20 : right de-emphasis Pin 21 : left de-emphasis 20 21 22 MPX input 2.9V Input impedance ri = 20kΩ 22 23 FM demodulator output 2.8V (FM) 2.8V (AM) Output impedance ro = 3.0kΩ The separation can be modified by inserting a capacitor between this pin and ground. Set VO sub/VO main to be about 0 dB. 23 24 AM detector output 0V (FM) 0.5V (AM) Output impedance ro = 3.3kΩ The AM frequency characteristics can be modified by adjusting the time constants of the circuits between this pin and pin 22, and between this pin and ground. 24 25 AM AGC 0V (FM) 0.5V (AM) The built-in load resistor R = 11kΩ. 25 Continued on next page. No.5688-5/9 LA1837 Continued from preceding page. Pin No. 26 AFC Pin function Pin voltage (V) Vreg Pin description The FM SD bandwidth can be modified with the external resistor connected between this pin and pin 28. Equivalent circuit 26 27 AM RF input Vreg Use this pin at the same potential as pin 28. 27 28 REG Vreg Vreg = 3.6V 28 29 OSC Vreg Use an oscillator coil between this pin and pin 28. 29 30 Oscillator buffer output, FM SD sensitivity adjustment 1.6V (FM) 1.3V (AM) The FM SD sensitivity can be modified with the external resistor connected between this pin and ground. Output impedance ro = 20Ω 30 Coil specifications (bottom view) •AM oscillator (for the DUT) HW-50425 (Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd.) 3-2 2T 9T 86T •IFT YD-1073-1 (Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd.) 1-2 58T 7T 94T 3 2 1 4 4-6 2-1 Qo ≥ 80 L = 270μH 3 2 1S YD-1073 S4 4-6 2-3 Qo = 110 fo = 450kHz 6 6 SFU450B Includes an internal 180pF capacitor. SFU450B included. •FM detector 600BEAS-9715Z (The Toko Electric Corporation) 3-1 22T 3 4 f = 10.7MHz Qo = 40 Includes an internal 82pF capacitor. 2 S 1 6 No.5688-6/9 LA1837 10 0 --10 --20 Overall FM Characteristics Out Total harmonic distortion, THD -- % S-meter output, VSM -- V 5 FM THD/VSM Characteristics VCC = 9V fc = 10.7MHz fm = 1kHz, 75kHzdev VSM 4 Output -- dBm --30 --40 --50 3 2 AM Out --60 --70 --80 --90 0 VCC = 9V fc = 10.7MHz fm = 1kHz, 75kHzdev 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Noise 1 THD 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 100 110 120 Input -- dBμ 5.0 Input -- dBμ 10 7 5 3 2 1.0 7 5 3 2 0.1 7 5 3 2 0.01 0.01 23 5 7 0.1 23 5 7 1.0 23 5 7 10 23 FM THD Band Characteristics Total harmonic distortion, THD -- % Distortion vs. Frequency Characteristics SUB Total harmonic distortion, THD -- % VIN = 100dBμ fm = 1kHz, 75kHzdev MAIN Frequency, freq -- kHz IF = 10.7MHz, 100dBμ, 75kHzdev VS = 90% PILOT = 10% Referenced to the L-R LA1836 demodulated output. LA1837 M 90 110 130 150 170 190 4.0 1.0 0 10.60 10.62 10.64 10.66 10.68 10.70 10.72 10.74 10.76 10.78 10.80 Frequency fc -- MHz 50 45 40 Separation vs. Frequency Characteristics Se p-R Sep-L Adjacent Channel Interference Rejection Ratio 0 --10 --20 --30 Separation, Sep -- dB 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.01 2 3 5 7 0.1 2 3 5 7 1.0 2 3 5 7 10 2 Vobat -- dB --40 --50 --60 --70 --80 --90 70 ON 210 230 2.0 Frequency, freq -- kHz 6 Frequency, fs -- kHz 90 80 70 Capture Range Characteristics CR+ SD Sensitivity Adjustment Characteristics 12 30 4 Capture range -- % SD on -- dBμ 2 60 50 40 30 AM FM FM 0 --2 AM --4 CR - 20 10 --6 10 20 30 40 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 O 16 Pilot -- mV Rsdadj -- kΩ No.5688-7/9 AM 3.0 ST LA1837 700 SD Sensitivity Adjustment Characteristics 26 28 0 --10 --20 Overall AM Characteristics Out 600 500 SD BW -- kHz Output -- dBm --30 --40 --50 --60 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 --70 --80 --20 VCC = 9V fc = 1MHz fm = 1kHz, 30%mod S/N (80dBμ) = 58dB 0 20 40 60 80 Noise 100 120 140 Radj -- kΩ 5.0 Input -- dBμ AM THD / VSM Characteristics VCC = 9V, fc = 1MHz fm =1kHz, 30%mod S/N (80dBμ) = 58dB AM Detector Output Frequency Characteristics (1) 0 R 24 22 C Total harmonic distortion, THD -- % S-meter output, VSM -- V 4.5 4.0 --5 Output voltage, VO -- dBV --10 --15 --20 --25 --30 --35 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 --20 THD = 80%mod THD = 30%mod 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Input -- dBμ --40 0.01 2 C 3 5 7 0.1 =0 .04 C = .01 0.02 7μ 2μ μF F F 3.0 V SM 3.5 C =0 2 3 5 7 1.0 2 3 5 7 10 2 Frequency, fm -- kHz AM Detector Output Frequency Characteristics (2) 0 Distortion vs. Ambient Temperature Characteristics 1.0 R 0.01μF --5 Total harmonic distortion, THD -- % 24 22 7 Output voltage, VO -- dBV --10 --15 --20 --25 --30 --35 --40 0.01 R =1 0k Ω Ω R = 18kΩ 5 3k R=3 3 THD sub THD Mono THD st 2 THD Main 2 3 5 7 0.1 2 3 5 7 1.0 2 3 5 7 10 2 0.1 --40 --20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Frequency, fm -- kHz Ambient temperature, Ta -- °C Separation vs. Ambient Temperature Characteristics 90 80 70 S/N Mono S/N Stereo Separation, Sep -- dB S/N -- dB 60 Sep-R 50 Sep-L 40 30 20 10 0 --40 --20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ambient temperature, Ta -- °C No.5688-8/9 LA1837 SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. products described or contained herein. SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. strives to supply high-quality high-reliability products, however, any and all semiconductor products fail or malfunction with some probability. It is possible that these probabilistic failures or malfunction could give rise to accidents or events that could endanger human lives, trouble that could give rise to smoke or fire, or accidents that could cause damage to other property. When designing equipment, adopt safety measures so that these kinds of accidents or events cannot occur. Such measures include but are not limited to protective circuits and error prevention circuits for safe design, redundant design, and structural design. In the event that any or all SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. products described or contained herein are controlled under any of applicable local export control laws and regulations, such products may require the export license from the authorities concerned in accordance with the above law. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. Any and all information described or contained herein are subject to change without notice due to product/technology improvement, etc. When designing equipment, refer to the "Delivery Specification" for the SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. product that you intend to use. Information (including circuit diagrams and circuit parameters) herein is for example only; it is not guaranteed for volume production. Upon using the technical information or products described herein, neither warranty nor license shall be granted with regard to intellectual property rights or any other rights of SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. or any third party. SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. shall not be liable for any claim or suits with regard to a third party's intellctual property rights which has resulted from the use of the technical information and products mentioned above. This catalog provides information as of July, 2009. Specifications and information herein are subject t o change without notice. PS No.5688-9/9
LA1837 价格&库存

