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    运算放大器 SOIC-8

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SGM621AXS8G/TR 数据手册
SGM621A Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SGM621A is a high accuracy, high voltage ● Single External Resistor Gain Set instrumentation amplifier, which is designed to set any (Set Gain from 1 to 10000) gain from 1 to 10000 with one external resistor. The ● Input Offset Voltage: 80μV (MAX) device works well in battery-powered applications due ● Input Bias Current: 15nA (TYP) to the low power consumption of 1.3mA typical quiescent ● Common Mode Rejection Ratio: 120dB (TYP) (G = 10) current. The SGM621A provides SOIC-8, MSOP-8 and ● Input Voltage Noise: 6nV/√Hz at 1kHz TDFN-3×3-8L packages which are much smaller than ● 0.1Hz to 10Hz Voltage Noise: 0.4μVP-P discrete classical-three-OPAs circuits. ● Bandwidth: 140kHz (G = 100) The SGM621A provides 120ppm (MAX) non-linearity and 80μV (MAX) low input offset voltage. The device also features low noise, low bias current and low power. The combination of these characteristics makes it a good choice for applications requiring excellent DC performance. The SGM621A offers 6nV/√Hz low input voltage noise, 300fA/√Hz input current noise at 1kHz, and 0.4μVP-P in the 0.1Hz to 10Hz band. It is suitable for pre-amplifier applications. The 10μs settling time to 0.01% makes SGM621A appropriate for multiplexed applications. The SGM621A is available in Green SOIC-8, MSOP-8 ● Settling Time to 0.01%: 10μs (G = 100) ● Rail-to-Rail Output ● Support Single or Dual Power Supplies: 4.6V to 36V or ±2.3V to ±18V ● Low Power Supply Current: 1.3mA (TYP) ● -40℃ to +125℃ Operating Temperature Range ● Available in Green SOIC-8, MSOP-8 and TDFN-3×3-8L Packages APPLICATIONS Precision Current Measurement Pressure Measurement and TDFN-3×3-8L packages. It is specified over the extended -40℃ to +125℃ temperature range. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com JUNE 2022 – REV. A Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier SGM621A PACKAGE/ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL SGM621A PACKAGE DESCRIPTION SPECIFIED TEMPERATURE RANGE ORDERING NUMBER SOIC-8 -40℃ to +125℃ SGM621AXS8G/TR MSOP-8 -40℃ to +125℃ SGM621AXMS8G/TR TDFN-3×3-8L -40℃ to +125℃ SGM621AXTDB8G/TR PACKAGE MARKING SGM 621AXS8 XXXXX SGM621A XMS8 XXXXX SGM 621ADB XXXXX PACKING OPTION Tape and Reel, 4000 Tape and Reel, 4000 Tape and Reel, 4000 MARKING INFORMATION NOTE: XXXXX = Date Code, Trace Code and Vendor Code. XXXXX Vendor Code Trace Code Date Code - Year Green (RoHS & HSF): SG Micro Corp defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) and free of halogen substances. If you have additional comments or questions, please contact your SGMICRO representative directly. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply Voltage, +VS to -VS............................................... 40V Input Common Mode Voltage .......................................... ±VS Junction Temperature .................................................+150℃ Storage Temperature Range........................ -65℃ to +150℃ Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10s) ............................+260℃ ESD Susceptibility HBM ............................................................................. 7000V CDM ............................................................................ 1000V RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Operating Temperature Range ..................... -40℃ to +125℃ OVERSTRESS CAUTION ESD SENSITIVITY CAUTION This integrated circuit can be damaged if ESD protections are not considered carefully. SGMICRO recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because even small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet the published specifications. DISCLAIMER SG Micro Corp reserves the right to make any change in circuit design, or specifications without prior notice. Stresses beyond those listed in Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. Functional operation of the device at any conditions beyond those indicated in the Recommended Operating Conditions section is not implied. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com JUNE 2022 2 Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier SGM621A PIN CONFIGURATIONS (TOP VIEW) IN- 1 RG 2 _ (TOP VIEW) 8 +VS 7 OUT IN- 1 RG 2 8 +VS 7 OUT -VS RG 3 IN+ 4 + 6 REF 5 -VS RG 3 6 REF IN+ 4 5 -VS SOIC-8/MSOP-8 TDFN-3×3-8L PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NAME 1 IN- Inverting Input Pin. 2, 3 RG Gain Setting Pin. The gain can be set by placing the resistor across RG. G = 1 + (49.4kΩ/RG). 4 IN+ Non-Inverting Input Pin. 5 -VS Negative Power Supply Pin. 6 REF Voltage Reference Pin. A voltage source with low impedance can be placed to supply this terminal in order to shift the output level. 7 OUT Output Pin. 8 +VS Positive Power Supply Pin. Exposed Pad -VS For TDFN-3×3-8L package, connect exposed pad to -VS. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com FUNCTION JUNE 2022 3 Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier SGM621A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VS = ±15V, RL = 2kΩ, Full = -40℃ to +125℃, typical values are at TA = +25℃, unless otherwise noted.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS TEMP MIN TYP MAX UNITS Gain (G = 1 + (49.4kΩ/RG)) Gain Range 1 G=1 G = 10 Gain Error (1) GE VOUT = -10V to +10V G = 100 G = 1000 Gain Temperature Coefficient 0.01 +25℃ Full 0.1 +25℃ Full 0.1 +25℃ Full 0.1 +25℃ Full Full 20 +25℃ 10 G = 1000 % 0.2 0.5 G>1 G = 100 0.2 0.5 1 VOUT = -10V to +10V 0.2 0.5 Full G = 10 0.05 0.1 G=1 G=1 Non-Linearity 10000 Full ppm/℃ 70 100 10 +25℃ Full 70 100 10 +25℃ Full 70 ppm 100 20 +25℃ Full 120 170 Voltage Offset (Total RTI Error = VOSI + VOSO/G) Input Offset Voltage Input Offset Voltage Drift Output Offset Voltage Output Offset Voltage Drift VOSI Full ∆VOSI/∆T VOSO VS = ±5V to ±15V ∆VOSO/∆T 0.2 +25℃ 200 VS = ±2.3V to ±18V G = 100 G = 1000 700 1.5 110 Full 105 +25℃ 125 Full 122 +25℃ 128 Full 125 +25℃ 128 Full 125 µV µV/℃ 1200 Full G = 10 PSRR Full +25℃ 80 160 Full G=1 Offset Referred to the Input vs. Supply 30 +25℃ VS = ±5V to ±15V µV µV/℃ 120 130 dB 140 140 Input Current Input Bias Current Average Temperature Coefficient of Input Bias Current Input Offset Current Average Temperature Coefficient of Input Offset Current IB ∆IB/∆T IOS ∆IOS/∆T +25℃ 15 Full 40 Full 0.15 +25℃ 5 Full Full 28 nA/℃ 15 20 0.05 nA nA nA/℃ NOTE: 1. Effects of external resistor RG is not included. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com JUNE 2022 4 Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier SGM621A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (VS = ±15V, RL = 2kΩ, Full = -40℃ to +125℃, typical values are at TA = +25℃, unless otherwise noted.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS TEMP MIN TYP MAX UNITS Input Input Impedance Differential ZDIFF +25℃ 10 || 4 Common Mode ZCM +25℃ 10 || 4 VS = ±2.3V to ±5V Input Voltage Range VS = ±5V to ±18V G=1 Common Mode Rejection Ratio with 1kΩ Source Imbalance G = 10 CMRR VCM = -10V to +10V G = 100 G = 1000 GΩ || pF +25℃ (-VS) + 1.9 (+VS) - 1.2 Full (-VS) + 2.1 (+VS) - 1.3 +25℃ (-VS) + 1.9 (+VS) - 1.4 Full (-VS) + 2.1 +25℃ 80 Full 77 +25℃ 100 Full 92 +25℃ 105 Full 102 +25℃ 105 Full 102 V (+VS) - 1.4 100 120 dB 130 130 Reference Input Reference Input Resistance Reference Input Current RREF IREF VIN+ = VIN- = 0V, VREF = 0V VOH VS = ±18V, RL = 2kΩ +25℃ 18 +25℃ 30 Full kΩ 40 50 µA Output Characteristics +25℃ Output Voltage Swing VOL Short-Circuit Current 310 400 150 220 Full 600 +25℃ VS = ±18V, RL = 2kΩ Full ISC VS = ±2.3V to ±18V, RL = 50Ω to VS/2 IQ VS = ±2.3V to ±18V, IOUT = 0A mV 300 +25℃ 19 Full 14 24 mA Power Supply Quiescent Current +25℃ 1.3 Full 1.7 2.2 mA Dynamic Response Small-Signal -3dB Bandwidth BW Slew Rate SR VOUT = 1VP-P Step tS VOUT = 10VP-P Step Input Voltage Noise Density eni f = 1kHz Output Voltage Noise Density eno f = 1kHz Settling Time to 0.01% G=1 +25℃ 3900 G = 10 +25℃ 1000 G = 100 +25℃ 140 G = 1000 +25℃ 17 G=1 +25℃ 1.2 G = 1 to 100 +25℃ 10 G = 1000 +25℃ 51 +25℃ 6 nV/√Hz nV/√Hz kHz V/µs µs Noise 0.1Hz to 10Hz Voltage Noise, RTI Input Current Noise Density, RTI 0.1Hz to 10Hz Current Noise, RTI SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com +25℃ 80 G=1 +25℃ 6 G = 10 +25℃ 1 G = 100 +25℃ 0.4 G = 1000 +25℃ 0.4 f = 1kHz +25℃ 300 fA/√Hz f = 0.1Hz to 10Hz +25℃ 15 pAP-P f = 0.1Hz to 10Hz in µVP-P JUNE 2022 5 Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier SGM621A TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS At TA = +25℃, VS = ±15V, unless otherwise noted. PSRR vs. Frequency PSRR vs. Frequency 150 —G=1 — G = 10 — G = 100 — G = 1000 120 60 30 —G=1 — G = 10 — G = 100 — G = 1000 150 -PSRR (dB) 90 +PSRR (dB) 180 0 120 90 60 30 -30 0.1 1 10 100 0 1000 0.1 1 Frequency (kHz) CMRR (dB) 80 RL = 2kΩ —G=1 — G = 10 — G = 100 — G = 1000 60 Gain (dB) 120 40 0 40 20 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 -20 1000 0.1 1 10 Frequency (kHz) 10 1 10 100 1000 Frequency (Hz) SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com 1000 10000 10000 100000 Input Common Mode Voltage vs. Output Voltage 20 Input Common Mode Voltage (V) —G=1 — G = 10 — G = 100 — G = 1000 100 100 Frequency (kHz) Input Voltage Noise Density vs. Frequency 1000 Input Voltage Noise Density (nV/√Hz) 1000 Gain vs. Frequency 80 —G=1 — G = 10 — G = 100 — G = 1000 160 100 Frequency (kHz) CMRR vs. Frequency 200 10 15 VS = ±15V 10 5 0 -5 VS = ±5V -10 -15 -20 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Output Voltage (V) JUNE 2022 6 Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier SGM621A TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) At TA = +25℃, VS = ±15V, unless otherwise noted. 0.1Hz to 10Hz Input Voltage Noise 0.1Hz to 10Hz Input Voltage Noise G = 10 Noise (2μV/div) Noise (300nV/div) G=1 Time (3s/div) Time (3s/div) 0.1Hz to 10Hz Input Voltage Noise 0.1Hz to 10Hz Input Voltage Noise Noise (100nV/div) G = 1000 Noise (100nV/div) G = 100 Time (3s/div) Time (3s/div) 10 5 5 0 10 Input Output 0 -5 -5 -10 -15 Time (10μs/div) SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com Output Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) 10 15 Input Voltage (V) G = 1, RL = 2kΩ Settling Time 15 1.5 G = 10, RL = 2kΩ 1.0 5 0 0.5 Input Output 0.0 -5 -0.5 -10 -10 -1.0 -15 -15 -1.5 Input Voltage (V) Settling Time 15 Time (10μs/div) JUNE 2022 7 Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier SGM621A TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) At TA = +25℃, VS = ±15V, unless otherwise noted. Settling Time 10 Input Output 0.00 -5 -0.05 -10 -15 5 G = 1000, RL = 2kΩ 10 5 Input 0 0 Output -5 -5 -0.10 -10 -10 -0.15 -15 -15 Time (10μs/div) Time (10μs/div) Large-Signal Step Response Large-Signal Step Response G = 10, RL = 2kΩ, f = 10kHz Output Voltage (1V/div) G = 1, RL = 2kΩ, f = 10kHz Output Voltage (1V/div) 15 Input Voltage (mV) 0 0.10 0.05 5 Time (10μs/div) Time (10μs/div) Large-Signal Step Response Large-Signal Step Response G = 1000, RL = 2kΩ, f = 1kHz Output Voltage (1V/div) G = 100, RL = 2kΩ, f = 5kHz Output Voltage (1V/div) Output Voltage (V) 10 15 Output Voltage (V) G = 100, RL = 2kΩ Settling Time 0.15 Input Voltage (V) 15 Time (20μs/div) SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com Time (100μs/div) JUNE 2022 8 Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier SGM621A TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) At TA = +25℃, VS = ±15V, unless otherwise noted. Small-Signal Step Response Small-Signal Step Response G = 10, RL = 2kΩ, f = 50kHz Output Voltage (20mV/div) Output Voltage (20mV/div) G = 1, RL = 2kΩ, f = 50kHz Time (2μs/div) Time (2μs/div) Small-Signal Step Response Input Offset Voltage Production Distribution 15 12 9 6 Time (10μs/div) Input Offset Voltage (μV) Output Offset Voltage Production Distribution 10 5 0 Output Offset Voltage (μV) SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com Input Bias Current Production Distribution 35 Percentage of Amplifiers (%) 15 -550 -500 -450 -400 -350 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Percentage of Amplifiers (%) 20 7730 Samples 1 Production Lot -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 3 0 25 5640 Samples 1 Production Lot 28 7750 Samples 1 Production Lot 21 14 7 0 -0.2 0.6 1.4 2.2 3.0 3.8 4.6 5.4 6.2 7.0 7.8 8.6 9.4 10.2 11.0 11.8 12.6 13.4 Output Voltage (20mV/div) Percentage of Amplifiers (%) G = 100, RL = 2kΩ, f = 10kHz Input Bias Current (nA) JUNE 2022 9 Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier SGM621A OPERATION THEORY The SGM621A is modified with the classic three-op-amp and it is a holistic instrumentation amplifier. IN+ +VS R4 400Ω Q2 20μA _ A2 RG VB + _ 20μA 18kΩ REF R2 + +VS 18kΩ C2 -VS + _ A3 OUT R1 A1 C1 18kΩ 18kΩ Q1 R3 400Ω +VS IN- Figure 1. Simplified Schematic The high precision input is provided by the two input transistor Q1 and Q2 (Figure 1) and this results in 10 × lower bias current of the input pins. The constant collector current of Q1 and Q2 is maintained by the two loops Q1-A1-R1 and Q2-A2-R2, so the input voltage is impressed across the gain setting resistor RG of the amplifier. The differential gain from A1/A2 outputs can be expressed by G = 1+ (R1+R2)/RG. The unity-gain subtractor (A3) can reject the common mode signal so that SGM621A produces a single-ended output with REF pin biased.  The gain-bandwidth product which is determined by the two capacitors C1, C2 and the transconductance of the pre-amplifier can increase with programmed gain, so that the frequency response is enhanced. The transconductance of the pre-amplifier is determined by the resistance of RG. The transconductance will increase gradually to that of the input transistors if the resistance of RG is reduced for larger gains. The important benefits are shown below: The equation of gain is shown as below:  Boosting the open-loop gain can also increase the programmed gain, so that the related error of gain is reduced. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com  Reducing the input voltage noise to 6nV/√Hz, and it is determined by the base resistance and the collector current of the input. The integrated resistors (R1 and R2) inside the SGM621A are set to 24.7kΩ, so that the gain can be programmed with the external resistor RG. 49.4kΩ +1 RG 49.4kΩ RG = G-1 G= JUNE 2022 10 Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier SGM621A APPLICATION INFORMATION Pressure Measurement SGM621A is widely used in the application of bridge, such as measuring the pressure in weigh scales. It is also suitable for detecting the pressure sensor with higher resistance due to high input impedance. Figure 2 shows the pressure transducer bridge of 5kΩ which is powered by a 5V single supply. In such a circuit, the bridge consumes only 1mA. The buffered voltage divider and SGM621A can condition the output signal with typical 3.3mA supply current. The advantage of small size for SGM621A is attractive for the transducers of pressure. Because of the low noise and drift, it can also be used in the application of diagnostic non-invasive blood pressure measurement. 5V Isolation Barrier 4 3 5kΩ 5kΩ 5kΩ G = 50 1kΩ 5kΩ + 8 40kΩ SGM621A 2 1 +3.3V 7 REF 100Ω 445μA TYP 6 _ AVDD DVDD IN 100nF ADC 20kΩ + STMS2 F407 40kΩ _ 1mA MOSI DVDD SCK AGND SGM8581 CS MISO 50μA Figure 2. The Operation of the Pressure Monitor Circuit with 5V Single Supply Medical ECG Amplifier Because of the advantage of low current noise, SGM621A can be used in ECG monitors (Figure 3) where the source resistances can reach 1MΩ or higher. It is the best choice to use SGM621A in the battery-powered data recorders as it can operate on the condition of low supply voltage, low power and space-saving packages. Moreover, for better performance, combining with the advantages of low voltage noise, low current and low bias currents can enhance the dynamic range of SGM621A. The stability of the right leg drive loop can be maintained by the capacitor C1. Moreover, for protecting the patient from the possible harm, the isolation safeguards should be added between the patient and the circuit part. Isolation/Protection Barrier +5V 4 R1 100kΩ R4 5kΩ 3 C1 15pF _ SGM8210-1 R5 1kΩ + R2 49.9kΩ R3 SGM8210-1 49.9kΩ RG 6.2kΩ _ + + 8 SGM621A G=9 2 1 7 _ 0.03Hz High-Pass Filter G = 111 Output 1V/mV 5 -5V Reject the common voltage at the input of SGM621A Figure 3. The Circuit of Medical ECG Monitor SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com JUNE 2022 11 Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier SGM621A APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) Precision V-I Converter It’s easy to realize a precision current source (Figure 4) utilizing one SGM621A, another operational amplifier and two resistors. To obtain a better CMRR of SGM621A, a buffer should be placed between the REF pin and the OUT pin of the amplifier. The equation which is shown in Figure 4 illustrates the output current of the circuit. +VS 4 VIN+ 3 + 8 SGM621A RG 2 1 VIN- 5 7 VSET + RSET _ IL + SGM8581 -VS IL = VSET = RSET _ RLOAD [(VIN+) - (VIN-)]G R1 Figure 4. Precision Voltage-to-Current Converter Input and Output Offset Voltage Two main sources which are error of input and output result in the low errors of SGM621A. When referred to the input, the output error should be divided by the gain of the instrumentation amplifier. From the equations which are shown as below, the input error takes a leading position at large gains while the output error takes a leading position at small gains. Total Error Referred to Input (RTI) = Input Error + (Output Error/G) Total Error Referred to Output (RTO) = (Input Error × G) + Output Error Terminal of Reference Potential of the reference terminal defines the zero output voltage. It becomes extremely useful while the load is not tied to the precise ground of the rest of the system. The reference terminal provides one way to bias a precise voltage to the output, and the reference voltage should be in the range of 2V within the supply voltages. On top of these, to keep better CMRR, the parasitic resistor at this pin should be low. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com The gain of the instrumentation amplifier is determined by the external resistor RG. The accuracy of the external resistor RG is important as it may influence the error of gain. It is recommended that selecting the resistor with 0.1% or 1% precision is a good choice. The following table shows the gain effect with the selection of 1% or 0.1% precision resistor. Also, leaving the pin 2 and pin 3 (the place of RG) open can make the gain of SGM621A equals to 1. 49.4kΩ G-1 RG = 6 _ Selection of Gain As mentioned before, the gain error can be minimized by equivalent parasitic resistor in series with RG. Moreover, low TC of 1ppm/ ℃ is required for the selection of RG to avoid the gain drift of SGM621A. Table 1. Different Values for Gain Resistor 1% STD Table Value of RG (Ω) Calculated Gain 0.1% STD Table Value of RG (Ω) Calculated Gain 49.9k 1.990 49.3k 2.002 12.4k 4.984 12.4k 4.984 5.49k 9.998 5.49k 9.998 2.61k 19.93 2.61k 19.93 1.00k 50.40 1.01k 49.91 499 100.0 499 100.0 249 199.4 249 199.4 100 495.0 98.8 501.0 49.9 991.0 49.3 1003.0 +VS IN+ 4 3 + 8 SGM621A RG 2 1 IN- 7 OUT 6 _ 5 REF -VS Figure 5. Diode for Protecting VIN from Larger than VS JUNE 2022 12 Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier SGM621A APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) RF Interference One of the characteristics of instrumentation amplifier is rectifying the small signal which is out of the band. This kind of disturbance can be described as the small biased voltage. All of the high frequency components can be filtered by the R-C network which is placed in the input position of the instrumentation amplifier, as shown in Figure 6. The following equation shows the equation of filtering frequency for the differential and common mode part of the input signal. FilterFreqDIFF = 1 2πR ( 2CD + CC ) FilterFreqCM = 1 2πRCC CD ≥ 10CC is required in the above equation. The capacitor CD influences the quality of the differential signal, while CC influences the quality of the common mode signal. The common mode rejection ratio would be reduced if the R × CC is mismatched. To reduce this negative influence and obtain a good CMRR, it is recommended that the capacitance of CD should be 10 times larger than CC. To conclude, the larger the ratio of CD:CC is, the less negative influence to the circuit. Common Mode Rejection The common mode rejection ratio of the instrumentation amplifier is high as it can measure the differential signal between the two inputs when both IN+ and IN- increase or decrease equally. Also, this specification can be defined in the whole range of input voltage. To obtain a best CMRR, it is recommended that the REF pin should be connected to a low impedance input and the difference of impedance between two inputs should be as small as possible. Also, using shielded cable can effectively reduce the noise of the circuit, and it should be driven properly for better value of CMRR. The following two figures (Figure 7 and Figure 8) illustrate the method to increase the CMRR for alternating circuit by bootstrapping the capacitance of the shielded cable, and this kind of method can also reduce the mismatching of capacitance at the inputs. +VS RISO 49.9Ω IN+ 4 SGM8210-2 3 + 8 _ _ 6 2 SGM8210-2 1 + 7 OUT SGM621A RG RISO 49.9Ω +5V + 5 _ REF IN-VS 100nF 10μF Figure 7. Differential Input Shield Driving CC RFIRT IN+ 4 3 + +VS 8 IN+ 4 3 CD SGM621A RG 2 RFIRT 1 IN- 7 OUT 6 _ REF 5 RISO 50Ω + SGM8210-1 R1 49.9kΩ R2 49.9kΩ RG 499Ω + 8 SGM621A 2 _ 1 _ 5 7 OUT 6 REF IN- CC 100nF 10μF -5V -VS Figure 8. Common Mode Input Shield Driving Figure 6. One Method to Reduce the Interference of RF SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com JUNE 2022 13 Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier SGM621A APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) Isolation of Grounding For solving the problems of grounding, REF pin should be connected to the "local ground" as the output of the instrumentation amplifier is biased with VREF. Because of the noisy environment of the digital circuit, the component of data-acquisition such as Analog Digital Converter (ADC) has two pins which are AGND and DGND. Also, the isolation can be made by using a single line or 0Ω resistor. However, each returns of ground should be separated so that the current flow from the sensitive point could be minimized. Also, the ground returns between analog and digital should be tied together with one point, which is shown in ADC part of Figure 9. Analog Power Supply +10V GND -10V 100nF 100nF 4 + 100nF 100nF 100nF + 8 -VCC +VCC 5 7 SGM621A 1 Digital Power Supply GND +3.3V S/H IN AVDD GND AVSS GND DVDD ADC OUT To MCU GND _ 6 Figure 9. Isolation of Grounding Return of Grounding for IB +VS The bias current (IB) at the inputs is needed for operating and biasing the transistor at the input stage of the instrumentation amplifier, so it is also necessary to design a ground return path for the bias current. For example, for operating the floating inputs of the amplifier (see Figure 10 ~ 12), such as AC-coupled transformer, there should be an electrical line between the input and the ground for ground return of bias current. +VS IN+ 4 3 RG 499Ω + 2 IN- _ 5 -VS Figure 10. Return of Grounding for IB with Transformer-Coupled Inputs SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com _ IN- OUT 5 REF -VS To the Ground of Power Supply Figure 11. Return of Grounding for IB with Thermocouple Inputs IN+ 4 CFILT AC Coupled 3 RFILT 10kΩ + 7 SGM621A RG 1 OUT 6 2 CFILT To the Ground of Power Supply 7 6 2 1 OUT 6 REF 8 SGM621A RG RFILT 10kΩ 7 + 3 8 SGM621A 1 IN+ 4 _ REF INTo the Ground of Power Supply Figure 12. Return of Grounding for IB with AC-Coupled Input JUNE 2022 14 SGM621A Low Power, Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Output, Instrumentation Amplifier REVISION HISTORY NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Original (JUNE 2022) to REV.A Page Changed from product preview to production data ............................................................................................................................................. All SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com JUNE 2022 15 PACKAGE INFORMATION PACKAGE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS SOIC-8 0.6 D e 2.2 E E1 5.2 b 1.27 RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN (Unit: mm) L A θ A1 c A2 Symbol Dimensions In Millimeters MIN MAX Dimensions In Inches MIN MAX A 1.350 1.750 0.053 0.069 A1 0.100 0.250 0.004 0.010 A2 1.350 1.550 0.053 0.061 b 0.330 0.510 0.013 0.020 c 0.170 0.250 0.006 0.010 D 4.700 5.100 0.185 0.200 E 3.800 4.000 0.150 0.157 E1 5.800 6.200 0.228 0.244 e 1.27 BSC 0.050 BSC L 0.400 1.270 0.016 0.050 θ 0° 8° 0° 8° NOTES: 1. Body dimensions do not include mode flash or protrusion. 2. This drawing is subject to change without notice. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com TX00010.000 PACKAGE INFORMATION PACKAGE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS MSOP-8 b E1 E 4.8 1.02 e 0.41 0.65 RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN (Unit: mm) D L A c A1 θ A2 Symbol Dimensions In Millimeters MIN MAX Dimensions In Inches MIN MAX A 0.820 1.100 0.032 0.043 A1 0.020 0.150 0.001 0.006 A2 0.750 0.950 0.030 0.037 b 0.250 0.380 0.010 0.015 c 0.090 0.230 0.004 0.009 D 2.900 3.100 0.114 0.122 E 2.900 3.100 0.114 0.122 E1 4.750 5.050 0.187 e 0.650 BSC 0.199 0.026 BSC L 0.400 0.800 0.016 0.031 θ 0° 6° 0° 6° NOTES: 1. Body dimensions do not include mode flash or protrusion. 2. This drawing is subject to change without notice. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com TX00014.000 PACKAGE INFORMATION PACKAGE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS TDFN-3×3-8L D e N8 D1 k E E1 N1 N4 L b BOTTOM VIEW TOP VIEW 2.3 1.5 2.725 A A1 A2 0.675 SIDE VIEW 0.24 0.65 RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN (Unit: mm) Symbol Dimensions In Millimeters MIN MAX A 0.700 A1 0.000 A2 Dimensions In Inches MIN MAX 0.800 0.028 0.050 0.000 0.203 REF 0.031 0.002 0.008 REF D 2.900 3.100 0.114 0.122 D1 2.200 2.400 0.087 0.094 E 2.900 3.100 0.114 0.122 E1 1.400 1.600 0.055 0.063 0.300 0.007 k b 0.200 MIN 0.180 e L 0.008 MIN 0.650 TYP 0.375 0.012 0.026 TYP 0.575 0.015 0.023 NOTE: This drawing is subject to change without notice. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com TX00058.000 PACKAGE INFORMATION TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION REEL DIMENSIONS TAPE DIMENSIONS P2 W P0 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 B0 Reel Diameter A0 P1 K0 Reel Width (W1) DIRECTION OF FEED NOTE: The picture is only for reference. Please make the object as the standard. KEY PARAMETER LIST OF TAPE AND REEL Reel Diameter Reel Width W1 (mm) A0 (mm) B0 (mm) K0 (mm) P0 (mm) P1 (mm) P2 (mm) W (mm) Pin1 Quadrant SOIC-8 13″ 12.4 6.40 5.40 2.10 4.0 8.0 2.0 12.0 Q1 MSOP-8 13″ 12.4 5.20 3.30 1.50 4.0 8.0 2.0 12.0 Q1 TDFN-3×3-8L 13″ 12.4 3.35 3.35 1.13 4.0 8.0 2.0 12.0 Q1 SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com TX10000.000 DD0001 Package Type PACKAGE INFORMATION CARTON BOX DIMENSIONS NOTE: The picture is only for reference. Please make the object as the standard. KEY PARAMETER LIST OF CARTON BOX Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Pizza/Carton 13″ 386 280 370 5 SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com DD0002 Reel Type TX20000.000
SGM621AXS8G/TR 价格&库存

