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    具有电容可调复位超时延迟的低功率SOT25-5 µP复位电路

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SGM804-2.93YN5G/TR 数据手册
SGM804 Low-Power, SOT µP Reset Circuit with Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Timeout Delay GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SGM804 low-power micro-processor supervisor ● Monitor System Voltages from 1.6V to 5V circuit monitors system voltages from 1.6V to 5V. This ● Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Timeout Period device performs a single function: it asserts a reset ● Low Quiescent Current: 3µA (TYP) signal whenever the VCC supply voltage falls below its ● Push-Pull RESET Output Option reset threshold. The reset output remains asserted for ● Guaranteed RESET Valid to VCC = 1V the reset timeout period after VCC rises above the reset ● Immune to Short VCC Transients threshold. The reset timeout is externally set by a ● Available in Green SOT-23-5 Package capacitor to provide more flexibility. The SGM804 has an active-low, push-pull reset output. It is available in Green SOT-23-5 package and is APPLICATIONS specified over an ambient temperature range of -40℃ Portable Equipment to +85℃. Battery-Powered Computers/Controllers Automotive Medical Equipment Intelligent Instruments Embedded Controllers Critical µP Monitoring Set-Top Boxes Computers TYPICAL APPLICATION VCC SRT CSRT SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com VCC Microprocessor System SGM804 GND RESET RESET GND JANUARY 2013 – REV. A. 1 Low-Power, SOT µP Reset Circuit with Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Timeout Delay SGM804 PACKAGE/ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL SGM804 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION RESET THRESHOLD (V) ORDERING NUMBER PACKAGE MARKING PACKING OPTION 1.63 SGM804-1.63YN5G/TR S82XX Tape and Reel, 3000 2.32 SGM804-2.32YN5G/TR S83XX Tape and Reel, 3000 2.63 SGM804-2.63YN5G/TR S84XX Tape and Reel, 3000 2.93 SGM804-2.93YN5G/TR S85XX Tape and Reel, 3000 SOT-23-5 MARKING INFORMATION NOTE: XX = Date Code. YYY X X Date Code - Month Date Code - Year Serial Number Green (RoHS & HSF): SG Micro Corp defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) and free of halogen substances. If you have additional comments or questions, please contact your SGMICRO representative directly. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS All Voltages Referenced to GND VCC ....................................................................... -0.3V to 6V SRT, RESET (Push-Pull) .................... -0.3V to (VCC + 0.3V) Input Current (All Pins) ................................................. 20mA Output Current ( RESET ) ............................................... 20mA Junction Temperature .................................................+150℃ Storage Temperature Range ....................... -65℃ to +150℃ Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10s) ............................+260℃ ESD Susceptibility HBM ............................................................................. 3000V MM ................................................................................. 300V RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Operating Temperature Range ....................... -40℃ to +85℃ ESD SENSITIVITY CAUTION This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD if you don’t pay attention to ESD protection. SGMICRO recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. DISCLAIMER SG Micro Corp reserves the right to make any change in circuit design, specification or other related things if necessary without notice at any time. OVERSTRESS CAUTION Stresses beyond those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational section of the specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com JANUARY 2013 2 Low-Power, SOT µP Reset Circuit with Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Timeout Delay SGM804 PIN CONFIGURATION SGM804 (TOP VIEW) RESET 1 VCC 2 GND 3 5 SRT 4 NC SOT-23-5 PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NAME FUNCTION 1 RESET RESET changes from high to low whenever VCC drops below the selected reset threshold voltage. RESET remains low for the reset timeout period after VCC exceeds the reset threshold. 2 VCC 3 GND 4 NC 5 SRT Supply Voltage and Reset Threshold Monitor Input. Ground. Not Internally Connected. Can be connected to GND. Set Reset Timeout Input. Connect a capacitor between SRT and ground to set the timeout period. Determine the period as follows: 6 tRP = 2.6 × 10 × CSRT + 340 × 10 -6 with tRP in seconds and CSRT in farads. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com JANUARY 2013 3 Low-Power, SOT µP Reset Circuit with Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Timeout Delay SGM804 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 1V to 5.5V, TA = -40℃ to +85℃, typical values are at VCC = 5V and TA = +25℃, unless otherwise specified.) PARAMETER Supply Voltage Range Supply Current SYMBOL CONDITIONS VCC ICC MIN 1.0 Hysteresis VTH tRD Reset Timeout Period tRP VSRT Ramp Current VSRT Ramp Threshold RESET Output Voltage Low RESET Output Voltage High, Push-Pull SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com IRAMP VTH-RAMP VOL 5.5 V 7.0 VCC ≤ 3.3V 3.4 5.5 3.0 μA 4.8 TA = +25℃ VTH - 2.5% VTH + 2.5% TA = -40℃ to +85℃ VTH - 3.5% VTH + 3.5% VCC falling at 1mV/µs CSRT = 1500pF 3.00 V 4 × VTH mV 80 µs 4.25 5.75 ms CSRT = 0 0.34 VSRT = 0V to 0.65V, VCC = 1.6V to 5V 210 nA VCC = 1.6V to 5V (VRAMP rising) 0.6 V VCC ≥ 1.0V, ISINK = 50µA 0.3 VCC ≥ 2.7V, ISINK = 1.2mA 0.3 VCC ≥ 4.5V, ISINK = 3.2mA 0.4 VCC ≥ 1.8V, ISOURCE = 200µA VOH UNITS 3.9 VHYST VCC to Reset Delay MAX VCC ≤ 5.0V VCC ≤ 2.0V VCC Reset Threshold Accuracy TYP V 0.8 × VCC VCC ≥ 2.25V, ISOURCE = 500µA 0.8 × VCC VCC ≥ 4.5V, ISOURCE = 800µA 0.8 × VCC V JANUARY 2013 4 Low-Power, SOT µP Reset Circuit with Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Timeout Delay SGM804 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS VCC = 5V, CSRT = 1500pF, TA = +25℃, unless otherwise noted. Reset Timeout Period vs. CSRT Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage 10000 Reset Timeout Period (ms) Supply Current (μA) 5 +85℃ 4 3 +25℃ 2 -40℃ 1 V T H = 1.63V 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 6 0.1 1 Supply Voltage (V) Reset Timeout Period (ms) Reset Timeout Period (μs) CSRT = 0 420 380 340 0 25 50 75 4.6 CSRT = 1500pF 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 -50 100 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Temperature (℃) Temperature (℃) Normalized Reset Threshold vs. Temperature Maximum Transient Duration vs. Reset Threshold Overdrive 50 Transient Duration (µs) Normalized Reset Threshold 1.006 -25 1000 Reset Timeout Period vs. Temperature 460 300 -50 100 CSRT (nF) Reset Timeout Period vs. Temperature 500 10 1.004 1.002 1.000 0.998 0.996 V T H = 2.93V 40 30 20 10 0 0.994 -50 -25 0 25 50 Temperature (℃) SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com 75 100 0 200 400 600 800 Reset Threshold Overdrive (mV) 1000 JANUARY 2013 5 SGM804 Low-Power, SOT µP Reset Circuit with Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Timeout Delay TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) VCC = 5V, CSRT = 1500pF, TA = +25℃, unless otherwise noted. SG Micro Corp www.sg-micro.com JANUARY 2013 6 Low-Power, SOT µP Reset Circuit with Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Timeout Delay SGM804 DETAILED DESCRIPTION Reset Output The reset output is typically connected to the reset input of a µP. A µP’s reset input starts or restarts the µP in a known state. The SGM804 µP supervisory circuit provides the reset logic to prevent code-execution errors during power-up, power-down, and brownout conditions. RESET changes from high to low whenever VCC drops below the threshold voltage. Once VCC exceeds the threshold voltage, RESET remains low for the capacitor-adjustable reset timeout period. This device output is guaranteed valid for VCC > 1V. Operating as a Voltage Detector The SGM804 can be operated in a voltage detector mode by floating the SRT pin. The reset delay times for VCC rising above or falling below the threshold are not significantly different. The reset output is deasserted smoothly without false pulses. Selecting a Reset Capacitor The reset timeout period is adjustable to accommodate a variety of µP applications. Adjust the reset timeout period (tRP) by connecting a capacitor (CSRT) between SRT and ground. Calculate the reset timeout capacitor as follows: -6 6 CSRT = (tRP - 340 × 10 )/(2.6 × 10 ) where tRP is in seconds and CSRT is in farads. The reset delay time is set by a current/capacitorcontrolled ramp compared to an internal 0.6V reference. An internal 210nA ramp current source charges the external capacitor. The charge to the capacitor is cleared when a reset condition is detected. Once the reset condition is removed, the voltage on the capacitor ramps according to the formula: dV/dt = I/C. The CSRT capacitor must ramp to 0.6V to deassert the reset. CSRT must be a low-leakage (
SGM804-2.93YN5G/TR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+1.06974
  • 30+1.02952
  • 100+0.94909
  • 500+0.86866
  • 1000+0.82844
