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    Si7210 I2C霍尔效应磁位置和温度传感器

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SI7210-B-00-IVR 数据手册
Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet The Si7210 family of Hall effect magnetic sensors from Silicon Labs combines a chopper-stabilized Hall element with a low-noise analog amplifier, 13-bit analog-to-digital converter, and an I2C interface. Leveraging Silicon Labs' proven CMOS design techniques, the Si7210 family incorporates digital signal processing to provide precise compensation for temperature and offset drift. Compared with existing Hall effect sensors, the Si7210 family offers industry-leading sensitivity, which enables use with larger air gaps and smaller magnets. The integrated 13-bit high-precision ADC delivers high output linearity with very low noise for the highest measurement accuracy. For battery-powered applications, the Si7210 family offers very low power consumption to improve operating life. The Si7210 family supports a bidirectional I2C interface which provides full configurability of the Hall effect sensor operate and release points. At any time, the 13-bit magnetic field strength can be read through the I2C interface. Applications FEATURES • High-Sensitivity Hall Effect Sensor • Adjustable Full Scale (Standard Offerings are ±20mT and ±200 mT Full Scale) • Integrated Digital Signal Processing for Temperature and Offset Drift Compensation • High-Precision 13-bit Signal Path • Output Bandwidth up to 20 kHz • Sensitivity Drift < ±5% over 0-70 °C • Digital I2C Interface • Four Selectable I2C Addresses • Optional Digital Alert Output • Mechanical position sensing in consum- • Speed sensing • Utility meters er, industrial applications • Control knobs and selector switches • Replacement of reed switches • Fluid level measurement • Wide 1.7 to 5.5 V Power Supply Voltage • Temperature Sensor Data also available by I2C (accuracy ±1°C) • Low 50 nA Sleep Mode Current Consumption • Industry-Standard Packaging • Surface-Mount SOT23-5 • 1.4 x 1.6 mm 8-pin DFN package Hall Element Si7210 SCL ADC Reg VDD Temp / Offset / Mechanical Stress Compensation DSP & Control Logic SDA ALERT GND silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 Table of Contents 1. Electrical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Functional Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3. I2C Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4. Register Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4.1 Field Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 Chip ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2 Fields Associated with Reading DATA . . . . 4.1.3 Fields Associated with Configuring the Output Pin. 4.1.4 Registers Associated with Control of Idle Time . . 4.1.5 Registers Associated with Setting the Output Scale 4.1.6 Registers Associated with Adding Digital Filtering . 4.1.7 Registers to Read OTP Data . . . . . . . . 4.1.8 Control of On-Chip Test Coil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .15 .16 .17 5. Making Temperature Measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 6. Pin Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 6.1 SOT-23 Pin Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 6.2 DFN Pin Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 7. Ordering Information 8. Package Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 8.1 SOT23-5 5-Pin Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 8.2 TDFN 8-Pin Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 9. Land Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 9.1 SOT23-5 5-Pin PCB Land Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 9.2 TDFN 8-Pin PCB Land Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 10. Top Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 10.1 SOT23-5 5-Pin Top Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 10.2 TDFN 8-Pin Top Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 11. Revision History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 silabs.com | Building a more connected world. . . Rev. 1.2 | 2 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Electrical Specifications 1. Electrical Specifications Unless otherwise specified, all min/max specifications apply over the recommended operating conditions. Table 1.1. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Temp Grade Symbol Power Supply Temperature I Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit VDD 1.71 5.5 V TA -40 +125 °C Table 1.2. General Specifications Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit Input Voltage High VIH SCL, SDA pins 0.7 x VDD - - V Input Voltage Low VIL SCL, SDA pins - - 0.3 x VDD V Input Voltage Range VIN SCL, SDA with respect to ground 0 VDD V Input Leakage IIL SDA, SCL 1 µA 0.4 V 0.2 V 0.6 V Output Voltage Low VOL < 0.1 SCL, SDA IOL = 3 mA VDD > 2 V SCL, SDA IOL = 2 mA VDD > 1.71 V SCL, SDA IOL = 6 mA VDD > 2 V Current Consumption IDD Sleep timer enabled average at VDD = 3.3 V and 200 msec sleep time Sleep mode VDD = 3.3 V, T = 25 °C 0.4 μA 50 Sleep mode 1000 VDD = 3.3 V, T = 70 °C Sleep mode nA 5000 VDD = 5.5 V, T = 125 °C Conversion in progress: 1.8 V 3.5 4.5 5.0 6 6.8 8.5 Idle mode 360 1000 Conversion time for first measurement in a burst 11 µs Additional conversions in a burst 8.8 µs 3.3 V 5.0 V Conversion Time TCONV silabs.com | Building a more connected world. mA μA Rev. 1.2 | 3 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Electrical Specifications Parameter Symbol Test Condition Sleep Time TSLEEP Factory configurable from 1 to 200 msec ±20% Idle Time1 TIDLE slTime = 0x01 Min Typ Max Unit 11.9 13.2 14.5 µs 185 206 227 msec 1 msec slFast = 1 slTime = 0xFF slFast = 0 Wake Up Time TWAKE Time from VDD > 1.7 V to first measurement Note: 1. Part can go to either idle more or sleep mode between conversions. If part is in idle mode with slTime = 0x00 and slFast = 1 conversion are continuous at 8.8 μsec interval. Table 1.3. Output Pin Specifications Parameter Output Voltage Low Symbol VOL Test Condition Min Typ IOL = 3 mA Max Unit 0.4 V 0.2 V 0.6 V 1 µA VDD > 2 V Output Pin Open Drain or Push Pull IOL = 2 mA VDD > 1.7 V IOL = 6 mA VDD > 2 V Leakage IOH Output high Output Pin Open Drain Output Voltage High VOH VDD – 0.4 V VDD >2.25 V Output Pin Push Pull Slew Rate IOH = 2 mA TSLEW 5 %VDD/ns Digital Output Mode silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 4 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Electrical Specifications Table 1.4. I2C Interface Specification Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit 400 kHz SCL Clock Frequency fSCL 0 Start Condition Hold Time tSDH 0.6 µs LOW Period of SCL tSKL 1.3 µs HIGH Period of Clock tSKH 0.6 µs tSU;STA 0.6 µs Data Hold Time tDH 0 Data Set Up Time tDS 100 ns Set Up Time for a STOP Condition tSPS 0.6 µs Bus Free Time between STOP and START tBUF 1.3 µs Data Valid Time (SCL Low to Data Valid) tVD;DAT 0.9 µs Data Valid Acknowledge Time (time from SCL Low to SDA Low) tVD;ACK 0.9 µs 17 %VDD Set Up Time for a Repeated Start Hysteresis Digital input hysteresis SDA and SCL 7 tSP Suppressed Pulse Width1 50 ns Note: 1. Pulses up to and including 50 nsec will be suppressed. tSKH 1/fSCL tSKL tSP SCL tBUF tSTH SDA tDS D6 D5 tDH D4 D0 tSPS R/W ACK Start Bit Stop Bit tVD : ACK tSTS Figure 1.1. I2C Interface Timing silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 5 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Electrical Specifications Table 1.5. Magnetic Sensor Parameter Offset (Digital Output Mode) Symbol BOFF Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit ±250 +450, -350 µT ±350 ±1500 µT ±250 µT 0 - 70°C 5 % Full temperature range 10 % 20 mT scale SOT23 package Full temperature and VDD range 20 mT scale DFN8 package Full temperature and VDD range 0 - 70°C and 1.71 V to 3.6 V SOT23 package Gain Accuracy Temp = 25 °C, 20 mT range, VDD = 5V RMS Noise1 30 µT rms Note: 1. For a single conversion. This may be reduced by filtering. Table 1.6. Temperature Compensation Parameter Symbol Gain Variation with Temperature Test Condition Min Flat Tempco. Typ Max Unit < +/-0.05 %/°C Neodymium compensation -0.12 %/°C Ceramic compensation -0.2 %/°C 0 - 70°C Table 1.7. Average Temperature Measurement Error Parameter Symbol Average Temperature Measurement Error After Gain and Offset Correction Test Conditon SOT23-5 Min Typ Max Unit ±1 ±1.5 °C -10 to +85°C DFN8 ±4 °C -10 to +85°C silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 6 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Electrical Specifications Table 1.8. Thermal Characteristics Parameter Symbol Test Condition Value Unit Junction to Air Thermal Resistance θJA JEDEC 4 layer board no airflow SOT23-5 212.8 °C/W Junction to Board Thermal Resistance θJB JEDEC 4 layer board no airflow SOT23-5 45 °C/W Junction to Air Thermal Resistance θJA JEDEC 4 layer board no airflow DFN8 107.6 °C/W Junction to Board Thermal Resistance θJB JEDEC 4 layer board no airflow DFN8 42.6 °C/W Junction to Case Thermal Resistance θJC JEDEC 4 layer board no airflow DFN8 53.6 °C/W Table 1.9. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit Ambient Temperature Under Bias -55 125 °C Storage Temperature -65 150 °C Voltage on I/O Pins -0.3 VDD+0.3 V Voltage on VDD with Respect to Ground -0.3 6 V HBM 2 kV CDM 500 V ESD Tolerance Note: 1. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only, operation at or beyond these conditions is not implied and may shorten the life of the device or alter its performance. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 7 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Functional Description 2. Functional Description The Si7210 family of parts are I2C programmable Hall effect magnetic position sensors. These parts digitize the component of the magnetic field in the z axis of the device (positive field is defined as pointing into the device from the bottom). The parts are normally used to detect the presence or absence of a magnet in security systems, as position sensors or for counting revolutions. In addition to being able to control the conversion process and read the result of magnetic field conversions by I2C, the 5-pin packages offer an output pin. The output pin can act as an alert (push pull or open collector) which goes high or low when the magnetic field crosses a threshold. Alternatively the output pin can be configured as an analog output. The output pin configuration is determined by the type of part ordered (this is not I2C configurable). The parts are preconfigured for the magnetic field measurement range, sleep time, temperature compensation, tamper threshold, and digital filtering, and will wake into the preconfigured mode when first powered. The specific configuration, as well as the I2C address and output type (open collector or push pull), are determined by the part number. Magnetic field trip points are typically configured by I2C, and the part is allowed to go into its normal sleep and measurement cycle. If the bit Usestore is set to 1, the output pin trip points are retained in sleep mode. Data other than magnetic field trip points is not retained in sleep mode. If there is not a need to go to full sleep mode, the other parameters may be configured, and this data will be kept in idle mode. Following is a list of I2C interface configurable options: • Measurement range. This is normally set so that after temperature compensation the full scale (15b unsigned) digital output is ±20.47 mT (0.00125 mT/bit) or ±204.7 mT (0.0125 mT/bit). (Note: 1 Gauss = 0.1 mT). For convenience these are referred to as the 20 mT and 200 mT scales. • Digital filtering. To reduce noise in the output (normally 0.03 mT RMS on the 20 mT scale), digital filtering can be applied. The digital filtering can be done to a burst of measurements (FIR filter) or can be configured to average measurements in IIR style. The filtering can be done over a number of samples in powers of 2 (1,2,4,8,…) for up to 212 (4096) samples. • Time between measurements (or measurement bursts for the case of FIR filtering) • For lowest power, the part can be configured to sleep between measurements. However, remember some configuration data is lost in sleep mode. • For faster measurement rates, the part is configured to idle between samples. • The part can also be configured to take a single measurement on command. • The digital output pin (for parts that support this option) • Threshold at which the digital output will change for increasing field (Bop) and for decreasing field (Brp). • The direction in which the output pin goes in response to an increase in field • There is an option to take the magnitude of the field prior to the comparison so that the polarity is not field dependent • The settings will be retained in sleep mode. • A “tamper threshold”. This is intended to signal the presence of a strong magnet, which may indicate tampering. In the case of tamper detection, the output pin will go to its zero field value (which in security systems is normally an indication of door or window open). • Temperature compensation of the magnetic field response to compensate for the nominal drop in magnetic field output of common magnets with increasing temperature. • An on chip coil that generates a large enough field to allow self-test of the sensor • The coil can be turned on in either polarity For greater precision in programming the part, a number of calibration data points are stored in memory (OTP). • The nominal magnetic field output of the on-chip coil normalized to the power supply voltage • Coefficients to be used for setting gain and temperature compensation silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 8 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet I2C Interface 3. I2C Interface The Si7210 complies with “fast” mode I2C operation and 7 bit addressing at speeds up to 400 kHz. The I2C address is factory programmed to one of 4 values 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, or 0x33 (0110000b through 0110011b). At power-up the registers are initialized, as will be described in the register definitions, and then they can be read or written in standard fashion for I2C devices. A special sequence must be used to read OTP data, as will be described. The host command for writing an I2C register is: START Address W ACK register ACK data ACK STOP The host command for reading an I2C register is: START Address W ACK Register ACK Address Sr R Data NACK* STOP *NACK by host Where: START is SDA going low with SCL high Sr is a repeated START Address is 0x30 up to 0x33 0 indicates a write and 1 indicates a read ACK is SDA low Data is the Read or Write data NACK is SDA high STOP is SDA going high with SCL high Writing or Reading of sequential registers can be supported by setting the arautoinc bit of register 0xC5 (see register description). In the case of a read sequence where the arautoinc bit has been set, the data can be ACK’d to allow reading of sequential registers. For example, a two byte read of the conversion data in registers 0xC1 and 0XC2 would be: START Address W ACK 0xC1 ACK Address Sr ACK data ACK* data NACK* STOP * ACK or NACK by host To wake a part from sleep mode or to interrupt a measurement loop from idle mode, send the sequence: START Address W ACK STOP In this case, if the host continued with a register, the Si7210 would NACK which would be unexpected. or use: START Address R ACK data NACK* STOP *NACK by host In this case the Si7210 will produce 0xFF for the data. Allow 10 μsec between the ACK of the address and the next START for the Si7210 to wake from sleep. In most cases this will happen automatically due to the 400 kHz maximum speed of the I2C bus. The sequence will put the part in idle mode with the stop bit set. Note: It is recommended that the part be put in stop mode prior to changing data that will affect a measurement outcome. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 9 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet I2C Interface To make a single conversion having woken the part, set the oneburst bit of register 0xC4 to 1 and the stop bit to 0. The stop bit resets to 1 by the time the measurement is complete. To put the part back to sleep after reading the data, set stop bit to 0. The bit slTimeena is normally factory set to 1, so it does not need to be set. The bit sleep is not set. To put the part to sleep with no measurements (sleep timer disabled), write the sleep bit to 1 and the stop bit to 0. If it is desired to re-enable the sleep timer having put the part to sleep with sleeptimer disabled, then wait 500 μsec after setting the sltimeena bit before putting the part to sleep. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 10 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Register Definitions 4. Register Definitions The Si7210 has 21 registers in locations 0xC0 – 0xE4. Configuration data is loaded at start up from OTP data and can be modified by I2C writes. Note: This data will be reloaded when the part wakes from sleep mode (other than 0xC6 and 0xC7 which are not reloaded if bit Usestore is set). ADDR 7 6 0xC0 5 4 3 2 chipid (RO) Dspsigm 0xC2 Dspsigl 0xC3 dspsigsel meas(RO) Usestore oneburst stop 0xC5 0xC6 0xC7 0 revid (RO) 0xC1 0xC4 1 sleep arautoinc sw_low4field sw_op sw_fieldpolsel sw_hyst 0xC8 slTime 0xC9 sw_tamper slFast 0xCA a0 0xCB a1 0xCC a2 0xCD df_burstsize df_bw 0xCE a3 0xCF a4 0xD0 a5 0xE1 otp_addr 0xE2 otp_data 0xE3 0xE4 slTimeena df_iir otp_read_e n otp_busy(RO) tm_fg As can be seen many of the bit fields are not aligned with register boundaries. When writing a particular bit field, it is best to use a read, modify, write procedure to ensure that other bit fields are not unintentionally changed. That is, read the register, modify the bit field of interest while keeping other bits the same, and then write the register back. Unspecified bits should not be changed from the factory configuration. 4.1 Field Descriptions 4.1.1 Chip ID chipid (RO) – This ID 0x1 for all Si7210 parts. revid (RO) – This ID 0x4 for revision B. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 11 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Register Definitions 4.1.2 Fields Associated with Reading DATA Dspsigm – Bits [6:0] are the most significant byte of the last conversion result. The most significant bit is a “fresh” bit indicating the register has been updated since last read. Reading the Dspsigm register causes the register Dspsigl to be loaded with the least significant byte of the last conversion result. Dspsigl – The least significant byte of the last conversion result. Read Dspsigm first to align the bytes. The complete 15b unsigned result is 256*Dspsigm[6:0]+Dspsigl[7:0]. A result of 16384 means zero field. More negative results mean negative field, and more positive results mean more positive field. With the normal recommended gain settings, the magnetic field data is scaled to 1 LSB = 0.00125 mT (±20.47 mT full scale) or 1 LSB = 0.0125 mT (±204.7 mT full scale) Magnetic field is calculated from the formula: B = (256*Dspsigm[6:0]+Dspsigl[7:0] -16384)* (0.00125 or 0.0125) Note: The data for a0 - a5 in registers 0xC9 through 0xD0 is appropriate for the default averaging which is typically 1 sample (df_burstsize=0). The data in registers 0x21 - 0x44 is appropriate when averaging is turned on (df_burstsize>0). If using the coefficients in 0x21 0x44 (for example, to change the measurement scale) and there is no averaging, then subtract 0.1mT from the calculated B field.. Setting dspsigsel to 0x01 will give the output of an internal temperature sensor. See also 5. Making Temperature Measurements. meas(RO) – indicates a measurement is in process. In most cases this bit is not needed as the fresh bit of Dspsigm can be used in- stead. oneburst – Setting this bit initiates a single conversion. Set stop = 0 when setting oneburst = 1. The oneburst bit will auto clear once the conversion initiates and the stop bit will be set to 1 when the conversion completes. stop - Setting this bit causes the control state machine measurement loop to pause after the current measurement burst completes. Once set, clearing this bit restarts the measurement loop. sleep - Setting this bit causes the part to enter sleep mode after the current measurement burst completes. Once set, clearing this bit restarts the measurement loop. arautoinc – enables auto increment of the I2C register address pointer. This bit is not retained in sleep mode silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 12 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Register Definitions 4.1.3 Fields Associated with Configuring the Output Pin Usestore – Setting this bit causes the current state of OTP registers for the sw_op, sw_hyst, sw_low4field, and sw_fieldpolsel bits to be saved and restored during the next sleep and wakeup sequence instead of using data read from the OTP. Note: Allowing a part to enter sleep mode will result in reloading other parameters, such as the filtering data. This bit will also be retained in sleep mode. sw_low4field - selects logic sense; output is low when the field is strong when the bit is set. Output is high when the field is strong when the bit is cleared. sw_op – this 7 bit number sets the center point of the decision point for magnetic field high or low. The actual decision point is the center point plus or minus the hysteresis. The 15b data that can be read from I2C is truncated to 13b prior to the logic that makes the decision. The middle of the decision point relative to full scale (13b signed or +/-4096 counts) is: threshold = (16 + sw_op 3 : 0 ) × 2sw_op 6:4 threshold = 0, when sw_op = 127 These numbers run from 16 to 3840. On the 20 mT scale each LSB of the 15b number is 0.00125 mT. In 13b representation the LSB is 0.005 mT/bit so the middle of the decision point can be programmed from 0.08 mT to 19.2 mT (16*0.005 to 3840*0.005). Similarly, on the 200 mT scale, the middle point of the decision threshold can be programmed from 0.8 mT to 192 mT. The special case of sw_op = 127 is for “latches”. A Hall effect latch is like a Hall effect switch except the decision points are generally symmetrical around zero. A Hall effect latch is useful for detecting wide range of motion such as a garage door where there are magnets of opposite polarities at the extremes of travel. sw_fieldpolsel • 00b: absolute value of the field is taken before comparing to threshold (omnipolar) • 01b: field is multiplied by -1 before being compared to (positive) threshold (unipolar operating in negative field region) • 10b: field is multiplied by 1 before being compared to (positive) threshold (unipolar operating in positive field region). Also compatible with Latch operation. • 11b: unused sw_hyst - the formula for switch hysteresis is: hysteresis = (8 + sw_hyst 2 : 0 ) × 2sw_hyst 5:3 If sw_op = 127, (latch mode) the hysteresis is multiplied by 2 When sw_hyst = 63, the hysteresis is set to zero. These numbers can range from 8 to 1792 or 16 to 3584 when the sensor is in “latch” mode with sw_op = 127. On the 20 mT scale this corresponds to ±0.04 mT to ±8.96 mT hysteresis when the part is in switch mode and ±0.08 mT to ±17.92 mT in latch mode. On the 200 mT scale, these numbers are multiplied by 10. Note that Bop = (threshold + hysteresis) × 0.05mT 0.5mT , or = (threshold + hysteresis) × bit bit And Brp = (threshold − hysteresis) × 0.05mT 0.5mT , or = (threshold − hysteresis) × bit bit So that Bop − Brp = 2 × hysteresis × 0.05mT 0.5mT , or = 2 × hysteresis × bit bit sw_tamper – For the Si7210 if there is a strong magnetic field and the tamper threshold is exceeded, the output pin will go to the same value it would have been at if the measured field was zero. For a security application, if someone tried to “fool” the sensor by putting a strong magnet near it, the output indication would be the same as “door open” or low magnetic field indicting possible tampering. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 13 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Register Definitions The formula for the tamper threshold is: tamper = (16 + sw_tamper 3 : 0 ) × 2sw_tamper 5:4 +5 The tamper feature is disabled if sw_tamper = 63 This formula can give numbers ranging from 512 to 7936 (which is greater than the full scale of the part. Generally any setting of switch tamper(5:4) = 3 (11b) effectively disables the tamper feature as well. With switch tamper = 101111b the tamper threshold is 3968 which is 96.895 % of full scale. On the 20 mT scale a setting of 000000b (threshold = 512) gives a tamper threshold of 2.65 mT and a setting of 101111b (threshold = 3968) gives a tamper threshold of 19.84 mT. On the 200 mT scale these numbers are multiplied by 10. Example: VOUT sw_hyst B sw_op sw_tamper Figure 4.1. Omnipolar Switch with Tamper 4.1.4 Registers Associated with Control of Idle Time slTime - Controls duration of sleep or IDLE interval. Note: For the case of sleep between measurements (slTimeena = 1), the sleep time is not user configurable and it is recommended that this register should not be changed. The register will be reloaded every time a measurement is made when the part wakes from sleep. The idle counter duration is tidle = (32 + slTime 4 : 0 ) × 28−6×slFast+slTime 7:5 10MHz For the idle counter, slFast =1 and slTime = 0 overrides to mean actual zero idle time. The AFE runs continuously and a new sample is taken every 8.8 μsec. Idle times are variable from 13.2 μsec to 206 msec nominally. Idle times are ±10%. slFast - When set, causes a reduction in programmed sleep and idle times as in the above equations. slTimeena – Enables the sleep timer. 0 means the part goes into complete sleep once the sleep bit is set. 1 means the parts will wake a factory set interval between 1 and 200 msec, make a measurement, set the output pin value and return to sleep. The sleep time is not user configurable. This is determined by the part number ordered and is factory adjustable in the range of 1 to 20 msec ±20%. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 14 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Register Definitions 4.1.5 Registers Associated with Setting the Output Scale a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 - These parameters are associated with the trimming of the part and setting the analog measurement range. 6 sets of these parameters are stored in OTP for the 2 standard ranges of ±20 mT and ±200 mT and the 3 standard temperature compensations as in Table 1.6 Temperature Compensation on page 6. Parts are shipped pre-configured for a given output scale. To change the output scale, copy these 5 numbers from OTP to I2C memory. (See also section on OTP memory.) 4.1.6 Registers Associated with Adding Digital Filtering df_burstsize - Rather than taking a single sample, each time the part wakes up, the Si7210 can be configured to take a burst of measurements. The time required to take one measurement is 11 µsec. Each additional measurement takes 8.8 µsec. The maximum setting of df_bw is 12. The number of samples to average is 2df_bw. This can be 1,2,4,8,…up to 4096. In FIR mode the number of samples per burst is controlled by df_bw In FIR mode the average is the sum of the samples divided by the number of samples. T ∑ output(T ) = t=T +1−2 df_bw sample(t) 2df_bw df_iir = 0 means the averaging is done FIR style, 1 means the averaging is done IIR style In IIR mode, the averaging is done using: output(T ) = (2df_bw − 1) 2 df_bw 1 × output(T − 1) + df_bw × sample(T ) 2 In IIR mode, the number of measurements in a burst is 2^df_burstsize, so this is 1,2,4,8,… up to 128 samples. Normally, in IIR mode df_burstsize is set to 0, but it is possible to use burst averaging on each sample and IIR averaging of the bursts. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 15 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Register Definitions 4.1.7 Registers to Read OTP Data The following are used for reading the OTP data: otp_addr - is the address of the data to read otp_data - is the data once read otp_read_en - must be set to 1 to initiate a read; this bit is auto cleared otp_busy – indicates the OTP is busy. For normal I2C reads, the data will be available by the time the read enable bit is set and the data is read, so in most cases this bit is not needed. The table below is the map for OTP memory. Registers 0x04 – 0x0F correspond to the I2C registers and are loaded at power up or wake from sleep. If the bit Usestore is set, then the first two registers are not reloaded on a wake from sleep. OTP BYTE 0x04 0x05 7 6 5 4 3 sw_low4field 1 0 slFast slTimeena sw_op sw_fieldpolsel sw_hyst 0x06 slTime 0x08 sw_tamper 0x09 power up a0 0x0A power up a1 0x0B power up a2 0x0C 2 df_burstsize df_bw 0x0D power up a3 0x0E power up a4 0x0F power up a5 0x14 Base part number dropping the “Si72”, for example 01 for Si7201 0x15 Variant according to data sheet represented in hex., for example, variant 50 is 0x32 0x16 – 0x17 Reserved 0x18 – 0x1B 4 byte serial number 0x1C Reserved 0x1D Temperature sensor offset adjustment 0x1E Temperature sensor gain adjustment 0x20 Reserved 0x21 - 0x26 a0 – a5 for 20 mT scale and no magnet temperature compensation 0x27 - 0x2C a0 - a5 for 200 mT scale and no magnet temperature compensation 0x2D - 0x32 a0 – a5 for 20 mT scale at 25°C -0.12%/°C magnet temperature compensation (Neodymium) 0x33 - 0x38 a0 – a5 for 200 mT scale at 25°C -0.12%/°C magnet temperature compensation (Neodymium) 0x39 - 0x3E a0 – a5 for 20 mT scale at 25°C -0.2%/°C magnet temperature compensation (Ceramic) 0x3F - 0x44 a0 – a5 for 200 mT scale at 25°C -0.2%/°C magnet temperature compensation (Ceramic) silabs.com | Building a more connected world. df_iir Rev. 1.2 | 16 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Register Definitions 4.1.8 Control of On-Chip Test Coil tm_fg - Test Field Generator Coil tm_fg Current in coil 00b (State 0) None 01b (State 1) Positive direction 10b (State 2) Negative direction 11b (State 3) None Avoid transitions between states 1 & 2, due to a possible short term high current spike. The nominal magnetic field output of the on chip generator varies with coil current. The coil current varies with coil resistance and power supply voltage, so the nominal magnetic field output varies according to Bout = BperVnom × V DD BperVnom is 1.16 mT/V This can be used to calculate the expected magnetic field from the test coil for a given VDD. This is somewhat temperature dependent so the actual measured field will vary according to the accuracy of the part as well as temperature. Generally, as the coil is turned on and off the measured variation in field should be within ±25% of expectation based on the calculated field generation. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 17 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Making Temperature Measurements 5. Making Temperature Measurements Every magnetic field conversion has an associated temperature measurement. During magnetic field measurement cycles, this data is used for compensating the hall sensor data to keep the desired temperature coefficient of magnetic field measurement. The temperature data is available by setting the dspsigsel field of register 0xC3 to 0x01. Once the dspsigsel field is set, the temperature sensor data is read from registers 0xC1 and 0xC2 as 15b unsigned number (see also 4.1.2 Fields Associated with Reading DATA). The temperature sensor data can be read after one conversion or after a burst of conversions. Note: The temperature sensor data is not averaged after performing a burst. Only the magnetic field data is averaged. The data in 0xc1 and 0xc2 is combined into a 12 bit signed number: value = 32 x Dspigm 6 : 0 + (Dspisigl 7 : 0 > > 3) Temperature_raw = − 3.83 x 10−6 x value 2 + 0.16094 x value − 279.80 The data read in this way does not have offset and gain correction applied. The offset and gain correction is stored in registers 0x1D and 0x1E which are read as signed integers. Offset = signed_value(0x1D) 16 Gain = 1 + signed_value(0x1E ) 2048 And finally Temperature = gain x (Temperature_raw) + offset − (0.222 × VDD) If VDD is not known, then use VDD = 3.3 V. Typically, the gain and offset terms are calculated only once and then are saved. The temperature measurement circuit has noise and quantization errors of approximately ±0.3 °C. Adding averaging to the calculated temperature will reduce these errors. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 18 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Pin Descriptions 6. Pin Descriptions 6.1 SOT-23 Pin Description 1 5 2 3 4 SOT-23, 5-Pin Top View Figure 6.1. Pin Assignments Table 6.1. 5-Pin SOT23-5 Package Pin Name Pin Number SDA 1 I2C data GND 2 Ground SCL 3 I2C clock VDD 4 Power +1.7 to +5.5 V ALERT 5 Digital ouput silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Description Rev. 1.2 | 19 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Pin Descriptions 6.2 DFN Pin Description Figure 6.2. 8-Pin DFN, Top View Table 6.2. Pin Descriptions Pin Name Type 1 GND Ground 2 SCL - I2C Clock 3 NC - No connect 4 SDA - I2C Data 5 GND Ground Ground 6 Out Bidirectional Output 7 NC - 8 Vdd Power silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Description Ground No connect Vdd Rev. 1.2 | 20 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Ordering Information 7. Ordering Information Si72 10 B xx I V R Silicon Labs Magnetic Sensor Family Output Type 10 = I2C Revision Product Feature Set See Selector Guide for breakdown of feature set Temperature Grade I = (-40 to +125) Package V = SOT23-5, M2 = DFN8 Tape and Reel (Optional) Figure 7.1. Si7210 Part Numbering Table 7.1. Product Selection Guide Part No. Default Brp and Bop Default Output Polarity (High Field) Default Scale I2C Address Package Other SOT23-5 Tamper @19.84 mT Si7210 VDD = 1.7 - 5.5 V, IDD = 0.4 μA typical at VDD = 3.3 V. Temperature rating -40 °C to 125 °C. Digital Filtering = None, Sleep/Idle Time = 200 msec (sleep) Si7210-B-00IV(R) Bop = ±1.1 mT (max) High (push-pull) 20 mT 0x30 Brp = ±0.2 mT (min) |Bop - Brp| = 0.4 mT (typ) silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 21 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Ordering Information Part No. Si7210-B-01IV(R) Default Brp and Bop Default Output Polarity (High Field) Default Scale I2C Address Package Other Bop = ±1.1 mT (max) Low (open drain) 20 mT 0x30 SOT23-5 Tamper @19.84 mT Low (push-pull) 20 mT 0x31 SOT23-5 Tamper @19.84 mT Low (push-pull) 20 mT 0x32 SOT23-5 Low (push-pull) 20 mT 0x33 SOT23-5 Low (push-pull) 200 mT 0x33 SOT23-5 High (push-pull) 20 mT 0x30 DFN8 Tamper @19.84 mT Low (open-drain) 20 mT 0x30 DFN8 Tamper @19.84 mT Brp = ±0.2 mT (min) |Bop - Brp| = 0.4 mT (typ) Si7210-B-02IV(R) Bop = ±1.1 mT (max) Brp = ±0.2 mT (min) |Bop - Brp| = 0.4 mT (typ) Si7210-B-03IV(R) Bop = ±1.1 mT (max) Brp = ±0.2 mT (min) |Bop - Brp| = 0.4 mT (typ Si7210-B-04IV(R) Bop = ±1.1 mT (max) Brp = ±0.2 mT (min) |Bop - Brp| = 0.4 mT (typ) Si7210-B-05IV(R) Bop = ±2.15 mT (max) Brp = ±0.35 mT (min) |Bop - Brp| = 0.8 mT (typ) Si7210-B-10IM2(R) Bop = ±7 mT (max) Brp = ±4 mT (min) |Bop - Brp| = 1 mT (typ) Si7210-B-11IM2(R) Bop = ±7 mT (max) Brp = ±4 mT (min) |Bop - Brp| = 1 mT (typ) silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 22 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Ordering Information Part No. Si7210-B-12IM2(R) Default Brp and Bop Default Output Polarity (High Field) Default Scale I2C Address Package Bop = ±7 mT (max) Low (push-pull) 20 mT 0x31 DFN8 Low (push-pull) 20 mT 0x32 DFN8 Low (push-pull) 20 mT 0x33 DFN8 Low (push-pull) 200 mT 0x33 DFN8 Other Brp = ±4 mT (min) |Bop - Brp| = 1 mT (typ) Si7210-B-13IM2(R) Bop = ±7 mT (max) Brp = ±4 mT (min) |Bop - Brp| = 1 mT (typ) Si7210-B-14IM2(R) Bop = ±7 mT (max) Brp = ±4 mT (min) |Bop - Brp| = 1 mT (typ) Si7210-B-15IM2(R) Bop = ±7 mT (max) Brp = ±4 mT (min) |Bop - Brp| = 1 mT (typ) Additional Information For information on the below specifications for each OPN, refer to the Magnetic Sensors Selector Guide: • Default B Release Point (Brp) • Default B Operate Point (Bop) • Tamper threshold • Temperature sensor accuracy Factory configuration options include: • The I2C address • The output pin can be open drain or push pull In sleep mode, the operate and release point setting are saved if the bit Usestore is set. Other parameters for sleep timer operation are factory configured: • The tamper indication point • The sample rate • Samples per measurement burst (FIR mode only) • Measurement scale and temperature compensation Note: North pole of a magnet at the bottom of an SOT23-5 package and top of a DFN 8 package (coming soon) is defined as positive field. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 23 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Package Outline 8. Package Outline 8.1 SOT23-5 5-Pin Package silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 24 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Package Outline Table 8.1. SOT23-5 5-Pin Package Dimensions Dimension Min Max A -- 1.25 A1 0.00 0.10 A2 0.85 1.15 b 0.30 0.50 c 0.10 0.20 D 2.90 BSC E 2.75 BSC E1 1.60 BSC e 0.95 BSC e1 1.90 BSC L 0.30 L2 θ 0.60 0.25 BSC 0° 8° aaa 0.15 bbb 0.20 ccc 0.10 ddd 0.20 Note: 1. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted. 2. Dimensioning and Tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M-1994. 3. This drawing conforms to the JEDEC Solid State Outline MO-193, Variation AB. 4. Recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020D specification for Small Body Components. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 25 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Package Outline 8.2 TDFN 8-Pin Package silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 26 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Package Outline Table 8.2. DFN 8-Pin Package Dimensions Dimension MIN NOM MAX A 0.32 0.37 0.40 A1 0.00 0.02 0.05 A2 0.27 A3 0.102 REF. b 0.15 0.20 D 1.40 BSC E 1.60 BSC e 0.40 BSC L 0.30 0.35 K 0.70 REF. aaa 0.10 bbb 0.07 ccc 0.10 eee 0.05 0.25 0.40 Note: 1. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted. 2. Dimensioning and Tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M-1994. 3. Recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 specification for Small Body Components. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 27 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Land Patterns 9. Land Patterns 9.1 SOT23-5 5-Pin PCB Land Pattern Dimension (mm) C 2.70 E 0.95 X 1.05 Y 0.60 Note: General 1. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted. 2. Dimensioning and Tolerancing is per the ANSI Y14.5M-1994 specification. 3. This Land Pattern Design is based on the IPC-7351 guidelines. 4. All dimensions shown are at Maximum Material Condition (MMC). Least Material Condition (LMC) is calculated based on a Fabrication Allowance of 0.05 mm. Card Assembly 1. A No-Clean, Type-3 solder paste is recommended. 2. The recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020D specification for Small Body Components. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 28 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Land Patterns 9.2 TDFN 8-Pin PCB Land Pattern Dimension mm D 1.40 E 1.60 C 1.30 L 0.80 W 0.20 e 0.40 Note: General 1. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm). 2. This Land Pattern Design is based on the IPC-7351 guidelines. 3. All dimensions shown are at Maximum Material Condition (MMC). Least Material Condition (LMC) is calculated based on a Fabrication Allowance of 0.05 mm. Solder Mask Design 1. All metal pads are to be non-solder mask defined (NSMD). Clearance between the solder mask and the metal pad is to be 60 m minimum, all the way around the pad. Stencil Design 1. A stainless steel, laser-cut and electro-polished stencil with trapezoidal walls should be used to assure good solder paste release. 2. The stencil thickness should be 0.125 mm (5 mils). 3. The ratio of stencil aperture to land pad size should be 1:1 for all perimeter pads. 4. A 2x1 array of 0.55 mm square openings on a 0.90 mm pitch should be used for the center ground pad. Card Assembly 1. A No-Clean, Type-3 solder paste is recommended. 2. The recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 specification for Small Body Components. Above notes and stencil design are shared as recommendations only. A customer or user may find it necessary to use different parameters and fine tune their SMT process as required for their application and tooling. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 29 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Top Marking 10. Top Marking 10.1 SOT23-5 5-Pin Top Marking Note: TTTT is a manufacturing code. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 30 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Top Marking 10.2 TDFN 8-Pin Top Mark Table 10.1. Top Marking Package Details Mark Method: Laser Pin 1 Mark 0.30 mm Diameter (Bottom-Left Corner) Font Size 0.4 mm Right-justified Line 1 Mark Format TTT = Mfg Code First three characters of the Manufacturing Code from the Assembly Purchase Order form. Line 2 Mark Format TT = Mfg Code (Continued) Last two characters of the Manufacturing Code from the Assembly Purchase Order form. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 31 Si7210 I2C Hall Effect Magnetic Position and Temperature Sensor Data Sheet Revision History 11. Revision History Revision 1.2 November 2019 • Added DFN8 package to specification, feature list, and ordering guide • Added DFN8 package pin description, package outline, and landing pattern Revision 1.1 March 2019 • Removed all mention of AEC-Q100 qualification in product description and feature list. Revision 1.0 April 2018 • Updated power numbers to be consistent with production test limits. • Moved detailed ordering guide to a separate selection guide. • Updated detailed description to be clearer and more accurate. • Added Default Bop, Brp column to Ording Guide. Revision 0.9 June 30, 2017 • Updated 1. Electrical Specifications. • Updated 7. Ordering Information. • Minor typo corrections. Revision 0.1 February 1, 2016 • Initial release. silabs.com | Building a more connected world. Rev. 1.2 | 32 Smart. Connected. Energy-Friendly. Products Quality www.silabs.com/products www.silabs.com/quality Support and Community community.silabs.com Disclaimer Silicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Without prior notification, Silicon Labs may update product firmware during the manufacturing process for security or reliability reasons. Such changes will not alter the specifications or the performance of the product. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied in this document. This document does not imply or expressly grant any license to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any FDA Class III devices, applications for which FDA premarket approval is required or Life Support Systems without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons. Silicon Labs disclaims all express and implied warranties and shall not be responsible or liable for any injuries or damages related to use of a Silicon Labs product in such unauthorized applications. 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SI7210-B-00-IVR 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 3000+9.05702


      •  国内价格
      • 1+14.15709
      • 10+9.67255
