Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller
Low Power CMOS, 3.3 Volt Power Supply with 5 Volt Tolerant I/O Supports 8/16-Bit Data Bus
− − − − − − − − − − − Both 86xx and 68hxx Platforms Sequential I/O Mapped Access Maximum 31 Nodes per Network Token Retry Mechanism Maximum 256 Bytes per Packet Consecutive Node ID Assignment Shared Memory within Network Network Time Synchronization Automatic Time Stamping Intelligent 1-Bit Error Correction Magnetic Saturation Prevention
Single Operation Mode
− Supports Only Peripheral (Host) Mode Operates with MCU
1K On-chip Dual Port Buffer Memory Enhanced Token Passing Protocol from ARCNET
Supports 8 Bit Programmable General Purpose I/O Dual Communication Modes (with Peripheral Mode)
− − − − − Free Format Mode Remote Buffer Mode 1 Internal and 2 External Bus, Star, and Tree RS485 Differential Driver
3 Port Hub Integrated Flexible Topologies Low-Cost Media can be Used Fiber Optics and Twisted Pair Cable Supported 100-Pin TQFP Package; Green, Lead-Free Package also Available Temperature Range from 0 to 70 Degrees C
Memory Mirror Network Standard Time
Coded Mark Inversion
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Revision 0.1 (01-30-06)
Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
Order Number(s):
TMC2072-MD for 100 pin TQFP package TMC2072-MT for 100 pin TQFP package (green, lead-free)
80 Arkay Drive Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 435-6000 FAX (631) 273-3123
Copyright © 2006 SMSC or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Circuit diagrams and other information relating to SMSC products are included as a means of illustrating typical applications. Consequently, complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. Although the information has been checked and is believed to be accurate, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. SMSC reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Contact your local SMSC sales office to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order. The provision of this information does not convey to the purchaser of the described semiconductor devices any licenses under any patent rights or other intellectual property rights of SMSC or others. All sales are expressly conditional on your agreement to the terms and conditions of the most recently dated version of SMSC's standard Terms of Sale Agreement dated before the date of your order (the "Terms of Sale Agreement"). The product may contain design defects or errors known as anomalies which may cause the product's functions to deviate from published specifications. Anomaly sheets are available upon request. SMSC products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use in any life support or other application where product failure could cause or contribute to personal injury or severe property damage. Any and all such uses without prior written approval of an Officer of SMSC and further testing and/or modification will be fully at the risk of the customer. Copies of this document or other SMSC literature, as well as the Terms of Sale Agreement, may be obtained by visiting SMSC’s website at SMSC is a registered trademark of Standard Microsystems Corporation (“SMSC”). Product names and company names are the trademarks of their respective holders. SMSC DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND AGAINST INFRINGEMENT AND THE LIKE, AND ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM ANY COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SMSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; OR FOR LOST DATA, PROFITS, SAVINGS OR REVENUES OF ANY KIND; REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT; TORT; NEGLIGENCE OF SMSC OR OTHERS; STRICT LIABILITY; BREACH OF WARRANTY; OR OTHERWISE; WHETHER OR NOT ANY REMEDY OF BUYER IS HELD TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, AND WHETHER OR NOT SMSC HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
Chapter 1
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
General Description ............................................................................................................. 6
About CircLink ..................................................................................................................................... 6 About the TMC2072 ............................................................................................................................ 7 Pin Configuration................................................................................................................................. 9 Pin Description by Functions............................................................................................................. 14
1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 1.4.6 CPU Interface (27)..................................................................................................................................14 Transceiver Interface (5).........................................................................................................................14 Setup Pin (33).........................................................................................................................................14 External Output or Input/output (10) .......................................................................................................15 Other Input (5) ........................................................................................................................................15 Clock (3) .................................................................................................................................................16 CPU Type Selection ...............................................................................................................................16 Address Multiplex Selection....................................................................................................................17 Write Timing Selection............................................................................................................................19 Read Timing Selection............................................................................................................................20 Data Bus Width Selection .......................................................................................................................21 Data Bus Byte Swap ...............................................................................................................................21 Data Strobe Polarity Specification ..........................................................................................................21 Page Size Selection................................................................................................................................21 MAXID Number Setup ............................................................................................................................21 Node ID Setup.....................................................................................................................................22 NST Resolution Setup.........................................................................................................................22 Standalone Mode Specification (Not supported) .................................................................................22 Warning Timer Resolution...................................................................................................................22 Diagnosis Mode ..................................................................................................................................22 Prescaler Setup for Communication Speed ........................................................................................23 CPU Interface Bus Timing Selection ...................................................................................................23 CMI Bypass Specification....................................................................................................................23 ON/OFF of HUB Function ...................................................................................................................23 Optical Transceiver Mode ...................................................................................................................24 TXEN Polarity Select...........................................................................................................................24 Extension Timer Setting 1 ...................................................................................................................24 Test Pins .............................................................................................................................................24
User Setup Pins ................................................................................................................................ 16
1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.8 1.5.9 1.5.10 1.5.11 1.5.12 1.5.13 1.5.14 1.5.15 1.5.16 1.5.17 1.5.18 1.5.19 1.5.20 1.5.21 1.5.22
Chapter 2
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
Functional Description....................................................................................................... 25
Communication Specification............................................................................................................ 25 Message Class.................................................................................................................................. 25 CircLink Network Communication Protocol Overview ...................................................................... 26 CircLink Protocol Enhancement........................................................................................................ 27
2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 Reducing Token Loss .............................................................................................................................27 Reduction of Network Reconfiguration Time...........................................................................................27 Reduction of Reconfiguration Burst Signal Send Time. ..........................................................................28 RAM Access ...........................................................................................................................................29 Packet Buffer Structure...........................................................................................................................31 Packet Data Structure.............................................................................................................................32 CPU Identification and Compatibility Between Intel and Motorola Processors........................................33 Interface Restrictions ..............................................................................................................................34 Operation Mode ......................................................................................................................................35 Communication Mode.............................................................................................................................36 Example of Sending Control from CPU in Free Format Mode ................................................................38 TX Control from CPU in Remote Buffer Mode ........................................................................................39
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RAM Page Expansion ....................................................................................................................... 28
2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3
2.6 2.7 2.8
CPU Interface.................................................................................................................................... 33
2.6.1 2.6.2 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.8.1 2.8.2
Operation and Communication Modes of CircLink ........................................................................... 35 Sending in Peripheral Mode.............................................................................................................. 38
Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
Receive in Peripheral Mode .............................................................................................................. 39
2.9.1 2.9.2 2.9.3 2.9.4 Temporary Receive and Direct Receive .................................................................................................41 Example of Receive Flow in Free Format Mode .....................................................................................43 Example of Receive Flow in Remote Buffer Mode..................................................................................44 Warning Timer (WT) at Remote Buffer Receive .....................................................................................44
2.10 2.11
Diagnostic Mode ............................................................................................................................ 47 Network Standard Time (NST)....................................................................................................... 47
Functions Provided by NST.................................................................................................................48 Time-Synchronous Sequence .............................................................................................................49 Phase Error .........................................................................................................................................50 nNSTCOUT Pulse Generation Cycle ..................................................................................................53
2.11.1 2.11.2 2.11.3 2.11.4
2.12 2.13 2.14 3.1 3.2
CMI Modem.................................................................................................................................... 55 HUB Function................................................................................................................................. 56
Operation Example of HUB Function ..................................................................................................57 Timer Expansion in Multi-Stage Cascade Connection ........................................................................58
2.13.1 2.13.2
8bit General-purpose I/O Port (New Function) .............................................................................. 59
Chapter 3
3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 3.2.9 3.2.10 3.2.11 3.2.12 3.2.13 3.2.14 3.2.15 3.2.16 3.2.17 3.2.18 3.2.19 3.2.20 3.2.21 3.2.22 3.2.23 3.2.24 3.2.25 3.2.26 3.2.27 3.2.28
Register Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 60
COMR0 Register: Status/interrupt Mask Register ..................................................................................63 COMR1 Register: Diagnostic/Command Register ..................................................................................65 COMR2 Register: Page Register............................................................................................................67 COMR3 Register: Page-Internal Address Register.................................................................................68 COMR4 Register: Data Register.............................................................................................................69 COMR5 Register: Sub-address Register ................................................................................................69 COMR6 register: Configuration Register ................................................................................................70 COMR7 Register ....................................................................................................................................71 NST register: Network Standard Time ....................................................................................................75 INTSTA Register: EC Interrupt Status.................................................................................................75 INTMSK Register: EC Interrupt Mask .................................................................................................78 ECCMD Register: EC Command Register ..........................................................................................78 RSID Register: Receive SID ...............................................................................................................79 SSID Register: SID .............................................................................................................................80 RXFH Register: Receive Flag (higher side) ........................................................................................80 RXFL Register: Receive Flag (lower side) ..........................................................................................81 CMID register: Clock Master Node ID .................................................................................................82 MODE Register: Operation Mode Setup Register...............................................................................83 CARRY Register: Carry Selection for External Output ........................................................................85 RXMH Register: Receive Mode (higher side)......................................................................................86 RXML Register: Receive Mode (lower side)........................................................................................87 MAXID Register: Selection of Max. ID ................................................................................................88 NID Register: Selection of the Node ID ...............................................................................................88 PS Register: Page Size Selection .......................................................................................................88 CKP Register: Communication Rate Selection ...................................................................................89 NSTDIF Register: NST Phase Difference ...........................................................................................89 PININFO Register: Pin Setup Information ...........................................................................................90 ERRINFO Register: Error Information.................................................................................................90
Register Map ..................................................................................................................................... 60 Register Details ................................................................................................................................. 63
Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Appendix E.
CMI Modem .................................................................................................................... 93 Crystal Oscillation Circuit ........................................................................................... 100 Package Outline ............................................................................................................ 101 Marking Specifications................................................................................................. 102 Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................. 103
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 - TMC2072 Internal Block Diagram...........................................................................................................8 - TMC2072 Pin Configuration ...................................................................................................................9 - MOTOROLA CPU Mode (68hXX) ........................................................................................................17 - INTEL CPU MODE (86XX) ...................................................................................................................17 - Non-multiplex Bus ................................................................................................................................18 - Multiplex (ALE falling-edge Type) .........................................................................................................18 - Multiplex (ALE rising-edge Type)..........................................................................................................18 - Packet Structure of Free Format Mode (Example of 32 bytes/page) ....................................................36 - Packet Structure of Remote Buffer Mode (Example of 32 bytes/page).................................................37 - CMI Coding State transition diagram ....................................................................................................93 - CMI Modem Block Diagram..................................................................................................................94 - Example of unstable Comparator output ..............................................................................................98 - TMC2072 Package Outline.................................................................................................................101 - Timing Measurement Points ...............................................................................................................105
Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 - Pin Description .........................................................................................................................................10 - Number of Nodes and RAM Page Size....................................................................................................28 - CPU Type ................................................................................................................................................33 - Distinction and Matching of the CPU type ................................................................................................33 - Page Format of Packet Buffer ..................................................................................................................42 - CircLink Register Map..............................................................................................................................60 - TMC2072 Package Parameters .............................................................................................................101
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
Chapter 1
General Description
About CircLink
The CircLink networking controller was developed for small control-oriented local network data communication based on ARCNET’s token-passing protocol that guarantees message integrity and calculatable maximum delivery times. In a CircLink network, when a node receives the token it becomes the temporary master of the network for a fixed, short period of time. No node can dominate the network since token control must be relinquished when transmission is complete. Once a transmission is completed the token is passed on to the next node (logical neighbor), allowing it to be come the master. Because of this token passing scheme, maximum waiting time for network access can be calculated and the time performance of the network is predictable or deterministic. Industrial network applications require predictable performance to ensure that controlled events occur when required. However, reconfiguration of a regular ARCNET network becomes necessary when the token is missed due to electronic and magnetic noise. In these cases, the maximum wait time for sending datagrams cannot be guaranteed and the real-time characteristic is impaired. CircLink makes several modification to the original ARCNET protocol (such as maximum and consecutive node ID assignment) to avoid token missing as much as possible and reduce the network reconfiguration time. CircLink implements other enhancements to the ARCNET protocol including a smaller-sized network , shorter packet size, and remote buffer mode operation that enable more efficient and reliable small, control-oriented LANs. In addition, CircLink introduces several unique features for reducing overall system cost while increasing system reliability. CircLink can operate under a special mode called “Standalone” or “I/O” mode. In this mode, CircLink does not need an administrating CPU for each node. Only one CPU is needed to manage a CircLink network composed of several nodes, reducing cost and complexity. In a CircLink network, the data sent by the source node is received by all other nodes in the network and stored according to node source ID. For the target node the received data is executed per ARCNET flow control and the data is stored in its buffer RAM. The receiving node processes the data while the remaining nodes on the network discard the data when the receiving node has completed. This memory-mirroring function assures higher reliability and significantly reduces network traffic. Network Standard Time (NST) is also a unique CircLink feature. NST is realized by synchronizing the individual local time on each network node to the clock master in the designated node from which the packet is sent. CircLink also uses CMI code for transmitting signals, rather than the dipulse or bipolar signals that are the standard ARCNET signals. Since CMI encoding eliminates the DC element, a simple combination of a standard RS485 IC and a pulse transformer can be used to implement a transformercoupled network.
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
About the TMC2072
The TMC2072 network controller is CircLink technology’s flagship product. The TMC2072’s flexibility and rich feature set enable a high-reliability and high-performance, real-time and control-oriented network without the cumbersome middle layer protocol stacks and complex packet prioritization schemes typically required. TMC2072 operates at network data transfer rates up to 5 Mbps. Its embedded 1k Byte RAM can be configured into a maximum of 32 pages to implement a 31-node network where each node in the network has the same local memory. TMC2072 supports “Peripheral Mode” operation, which includes two selectable communication modes: “Free Format Mode” and “Remote Buffer Mode”. Free Format mode, retained from ARCNET, is “packet oriented” communication. Remote Buffer mode communication is a CircLink-specific feature, and is a token oriented communication, which includes automatic data transmission when the token arrives. The TMC2072 has a flexible 8-bit or 16-bit data bus to interface various CPU types including X86, 68XX, and SHx with multiplexed or non-multiplexed address/data. When operating in Peripheral mode, the TMC2072 has 8-bit programmable I/O available. When operating in Standalone mode, the TMC2072’s I/O configuration is16-bit. The TMC2072 also integrates a 3-port hub (two ports for external connection) to accommodate various network topologies (Bus, Star, etc.) and combinations.
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Micro-Controller bus
Memory Access Mediation Circuit Register Access Control Circuit Mode Setting Interrupt Status Interrupt Mask EC Command Receive Mode(#01-#31) Receive Flag(#01-#31) Clock Master SID Net. Standard Time Alarm Setting Receive SID Search SID MAX ID Setting (MAXID) Node ID Setting (NID) Page Size Setting (PS) Data Rate Setting PIN-INFO ERR-INFO CMI Encode Reset Circuit OSC CMI Synchro CMI Decode Data Latch TENT-ID Register CONFIG Register SETUP Registers 3Port HUB Circuit RECON Timer TX Signal Generator RX Synchronous circuit Data Latch Shift Register Page Register Address Register Diag. Register Data Register H Data Register L Address Multiplexer
Address pointer
Address Pointer
Buffer Memory 512B 512B
Improved ARCNET Protocol Micro Sequencer Working Registers
Figure 1 - TMC2072 Internal Block Diagram
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
Pin Configuration
*2 *3 *3 *1 *3 *2
75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 WPRE0 WPRE1 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 1 A3 (ALEPOL) / PO3 2 A4 3 VDD 4 A5 5 nDSINV 6 nRD (nDS) 7 nTMODE 8 nWR (DIR) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 VDD D0 (AD0) D1 (AD1) D2 (AD2) D3 (AD3) VSS VSS D4 (AD4) D5 (AD5) D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 50 NID4 49 NID3 48 NID2 47 NID1 46 NID0 45 PS1 44 PS0 43 NSTPRE1 42 NSTPRE0 41 VDD 40 VSS 39 nDIAG 38 RXIN2 37 ET1 36 RXIN 35 TXENPOL 34 TXEN2 33 TXD 32 TXEN 31 nINTR 30 VSS 29 nRESET 28 VDD 27 D15 26 D14
*1 VDD
*1 VDD
*1 *2
*2 VSS
*2 *4 *1
*2 VSS
*2 *2
*1 *2 *3 *4
Power Supply (VDD) Power Supply (VSS) Clock Signal Reset Signal
Figure 2 - TMC2072 Pin Configuration
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CPU Interface 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Total 27 29 96 97 98 99 1 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 31 nRESET nCS A0 A1 A2/ALE A3/ALEPOL A4 A5 nRD/nDS nWR/DIR D0/AD0 D1/AD1 D2/AD2 D3/AD3 D4/AD4 D5/AD5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 nINTR IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN BI BI BI BI BI BI BI BI BI BI BI BI BI BI BI BI OUT Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal --T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM ----------------------4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 2mA ---------------------
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
Transceiver Interface 1 2 3 4 5 Total Clock 1 2 3 Total 3 63 64 61 X1 X2 MCKIN IN OUT IN ----Internal ----T-NRM ------------5 36 32 33 38 34 RXIN TXEN TXD RXIN2 TXEN2 IN OUT OUT IN OUT Internal ----Internal --T-NRM ----T-NRM ----4mA 4mA --4mA -----
Setting Pins 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 92 93 94 95 42 43 91 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 39 nMUX nRWM W16 nSWAP NSTPRE0 NSTPRE1 NSTPRE2 PS0 PS1 NID0 NID1 NID2 NID3 NID4 MAXID0 MAXID1 MAXID2 MAXID3 MAXID4 CKP0 CKP1 CKP2 nDIAG IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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PIN COUNT 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Total 34 PIN NO. 35 76 77 83 84 85 5 87 89 88 37
INPUT BUFFER PULLUP Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal TYPE T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM
OUTPUT BUFFER DRIVE ----------------------TYPE -----------------------
Output Pins 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Test Pins 1 2 3 4 5 Total 5 79 80 81 82 7 nTEST0 nTEST1 nTEST2 nTEST3 nTMODE IN IN IN IN IN Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Internal T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM --------------------10 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 nNSTCOUT FLASHO GPIO0 GPIO1 GPIO2 GPIO3 GPIO4 GPIO5 GPIO6 GPIO7 OUT 3s.O 3s.O 3s.O 3s.O 3s.O 3s.O 3s.O 3s.O 3s.O ----Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal ----T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM T-NRM 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
Power Pins 3, 9, 1-8 28, 41, 53, 62, 78, 86 14, 15, 9-16 30, 40, 60, 65, 90, 100 Total 16 (High) : Connect to VDD (Open) : Not connected T-NRM 3s/O 3s.O TTL Level Input w/o Schmitt Tri-state Output or Normal Output Tri-state Output VSS PWR VDD PWR -----------------------------------------------------------------
Total Pin = 100
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
Pin Description by Functions
* A pin name starting with “n” indicates an active-low pin.
CPU Interface (27)
D[15:6]/ D[5:0]/AD[5:0] nCS nWR/DIR nRD/nDS A[5:4] A[3]/ALEPOL A[2]/ALE A[1:0] nINTR nRESET Data Bus (bit15-6) Data Bus / Address Data Bus (bit5-0) Chip Select Input Write Signal Input / Access Direction Read Signal Input / Data strobe Address Input Address Input / ALE Designate Polarity Address Input / ALE Address (bit1-0) Interrupt Output (Active Low) Reset Input (Active Low)
Transceiver Interface (5)
RXIN TXEN TXD RXIN2 TXEN2 Port1 Receive Data Input Port1 Transmit Enable Output Transmit Data Output (Port1, 2 Common) Port2 Receive Data Input Port2 Transmit Enable Output
Setup Pin (33)
nMUX nRWM W16 nSWAP Select Address Multiplex Mode Select R/W Mode Select Data Bus Width Select Swap Mode
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
nDS Designate Polarity Determine Page Size (*1) Determine MyID Number (*1) Determine MAXID Number (*1) Determine Data Rate (*1) NST Resolution Select Warning Timer Resolution Select Diagnostics Mode Determine ARCNET Extended Timer (*1) Select Enhanced Write Mode Select Enhanced Read Mode TXEN,TXEN2 Designate Polarity Select Optical Transceiver Mode Bypass CMI Modem ON/OFF Determine of Internal HUB function
(*1) Could be also determined by the register at the Peripheral Mode
External Output or Input/output (10)
nNSTCOUT FLASHO GPIO[7:0] NST Carry Output Outside Output for FLASH General-purpose I/O port (bit7-0)
Other Input (5)
nTEST[3:0] nTMODE Test Pins Test Mode
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
Clock (3)
X1 X2 MCKIN Crystal Oscillator Crystal Oscillator Master Clock Input
- Using an external clock :
(Internal MasterClock)
X1 is connected to GND with MCKIN connected to the input of the external clock - Using XTAL : MCKIN is connected to VDD with X1, X2 connected to the Crystal Oscillator
User Setup Pins
Setup pins are strapped high or low to configure options according to system design. For low, strap to ground. Many pins have internal pullups on their input buffers. These pins can be left unconnected to keep them in high state.
CPU Type Selection
(nRWM: Pin) In Peripheral mode, this pin selects the CPU type; in this case, the definition of nWR/DIR (pin) and nRD/nDS (pin) are selected. (Refer to Figure 3 - MOTOROLA CPU Mode (68hXX) and Figure 4 - INTEL CPU MODE (86XX).
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
Read Cycle
Write Cycle
Figure 3 - MOTOROLA CPU Mode (68hXX) [nRWM=L, nDSINV=L or H]
Read Cycle
Write Cycle
Figure 4 - INTEL CPU MODE (86XX)
Address Multiplex Selection
(nMUX: Pin) In Peripheral mode, this pin specifies the system data bus from bit 5 to 0 and whether the addresses are multiplexed (Refer to Figure 5 - Non-multiplex Bus, Figure 6 - Multiplex (ALE falling-edge Type) and Figure 7 - Multiplex (ALE rising-edge Type). When the multiplexing bus option is selected, the polarity of A2/ALE is specified based on A3/ALEPOL.
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[In case of nMUX=H]
D 15-8 D 7-0 A5-0
D ata H igh Byte D ata Low Byte Address
Figure 5 - Non-multiplex Bus [In Case of nMUX=L, ALEPOL=H]
1 B u s C yc le
D 1 5 -8 D 7 -6 A D 5 -0
ALE A d d re s s
D a ta H ig h B yte D a ta b it7 -6 D a ta b it5 -0
Figure 6 - Multiplex (ALE falling-edge Type) [In case of nMUX=L, ALEPOL=L]
1 B u s C y c le
D 1 5 -8 D 7 -6 A D 5 -0
ALE A d d re s s
D a ta H ig h B y te D a ta b it7 -6 D a ta b it5 -0
Figure 7 - Multiplex (ALE rising-edge Type)
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
Write Timing Selection
(nEHWR: Pin) In Peripheral mode, this pin selects the write timing. [ Example: nMUX=H,nEHWR=H ]
Write Signal
Tie to Hi for CPU’s where nCS goes Hi before the write signal goes Hi. [ Example: nMUX=H,nEHWR=L ]
Write Signal
Tie to Low for CPUs where nCS goes Hi after the write signal goes Hi. The write signal differs depending on the CPU types. nRWM = H: nDS signal at DIR = L nRWM = L: nWR signal NOTE: Refer to the AC timing specifications (in another document) for details (setup time, hold time, etc.). Compare timing specifications for nEHWR=L and nEHWR=H.
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Read Timing Selection
(nEHRD: Pin) In Peripheral mode, this pin selects the read timing type. [ In case of nMUX=H,nEHRD=H ]
A[5:0] nCS
Read Signal Address Sampling timing
Tie to Hi for CPUs with valid address before nCS and the read signal go low. [ Example: nMUX = H and nEHRD = L ]
A[5:0] nCS
Read Signal Address Sampling timing
Tie to L for the CPU’s where nCS is enabled and addresses are valid after the read signal goes low. NOTE: Address acquisition timing in the CircLink delays about 50 ns (with 20 MHz-XTAL). The read signal differs depending on the CPU type: nRWM = H: nDS signal at DIR = H nRWM = L: nRD signal NOTE: Refer to the AC timing specifications (in another document) for details (setup time, hold time, etc.). Compare timing specifications for nEHRD=L and nEHRD=H.
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
Data Bus Width Selection
(W16: Pin) This pin selects the bit width of the data bus in Peripheral mode; H: 16-bit mode, L: 8-bit mode. In the 16bit mode, the LSB address in the CircLink is fixed to 0.
Data Bus Byte Swap
(nSWAP: Pin) In Peripheral mode, this pin selects the data order at 8-bit access. CircLink registers are defined as 16-bit width, but 8-bit access is available and in this case the assignment of lower/upper byte of registers and odd/even numbers of the address can be changed. nSWAP=L assigns the lower byte to even number address and the upper byte to odd number address, and nSWAP=H assigns the lower byte to odd number address and the upper byte to even number address.
Data Strobe Polarity Specification
(nDSINV: pin) In Peripheral mode, this pin selects the pin polarity of data strobe (nDS). It is active low with nDSINV = H and active high with nDSINV = L.
Page Size Selection
(PS[1:0]: Pin/Register) Selects page size per packet. The maximum number of nodes depends on the page size selection since the packet buffer size is limited to 1 kBytes. There are two methods to specify the page size: either through pin or register settings depending on INIMODE (bit 9); 0: selects pin, 1: selects register (The default is 0).
PS[1:0] 00 01 10 11
Page Size 256 Byte 128 Byte 64 Byte 32 Byte
Max Node Number 3 Node 7 Node 15 Node 31 Node
MAXID Number Setup
(MAXID[4:0]: Pin/Register) The maximum node ID is set based on the number of nodes on the network. All nodes in a CircLink network, therefore, should have the same maximum node ID. This optimizes the time required to reconfigure the network. There are two methods to specify the maximum node ID, Either through pin or register settings depending on INIMODE (bit 9); 0: selects pin, 1: selects register (The default is 0). If the nDIAG pin is set to L as the exception, however, the maximum node ID is automatically set to the largest value. For more details, refer to section 2.10 - Diagnostic Mode.
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1.5.10 Node ID Setup
(NID[4:0]: Pin/Register) Sets node ID. A unique number must be assigned to each node in the network in ascending order starting from ID=01. However, ID = 00 and an ID that is larger than the maximum node ID are not valid. There are two methods to assign the node ID, either through pin or register, settings depending on INIMODE (bit 7) 0: selects pin, 1: select register (The default is 0). MAXID[4:0] determines the maximum node ID value. The token will only be passed around the nodes whose IDs are equal to or less than the maximum ID value. In the CircLink network, a node whose MAXID[4:0] and NID[4:0] matches is the node initiating the token passing.. Even if this particular node is absent from the network, the network reconfiguration time is greatly reduced because the network will be reconfigured only for the nodes with IDs less than MAXID[4:0]. Also, given that the maximum number of nodes is fixed to 31 in a CircLink network, the original priority time of ARCNET, (255 – ID) x 146 μs* , which determines the waiting time for network reconfiguration initiation, is modified to (31-ID) x 146 μs, greatly reducing reconfiguration time. Refer to section 2.4.2 - Reduction of Network Reconfiguration Time for more details. NOTE: * 146 μs is defined under operation at 2.5 Mbps based on the ARCNET protocol. The time is half at 5 Mbps.
1.5.11 NST Resolution Setup
(NSTPRE[2:0]: Pin) Selects the resolution of the network standard time counter (NST). Refer to section 2.11 - Network Standard Time (NST) for details.
1.5.12 Standalone Mode Specification (Not supported)
TMC2072 does not support standalone mode.
1.5.13 Warning Timer Resolution
(WPRE[1:0]: Pin] These pins select the warning timer resolution in Peripheral mode. Refer to section 2.9.4 - Warning Timer (WT) at Remote Buffer Receive for more details.
1.5.14 Diagnosis Mode
(nDIAG: Pin) This pin sets CircLink to the diagnosis mode. nDIAG to 0 forcibly fixes the MAXID to “1Fh”. Refer to section 2.10 - Diagnostic Mode for details.
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1.5.15 Prescaler Setup for Communication Speed
(CKP[2:0]: Pin/Register)
C K P 2 -0 P re s c a le 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
C o m m u n ic a tio n S p e e d 40M Hz X TAL 20M Hz X TAL 32M Hz X TAL 16M Hz X TAL 8 5M bps 2 .5 M b p s 4M bps 2M bps 16 2 .5 M b p s 1 .2 5 M b p s 2M bps 1M bps 32 1 .2 5 M b p s 625Kbps 1M bps 500Kbps 64 625Kbps 3 1 2 .5 K b p s 500Kbps 250Kbps 128 3 1 2 .5 K b p s 1 5 6 .2 5 K b p s 250Kbps 125Kbps 256 1 5 6 .2 5 K b p s 7 8 .1 2 5 K b p s 125Kbps 6 2 .5 K b p s re s e rve d re s e rve d re s e rve d re s e rve d re s e rve d re s e rve d re s e rve d re s e rve d re s e rve d re s e rve d
Communication speed (transfer rate) selection for CircLink. There are two methods to determine the communication speed, either through pin or register settings, depending on the specification of INIMODE (bit 9); 0: pin, 1: register (Default is 0).
1.5.16 CPU Interface Bus Timing Selection
(nEHWR, nEHRD: Pin) For the functions using Peripheral mode, refer to sections 1.5.3 and 1.5.4.
1.5.17 CMI Bypass Specification
(nCMIBYP: Pin) Selects bypassing the CMI code/encoding. nCMIBYP = L bypasses the CMI coding/decoding circuit so that encoding is RZ form signal interface, equivalent to the ARCNET back plane mode.
1.5.18 ON/OFF of HUB Function
(nHUBON: Pin) Selects ON/OFF ; nHUBON=H selects the HUB function OFF, nHUBON=L selects the HUB function ON and enables the port 2 (RXIN2 and TXEN2) available. ( in nHUBON = H, RXIN2 should be fixed to High.) Refer to section 2.13 - HUB Function for the detailed operations.
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1.5.19 Optical Transceiver Mode
(nOPMD: Pin) Selects the output mode of the sending-enable; nOPMD = H makes the optical transceiver mode unavailable and allows the TXEN and TXEN2 output pins to function as “sending-enable”. Setting nOPMD = L allows TXEN and TXEN2 output pins to function as “sending-enable and sending pulse” to be able to be directly connected to the TTL input pin of the optical transceiver.
1.5.20 TXEN Polarity Select
(TXENPOL: Pin) Selects the output polarities of the TXEN and TXEN2 signals. TXENPOL = L selects negative logic and TXENPOL = H selects positive logic.
1.5.21 Extension Timer Setting 1
(ET1: Pin/Register) Refer to section 2.13 - HUB Function for operational details.
1.5.22 Test Pins
(nTEST[3:0], nTMODE: Pin) All pins must be connected to VDD.
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Chapter 2
Functional Description
Communication Specification
- Data transfer bit rate - The max. number of nodes - Data transfer check 78.125 kbps to 2.5 Mbps (at 20 MHz Xtal), (5 Mbps at 40-MHz Xtal) 31 (ID = 00 is not available for user) Only the destination node can check data transfer. Other nodes, however, can receive (monitor) the same data. Enhanced version of ARCNET (token passing) 256 bytes max. (User area: 253 bytes max.)
- Protocol - Packet size
Message Class
The following five classes of messages are identical to those in the ARCNET protocol. Refer to the ARCNET Controller COM20020 Rev. D Datasheet for more details.
FBE (Free Buffer Enquiries) ALERT ENQ DID DID
ACK (Acknowledgements) ALERT ACK
NAK (Negative Acknowledgements) ALERT NAK
N : MAX253 (ARCNET Layer)
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CircLink Network Communication Protocol Overview
CircLink is derived from the ARCNET protocol. This section explains the ARCNET basic communication protocol. A token (ITT Invitation to Transmit) is a unique signaling sequence that is passed in an orderly fashion among all the active nodes in the network. When a particular node receives the token, it has the sole right to initiate a transmission sequence or it must pass the token to it’s logical neighbor. This neighbor can be physically located anywhere on the network and has the 2nd highest address. Once the token is passed to the recipient, it has the right to initiate transmission. This token-passing sequence continues in a logical ring fashion serving all nodes equally. Node addresses must be unique and can range from 0 – 255 with 0 reserved for broadcast messages. In a transmission sequence the node with the token becomes the source node and any other node selected becomes the destination node. First the source node inquires if the destination node is in a mode to receive a transmission by sending out a free buffer enquiry (FBE). The destination node responds by returning an Acknowledgement (ACK) meaning that the buffer is available or by returning a negative Acknowledgement (NAK) meaning that no buffer is available. Upon receiving the ACK, the source node sends out the data transmission (PAC) with either 0 – 507 bytes of data (PAC). If the data was properly received by the destination node as evidenced by a successful CRC test, the destination node sends another ACK. If the transmission was unsuccessful, the destination node does nothing causing the source node to timeout. The source node will therefore, infer that the transmission failed and will retry after it receives the token on the next token pass. The transmission sequence terminates and the token is passed to the next node. If the desired message exceeds 507 bytes the message is sent in a series of packets-one packet every token pass. The ARCNET protocol comprises the reconfiguration process to ensure the complete token passing for every node linked to the network. ARCNET has the ability to reconfigure the network automatically if a node is either added or removed from the network. If a node joins the network it does not automatically participate in the token passing sequence. Being excluded from receiving the token the new node will generate a reconfiguration burst that destroys the token passing sequence. Once the token is lost all nodes will cease transmitting and begin a timeout sequence (Priority Timer, (255-ID) x 146 μs , based on their own node address. The node (Node ID=N) with the highest address will timeout first and pass the token to the next higher address (Node ID=N+1).. If that node does not respond, it is assumed that node does not exist. Then the destination node address is incremented (Node ID=N+2) and the token resent. This process is repeated until a node responds. At that time the token is released to the responding node and the address of the responding node is noted as the logical neighbor of the originating node. This process is repeated by all nodes until each node learns its logical neighbor. This eliminates wasting time in sending datagrams to absent addresses once the network has been re-established. When a node leaves the network the reconfiguration process is slightly different. When a node releases the token to its logical neighbor, it expects its logical neighbor will respond within the respond timeout window (78 μs) either a token pass or the start of a transmission sequence. If no response within the response time out window, it assumes that its neighbor has left the network and immediately begins a search for a new logical neighbor by incrementing the node address of its logical neighbor and initiating a token pass. Network activity is again monitored and the increment process and resending of the token continues until a new logical neighbor is found. Once found the network returns to the normal logical ring routine of passing token to logical neighbors. These reconfiguration sequences of the network are automatic and seamless without software intervention required.
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CircLink Protocol Enhancement
Since the communication of ARCNET is controlled by a token, a token loss and the corresponding reconfiguration significantly reduce the throughput of the network. In order to maintain the throughput, modification of the ARCNET protocol is required to realize even higher real-time performance.
Reducing Token Loss
The primary source of token loss is caused by the burst signal. The burst signal is part of the sequence for new nodes joining the network as described in section 2.3. In the CircLink, however, any new nodes do not join because all nodes join to the network at the system start-up. In exceptional cases, the node leaves the network due to token loss and a burst signal sent to r re-join the network. In order to avoid this burst signal, the ARCNET protocol has been modified to specify node IDs as consecutive numbers starting from 01. When a node other than the node having the largest node ID (NID [4:0] and MAXID[4:0]) sends a token with the starting address being the node ID +1, this avoids sending a burst because a token can be received in the next polling, even if a node has accidentally dropped out from the network. The token retry function has been added to CircLink such that the possibility of not receiving the response from the logical neighbor is greatly reduced due to token corruption . . Since the node ID in the CircLink is consecutive and the retry does not occur in normal conditions, the token retry function does not degrade the total performance. This function can be set to ON or OFF using software settings. (The default is ON) Another cause of the token loss is the corruption of ACK/NAK. In the ARCNET flow (refer to page 12 in the ARCNET controller COM20020I datasheet), if the node receives other signals other than the anticipated ACK/NAK response (such as noise or, data-deformed ACK/NAK and the like), this node returns to the receive-wait state with a token being held by the node. The network considers this as a token loss because the token disappears from the network. To avoid this problem, ARCNET protocol has been modified to send a token even after the detection of ACK/NAK corruption This function against the ACK/NAK deformation can be set to ON or OFF. (The default is ON.)
Reduction of Network Reconfiguration Time
To reduce the waiting duration of (255 - ID) x 146 μs* during the network reconfiguration time, CircLink designates a the node with the maximum ID as the maximum node (MAX_NODE). The node designated to the maximum node immediately starts sending a token. The destination number starts from 00. The token sending to 00 is not received by any node but triggers the other nodes to enter into the receive state out of the (255 - ID) x 146 μs* timer. In addition, the 255 of (255 - ID) x 146 μs* timer formula, derived from ARCNET, the is modified to (The maximum number of nodes –ID) x 146 μs depending on the maximum number of nodes, which is specified by the MAXID [4:0] pin. This modification makes significant reduction of the time required for network reconfiguration even in the absence of the node set as MAX_NODE.
* 146 μs is the time under operation at 2.5 Mbps. The time is half at 5 Mbps..
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Reduction of Reconfiguration Burst Signal Send Time.
Since the CircLink maximum packet size is smaller than for ARCNET, the reconfiguration burst signal is of shorter duration, reducing the time required for network reconfiguration as listed in the table below:
CircLink PS[1:0] 00 01 10 11
MAX Packet Size 256(253)Byte 128(125)Byte 64(61)Byte 32(29)Byte
Burst Signal Sending Time 1.63ms 1.07ms 0.79ms 0.65ms
ARCNET -MAX Packet Size -512(508)Byte () : Data Size
Burst Signal Sending Time 2.75ms
Above “Burst Signal Sending Time” is the time for operation at 2.5 Mbps. The time is half at 5 Mbps.
RAM Page Expansion
The original ARCNET buffer RAM is divided into 256 or 512-byte per a page. This configuration has a maximum of four pages available in 1 kByte increments, leaving the majority of the RAM unused when small data packets are used The CircLink RAM addressing has been modified to significantly expand the available RAM page numbers and to store pages corresponding to the node IDs on the network as listed in the table below. Table 2 - Number of Nodes and RAM Page Size PAGE SIZE 256 Byte 128 Byte 64 Byte 32 Byte PS[1:0] 00 01 10 11 NODE ID (MIN)*1 01h 01h 01h 01h NODE ID(MAX) 03h 07h 0Fh 1Fh PAGE ADDRESS 100h X ID 80h X ID 40h X ID 20h X ID
*1 : Node ID = 00 is used only for the system development and is not available for users.
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RAM Access
The CPU accesses the packet buffer (RAM) through the COMR4 register. Prior to access, a read or write and page number need to be specified using the COMR2 register, as well as the address specification in the page using the COMR3 register. The accessing method varies depending on the bit width of data bus, word mode, and swap mode. (1) Data bus = 16bits (W16 pin=H)
COMR2 Register : RDDATA, AUTOINC, nWRAPAR, PAGE[4;0] A/AD[5:0] = 04h - RD. A.I.nW.A 4 3 2 1 0
COMR3 Register : Address Within a page RAMADR[7:0] A/AD[5:0] = 06h 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 X
Bit0 is fixed in 0 in the inside. COM4 Register : Packet Data RAMDT[15:0] A/AD[5:0] = 08h 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
(2-a) Data bus = 8bits , Word mode=OFF (W16 pin=L, WDMD=0 in MODE REG.)
COMR2 Register : RDDATA AUTOINC nWRAPAR PAGE[4:0] A/AD[5:0] = 04h (05h) * RD. A.I. nW.A 4 3 2 1 0
COMR3 Register : Address within a page RAMADR[7:0] A/AD[5:0] = 06h (07h) * 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
COMR4 Register : Packet Data RAMDT[7:0] A/AD[5:0] = 08h or 09h ( )*:nSWAP=L 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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(2-b) Data bus = 8bits , Word mode=ON (W16 pin=L, WDMD=1 in MODE REG.)
COMR2 Register : RDDATA AUTOINC nWRAPAR PAGE[4:0] A/AD[5:0] = 04h (05h) * RD. A.I. nW.A 4 3 2 1 0
COMR3 Register : Address within a page RAMADR[7:0] A/AD[5:0] = 06h (07h) * 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 X
Bit0 is fixed in 0 in the inside. COMR4 Register : Packet Data RAMDT[15:0] A/AD[5:0] = 08h (09h) * A/AD[5:0] = 09h (08h) * ( )*:nSWAP=L
NOTE: In word mode = ON, to preserve the upper and lower bytes of word data as in the identical packet, COMR4 must be accessed in order of 08h first and 09h second. This restriction applies to both read and write. Moreover, it is impossible to independently access CP (address = 02h) in RAM independently To access the CP, a dummy cycle is necessary. Refer to section 2.5.3 - Packet Data Structure for detail.
7 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
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Packet Buffer Structure
32 Byte Mode PAGE[4:0] #00 (00h) RAMADR[4:0] 00h 01h 32Byte
1024Byte 32Page
#01 (01h)
#31 (1Fh)
64 Byte Mode
PAGE[3:0] #0 (0h)
RAMADR[5:0] 00h
1024 Byte 16Page
#1 (1h)
01h 64 Byte
#15 (Fh)
128 Byte Mode
#0 #1 1024 Byte 8Page
RAMADR[6:0] 00h 01h 128 Byte
256 Byte Mode
#0 #1 1024 Byte 4Page #2
RAMADR[7:0] 00h 01h 256 Byte
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Packet Data Structure
PS = [1:0] = Example of 11 (32-byte mode)
8 bit constitution (W16=L,WDMD=0)
16 bit constitution (W16=L,WDMD=1 OR W16=H)
00 01 02
1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F
SID DID CP = 1A . . . DATA #0 DATA #1 DATA #2 DATA #3 DATA #4 DATA #5
00 02
DID dummy . .
1A 1C 1E
DATA #0 DATA #0 ( Upper Byte ) ( Lower Byte) DATA #1 DATA #1 ( Upper Byte ) ( Lower Byte) DATA #2 DATA #2 ( Upper Byte ) ( Lower Byte)
SID: Source-ID (Source node ID) DID: Destination-ID (Destination node ID) : DID=0 means the broadcast packet. CP: Continuation pointer Write the value (Page size - N) for sending N-byte data. That is, it indicates the top position of data in the page. The example shows the value is 1Ah (32 - 6 bytes = 26 bytes = 1Ah). NOTES: Limitations on the specifiable values for CP. 32B Mode (PS [1:0] = 11) 64B Mode (PS [1:0] = 10) 128B Mode (PS [1:0] = 01) 256B Mode (PS [1:0] = 00) : Values from 03h to 1Fh : Values from 03h to 3Fh : Values from 03h to 7Fh : Values from 03h to FFh
If a packet is sent with CP other than the specified value the destination node rejects the packet, and the session closes with a sending error (TXERR). Simultaneously the CP error (CPERR) flag of the EC status register is set, which can issue an interrupt. The error flag, however, means a setup or CP specification error to the CircLink, and does not indicate a network error. Sender: Sending error (TXERR) and CP error (CPERR) flags are set and a token is passed to the next node. Since TA flag is reset to 1 except in the remote buffer mode (TXM = 1) as well as the continuous send mode (RTO = 0), a send command must be issued for re-sending.
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Receiver: The receiver rejects the packet and goes back to idle state.
CPU Interface
CPU Identification and Compatibility Between Intel and Motorola Processors
The CircLink Controller, TMC2072, can be connected to any combination of CPUs listed in the Table 3. For more information on setup, refer to section 1.5 - User Setup Pins. Table 3 - CPU Type CLASSIFICATION ITEM Address Multiplexed Data Bus width Read / Write CONNECTION CPU TYPE 16 BIT CPU 8 BIT CPU Non-MUX / Multiplexed Non-MUX / Multiplexed 8bit / 16bit 8bit nRD , nWRL nRD , nWR OR OR DIR , nLDS(LDS) DIR , nDS(DS)
Table 4 describes setup of pin functions of address bus/data, bus/read write controls by nRWM and nMUX pins. Table 4- Distinction and Matching of the CPU type PIN NAME INTEL (80XX) TYPE NRWM = 0 NMUX=0 D15 - D6 D/AD5 - D/AD0 A 5-A4 A3 A2 A1-A0 n WR/DIR n RD/nDS Remarks: Symbol definition in Table 4: D A AD nWR Data Bus Address Bus Address / Data Bus Write Signal (16 Bit CPU is nWRL) D15-D6 AD5-AD0 ALEPOL ALE nWR nRD NMUX=1 D15-D6 D5-D0 A5-A4 A3 A2 A1-A0 nWR nRD MOTOROLA (68XX) TYPE NRWM=1 NMUX=0 D15-D6 AD5-AD0 ALEPOL ALE DIR nDS(DS) NMUX=1 D15-D6 D5-D0 A5-A4 A3 A2 A1-A0 DIR nDS(DS)
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Read Signal Read / Write Signal Data Strobe Signal (16 Bit CPU is nLDS) (Polarity is designated by nDSINV pin) Address Latch Enable Signal Designate ALE polarity
Interface Restrictions
Data Strobe signal using Motorola 16-bit CPU When executing word (16 bit) access to odd addresses by DIR and data strobe signals, the Motorola CPU does not discriminate between upper and lower data strobe signals. Because of this, it is necessary to OR the upper and lower data strobe signals to provide the data strobe input. Note on data send When transmitting and receiving data of 8 bits and 16 bits, the transmitter node can send odd-numbered bytes but the receiving node can only implement word access (16-bit), the word is read with one invalid upper data byte. To use the receive data function in a system, special care must be taken. This problem occurs only when the CP field value in the packet is an odd number.
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Operation and Communication Modes of CircLink
TMC2072 supports only Peripheral mode, meaning communications require an external CPU. TMC2072 does not support standalone mode, which enables communications without a CPU. There are two communication modes in Peripheral mode: Free-format mode which is capable of handling a free-format packet, and Remote Buffer mode, which uses CircLink as a simple buffer. Register bits RXM01 to 31 specify the RX mode of each page and TXM specifies the mode for TX mode.
Operation Mode
Communication Mode
Standalone mode Note: TMC2072 does not support standalone mode. RXMn *1 =0 Receive
Receive of Free Format Mode (Every Page every designate)
*1: n = 01 to 31
RXMn *1 =1 Peripheral mode
Receive of Remote Buffer Mode (Every Page every designate)
*1: n = 01 to 31
TXM =0 Transmit TXM =1
Transmit of Free Format Mode
Transmit of Remote Buffer Mode
Operation Mode
Peripheral mode Peripheral mode acts as the CPU's peripheral circuit and has two communication modes, Free-format mode and Remote Buffer mode. The communication mode is independently selectable for send and receive; TXM of the Mode register for sender and RXM01 to RXM31 of the Receive Mode register for receive. The communication mode for sender and receiver must be identical and the communication mode of the receiver page should be adjusted to the communication mode of the sender.
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Standalone mode In Standalone mode CircLink independently executes send and receive sequences without a CPU. However, TMC2072 can not use standalone mode because it does not support standalone mode.
Communication Mode
Free-format mode Free format mode is retained from the original ARCNET specification. This mode is not optimal for realtime performance but is useful for transferring large amounts of data at once. CPU controls a series of sequence such as "Packet preparation → Issuing TX command → Interruption handling after the end of TX" at sender and "Receive command issuing → Interrupt handling after the end of RX→ Packet read" at receiver. Since CircLink initiates the actual TX upon receipt of a token addressed to the node, the time between a TX command being issued and TX starting varies depending on the line status. The free format mode is a "packet-oriented" transfer mode that assumes a completion of packet preparation before issuing a TX CMD, so its real-time performance is not as high as that of the remote buffer mode “token-oriented” mode. On the other hand, the free format mode has no limitation on the packet data structure, and it can handle free format packets. Moreover, communications in this mode are initiated only by writing a TX CMD, thereby reducing traffic on the network.
8 bit constitution (W16=L,WDMD=0)
16 bit constitution (W16=L,WDMD=1 OR W16=H)
00 01 02 03 04 05 . . . . 1E 1F
00 02 04
DID dummy
Free Format
. . . . 1E
Free Format
Figure 8 - Packet Structure of Free Format Mode (Example of 32 bytes/page)
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Remote Buffer Mode Remote Buffer mode, a CircLink enhancement, optimizes real-time performance. In this mode CircLink can be handled as a simple data buffer like "write data into the CircLink at any time" at a transmit node and "read data from the CircLink at any time" at a receiver node “. Since the remote buffer mode is a "token-oriented" mode that features automatic transmission each time a node receives a token (= sending right), preparation of the packet header portion (SID, DID, and CP) is required prior to issuing a TX CMD. The data portion of a packet must be valid in 8 or 16 bits. This mode restricts the data structure, but it is optimized in its real-time performance when compared to Free Format mode since it can always communicate with the packet data. Setting RTO to 1 (Default = 0) in the mode register limits CircLink to one packet per TX CMD write. If RTO is switched to 1 while operating under RTO = 0, the automatic send operation is disabled immediately after the completion of the packet delivery.
8 bit constitution (W16=L,WDMD=0)
16bit constitution (W16=L,WDMD=1 OR W16=H)
00 01 02 : : : 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F
00 02 : : 1A 1C 1E
DID dummy : :
WORD#0 WORD#0 ( Upper Byte) ( Lower Byte ) WORD#1 WORD#1 ( Upper Byte) ( Lower Byte ) WORD#2 WORD#2 ( Upper Byte) ( Lower Byte )
Figure 9 - Packet Structure of Remote Buffer Mode (Example of 32 bytes/page) In 16-bit constitution, upper and lower bytes in the same word are preserved as the same packet data (Refer to section 3.2.5 - COMR4 Register: Data Register).
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Sending in Peripheral Mode
To send data using CircLink, it is necessary to write data being transmitted in the packet buffer regardless of the communication mode. For TX, the page corresponding to its node ID in the packet buffer is assigned as the TX buffer. The CPU writes TX data on this page.
Example of Sending Control from CPU in Free Format Mode
(MODE REGISTER: TXM = 0) The CPU manages all series of communication sequence such as "Packet preparation → Issuing TX CMD → Handling interrupt after the end of TX".
1 2 3 … …
CPU Side Write to Packet Transmit Command Release Interrupt mask … …
(NID=n) TMC2074/72 TA = 1 --> 0 … … Transmit Start (FBE) PAC Transmit End TA = 0 --> 1 Interrupt occurre
LAN Side
Token [DID=n] (ACK) (ACK) Token [DID=n+1]
4 Read Status 5 Interrupt Mask
( ): Not executed in the case of broadcast transmit.
When DID set to 00h, it becomes the broadcast packet.
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TX Control from CPU in Remote Buffer Mode
(MODE REGISTER: TXM = 1) CircLink can be treated as a simple data buffer so that the system CPU can write data to the CircLink at any time.
1 2 3 … …
C P U S id e W rite A d d re ss W rite D a ta T ra n sm it C o m m a n d … …
( N ID = n ) T M C 2 0 7 4 /7 2
L A N S id e
T A = 1 -> 0 … … S ta rt T ra n sm it (F B E ) PAC E n d T ra n sm it K e e p o f T A = 0 (*1 ) … A u to m a tic tra n sm it a t e a ch tim e o f th e re c e ive o f s e lf T o k e n … re p e a te d ly
T o k e n [D ID = n ] (A C K ) (A C K ) T o k e n [D ID = n + 1 ]
… 4 4 4 … 5
… W rite D a ta W rite D a ta W rite D a ta … re p e a te d ly ( ): N o t d o n e fo r b ro a d c a sts
NOTE: When DID is set to 00h it becomes the broadcast packet. (*1) If the RTO bit is 0 in the mode register, CircLink continues sending packets with a single TX CMD. The TA bit that represents TX end, continues to be 0 unless RTO is set to 1 (constant TX status). If the RTO bit is 1, the TA bit returns to 1 after each packet is transmitted, as in Free Format mode. TX CMD must be issued every time but this does not significantly increase traffic on the network, making it suitable for applications such as handling sensor information that remains fairly constant.
Receive in Peripheral Mode
CircLink receives all packet data on the network. After receiving a packet without any errors, CircLink stores the packets in the relevant page in packet RAM according to the source ID (SID) included in the packet. Receiving the data packet addressed to the node has four steps: Receiving FBE → Sending ACK → Receiving PACKET→ Sending ACK. For receiving a data packet addressed to another node in the network, the packet is stored in the relevant page without sending an ACK. As described above, CircLink constantly receives packets, with one exception: It abandons the received packets when the receive mode of the corresponding page is Free Format mode and the receive flag is set
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to 1 (Receive Inhibited). In this case, CircLink does not return an ACK even if the packet is addressed to the node (this case is handled as a receive error). If the receive mode of the corresponding page is set to Remote Buffer mode, CircLink unconditionally stores packets in the corresponding page in the packet RAM as long as the received data is valid. The previous packet is overwritten and the newest packet is always stored in the packet RAM. The meaning of the receive flag varies depending on the receive mode: (1) Free format receive mode 0: Receive wait or receiving 1: Receive is inhibited or receives is completed (2) Remote buffer receive mode 0: No receive in a certain period 1: One or more receive in a certain period
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Temporary Receive and Direct Receive
Packets received are stored in the pages partitioned by the received source ID (received SID). There are two methods for storing packets: storing after error checking through a temporary buffer (#00), and storing directly. The decision of which process is used is automatically selected in CircLink based on the combination of page size and communication speed prescaler setting. The smaller the page size or the larger the division ratio of the transfer rate prescaler, the more data packets will be received through the temporary buffer.
Prescale CKP[2:0] 000 001 010 CKP>=011
Bit Rate : Input clock
Page Size Setting? PS[1:0] Communication Speed 11:32B 10:64B 01:128B 00:256B
1:8 1:16 1:32 1:64 over
2.5 Mbps : 20 MHz Xtal 1.25 Mbps : 20 MHz Xtal 625 kbps : 20 MHz Xtal
% O O O
X % O O
O : Receive through temporary buffer available X : Receive through temporary buffer not available % : Receive through temporary buffer available with condition
see paragraph below.
In the table above, “ % ” indicates ‘Temporary Relay Reception is not available in the default setting. However, by setting the FARB Bit = 1 in register, Setup 2 temporary relay reception is available. The FARB Bit = 1 setting is possible when the FARB bit default is 0 and only when the input clock is below 20 MHz. When the clock exceeds 20 MHz, it should not be set to 1. Also, FARB Bit renewal must be carried out during software reset. In temporary buffer receive mode, the packet data containing any errors is left at page 00 if the receive terminates abnormally (CRC error, etc.) the copy to "SID page" corresponding to the received source ID (Receive SID), is not executed (the received data is discarded). In direct receive mode, the packet data containing errors is left at “SID page” even if the receive terminates abnormally (CRC error, etc.). Regardless of whether the receive is done through temporary buffer or direct receive, the RXF# flag upon abnormal termination of receive is set to 0 (not completed). It does not matter which receive process is being used because free format mode assumes that the receive is always checked with the RXF# flag. *1 On the contrary, the receive process is important in the remote buffer receive mode with direct receive. * In the worst case, if SID is corrupted in the received packet, the packet data may be written to the wrong page.
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R e c e iv e s tru c tu r e T e m p o r a r y r o u tin g r e c e iv e D ir e c t r e c e iv e
R e c e iv e M o d e R X M [3 1 :0 1 ] 0 : F re e F o rm a t 1 : R e m o te B u f f e r O O O *1 X *2
O : R e c e iv e d d a ta r e lia b le X : N o re lia b lity o f r e c e iv e d d a ta
Table 5- Page Format of Packet Buffer [NID[4:0]=11110, PS[1:0]=11 : 32Byte/Page] RAM ADDRESS 000 – 01F 020 – 03F : 3A0 – 3BF 3C0 – 3DF 3E0 – 3FF PAGE #01 #01 : #29 #30 #31 USAGE Temporary buffer for receive Data from Node01 : Data from Node29 Buffer for transmit Data from Node31
[NID[4:0]=X1110, PS[1:0]=10 : 64Byte /Page] RAM ADDRESS 000 - 03F 040 - 07F : 340 – 37F 380 – 3BF 3C0 – 3FF PAGE #00 #01 : #13 #14 #15 USAGE Temporary buffer for receive Data from Node01 : Data from Node13 Buffer for transmit Data from Node15
[NID[4:0]=XX110, PS[1:0]=01 : 128Byte/Page] RAM ADDRESS 000 – 07F 080 – 0FF : 280 – 2FF 300 – 37F 380 – 3FF PAGE #00 #01 : #05 #06 #07 USAGE Temporary buffer for receive Data from Node01 : Data from Node05 Buffer for transmit Data from Node07
[NID[4:0]=XXX10, PS[1:0]=00 : 256Bye/Page] RAM ADDRESS 000 – 0FF 100 – 1FF 200 – 2FF 300 – 3FF PAGE #00 #01 #02 #03 USAGE Temporary buffer for receive Data from Node01 Buffer for transmit Data from Node03
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Example of Receive Flow in Free Format Mode
(RXMH/RXML REGISTER: When in RXM07 = 0) A CPU controls a series of sequences such as "Issuing RX CMD → Handling interrupt after RX → Packet read".
CPU Side 1 Clear FRCV Bit 2 Release Interrupt Mask 3 Write Receive Flag … … … …
TMC2074/72 FRCV = 1->0 RXF07 = 1->0 … …
LAN Side
FBE (ACK) PAC [SID=07h] 4 5 6 7 Read EC Status Read Receive Flag Read Packet Interrupt Mask (ACK) FRCV,RXF07 = 0->1 Interrupt occure
( ): it is FBE, PAC addressed to a self
After the receive completion in the free format mode, the FRCV (Free format receive end flag) in the EC interruption status register (INTSTA) changes from 0 to 1, permitting the flag to be an interrupt source.
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Example of Receive Flow in Remote Buffer Mode
(RXMH/RXML REGISTER: When in RXM07 = 1) CircLink is used as a simple data buffer such as "read data from the CircLink at any time".
1 2 … 3 3 3 3 … 3 …
CPU Side WARTC Clear Command Release Interrupt Mask … Read Data Read Data Read Data Read Data … Read Data …
(NID=n) TMC2074/72 RXFn = X->0 … Each time packet comes automatic receive … WARTERR = 1 Interrupt occure
LAN Side
4 Read EC Status 5 Error processing 6 Interrupt Mask
After completing the receive of remote buffer mode, RRCV (Remote buffer receive end flag) in the EC interrupts the status register (INTSTA) and changes from 0 to 1, permitting the flag to be an interrupt source. This mode also monitors if a packet comes from applicable nodes within a certain period. If there is a non-responsive node, the WARTERR flag changes from 0 to 1, permitting this change to be an interrupt source. Refer to section 3.2.10 - INTSTA Register: EC Interrupt Status.
Warning Timer (WT) at Remote Buffer Receive
CircLink checks the logical AND RXF flags of all pages that are set to remote buffer mode. A result of 1 during a cycle , indicates a normal state, in which there is no silent node on the network. In this case the object flags are cleared after a certain period of time (see table below). Conversely, if the result retains a 0, the condition is not in a normal state, and WATERR in the EC interrupt status register changes from 0 to 1. This condition will generate an interrupt.. This function is initialized by writing a warning timer clear command into the EC command register. The monitoring time is set by the warning timer resolution setup pins WPRE [2:0] and WARTC3-0 in the Carry Selection register. Actually, the warning timer clear command only clears WATERR flag. The Warning timer function starts automatically after releasing the software reset. So some initial settings for this function are set before releasing the software reset. (See following steps) Step-1: Turn on software reset (RESET bit = 1 in COMR6 register)
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Step-2: Set initial settings (Rx-Mode, CARRY-Selection, etc..) Step-3: Set WARTERR flag = 0 in the EC interrupt mask register Step-4: Release software reset (RESET bit = 0 in COMR6 register) Step-5: Start the Warning Timer function automatically Step-6: Write the warning timer clear command into the EC command register. Step-7: Set WARTERR flag = 1 in the EC interrupt mask register Step-8: After step-7, a interrupt generates when WARNING TIMER ERROR occurred …
C A R R Y S e le c tio n W A R T C 3 -0 0000 0001 0010 : 1111 C A R R Y D ig it -- -- -W T [1 ] W T [2 ] : W T [1 5 ] C h e c k P e rio d IL L E G A L S e ttin g W T R e s o lu tio n * 2 ^ 1 W T R e s o lu tio n * 2 ^ 2 : W T R e s o lu tio n * 2 ^ 1 5
Resolution Selection WPRE1:0 00 01 10 11 Resolution 40MHz XTAL 20MHz XTAL 32MHz XTAL 16MHz XTAL 12.8us 25.6us 16.0us 32.0us 25.60us 51.2us 32.0us 64.0us 51.2us 102.4us 64.0us 128.0us 102.40us 204.8us 128.0us 256.0us
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Action of the receive flag(RXFxx) in Remote Buffer mode Communication Mode / Receive flag name Remote Buffer Free Format Remote Buffer RXF02 RXF03 RXF04 0 X 0 . . . . . . 0 X 0 0 X 0 1 X 0 . . . . . . 1 X 0 . .
Occure event 1 Clear Command . . 2 Receive #01 3 Receive #05 4 Receive #02 . . 5
Warning Timer C.O. WARTERR = 0 -> 1
Remote Buffer RXF01 0 HOST . . 1 LAN 1 LAN 1 LAN . .
Remote Buffer RXF05 0 . . 0 1 1 . . 1 . .
. .
. . . . . . Until the clear command is issued hold of condition
Example : Case of MAXID=05 X = Don't Care
W ani Ti er functi : Ti i chart exam pl ng m on m ng e
Reset Signal
-> R el ease R eset
W ARTERR Clear Command Detect Control Signal Detect Period Pulse W ARTERR Flag
Flag Clear
Flag Clear
- > Start
- > Re- start
W arni D eteced ng
Detect Period
Detect Period
Detect Period
Detect Period
Detect Period
Detect Period
Rx Flag: RXF01
Clear 0 Clear 0 Clear 0
A uto.C l ear
0 1 1
A uto.C l ear
Clear 0 Clear 0 Clear 0
1 0 1 0 1 0
A uto.C l ear
0 1
A uto.C l ear
Rx Flag: RXF02
0 1 1 N ot R x
A uto.C l ear
0 1
A uto.C l ear
Rx Flag: RXF05
Keep 0
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
Diagnostic Mode
Diagnostic mode allows node number #31(*1) to temporarily join a network consisting of 30 or less nodes. The Diagnostic mode is set by setting the nDIAG pin to 0. The Diagnostic mode pin should be set only on the node with largest node number (#n) in the network; on the other nodes it should be tied to 1.
Diagnostic Mode = OFF , Node Number n=5 Node Number nDIAG Pin Node that give TOKEN Designate MAXID #01 "1" #02 #05 #02 "1" #03 #05 #03 "1" #04 #05 #04 "1" #05 #05 #05 "1" #01 #05 Diagnostic Mode = ON , Node Number n=5+1 Node Number nDIAG Pin Node that give TOKEN Designate MAXID #01 "1" #02 #05 #02 "1" #03 #05 #03 "1" #04 #05 #04 "1" #05 #05 #05 "0" #06 * #31(Compulsion) #31 "1" #01 #31 * Because the #06 Node does not exist increment to 31
Moreover, CircLink, when receiving a packet from node number #31, latches the last MSB (bit 7) of the last byte and outputs it to the external output, FLASHO. This function is effective regardless of the nDIAG pin status, and enables node #31(*1) to control the FLASHO outputs of other nodes. After hardware reset, the external output FLASHO stays in Hi-Impedance state until a packet is received. NOTE:
Changes depending on the page size setting (PS[1:0]: See Below).
Page Size 32B (PS[1:0]=11) 64B (PS[1:0]=10) 128B (PS[1:0]=01) 256B (PS[1:0]=00)
Node ID For diagnosis #31(1Fh) #15(Fh) #7(7h) #3(3h)
Network Standard Time (NST)
Network standard time (NST) is a 16-bit free-running counter. Each node adjusts the time after receiving a packet from the clock master node (CM node), ensuring that all nodes share the common standard time on the network. This minimizes phase deviation among nodes to within about 100 μs.
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The NST prescaler pin (NSTPRE2, 0) is used to set the count speed of the NST. The following table lists the relations among setting, resolution, and maximum time:
N S T P re sca le N S T P R E [2 :0 ] 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 N S T P re sca le N S T P R E [2 :0 ] 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
P re sca le 1 :3 2 1 :6 4 1 :1 2 8 1 :2 5 6 1 :5 1 2 1 :1 0 2 4 1 :2 0 4 8 1 :4 0 9 6
4 0 M H z X ta l R e so lu tio n M A X P e rio d 0 .8 u s 5 2 .4 m s 1 .6 u s 105m s 3 .2 u s 210m s 6 .4 u s 419m s 1 2 .8 u s 839m s 2 5 .6 u s 1 .6 8 s 5 1 .2 u s 3 .3 6 s 1 0 2 .4 u s 6 .7 1 s 3 2 M H z X ta l R e so lu tio n M A X P e rio d 1 .0 u s 0 .0 7 s 2 .0 u s 0 .1 3 s 4 .0 u s 0 .2 6 s 8 .0 u s 0 .5 2 s 1 6 .0 u s 1 .0 5 s 3 2 .0 u s 2 .1 0 s 6 4 .0 u s 4 .1 9 s 1 2 8 .0 u s 8 .3 9 s
2 0 M H z X ta l R e so lu tio n M A X P e rio d 1 .6 u s 105m s 3 .2 u s 210m s 6 .4 u s 419m s 1 2 .8 u s 839m s 2 5 .6 u s 1 .6 8 s 5 1 .2 u s 3 .3 6 s 1 0 2 .4 u s 6 .7 1 s 2 0 4 .8 u s 1 3 .4 2 s 1 6 M H z X ta l R e s o lu tio n M A X P e rio d 2 .0 u s 0 .1 3 s 4 .0 u s 0 .2 6 s 8 .0 u s 0 .5 2 s 1 6 .0 u s 1 .0 5 s 3 2 .0 u s 2 .1 0 s 6 4 .0 u s 4 .1 9 s 1 2 8 .0 u s 8 .3 9 s 2 5 6 .0 u s 1 6 .7 8 s
P re s ca le 1 :3 2 1 :6 4 1 :1 2 8 1 :2 5 6 1 :5 1 2 1 :1 0 2 4 1 :2 0 4 8 1 :4 0 9 6
2.11.1 Functions Provided by NST
Automatic generation of packet with time stamp Setting one (1) to the NSTSEND bit in the MODE register allows the last 2 bytes in a packet to be reserved for the NST area, and the newest value of NST is automatically sent in these 2 bytes (nothing is written in the sending buffer RAM). In the case of the clock master node (described in a later section), the same operation is carried out regardless of the NSTSEND value. The value is used as the time stamp of the packet and also used to maintain synchronization of time on the network. NST carry output The change of any digit in NST can be output as a periodic pulse to the nNSTCOUT pin. NSTC [3:0] in the CARRY register (external pin in the standalone mode) is used to select the digit. The pulse width of the carry output is the same length as one cycle of the NST resolution. As long as NST is synchronized properly, every node can output the pulse with the same phase.
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Time readout Accessing the NST register can dynamically provide the latest time data. Since NST is a 16 bit wide counter, it is necessary to read the even address side (10h) first when an 8-bit bus is used. When the even address is read out, the remaining 8 bits of the NST are latched internally.
2.11.2 Time-Synchronous Sequence
CM and CS nodes To synchronize NST, one clock master (CM) should be designated on the network. The other nodes become clock slave nodes (CS node). The clock master ID (CMID) must be set in the CMID register of every node. All nodes on the network set the same value as CMID. CM node CMID equals to its node ID Only one node on the network Counting NST and notifying the CS nodes of the NST by sending packets. CS node CMID not equals to its node ID Receiving a packet from the node specified by CMID and synchronizing NST with its own clock. Preset at first receive The NST of each node starts counting as free run immediately after power-up. CS nodes preset the received NST as the NST of its own after receiving the first packet from the CM node. This preset operation is performed only once for the first receive. The preset operation is performed not only after power-up but also immediately after resetting NSTSTOP in the MODE register from 1 to 0, after writing CMID register, and after software reset. Phase tracking after second receive The CS nodes that are preset by the first receive from the CM node switch into the time synchronization mode by PLL. The CS nodes that switch into PLL operation keep comparing their NST to the received NST at every receive from the CM node. If the phase is different, the CS nodes dynamically control the speed of their counter to let the phase follow the NST in the CM node. Supplement: When the difference count value between the receiver’s NST and the received NST from CM node, is +2 and above, the receiver’s counter is slowed to compensate. When the difference is –1 and below, the receiver’s counter is speeded up. When the difference is 0 or +1, the local counter makes no adjustment.
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2.11.3 Phase Error
Sending frequency and phase error in CM The NST once set in the CS node will gradually drift out of synchronization as time progresses. This is caused by differences between each XTAL. The less frequently the CM node sends packets, in other words, the longer the sending interval is, the greater the phase deviates. The NST resolution for a 16-MHz XTAL is 32 μs with the prescaler set to the intermediate (NSTPRE = 100). For the XTAL of precision 100 ppm, the phase error of maximum 200 μs per second occurs between two nodes. The minimum period to cause the phase error of 32 μs (equals to a LSB of NST) is 0.16 (32/200) seconds. That is to say, if the CM node keeps sending packets every 160 ms or shorter, the phase error of the CM and CS nodes can be kept within 32 μs. The following table shows the sending intervals of the CM node that keeps the phase error within one LSB of NST:
16MHz(20MHz) XTAL
32MHz(40MHz) XTAL NST Resolution 1.0 (0.8) us 2.0 (1.6) us 4.0 (3.2) us 8.0 (6.4) us 16.0 (12.8) us 32.0 (25.6) us 64.0 (51.2) us 128.0 (102.4) us TX Cycle of CM Node =< 5(4) ms =< 10 (8) ms =< 20 (16) ms =< 40 (32) ms =< 80 (64) ms =< 160 (128) ms =< 320 (256) ms =< 640 (512) ms
000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
NST Resolution 2.0 (1.6) us 4.0 (3.2) us 8.0 (6.4) us 16.0 (12.8) us 32.0 (25.6) us 64.0 (51.2) us 128.0 (102.4) us 256.0 (204.8) us
TX Cycle of CM Node =< 10 (8) ms =< 20 (16) ms =< 40 (32) ms =< 80 (64) ms =< 160 (128) ms =< 320 (256) ms =< 640 (512) ms =< 1280 (1024) ms
The interval that the CM node can send packets within (TX Cycle of CM Node) is less than the time required for all nodes to send full-size packets to the specific destination nodes at the same token rotation. The time can be calculated with the following formula. [ Calculation ] ( 352.5×br + 11×br×B ) × N br: Bit cycle (br=400ns @2.5Mbps) B: Number of Data Byte (Except header as SID, DID and C.P ) N: Node Number That is, if the rate is 2 Mbps under the 32 page, 32 byte mode, the CM node has the opportunity of sending within 10.4 ms, which is calculated by (352.5 x 0.5 μs + 11 x 0.5 μs x 29B) x 31. That is frequent enough against 160 ms in the above table on this page. Communication speed (Data rate) and phase error The time difference becomes longer as communication speed becomes slower. The reason for this is because some data processing in CircLink such as a CRC check is dependent upon the data rate. The relation between the transfer speed and time difference from CM to CS is listed as follows:
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16MHz(20MHz) XTAL 000 001 010 011 100 101
2.0M (2.5M) bps 1.0M (1.25M) bps 500K (625K) bps 250K (312.5K) bps 125K (156.25K) bps 62.5K (78.125K) bps
32MHz(40MHz) XTAL 13.8 (11) us 27.5 (22) us 55 (44) us 110 (88) us 220 (176) us 440 (352) us
CKP[2:0] Communication Speed CM --> CS Time Defference Communication Speed CM --> CS Time Defference
4.0M (5.0M) bps 27.5 (22) us 2.0M (2.5M) bps 55 (44) us 1.0M (1.25M) bps 110 (88) us 500K (625K) bps 220 (176) us 250K (312.5K) bps 440 (352) us 880 (704) us 125K (156.25K) bps
Notes : "CM --> CS Time Defference" does NOT include Propagation Delay of cable.
CircLink has an offset value built-in to absorb the phase error depending on communication speed. Moreover, the offset value can be manually set at the higher threshold of the CARRY register. NOTE: Only automatic setup is available in the condition of NSTPRE2 = L(0). OFSMOD (CARRY register: bit 15) 0: Automatic offset (default) 1: Manual offset NSTOFS4 -0 (CARRY register: bit 12 to 8) The offset value is selected among 0 to 31. The actual offset time is “NST resolution x NSTOFS4-0”. Unlock flag Synchronization between the NST unlock flag in the CM node and the NST in any other node is informed by NSTUNLOC signal in the INTSTA register. This flag can be used as an interrupt source. 0: Synchronous lock state , 1: Synchronous unlock state (default) *About approval condition for Synchronous lock /unlock state - Unlock to lock state (NSTUNLOC=0) The difference between own NST and NST from CM node is within +/-2. And NST from CM node must be received three times or more continuously, and all of those differences must be within +/-2. - Lock to unlock state (NSTUNLOC=1) The difference between own NST and NST from CM node is not within +/-2. Or NST from CM node must be received three times or more continuously, and all of those differences are not within +/-2. A possible cause of unlock status not being cancelled is that the CM node’s NST pre-scalar setting is not in synchronized? A possible cause of sometimes falling into unlock status is that the CM node’s transmission frequency is low. In the case of the CM node, the flag becomes 0 in a steady state (synchronous lock status) for no apparent reason. As the initial settings in this case depends on the function modes, listed below.
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In Peripheral mode, the CM node ID is set in a register after cancellation of Hardware Reset. After these values are imported, output is 1 until it assumes itself as a CM node (it becomes 0 after that). During Software Reset, due to the CM Node ID being immediately imported, the CM Node ID is fixed at 1→0 immediately after being set up in the register. Unlock Phase difference register The phase difference between the NST in the CM node and the NST in the subject node can be monitored through the NSTDIF register. DIFDIR (NSTDIF register: bit 15) Indicating the direction of phase difference 0: Ahead of CM node 1: Behind of CM node NSTDIF 14-0 (NSTDIF register: bit 14-0) Absolute difference from the CM node is indicated as the value from 0 to 32,768. Accessing the NSTDIF register can dynamically provide the latest time data. Since NSTDIF is a 16 bit value, it is necessary to read the even address side (32h) first when 8-bit bus is used. When the even address is read out, the remaining 8 bits of the NST are latched internally.
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2.11.4 nNSTCOUT Pulse Generation Cycle
20MHz - Xtal NST resolution setting Pulse Cycle of nNSTCOUT Cycle NSTC[3:0] Cycle NSTPRE[2:0] Resolution / MAX Period NSTC[3:0]
0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 3.2us 6.4us 12.8us 25.6us 51.2us 102.4us 204.8us 409.6us 6.4us 12.8us 25.6us 51.2us 102.4us 204.8us 409.6us 819.2us 12.8us 25.6us 51.2us 102.4us 204.8us 409.6us 819.2us 1.6ms 25.6us 51.2us 102.4us 204.8us 409.6us 819.2us 1.6ms 3.3ms 51.2us 102.4us 204.8us 409.6us 819.2us 1.6ms 3.3ms 6.6ms 102.4us 204.8us 409.6us 819.2us 1.6ms 3.3ms 6.6ms 13.1ms 204.8us 409.6us 819.2us 1.6ms 3.3ms 6.6ms 13.1ms 26.2ms 409.6us 819.2us 1.6ms 3.3ms 6.6ms 13.1ms 26.2ms 52.4ms 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 819.2us 1.6ms 3.3ms 6.6ms 13.1ms 26.2ms 52.4ms 104.9ms 1.6ms 3.3ms 6.6ms 13.1ms 26.2ms 52.4ms 104.9ms 209.7ms 3.3ms 6.6ms 13.1ms 26.2ms 52.4ms 104.9ms 209.7ms 419.4ms 6.6ms 13.1ms 26.2ms 52.4ms 104.9ms 209.7ms 419.4ms 838.9ms 13.1ms 26.2ms 52.4ms 104.9ms 209.7ms 419.4ms 838.9ms 1.68s 26.2ms 52.4ms 104.9ms 209.7ms 419.4ms 838.9ms 1.68s 3.35s 52.4ms 104.9ms 209.7ms 419.4ms 838.9ms 1.68s 3.35s 6.71s 104.9ms 209.7ms 419.4ms 838.9ms 1.68s 3.35s 6.71s 13.42s
Note: nNSTCOUT outputs Low pulse qual to the NST resolution
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Peripheral Mode CircLink™ Controller Datasheet
16MHz - Xtal NST resolution setting Pulse Cycle of nNSTCOUT Cycle NSTC[3:0] Cycle NSTPRE[2:0] Resolution / MAX period NSTC[3:0]
0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 4.0us 8.0us 16.0us 32.0us 64.0us 128.0us 256.0us 512.0us 8.0us 16.0us 32.0us 64.0us 128.0us 256.0us 512.0us 1.0ms 16.0us 32.0us 64.0us 128.0us 256.0us 512.0us 1.0ms 2.0ms 32.0us 64.0us 128.0us 256.0us 512.0us 1.0ms 2.0ms 4.1ms 64.0us 128.0us 256.0us 512.0us 1.0ms 2.0ms 4.1ms 8.2ms 128.0us 256.0us 512.0us 1.0ms 2.0ms 4.1ms 8.2ms 16.4ms 256.0us 512.0us 1.0ms 2.0ms 4.1ms 8.2ms 16.4ms 32.8ms 512.0us 1.0ms 2.0ms 4.1ms 8.2ms 16.4ms 32.8ms 65.5ms 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1.0ms 2.0ms 4.1ms 8.2ms 16.4ms 32.8ms 65.5ms 131.1ms 2.0ms 4.1ms 8.2ms 16.4ms 32.8ms 65.5ms 131.1ms 262.1ms 4.1ms 8.2ms 16.4ms 32.8ms 65.5ms 131.1ms 262.1ms 524.3ms 8.2ms 16.4ms 32.8ms 65.5ms 131.1ms 262.1ms 524.3ms 1.05s 16.4ms 32.8ms 65.5ms 131.1ms 262.1ms 524.3ms 1.05s 2.10s 32.8ms 65.5ms 131.1ms 262.1ms 524.3ms 1.05s 2.10s 4.19s 65.5ms 131.1ms 262.1ms 524.3ms 1.05s 2.10s 4.19s 8.39s 131.1ms 262.1ms 524.3ms 1.05s 2.10s 4.19s 8.39s 16.78s
Note: nNSTCOUT outputs Low pules equal to the NST resolution
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NST Supplements Setting NST send mode nullifies the last two-byte areas in the sending buffer. That is, the NST value is not written in the last two-byte areas. The NST value is directly loaded to the parallel-to-serial conversion register for transmit without using the buffer area RAM (not stored in a buffer). Therefore, the CircLink always sends the newest NST value. In addition, the clock master node (CM) sends NST, regardless of the NST send mode (CM node forcibly enters the NST sending mode). The NST value to be sent is the value immediately before the last two bytes are sent to the parallel to serial conversion register. In the other words, the NST value shows the time immediately after sending the third data from the last. From the viewpoint of the receiver, the NST value is stored at the last two bytes area in the buffer page corresponding to the SID value of the received packet. If the SID value in the receive packet is the ID of the clock master node, its NST value is automatically adjusted. The received NST becomes available for time adjustment at the time when ending “0” becomes OK after CRC error check completion.
CMI Modem
Refer to Appendix A - CMI Modem at the end of this document.
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HUB Function
CircLink integrates a 3-port HUB function to expand the network. The HUB function enables conversion of different communication media among twist-pair cable, fiber optics, and the like. In addition, the HUB function expands the connection node number and cable length limitations caused by transceiver performance limitations. The HUB function is enabled by nHUBON pin. Among three ports, one is used internally for the connection to CircLink main unit and the remaining two are used as external ports.
Internal 3 Port HUB Block Diagram
CircLink CORE
3-Port HUB
Case of nHUBON=H
Port-1 NHUBON=H HUB function Communication Port OFF Port1 nHUBON=L ON Port1,Port2 RXIN , TXEN , TXD
Port-2 RXIN2 , TXEN2 , TXD (Shared)
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2.13.1 Operation Example of HUB Function
1. Dividing bus connection The bus can be electrically divided by setting the HUB function ON.
:Transceiver :Terminator
Bus Topology-1
Bus Topology-2
Tr. Tr. Tr.
2. Cascade connection Fiber optics can be cascaded by using the HUB function.
Peer to Peer
Peer to Peer
Peer to Peer
Peer to Peer
Tr. T
(In Optical fiber unnecessary)
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2.13.2 Timer Expansion in Multi-Stage Cascade Connection
An extra delay of 0.5 μs is added to the message when HUB is set to ON. A delay of 2.0 μs is also added in the CMI coding/decoding processing when CMI is set to ON. When configuring a cascade connection and setting both HUB and CMI to ON, a 2.5 μs (2.0 μs + 0.5 μs) delay is added to a message every time the message passes a node. This delay may make the response timer timeout in the CircLink, causing communication failure. The response timer monitors responses from the nodes and is normally set to 74.6 μs. The one way propagation delay time permitted for cable, HUB circuit, and CMI decoding/coding circuit is 31 μs, which is calculated by (74.6 μs - 12.6 μs)/2; where 12.6 μs is the CircLink response time. This is equivalent to the delay time of a 12-stage cascade connection HUB/CMI circuit. (31μs / 2.5μs = 12.4 -> 12-stage) If the sum of cable delay and HUB/CMI delay is over 31 μs, set ET1 to 0 to extend the response timeout time to 298.4 μs, which is four times longer than the normal delay time. Taking this measures, the one way propagation delay time is extended to (298.4 μs – 12.6 μs) /2 = 142.9 μs. (142.9μs / 2.5μs = 57.2 -> 57stage).
R e s p o n s e T im e r 7 4 .6 u S 2 9 8 .4 u S
Id le T im e r 82uS 328uS
C o n f ig u r a tio n T im e r 52m S 104m S
The timer can be set by the ET1 pin or internal register and has a structure of AND logic in the CircLink as shown below.
( default"1")
ET1 :Pin ET1 :Register
Remarks: Typical time delay added in the ON state HUB is 0.5 μs. However, it is extended to 1.0 μs if the optical mode is ON (nOPMD = L) and CMI is OFF (nCMIBYP = L). NOTE: Values in text and table are based on a 2.5 Mbps network speed. When CircLink operates at 1.25 Mbps, the value should be doubled. When operating at 5 Mbps, the value should be half. To be precise, the propagation delay time of the cable and the transceiver should also be added.
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8bit General-purpose I/O Port (New Function)
When CircLink is used in the Peripheral mode, 11* or more General-purpose I/O ports (GP-I/O) are utilized as the CPU interface with CircLink (* at 8bit data bus and Multiplex bus mode). Eight GP-I/Os are added to the CircLink side as the substitution. (GPIO7-0 pins).
GP-I/O Direction Control register nGPOE x (0: Output , 1: Input)
GP-I/O diagram
S Q Vdd
(per 1bit)
GP-I/O Data register GPD x (x : 0-7)
GPIO x pins
(x : 0-7)
Two registers, named "Direction control register" and "Data register", are added for the GP-I/O control. To allocate these registers in COMR7 (Address=0Eh), the sub address is enhanced by one bit (SUBAD3). - Sub address register -> Sub Address : SUBAD3-0 (Address=0Ah) The sub address is enhanced by SUBAD3 bit - Direction Control register -> GP-I/O Direction : nGPOE7-0 (Address=0Eh, SUBAD=1011) GP-I/O Direction Control register --- The direction can be set by every one bit. nGPOEx = 0 : Output mode nGPOEx = 1 : Input mode - Data register -> GP-I/O Data : GPD7-0 (Address=0Eh, SUBAD=1010) GP-I/O Data register GPD7-0 : Write operation ---: Read operation ---Write data that outputs to GPIP7-0 pin Read the state of the GPIO7-0 pin
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Chapter 3
Register Descriptions
Register Map
Table 6 shows the register map. All registers are 16 bits wide and can be word-access and byte-access in 16-bit mode (W16 = H) and 8-bit mode (W16 = L) respectively. In the case of byte access, the lower byte (bits 7 to 0) is assigned to an even address and the upper byte (bits 15 to 8) to an odd address by default,. This assignment can be reversed by setting the nSWAP pin to L. Table 6- CircLink Register Map Adr. : CPU Address A[5:0] in Hex value. (Address 00h to 0Fh are registers specific to ARCNET) - Word access (W16=High) Adr. 00 02 04 06 08 0A 0C 0E D15 - D0 COMR0 COMR1 COMR2 COMR3 COMR4 COMR5 COMR6 COMR7 Adr. 10 12 14 16 18 1A 1C 1E D15 - D0 NST INTSTA INTMSK ECCMD RSID SSID RXFH RXFL Adr. 20 22 24 26 28 2A 2C 2E D15 - D0 CMID MODE CARRY RXMH RXML MAXID NID PS Adr. 30 32 34 36 38 3A 3C 3E D15 - D0 CKP NSTDIF PININFO Not Used Not Used ERRINFO Reserved Reserved
- Byte access and No Swap (W16=Low, nSWAP=High) Adr. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F D7 - D0 COMR0 (all zero) COMR1 (all zero) COMR2 (all zero) COMR3 (all zero) COMR4 (all zero) * COMR5 (all zero) COMR6 (all zero) COMR7 (all zero) Adr. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F D7 - D0 NST - L NST - H INTSTA - L INTSTA - H INTMSK - L INTMSK - H ECCMD (all zero) RSID MRSID SSID (all zero) RXFH - L RXFH - H RXFL - L RXFL - H Adr. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F D7 - D0 CMID (all zero) MODE - L MODE - H CARRY - L CARRY - H RXMH - L RXMH - H RXML - L RXML - H MAXID (all zero) NID (all zero) PS (all zero) Adr. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F D7 - D0 CKP (all zero) NSTDIF - L NSTDIF - H PININFO - L PININFO - H Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used ERRINFO- L ERRINFO- H Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
*: When the WORD-MODE is enabled (WDMD_bit=1), this address is mapped another COMR4. - Byte access and Swap (W16=Low, nSWAP=Low)
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Adr. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
D7 - D0 (all zero) COMR0 (all zero) COMR1 (all zero) COMR2 (all zero) COMR3 (all zero) * COMR4 (all zero) COMR5 (all zero) COMR6 (all zero) COMR7
Adr. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F
Adr. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F
D7 - D0 (all zero) CMID MODE - H MODE - L CARRY - H CARRY - L RXMH - H RXMH - L RXML - H RXML - L (all zero) MAXID (all zero) NID (all zero) PS
Adr. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F
D7 - D0 (all zero) CKP NSTDIF - H NSTDIF - L PININFO - H PININFO - L Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used ERRINFO- H ERRINFO- L Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
*: When the WORD-MODE is enabled (WDMD_bit=1), this address is mapped another COMR4. Initial value of each register The value under “init. value” in each register list indicates the initial value when hardware reset is applied to CircLink via the nRESET pin. With some exceptions, software reset does not initialize them. Exceptions (software reset available) CircLink internal communication protocol controller COMR0 register (R) COMR0 register (W) COMR1 register (R) COMR1 register (W) ECCMD register INTSTA register INTMSK register RXFH, RXFL registers ERRINFO register Hardware reset: : All status information : All interrupt masks : All diagnostic information : All commands issued : All commands issued : ALL EC status information : All EC interrupt masks : All receive flags : All error information Resets entire CircLink unit. Performed by nRESET pin set to L.
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Software reset:Resets only the units related to communication functions. The reset method is described as below. How to software reset 1) Permanent software reset
Set the RESET bit of the COMR6 register to 1 (Retains until the bit is changed to 0) Set the node ID set to 00h (Retains until the setting is changed to other than 00h) 2) Temporary software reset
Software reset occurs for 100 ns (at 20 MHz CLK input) immediately after rewriting the object bits or writing the object registers. This reset is automatically released. Rewriting INIMODE bit of the MODE register Rewriting TXEN bit of COMR6 or MODE register from 0 to 1 Rewriting the following registers for INIMODE = 1 MAXID register NID register PS register CKP register NOTES: The communication function unit will start operation within 1.0 μs (at 2.5 Mbps) after releasing software reset. It is therefore necessary to wait for at least 1.0 μs (at 2.5 Mbps) after releasing software reset before writing data to the register reset by software (see previous page). The writing can be ignored. After 10 μs (at 2.5 Mbps) following the software reset, D1h is written to address = 0 in page #00 of the RAM and node ID value is written to the address = 1. Values in text are at 2.5 Mbps. When 1.25 Mbps, the value should be doubled accordingly. When 5 Mbps, the value should be half of 2.5Mbps’
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Register Details
COMR0 Register: Status/interrupt Mask Register
COMR0 [READ] bit 15-8 *1 7 6,5 4 3 2 1 0 COMR0 [WRITE] bit 15-8 *1 7 6-4 3 2 *1 1 0 (Status Register) name ---------------------POR -------RECON TMA TA (Mask Register) name ---------------------EXCNAK RECON NXTIDERR TA init. value 0 0 0,0,0 0 0 0 0 description reserved (all "0") reserved ("0") reserved (all "0") Excessive NAK Reconfiguration Next ID Error Transmitter Available init. value 0 1 1,1 1 0 0 0 1 Description reserved (all "0") reserved reserved Power On Reset reserved Reconfiguration Transmitter Message Acknowledged Transmitter Available address:00h address:00h
*1 Not equivalent to the ARCNET original specifications. - When reading: ARCNET status register POR (bit 4) When this bit is 1, it indicates that a hardware or software reset has been occurred?. This bit can be cleared by writing the POR clear command (0Eh). RECON (bit 2) When this bit is 1 it indicates that a reconfiguration has occurred. This bit can be cleared by software reset or by writing the RECON clear command (16h). TMA (bit 1) When this bit is 1, it indicates that a transmission has been performed correctly (except broadcast messages). This bit is valid only after the TA bit has been set to 1 and can be cleared by a software reset or by writing the send command (03h). TA (bit 0) When this bit is 1, it indicates that sending is complete, and 0 indicates that sending is in progress. This bit becomes 0 when a write or send command (03h) is executed. In the case of free buffer mode (TXM = 0) or
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one packet send at remote buffer mode (TXM = 1 and RTO = 1), this bit becomes 1 by the completion of one packet send or written send-cancellation-command (01h). This bit also becomes 0 after the first send command and remains 0 until the TX cancel command is issued. Under this condition the node will continue to send automatically. This bit becomes 1 when the mode exits from the consecutive automatic send with the writing of send cancellation command (01h) or RTO bit = 1.The TA bit also exists in bit 0 of the EC interrupt status register and exactly the same signal as it. This bit can also be set by a software reset. - When writing: ARCNET mask register (cleared by software reset) EXCNAK (bit 3) This bit is set to 1 and the EXCNAK bit in the COMR1 (Diagnostic register) becomes 1 to generate the interrupt. (The COM bit in the EC interrupt mask register = 1) RECON (bit 2) This bit is set to 1 and the RECON bit in the status register (COMR0) becomes 1 to generate the interrupt. (The COM bit in the EC interrupt mask register = 1) NXTIDERR (bit 1) This bit is set to 1 and the NXTIDERR bit in the diagnostic register (COMR1) becomes 1 to generate the interrupt. (The COM bit in the EC interrupt mask register = 1) TA (bit 0) This bit is set to 1 and the TA bit in the status register (COMR0) becomes 1 to generate the interrupt. (The COM bit in the EC interrupt mask register = 1)
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COMR1 Register: Diagnostic/Command Register
COMR1 [READ] bit 15-8 7 6 5 4 3 2 *1 1 0 COMR1 [WRITE] bit 15-8 7-0 (Diagnostic Register) name -------MY-RECON DUPID RCVACT TOKEN EXCNAK TENTID NXTIDERR -------init. value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description reserved (all "0") My Reconfiguration Duplicate ID Receive Activity Token Seen Excessive NAK Tentative ID New Next ID Reserved address:02h Description Reserved (all "0") D7-0 address:02h
(Command Register) name -------D7-0 init. value ---
*1 Not equivalent to the ARCNET original specifications. - When reading: ARCNET diagnostic register MY-RECON (bit 7) When this bit is 1, it indicates that the local reconfiguration timer has timed out. This timeout sends a reconfiguration burst signal. It is read after an interrupt has been generated by setting RECON bit = 1. (RECON bit = 1 is set after MY-RECON bit is set to 1.) The bit is cleared by software reset or by being read. DUPID (bit 6) When this bit is 1 in the offline state (TXEN = 0), it indicates that a duplicate node ID exists on the network. In this state, the network cannot be accessed (TXEN = 1). Check that all the node ID settings are correct. In the online state (TXEN = 1), this bit is set to 1 every time a token addressed to it is received**. This bit is cleared by a software reset or by being read. ** Disregard this first setting of DUPID=0 -> 1. The second setting indicates a token addressed to its own CircLink. RCVACT (bit 5) When this bit is 1, it indicates that activity has been detected at the CircLink receive input. This bit is cleared by a software reset or by being read. TOKEN (bit 4) When this bit is 1, it indicates that a token signal on the network has been detected. Note that the token signal sent by this bit cannot be detected. This bit is cleared by a software reset or by being read.
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EXCNAK (bit 3) When this bit is 1, it indicates that a “NAK” was received 4 or 128 times from the receiving node (Four NAKS is determined by bit a setting) in response to “Free Buffer Enquiry” during the send. It is possibly caused by the blind state (ECRI = 1) of the destination node. This bit can not be cleared by bit-read but can be cleared by software reset or by the writing of the EXCNAK clear command (0Eh). TENTID (bit 2) When this bit is 1, it indicates that COMR7-000: Tentative ID register matches the ID value in a token signal in the network. Note that the ID value in a token signal sent by this bit itself cannot be compared. With the function in normal online state (TXEN = 1), a node ID map of the network can be created. This bit is cleared by software reset or by being read. NXTIDERR (bit 1) This bit is set when receiving no response from the token passed, to. the node with the ID of node ID + 1*2 and the token is passed to another node. This bit can be cleared by a software reset or by the writing of NXTIDERR clear command (09h), but is not cleared with read out. *2: Node 01 when the node is MAXID node. NOTE: To detect the DUPID and TENTID bits, wait for the maximum polling cycle time of token after the NID or TENTID value is changed. - When writing: ARCNET command register This command register is not used in CircLink; the EC command register in 3.2.12 must be used. The commands described there include all valid CircLink commands.
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COMR2 Register: Page Register
COMR2 (Page Register) [READ/WRITE] bit name init. value 15-8 -------0 7 RDDATA X 6 AUTOINC X *1 5 nWRAPAR 0 *1 4-0 PAGE4-0 X address:04h description reserved (all "0") Read Data Auto Increment Wrap-around mode Page 4-0
*1: Not equivalent to the ARCNET original specifications. (Bit length variable) - When reading/writing: ARCNET address pointer upper register (New) RDDATA (bit 7) This bit specifies the type of access to data register (COMR4) handled. 1: Reading from data register 0: Write to data register AUTOINC (bit 6) This specifies an automatic increment mode of the RAMADR accessing data register (COMR4). The incremental value is +1 for 8 bits bus width and 0 word mode (W16 = L, WDMD = 0), and +2 for 8 bits bus width and 1 word mode (W16=L, WDMD=1) or 16 bits bus width (W16=1). 1: Automatically incremented 0: Not automatically incremented nWRAPAR (bit 5) This bit specifies internal operation mode when the most significant bit (MSB) of RAMADR is carried over. 1: Move to the top of the next page 0: Go back to the top of the current page PAGE 4-0 (bits 4 to 0) These bits specify the page numbers of the packet buffers. Rewriting these 5 bits is not valid before address in the page (COMR3) is written. Note that the upper limit of specifiable value is restricted by the page size and unnecessary higher bits in CircLink are deleted.
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COMR3 Register: Page-Internal Address Register
COMR3 (Address Register) [READ/WRITE] bit name init. value description 15-8 -------0 reserved (all "0") *1 7-0 RAMADR7-0 X RAM Address 7-0 *1: Not equivalent to ARCNET original specifications. (The bit length variable) - When reading/writing: ARCNET address pointer lower register (New) RAMADR 7-0 (bits 7 to 0) These bits specify addresses in the pages of the packet buffers. When the AUTOINC bit of COMR2 is 1, the value increments every time when the data register (COM4) is accessed. The upper limit of the specifiable value is restricted by the size of the page. The COMR2 page (PAGE) and COMR3 page-internal address (RAMADR) registers actually comprises one 10-bit register and the boundary differs depending on the specification of the page size, as shown below. address:06h
PAGE + RAMADR (10bit Reg.) PS=11: 32Page , 32Byte PS=10: 16Page , 64Byte PS=01: 8Page ,128Byte PS=00: 4Page ,256Byte
References of 2.5.1 chapter "RAM access" about the structure of a/the packet buffer
In continuously accessing data register with AUTOINC = 1 set, you can specify how to carry out overflowing RAMADR with nWRAPAR bit of COMR2. Zero (0) set-up carries it out to the top of the current page and one (1) set-up move it to the top of the next page (or to #00 if the current is the final page). Example of the operation at PS = 11 is shown below.
nWRAPAR=1 PAGE4-0=00001, RAMADR4-0=11111 PAGE4-0=00010, RAMADR4-0=00000
nWRAPAR=0 PAGE4-0=00001, RAMADR4-0=11111 PAGE4-0=00001, RAMADR4-0=00000
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COMR4 Register: Data Register
( 1) 16 Bit Mode (W16=H) COMR4 (Data Register) [READ/WRITE] bit Name *1 15-0 RAMDT15-0 address:08h init. Value description X RAM Data 15-0
( 2) 8 Bit Mode and Word Mode=ON (W16=L, WDMD=1) COMR4 (Data Register) [READ/WRITE] bit name init. value Description *1 15-8 RAMDT15-8 X RAM Data 15-8 *1 7-0 RAMDT7-0 X RAM Data 7-0 NOTES:
To preserve the upper and lower bytes of word data in the same packet, COMR4 must be accessed in the order of 08h access → 09h access. (access in the order of 09h → 08h, 08h → 08h, or 09h → 09h will not preserve this data). This restriction is applied for both reading and writing. The upper/lower relationship is selected by the nSWAP pin. (3) 8 Bit Mode and Word Mode=Off (W16=L, WDMD=0) COMR4 (Data Register) [READ/WRITE] bit Name init. Value Description 15-8 -------0 Reserved (all "0") *1 7-0 RAMDT7-0 X RAM Data 7-0 *1 Not equivalent to the ARCNET original specifications. - When reading/writing: ARCNET Data register(New) Writing/ reading out the address in the 1 kByte RAM is indicated by the page register and intra-page address register. Data access to packet buffer is performed via the data register. Reading/writing is set by the RDDATA bit of COMR2. NOTE: Accessing differently from the setting by RDDATA register will not normally access data. For example, data register writing with RDDATA = 1 setting, or data register reading with RDDATA = 0 setting will not normally be performed.
address:08h or 09h
COMR5 Register: Sub-address Register
COMR5 (Sub-address reg.) [READ/WRITE] bit name init. value 15-4 -------0 3-0 SUBAD3-0 0,0,0,0 address:0Ah description reserved (all "0") Sub Address 3-0
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Do not set the value “5-9h, C-Fh” to SUBAD3-0. - When reading/writing: ARCNET sub-address register SUBAD [2:0] (bits 2 to 0) Specifying sub-addresses for selecting seven registers assigned to COMR7. Be sure to set the subaddress first, and then access to COMR7. SUBAD3-0 = 0000 (0h) : Selection of TENTATIVE ID Register SUBAD3-0 = 0001 (1h) : Selection of NODE ID Register SUBAD3-0 = 0010 (2h) : Selection of SETUP1 Register SUBAD3-0 = 0011 (3h) : Selection of NEXT ID Register (Only Read) SUBAD3-0 = 0100 (4h) : Selection of SETUP2 Register SUBAD3-0 = 1010 (Ah) : Selection of GPIO Data Register SUBAD3-0 = 1011 (Bh) : Selection of GPIO Direction Control Register
COMR6 register: Configuration Register
COMR6 (Configuration reg.) [READ/WRITE] bit name init. value 15-8 -------0 7 RESET 0 6 -------0 5 TXEN 0/1 *4 4 ET1 1 3 ET2 1 2 BACKPLAN 1 1-0 -------0,0 address:0Ch description reserved (all "0") Reset reserved ("0") Transmit Enable Extended Timeout 1 Extended Timeout 2 Back Plane reserved (all "0")
*1 *3
*2 *5
*1 Not equivalent to the ARCNET original specifications. (Function elimination) *2 Not equivalent to the ARCNET original specifications. (Change Initial Value) *3 Not equivalent to the ARCNET original specifications. (Additional Function) *4 The Initial value changes by operation mode. 0 (Off Line) at the time of Peripheral mode *5 These specifications are not equal with ARCNET specification.
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(SUBAD1-0 be integration to the COMR5 register ) - When reading/writing: ARCNET configuration register RESET (bit 7) This bit sets a software reset. Setting 1 to this bit causes software reset and setting 0 releases it. TXEN (bit 5) This bit sets access to/leaving from the network (online and offline respectively); Setting 1 to this bit is online and setting 0 off-line. A temporary software reset is applied when the bit is changed from 0 to 1. (The software reset is released automatically.) The software reset is not applied when the bit is changed from 1 to 0. This bit is the same as the TXEN bit in the mode register described in 3.2.18, which is the bit usually used. ET1, ET2 (bits 4 and 3) These bits set the timeout time of the response and idle timers. The following timeout times are the values applicable when the transfer rate is 2.5 Mbps. (The values become half at 5 Mbps) ET2,ET1 = 0,0 Response Timer = 1193.6uS Idle Timer = 1312uS MAX Distances = 118.4km ET2,ET1 = 0,1 Response Timer = 596.8uS Idle Timer = 656uS MAX Distances = 57.6km ET2,ET1 = 1,0 Response Timer = 298.4uS Idle Timer = 328uS MAX Distances = 28.8km ET2,ET1 = 1,1 Response Timer = 74.7uS Idle Timer = 82uS MAX Distances = 6.4km These timeout times must be identical in every node on the network. Refer to the description of the RCNTM1, 0 bits in the SETUP2 register. BACKPLAN (bit 2) This bit selects back plane mode and normal (dipulse) mode; setting 1 to the bit selects back plane mode and setting 0 selects normal (dipulse) mode. Back plane mode is usually used (default).
COMR7 Register
Seven registers are defined for COMR7, selected by the selection of the SUBAD [3:0] bits of COMR5.
COMR7-0000 [READ/WRITE] bit 15-5 *1 4-0
(Tent. ID Register) Name -------TID4-0 init. value 0 all "0" Description reserved (all "0") Tentative Node ID
address:0Eh SUBAD=0000
*1 Not equivalent to the ARCNET original specifications. (Reduction in the number of bits). - When reading/writing: ARCNET Tentative ID register TID [4:0] (bits 4 to 0)
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The ID value specified by this register is compared with the ID value in a token signal in the network and the results reflected in the TENTID bit of the diagnostic register. TENTID becomes 1 if the comparison result matches.
COMR7-0001 [READ/WRITE] bit 15-5 *1 4-0
(Node ID Register) name -------NID4-0 init. value 0 all "0" Description reserved (all "0") My Node ID
address:0Eh SUBAD=0001
*1 Not equivalent to the ARCNET original specifications. (Reduction the number of bits) - When reading/writing: ARCNET Node ID register NID [4:0] (bits 4 to 0) When INIMODE = 1, this bit specifies the node ID. This function is the same as that of the NID register described in 3.2.23 which is usually used instead of this register.
COMR7-0010 (Setup1 Register) [READ/WRITE] bit name init. value 15-8 -------0 *1 7 -------1 6 FOURNAKS 0 5 -------0 4 -------0 3-1 CKP2-0 0,0,0 0 -------0
address:0Eh SUBAD=0010 description reserved (all "0") reserved ("1") Four NACKS reserved ("0") reserved ("0") Clock Prescaler Bits 2,1,0 reserved ("0")
*1: Not equivalent to the ARCNET original specifications. (Function elimination) - When reading/writing: ARCNET SETUP1 register FOURNAKS (bit 6) This bit specifies the number of NAK responses to the "Free Buffer Enquiry", function of the EXCNAK bit of the diagnostic register. Setting 1 to this bit specifies 4 times, and to 0 specifies 128 times. CKP [2:0] (bits 3 to 1) INIMODE = 1 specifies the communication speed (transfer rate). This function is the same as that of the CKP register described in 3.2.25 which is usually used instead of this register.
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COMR7-0011 [READ ONLY] bit 15-5 *1 4-0
(Next ID Register) name -------NEXTID4-0 init. value 0 all "0" description reserved (all "0") Next Node ID
address:0Eh SUBAD=0011
*1: Not equivalent to the ARCNET original specifications. (Reduction the number of bits and function modifications) NOTE: Do not write to this register. - When reading: ARCNET NEXT ID register NEXTID [4:0] ( bit 4 to 0) It is possible for the node to read out value of the node ID that will send the token. In CircLink, the following ID value is fixed to the ID value of the node + 1. In case of no response after sending token to the node of ID value equaling to the node ID + 1 (absent receiver) and the token is passed to another node, the NXTIDERR bit of the diagnostic register will be set to 1.
*1 *3 *1 *1 *1 *2
COMR7-0100 [READ/WRITE] bit 15-8 7 6 5,4 3 2 1-0
(Setup2 Register) Name --------------FARB ---------------------RCNTM1-0 init. value 0 0 0 0,0 1 1 1,1
address:0Eh SUBAD=0100 description reserved (all "0") reserved ("0") reserved ("0") reserved (all "0") reserved ("0") reserved ("0") Reconfiguration (RECON) Timer 1,0
*1 Not equivalent to the ARCNET original specifications. (Reduction function ) *2 Not equivalent to the ARCNET original specifications. (Change initial value) *3 Not equivalent to the ARCNET original specifications. (Addition of new function) - When reading/writing: ARCNET Setup2 Register FARB (bit 6) Increases the speed of the RAM Access controller. In default setting, it sets the yes/no setting of temporary relay reception of 128 byte/page during CKP=000 setting. For further details, please refer to section 2.9.1 Temporary Receive and Direct Receive. 0: 128-byte/page temporary relay reception denied (Default) RAM Access controller input clock has a single-sided function. 1: 128-byte/page temporary relay reception allowed RAM Access controller input clock has a double-sided function. Accordingly, the input clock must be below 20 MHz.
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The FARB bit switch must be operated during Software Reset. RCNTM1, RCNTM0 (bits 1 and 0) These bits set the timeout time of the reconfiguration timer. The following timeout times are applicable when the transfer rate is 2.5 Mbps. (The values become half at 5 Mbps) RCNTM1-0 00 01 10 11 : Timeout = 840mS : Timeout = 210mS : Timeout = 105mS : Timeout = 52mS (Default)
The timeout times above are values for COMR6: Reconfiguration register’s ET1 and ET2 = 1,1 respectively. If ET1 and ET2 are other than the above value, the timeout time is doubled. (This includes the case of ET1 pin=Low) Refer to section 2.13.2 - Timer Expansion in Multi-Stage Cascade Connection ET1 pin and section 3.2.7 COMR6 register: Configuration Register ET1, ET2 bit for details.
COMR7-1010 [READ/WRITE] bit 15-8 *1 7-0
(GPIO Data Register) Name -------GPD7-0 init. value 0 all “0” description reserved (all "0") GP-I/O Data
address:0Eh SUBAD=1010
*1 Does not exist in the ARCNET original specification. - When reading/writing: GPIO Data Register GPD[7:0] (bit 7-0) Write : write data which outputs to GPIP7-0 pin Read : read the state of the GPIO7-0 pin GPD7 corresponds to the GPIO7 pin. (Refer to section 2.14 - 8bit General-purpose I/O Port (New Function).
COMR7-1011 [READ/WRITE] bit 15-8 *1 7-0
(GPIO Direction Register) Name -------nGPOE7-0 init. value 0 all “1” description reserved (all "0") GP-I/O Output Enable
address:0Eh SUBAD=1011
*1 Does not exist in the ARCNET original specification.
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- When reading/writing: GPIO Direction Register nGPOE [7:0] (bit 7-0) Set the direction of GPIO7-0 pin. The direction can be set by every one bit. nGPOE7 corresponds to the GPIO7 pin. (Refer to section 2.14.) 0 : Output mode 1 : Input mode Supplement: Refer to the ARCNET Controller COM20020 Rev.D Datasheet for further details on bits COMR0:7.
NST register: Network Standard Time
NST Bit 15-0 name NST15-0 init. value 0000h description Network Standard Time address:10h (Read Only)
NST15-0 (bits 15 to 0) These bits indicate the standard time in the network. Refer to section 2.11 - Network Standard Time (NST) for details. Accessing the NST register can dynamically provide the latest time data. Since NST is a 16 bit width counter, it is necessary to read the even address side (10h) first when an 8-bit bus is used. When the even address side (11h) is read out, the remaining 8 bits of the NST are latched internally.
3.2.10 INTSTA Register: EC Interrupt Status
INTSTA bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 name RXERR CMIECC NSTUNLOC WARTERR FRCV RRCV MRCV SIDF TKNRETF ACKNAKF HUBWDTO CPERR COM FBENR TXERR TA dir. R/W R/W R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R init. value 0 0 1 or 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 address:12h (Read Only, Read/Write) Description Receiver Error CMI RX Error Correction occurred NST Unlock Warning Timer Error Free-format mode Received Remote-buffer mode Received My Received SID Found Token Retry occurred Corrupt ACK/NAK Recovered HUB Watch Dog Timer time-out Tx CP Error ARCNET CORE Interrupt FBE No Reply Transmitter Error Transmitter Available
The upper 8 bits indicate the receive status, and the lower 8 bits indicate the send status. Every bit in this register can be used to generate an interrupt .
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RXERR (bit 15) This bit indicates that receive has stopped due to an error during packet receive. As soon as this bit is set, the details of the error are reflected to RXEC 2-0 (bits 7 to 5) in the ERRINFO register, and the ID of the sending node is stored to RESID 4-0 (bits 4 to 0) in the same register. Note that this bit is not set by any message other than a packet (Token, FBE, ACK, or NAK). This bit is cleared by 1 writing or by a software reset. CMIECC (bit 14) This bit indicates that error correction of received data has been performed in the CMI decoding circuit. As soon as this bit is set, the details of error are stored in CMIEI3-0 (bits 11 to 8) of the ERRINFO register. This bit is cleared by writing a 1 or by software reset. NSTUNLOC (bit 13) Indicates synchronizing with the CM node’s NST. This bit is set by Software Reset. For further details, please refer to section 2.11. 0: Synchronous Lock status 1: Synchronous Unlock Status (Initial Value) In the CM node, this flag goes into steady state 0 (Synchronous Lock status). Accordingly, the initial settings are as seen below. In Peripheral mode, the CM node ID is set in a register after cancellation of Hardware Reset. After these values are imported, the output is 1 until it assumes itself as a CM node (it becomes 0 after that). During Software Reset, due to the CM Node ID being immediately imported, the CM Node ID is fixed at 1→0 immediately after set-up in the register. WARTERR (bit 12) This bit is set if data is not received by any page set in remote buffer receive mode within a fixed period. This bit is cleared by the WARTERR clear command or by a software reset. 1: No receive within a fixed period, 0: Receive within a fixed period. FRCV (bit 11) This bit is set if the reception by any page set in free format receive mode is completed normally. This bit is cleared by writing a 1 or by a software reset. 1: Receive complete, 0: Receive in progress RRCV (bit 10) This bit is set if the reception of any page set in remote buffer receive mode is completed normally. This bit is cleared by writing a 1 or by a software reset. 1: Receive complete, 0: Receive in progress MRCV (bit 9) This bit is set if receive of a packet sent to the local node is completed normally. This bit is cleared by writing a 1 or by a software reset.
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1: Receive complete, 0: Receive in progress SIDF (bit 8) This bit is set if a packet sent from the SID specified by the SSID register is received. This bit is cleared by writing a 1or by a software reset. TKNRETF (bit 7) This bit indicates that a token retry is performed. Refer to section 2.4.1 - Reducing Token Loss for details. This bit is cleared by writing a 1or by a software reset. ACKNAKF (bit 6) This bit indicates that countermeasures corrupt ACK/NAK data have been implemented. Refer to section 2.4.1 - Reducing Token Loss for details. This bit is cleared by writing a 1 or by a software reset. HUBWDTO (bit 5) This bit indicates that the HUB unit has been reset which was caused by timeout of watchdog timer,. This is done to prevent the direction control circuit of the HUB unit from hanging-up. A timeout occurs if the transmit signal from HUB is continuously active for 3.27 ms or more. (when using 2.5 Mbps. At 5 Mbps, the value is half -> 1.64ms) This timeout causes the HUB unit and two CMI units to be automatically reset. (If the HUB unit is OFF, the CMI units are not reset.) This bit is cleared by writing a 1or by a software reset. CPERR (bit 4) This bit is set if the CP field of the preceding packet is of a value that exceeded the page boundary, or is between 00h and 02h, both of which are invalid CP settings. Refer to section 2.5.3 - Packet Data Structure for details. This bit is cleared by writing a 1 or by a software reset. 1: Packet including invalid CP field is sent, 0: Normal packet is sent COM (bit 3) This bit is set to 1 if there is an interrupt from the ARCNET core. Be sure to set the bit of COMR0 mask register bits when required. This bit is set to 1 when the interrupt is generated by EXCNAK, RECON, NXTIDERR and TA bit in the mask register of COMR0. FBENR (bit 2) Both FBENR and TXERR bits are set if there is no response to FBE . If this bit is set, it is possible to determine that data is transmitted to a node that would not cause a sending failure, thus identifying failures based on deformed packet data. This bit is cleared by writing a 1, issuing send command, , or by a software reset. TXERR (bit 1) This bit is set if sending fails. Be aware that this function is the opposite of that of the ARCNET-original TMA bit. This bit is cleared by writing a 1 , issuing the send command, or by a software reset.
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TA (bit 0) This bit is the same as the TA bit of the COMR0: ARCNET status register. (Refer to that register for details.) This bit becomes 0 only during the send command issuing. Combination and meaning of transmission status TA 0 1 1 1 TXERR X 0 1 1 FBENR X 0 0 1 Meaning Transmitting Transmit complete Transmit Error by data error Transmit Error by FBE unanswer
3.2.11 INTMSK Register: EC Interrupt Mask
INTMSK bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 name RXERR CMIECC NSTUNLOC WARTERR FRCV RRCV MRCV SIDF TKNRETF ACKNAKF HUBWDTO CPERR COM FBENR TXERR TA init. value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 description Receiver Error CMI RX Error Correction occurred NST Unlock Warning Timer Error Free-format mode Received Remote-buffer mode Received My Received SID Found Token Retry occurred Corrupt ACK/NAK Recovered HUB Watch Dog Timer time-out TX CP Error ARCNET CORE Interrupt FBE No Reply Transmitter Error Transmitter Available address:14h (Read/Write)
This register corresponds to interrupt status, and being set to 1, the interrupt signal becomes active when the corresponding status becomes 1.
3.2.12 ECCMD Register: EC Command Register
ECCMD bit 15-8 7-0 name -------ECCMD7-0 init. value description 0 reserved (all "0") 00h EC Command address:16h (Read/Write)
ECCMD 7-0 (bits 7 to 0) This command is unique to CircLink when the bus width is 8 bits (W16 = 0), access to higher bytes is invalid; the command is executed by access to the lower bytes. When the bus width is 16 bits (W16 = 1), “00h” should be specified for the higher bytes. Readable value from this register is the prior write command.
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03h: Send command This command instructs the CircLink to start sending. After issuing the send command, an actual sending is started upon receipt of token to the node. In continuous send mode (TXM = 1, RTO = 0) or in remote buffer sending mode, an automatic send operation repeats whenever a node receives the token after the first one time command has been issued. In free format send mode (TXM = 0) or the remote buffer send mode, a send command must be issued each time when in single send mode (TXM = 1, RTO =1). 01h: Sending cancellation command This command cancels the prior send command . After cancellation, the TA bit is set to 1. If this command is issued before the node receives the token, cancellation of the send is possible. It is necessary to confirm TA=1 because the cancellation is actually executed when the token arrives. In continuous send mode (TXM = 1, RTO = 0) in the remote buffer send mode, continuous send operation can be stopped. (To restart, re-send command is necessary.) 09h: NXTIDERR clear command This command clears the NXTIDERR bit in COMR1 (Diagnostic register) . 0Ah: WARTERR clear command This command instructs initialization and start of the warning timer function. In addition, this command clears the WARTERR bit and the INTSTA register as well as all receive flag in the page that is set to the remote buffer mode. 0Eh: POR, EXCNAK clear command This command clears the POR bit in COMR0 (status register) and the EXCNAK bit in COMR1 (diagnostic register). Cancellation of either of two bits is unavailable. 16h: RECON clear command This command clears the RECON bit in COMR0 (status register). 1Eh: Concurrent operation of POR, EXCNAK clear and RECON clear command These commands clear all POR, EXCNAK, and RECON bits.
3.2.13 RSID Register: Receive SID
RSID bit 15-13 12-8 7-5 4-0 name -------MRSID4-0 -------RSID4-0 init. value -all "0" -all "0" description reserved (all "0") My Received SID reserved (all "0") Received SID address:18h (Read Only)
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MRSID 4-0 (bits 12 to 8) SID of the packet to the node received last. RSID 4-0 (bits 4 to 0) SID of packet received last.
3.2.14 SSID Register: SID
SSID bit 15-5 4-0 name -------SSID4-0 init. value -all "0" description reserved (all "0") Search SID address:1Ah (Read/Write)
SSID 4-0 (bits 4 to 0) When a packet having SID as defined in section 3.2.14 - SSID Register: SID, is received, the SIDF bit of the interrupt status register is set.
3.2.15 RXFH Register: Receive Flag (higher side)
RXFH bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name RXF31 RXF30 RXF29 RXF28 RXF27 RXF26 RXF25 RXF24 RXF23 RXF22 RXF21 RXF20 RXF19 RXF18 RXF17 RXF16 Init. value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 description Receive Flag (Page #31) Receive Flag (Page #30) Receive Flag (Page #29) Receive Flag (Page #28) Receive Flag (Page #27) Receive Flag (Page #26) Receive Flag (Page #25) Receive Flag (Page #24) Receive Flag (Page #23) Receive Flag (Page #22) Receive Flag (Page #21) Receive Flag (Page #20) Receive Flag (Page #19) Receive Flag (Page #18) Receive Flag (Page #17) Receive Flag (Page #16) address:1Ch (Read/Write)
RXF31-16 (bits 15 to 0) This is a flag that indicates the receive status of pages from 16 to 31. The definition is different depending on the receive mode of the corresponding page. In the Free-Format receive mode, the register becomes a writable register. This register is effective only when page size is set to the 32-byte mode due to RAM size; in other sizes, the readout is always “1”.
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Free format receive mode [Flag definition] 1: Receive completed/Unauthorized state 0: Receive authorized [Clear condition] Writing “1”, or last data readout of corresponding page only in nACLR = 0 Remote buffer receive mode [Flag definition] 1: Receive within a fixed time period 0: No receive within a fixed time period. [Clear condition] Writing 0Ah (WARTERR clear command) in the ECCMD register, or OK in the warning monitoring result
If the all-receive-inhibit bit, ECRI, in the mode register is returned from 1 to 0, all the receive flags return to 1 regardless of their receive mode.
3.2.16 RXFL Register: Receive Flag (lower side)
RXFL bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 name RXF15 RXF14 RXF13 RXF12 RXF11 RXF10 RXF09 RXF08 RXF07 RXF06 RXF05 RXF04 RXF03 RXF02 RXF01 -------Init. value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 description Receive Flag (Page #15) Receive Flag (Page #14) Receive Flag (Page #13) Receive Flag (Page #12) Receive Flag (Page #11) Receive Flag (Page #10) Receive Flag (Page #09) Receive Flag (Page #08) Receive Flag (Page #07) Receive Flag (Page #06) Receive Flag (Page #05) Receive Flag (Page #04) Receive Flag (Page #03) Receive Flag (Page #02) Receive Flag (Page #01) reserved ("0") address:1Eh (Read/Write)
RXF15-01 (bits 15 to 1) This flag indicates the receive status of pages 01 to 15. The definition is different depending on the receive mode of the corresponding page. In the free format receive mode, the register becomes a writable register. Bits from 15 to 4 are not effective when the page size is 128/256 and Bits from 15 to 4 are not effective when page size is 256 bytes and the readout is always “1”.
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Free-Format receive mode [Flag definition] 1: Receive completed/Unauthorized 0: Receive authorized [Clear condition] Writing “1”, or last data readout of corresponding page only in nACLR = 0
Remote buffer receive mode [Flag definition] 1: Receive within a fixed time period 0: No receive within a fixed time period. [Clear condition] Writing 0Ah (WARTERR clear command) in the ECCMD register, or OK in the warning monitoring result
If the all-receive-inhibit bit, ECRI, in the mode register is returned from 1 to 0, all the receive flags return to 1 regardless of their receive mode. Supplement: Clearance by writing “1” of receive flag
In Free-Format receive mode regarding receive flags RXF31 to RXF1, the flags become 1 after receive completion and 0 after clearance upon data readout. The clearance is executed by writing “1” in object bits. This section explains how “writing 1” can clear the bits (flags) that become active by “1.” (This description is applicable in flag clearing of interrupt status register.) The basic idea is that direct writing of the readout data in a register can clear the bits that have been “1.” For example, the readout data of the RXFH register (higher receive flag) is 01h; in this case, the data means receive completion of page #16. After that, if the readout data, 01h, is written in the RXFH register, only the RXF 16 bit is cleared. Therefore, the bit in the RXFH register that is set after the RXFH register readout is not cleared by mistake. The important point is that the bits subject to be cleared are the bits of which the CPU recognizes as “1.”
3.2.17 CMID register: Clock Master Node ID
CMID bit 15-5 4-0 name -------CMID4-0 init. value -all "0" description reserved (all "0") Clock Master Node ID address: 20h (Read/Write)
CMID 4-0 (bits 4 to 0) These bits specify IDs of the clock master node, standard node of the network standard time (NST). If a packet is received from the node set, the NST is loaded. If 0 is set, loading is not executed.
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3.2.18 MODE Register: Operation Mode Setup Register
address: 22h (Read/Write) bit 15-13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name -------CMIERRMD NSTSEND NSTSTOP INIMODE TXEN ECRI BRE TXM RTO WDMD nTKNRTY nACKNAK nACLR init. value -0 0 0 0 0 or 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 description reserved (all "0") -> Must write 000 CMI RX Error Mode Network Standard Time SEND Network Standard Timer STOP Initialize Mode Tx Enable CircLink Receive Inhibit Broadcast Receive Enable Transmitter Mode Remote buffer Tx Once mode Packet Data Word Mode TOKEN Retry ACKNACK Mode Receive Flag Auto Clear
CMIERRMD (bit12) This bit sets the operation mode in the event of error correction during data packet receive in the CMI decoding circuit. When error correction (CMIECC = 1) is performed during a receive, if the receive is terminated this bit is set to 1. The proceeding receive termination should follow 2.9.1 “Temporary receive and direct receive.” 1: Terminates packet receive , 0: Does not terminate packet receive NSTSEND (bit11) This bit has a function that allows the nodes to alternate clock master to add the NST value to the last two bytes of packets, similar to the function in clock master node. When this bit is set to 1, NST is sent instead of the last two bytes that are written in packet RAM. 1: Adds NST , 0: Does not add NST NSTSTOP (bit10) This bit stops NST at the current count value. 1: Stops NST count , 0: Does not stop NST count INIMODE (bit 9) This bit selects whether the CircLink initializations (which include of MAXID number setup, page size setup, the node number setup, and communication rate prescaler setup) are set via an external input pin or by register specification. Since this bit is important in network settings, this bit must be rewritten in the condition of TXEN = 0 (offline). When this bit is rewritten, software reset is automatically executed. (The software reset is released automatically.)
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1: Sets via register , 0: Sets via external input pin. TXEN (bit 8) Setting this bit to 1 enables network participation. The initial value differs depending on the operation mode; the starting status is 0 = offline in the Peripheral mode. This bit is the same as the TXEN bit in the COMR6 register. If this bit is changed from 0 to 1, software reset is automatically executed (the software reset is released automatically). Software reset is not applied when the bit is changed from 1 to 0. 1: Online state , 0: Offline state ECRI (bit 7) This bit stops automatic issuing of receive commands to the ARCNET core. The CircLink always receives; to stop receiving, set this bit to 1. Moreover, this bit returns NAK to the free buffer enquiry (FBE) to the bit. Returning this bit from 1 to 0 sets the receive flag registers RXF01 to RXF31 to the (initial) value of 1. When CircLink receives a token issued by itself, ECRI is set. This causes a delay because setting/clearing ECRI affects reception flags RXF0-RXF3. The delay is 52 ms; when the network data rate is 2.5 Mbps, and scales accordingly for other rates. 1: Normal stop, 0: Normal operation BRE (bit 6) 1: Receives broadcast packet , 0: No receive TXM (bit 5) 1: Remote buffer sending mode , 0: Free-Format sending mode RTO (bit 4) This bit specifies the sending count in the Remote Buffer sending mode 1: One-packet sending , 0: Continuous auto-sending WDMD (bit 3) This bit specifies the data structure mode to access data register (COMR4) through an 8-bit bus. When this bit is set to 1, to protect the higher and lower bytes of word data as one packet, it is necessary to perform an access to COMR4 in the order of 08h to 09h (protection is unavailable in the order of 09h to 08h, 08h to 08h, and 09h to 09h). The rule is applicable for both write and read. 1: 16-bit data batch , 0: 8-bit data batch nTKNRTY (bit 2) Setting this bit to 1 disables token re-send. (original operation of ARCNET). nACKNAK (bit 1) Setting this bit to 1 generates reconfiguration in ACK/NAK deformation. (original operation of ARCNET). nACLR (bit 0) Setting this bit to 1 disables automatic clearance of receive flag in the readout of the last data in the free format receive mode.
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3.2.19 CARRY Register: Carry Selection for External Output
CARRY bit 15 14,13 12-8 7-4 3-0 name OFSMOD -------NSTOFS4-0 NSTC3-0 WARTC3-0 init. value 0 -all "0" 8h 8h description OFFSET Mode reserved (all "0") NST OFFSET NST Carry Select WART Carry Select address:24h (Read/Write)
OFSMOD (CARRY register: bit 15) 0: Automatic offset (default) 1: Manual offset NOTE: Do not set OFSMOD bit = 1, when NSTPRE2 pin = Low NSTOFS4-0 (CARRY register: bits 12 to 8) These bit selects an offset from 0 to 31. The offset is “NST resolution * NSTOFS4-0”. NSTC3-0 (bits 7 to 4) These bits specify the generation timing of external pulse output, nNSTCOUT, by means of the digit position of NST. NSTC3-0 0000 0001 0010 : 1111 CARRY Digit NST[0] NST[1] NST[2] : NST[15] Check Output Cycle NST Resolution * 2^1 NST Resolution * 2^2 NST Resolution * 2^3 : NST Resolution* 2^16
Refer to section 2.11 - Network Standard Time (NST) for the NST resolution. WARTC3-0 (bits 3 to 0) These bits specify the warning monitoring time at remote buffer receive by means of the digit position of timer (WT). Refer to section 2.9.4 - Warning Timer (WT) at Remote Buffer Receive for details of WT. WARTC3-0 0000 0001 0010 : 1111 CARRY Digit -----WT[1] WT[2] : WT[15] Check Period ILLEGAL Setting WT Resolution * 2^1 WT Resolution * 2^2 : WT Resolution * 2^15
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3.2.20 RXMH Register: Receive Mode (higher side)
RXMH bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 name RXM31 RXM30 RXM29 RXM28 RXM27 RXM26 RXM25 RXM24 RXM23 RXM22 RXM21 RXM20 RXM19 RXM18 RXM17 RXM16 init. value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 description Receive Mode (Page #31) Receive Mode (Page #30) Receive Mode (Page #29) Receive Mode (Page #28) Receive Mode (Page #27) Receive Mode (Page #26) Receive Mode (Page #25) Receive Mode (Page #24) Receive Mode (Page #23) Receive Mode (Page #22) Receive Mode (Page #21) Receive Mode (Page #20) Receive Mode (Page #19) Receive Mode (Page #18) Receive Mode (Page #17) Receive Mode (Page #16) address:26h (Read/Write)
RXM31-16 (bits 15 to 0) These bits specify the receive mode of page 16 to 31. The specification is effective only in the 32-byte mode of page size. If the page size is set to 64, 128, or 256 bytes, the mode is tied to the Free-Format receive mode (0). 1: Remote Buffer receive mode 0: Free-Format receive mode NOTE: If the number of nodes in the network is small, the receive mode of unused nodes (pages) should be set to the Free-Format receive mode (0). If the mode is set to the remote buffer mode (1) by mistake, the unused pages undergo warning timer response monitoring. (Except for the self node).
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3.2.21 RXML Register: Receive Mode (lower side)
RXML bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 name RXM15 RXM14 RXM13 RXM12 RXM11 RXM10 RXM09 RXM08 RXM07 RXM06 RXM05 RXM04 RXM03 RXM02 RXM01 -------init. value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -Description Receive Mode (Page #15) Receive Mode (Page #14) Receive Mode (Page #13) Receive Mode (Page #12) Receive Mode (Page #11) Receive Mode (Page #10) Receive Mode (Page #09) Receive Mode (Page #08) Receive Mode (Page #07) Receive Mode (Page #06) Receive Mode (Page #05) Receive Mode (Page #04) Receive Mode (Page #03) Receive Mode (Page #02) Receive Mode (Page #01) reserved (“0”) address:28h (Read/Write)
RXM15-08 (bits 15 to 8) These bits specify the receive mode of page 08 to 15. The specification is effective only in the 32- or 64byte mode of page size. If the page size is set to 128, or 256 bytes, the mode is tied to the Free-Format receive mode (0). 1: Remote Buffer receive mode 0: Free-Format receive mode RXM07-04 (bits 7 to 4) These bits specify the receive mode of page 04 to 07. The specification is effective only in the 32-, 64-, or 128-byte mode of page size. If the page size is set to 256-bytes, the mode is tied to the Free-Format receive mode (0). 1: Remote Buffer receive mode 0: Free-Format receive mode RXM03-01 (bit 3-1) These bits specify the receive mode of page 01 to 03. The specification is effective in any page sizes. 1: Remote Buffer receive mode 0: Free-Format receive mode NOTE: If the number of nodes in the network is small, the receive mode of unused nodes (pages) should be set to the Free-Format receive mode (0). If the mode is set to the Remote Buffer receive mode (1) by mistake, the unused pages undergo warning timer response monitoring (except for the self node).
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3.2.22 MAXID Register: Selection of Max. ID
MAXID bit 15-5 4-0 name -------MAXID4-0 init. value -all "1" Description Reserved (all "0") MAXID address:2Ah (Read/Write)
MAXID 4-0 (bits 4 to 0) These bits specify the max. node ID. When INIMODE in the mode register and nDIAG pin are set to 1, the value set in this register is selected as the max. node ID. When INIMODE is set to 0, values in MAXID 4-0 of the external input pin become readable. Refer to section 1.5.9 - MAXID Number Setup. NOTE: To change these bits, be sure to set TXEN to 0 (off-line) beforehand. If these bits change during the online state, it executes a software reset automatically. (The software reset is released automatically.)
3.2.23 NID Register: Selection of the Node ID
NID bit 15-5 4-0 Name -------NID4-0 init. value -all "0" Description Reserved (all "0") My Node ID address:2Ch (Read/Write)
NID4-0 (bits 4 to 0) These bits specify the node ID. When INIMODE of the Mode register is set to 1, the value set in this register is selected as the node ID. When INIMODE is set to 0, values in NID 4-0 of the external input pin become readable. Refer to section 1.5.10 - Node ID Setup. NOTE: To change these bits, be sure to set TXEN to 0 (off-line) beforehand. If these bits change during the online state, it executes a software reset automatically (the software reset is released automatically).
3.2.24 PS Register: Page Size Selection
PS bit 15-2 1-0 PS1-0 (bits 1 to 0) These bits specify the page size. When INIMODE of the mode register is set to 1, the value set in this register is selected as the page size. When INIMODE is set to 0, values in PS1-0 of the external input pin become readable. Refer to section 1.5.8 - Page Size Selection. Name -------PS1-0 init. value -0,0 Description Reserved (all "0") Page Size address:2Eh (Read/Write)
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To change these bits, be sure to set TXEN to 0 (off-line) beforehand. If these bits change during the online state, it executes a software reset automatically (the software reset is released automatically).
3.2.25 CKP Register: Communication Rate Selection
CKP bit 15-5 2-0 CKP (bits 2 to 0) These bits specify the communication rate of the CircLink. When INIMODE of the mode register is set to 1, the value set in this register is selected as the communication rate. When INIMODE is set to 0, values in CKP2-0 of the external input pin become readable. Refer to section 1.5.15 - Prescaler Setup for Communication Speed. NOTE: To change these bits, be sure to set TXEN to 0 (off-line) beforehand. If these bits change during the online state, it executes a software reset automatically (the software reset is released automatically). Name -------CKP2-0 init. value -0,0,0 Description reserved (all "0") Clock Prescaler Bits 2,1,0 address: 30h (Read/Write)
3.2.26 NSTDIF Register: NST Phase Difference
NSTDIF Bit 15 14-0 name DIFDIR NSTDIF14-0 init. value 1 all”0” description Differential Direction NST Differential address: 32h (Read Only)
DIFDIR (NSTDIF register: bit 15) This bit indicates a direction of NST phase difference. This bit is not applicable for the clock master node. 0: Ahead of CM node 1: Behind CM node NSTDIF14-0 (NSTDIF register: bit 14-0) These bits are used to express the absolute value of the phase difference between a CM node and NST in 0 to 32, 768. These bits are not applicable if the node is a clock master node. Supplement: If the node is a clock master node, the NSTDIF register is tied to 0000h.
Accessing the NST register can dynamically provide the latest time data. Since NST is a 16 bit value, it is necessary to read the even address side (32h) first when an 8-bit bus is used. When the even address side (13h) is read out, remaining 8 bits of the NST are latched internally
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3.2.27 PININFO Register: Pin Setup Information
PININFO bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 name nSWAP W16 nOPMD nHUBON nEHWR nEHRD nCMIBYP CHKTSTP nSWAP W16 nDIAG TXENPOL NSTPRE1 NSTPRE0 WPRE1 WPRE0 init. value ----------------description status of nSWAP pin status of W16 pin status of nOPMD pin status of nHUBON pin status of nEHWR pin status of nEHRD pin status of nCMIBYP pin status of CHKTSTP (Test pins) status of nSWAP pin status of W16 pin status of nDIAG pin status of TXENPOL pin status of NSTPRE1 pin status of NSTPRE0 pin status of WPRE1 pin status of WPRE0 pin address: 34h (Read Only)
*1 *1
*1 *1
Current status of several CircLink setup pins except for nMUX, nRWM, nSTALONE, nDSINV, ALEPOL, NSTPRE2, and WPRE2 can be read. It is useful to find pin setup errors by reading the current status. CHKTSTP (bit 8) becomes 1 when one of the test pins (nTEST[3:0], nTMODE) becomes Low, thereby notifying the CircLink being in some test mode. *1: The nSWAP and W16 pins used to set the CPU bus can read out bit 7 and 6 in either accesses of 16 bit, 8 bit without swap or 8 bit with swap.
3.2.28 ERRINFO Register: Error Information
ERRINFO bit 15 14-12 11-8 7-5 4-0 name -------RCNCD2-0 CMIEI3-0 RXEC2-0 RESID init. value 0 0 0 0 0 address: 3Ah (Read Only) description reserved ("0") Reconfiguration Error Code CMI RX Error Correction Information Code RX Error Code RX Error SID
RCNCD2-0 (bits 14 to 12) These bits represent the reconfiguration-generation-cause code, which is the cause of the RECON bit (bit 2) of COMR0, in three bits. Issuing CLEAR FLAGS command to COMR1 or software reset clears these bits.
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RCNCD2-0 000 001 010 011 100 101 11x : Received garbage data (noise) during the wait period after token sending (other than 000 to 101) : Received a signal other than ACK during the wait period after packet sending : Generated trailing 0 error after ACK receive during the wait period after packet sending : Received a signal other than NAK/ACK during the wait period after F.B.E sending : Generated trailing 0 error after ACK receive during the wait period after F.B.E sending : Generated trailing 0 error after NAK receive during the wait period after F.B.E sending : Undefined
001 to 101 do not generate reconfiguration since they are saved by NAK/ACK counter-deformation function (nACKNAK = 0: default). The reconfiguration generation cause at nACKNAK = 0 is only 000. CMIEI3-0 (bits 11 to 8) These bits represent the CMI receive error correction code, which is the cause of CMIECC bit (bit 14) = 1 in the INTSTA register in three bits of CMIE2-0-0. In CMIEI3, it indicates which port is the generation port. However, if HUB is turned off, the status is retained to 0. (0: Port 1 side, 1: Port 2 side) Writing 1 to the CMIECC bit or software reset clears the setting in these bits. CMIEI3 0: Port 1. 1: Port 2 CMIEI2-0 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 : Corrected error data 10 to 00 in State#11 (S11) : Corrected error data 11 to 01 in State#11 (S11) : Corrected error data 10 to 11 in State#00 (S00) : Corrected error data 00 to 01 in State#00 (S00) : Corrected error data 10 to 00 in State#01a (S01a) : Corrected error data 11 to 01 in State#01a (S01a) : Corrected error data 10 to 10 in State#01b (S01b) : Corrected error data 00 to 01 in State#01b (S01b)
For state numbers, refer to the State Transition of the State Machine in A-5 CMIRX Block in Appendix A CMI Modem.” RXEC2-0 (bits 7 to 5)
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These bits represent the packet receive error code, which is the cause of RXERR bit (bit 15) = 1 in the INTSTA register in three bits. Writing 1 to the RXERR bit or software reset clears the setting. (Default is 000.) RXEC2-0 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 : Frame error or Broadcast receiving when broadcast receiving prohibition is set. (BRE=0) : CP error (Other than CP=0: 0 is long packet and it is not sent) : CRC error : Length error (Trailing 0 error) : Mismatch of two DID (Other than in broadcast and addressed to the other node) : Receive stop caused by CMIECC generation : Receive in receive-unauthorized page (only in free format mode) : Two or more simultaneously occur among 011, 101, and 110
RESID4-0 (bits 4 to 0) These bits represent the SID value in receive packet, which causes RXERR bit (bit 15) = 1 in the INTSTA register, in five bits. Writing 1 to RXERR bit or software reset clears these bits.
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Appendix A. CMI Modem
A-1 Outline Isolation by pulse transformers is widely used in this network. However, because in standard ARCNET transmission the presence or absence of a pulse is indicated by 0 or 1, in data consisting of a sequence of zeros such as 0x00 a prolonged succession of no pulses results in magnetic saturation of the transformer. As a countermeasure, an external circuit on the standard ARCNET is designed to prevent magnetic saturation (e.g. HYC4000). Because such an external component is not available in the CircLink external circuit, where only a normal RS485 transceiver and pulse transformer are installed, a CMI modem circuit is built in and converts the ARCNET and CMI coding. A-2 CMI Code In the CMI code the same value cannot continue for more than 2 bits. The state it can take is decided, so it has a self-restoring function. In CMI coding, input data is transitioned in 1-bit portions. Bits are indicated either as 11, 00, or 01. CMI coding is carried out by making these into CMI coding symbols. At decoding the process is the exact opposite. The CMI coding state transition diagram is shown below.
Data Example: CMI Code
1 0
Figure 10 - CMI Coding State transition diagram
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A-3 CMI Modem Configuration
Figure 11 - CMI Modem Block Diagram Symbol Explanation
Input, Negative-Logic, ARCNET Controller PULSE1output Input, Negative-Logic, ARCNET Controller TXEN output Input, Negative-Logic, Line Receiver Reception output Input, Start up detection, Same clock as ARCNET controller Input, Negative-Logic, Reset Signal Input, Positive-Logic, clock division signal in synchronizer Output, Negative-Logic*, Output, Negative-Logic, Output, Negative-Logic, pin Input to Line Driver Data pin Input to Line Driver TxEnable pin Input to the ARCNET Controller RXIN
*: CMI Code in Appendix A is stated as Positive Logic (Active High).
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A-4 CMITX Block State Machine State_Reset: State_TxEWait: State_TxStart: State_S11: State_S00: State_S01a: State_S01b: State_S12: Reset Status Wait for TxEnable Wait for start of Data Output Data “1” Output Data “1” Output Data “0” Output Data “0” Output 10 bit output with “0” ending after TxEnable termination
TxEWait S00 NTXENIN = 0 NTXENIN = 1 TxStart S12 NTXIND = 000 Reset Data “1” output 11 Function Outline After Reset, stand by with TxEWAIT, enter TxStart by NTXENIN = 0 and start output of NTXENOUT = 0. Then, enter S11 by NTXIND = 000 and start output of data from CMI code symbol 11. (The ARCNET Message header is NTXIND = 00001111). When NTXENIN = 1 is detected, supplementary output of 10 bit “0” data (symbol 01) is carried out, then terminated. S01b
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A-5 CMIRX Block State Machine State_Reset: State_Wait10: State_Wait01: State_RxStart: State_S11: State_S00: State_S01a: State_S01b: Reset Status Detect line status 1 Detect line status 0 0 1
Detect symbol 01100110, start Data reception Received Data “1” symbol 11 Received Data “1” symbol 00 Received Data “0” symbol 01 Received Data “0” symbol 01
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Wait01 S00 S01b
Function Outline After waiting for symbol transition 11 00 in Wait10, wait for symbol transition 00 11 in wait 01. Then finish without receiving instable action from the network after dataflow termination. Then in RxStart, start reception after detecting an Alert pattern from the message header. After receiving “0” data in S01 in 10 consecutive bits, then terminate reception and return to Wait 10.
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A-6 Details Regarding Reception Reception Data Analysis Reception data is sampled one bit at a time by an 8 CLK analysis function, and is entered into the SHIFTD 32-bit Shift register. Normally, this is a data bit 1 process in Shift register bit 8. Because jitter is contained in the actual reception data, synchronization is achieved. Starting Reception Reception data is set in accordance with the ARCNET Controller. This is to say that various messages start with a bit “1” sequence (ALERT), and that no data exists on the line prior to the first bit “1”. Because the output of the reception comparator in non-dataflow (Non-Driving period) within a message is unstable, those changes are warded off in Wait 10 and Wait 01. Afterwards, reception is started when the Alert starting pattern is detected. Because the first bit “1” in Alert Reception is set, the start symbol is 01100110 and 1 0 is the RxStart point.
0 101010101010101010111111111111111111111 1 0 000 000 0 1 10011001100110001 1101
Ending “0” Period of Non-Driving Alert Pattern RxStart Figure 12 - Example of unstable Comparator output Recovery If the Symbol is 11 or 00, data is “1”, and if the Symbol is 01, data is “0”. This output is sequencer output, and reflects the sequencer state. Data length is set to a standard of 8 CLK, but this can be expanded or contracted by ± 2 CLK for synchronization purposes. Error Correction If symbols not occurring in the CMI transition diagram are received, they will be read as the nearest matching symbol. For example, if symbol 10 not present in the CMI is received, it is read as either symbol 11 or symbol 00, which will trigger an error. If Symbol 11 were received immediately before, it will be corrected to 00, because 11 cannot be repeated in the sequence. Conversely, if 00 is received immediately before, it is corrected to 11. However, if a repeated sequence of 11 is received immediately after receiving symbol 11, or if a repeated sequence of 00 is received immediately after symbol 00, it is corrected to 01. Ending In ACRNET, a “0” ending is attached in final bit 9 of message transmissions. The ARCNET “0” is nondataflow 0 and has no function. However, in the CMI, this “0” is active data, flowed as “0” in symbol 01. Due to this, the “0” ending expected by the ARCNET controller is transmitted as CMI code. However, because the CMI code bit “0” is displayed in symbol 01, what follows the final bit “0” retains the same state and the symbol becomes “0111111....”. It is then read at the receiving end as bit “010*0*...” (0* is the result of misreading 11 as a 01). This is to say that the noise immediately after the bit 9 ending “0” becomes bit 1 reception. Since the ARCNET Controller is immediately after reception termination, this noise has no effect. Nevertheless, there are two countermeasures available.
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Measure 1 The transmitting end transmits “0” as a bit 10 ending. If the receiving end receives a 10-bit “0” sequence, it ends reception and enters an Alert pattern. Measure 2 A restriction is set to read Symbol 01111111 not as bit “0100” but as “0000”. This works by automatically transitioning to S11 subsequent symbols that are 0 when symbol 11 is detected in S01b state. However, if they remain as 1, they stay in the S01b and are read as bit “0”. On the other hand, as a countermeasure against silent nodes like the ARCNET not actively data flowing symbol “01” during “0” ending, when reception data is fixed at either 0 or 1, they are not read as bit “1” but as bit “0”. Due to this, measures are taken even if there is a node with temporary non-dataflow “0” ending output. Due to the highest consecutive value after a single symbol in the CMI being 3 symbols, fixed symbol 0 or 1 sequence is separated from normal CMI code and can be read as non-dataflow bit “0”.
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Appendix B. Crystal Oscillation Circuit
Internal of LSI
Internal clock
R fb R out
R and C values as an example F = 10M to 40MHz (In case of fundamental oscillation)
VALUE 51K ohm 51 ohm 22pF 22pF
C in
C out
Rfb Rout Cin Cout
Above R, C values may not be correct for a crystal you select. You may have to determine the correct values. If you use an overtone type crystal, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for connection details.
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Appendix C. Package Outline
D D1 Ze
A2 A
0. 25m m
R2 T L L1
Figure 13- TMC2072 Package Outline Table 7 - TMC2072 Package Parameters SYMBOL ITEMS MIN TYP MAX A Overall Package Height 1.6 A1 Standoff 0.05 0.15 A2 Body Thickness 1.35 1.45 D X Span 15.8 16.2 D1 X body Size 13.9 14.1 E Y Span 15.8 16.2 E1 Y body Size 13.9 14.1 H Lead Frame Thickness 0.09 0.2 L Lead Foot Length 0.45 0.6 0.75 L1 Lead Length 1.0 e Lead Pitch 0.5 Basic T Lead Foot Angle 0° 7° W Lead Width 0.17 0.22 0.27 www Lead position Tolerance -0.04 0.04 R1 Lead Shoulder Radius 0.08 R2 Lead Foot Radius 0.08 0.2 ccc Coplanarity 0.08 N Pin count 100 NOTES: Controlling Unit: millimeter. Package body dimensions D1 and E1 do not include the mold protrusion. Maximum mold protrusion is 0.25 mm.
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Appendix D. Marking Specifications
The characters are slightly different from below.
Weekly_Code-Lot_Code1 Lot_Code2
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Appendix E. Electrical Characteristics
Maximum Rated Values(Vss=0V) ITEM Power Supply Voltage Input Voltage (X1 pin) Input Voltage (Except X1 pin) Output Voltage Input Current Storage Temperature SYMBOL Vdd Vin Vout Iin Tstg VALUES -0.3 to +5.0 -0.3 to Vdd+0.3 -0.3 to +7.0 -0.3 to Vdd+0.3 ±10 -55 to +125 UNIT V V V V mA o C
Conditions of Standard Function (Vss=0V) ITEM Power Supply Voltage Operating Temperature Input Voltage (Except X1 pin) *1 Input rising/falling time *2 Input Clock Frequency Input Clock Frequency Tolerance SYMBOL Vdd Ta Vin dt/dV fX1 dfX1 VALUE 3.0 to 3.6 0 to +70 -0.3 to +5.5 0 to 5 10 to 40 ±100 UNIT V o C V nS/V MHz ppm
*1: Apply to 3-state output pins when hi-impedance(Hi-Z) state. *2: Apply to nCS,nWR,nRD,ALE,RXIN,RXIN2,MCKIN pins.
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D C Characterstics SYMBOL V IH * V IL * IIH IIL IOZ VH V OH * ITEM
High Level Input Voltage Low Level Input Voltage High Level Input Current Low Level Input Current Pull-up Attached Output Off Leak Current Pull-up Attached Schmitt Trigger Hysteresis Voltage High Level Output Voltage Low Level Output Voltage 4 mA Buffer
MIN 2.2
0.8 Vin = V dd Vin = Vss Vout = Vdd or V ss IOH = - 4mA IOH = - 1mA IOL = 4 mA -10 -10 -200 -10 -200 0.5 2.4 Vdd-0.5 0.4 10 10 10 10 10
V μA μA μA V V
4 mA Buffer
V f X1 = 20MHz f X1 = 40MHz 25 40 mA
Operating Current (All outputs open)
* E xcept X1 and X2 pins
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AC Characteristics
Input Signal
Output Signal
2.2V 1.4V 0.8V
Figure 14 - Timing Measurement Points
Detailed AC-Timing Specifications are provided in another document.
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Appendix F. CircLink Controller Product Comparative Table
ITEMS * Common Power supply voltage Temperature range Package Max. Data Rate HUB function Transmission code TXEN polarity setting NodeID, MaxID, PageSize setting Data Rate Prescaler setting Page-Size Max. Node count Operation Mode * Peripheral Mode (With CPU mode) Internal RAM size Data Bus width Support CPU New Flag for Warrning Timer General Poupose-I/O * Standalone Mode (CPU Less mode) Number of I/O Port Verious Setting by Tx Trigger Receive Broadcast Send Status Anti-Chatter Sampling Freq. IN : 16 OUT : 16 Pins 7 kinds No No 2.44KHz IN : 0/ 8/16 OUT : 32/24/16 Shared Pins and a Packet 10 kinds Yes Yes 1.22KHz/19.1Hz 1K bytes 8/16bit Bus Type: MUX/Non-MUX none 8bit 1K bytes 8/16bit Bus Type: MUX/Non-MUX none 8bit 3.3V +/-0.3V 5V tolerant I/O 0 to +70C TQFP-100pin 14x14x1.4mm Body 0.5mm Pitch 5Mbps External 2 ports CMI / RZ code Pin setting Pin / Bit setting Pin / Bit setting 32/64/128/256 bytes 31/15/ 7/ 3 nodes Peripheral mode Only 3.3V +/-0.3V 5V tolerant I/O 0 to +70C VTQFP-128pin 14x14x1.0mm Body 0.4mm Pitch 5Mbps External 2 ports CMI / RZ code Pin setting Pin / Bit setting Pin / Bit setting 32/64/128/256 bytes 31/15/ 7/ 3 nodes Peripheral/Standalone mode 3.3V +/-0.3V 5V tolerant I/O 0 to +70C TQFP-48pin 7x7x1.4mm Body 0.5mm Pitch 5Mbps none CMI / RZ code Active-High Only Shared Pins none 64/128 bytes 15/ 7 nodes Standalone mode Only
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