Package Right Angle type, W ater clear epoxy ・Outer Dimension 3.0 x 1.0 x 2.5mm ( L x W x H ) ・Total Output Power TAN : 5.7mW TYP. (IF=20mA) AN : 2.0mW TYP. (IF=20mA) ・Lead–free soldering compatible ・RoHS compliant
Surface Mount IRED/Right Angle Type
Product f eatures
Peak W avelength
: 940nm : 950nm
Half Intensity Angle
: θx = 30 deg., θy = 110 deg. : θx = 35 deg., θy = 120 deg.
Die materials Rank grouping parameter Assembly method Soldering methods Taping and reel ESD
GaAs Sorted by radiant intensity per rank taping Auto pick & place machine (Auto Mounter) Reflow soldering ※Please ref er to Soldering Conditions about soldering. 3,000pcs per reel in a 8mm width tape. (Standard) Reel diameter:φ180mm 2kV (HBM)
Recommended Applications
Car Audio, Electric Household Appliances, OA/FA, PC/Peripheral Equipment, Other General Applications
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Surf ac e Mount IRED /Right Angle T ype
Color and Luminous Intensity
(T a=25℃)
Pa rt No.
M a te ria l
Le ns Color
Pe a k W a ve le ngth
λp (nm)
Ra dia nt I nte nsity
IE (m W /s r)
TYP. TAN1102F Ga As AN1102F 無色 透明 940 950
IF (mA) 20 20
MI N. 0. 8 0.35
TYP. 1.6 0.5
I F (m A) 20 20
Page 2
Surf ac e Mount IRED /Right Angle T ype
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Ite m P ow e r Di ssi pa ti on Forw a rd Curre nt Pulse Forw a rd Curre nt De ra ti ng (Ta = 25℃ or hi ghe r) Re ve rse Volta ge Ope ra ting Te mpe ra ture Stora ge Te mpe ra ture
(T a=25℃)
Absolute Ma x i mum Ra tings TAN 70 50 300 0. 67 4. 00 5 -30∼ + 85 -40∼ + 100 AN 75 50 300 0.67 4.00 5
Sym bol Pd IF IF R M ⊿ IF ⊿ IF R M VR To p r Tstg
Uni t mW mA mA m A/℃ m A/℃ V ℃ ℃
※1 IFRM Measurement condition : Pulse Width≦100μs, Duty≦1/100
Electro-Optical Characteristics
Cha ra cte risti cs I te m Condi ti ons I F= 20m A VR = 5V I F= 20m A I F= 20m A I F= 20m A I F= 20m A I F= 20m A IF = 20m AD C ±5m A, -3db from 0.1MHz I F= 20m A S ym bol TYP . Forw a rd V ol ta ge Re ve rse Curre nt Ra di a nt Inte nsity Tota l Output Pow e r Pe a k W a ve l e ngth Spe ctra l Ha lf-w i dth Ha lf I nte nsity Angle VF IR IE Po λp ⊿λ 2θ1/ 2 MAX. MAX. MI N. TYP . TYP . TYP . TYP . TYP . MI N. TYP . tr/ tf TYP . TAN 1. 20 1. 40 10 0.8 1. 6 5. 7 940 50 AN 1. 22 V 1. 40 10 0. 35 m W / sr 0. 5 2 950 45 mW nm nm de g. μA Uni t
(T a=25℃)
30(θ x ) 35(θ x ) 110(θ y) 120(θ y) 1000 700
Cut-off Fre que ncy Re sponse Tim e
MHz ns
※ θx:Product long side axis,θy:Product short side axis 2009.11.15 Page 3
Surf ac e Mount IRED /Right Angle T ype
Radiant Intensity Rank
(T a=25℃)
IE(mW /sr) R a nk TAN IF=20 mA MIN. A B C D E 0 .8 1 .1 1 .6 2 .2 3 .2 MAX. 1 .6 2 .2 3 .2 4 .4 6 .4 MIN. 0 .3 5 0 .5 0 0 .7 0 AN IF=2 0 mA MAX. 0.7 0 1.0 0 1.4 0 -
※Please contact our sales staff concerning rank designation.
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Surf ac e Mount IRED /Right Angle T ype
Technical Data(TAN)
Spectral Distribution
R elative Intensity vs. W avelength C ondition : T a = 25℃ , IF =20mA
Spatial Distribution Example
C ondition : T a = 25℃ y x
1.2 1.0
R elative Intensity
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 700 800 900 1000 1100
W avelength [nm]
Forward Voltage v s. Forward Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃
Duty Ratio v s. Pulse Forward Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃ , tw ≦ 100μ s
Puls e For war d C urr ent IFRM(mA)
For ward Curr ent IF(mA)
1 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
For ward V oltage : VF(V)
10 0.001 0.01
Duty R atio
Page 5
Surf ac e Mount IRED /Right Angle T ype
Technical Data(TAN)
Ambient T emper atur e vs. Maximum For ward C urr en Puls e W idth tw≦100μs ec
Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature
350 Duty=1%
Ma ximum Forward Current : IF MAX. (mA)
P ower Dissipation : P d ( mW )
300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Duty=5% Duty=10% Duty=20% Duty=50% DC
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
- 30
- 30
- 10
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Ambient Temperature v s. Forward Voltage
C ondition : IF = 20mA
Pulse Forward Voltage vs. Pulse Forward Current
C ondition : T a=25℃ , tw≦ 100μ s, Duty≦ 1/100
Puls e For war d C urr ent IFRM(mA)
For ward V oltage VF(V)
1.0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
1 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Ambient T emper atur e : T a (℃ ) Puls e For war d V oltage : VFM(V)
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Surf ac e Mount IRED /Right Angle T ype
Technical Data(TAN)
Forward Current v s. Relative Total Power
C ondition : T a = 25℃
Pulse Forward Current v s. Relative Total Power
C ondition : tw≦ 100μ s, D uty≦ 1/100, T a = 25℃
0. 1
0.01 1 10
For ward Curr ent : IF (mA)
0. 01
Puls e For war d C urr ent : IFRM ( mA)
Ambient Temperature v s. Relative Total Power
C ondition : IF = 20mA
R elative T otal P ow er
0.1 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Ambient T emper atur e : T a (℃ )
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Surf ac e Mount IRED /Right Angle T ype
Technical Data(AN)
Spectral Distribution
R elative Intensity vs. W avelength C ondition : T a = 25℃ , IF = 20mA
Spatial Distribution Example
C ondition : T a = 25℃ y x
R elative Intensity
W avelength [nm]
Forward Voltage v s. Forward Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃
Duty Ratio v s. Pulse Forward Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃ , tw ≦ 100μ s
For ward V oltage : VF(V)
Puls e For war d C urr ent IFRM(mA)
For ward Curr ent IF(mA)
Duty R atio
Page 8
Surf ac e Mount IRED /Right Angle T ype
Technical Data(AN)
Ambient Temperature v s. Forward Current
Ambient Temperature v s. Pulse Forward Current
C ondition : tw≦ 100μ s, Duty≦ 1/100
For ward Curr ent : IF ( mA)
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Puls e For war d C urr ent IFRM( mA)
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Ambient Temperature v s. Forward Voltage
C ondition : IF = 20mA
Pulse Forward Voltage vs. Pulse Forward Current
C ondition : T a=25℃ , tw≦ 100μ s, Duty≦ 1/100
Ambient T emper atur e : T a (℃ )
Puls e For war d C urr ent IFRM(mA)
For ward V oltage VF(V)
Puls e For war d V oltage : VFM(V)
Page 9
Surf ac e Mount IRED /Right Angle T ype
Technical Data(AN)
Ambient Temperature v s. Peak W avelength
C ondition : IF = 20mA
Forward Current v s. Relative Total Power
C ondition : - - P uls e, tw≦ 100μ s, D uty≦ 1/100, T a = 25℃
P eak W avelength λ p ( nm)
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
R elative T otal P ow er
For ward Curr ent : IF (mA)
Ambient Temperature v s. Relative Total Power
C ondition : IF = 20mA
R elative T otal P ow er
Ambient T emper atur e : T a (℃ )
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Surf ac e Mount IRED /Right Angle T ype
Package Dimensions
(Unit: mm) W eight: (8.5)mg
Recommended Soldering Pattern
(Unit: mm)
Taping Specification
Quantity: 3,000pcs/ reel (standard)
(Unit: mm)
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Surf ac e Mount IRED /Right Angle T ype
Reflow Soldering Conditions
1) The above profile temperature gives the maximum temperature of the LED resin surf ace. Please set the temperature so as to avoid exceeding this range. 2) Total times of reflow soldering process shall be no more than 2 times. W hen the second reflow soldering process is performed, intervals between the first and second reflow should be short as possible (while allowing some time for the component to return to normal temperature after the first reflow) in order to prevent the LED f rom absorbing moisture. 3) Temperature fluctuation to the LED during the pre-heating process shall be minimized.
Manual Soldering Conditions
Iron tip temp. Soldering time and frequency 350 ℃ 3s 1 time (MAX.) (30 W Max.) (MAX.) (MAX.)
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Surf ac e Mount IRED /Right Angle T ype
Reliability Testing Result
Reliability Tes ting Res ult Room Tem p. Operating Life Applicable Standard EIAJ ED4 7 0 1 / 1 0 0 (1 0 1 ) Tes ting Conditions Ta = 25℃, IF = M axium Rat ed Current (Pret reat ment ) Individual st andard (Reflow Soldering) Pre-heat ing 150℃∼180℃ 120s O perat ing Heat ing 230℃ M in. Peak t emperat ure 260℃ M inimum Rat ed St orage Temperat ure(30min) ∼Normal Temperat ure(15min) ∼M aximum Rat ed St orage Temperat ure(30min) ∼Normal Temperat ure(15min) Ta = 60±2℃, RH = 90±5% Ta = M aximum Rat ed St orage Temperat ure Ta = M inimum Rat ed St orage Temperat ure 98.1m/ s (10G), 100 ∼ 2KHz sweep for 20min., XYZ each direct ion
Duration 1,000 h
Failure 0/ 25
Res is tance to S o l d e ri n g H e a t
EIAJ ED4 7 0 1 / 3 0 0 (3 0 1 )
0/ 25
Tem perature Cycling Wet High Tem p. Storage Life High Tem p. Storage Life Low Tem p. Storage Life Vibration, Variable Frequency
EIAJ ED4 7 0 1 / 1 0 0 (1 0 5 ) EIAJ ED4 7 0 1 / 1 0 0 (1 0 3 ) EIAJ ED4 7 0 1 / 2 0 0 (2 0 1 ) EIAJ ED4 7 0 1 / 2 0 0 (2 0 2 ) EIAJ ED4 7 0 1 / 4 0 0 (4 0 3 )
5 cycles
0/ 25
1,000 h 1,000 h 1,000 h 2h
0/ 25 0/ 25 0/ 25 0/ 10
Failure Criteria
Item s
Radi ant Int ensit y Forw ard Vol t age Reverse Current Cosmet i c Ap pearance
Sym bols
IF Val ue o f each p rod uct Rad iant Int ensi t y IF Val ue o f each p rod uct Forw ard Vol t age VR = M aximum Rat ed Reverse Vo lt age V -
Failure c riteria
Test ing M in. Valu e < Init i al Val ue x 0.5 Test ing M ax. Val ue > Sp ec. M ax. Val ue x 1.2 Test ing M ax. Val ue ≧ Sp ec. M ax. Val ue x 2.5 O ccurrence o f no t abl e deco l orat io n, d efo rmat io n and cracki ng
Page 13
Surf ac e Mount IRED /Right Angle T ype
Special Notice to Customers Using the Products and Technical Information Shown in This Data Sheet
1) The technical information shown in the data sheets are limited to the typical characteristics and circuit examples of the referenced products. It does not constitute the warranting of industrial property nor the granting of any license. 2) For the purpose of product improvement, the specifications, characteristics and technical data described in the data sheets are subject to change without prior notice. Theref ore it is recommended that the most updated specifications be used in your design. 3) W hen using the products described in the data sheets, please adhere to the maximum ratings f or operating voltage, heat dissipation characteristics, and other precautions f or use. W e are not responsible for any damage which may occur if these specifications are exceeded. 4) The products that have been described to this catalog are manuf actured so that they will be used f or the electrical instrument of the benchmark (OA equipment, telecommunications equipment, AV machine, home appliance and measuring instrument). The application of aircrafts, space borne application, transportation equipment, medical equipment and nuclear power control equipment, etc. needs a high reliability and saf ety, and the breakdown and the wrong operation might influence the life or the human body. Please consult us beforehand if you plan to use our product for the usages of aircrafts, space borne application, transportation equipment, medical equipment and nuclear power control equipment, etc. except OA equipment, telecommunications equipment, AV machine, home appliance and measuring instrument. 5) In order to export the products or technologies described in this data sheet which are under the “Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law,” it is necessary to first obtain an export permit f rom the Japanese government. 6) No part of this data sheet may be reprinted or reproduced without prior written permission f rom Stanley Electric Co., Ltd. 7) The most updated edition of this data sheet can be obtained from the address below: http://www.stanley-components.com
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