1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness Type
Package Product f eatures 1608 (h=0.7mm) Type, Milky W hite resin Outer Dimension 1.6 x 0.8 x 0.7mm ( L x W x H ) Temperature range Storage Temperature : -40℃∼100℃ Operating Temperature : -40℃∼85℃ Lead–free soldering compatible RoHS compliant
Dominant wav elength
Blue Blue Green Green Yellow Red SB, SG UB, UC, UG UY, UR
: 470nm(SB,UB) : 508nm(UC) : 530nm(SG,UG) : 590nm(UY) : 630nm(UR) :θx = 150 deg., θy =150 deg. :θx = 150 deg., θy =165 deg. :θx = 150 deg., θy =140 deg.
Half Intensity Angle
Die materials Rank grouping parameter Assembly method Soldering methods Taping and reel ESD
UY,UR : AlGalnP
Sorted by luminous intensity and wav elength per rank taping Auto pick & place machine (Auto Mounter) Reflow soldering 4,000pcs per reel in a 8mm width tape. (Standard) Reel diameter:φ180mm InGaN : Up to 1kV(HBM), AlGaInP : Up to 2kV (HBM)
Recommended Applications
Communication Machine, Electric Household Appliances, OA/FA, Other General Applications 2009.10.30 Page 1
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Color and Luminous Intensity
Domina nt W a vele ngth λ d (nm )
T YP. IF( m A) M IN.
(T a=25℃)
Par t No.
Ma te rial
Em itte d Color
Le ns Color
Lum inous Inte ns ity Iv (m cd)
T YP. IF( m A)
SB1111C-0005 UB1111C UC1111C S G1111C-0005 UG1111C UY1111C UR1111C
I nGa N I nGa N I nGa N I nGa N I nGa N Al Ga I nP Al Ga I nP
Bl ue Bl ue Bl ue Gre e n Gre e n Gre e n Ye l l ow Re d
470 470 508
5 10 10 5 10 20 20
10 17 80 33 96 50 50
20 34 160 90 160 100 100
5 10 10 5 10 20 20
Milky W hite
530 530 590 630
Page 2
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absol ute Ma x i mum Ra ti ngs SB 55 15 48 0.20 0. 64 5 SG 78 20 48 0.26 0.64 5 UB 78 20 48 0. 28 0.69 5 UC 78 20 48 0.28 0. 69 5 -40∼ +85 -40∼ +100 UG 78 20 48 0. 28 0.69 5 UY 87 30 100 0.43 1 5
(T a=25℃)
I te m Pow e r Dissipa ti on Forw a rd Curre nt Pulse Forw a rd Curre nt
Sym bol Pd IF IF R M ⊿ IF ⊿ IF R M VR To p r Tstg
UR 87 30 100 0. 43 1 5
Uni t mW mA mA m A/℃ m A/℃ V ℃ ℃
De ra ting (Ta =25℃ or highe r) Re ve rse Vol ta ge Ope ra ti ng Te m pe ra ture Stora ge Te m pe ra ture
※1 IFRMMeasurement condition : Pulse W idth≦1ms., Duty≦1/20. (UY,UR : Duty≦1/10)
Page 3
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Electro-Optical Characteristics(SB,SG)
Cha ra cte ristics I te m Conditions S ymbol TYP. Forw a rd Vol ta ge I F =5m A VF MAX. Re ve rse Curre nt Pe a k W a ve le ngth Dom i na nt W a ve le ngth Spe ctra l Li ne Ha l f W i dth Ha lf I nte nsi ty Angl e ※ VR =5V I F =5m A I F =5m A I F =5m A IR λp λd ⊿λ MAX. TYP. TYP. TYP. 3.2 100 465 470 15 3.2 100 525 530 30 μA nm nm nm SB 2.9 SG 3. 0 V Uni t
(T a=25℃)
150(θ x ) 150(θ x ) I F=5m A 2θ 1/ 2 TYP. 150(θ y) 150(θ y) de g.
※ θx:Product long side axis,θy:Product short side axis
Electro-Optical Characteristics(UB,UC,UG)
Cha ra cte ristics Ite m Conditions Sym bol TYP. Forw a rd Vol ta ge I F = 10m A VF MAX. Re ve rse Curre nt Pe a k W a ve le ngth Dom ina nt W a ve l e ngth Spe ctra l Line Ha lf W i dth Ha lf I nte nsity Angle ※ VR = 5V I F = 10m A I F = 10m A I F = 10m A IR λp λd ⊿λ MAX. TYP. TYP. TYP. 3.9 100 465 470 26 3. 9 100 502 508 30 3.9 100 522 530 35 μA nm nm nm UB 3.4 UC 3. 4 UG 3.4 V Unit
(T a=25℃)
150(θ x ) 150(θ x ) 150(θ x ) I F = 10m A 2θ 1/ 2 TYP. 165(θ y) 165(θ y) 165(θ y) de g.
※ θx:Product long side axis,θy:Product short side axis 2009.10.30 Page 4
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Electro-Optical Characteristics(UY,UR)
Cha ra cte ri sti cs I te m Conditions Symbol TYP. Forw a rd Vol ta ge IF = 20m A VF MAX. Re ve rse Curre nt Pe a k W a ve le ngth Dom ina nt W a ve l e ngth Spe ctra l Line Ha lf W i dth Ha lf I nte nsity Angle ※ V R= 5V IF = 20m A IF = 20m A IF = 20m A IR λp λd ⊿λ MAX. TYP. TYP. TYP. 2.8 100 592 590 18 2.8 100 641 630 18 μA nm nm nm UY 2.2 UR 2.2 V Unit
(T a=25℃)
150(θ x ) 150(θ x ) IF = 20m A 2θ 1/2 TYP. 140(θ y) 140(θ y) de g.
※ θx:Product long side axis,θy:Product short side axis
Page 5
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Luminous Intensity Rank(Unit:mcd)
I V ( m c d) SB SG IF= 5mA IF=5mA M IN . MAX. M IN. M AX. 10 15 15 22 22 33 33 47 33 47 47 47 68 68 100 100 150 150 220
(T a=25℃) Tolerance : +/-10%
Rank A B C D E F G H J K
UB I F=10mA M I N. M AX.
17 20 24 28 34 40 48
24 28 34 40 48 56 -
UC I F=10mA M I N. M AX. 80 112 96 136 112 160 136 192 160 224 192 320 224 -
I V( mcd) UG I F=10mA M I N. M AX.
96 112 136 160 192 224 272
136 160 192 224 272 320 -
UY I F=20mA M I N. M AX. 50 100 70 140 100 200 140 280 200 400 280 -
UR I F=20mA M I N. M AX. 50 100 70 140 100 200 140 280 200 400 280 -
※ Please contact our sales staff concerning rank designation.
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1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Color Tone Groups (λd)
D o m in an t Wave le n g th λ d ( n m ) SB SG IF=5mA IF=5mA M IN. MAX. M IN. MAX. 465 470 520 532 470 475 532 545
(T a=25℃) Tolerance : +/-3nm
Rank 2 3
Rank -
D o m in an t Wa ve le n g t h λ d ( n m ) UB UC UG IF=10mA IF= 10mA IF=10mA M IN. M AX. M IN. M AX. M IN. M AX. 460 480 500 520 520 545
Rank A B C D E
Dominant Wav e le ngth λ d (nm) UY UR IF=20mA IF=20mA M IN. MAX. M IN. M AX. 580 585 620 630 584 589 628 638 588 593 592 597 596 601
※ Please contact our sales staff concerning rank designation.
Page 7
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (SB)
Spectral Distribution
R elative Intensity vs. W avelength C ondition : T a = 25℃ IF = 5mA
Spatial Distribution Example
C ondition : T a = 25℃
1 .2 1
R elative Intensity
0 .8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0
400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560
W avelength [nm]
Forward Voltage v s. Forward Current
C ondition : T a = -40∼ 85℃
Forward Current v s. Relative Intensity
C ondition : T a = 25℃
10 0
3.0 2.5
For ward Curr ent IF(mA)
-2 0 ℃
R elative Intensity
2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5
1 2.6 2.8 3.0 3 .2 3 .4 3 .6 3 .8
For ward V oltage VF(V)
0.0 0 5 10 15 20
For war d C urr ent IF(mA)
Page 8
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (SB)
Ambient T emper atur e vs. Maximum For ward C urr en R epetition Fr equenc y : f ≧ 50Hz, Puls e W idth tw≦ 1ms ec
Ambient Temperature v s. Relative Intensity
Condition : IF=5mA
Ma ximum Forward Current : IF MAX. (mA)
50 40 30 20 10 0 -40
Duty=20% Duty=50% DC
R elative Intensity
10 60 110
-4 0
-2 0
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Ambient Temperature v s. Forward Voltage
C ondition : IF = 2∼ 15mA 条件 / Condit ion:IF=2∼15mA
Ambient Temperature v s. Dominant W avelength
C ondition : IF=5mA
4 75
3.8 3.6 3.4
For ward V oltage :VF (V) D ominant W avelength λ d( nm)
3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 -40 -20 0 20
IF=15mA IF=10mA IF=5mA IF=2mA
4 70
4 65
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Page 9
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (SB)
Forward Current v s. Dominant W avelength
条 Ta C ondition :件/ = 25℃
Duty Cycle v s. Maximum Forward Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃
Maximum For war d C urr ent : IF MA X. ( mA)
D ominant W avelength λ d( nm)
465 0 5 10 15 20
For ward Curr ent : IF(mA)
1 1 10
Page 10
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (SG)
Spectral Distribution
R elative Intensity vs. W avelength C ondition : T a = 25℃ IF = 5mA
Spatial Distribution Example
C ondition : T a = 25℃
R elative Intensity
0 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620
W avelength [nm]
Forward Voltage v s. Forward Current
C ondition : T a = -40∼ 85℃
Forward Current v s. Relative Intensity
C ondition : T a = 25℃
For ward Curr ent IF(mA)
1 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 For ward V oltage VF(V) 3.6 3.8 4.0
R elative Intensity
0℃ -20℃
0.0 0 5 10 For war d C urr ent IF(mA) 15 20
Page 11
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (SG)
Ambient T emper atur e vs. Maximum For ward C urr en R epetition Fr equenc y : f ≧ 50Hz, Puls e W idth tw≦ 1ms ec
55 Dut y =5 % 50
Ambient Temperature v s. Relative Intensity
Condition : IF=5mA
1 0 .0
Ma ximum Forward Current : IF MAX. (mA)
45 Dut y =1 0% 40 35 30 25 DC 20 15 10 5 0 -4 0 -2 0 0 20 40 60 80 1 00
Dut y =5 0%
R elative Intensity
Dut y=20%
1 .0
0 .1 -40
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
- 20 0 20 40 60 Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
10 0
Ambient Temperature v s. Forward Voltage
C ondition : IF = 2∼ 20mA
Ambient Temperature v s. Dominant W avelength
C ondition : IF=5mA
53 5
3. 8 3. 6
For ward V oltage :VF (V) D ominant W avelength λ d( nm)
3. 4 3. 2
IF=20mA IF=15mA IF=10mA
53 0
3. 0 2. 8 2. 6 2. 4 2. 2 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
IF =5mA IF =2mA
52 5
52 0
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Page 12
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (SG)
Forward Current v s. Dominant W avelength
C ondition : T a = 25℃
53 5
Duty Cycle v s. Maximum Forward Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃
53 0
Maximum For war d C urr ent : IF MA X. ( mA)
D ominant W avelength λ d( nm)
52 5
52 0 0 5 10 15 20
1 1 10 10 0
For ward Curr ent : IF(mA)
Page 13
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (UB)
Spectral Distribution
R elative Intensity vs. W avelength C ondition : T a = 25℃ IF = 20mA
Spatial Distribution Example
C ondition : T a = 25℃
R elative Intensity
W avelength [nm]
Forward Voltage v s. Forward Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃
Forward Current v s. Relative Intensity
C ondition : T a = 25℃
For ward Curr ent IF(mA)
For ward V oltage VF(V)
R elative Intensity
For war d C urr ent IF(mA)
Page 14
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (UB)
Ambient T emper atur e vs. Maximum For ward C urr ent R epetition Fr equenc y : f ≧ 50H z
Ambient Temperature v s. Relative Intensity
Condition : IF=20mA
Ma ximum Forward Current : IF MAX. (mA)
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
R elative Intensity
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature
Pulse W idth vs. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃
P ower Dissipation : P d ( mW )
IF pe ak Ma x./ IF DC MAX.
Puls e W idth : tw (μ s) Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Page 15
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (UC)
Spectral Distribution
R elative Intensity vs. W avelength C ondition : T a = 25℃ IF = 20mA
Spatial Distribution Example
C ondition : T a = 25℃
R elative Intensity
W avelength [nm]
Forward Voltage v s. Forward Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃
Forward Current v s. Relative Intensity
C ondition : T a = 25℃
For ward Curr ent IF(mA)
For ward V oltage VF(V)
R elative Intensity
For war d C urr ent IF(mA)
Page 16
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (UC)
Ambient T emper atur e vs. Maximum For ward C urr ent R epetition Fr equenc y : f ≧ 50H z
Ambient Temperature v s. Relative Intensity
Condition : IF=20mA
Ma ximum Forward Current : IF MAX. (mA)
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
R elative Intensity
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature
Pulse W idth vs. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃
P ower Dissipation : P d ( mW )
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
IF pe ak Ma x./ IF DC MAX.
Puls e W idth : tw (μ s)
Page 17
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (UG)
Spectral Distribution
R elative Intensity vs. W avelength C ondition : T a = 25℃ IF = 20mA
Spatial Distribution Example
C ondition : T a = 25℃
R elative Intensity
W avelength [nm]
Forward Voltage v s. Forward Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃
Forward Current v s. Relative Intensity
C ondition : T a = 25℃
For ward Curr ent IF(mA)
For ward V oltage VF(V)
R elative Intensity
For war d C urr ent IF(mA)
Page 18
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (UG)
Ambient T emper atur e vs. Maximum For ward C urr ent R epetition Fr equenc y : f ≧ 50H z
Ambient Temperature v s. Relative Intensity
Condition : IF=20mA
Ma ximum Forward Current : IF MAX. (mA)
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
R elative Intensity
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature
Pulse W idth vs. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃
P ower Dissipation : P d ( mW )
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
IF pe ak Ma x./ IF DC MAX.
Puls e W idth : tw (μ s)
Page 19
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (UY)
Spectral Distribution
R elative Intensity vs. W avelength C ondition : T a = 25℃ IF = 20mA
Spatial Distribution Example
C ondition : T a = 25℃
R elative Intensity
W avelength [nm]
Forward Voltage v s. Forward Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃
Forward Current v s. Relative Intensity
C ondition : T a = 25℃
For ward Curr ent IF(mA)
For ward V oltage VF(V)
R elative Intensity
For war d C urr ent IF(mA)
Page 20
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (UY)
Ambient T emper atur e vs. Maximum For ward C urr ent R epetition Fr equenc y : f ≧ 50H z
Ambient Temperature v s. Relative Intensity
Condition : IF=20mA
Ma ximum Forward Current : IF MAX. (mA)
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
R elative Intensity
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature
Pulse W idth vs. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃
P ower Dissipation : P d ( mW )
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
IF pe ak Ma x./ IF DC MAX.
Puls e W idth : tw (μ s)
Page 21
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (UR)
Spectral Distribution
R elative Intensity vs. W avelength C ondition : T a = 25℃ IF = 20mA
Spatial Distribution Example
C ondition : T a = 25℃
R elative Intensity
W avelength [nm]
Forward Voltage v s. Forward Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃
Forward Current v s. Relative Intensity
C ondition : T a = 25℃
For ward Curr ent IF(mA)
For ward V oltage VF(V)
R elative Intensity
For war d C urr ent IF(mA)
Page 22
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Technical Data (UR)
Ambient T emper atur e vs. Maximum For ward C urr ent R epetition Fr equenc y : f ≧ 50H z
Ambient Temperature v s. Relative Intensity
Condition : IF=20mA
Ma ximum Forward Current : IF MAX. (mA)
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
R elative Intensity
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature
Pulse W idth vs. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current
C ondition : T a = 25℃
P ower Dissipation : P d ( mW )
Ambient T emper atur e : T a(℃ )
IF pe ak Ma x./ IF DC MAX.
Puls e W idth : tw (μ s)
Page 23
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Package Dimensions
(Unit: mm) W eight: (1.40)mg
Recommended Soldering Pattern
(Unit: mm)
Taping Specification
Quantity : 4,000pcs/ reel (standard)
(Unit: mm)
Page 24
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Reflow Soldering Conditions
1) The above profile temperature gives the maximum temperature of the LED resin surf ace. Please set the temperature so as to avoid exceeding this range. 2) Total times of reflow soldering process shall be no more than 2 times. W hen the second reflow soldering process is performed, intervals between the first and second reflow should be short as possible (while allowing some time for the component to return to normal temperature after the first reflow) in order to prevent the LED f rom absorbing moisture. 3) Temperature fluctuation to the LED during the pre-heating process shall be minimized. (6℃ maximum)
Manual Soldering Conditions
Iron tip temp. Soldering time and frequency 350 ℃ 3s 1 time (MAX.) (MAX.) (MAX.)
Page 25
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Reliability Testing Result
Reliability Tes ting Res ult Room Tem p. Operating Life Res is tance to S o l d e ri n g H e a t Applicable Standard EIAJ ED4 7 0 1 / 1 0 0 (1 0 1 ) EIAJ ED4 7 0 1 / 3 0 0 (3 0 1 ) EIAJ ED4 7 0 1 / 1 0 0 (1 0 5 ) EIAJ ED4 7 0 1 / 1 0 0 (1 0 3 ) EIAJ ED4 7 0 1 / 2 0 0 (2 0 1 ) EIAJ ED4 7 0 1 / 2 0 0 (2 0 2 ) EIAJ ED4 7 0 1 / 4 0 0 (4 0 3 ) Tes ting Conditions Ta = 25℃, IF = M axium Rat ed Current Pre-heat ing : 150∼180℃ 120s M ax. O perat ion Heat ing : 230℃ 40s M ax. Peak Temperat ure : 260℃ M inimum Rat ed Storage Temperat ure(30min) ∼Normal Temperat ure(15min) ∼M aximum Rat ed St orage Temperat ure(30min) ∼Normal Temperat ure(15min) Ta = 60±2℃, RH = 90±5% Ta = M aximum Rat ed St orage Temperat ure Ta = M inimum Rated St orage Temperat ure 98.1m/ s (10G), 100 ∼ 2KHz sweep for 20min., XYZ each direct ion
Duration 1,000 h Twice
Failure 0/ 25 0/ 25
Tem perature Cycling Wet High Tem p. Storage Life High Tem p. Storage Life Low Tem p. Storage Life Vibration, Variable Frequency
5 cycles
0/ 25
1,000 h 1,000 h 1,000 h 2h
0/ 25 0/ 25 0/ 25 0/ 10
Failure Criteria
Item s
Lumi no us Int ensi t y Forw ard Vol t age Reverse Current Cosmet i c Ap pearance
Sym bols
Iv VF IR -
IF Val ue o f each p rod uct Lumi nou s Int ensit y IF Val ue o f each p rod uct Forw ard Vol t age VR = M aximum Rat ed Reverse Vo lt age V -
Failure c riteria
Test i ng M i n. Val ue < Sp ec. M in. Valu e x 0 .5 Test ing M ax. Val ue ≧ Sp ec. M ax. Val ue x 1.2 Test ing M ax. Val ue ≧ Sp ec. M ax. Val ue x 2.5 O ccurrence o f no t abl e deco l orat io n, d efo rmat io n and cracki ng
Page 26
1111C Series
Single Color Ultra High Brightness T ype
Special Notice to Customers Using the Products and Technical Information Shown in This Data Sheet
1) The technical information shown in the data sheets are limited to the typical characteristics and circuit examples of the referenced products. It does not constitute the warranting of industrial property nor the granting of any license. 2) For the purpose of product improvement, the specifications, characteristics and technical data described in the data sheets are subject to change without prior notice. Theref ore it is recommended that the most updated specifications be used in your design. 3) W hen using the products described in the data sheets, please adhere to the maximum ratings f or operating voltage, heat dissipation characteristics, and other precautions f or use. W e are not responsible for any damage which may occur if these specifications are exceeded. 4) The products that have been described to this catalog are manuf actured so that they will be used f or the electrical instrument of the benchmark (OA equipment, telecommunications equipment, AV machine, home appliance and measuring instrument). The application of aircrafts, space borne application, transportation equipment, medical equipment and nuclear power control equipment, etc. needs a high reliability and saf ety, and the breakdown and the wrong operation might influence the life or the human body. Please consult us beforehand if you plan to use our product for the usages of aircrafts, space borne application, transportation equipment, medical equipment and nuclear power control equipment, etc. except OA equipment, telecommunications equipment, AV machine, home appliance and measuring instrument. 5) In order to export the products or technologies described in this data sheet which are under the “Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law,” it is necessary to first obtain an export permit f rom the Japanese government. 6) No part of this data sheet may be reprinted or reproduced without prior written permission f rom Stanley Electric Co., Ltd. 7) The most updated edition of this data sheet can be obtained from the address below: http://www.stanley-components.com
Page 27