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EVL6591-90WADP 数据手册
L6591 PWM controller for ZVS half bridge Datasheet − production data Features ■ Complementary PWM control for soft-switched half bridge with programmable deadtime ■ Up to 500 kHz operating frequency ■ Onboard high-voltage startup ■ Advanced light load management ■ Adaptive UVLO ■ Pulse-by-pulse OCP ■ OLP (latched or autorestart) ■ Transformer saturation detection ■ Interface with PFC controller Applications ■ Latched disable input ■ High power AC-DC adapter/charger ■ Input for power-on sequencing or brownout protection ■ Desktop PC, entry-level server ■ Telecom SMPS SO16 narrow ■ Programmable soft-start Figure 1. Block diagram HV 4% precision external reference ■ 600 V-rail compatible high-side gate driver with integrated bootstrap diode and high dV/dt immunity ■ SO16N package V CC 9 16 5 SO 16 ■ CLK OSC TIMING 25 V Vre f HV ge nerator ON/O FFa nd a daptive UV LOmanag ement VREG 6 VREF Vcc_OK 2 Low UVLO R DIS + S Sync hronou s bo otstra p diode Q - 4.5V DIS 15 BOOT - HICCUP S BLANKI NG Q P WM _CT L + ISEN R 3 + PWM - Vc c_O K DIS S HUT DO WN R PFC_STOP Q S 8 OCP2 LI NE_ OK OCP2 DI S VREG BURST- M ODE CTRL Ilimre f 0 .8 V max. 1.25V - 1 LINE LI NE_OK 1 5µA HVG 13 FGND V CC 10 LV G 1.7 5V - + 14 L EVEL SHIFTER 0.3 2mA + + OCP - Dead time adjustment & logic 1.5V L ow UV LO 11 GND 3R SOFT-START + R 2.0 V 4 7 SS August 2012 This is information on a product in full production. COMP Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 1/41 www.st.com 41 Contents L6591 Contents 1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Pin settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 2.1 Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.2 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Electrical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.1 Maximum ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.2 Thermal data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 Electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5 Typical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6 Application information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 6.1 High-voltage startup generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 6.2 Operation at no load or very light load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 6.3 PWM control block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 6.4 PWM comparator, PWM latch and hiccup mode OCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 6.5 Latched shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6.6 Oscillator and deadtime programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 6.7 Adaptive UVLO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 6.8 Line sensing function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 6.9 Soft-start and delayed latched shutdown upon overcurrent . . . . . . . . . . . 32 7 Summary of L6591 power management functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 8 ECOPACK® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 9 Order codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 10 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2/41 Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 L6591 1 Description Description The L6591 is a double-ended PWM controller specific to the soft-switched half bridge topology. It provides complementary PWM control, where the high-side switch is driven ON for a duty cycle D and the low-side switch for a duty cycle 1-D, with D < 50%. An externally programmable deadtime inserted between the turn-off of one switch and the turn-on of the other one guarantees soft-switching and enables high-frequency operation. To drive the high-side switch with the bootstrap approach, the IC incorporates a high-voltage floating structure able to withstand more than 600 V with a synchronous-driven high-voltage DMOS that replaces the external fast-recovery bootstrap diode. The IC enables the user to set the operating frequency of the converter by means of an externally programmable oscillator: the maximum duty cycle is digitally clipped at 50% by a T-flip-flop, so that the operating frequency is half that of the oscillator. At very light load the IC enters a controlled burst mode operation that, along with the built-in non-dissipative high-voltage startup circuit and the low quiescent current, helps keep the consumption from the mains low and is compliant with energy saving recommendations. To allow compliance with these standards also in two-stage power-factor-corrected systems, an interface with the PFC controller is provided that enables the pre-regulator to be switched off between one burst and the following one. An innovative adaptive UVLO helps minimize the issues related to fluctuations of the selfsupply voltage with the output load, due to the transformer's parasitic. IC protection functions include: not-latched input undervoltage (brownout), a first-level OCP with delayed shutdown able to protect the system during overload and short-circuit conditions (either auto-restart or latch mode can be selected) and a second-level OCP that latches off the IC when the transformer saturates or one of the secondary diodes fails short. Finally, a latched disable function allows easy implementation of OTP or OVP. Programmable soft-start and digital leading-edge blanking on the current sense input pin complete the equipment of the IC. Figure 2. Typical system block diagram PF C P RE-REGULATO R ZVS HAL F-BRIDG E Voutd c Vinac PW M is turned off in case of PFC's anomalous operation, for safety L6561/2 or L6563 L6591 PFC can be turn ed off at light load to ease compliance with energy saving r egulatio ns. AM13253v1 Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 3/41 Pin settings L6591 2 Pin settings 2.1 Connection Figure 3. Pin connection (top view) LINE 1 16 HVSTART DIS 2 15 BOOT ISEN 3 14 HVG SS 4 13 FGND OSC 5 12 N.C. VREF 6 11 GND COMP 7 10 LVG PFC_STOP 8 9 Vcc AM13254v1 2.2 Functions Table 1. Pin N. 1 2 4/41 Pin functions Name Function LINE Line sensing input. The pin is to be connected to the high-voltage input bus with a resistor divider. A voltage below 1.25 V shuts down the IC, lowers its consumption and discharges the soft-start capacitor. IC operation is reenabled as the voltage exceeds 1.25 V. The comparator is provided with current hysteresis: an internal 15 µA current generator is ON as long as the voltage applied at the pin is below 1.25 V, and is OFF if this value is exceeded. Bypass the pin with a capacitor to GND (#11) to reduce noise pick-up. The pin is intended for either power-on sequencing in systems with PFC, or brownout protection. Tie to Vcc (#9) with a 220 to 330 kΩ resistor if the function is not used. DIS Latched device shutdown. Internally, the pin connects a comparator that, when the voltage on the pin exceeds 4.5 V, shuts the IC down and brings its consumption to a value barely higher than before startup. The information is latched and it is necessary to recycle the input power to restart the IC: the latch is removed as the voltage on the Vcc pin (#9) goes below the UVLO threshold. Connect the pin to GND (#11) if the function is not used. Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 L6591 Pin settings Table 1. Pin N. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pin functions (continued) Name Function ISEN Current sense (PWM comparator) input. The voltage on this pin is internally compared with an internal reference derived from the voltage on the COMP pin and, when they are equal, the high-side gate drive output (previously asserted high by the clock signal generated by the oscillator) is driven low to turn off the upper Power MOSFET; the lower MOSFET is turned on after a delay programmed by the timing capacitor at the OSC pin (#5). The pin is equipped with 200 ns blanking time for improved noise immunity. A second comparator, referenced at 0.8 V, turns off the upper MOSFET if the voltage at the pin exceeds the threshold, overriding the PWM comparator (pulse-bypulse OCP). A third comparison level located at 1.5 V shuts the device down and brings its consumption almost to a “before startup” level (hiccup mode OCP) to prevent uncontrolled current rise. A logic circuit improves sensitivity to temporary disturbances. SS Soft-start. An internal 20 µA generator charges an external capacitor connected between the pin and GND (#11) generating a voltage ramp. During the ramp, the internal reference for pulse-by-pulse OCP (see pin #3, ISEN) rises linearly starting from zero to its final value, therefore causing the duty cycle of the upper MOSFET to rise starting from zero as well, and all the functions monitoring the COMP pin (#7) are disabled. The same capacitor is used to delay IC shutdown (latch-off or auto-restart mode selectable) after detecting an overcurrent condition. The SS capacitor is quickly discharged as the chip goes into UVLO. OSC Oscillator pin. A resistor to VREF (#6) and a capacitor from the pin to GND (#11) define the oscillator frequency. The maximum duty cycle is limited below 50% by an internal T-flip-flop. As a result, the switching frequency is half that of the oscillator. The capacitor value defines the deadtime separating the conduction state of either MOSFET. This capacitor should not be lower than 220 pF. VREF Voltage reference. An internal generator furnishes an accurate voltage reference (5 V±4%, all inclusive) that can be used to supply up to 5 mA to an external circuit. A small film capacitor (0.1 µF typ.), connected between this pin and GND (#11) is recommended to ensure the stability of the generator and to prevent noise from affecting the reference. COMP Control input for PWM regulation. The pin is to be driven by the phototransistor (emitter-grounded) of an octocoupler to modulate the voltage by modulating the current sunk from (sourced by) the pin (0.4 mA typ.). It is recommended to place a small filter capacitor between the pin and GND (#11), as close to the IC as possible, to reduce switching noise pick-up, and to set a pole in the output-to-control transfer function. A voltage lower than 1.75 V shuts down the IC and reduces its current consumption. The chip restarts as the voltage exceeds 1.8 V. This function realizes burst mode operation at light load. Open-drain ON/OFF control of PFC controller. This pin is intended for temporarily stopping the PFC controller at light load in systems comprising a PFC pre-regulator, during burst mode operation (see pin COMP, #7). The pin, normally open, goes low if the voltage on COMP is lower than 1.75 V PFC_STOP and opens when the voltage on the COMP pin exceeds 1.8 V. Whenever the IC is shut down (SS > 5 V, DIS > 4.5, ISEN > 1.5 V) the pin is low as well, provided the supply voltage of the IC is above the restart threshold (typ. 5 V). It is open during UVLO. Leave the pin open if not used. Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 5/41 Pin settings L6591 Table 1. Pin N. Name Function 9 Vcc Supply voltage of both the signal part of the IC and the low-side gate driver. The internal high-voltage generator charges an electrolytic capacitor connected between this pin and GND (#11) as long as the voltage on the pin is below the startup threshold of the IC, after that, it is disabled and the chip turns on. Sometimes a small bypass capacitor (0.1 µF typ.) to GND may be useful to get a clean bias voltage for the signal part of the IC. The minimum operating voltage (UVLO) is adapted to the loading conditions of the converter to ease burst mode operation, during which the available supply voltage for the IC drops. 10 LVG Low-side gate-drive output. The driver is capable of 0.3 A min. source and 0.8 A min. sink peak current to drive the gate of the lower MOSFET of the half bridge leg. The pin is actively pulled to GND (#11) during UVLO. 11 GND Chip ground. Current return for both the low-side gate-drive current and the bias current of the IC. All of the ground connections of the bias components should be tied to a track going to this pin and kept separate from any pulsed current return. 12 N.C. High-voltage spacer. The pin is not connected internally to isolate the group of high-voltage pins and comply with safety regulations (creepage distance) on the PCB. 13 FGND High-side gate-drive floating ground. Current return for the high-side gatedrive current. Layout carefully the connection of this pin to avoid too large spikes below ground. HVG High-side floating gate-drive output. The driver is capable of 0.3 A min. source and 0.8 A min. sink peak current to drive the gate of the upper MOSFET of the half bridge leg. A pull-down resistor between this pin and pin 13 (FGND) makes sure that the gate is never floating during UVLO. BOOT High-side gate-drive floating supply voltage. The bootstrap capacitor connected between this pin and pin 13 (FGND) is fed by an internal synchronous bootstrap diode driven in-phase with the low-side gate-drive. This patented structure can replace the normally used external diode. HVSTART High-voltage startup. The pin is to be connected directly to the rectified mains voltage. A 0.8 mA internal current source charges the capacitor connected between pin Vcc (#9) and GND (#11) until the voltage on the Vcc pin reaches the startup threshold. Normally it is re-enabled when the voltage on the Vcc pin falls below 5 V, except under latched shutdown conditions, in which case it is re-enabled as the Vcc voltage falls 1 V below the startup threshold to keep the latch active. 14 15 16 6/41 Pin functions (continued) Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 L6591 Electrical data 3 Electrical data 3.1 Maximum ratings Table 2. Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Pin VHVSTART 16 IHVS Value Unit Voltage range (referred to ground) -0.3 to 700 V 16 Input current Self-limited A VBOOT 15 Floating supply voltage -1 to 618 V VFGND 13 Floating ground voltage -3 to VBOOT -18 V dVFGND/dt 13 Floating ground slew rate 50 V/ns VCC 9 IC supply voltage (Icc = 20 mA) Self-limited V IHVG, ILVG 10, 14 Gate drive peak current Self-limited A IPFC_STOP 8 Max. sink current (VPFC_STOP = 25 V) Self-limited A VLINEmax 1 Maximum pin voltage (Ipin ≤1 mA) Self-limited V - 2 to 7 -0.3 to 7 V ISEN 3 -3 to 7 V 0.75 W Junction temperature operating range -40 to 150 °C Storage temperature -55 to 150 °C PTOT Analog inputs and outputs Current sense input Power dissipation @ TA = 50 °C TJ TSTG 3.2 Parameter Thermal data Table 3. Symbol RthJA Thermal data Parameter Thermal resistance junction-to-ambient (1) Value Unit 120 °C/W 1. Value depending on PCB copper area and thickness. Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 7/41 Electrical characteristics 4 L6591 Electrical characteristics TJ = 0 to 105 °C, Vcc = 15 V, VBOOT = 12 V, CHVG = CLVG = 1 nF; RT = 22 kΩ, CT = 330 pF; unless otherwise specified. Table 4. Electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Test condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit IC supply voltage Vcc VccOn VccOff Operating range after turn-on VCOMP > VCOMPL 11.3 22 VCOMP = VCOMPL 9.2 22 Turn-on threshold (1) 13 14 15 VCOMPL 9.7 10.5 11.3 = VCOMPL 8.2 8.7 9.2 (1) V COMP > Turn-off threshold (1) V COMP V V V Hys Hysteresis VCOMP > VCOMPL 3.0 3.5 VZ Vcc clamp voltage Icc = 15 mA 22 25 28 V V Supply current Startup current Before turn-on, Vcc = 12.5 V 190 250 µA Iq Quiescent current After turn-on 2.8 3.5 mA Icc Operating supply current 5.3 8 mA VDIS > 4.5 V, VISEN > 1.5 V 0.35 mA VCOMP = 1.64 V 2.2 mA VLINE < 1.25 V 0.35 mA 17 V 800 µA 10 µA Istartup Iqdis Shutdown quiescent current High-side floating gate-drive supply VBOOT Operating supply voltage Referred to FGND pin IqBOOT Quiescent current VFGND = 0 High-voltage leakage VFGND = VBOOT = VHVG = 600 V Synchronous bootstrap diode on-resistance VLVG = HIGH ILK RDS(on) 500 Ω 125 High-voltage startup generator VHV VHVstart Icharge 8/41 Breakdown voltage IHV < 100 µA 700 Start voltage IVcc < 100 µA 60 75 90 V Vcc charge current VHV > VHvstart, Vcc > 3 V 0.55 0.75 1 mA Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 V L6591 Electrical characteristics Table 4. Electrical characteristics (continued) Symbol IHV, ON IHV, OFF Parameter Test condition ON-state current Min. Typ. VHV > VHvstart, Vcc > 3 V 1.6 VHV > VHvstart, Vcc = 0 0.8 (1) (1) After DIS tripping Unit mA Leakage current (OFF-state) VHV = 400 V VCCrestart HV generator restart voltage Max. 40 µA 4.4 5 5.6 V 12.2 13.2 14.2 V 5 5.1 V Reference voltage (1) VREF Output voltage TJ = 25 °C; IREF = 1 mA 4.9 VREF Total variation Vcc= 9.2 to 22 V, IREF = 1 to 5 mA 4.8 5.2 V IREF Short-circuit current VREF = 0 10 30 mA Sink capability in UVLO Vcc = 6 V; Isink = 0.5 mA 0.5 V -1 µA 0.2 Current sense comparator IISEN Input bias current VISEN = 0 tLEB Leading edge blanking After VHVG low-to-high transition td(H-L) Delay to output Gain VISENx 200 VISENdis Hiccup mode OCP level 170 ns 3.8 4 4.2 V/V 0.76 0.8 0.84 V (1) 1.4 1.5 1.65 V ICOMP = 0 5.5 210 (1) V COMP Maximum signal ns =5V PWM control and burst mode control VCOMPH Maximum level ICOMP Source current VCOMP = 2 V RCOMP Dynamic resistance VCOMP = 2 to 4 V VCOMPBon Burst mode on threshold (1) VCOMP falling V 300 400 25 1.68 Hys Burst mode hysteresis VCOMP rising Dmax Maximum duty cycle VCOMP = 5 V 46 (1) 1.9 1.75 µA kΩ 1.82 70 V mV 50 % 2 2.1 V Adaptive UVLO VCOMPL UVLO shift threshold Line sensing Vth Threshold voltage Voltage rising or falling 1.22 1.25 1.28 V IHys Current hysteresis Vcc > 5 V 13.2 14.7 16.2 µA Clamp level ILINE = 1 mA 2.8 3 Vclamp Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 V 9/41 Electrical characteristics Table 4. L6591 Electrical characteristics (continued) Symbol Parameter Test condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit -1 µA DIS function IOTP Input bias current Vth Disable threshold VDIS = 0 to Vth 4.275 4.5 4.725 V TJ = 25 °C 170 180 190 kHz Vcc = 9.2 to 22 V 168 180 192 kHz Oscillator peak voltage (1) 2.85 3 3.15 V Oscillator valley voltage (1) 0.75 0.9 1.05 V Oscillator and deadtime programming fosc Vpk Vvy Oscillation frequency Deadtime (VHVG high-to-low to VLVG low-to-high transition) Tdead 0.42 CT = 1 nF 1.0 µs Deadtime (VLVG high-to-low to VHVG low-to-high transition) 0.42 CT = 1 nF 1.0 Soft-start ISSC ISsdis Charge current Discharge current VSsclamp High saturation voltage TJ = 25 °C, VSS < 1.5 V, VCOMP = 4 V 14 18 22 TJ = 25 °C, VSS > 1.5 V, VCOMP = VCOMPH 3.4 4.7 5.6 VSS > 1.5 V 3.4 4.7 5.6 µA VCOMP = 4 V VSSDIS Disable level (2) VSSLAT Latch-off level VCOMP = VCOMPH VCOMP = VCOMPH 2 4.85 5 µA V 5.15 6.4 V V PFC_STOP function Ileak VL High level leakage current VPFC_STOP = Vcc, VCOMP = 2 V 1 µA Low saturation level IPFC_STOP = 2 mA VCOMP = 1.5 V 0.1 V 1.0 V Low-side gate driver (voltages referred to GND) VLVGL Output low-voltage VLVGH Output high-voltage Isourcepk Peak source current Isinkpk 10/41 Peak sink current Isink = 200 mA Isource = 5 mA (2) (2) Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 12.8 13.3 V -0.3 A 0.8 A L6591 Electrical characteristics Table 4. Electrical characteristics (continued) Symbol Parameter Test condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit tf Fall time 40 ns tr Rise time 80 ns Vcc = 0 to VccOn, Isink = 1 mA UVLO saturation 1.1 V 1.5 V High-side gate driver (voltages referred to FGND) VHVGL Output low-voltage Isink = 200 mA VHVGH Output high-voltage Isource = 5 mA Isourcepk Peak source current (2) Isinkpk Peak sink current (2) 11 11.9 V -0.3 A 0.8 A tf Fall time 40 ns tr Rise time 80 ns Pull-down resistor 25 kΩ 1. Parameters tracking each other. 2. Parameters guaranteed by design. Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 11/41 Typical characteristics L6591 5 Typical characteristics Figure 4. High-voltage generator ON-state sink current vs. Tj Figure 5. ϭ͘Ϯ High-voltage generator output (Vcc charge current) vs. Tj ϭϭϬй ϭ ϭϬϱй sĐĐшϯs Ϭ͘ϴ ϭϬϬй /,Z' ΀й΁ /,s΀ŵ΁ sĐĐшϯs sĐĐсϬs Ϭ͘ϲ ϵϱй Ϭ͘ϰ ϵϬй Ϭ͘Ϯ ϴϱй Ϭ ϴϬй ͲϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ ͲϱϬ Ϭ dũ΀Σ΁ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ".W Figure 6. ϭϱϬ dũ΀Σ΁ High-voltage generator start voltage vs. Tj ".W Figure 7. High-voltage generator Vcc restart voltage vs. Tj ϭϰ ϭϭϬй ϭϮ ϭϬϱй ϭϬ s ƌĞƐƚĂƌƚ ΀s΁ s,sƐƚĂƌƚ΀й΁ ĂĨƚĞƌ/^ƚƌŝƉƉŝŶŐ ϭϬϬй ϴ ŶŽƌŵĂůŽƉĞƌĂƚŝŽŶ ϲ ϰ ϵϱй Ϯ Ϭ ϵϬй ͲϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ ͲϱϬ dũ΀Σ΁ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ dũ΀Σ΁ ".W 12/41 Ϭ Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 ".W L6591 Typical characteristics Figure 8. IC consumption during normal operation vs. Tj Figure 9. IC consumption under protection and before turn-on vs. Tj Ϭ͘ϯϱ ϲ Ϭ͘ϯ ϱ KƉĞƌĂƚŝŶŐ Ϭ͘Ϯϱ YƵŝĞƐĐĞŶƚ ϰ /ĐĐ΀ŵ΁ /ĐĐ΀ŵ΁ ƵƌƐƚŵŽĚĞ ϯ Ϭ͘Ϯ Ϭ͘ϭϱ >/Eфϭ͘ϰϰs Ϯ /^хϰ͘ϱs Ϭ͘ϭ /^Eхϭ͘ϱs ϭ ĞĨŽƌĞƚƵƌŶŽŶ;sĐĐсϭϮ͘ϱsͿ Ϭ͘Ϭϱ Ϭ Ϭ ͲϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ͲϱϬ ϭϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ dũ΀Σ΁ dũ΀Σ΁ ".W Figure 10. Startup & UVLO vs. Tj ".W Figure 11. Vcc Zener voltage vs. Tj ϭϲ ϯϬ ϭϰ Ϯϱ ϭϮ sKDW хsKDW> ϮϬ ϴ s΀s΁ s΀s΁ ϭϬ sKDW сsKDW> ϭϱ /ĐĐсϭϱŵ sĐĐͺŽŶ ϲ sĐĐͺŽĨĨ ϰ ϭϬ sĐĐͺŽĨĨͺůŽǁ ϱ Ϯ Ϭ ͲϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ Ϭ ͲϱϬ dũ΀Σ΁ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ dũ΀Σ΁ ".W Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 ".W 13/41 Typical characteristics L6591 Figure 12. COMP voltage upper clamp level vs. Figure 13. COMP source current vs. Tj Tj ϭϮϬй ϳ ϭϬϬй ϲ͘ϱ /KDW΀й΁ sKDW΀s΁ ϴϬй ϲ ϲϬй sKDW сϮs /KDW сϬ ϰϬй ϱ͘ϱ ϮϬй sĂůƵĞƐŶŽƌŵĂůŝnjĞĚƚŽ/KDW ΛϮϱΣ Ϭй ϱ ͲϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ͲϱϬ ϭϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ dũ΀Σ΁ dũ΀Σ΁ ".W Figure 14. COMP dynamic resistance vs. Tj ".W Figure 15. Oscillator frequency vs. Tj Ϯϴ͘ϱ ϭϬϭ͘Ϭй Ϯϴ s сϭϱs Ϯϳ͘ϱ ϭϬϬ͘ϱй Ϯϲ͘ϱ ĨK^΀й΁ ZKDW΀s'΀s΁ Ϯ͘ϭ Ϭ͘ϱ s сϬs /^/E< сϭŵ Ϭ͘ϰ Ϯ ϭ͘ϵ Ϭ͘ϯ ϭ͘ϴ Ϭ͘Ϯ ϭ͘ϳ Ϭ͘ϭ ϭ͘ϲ ϭ͘ϱ Ϭ ͲϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ͲϱϬ ϭϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ".W Figure 26. UVLO saturation vs. Tj ".W Figure 27. Soft-start clamp voltage vs. Tj Ϭ͘ϵ Ϯ͘ϱ Ϭ͘ϴ Ϯ͘ϰ Ϯ͘ϯ Ϭ͘ϳ Ϯ͘Ϯ Ϭ͘ϲ sKDW сϰs Ϯ͘ϭ Ϭ͘ϱ s^^΀s΁ s>s'΀s΁ ϭϱϬ dũ΀Σ΁ dũ΀Σ΁ s сϬs /^/E< сϭŵ Ϭ͘ϰ Ϯ ϭ͘ϵ Ϭ͘ϯ ϭ͘ϴ Ϭ͘Ϯ ϭ͘ϳ Ϭ͘ϭ ϭ͘ϲ ϭ͘ϱ Ϭ ͲϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ ͲϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ dũ΀Σ΁ dũ΀Σ΁ ".W Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 ".W 17/41 Typical characteristics L6591 Figure 28. Low-side gate drive output low saturation Figure 29. Gate drive output low-voltage vs. Tj Ϭ͘ϱ ϭ͘ϴ Ϭ͘ϰϱ ϭ͘ϲ Ϭ͘ϰ ϭ͘ϰ Ϭ͘ϯϱ s>s'Θs,s'΀s΁ ϭ͘Ϯ Ϭ͘ϯ s>s'΀s΁ /сϮϬϬŵ ,ŝŐŚƐŝĚĞƌĞĨĞƌƌĞĚƚŽ&'E Ϭ͘Ϯϱ Ϭ͘Ϯ ϭ ,ŝŐŚƐŝĚĞ Ϭ͘ϴ >ŽǁƐŝĚĞ Ϭ͘ϲ Ϭ͘ϭϱ Ϭ͘ϰ Ϭ͘ϭ Ϭ͘Ϯ Ϭ͘Ϭϱ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ ϮϬϬ ͲϱϬ ϮϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ dũ΀Σ΁ />s'΀ŵ΁ ".W Figure 30. Gate drive output high-voltage vs. Tj ".W Figure 31. High-side pull-down resistor vs. Tj ϭ ϭϰ Ϭ͘ϵ ϭϯ >ŽǁƐŝĚĞ Ϭ͘ϴ Ϭ͘ϳ Ϭ͘ϲ s,s'΀s΁ s>s'Θs,s'΀s΁ ϭϮ ϭϭ Ϭ͘ϱ Ϭ͘ϰ ϭϬ Ϭ͘ϯ sĐĐсϭϱs͕sƚсϭϮs /сͲϱŵ ,ŝŐŚƐŝĚĞƌĞĨĞƌƌĞĚƚŽ&'E ϵ ,ŝŐŚƐŝĚĞƌĞĨĞƌƌĞĚƚŽ&'E Ϭ͘Ϯ Ϭ͘ϭ Ϭ ϴ ͲϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ ϮϬϬ Ϭ ".W 18/41 ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ ϮϬϬ ϮϱϬ /,s'΀ŵ΁ dũ΀Σ΁ Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 ".W L6591 Typical characteristics Figure 32. Burst mode thresholds vs. Tj Figure 33. Burst mode hysteresis vs. Tj ϵϬ ϭ͘ϵ ϭ͘ϴϱ KĨĨƚŚƌĞƐŚŽůĚ;sKDW ƌĂŝƐŝŶŐͿ ϴϱ ϭ͘ϴ ϴϬ sKDW ƌĂŝƐŝŶŐ ϭ͘ϳ s KDW ΀ŵs΁ sKDW΀s΁ ϭ͘ϳϱ KŶƚŚƌĞƐŚŽůĚ;sKDW ĨĂůůŝŶŐͿ ϭ͘ϲϱ ϳϱ ϳϬ ϭ͘ϲ ϲϱ ϭ͘ϱϱ ϲϬ ϭ͘ϱ ͲϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ ͲϱϬ Ϭ dũ΀Σ΁ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ dũ΀Σ΁ ".W Figure 34. Line sensing threshold vs. Tj ".W Figure 35. Line sensing current hysteresis vs. Tj ϭ͘ϱ ϭϲ ϭ͘ϰϱ ϭϱ ϭ͘ϰ ϭϰ ϭ͘ϯϱ ϭϯ />/E΀ŵ΁ s>/E΀s΁ ϭ͘ϯ ϭ͘Ϯϱ ϭ͘Ϯ sKDW хϱs ϭϮ ϭϭ ϭ͘ϭϱ ϭϬ ϭ͘ϭ ϵ ϭ͘Ϭϱ ϭ ϴ ͲϱϬ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ ͲϱϬ dũ΀Σ΁ Ϭ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬ dũ΀Σ΁ ".W Doc ID 14821 Rev 6 ".W 19/41 Typical characteristics L6591 Figure 36. Deadtime vs. Tj Figure 37. Oscillator frequency vs. RT, CT ϱϬϬ ϭ͘Ϯ ϰϱϬ ϭ dсϭϬϬƉ& ϰϬϬ ZdсϮϮ
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