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STEVAL-BTDP2 USB dongle for the Bluetooth® class 2 SPBT3.0DP2 module Data brief Description The STEVAL-BTDP2 dongle demonstration tool is exclusively designed for quick and easy SPBT3.0DP2 module evaluation. The dongle includes an RF antenna and a USB connector to allow PC communication with the Bluetooth® module and power the dongle. The STEVAL-BTDP2 includes downloaded firmware so you can create a Bluetooth® link using simple AT commands (see user manual UM2077 on www.st.com for the complete list of AT commands). Features x x x x x x Based on the V3.0 Bluetooth® class 2 module SPBT3.0DP2 USB interface and power supply Reprogramming support via USB interface Reset button On-board Antenna RoHS compliant May 2017 DocID030682 Rev 1 For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office 1/7 www.st.com Recommended operating conditions 1 STEVAL-BTDP2 Recommended operating conditions Table 1: Operating conditions 2/7 Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit VDD Board supply voltage -40 °C < T < 85 °C 4.5 5 5.5 V TOP Operating case temperature range +85 °C DocID030682 Rev 1 -40 I/O connections STEVAL-BTDP2 2 I/O connections 2.1 PAD description PAD1 to PAD15 also allow user access to the SPBT3.0DP2 module. Figure 1: STEVAL-BTDP2 component layout Table 2: Pad connections PAD n° Name Description 1 BOOT0 2 3.3 V 3 RESETN 4 GND 5 +5 V USB 6 LPO Factory configuration: 32.768 KHz frequency output. Pad can be reconfigured via SW as input for external 32.768 KHz to allow lower power consumption in deep sleep mode and sniff mode. 7 GPIO08 General purpose I/O 8 GPIO07 General purpose I/O 9 LDOUT 1.8 V LDO output, max 10 mA 10 GPIO01 General purpose I/O LED2 is connected to this GPIO, LED2 is ON when Bluetooth link is up 11 GPIO02 General purpose I/O 12 GPIO03 General purpose I/O 13 GPIO04 General purpose I/O LED3 is connected to this GPIO, LED3 is ON when SPBT3.0DP2 is in Active State 14 GPIO06 General purpose I/O 15 GPIO05 General purpose I/O Boot pin used for firmware downloading LED1 is connected to this PAD Reset - connected in parallel to onboard reset switch DocID030682 Rev 1 3/7 I/O connections STEVAL-BTDP2 Factory configuration - different configurations can be chosen (see the SPBT3.0DP2 datasheet). 2.2 Reset switch Reset switch SW1 on the dongle forces the SPBT3.0DP2 module to reset and the information figured below is shown on the PC. The actual BDAddress number may be different on your machine. Figure 2: AT command prompt 2.3 Bootloader jumper When Bootloader jumper (JP1) is closed, the SPBT3.0DP2 enters Bootloader mode after reset. Figure 3: Reset switch and Bootloader jumper Bootloader mode is used to update the module firmware. The STM32 Flash loader demonstrator GUI (see user manual UM0462 on www.st.com) can be used to update the SPBT3.0DP2 module. A detailed description of the firmware update procedure can be found in user manual UM2077 on www.st.com. 4/7 DocID030682 Rev 1 R 10 N .M . 4 3 2 1 U SB M ALE C O NN EC TO R J2 R4 N .M . +3.3V_C P210 2 C8 100 n C2 10μ 6.3V +5V _U SB (VCC ) TP 2 C1 100 n 6 5 4 V out B yP ass V in D4 3.3V D3 D1 GND D2 2 +3.3V 1 2 3 C 12 10 μ 6.3V LED 1 G R EE N R2 470 O hm V out U 1A 1 M C P 1701 T-3302 E/TT GND IC 5 U SB U F01 W 6 C 11 100 n 3 2 GND 1 5 4 4.7K R9 C 13 1μ F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DC D RI GND D+ DV dd R E G IN IC 4 C4 10 n R1 0 O hm C5 22 μ 6.3V (TA N T.) +3.3V_H C C P 210 2 R8 4.7K NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 V in V out R XD _C P 2109 . C TS _C P 210 2 TXD _C P210 2 R TS _C P210 2 C6 1μ F 3 C9 10 μ 6.3V 2 IC 3 M C P1700 T1802 E TP 1 C7 100 n 1.8V C3 100 n 10 9 A1 A2 7 1 GND 6 OE D IR 1 GND V CC B G P IO 05 1 8 V CC A D IR 2 2 LD S3985 M 33 R B1 B2 4 5 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 47 O hm R7 47 O hm R6 GND G P IO 06 G P IO 05 G P IO 04 G P IO 03 G P IO 02 G P IO 01 BT 1 IC 2 ST 2G 323 6 G R EE N LE D 3 G R EE N LE D 2 18 LD O U T INH IB IT 17 V in 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 D TR DSR TX D RXD R TS C TS NC VB U S /R S T NC /S U SPE N D S U SPE N D NC NC 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 G P IO 07 3 PA D 4 15 LP O G P IO 08 IC 1 +5 V U SB (V CC ) PA D 5 LP O PA D 6 G P IO 08 PA D 7 G P IO 07 PA D 8 LD O U T PA D 9 G P IO 01 /SP I_ M IS O PA D 10 G P IO 02 /SP I_ M O S I/I2S _S D PA D 11 G P IO 03 /SP I_ C LK /I2 S _C K PA D 12 G P IO 04 /SP I_ SS /I2 S _W S PA D 13 PT 55 PT 59 PT 56 PT 58 PT 57 PT 60 C TS R TS R XD TXD V IN B OO T R ESE T PB 4/JN TR S T PB 3/JTD O PA 15 /JTD I PA 14 /JT C K PA 13 /JTM S NR S T 3 PA D 15 G P IO 06 /D A C PA D 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 R5 JP2 0 O hm JTR ST JTD O JTC K JTM S JTD I nR ESE T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CON8 J1 R3 +3.3V SCHEMA-V01.DSN 100 n C 10 S W PU SH B U TT O N SW 1 JP1 WARNING: nRESET signal level max=2.5V +3.3V R ESET N 1 PA D 2 DocID030682 Rev 1 PA D 3 B OO T 0 3 PA D 1 STEVAL-BTDP2 Dongle schematic Dongle schematic Figure 4: STEVAL-BTDP2 schematic 5/7 Revision history 4 STEVAL-BTDP2 Revision history Table 3: Document revision history 6/7 Date Version 30-May-2017 1 Changes Initial release. DocID030682 Rev 1 STEVAL-BTDP2 IMPORTANT NOTICE – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, enhancements, modifications, and improvements to ST products and/or to this document at any time without notice. Purchasers should obtain the latest relevant information on ST products before placing orders. ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale in place at the time of order acknowledgement. Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection, and use of ST products and ST assumes no liability for application assistance or the design of Purchasers’ products. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property right is granted by ST herein. Resale of ST products with provisions different from the information set forth herein shall void any warranty granted by ST for such product. ST and the ST logo are trademarks of ST. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Information in this document supersedes and replaces information previously supplied in any prior versions of this document. © 2017 STMicroelectronics – All rights reserved DocID030682 Rev 1 7/7

