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STEVAL-DRONE01 Data brief Mini drone kit with flight controller unit, motors, propellers, frame and battery Features • • • • • • • Drone Kit based on the STEVAL-FCU001V1 compact flight controller unit Four motors: 85x20 mm, 3.7 V Two clockwise and two counterclockwise 65 mm propellers, plus a couple of spares LiPo 3.7 V / 600 mAh battery with a maximum discharge current of 30 C 3D plastic mechanical frame including propeller guards for safety WEEE and RoHS compliant Compliant with Directive 2006/66/EC Description The STEVAL-DRONE01 mini drone kit features the high performance STEVALFCU001V1 flight controller unit, as well as the motors, propellers, plastic frame and battery you need to assemble your own mini-drone. The flight controller unit runs the firmware (STSW-FCU001) to control the speed of each connected motor and to stabilize the drone. To achieve this, the STM32F4 microcontroller hosted on the board analyses data from the accelerometer and gyroscope sensors (LSM6DSL and iNEMO 6DoF inertial measurement unit) to provide highly accurate stability and control. Product summary STEVALDRONE01 Mini drone kit with flight controller unit, motors, propellers, frame and battery STEVALFCU001V1 Flight controller unit evaluation board for toy drones STSWFCU001 Reference design firmware for mini drones STM32F4 High-performance MCUs with DSP and FPU instructions SPBTLE-RF Very low power module for Bluetooth Smart v4.1 The FCU board includes a Bluetooth Low Energy SPBTLE-RF module, so you can turn your smartphone running a dedicated App into a remote control unit. DB3749 - Rev 2 - November 2018 For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office. www.st.com STEVAL-DRONE01 Schematic diagrams 1 Schematic diagrams Figure 1. STEVAL-FCU001V1 – block diagram CN1 Micro USB STC4054 LD39015 Battery charger LDO P8 3V3 SPBTLE-RF BLE module LiPo 1-cell battery P1, P2, P4, P5 BT1 USB LSM6DSL A + G IMU LIS2MDL Magnetometer LPS22HD JTAG connector SPI2 ESC x 4 JTAG SPI1 TIM4 PWM out Power MOS x4 STL6N3LLH6 32-bit MCU TIM2 input capture Pressure Sensor PWM 4 x 3-ph motor 4x DC motor P1, P2, P4, P5 Remocon RX* P6 UART connector UART1 P7 I2C connector I2C2 P3 STM32F401 Figure 2. STEVAL-FCU001V1 – circuit schematic (1 of 4) SPBTLE-RF U1 ANT. 3 BLE_IRQ SMD 0805 R1 47k DB3749 - Rev 2 4 IRQ VDD C1 16V 1µF SMD 0402 5 RESETN NC1 SPI_CS SPI_MOSI NC2 SPI_IRQ SPI_MISO VIN SPI_CLK 11 RST 10 CSN 9 MOSI 8 MISO 7 CLK BLE_RSTN BLE_CS S1_MOSI S1_MISO S1_CLK GND 2 EXT_LPCLK SPBTLE-RF 6 1 page 2/7 VDD 1 2 3 4 5 6 SW D 1 3 5 7 9 P8 2 4 6 8 10 S1 C5 100n R24 10K R23 10K VDD NRST C8 15pF GND 3 R5 10K D2 BAT60 J 17 18 S1_MOS I BLE_C S VDD 4.7uF I2C2_SC L C11 BLE_RST N 24 23 22 21 20 VBAT_SENS E 19 15 16 S1_CL K S1_MISO 14 BLE_IRQ 12 TIM2_CH 3 13 11 TIM2_CH 2 TIM2_CH 4 10 VDD 9 8 7 6 TIM2_CH 1 NRST OSC_16MHZ_OU T 5 4 2 3 1 USB_Mon itor VDD LPS22HB_C S C9 15pF MOTOR2 - GND STM32F401CC U VDD3 VSS4 VCAP1 PB10 PB2 PB1 PB0 PA7 PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0 VDDA VSSA NRST PH1_OSC_OUT PH0_OSC_IN MOTOR 3 R15 MOTOR 3 3 R7 10K Solder_Bridge R19 MOTOR 4 PB12 PB13 PB14 PB15 PA8 PA9 PA10 PA11 PA12 PA13 VSS VDD PA14 PA15 PB3 PB4 PB5 PB6 PB7 BOOT0 PB8 PB9 VSS1 VDD2 R17 Solder_Bridge MOTOR4 - MOTOR 3 VDD USART1_T X LSM6DS33_C S S2_SD A 30 29 28 S2_CL K LIS2MDL_C S 26 25 27 USB_D M USART1_R X 31 USB_D P 33 32 SW DD 34 35 SW CLK 37 36 38 39 40 I2C2_SD A MOTOR 1 42 41 MOTOR 2 43 44 MOTOR 4 46 VDD 45 47 48 0 DNM Q3 VBAT + VBAT + GND LD1 MOTOR 4R8 1k RED Motor_Panel4 1 2 P5 Motor_Panel3 1 2 P2 STL6N3LLH 6 LD2 RED R21 R20 GND 2.2K 2.2K R9 3 10K MOTOR4 - D4 BAT60 J MOTOR3 - D3 BAT60 J GND 0 DNM R13 1k R6 MOTOR3 - STL6N3LLH 6 Q2 PC15_OSC32_OUT PC14_OSC32_IN PC13 VBAT U2 Solder Bridge have to support 3A peak Motor_Panel2 1 2 P4 Motor_Panel1 1 2 P1 OSC_16MHZ_ IN C7 1u VBAT + VBAT + 16MHz Y1 C6 100n SW DD SW CLK C10 100nF NRST R22 100k VDD RS:505-9192 C&K KMR231GLFS FC_Signal TIM2_CH 1 TIM2_CH 2 TIM2_CH 3 TIM2_CH 4 P6 C4 100n R18 MOTOR 2 Solder_Bridge 0 DNM R16 0 DNM R14 MOTOR 1 GND MOTOR 2 R3 1k STL6N3LLH 6 Q1 Solder_Bridge R12 3 4 8 MOTOR1 - GND R4 10K MOTOR2 - C3 100n VBAT + VDD MOTOR 1 R2 1k 7 2 1 5 6 MOTOR1 7 2 1 5 6 4 8 D1 BAT60 J Exp_Pad 49 7 2 1 5 6 4 8 7 2 1 5 6 DB3749 - Rev 2 VDD GND 4 8 VBAT + GND USART1_R X USART1_T X USB_D P USB_D M USB_Mon itor SW DD SW CLK MOTOR1 MOTOR2 MOTOR3 MOTOR4 - S2_SD A USART1_T X USART1_R X i2Q 1 2 3 4 P3 R11 20K R10 10K VBAT + I2C2_SD A I2C2_SC L TIM2_CH 1 TIM2_CH 2 TIM2_CH 3 TIM2_CH 4 S1_CL K S1_MISO S1_MOS I BLE_IRQ BLE_C S BLE_RST N LPS22HB_C S LIS2MDL_C S LSM6DS33_C S S2_CL K VDD VDD STL6N3LLH 6 Q4 VBAT_SENS E USB_D P USB_D M USB_Mon itor SW DD SW CLK MOTOR1 MOTOR2 MOTOR3 MOTOR4 - S2_SD A USART1_T X USART1_R X TIM2_CH 1 TIM2_CH 2 TIM2_CH 3 TIM2_CH 4 S1_CL K S1_MISO S1_MOS I BLE_IRQ BLE_C S BLE_RST N LPS22HB_C S LIS2MDL_C S LSM6DS33_C S S2_CL K USART 1 2 3 4 P7 C2 100nF STEVAL-DRONE01 Schematic diagrams Figure 3. STEVAL-FCU001V1 – circuit schematic (2 of 4) page 3/7 GND C14 1µF V_USB USB_Monitor GND R30 5.1K 5 4 R29 1 510R STC4054 PROG VCC U4 USB_DP 3 2 1 CHRG GND BAT D2 GND D1 U3 D3 VBus D6 4 5 6 DM DP 2 1 2 3 GND BT1 Battery LD3 RED LED VBAT+ ESDA7P60-1U1M USBULC6-2M6(uQFN) uQFN6X145X1 D5 100K SMD 0402 R28 USB_DM V_USB R27 100K SMD 0402 C15 100nF USB_DM USB_DP USB 1 DB3749 - Rev 2 2 V_USB C16 4.7µF R26 1M SMD 0201 C18 100nF VBAT+ SMD 0402 C12 16V 100nF DM DP 3 2 1 EN GND IN U6 NC OUT 4 5 C17 1µF VDD C13 Micro_USB_AB 4.7nF 50V SMD 0402 RS 702-5481 Molex 47590-0001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CN1 LD39015M33R V_USB GND 0R R25 STEVAL-DRONE01 Schematic diagrams Figure 4. STEVAL-FCU001V1 – circuit schematic (3 of 4) page 4/7 DB3749 - Rev 2 C19 1uF 1uF C24 VDD 100nF C20 VDD 100nF C25 5 4 3 2 100nF C23 10 9 5 6 2 S2_CLK 1 S2_SDA S2_CLK 1 LIS2MDL VDD_IO VDD C1 GND NC RES CS INT GND1 GND VDD NC1 DRDY GND1 CS SDA/SDI/SDO SCL/SPC U9 LPS22HBTR SDO/SA0 SDA/SDI/SDO RES SCL/SPC VDD_IO U7 11 7 8 3 4 12 6 7 8 9 10 LIS2MDL_CS S2_SDA LPS22HB_CS 100nF 1uF LSM6DS33_CS S2_SDA S2_CLK LIS2MDL_CS S2_SDA LPS22HB_CS LSM6DS33_CS S2_CLK C22 C21 VDD LSM6DSL INT1 INT2 CS SDO SDA SCL VDD_IO U8 LIS2MDL_CS S2_SDA LPS22HB_CS LSM6DS33_CS S2_CLK 4 9 12 1 14 13 5 *2 RES2 GND1 GND NC *1 VDD 8 3 11 6 7 10 2 STEVAL-DRONE01 Schematic diagrams Figure 5. STEVAL-FCU001V1 – circuit schematic (4 of 4) page 5/7 STEVAL-DRONE01 Revision history Table 1. Document revision history DB3749 - Rev 2 Date Version Changes 09-Oct-2018 1 Initial release. 16-Nov-2018 2 Updated cover image page 6/7 STEVAL-DRONE01 IMPORTANT NOTICE – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, enhancements, modifications, and improvements to ST products and/or to this document at any time without notice. Purchasers should obtain the latest relevant information on ST products before placing orders. ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale in place at the time of order acknowledgement. Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection, and use of ST products and ST assumes no liability for application assistance or the design of Purchasers’ products. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property right is granted by ST herein. Resale of ST products with provisions different from the information set forth herein shall void any warranty granted by ST for such product. ST and the ST logo are trademarks of ST. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Information in this document supersedes and replaces information previously supplied in any prior versions of this document. © 2018 STMicroelectronics – All rights reserved DB3749 - Rev 2 page 7/7

