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STEVAL-ILL070V4 数据手册
STEVAL-ILL070V4 35 W dimmable single string LED driver using HVLED001A and STF10LN80K5 Data brief Description The STEVAL-ILL070V4 is intended to drive one LED string with a maximum output current of 700 mA. The LED current can be finely adjusted using either a 0 - 10 V interface or a PWM signal (for example, provided by a microcontroller) on the SELV portion of the board. The universal input capability makes this board suitable in worldwide designs. Features            Input voltage: VIN = 90 - 305 Vrms, f: 45 - 66 Hz Output current: 700 mA (VLED = 24 V to 48 V) Dimming: 100% to 10% Dimming interfaces: 0 - 10 V and PWM input High power factor, low THD Efficiency: > 90% @ full load Open load voltage limiting (52.4 V) Optional remote turn-off input Optional 3.3 V – 0.1 A voltage regulator Fast VOUT discharge RoHS compliant October 2017 On the secondary side, the board includes a connector to plug an auxiliary linear on the switching voltage regulator side to supply small circuits (e.g., IoT wireless expansions like BLE, Spirit or WiFi modules). The schematic for a simple linear regulator to supply 5 V or 3.3 V is also provided. A very high power factor and efficiency are obtained even at light loads. Input voltage variations, excessive input voltage (overvoltage like surges or bursts) and very low input voltages are managed by the HVLED001A protections, improving the reliability of the application. The output capacitor is automatically discharged at turn-off to prevent any harm from contact with output connector. Output open circuit and overload protections include auto restart for safe operation in lighting environments. DocID030994 Rev 1 For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office 1/7 www.st.com Board description 1 STEVAL-ILL070V4 Board description Figure 1: Jumper and connector locations LED Cathode LED Anode GND GND Reg_out* Switch_off* Reg_in* PWMDim GND AC Mains 0-10 Interface VAUX PWM input GND Table 1: Description of the jumper and connector signals Con Pin Signal name Dir 1 LED Cathode Output Connect to the cathode of the LED string 2 LED Anode Output Connect to the anode of the LED string 1 AC mains Input First connection to AC Mains – Warning high voltage 2 AC mains Input First connection to AC Mains – Warning high voltage 1 AUX Output Regulated 12 V signal with 2mA capability – suitable to supply a variable resistor to drive 0 - 10 V interface 2 0-10 Interface Input A voltage between this pin and GND sets the level of output current: 10 V sets the maximum IOUT while any voltage between 1 V and 0 V sets the minimum current 3 GND Ground Secondary side signal reference voltage 1 GND Ground Secondary side signal reference voltage Description and use J1 J2 J3 J4 J6 2/7 A PWM signal applied to this terminal sets an output current proportional to signal’s duty cycle. The recommended PWM signal amplitude is between 3.3 V and 5 V. The recommended PWM signal frequency is between 200 Hz (especially when U6 is used, see Figure 3 for reference) and 1 kHz (especially when original configuration is used). 2 PWM Input Input 1 GND Ground Secondary side signal reference voltage 2 GND Ground Secondary side signal reference voltage 3 Reg_out Input Output of the optional external Voltage regulator (not provided) DocID030994 Rev 1 STEVAL-ILL070V4 Con Board description Pin Signal name Dir 4 Switch_off Input 5 Reg_in Output 6 PWM_dim Input Description and use Set this pin to 3.3 V to turn off the LED string. Set to 0 V or left open during normal operation Unregulated output to supply the optional external Voltage regulator (not provided). Assemble R49 (0R0) to activate this function Same as J4, 2 (PWM Input) DocID030994 Rev 1 3/7 4 6 R24 20k TOFF TP6 VOUT C18 33n VCC GD TP8 FB C19 33n TP9 Vcc_sec C20 1n CS 7 6ZCD GD 9 C8 100n FB ZCD CS U1 HVLED001A TP7 VZCD CTRL TOFF R18 20k 5 3 R9 130k HVSU R21 2.32k R10 56k TP10 VRECT R12 100 TP11 VCTRL C12 100p R7 120k D7 BAV21W Aux_ZCD TP12 VCC SecAux THD optimizer D11 1N4148WS R13 0R68 R11 D9 1N4148WS Q4 2N7002 R19 2.7k 220 GD R49 0R0 R22 1k C11 100p 1kV 8 5 9 7 4 6 U3 TCLT1007 D20 BAV19W R23 5.6k SecAux D5 STTH803 VCC_Micro Vdiv_out VOUT Vsec C9 1n 300Vac - Y2 1 12 2 11 T2 TSLER2834001 HS1 heatsink D12 1N4148WS R14 0R68 Q2 STF10LN80K5 D6 STTH108 R3 0R0 R29 15k R25 620k C5 1200u VOUT CS TP1 VCS TOFF TP2 VTOFF 90 - 305 Vac GD TP5 GND_SEC TP4 GND_PRI VOUT ZCD VCC_sec VRECT CTRL TSLER2834001 Core - ER2834 Lpri = 520uH (5%) (6-7) (4-9) = 1 (6-7)+(4-9) (1-12)+(2-11) = 3.1 (6-7)+(4-9) (5-8) = 3.3 (1-12) + (2-11) (1-12) = 2.8 Isat_pri(sec) >= 2.4A (5.6A) FB VCC C6 2.2u PWMDim 1k 1k R50 R51 R33 10k C23 220n Switchoff R28 10k C21 22n D8 RS3B R8 0R47 R6 0R47 C4 100n J6 CV- OUT IoT dongle 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 CTRL RV2 S07 K300 150k D4 P6KE-400A R2 C3 2.2n 400V 7 C13 100n R15 56k C7 330n R5 1k Aux_ZCD LN TP3 VGD RV1 S07 K300 C14 100n 3 1 T1 47mH C10 100n 2 BR1 2KBP08M R4 10M C2 4.7u D2 BAV21W J2 Mains Connector F1 1A 4 1 2 1 + - 3 D3 BZX384-C18,115 1 HVSU 10 VCC VRECT C1 22u 35V - 105°C GND 8 FB 4 R1 33k 4 3 Q1 BCX55-16 8 VCC D1 1N4148WS Vos R34 10k 3 5 1 C24 100p CC+ CV+ VREF U4 TSM1012 BAV21W C15 4.7u J1 LED out COM_OUT C22 1u 100k R26 R30 1.27k R20 120k R17 442k 12V Vout discharge C25 1u R35 100k D13 1N4148WS SecAux VREF_V C30 100p IREF = 167mV 8.25k R27 U2 TL431AI R16 18k Q3 MMBTA06 C17 10u Q6 BC817-25 R31 470k VOUT VCC_sec Vout = 20V to 48V .. Vovp = 54.3V Iout = 0.7A (Imax 3.5A - during protection) VREF = 1.25V 2 1 VCC_sec Vsec D10 COM_OUT C16 220n GND DocID030994 Rev 1 CC- 4/7 6 Q5 MMBTA06 R32 1k 2 2 VCC Schematic diagrams STEVAL-ILL070V4 Schematic diagrams Figure 2: STEVAL-ILL070V4 – schematic of constant current regulation section Vos DocID030994 Rev 1 D18 R48 JP3 0R0 10k D14 1N4148WS C27 100n R42 470k Q8 BC817-25 TurnOff circuit Assemble JP3 to turn off from Dimming port Switchoff MM3Z8V2 D15 MM3Z6V8 R39 68k C26 100n D19 SMAZ15 - + C28 10n 3 1 U5 TSX561 Q9 MMBTA06 R47 36k 4 5 2 R36 430k VOUT VREF_V R44 330k R37 470k R40 470k R46 10k D16 MMSZ4697 JP2 L = 300mils (7.62mm) U6 TCLT1007 t° D17 1N4148WS 1k R45 PWMDim RT1 2.1 JP1 L = 300mils (7.62mm) R41 220 R56 1k VCC_sec 1 2 3 2 1 12V DIM_0-10 GND PWM DIM J4 0-10V J3 Inverted Logic signal Ftyp = 1kHz (for performances) Amplitude = 3.3V to 5V (up to 10V tolerant) Isolated interface can be configured removing JP1, JP2 and assembling PC817 opto When Opto is assembled Fsw = 200Hz and Log behavior is achieved C29 1n Q7 BC817-25 R43 330 R38 100k 4 3 VCC_sec 1 2 12V STEVAL-ILL070V4 Figure 3: STEVAL-ILL070V4 – schematic of dimming interface section Schematic diagrams 5/7 Revision history 3 STEVAL-ILL070V4 Revision history Table 2: Document revision history 6/7 Date Version 03-Oct-2017 1 Changes Initial release. DocID030994 Rev 1 STEVAL-ILL070V4 IMPORTANT NOTICE – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, enhancements, modifications, and improvements to ST products and/or to this document at any time without notice. Purchasers should obtain the latest relevant information on ST products before placing orders. ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale in place at the time of order acknowledgement. Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection, and use of ST products and ST assumes no liability for application assistance or the design of Purchasers’ products. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property right is granted by ST herein. Resale of ST products with provisions different from the information set forth herein shall void any warranty granted by ST for such product. ST and the ST logo are trademarks of ST. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Information in this document supersedes and replaces information previously supplied in any prior versions of this document. © 2017 STMicroelectronics – All rights reserved DocID030994 Rev 1 7/7
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