Evaluation board for STM32F373xx microcontrollers
Data brief
• RS-232 communication configurable for
communication of Flash loader
• IrDA transceiver
• 240x320 TFT color LCD connected to SPI
• Joystick with 4-direction control and selector
• Reset, Wakeup or Tamper, and Key buttons
• 4 color user LEDs
• 2 LEDs for MCU power range indicator
• ECG, pressure sensor and PT100 temperature
sensor connected to the 16-bit Sigma Delta
ADC of STM32F373VCT6
• Extension connectors for daughter board or
wrapping board
• MCU voltage: 3.3 V or adjustable 2.0 V - 3.6 V
• USB FS connector
• Touch slider
• RTC with backup battery
• CAN 2.0 A/B compliant connection
• Light dependent resistor (LDR)
• Two HDMI connectors with DDC and CEC
• IR transmitter and receiver
• Two ADC & DAC input and output signal
connectors and one Sigma Delta ADC input
signal connector
• STM32F373VCT6 microcontroller
• Four 5 V power supply options:
– Power jack
– ST-LINK/V2 USB connector
– User USB connector
– Daughter board
• Potentiometer
• JTAG/SWD and ETM trace debug support
• Embedded ST-LINK/V2
• Audio jack connected to I2S DAC
• Microphone connected to ADC through an
• 2-GByte (or more) MicroSD card on SPI
• Three components on I2C bus: temperature
sensor, EEPROM and dual interface RF
September 2014
DocID023608 Rev 3
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
The STM32373C-EVAL evaluation board is designed as a complete demonstration and
development platform for STMicroelectronics ARM Cortex-M4 core-based
STM32F373VCT6 microcontroller. It features two I2Cs, three SPIs, three USARTs, one
CAN, one CEC controller, one 12-bit ADC, three 16-bit sigma delta ADCs, three 12-bit
DACs, internal 32-KByte SRAM and 256-KByte Flash, touch sensing slider, USB FS, and
JTAG debugging support. This evaluation board can be used as a reference design for user
application development but it is not considered as the final application.
The full range of hardware features on the board can help the user evaluate all peripherals
(USB FS, USART, audio DAC, microphone ADC, dot-matrix LCD, IrDA, LDR, MicroSD card,
HDMI CEC, ECG, pressure sensor, CAN, IR transmitter and receiver, EEPROM, touch
slider, temperature sensor, etc.) and develop their own applications. Extension headers
make it possible to easily connect a daughter board or wrapping board for a specific
An ST-LINK/V2 is integrated on the board as an embedded in-circuit debugger and
programmer for the STM32 MCU.
The STM32373C-EVAL evaluation board does not support STM32F3x8 MCUs (1.65 V to
1.95 V power supply).
Ordering information
To order the evaluation board for STM32F373xx microcontrollers, use the
STM32373C-EVAL order code.
Revision history
Table 1. Document revision history
Initial release.
Modified title and added Ordering information.
Added information on STM32F383xx MCUs in Description.
Replaced “STM32F383xx MCUs” by “STM32F3x8 MCUs”
DocID023608 Rev 3
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DocID023608 Rev 3
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