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TSC101AIYLT 数据手册
TSC101 High side current sense amplifier Features ■ Independent supply and input common-mode voltages ■ Wide common-mode operating range: 2.8 to 30 V ■ Wide common-mode surviving range: -0.3 to 60 V (load-dump) ■ Wide supply voltage range: 4 to 24 V ■ Low current consumption: ICC max = 300 µA ■ Internally fixed gain: 20 V/V, 50 V/V or 100 V/V ■ Buffered output L SOT23-5 (Plastic package) Pin connections (top view) Applications ■ Automotive current monitoring ■ Notebook computers ■ DC motor controls ■ Photovoltaic systems ■ Battery chargers ■ Precision current sources Out 1 5 Vcc Gnd 2 Vp 3 4 Vm The input common-mode and power supply voltages are independent. The common-mode voltage can range from 2.8 to 30 V in operating conditions and up to 60 V in absolute maximum rating conditions. Description The TSC101 measures a small differential voltage on a high-side shunt resistor and translates it into a ground-referenced output voltage. The gain is internally fixed. The current consumption below 300 µA and the wide supply voltage range enable the power supply to be connected to either side of the current measurement shunt with minimal error. Wide input common-mode voltage range, low quiescent current, and tiny SOT23 packaging enable use in a wide variety of applications. March 2011 Doc ID 13313 Rev 3 1/18 www.st.com 18 Application schematics and pin description 1 TSC101 Application schematics and pin description The TSC101 high-side current sense amplifier features a 2.8 to 30 V input common-mode range that is independent of the supply voltage. The main advantage of this feature is that it allows high-side current sensing at voltages much greater than the supply voltage (VCC). Figure 1. Application schematics 6SENSE )LOAD TO6 2 SENSE 6P  2G TO6   LOAD 6M 2G 6##  2G /UT 6OUT!VX6SENSE 'ND  !- Table 1 describes the function of each pin. The pin positions are shown in the illustration on the cover page and in Figure 1 above. Table 1. 2/18 Pin descriptions Symbol Type Function Out Analog output Output voltage, proportional to the magnitude of the sense voltage Vp-Vm. Gnd Power supply Ground line VCC Power supply Positive power supply line Vp Analog input Connection for the external sense resistor. The measured current enters the shunt on the Vp side. Vm Analog input Connection for the external sense resistor. The measured current exits the shunt on the Vm side. Doc ID 13313 Rev 3 TSC101 2 Absolute maximum ratings and operating conditions Absolute maximum ratings and operating conditions Table 2. Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Vid Vi Parameter Input pins differential voltage (Vp-Vm) Input pin voltages (Vp and Vm) (1) (1) Value Unit ±60 V -0.3 to 60 V -0.3 to 25 V VCC DC supply voltage Vout DC output pin voltage(1) -0.3 to VCC V Tstg Storage temperature -55 to 150 °C Maximum junction temperature 150 °C SOT23-5 thermal resistance junction to ambient 250 °C/W HBM: human body model(2) 2.5 kV 150 V 1.5 kV Tj Rthja ESD MM: machine model (3) CDM: charged device model(4) 1. Voltage values are measured with respect to the ground pin. 2. Human body model: a 100 pF capacitor is charged to the specified voltage, then discharged through a 1.5kΩ resistor between two pins of the device. This is done for all couples of connected pin combinations while the other pins are floating. 3. Machine model: a 200 pF capacitor is charged to the specified voltage, then discharged directly between two pins of the device with no external series resistor (internal resistor < 5 Ω). This is done for all couples of connected pin combinations while the other pins are floating. 4. Charged device model: all pins plus package are charged together to the specified voltage and then discharged directly to the ground. Table 3. Symbol Operating conditions Parameter VCC DC supply voltage from Tmin to Tmax Toper Operational temperature range (Tmin to Tmax) Vicm Common mode voltage range Doc ID 13313 Rev 3 Value Unit 4.0 to 24 V -40 to 125 °C 2.8 to 30 V 3/18 Electrical characteristics TSC101 3 Electrical characteristics Table 4. Supply(1) Symbol ICC Parameter Total supply current Test conditions Min. Vsense = 0 V Tmin < Tamb < Tmax Typ. Max. Unit 165 300 µA 1. Unless otherwise specified, the test conditions are Tamb = 25°C, VCC = 12 V, Vsense = Vp-Vm = 50 mV, Vm = 12 V, no load on Out. Table 5. Symbol Input(1) Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit CMR Common mode rejection Variation of Vout versus Vicm referred to input(2) 2.8 V < Vicm < 30 V Tmin < Tamb < Tmax 90 105 dB SVR Supply voltage rejection Variation of Vout versus VCC(3) 4.0 V < VCC < 24 V Vsense = 30 mV Tmin < Tamb < Tmax 90 105 dB Vos Input offset voltage(4) Tamb = 25° C Tmin < Tamb < Tmax ±0.2 ±0.9 dVos/dT Input offset drift vs. T Tmin < Tamb < Tmax -3 Ilk Input leakage current VCC = 0 V Tmin < Tamb < Tmax Iib Input bias current Vsense = 0 V Tmin < Tamb < Tmax 5.5 ±1.5 ±2.3 mV µV/°C 1 µA 8 µA 1. Unless otherwise specified, the test conditions are Tamb = 25°C, VCC = 12 V, Vsense = Vp-Vm = 50 mV, Vm = 12 V, no load on Out. 2. See Section 4.1: Common mode rejection ratio (CMR) on page 11 for the definition of CMR. 3. See Section 4.2: Supply voltage rejection ratio (SVR) on page 11 for the definition of SVR. 4. See Section 4.3: Gain (Av) and input offset voltage (Vos) on page 11 for the definition of Vos. 4/18 Doc ID 13313 Rev 3 TSC101 Table 6. Electrical characteristics Output(1) Symbol Parameter Test conditions Av Gain TSC101A TSC101B TSC101C ΔAv Gain accuracy Tamb = 25°C Tmin < Tamb < Tmax Output voltage drift vs. T(2) Tmin < Tamb < Tmax ΔVout/ΔT ΔVout/ΔIout Output stage load regulation Min. Typ. Max. 20 50 100 V/V ±2.5 ±4.5 0.4 -10 mA < Iout
TSC101AIYLT 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 3000+7.05365
    • 6000+6.96511


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 3000+7.311383000+0.88506
    • 6000+7.219606000+0.87395


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 8+10.393098+1.25811
    • 10+10.2930410+1.24600
    • 25+10.1942025+1.23404
    • 100+10.09415100+1.22192
    • 250+7.53492250+0.91212
    • 500+7.45950500+0.90299
    • 1000+7.384081000+0.89386




      •  国内价格
      • 1+9.64332
      • 10+7.48585
      • 25+7.41396
      • 100+7.34120
      • 250+7.26931
      • 500+7.19655
      • 1000+7.12379


