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    PQ60280FTB26NYS-G - Full-brick DC/DC Converter - SynQor Worldwide Headquarters

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PQ60280FTB26NYS-G 数据手册
Technical S pecification PQ60280FTA26 48V in Input I nput 28Vout Output 26Amp Current 2250Vdc Isolation Full-brick DC/DC Conver ter The PQ 6028 0FTA26 Po we r Qor ® Te r a c o nve r te r i s a n i s o l ated , fixed s witch ing fre qu en cy DC /DC c on ver ter th at us es synchronous rectification and a patented topology to a ch ieve extr emel y high e fficien cy a nd p owe r den s ity. Th is mo du le is ide al ly s uite d to su p po rt wir el es s b a se sta tion amplifie rs an d for applicatio ns to drive co ol ing fans us ed in n et wor ki ng s ys t ems , s erv er s an d da t a s t or a ge un it s . Th e Ter a s eri es co nver ter s o ffer in d us try l ead in g us ea bl e ou tp ut p ower for a ny s ta n da r d “ fu ll -b r ick ” mo du l e. Th es e 28 Vou t mod ul es a r e a v a i l a b l e i n o p e n f r a m e a n d b a s e p l a t e d v e r s i o n s . R oH S compliant (see page 13 ). Operational Features • Ultra-high efficiency, 95% at full rated load current, 96% at half rated load current • Delivers up to 728 Watts of output power with minimal derating • Input voltage range: 36V – 75V, with 100V for 100ms input transient capability • Fixed frequency switching provides predictable EMI performance • On-board input and output filtering PQ60280FTA26 Module Pr otection Features Pr • Input under-voltage lockout disables converter at low input voltage conditions • Output current limit and short circuit protection protects converter and load from damage • Active back bias limit prevents damage to converter from external load induced pre-bias • Output over-voltage protection • Thermal shutdown Mechanical Features • Industry standard full-brick pin-out configuration • Industry standard size: 4.6” x 2.4” (116.8 x 61.0mm) • Total height only 0.50” (12.7mm), open frame unit only 0.43” (10.8mm) • Total weight: 10.0oz. (284 grams), open frame unit only 5.0 oz. (142 grams) Contr ol Features • Fully isolated On/Off control (positive and negative logic options are available) • Remote sense for the output voltage compensates for output distribution drops • Output voltage trim permits custom voltages and voltage margining • Synchronization feature available (full feature only) • Paralleling capability Safety Features • 2250V, 30 MW input-to-output isolation • UL/cUL 60950-1 recognized (US & Canada), basic insulation rating • TUV certified to EN60950-1 • Meets 72/23/EEC and 93/68/EEC directives • Meets UL94V-0 flammability requirements Product # PQ60280FTA26 Phone 1-888-567-9596 www.synqor.com Doc.# 005-2FT628P Rev. C 4/17/08 Page 1 Technical Specification MECHANICAL DIAGRAM (open frame) 0.20 0.45 (11.4) (5.1) Input: Output: Current: Package: 36-75 V 28 V 26 A Full-brick 2.40 (60.96) 1.750 4.60 (116.8) (44.45) 1.400 (35.56) 1.150 (29.21) 4.20 (106.7) 0.900 (22.86) 0.500 (12.7) 0.250 (6.35) 0.050 (1.27) Top View 1.250 (31.75) 0.850 (21.59) 0.450 (11.43) 0.300 (7.62) 0.150 (3.81) 1 2 3 4 5 6 18 17 16 15 14 13 7 8 9 10 11 12 3.150 (80.01) 0.150 (3.81) 0.300 (7.62) 0.450 (11.43) 0.600 (15.24) 0.750 (19.05) Bottom side Clearance 0.033 ±0.027 (0.84 ±0.68) Side View 0.180 (4.57) See Note 3 Load Board Overall Height 0.395 ±0.025 (10.03 ±0.63) NOTES PIN DESIGNATIONS Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Name SyncIn SyncOut +ON/OFF – ON/OFF Vin(+) Vin(–) Vaux IOG PARALLEL TRIM SENSE(+) SENSE(–) Vout(–) Vout(–) Vout(–) Vout(+) Vout(+) Vout(+) Function Synchronization Input (full feature versions only) Synchronization Output (full feature versions only) Turn converter on and off, referenced to – ON/OFF Fully isolated ground Positive input voltage Negative input voltage Remote ON/OFF power, referenced to Vout(–) Power Good or Inverted Operation Good Current share Output voltage trim1 Positive remote sense2 Negative remote sense3 Negative output voltage Negative output voltage Negative output voltage Positive output voltage Positive output voltage Positive output voltage 5/21/08 Page 2 1) Pins 1-4, 7-12 are 0.040” (1.02mm) diameter, with 0.080” (2.03mm) diameter standoff shoulders. 2) Pins 5-6, 13-18 are 0.080” (2.03 mm) diameter with 0.125” (3.18mm) diameter standoff shoulders. 3) Other pin extension lengths available. Recommended pin length is 0.03” (0.76mm) greater than the PCB thickness. 4) All Pins: Material - Copper Alloy Finish - Matte Tin over Nickel plate 5) Undimensioned components are shown for visual reference only. 6) All dimensions in inches (mm) Tolerances: x.xx +/-0.02 in. (x.x +/-0.5mm) x.xxx +/-0.010 in. (x.xx +/-0.25mm) 7) Weight: 5 oz. (142 g) typical 8) Workmanship: Meets or exceeds current IPC-A-610 Class II 9) UL/TUV standards require a clearance greater than 0.04” (1.02mm) between input and output for Basic insulation. This issue should be considered if any copper traces are on the top side of the user’s board. Note that the ferrite cores are considered part of the input/primary circuit. Pin Designations Notes: 1. Leave TRIM pin open for nominal output voltage. 2. SENSE(+) should be connected to Vout(+) either remotely or at the converter. 3. SENSE(–) should be connected to Vout(–) either remotely or at the converter. Product # PQ60280FTA26 Phone 1-888-567-9596 www.synqor.com Doc.# 005-2FT628P Rev. C Technical Specification MECHANICAL DIAGRAM (base-plated) 4.20 0.45 (11.4) (106.7) Input: Output: Current: Package: 36-75 V 28 V 26 A Full-brick 1.750 (44.45) 1.400 (35.56) 1.150 (29.21) 4.60 (116.8) 0.900 (22.86) 0.500 (12.7) 0.250 (6.35) 2.000 (50.8) 0.20 (5.1) (1.27) 0.050 Top View 1.250 (31.75) 0.850 (21.59) 0.450 (11.43) 0.300 (7.62) 0.150 (3.81) 1 2 3 4 5 6 18 17 16 2.40 (60.96) 15 14 13 7 8 9 10 11 12 0.20 (5.1) 3.150 (80.01) 0.150 (3.81) 0.300 (7.62) 0.450 (11.43) 0.600 (15.24) 0.750 (19.05) Bottom side Clearance 0.061 +0.019 / -0.022 (1.55 +0.48 / -0.55) Side View M3 Non-Threaded or Threaded Standoff 4 Places (see Note 10 for threaded version) 0.180 Load Board (4.57) See Note 3 Overall Height 0.492 +0.002 / -0.005 (12.5 +0.05 / -0.12) NOTES PIN DESIGNATIONS Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Name SyncIn SyncOut +ON/OFF – ON/OFF Vin(+) Vin(–) Vaux IOG PARALLEL TRIM SENSE(+) SENSE(–) Vout(–) Vout(–) Vout(–) Vout(+) Vout(+) Vout(+) Function Synchronization Input (full feature versions only) Synchronization Output (full feature versions only) Turn converter on and off, referenced to – ON/OFF Fully isolated ground Positive input voltage Negative input voltage Remote ON/OFF power, referenced to Vout(–) Power Good or Inverted Operation Good Current share Output voltage trim1 Positive remote sense2 Negative remote sense3 Negative output voltage Negative output voltage Negative output voltage Positive output voltage Positive output voltage Positive output voltage 5/21/08 Page 3 1) Pins 1-4, 7-12 are 0.040” (1.02mm) diameter, with 0.080” (2.03mm) diameter standoff shoulders. 2) Pins 5-6, 13-18 are 0.080” (2.03 mm) diameter with 0.125” (3.18mm) diameter standoff shoulders. 3) Other pin extension lengths available. Recommended pin length is 0.03” (0.76mm) greater than the PCB thickness. 4) All Pins: Material - Copper Alloy Finish - Matte Tin over Nickel plate 5) Undimensioned components are shown for visual reference only. 6) All dimensions in inches (mm) Tolerances: x.xx +/-0.02 in. (x.x +/-0.5mm) x.xxx +/-0.010 in. (x.xx +/-0.25mm) 7) Weight: 10 oz. (284 g) typical 8) Workmanship: Meets or exceeds IPC-A-610C Class II 9) UL/TUV standards require a clearance greater than 0.04” (1.02mm) between input and output for Basic insulation. This issue should be considered if any copper traces are on the top side of the user’s board. Note that the ferrite cores are considered part of the input/primary circuit. 10) Applied torque per screw should not exceed 3 in-lb (.33Nm) Pin Designations Notes: 1. Leave TRIM pin open for nominal output voltage. 2. SENSE(+) should be connected to Vout(+) either remotely or at the converter. 3. SENSE(–) should be connected to Vout(–) either remotely or at the converter. Product # PQ60280FTA26 Phone 1-888-567-9596 www.synqor.com Doc.# 005-2FT628P Rev. C Technical Specification PQ60280FTA26 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Parameter ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Input: Output: Current: Package: 36-75 V 28 V 26 A Full-brick TA=25°C, airflow rate=300 LFM, Vin=48Vdc unless otherwise noted; full operating temperature range is -40°C to +100°C ambient temperature with appropriate power derating. Specifications subject to change without notice. Min. Typ. Max. 100 80 100 2250 100 125 18 48 33.3 31.0 2.3 220 42 3 0.2 \ 8.0 200 0.20 28.00 75 34.7 32.4 22.0 250 65 0.1 60 30 1.00 28.25 Units V V V V °C °C V V V V V A mA mA A 2s mA A A µH\µF µF Notes & Conditions Continuous Continuous 100ms transient Basic insulation level, Pollution degree 2 Input Voltage Non-Operating Operating Operating Transient Protection Isolation Voltage (input to output) Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Voltage at ON/OFF input pin Operating Input Voltage Range Input Under-Voltage Lockout Turn-On Voltage Threshold Turn-Off Voltage Threshold Lockout Voltage Hysteresis Maximum Input Current No-Load Input Current Disabled Input Current Inrush Current Transient Rating Input Reflected Ripple Current Input Terminal Ripple Current Recommended Input Fuse Input Filter Component Values (L\C) Recommended External Input Capacitance Recommended External Input Capacitor ESR1 Output Voltage Set Point Output Voltage Regulation Over Line Over Load Over Temperature Total Output Voltage Range Output Voltage Ripple and Noise1 Peak-to-Peak RMS Operating Output Current Range Output DC Current-Limit Inception Back-Drive Current-Limit While Enabled Back-Drive Current-Limit While Disabled Current Share Accuracy (2 units paralleled) Maximum Output Capacitance Input Voltage Ripple Rejection Output Voltage during Load Current Transient For a Step Change in Output Current (0.1A/µs) For a Step Change in Output Current (5A/µs) Settling Time Turn-On Transient Turn-On Time Startup Delay: First Startup Delay: Restart Inhibit Delay: Output Voltage Overshoot 100% Load 50% Load Semiconductor Junction Temperature Board Temperature Transformer Temperature Maximum Baseplate Temperature2 Isolation Voltage (dielectric strength) Isolation Resistance Isolation Capacitance3 -40 -55 -2 36 31.5 29.5 INPUT CHARACTERISTICS 100% Load, 36 Vin 0.04 27.75 W V RMS thru 4.7µH inductor; Figures 11 & 13 RMS; Figures 11 & 12 Fast blow external fuse recommended Internal values Typical ESR 0.2W, see Figure 11 100kHz, -40ºC to 100ºC OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS 27.50 +0.05 \ 28 +0.10 \ 28 +0.1 \ 28 +0.2 \ 56 +45 +90 28.50 180 40 30.2 3.40 0.30 2.5 30 1500 800 150 250 50 26 32.0 5.00 0.45 4,000 %\mV %\mV mV V mV mV A A A A A µF dB mV mV µs 0 28.0 1.50 0.14 Over sample, line, load, temperature & life 20MHz bandwidth; Figures 11 & 14 Full Load; see Figures 11 & 14 Full Load; see Figures 11 & 14 Subject to thermal derating; Figures 5 - 6 Output Voltage 10% Low; Figure 22 Negative current drawn from output Negative current drawn from output 28Vout at 26A Resistive Load 120 Hz; Figure 18 50-75-50% Iout max; 47µF cap; Figure 9 50-75-50% Iout max; 47µF cap; Figure 10 To within 1% Vout nom Full load, Vout=90% nom.; Figures 7 & 8 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS 25 30 2 200 320 0 95 96 35 ms ms ms ms % % % 4,000 µF load capacitance, Iout = 26A resistive load Figures 1 - 4 (Figure 21 for baseplated) Figures 1 - 4 (Figure 21 for baseplated) Package rated to 150°C UL rated max operating temp 130°C See Figures 5 - 6 for derating curve Applies to baseplated units only EFFICIENCY TEMPERATURE LIMITS FOR POWER DERATING CURVES 125 125 125 100 2250 30 3300 °C °C °C °C V MW pF ISOLATION CHARACTERISTICS Note 1: For applications requiring reduced output voltage ripple and noise, consult SynQor applications support (e-mail: support@synqor.com) Note 2: There is no derating with a baseplate temperature of 100ºC or lower. Note 3: Higher values of isolation capacitance can be added external to the module. Product # PQ60280FTA26 Phone 1-888-567-9596 www.synqor.com Doc.# 005-2FT628P Rev. C 5/21/08 Page 4 Technical Specification ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Parameter P FEATURE CHARACTERISTICS Switching Frequency ON/OFF Control (Option P) On Current (threshold) Off Current (threshold) ON/OFF Control (Option N) On Current (threshold) Off Current (threshold) Maximum allowable current through ON/OFF Pin Auxiliary Power Supply Voltage Auxiliary Power Supply Current Output Voltage Trim Range Output Voltage Remote Sense Range Output Over-Voltage Protection Over-Temperature Shutdown Over-Temperature Shutdown Restart Hysteresis Load Current Scale Factor RELIABILITY CHARACTERISTICS Calculated MTBF (Telcordia) Calculated MTBF (MIL-217) Field Demonstrated MTBF Input: Output: Current: Package: 36-75 V 28 V 26 A Full-brick Min. 275 0.1 Typ. 300 0.5 Max. 325 1 50 50 1 4 9.0 20.0 +15 +15 37 Units kHz mA µA µA mA mA V mA % % V °C °C Notes & Conditions Regulation and isolation stages 0.1 6.0 0.0 -50 33 0.5 35 120 10 833 2.13 1.93 TBD Measured across Pins 9 & 5; Figure C Measured across Pins 9 & 5 Over full temp range; % of nominal Vout Average PCB Temperature See App Note: Output Load Current Calc. 106 Hrs. TR-NWT-000332; 80% load,300LFM, 40°C Ta 106 Hrs. MIL-HDBK-217F; 80% load, 300LFM, 40°C Ta 106 Hrs. See our website for details STANDARDS COMPLIANCE Parameter P STANDARDS COMPLIANCE Notes File # E194341, Basic insulation & pollution degree 2 Certified by TUV Test on entire assembly; board & plastic components UL94V-0 compliant ESD test, 8kV - NP, 15kV air - NP (Normal Performance) Section 7 - electrical safety, Section 9 - bonding/grounding UL/cUL 60950-1 EN60950-1 72/23/EEC 93/68/EEC Needle Flame Test (IEC 695-2-2) IEC 61000-4-2 GR-1089-CORE Telcordia (Bellcore) GR-513 • An external input fuse must always be used to meet these safety requirements. Contact SynQor for official safety certificates on new releases or download from the SynQor website. QUALIFICATION TESTING Parameter P QUALIFICATION TESTING # Units 32 5 5 10 5 5 5 15 pins Test Conditions 10-55Hz sweep, 0.060” total excursion,1 min./sweep, 120 sweeps for 3 axis Life Test Vibration Mechanical Shock Temperature Cycling Power/Thermal Cycling Design Marginality Humidity Solderability 95% rated Vin and load, units at derating point, 1000 hours 100g minimum, 2 drops in x and y axis, 1 drop in z axis -40°C to 100°C, unit temp. ramp 15°C/min., 500 cycles Toperating = min to max, Vin = min to max, full load, 100 cycles Tmin-10°C to Tmax+10°C, 5°C steps, Vin = min to max, 0-105% load 85°C, 85% RH, 1000 hours, 2 minutes on and 6 hours off MIL-STD-883, method 2003 and JESD22-B102D • Extensive characterization testing of all SynQor products and manufacturing processes is performed to ensure that we supply robust, reliable product. Contact the factory for official product family qualification documents. OPTIONS SynQor provides various options for this family of dc-dc converters. Please consult the last page for additional information. PATENTS SynQor is protected under various patents. Please consult the last page for further details. Product # PQ60280FTA26 Phone 1-888-567-9596 www.synqor.com Doc.# 005-2FT628P Rev. C 5/21/08 Page 5 Technical Specification 100 98 96 94 100 98 96 Input: Output: Current: Package: 36-75 V 28 V 26 A Full-brick Efficiency (%) 94 92 90 88 86 84 0 3 5 8 10 13 16 18 21 23 26 36 Vin 48 Vin 75 Vin Efficiency (%) 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 100 200 300 400 25 ºC 40 ºC 55 ºC Load Current (A) Air Flow (LFM) Figure 1: Efficiency at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25°C. Figure 2: Efficiency at nominal output voltage and 60% rated power vs. airflow rate for ambient air temperatures of 25°C, 40°C, and 55°C (nominal input voltage). 32 30 28 50 45 40 Power Dissipation (W) 35 30 25 20 15 36 Vin 10 5 0 0 3 5 8 10 13 16 18 21 23 26 48 Vin 75 Vin Power Dissipation (W) 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 100 200 300 400 25 ºC 40 ºC 55 ºC Load Current (A) Air Flow (LFM) Figure 3: Power dissipation at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25°C. Figure 4: Power dissipation at nominal output voltage and 60% rated power vs. airflow rate for ambient air temperatures of 25°C, 40°C, and 55°C (nominal input voltage). 25 20 Iout (A) 15 10 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 5 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s) 0 0 25 40 55 70 85 Ambient Air Temperature (ºC) Semiconductor junction temperature is within 1°C of surface temperature Figure 5: Maximum output power derating curves vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM with air flowing from pin 1 to pin 2 (nominal input voltage). See Figure 21 for baseplate derating curve. Product # PQ60280FTA26 Phone 1-888-567-9596 Figure 6: Thermal plot of converter at 14.7 amp load current (411.6W) with 55°C air flowing at the rate of 200 LFM. Air is flowing from pin 1 to pin 2 (nominal input voltage). Doc.# 005-2FT628P Rev. C 5/21/08 Page 6 www.synqor.com Technical Specification Input: Output: Current: Package: 36-75 V 28 V 26 A Full-brick Figure 7: Turn-on transient at full load (resistive load) (10 ms/div). Input voltage pre-applied. Top Trace: Vout (10V/div). Bottom Trace: ON/OFF input (10V/div) Figure 8: Turn-on transient at zero load (10 ms/div). Top Trace: Vout (10V/div). Bottom Trace: ON/OFF input (10V/div) Figure 9: Output voltage response to step-change in load current (50%-75%50% of Iout(max); dI/dt = 0.1A/µ s). Load cap: 47µ F, ceramic output capacitance. Top trace: Vout (1V/div). Bottom trace: Iout (5A/div). Figure 10: Output voltage response to step-change in load current (50%-75%50% of Iout(max): dI/dt = 5A/µ s). Load cap: 47µ F, ceramic output capacitance. Top trace: Vout (2V/div). Bottom trace: Iout (5A/div). See Fig. 13 4.7 µH source impedance See Fig. 12 See Fig. 14 Vin iS VSOURCE iC DC/DC Converter VOUT 15 µF, 2*6.8 µF ceramic tantalum and capacitor 1µF ceramic capacitor 200 µF, electrolytic capacitor Iin Figure 11: Test set-up diagram showing measurement points for Input Terminal Ripple Current (Figure 12), Input Reflected Ripple Current (Figure 13) and Output Voltage Ripple (Figure 14). Product # PQ60280FTA26 Phone 1-888-567-9596 Figure 12: Input Terminal Ripple Current, ic, at full rated output current and 75V input voltage with 4.7µ H source impedance and 200µ F electrolytic capacitor (Ch2 5A/div). (See Figure 11). Doc.# 005-2FT628P Rev. C 5/21/08 Page 7 www.synqor.com Technical Specification Input: Output: Current: Package: 36-75 V 28 V 26 A Full-brick 0A 13A 26A Figure 13: Input reflected ripple current, is, through a 4.7 µ H source inductor at 75V input voltage and rated load current (50 mA/div). (See Figure 11). Figure 14: Output voltage ripple at nominal input voltage and rated load current (200 mV/div). Load capacitance: two 6.8µ F ceramic capacitors and 15µ F tantalum capacitor. Bandwidth: 20 MHz. (See Figure 11). Figure 15: Output voltage response to step-change in input voltage (1000V/ms). Load cap: no output capacitance. Ch 1: Vout (2V/div), Ch 2: Vin (20V/div). 10 Figure 16: Load current (20A/div) as a function of time when the converter attempts to turn on into a 1 mW short circuit. 10 Forward Transmission (dB) Output Impedance (ohms) 1 0 -10 0.1 -20 0.01 35 Vin 48 Vin 75 Vin -30 35 Vin 48 Vin 75 Vin 0.001 -40 0.0001 100 1,000 -50 Hz 10,000 100,000 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Hz Figure 17: Magnitude of incremental output impedance (Zout = vout/iout) for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at full rated power. Product # PQ60280FTA26 Phone 1-888-567-9596 Figure 18: Magnitude of incremental forward transmission (FT = vout/vin) for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at full rated power. Doc.# 005-2FT628P Rev. C 5/21/08 Page 8 www.synqor.com Technical Specification 15 10 100 Input: Output: Current: Package: 36-75 V 28 V 26 A Full-brick Reverse Transmission (dB) Input Impedance (ohms) 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 10 1 35 Vin 48 Vin 75 Vin 0.1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 35 Vin 48 Vin 75 Vin Hz Hz Figure 19: Magnitude of incremental reverse transmission (RT = iin/iout) for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at full rated power. 27 24 21 18 Figure 20: Magnitude of incremental input impedance (Zin = vin/iin) for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at full rated power. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 25 40 55 70 85 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 15 12 9 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 6 3 0 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s) Ambient Air Temperature (ºC) Output Voltage (V) Iout (A) Load Current (A) Figure 21: Baseplated unit maximum output power derating curves vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM with air flowing from input to output (nominal input voltage). No derating if baseplate is
PQ60280FTB26NYS-G 价格&库存

