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Document Number: EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B Revision: 1.2 Release Date: 08/11/2010 ARM Reference Board Application Note InvenSense ARM Reference Board Application Note A printed copy of this document is NOT UNDER REVISION CONTROL unless it is dated and stamped in red ink as, “REVISION CONTROLLED COPY.” InvenSense, Inc., 1197 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale, Ca 94089, USA Tel: +1 (408) 988-7339 Fax: +1 (408) 988-8104 Website: http//www.invensense.com 1 EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B ©2010 InvenSense, Inc. All rights reserved. Document Number: EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B Revision: 1.2 Release Date: 08/11/2010 ARM Reference Board Application Note 1. Revision History Date Revision Description 05/26/2010 1.0 Initial release 06/23/2010 1.1 Updated BOM, added mechanical drawings for select components, added firmware revision note. 08/11/2010 1.2 Updated firmware revision in Section 10. InvenSense, Inc., 1197 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale, Ca 94089, USA Tel: +1 (408) 988-7339 Fax: +1 (408) 988-8104 Website: http//www.invensense.com 2 EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B ©2010 InvenSense, Inc. All rights reserved. Document Number: EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B Revision: 1.2 Release Date: 08/11/2010 ARM Reference Board Application Note CONTENTS 1.  REVISION HISTORY ....................................................................................................................................... 2  2.  PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................................... 4  3.  USAGE ......................................................................................................................................................... 4  4.  OTHER DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 4  5.  SCHEMATIC .................................................................................................................................................. 5  6.  BOARD PHOTO ............................................................................................................................................. 6  7.  COMPONENT LAYER SILK SCREEN................................................................................................................. 7  8.  TABLE 1. BILL OF MATERIALS (PARTS STUFFING LIST) .................................................................................... 8  9.  MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR SELECTED BOM ITEMS .................................................................................... 9  10.  PROGRAMMING THE ARM AT91 MCU......................................................................................................... 11  InvenSense, Inc., 1197 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale, Ca 94089, USA Tel: +1 (408) 988-7339 Fax: +1 (408) 988-8104 Website: http//www.invensense.com 3 EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B ©2010 InvenSense, Inc. All rights reserved. Document Number: EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B Revision: 1.2 Release Date: 08/11/2010 ARM Reference Board Application Note 2. Purpose This document describes the hardware and circuitry of the RB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_A reference board (also known as InvenSense ARM board). 3. Usage This reference board provides a bridge function between InvenSense evaluation boards and a PC. It connects to a PC via USB and to InvenSense evaluation boards via SPI or I2C. The figure below shows the ARM board connecting an IMU-3000 evaluation board to a Windows PC. (Note that the ARM board is used as a general-purpose bridge and can also be used with other InvenSense EVBs, including the ITG-3xxx and MPU-3xxx family of devices.) The ARM processor on the reference board is not meant to be reprogrammed by the user. It contains all code necessary to be used in conjunction InvenSense evaluation boards. Note that separate demonstration software may accompany the individual evaluation boards with which this device connects. Figure 1. Example of ARM Board Used as Bridge between PC and IMU-3000 Evaluation Board. Note that the ARM board is used as a general-purpose bridge and can also be used with other InvenSense EVBs, including the ITG-3xxx and MPU-3xxx family of devices. 4. Other Documents Since the ARM board is meant to bridge between InvenSense evaluation boards and a PC, this document should be used in conjunction with the documents related to the particular board that is being used with the ARM Board. InvenSense, Inc., 1197 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale, Ca 94089, USA Tel: +1 (408) 988-7339 Fax: +1 (408) 988-8104 Website: http//www.invensense.com 4 EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B ©2010 InvenSense, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 4 ARM_3V0 S 2 1 Q1 DNS_P-MOS SI2301ADS/SOT23 SOT23GSD ARM_3V0 BP1 0.1uF USB_DP_PUP G S G D D DM DP TDI TDO TMS 33 49 51 53 TDI TDO TMS TCK 39 40 50 55 RST TEST MODE JTAG_SEL ERASE 9 10 13 16 3 4 5 6 AD0/ PA17/ PGMD5 AD1/ PA18/ PGMD6 AD2/ PA19/ PMGD7 AD3/ PA20/ PGMD8 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 ARM_3V0 1 NRST 2 4 JP4 HEADER 3X2, Male, 180D, 2.0mmx2.0mm 1 ARM_3V0 1 3 TST JTAGSEL ERASE C9 10uF/0603 ADC_VREF 1 DC 5V @1A 1 2 3 1 2 BP15 0.1uF JP6 DNS_HEADER 2, 100mil GND EN NC ARM_3V0 BP14 0.1uF 4 3V3@0.6A AD4 AD6 PA18 PA19 PA23 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 2 4 6 8 10 12 1 3 5 7 9 11 AD5 AD7 PA21 PA22 PA24 ARM_3V0 R16 DNS_0/0402 JP9 HEADER 3 1 2 3 BP16 0.1uF ARM_3V0 1 ARM_3V0 A I2C 1 2 3 4 PA4_SCL PA3 1 C13 DNS_10pF/0402 Y1 Crystal 18.432MHz@50ppm, SMD5032 JP3 DNS_WAFER 4, 2.0mm , 90D B ARM_3V0 R50 0R/0402 R51 0R/0402 PA14_CLK PA13_MOSI PA12_MISO A User Header (Female) Invensense 1197 Borregas Ave TP1 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 TEST-POINT H1  1 4 2 R45 2K/0402 1 PA11_/SPI_CS PA30_INT2 PA7_D_IO PA20_INT1 PA17_TEMP USB_5V JP14 JP2P1_8X1_3S 4 C JP1 WAFER 4, 2.0mm , 90D 1 PA4 PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0 3 C12 DNS_10pF/0402 1 JP13 JP2P1_8X1_3S 1 UART for Debug 1 2 3 4 R46 2K/0402 JP7 HEADER 10X2, Female, 90D, 2.54mmx2.54mm 1 JP8 DNS_HEADER 6X2, Male, 180D, 2.0mmx2.0mm 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 C VDD_FLASH VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO A ARM_3V0 TXD RXD 1 USB_5V Reserved 5 R8 510/0402 1 PA6_HPS SW2 PUSH SW TSW2P7_1X6_6 1 R15 100K/1%/0402 1 A 1 ARM_3V0 C14 10uF/0603 1 LED_GRN_0805 PA24 PA23 PA22 PA21 2 U2 YB1231ST25X330 SOT235 Vin OUT 5 R11 1K/0603 LED1 R14 1M/0603 C11 0.01uF/25V/0402 1 USB_5V LED_RED_0805 ARM_3V0 R13 100/0603 R12 1.5K/0402 BP13 0.1uF ARM_3V0 JP5 DNS_HEADER 3X2, Male, 180D, 2.0mmx2.0mm BP12 0.1uF 1 L4 BEAD/0603 L0603 PLL_RC XOUT 1 3 5 52 42 41 38 37 26 25 23 15 14 11 19 20 21 22 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 43 44 47 48 LED2 ARM_3V0 XIN 2 4 6 for Debug PUSH SW TSW2P7_1X6_6 B ADC_VREF ARM_3V0 R10 100K/1%/0402 SW1 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 63 TDO 2 4 6 8 TDI TMS TCK PA18 PA19 C10 1000pF/0402 R9 0/0402 RTCK H/W Reset AD3 RP1 10Kx4/0603 1 CON2 DNS_DC-JACK 1 3 2 JTAGSEL ERASE PA31 PA30 PA29 PA28 PA27 PA26 PA25 PA24 PA23 PA22 PA21 PA16 PA15 PA14 PA13 PA12 PGMM3/PA11 PGMM2/PA10 PGMM1/PA9 PGMM0/PA8 PGMNVALID/PA7 PGMNOE/PA6 PGMNRDY/PA5 PGMNCMD/PA4 PA3 PGMEN2/PA2 PGMEN1/PA1 PGMEN0/PA0 D C VDDPLL 56 57 AD0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 JTAG NRST TST R7 330K/0402 59 58 45 18 7 64 USB_DM USB_DP 1 5 3 1 1 1 3 5 7 C R6 330K/0402 VDD_IN A1V8_PLL R2 33K/0402 GND GND GND GND TCK VDDCORE VDDCORE VDDCORE U1 AT91SAM7S256 64S.5\470 2 17 46 60 C8 15PF/0402 1 1 ARM_3V0 JP2 HEADER 10x1, Female, 180D, 2.0mm C1 10uF/0603 USB_5V USB_5V R1 22K/0402 4 C7 15PF/0402 12 24 54 XOUT 2 R5 22/0402 1 BP11 0.1uF VDD_OUT PGMCK/XIN BP10 0.1uF 8 61 BP8 0.1uF 1 REG_1V8 R4 22/0402 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 L3 USB CHOKE DLW21HN900SQ2L USB_D4 USB_D+ 1 C6 33pF/0402 BP9 0.1uF C5 10uF/0603 1 L0603 PLLRC L2 BEAD/0603 62 2 8 9 NC2 NC1 R3 1.5K/0402 1 VBUS DM DP ID GND A1V8_PLL BP7 0.1uF C4 10uF/0603 6 7 NC3 NC4 C3 10uF/0603 BP5 0.1uF PWR On CON1 miniUSB-A BP6 0.1uF VBUS_DET ARM_3V0 S USB_5V C2 100pF/0402 BP4 0.1uF 1 G L0603 BP3 0.1uF D D L1 BEAD/0603 BP2 0.1uF 6 4 2 ARM_3V0 R49 0R/0402 3 H2  H3  H4  M1  M2  1 Title Size  Phone: 408-988-7339 Fax: 408-988-8104 www.invensense.com   Document Number Date: 3 InvenSense, Inc., 1197 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA 5 Tel: +1 (408) 988-7339 Fax: +1 (408) 988-8104 ©2010 InvenSense, Inc. All rights reserved. Website: http://www.invensense.com 2 Rev Sheet 1 1 ARM Reference Board Application Note Rev 1.2; 08/11/2010 of 1  Document Number: EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B Revision: 1.2 Release Date: 08/11/2010 ARM Reference Board Application Note 6. Board Photo Figure 3. Component-layer board photo InvenSense, Inc., 1197 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale, Ca 94089, USA Tel: +1 (408) 988-7339 Fax: +1 (408) 988-8104 Website: http//www.invensense.com 6 EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B ©2010 InvenSense, Inc. All rights reserved. Document Number: EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B Revision: 1.2 Release Date: 08/11/2010 ARM Reference Board Application Note 7. Component Layer Silk Screen Figure 4. Component-layer silk screen InvenSense, Inc., 1197 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale, Ca 94089, USA Tel: +1 (408) 988-7339 Fax: +1 (408) 988-8104 Website: http//www.invensense.com 7 EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B ©2010 InvenSense, Inc. All rights reserved. Document Number: EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B Revision: 1.2 Release Date: 08/11/2010 ARM Reference Board Application Note 8. Table 1. Bill of Materials (Parts Stuffing List) Item  Quantity  Reference  1  16  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  1  1  6  1  1  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  3  1  1  1  1  1  2  2  2  1  4  1  2  1  1  1  2  1  1  BP1,BP2,BP3,BP4,BP5,BP6,BP7,BP8,BP9, BP10,BP11,BP12,BP13,BP14,BP15,BP16  CON1  CON2 (DO NOT STUFF)  C1,C3,C4,C5,C9,C14  C2  C6  C7,C8  C10  C11  C12 (DO NOT STUFF)  C13 (DO NOT STUFF)  JP1  JP2  JP3 (DO NOT STUFF)  JP4  JP5 (DO NOT STUFF)  JP6 (DO NOT STUFF)  JP7  JP8 (DO NOT STUFF)  JP9  LED1  LED2  L1,L2,L4  L3  Q1 (DO NOT STUFF)  RP1  R1  R2  R3,R12  R4,R5  R6,R7  R8  R9, R49, R50, R51  R16 (DO NOT STUFF)  R10,R15  R11  R13  R14  R45,R46  SW1 (DO NOT STUFF)  SW2 (DO NOT STUFF)  42  1  U1  43  1  U2  44  45  46  1  1  1  Y1  Blank Printed Circuit Board  Firmware for ARM  InvenSense, Inc., 1197 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale, Ca 94089, USA Tel: +1 (408) 988-7339 Fax: +1 (408) 988-8104 Website: http//www.invensense.com Part  PCB Footprint  0.1uF  C0402  miniUSB‐A  DC Jack  10uF/0603  100pF/0402  33pF/0402  15PF/0402  1000pF/0402  0.01uF/25V/0402  10pF/0402  10pF/0402  WAFER 4, 80mil, ANGLE  HEADER 10, 80mil, Angle, Female  HEADER 4, 80mil  HEADER 3X2, 80mil  HEADER 3x2, 2mmx2mm, Male  HEADER 2, 100mil  HEADER 10X2, 100mil, Female  HEADER 6X2, 2mmx2mm, Male  HEADER 3  LED_GRN_0805  LED_RED_0805  BEAD/0603  CHOKE CM3216W900H  P‐FET SI2301ADS/SOT23  10Kx4/RP4A0603  22K/0402  33K/0402  1.5K/0402  33/0402  330K/0402  510/0402  0/0402  0/0402  100K/1%/0402  1K/0603  100/0603  1M/0603  2K/0402  PUSH SW  PUSH SW  ARM  AT91SAM7S64  3V3 LDO  YB1231ST25X330  Crystal 18.432MHz@50ppm, SMD5032  Gerber_ARM_EVB.rar  V1.1.1 Firmware for ARM MCU  USB\MINI    C0603  C0402  C0402  C0402  C0402  C0402      J79\4SA90  J79\10S    J79\6D      J100\20DF    J79\3S  LED0805AC  LED0805AC  L0603  CH4P1_25X2_05S    RN8P06SN  R0402  R0402  R0402  R0402  R0402  R0402  R0402    R0402  R0603  R0603  R0603  R0402  TSW2P7_1X6_6  TSW2P7_1X6_6  8 64S.5\470  SOT235  SX‐5032      EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B ©2010 InvenSense, Inc. All rights reserved. Document Number: EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B Revision: 1.2 Release Date: 08/11/2010 ARM Reference Board Application Note 9. Mechanical Drawings for Selected BOM Items Figure 5. BOM Item #12, JP1 Drawing InvenSense, Inc., 1197 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale, Ca 94089, USA Tel: +1 (408) 988-7339 Fax: +1 (408) 988-8104 Website: http//www.invensense.com 9 EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B ©2010 InvenSense, Inc. All rights reserved. ARM Reference Board Application Note Document Number: EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B Revision: 1.2 Release Date: 08/11/2010 Figure 6. BOM Item #20, JP9 Drawing (3-Pin Header) Figure 7. BOM Item #24, L3 Drawing InvenSense, Inc., 1197 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale, Ca 94089, USA Tel: +1 (408) 988-7339 Fax: +1 (408) 988-8104 Website: http//www.invensense.com 10 EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B ©2010 InvenSense, Inc. All rights reserved. ARM Reference Board Application Note Document Number: EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B Revision: 1.2 Release Date: 08/11/2010 10. Programming the ARM AT91 MCU The firmware for the InvenSense ARM Board must be factory programmed using the JTAG port JP2 with Atmel’s programming tool and software. The current firmware revision is V1.1.2EVB. For upgrading boards that have an older firmware revision, the ARM MCU may only be programmed by InvenSense or its designated representatives. This information furnished by InvenSense is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by InvenSense for its use, or for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. InvenSense reserves the right to make changes to this product, including its circuits and software, in order to improve its design and/or performance, without prior notice. InvenSense makes no warranties, neither expressed nor implied, regarding the information and specifications contained in this document. InvenSense assumes no responsibility for any claims or damages arising from information contained in this document, or from the use of products and services detailed therein. This includes, but is not limited to, claims or damages based on the infringement of patents, copyrights, mask work and/or other intellectual property rights. Certain intellectual property owned by InvenSense and described in this document is patent protected. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of InvenSense. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. Trademarks that are registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies. InvenSense sensors should not be used or sold in the development, storage, production or utilization of any conventional or mass-destructive weapons or any other weapons or life threatening applications, as well as in any other life critical applications such as medical equipment, transportation, aerospace and nuclear instruments, undersea equipment, power plant equipment, disaster prevention and crime prevention equipment. ©2010 InvenSense, Inc. All rights reserved. InvenSense, Inc., 1197 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale, Ca 94089, USA Tel: +1 (408) 988-7339 Fax: +1 (408) 988-8104 Website: http//www.invensense.com 11 EB_ARMAT91_XXAXX_B ©2010 InvenSense, Inc. All rights reserved.
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