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ICP-20100 数据手册
ICP-20100 High Accuracy, Low Power, Barometric Pressure and Temperature Sensor IC GENERAL INFORMATION FEATURES The ICP-20100 pressure sensor provides a high-accuracy, low power, barometric pressure and temperature sensor solution, that integrates a capacitive pressure sensor for monitoring pressure changes in the range of 30 to 110 kPa. The ICP-20100 integrates a DSP module for on-chip calibration with an Analog-to-Digital converter (ADC), digital filtering, a FIFO and has I²C, I3CSM, and SPI interfaces available. The solution can be configured to achieve ultra-low noise or ultra-low power performance and is flexible to perform anywhere in-between. Additionally, the filters can be enabled to allow even lower noise performance or activate features such as filtering of pressure glitches (e.g. opening/closing a window). The ICP-20100 is available in a closed package with a vent hole. DEVICE INFORMATION PART NUMBER PACKAGE LID OPENING MSL** ICP-20100* 2x2x0.8mm LGA-10L 1-Hole 1 * Denotes RoHS and Green-Compliant Package ** Moisture Sensitivity Level of the package BLOCK DIAGRAM • Digital-output pressure and temperature sensors, with programmable output: all-pressure, alltemperature or pressure & temperature Programmable noise performance down to 0.5 Parms through programmable Oversampling Ratio (OSR) Digital filtering for pressure signals o Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter for improved noise performance o Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter for e.g. filtering of pressure glitches Package dimensions 2x2x0.8 mm (10-pin LGA) 96-byte FIFO buffer enables the application processor to read up to 16 pressure-temperature pairs in a burst User-programmable Interrupt Host interface: 12 MHz SPI/1 MHz I2C/12.5 MHz I3CSM Temperature operating range: -40°C to 85°C Main Supply voltage: 1.8V ±10% or 3.3V ±10% I/O supply voltage externally applied (1.2V ±10%, 1.8V ±10% or 3.3V* ±10%) *available only when main supply voltage equals 3.3V ±10% RoHS and Green compliant • • • • • • • • • • TYPICAL OPERATING CIRCUIT GND GND VDDIO APPLICATIONS • • • • C2, 100nF Smartphones and Tablets Wearable Sensors Home and Building Automation Weather Stations GND INT VDDIO AD0 SCL (VDDIO / GND) VDD C1, 100nF SDA GND GND InvenSense, Inc. reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice unless the product is in mass production and the datasheet has been designated by InvenSense in writing as subject to a specified Product / Process Change Notification Method regulation. InvenSense, a TDK Group Company 1745 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110 U.S.A +1(408) 988–7339 invensense.tdk.com Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Release Date: 12/17/2021 ICP-20100 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information ..................................................................................................................................................1 Device Information ....................................................................................................................................................1 Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................................................1 Applications ...............................................................................................................................................................1 Features .....................................................................................................................................................................1 Typical Operating Circuit ...........................................................................................................................................1 1 2 3 4 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................7 1.1 Purpose and Scope ........................................................................................................................................7 1.2 Product Overview ..........................................................................................................................................7 Pressure And Temperature Sensor Specifications .................................................................................................8 2.1 Operation Ranges ..........................................................................................................................................8 2.2 Operation Modes ...........................................................................................................................................8 2.3 Pressure Sensor Specifications ......................................................................................................................8 2.4 Temperature Sensor Specifications ...............................................................................................................9 Electrical Specifications .......................................................................................................................................10 3.1 Electrical Characteristics ..............................................................................................................................10 3.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings .........................................................................................................................12 3.3 Sensor System Timing ..................................................................................................................................12 3.4 I2C Timing Characterization .........................................................................................................................13 3.5 I3CSM Timing Characterization .....................................................................................................................14 3.6 SPI 4-Wire Mode Timing Characterization ...................................................................................................15 3.7 SPI 3-Wire Mode Timing Characterization ...................................................................................................16 Interface Specifications .......................................................................................................................................17 4.1 I3CSM / I2C Interface .....................................................................................................................................17 4.1.1 I2C Interface .........................................................................................................................................17 4.1.2 I3CSM Interface .....................................................................................................................................17 4.1.3 I2C Data Protocol ..................................................................................................................................18 4.1.4 I3CSM Data Protocol ..............................................................................................................................18 4.1.5 Supported I3CSM Common Command Codes (CCC) ..............................................................................19 4.1.6 I3CSM Provisional Identifier ...................................................................................................................19 4.1.7 I3CSM Bus Characteristics Register .......................................................................................................20 4.1.8 I3CSM Device Characteristics Register ...................................................................................................20 4.1.9 Fixed I2C slave address and address increment....................................................................................20 4.1.10 I3CSM Slave Address ..............................................................................................................................20 Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 2 of 60 ICP-20100 4.2 4.2.1 SPI Protocol ..........................................................................................................................................21 4.2.2 SPI Modes ............................................................................................................................................22 4.2.3 SPI Frame Abort ...................................................................................................................................22 4.2.4 Supported Commands..........................................................................................................................22 4.3 5 6 7 SPI Interface .................................................................................................................................................20 Drive Strength Configuration .......................................................................................................................23 Applications Information .....................................................................................................................................24 5.1 ICP-20100 Pin Out Diagram And Signal Description ....................................................................................24 5.2 Typical Operating CircuitS ............................................................................................................................25 5.3 Bill of Materials for External Components ...................................................................................................26 5.4 ASIC identification........................................................................................................................................27 Pressure and Temperature Measurement ..........................................................................................................28 6.1 Pressure and Temperature Measurement Accuracy ...................................................................................28 6.2 Pressure and Temperature Measurement Sequencing ...............................................................................28 6.2.1 Duty Cycled Operation .........................................................................................................................28 6.2.2 Triggered operation .............................................................................................................................29 6.3 FIR Filter .......................................................................................................................................................30 6.4 IIR Filter ........................................................................................................................................................31 6.5 Boot Sequence .............................................................................................................................................31 6.6 Mode switching/selection ...........................................................................................................................34 6.7 Pressure/Temperature read-out .................................................................................................................34 6.7.1 Pressure conversion formula ................................................................................................................34 6.7.2 Temperature conversion formula ........................................................................................................35 FIFO ......................................................................................................................................................................36 7.1 FIFO Accessibility .........................................................................................................................................36 7.2 FIFO Full/Empty ...........................................................................................................................................37 7.3 FIFO Overflow/Underflow ...........................................................................................................................37 7.4 FIFO Watermark Low/High ..........................................................................................................................37 7.5 FIFO Flush ....................................................................................................................................................37 7.6 Absolute Pressure VaLue Overrun/Underrun ..............................................................................................37 7.7 Delta Pressure VaLue Overrun .....................................................................................................................37 8 Interrupts .............................................................................................................................................................38 9 Assembly ..............................................................................................................................................................39 9.1 Implementation and Usage Recommendations ..........................................................................................39 9.1.1 Soldering ..............................................................................................................................................39 Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 3 of 60 ICP-20100 9.1.2 Chemical Exposure and Sensor Protection ...........................................................................................39 10 Package Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................40 11 Part Number Part Markings .............................................................................................................................42 12 Register Map ....................................................................................................................................................43 13 Register Map Description ................................................................................................................................44 13.1 TRIM1_MSB .................................................................................................................................................44 13.2 TRIM2_LSB ...................................................................................................................................................44 13.3 TRIM2_MSB .................................................................................................................................................44 13.4 DEVICE_ID ....................................................................................................................................................44 13.5 IO_DRIVE_STRENGTH ..................................................................................................................................45 13.6 OTP_CONFIG1 ..............................................................................................................................................45 13.7 OTP_MR_LSB ...............................................................................................................................................45 13.8 OTP_MR_MSB ..............................................................................................................................................45 13.9 OTP_MRA_LSB .............................................................................................................................................46 13.10 OTP_MRA_MSB .......................................................................................................................................46 13.11 OTP_MRB_LSB .........................................................................................................................................46 13.12 OTP_MRB_MSB .......................................................................................................................................46 13.13 OTP_ADDRESS..........................................................................................................................................46 13.14 OTP_COMMAND ......................................................................................................................................47 13.15 OTP_RDATA .............................................................................................................................................47 13.16 OTP_STATUS ............................................................................................................................................47 13.17 OTP_DBG2 ...............................................................................................................................................47 13.18 OTP_STATUS2 ..........................................................................................................................................47 13.19 MASTER_LOCK .........................................................................................................................................48 13.20 MODE_SELECT .........................................................................................................................................48 13.21 INTERRUPT_STATUS ................................................................................................................................49 13.22 INTERRUPT_MASK ...................................................................................................................................50 13.23 FIFO_CONFIG ...........................................................................................................................................50 13.24 FIFO_FILL ..................................................................................................................................................51 13.25 SPI_MODE ................................................................................................................................................51 13.26 PRESS_ABS_LSB .......................................................................................................................................52 13.27 PRESS_ABS_MSB ......................................................................................................................................52 13.28 PRESS_DELTA_LSB ...................................................................................................................................52 13.29 PRESS_DELTA_MSB ..................................................................................................................................53 13.30 DEVICE_STATUS .......................................................................................................................................53 Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 4 of 60 ICP-20100 13.31 I3C_INFO ..................................................................................................................................................53 13.32 VERSION ...................................................................................................................................................53 13.33 PRESS_DATA_0 ........................................................................................................................................54 13.34 PRESS_DATA_1 ........................................................................................................................................54 13.35 PRESS_DATA_2 ........................................................................................................................................54 13.36 TEMP_DATA_0 .........................................................................................................................................54 13.37 TEMP_DATA_1 .........................................................................................................................................54 13.38 TEMP_DATA_2 .........................................................................................................................................55 14 Tape & Reel Specification ................................................................................................................................56 15 Ordering Guide ................................................................................................................................................57 16 References .......................................................................................................................................................58 17 Revision History ...............................................................................................................................................59 Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 5 of 60 ICP-20100 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. I2C Bus Timing Diagram .................................................................................................................................13 Figure 2. I3CSM Bus Timing Diagrams ...........................................................................................................................14 Figure 3. SPI 4-Wire Mode Bus Timing Diagram ..........................................................................................................15 Figure 4. SPI 3-Wire Mode Bus Timing Diagram ..........................................................................................................16 Figure 5. I2C Data Protocol ...........................................................................................................................................18 Figure 6. I3CSM Data Protocol.......................................................................................................................................19 Figure 7. 4-Wire SPI Transaction Overview .................................................................................................................21 Figure 8. 3-Wire SPI Transaction Overview .................................................................................................................21 Figure 9. Pin Out Diagram for ICP-20100, 2mm x 2mm x 0.8mm LGA ........................................................................24 Figure 10. ICP-20100 Application Schematic (I3CSM / I2C Interface to Host) ...............................................................25 Figure 11. ICP-20100 Application Schematic (SPI Interface to Host) ...........................................................................26 Figure 12. Duty Cycled Measurement .........................................................................................................................28 Figure 13. Duty Cycled Measurement Without Wait ..................................................................................................29 Figure 14. Pressure-Only Mode ...................................................................................................................................29 Figure 15. FIR Filter ......................................................................................................................................................30 Figure 16. Pressure Output Code.................................................................................................................................34 Figure 17. Temperature Output Code .........................................................................................................................35 Figure 18. FIFO Read Out Modes .................................................................................................................................36 Figure 19. ICP-20100 Package Diagrams......................................................................................................................40 Figure 20. Part Number Part Markings for ICP-20100 .................................................................................................42 Figure 21. ICP-20100 Tape Dimensions ....................................................................................................56 Figure 22. ICP-20100 Tape and Reel Drawing ..............................................................................................................56 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Operation Ranges.............................................................................................................................................8 Table 2. Operation Modes .............................................................................................................................................8 Table 3. Pressure Sensor Specifications.........................................................................................................................8 Table 4. Temperature Sensor Specifications .................................................................................................................9 Table 5. Electrical Supplies ..........................................................................................................................................10 Table 6. Electrical Specifications ..................................................................................................................................11 Table 7. Absolute Maximum Ratings ...........................................................................................................................12 Table 8. System Timing Specifications .........................................................................................................................12 Table 9. I2C Parameters Specification ..........................................................................................................................13 Table 10. I3CSM Parameters Specification ....................................................................................................................14 Table 11. SPI 4-Wire Mode Parameters Specification .................................................................................................15 Table 12. SPI 3-Wire Mode Parameters Specification .................................................................................................16 Table 13. Supported I3CSM CCCs ..................................................................................................................................19 Table 14. I3CSM Provisional Identifier ..........................................................................................................................19 Table 15. I3CSM Bus Characteristics Register................................................................................................................20 Table 16. SPI Data Rate Specifications .........................................................................................................................21 Table 17. SPI Supported Commands............................................................................................................................22 Table 18. ICP-20100 Signal Descriptions......................................................................................................................24 Table 19. ICP-20100 Package Dimensions ...................................................................................................................41 Table 20. Part Number Part Markings .........................................................................................................................42 Table 21. Register Map ................................................................................................................................................43 Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 6 of 60 ICP-20100 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE AND SCOPE This document is a preliminary product specification, providing a description, specifications, and design related information for the ICP-20100 Pressure Sensor. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Final specifications will be updated based upon characterization of production silicon. 1.2 PRODUCT OVERVIEW The ICP-20100 is a high accuracy, low power, barometric pressure and temperature sensor solution that integrates a capacitive pressure sensor for monitoring pressure changes in the range of 30 to 110kPa. The ICP-20100 pressure and temperature sensor device combines TDK InvenSense 2nd generation (20k-series) capacitive pressure sensors. Other industry-leading features include up to 20-bits output data, programmable digital filters, an embedded temperature sensor, calibration, FIFO, and programmable interrupts. The device features I2C, I3CSM, and SPI serial interfaces, a VDD operating range of 1.8V ±10% or 3.3V ±10%, and an externally applied VDDIO operating range of 1.2V ±10%, 1.8V ±10% or 3.3V* ±10% (*available only when VDD voltage equals 3.3V ±10%). The host interface can be configured to support SPI slave or I 2C/ I3CSM slave modes. The SPI interface supports speeds up to 12 MHz, the I2C interface supports speeds up to 1 MHz, and the I3CSM interface supports speeds up to 12.5 MHz. The MEMS sensor consists of a capacitive pressure sensor whose capacitance changes according to the pressure applied. An integrated temperature sensor on the same MEMS sensor allows for accurate temperature measurements. Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 7 of 60 ICP-20100 2 PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE SENSOR SPECIFICATIONS 2.1 OPERATION RANGES PARAMETER Functional Pressure Range Operating Temperature Range VALUE 30 to 110 -40 to 85 UNITS kPa °C Table 1. Operation Ranges 2.2 OPERATION MODES The sensor can be operated in the following measurement modes to satisfy different requirements for power consumption vs. noise, accuracy, and measurement frequency. Operation mode can be selected using register field MEAS_CONFIG in register MODE_SELECT. Modes 0 to 3 are pre-defined while Mode 4 is user configurable. Please refer to “AN-000238: ICP-20100 and ICP-20132 User Configurable Operation Mode and IIR Filter” for details on how to configure MODE4. PARAMETER BW (HZ) ODR (HZ) MODE0 MODE1 MODE2 MODE3 MODE4* 6.25 30 10 0.5 12.5 25 120 40 2 25 PRESSURE NOISE (PARMS) TYP 0.5 1 2.5 0.5 0.3 CURRENT CONSUMPTION (µA) TYP 211 222 49 23 250 IIR FILTER ENABLED FIR FILTER ENABLED No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Table 2. Operation Modes Note: MODE4 is user configurable as explained in the application note “AN-000238: ICP-20100 and ICP-20132 User Configurable Operation Mode and IIR Filter”. MODE4 functionality shown is default device calibration, user can modify MODE4 configuration as explained in AN000238. 2.3 PRESSURE SENSOR SPECIFICATIONS Pressure sensor specifications are given in Table 3. Default conditions of 25 °C, VDD = 1.8V and VDDIO = 1.8V apply, unless otherwise stated. PARAMETER Functional pressure range Absolute Accuracy Relative Accuracy Temperature Coefficient of Offset (TCO) Long-Term Drift (during 1 year) Solder Drift Resolution CONDITIONS Valid from -20°C to 65°C Any step ≤ 1 kPa at 25°C P = 100 kPa 25°C … 45°C Board-level specification MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 30 70 ±20 ±1 110 kPa Pa Pa 1 1 ±0.4 Pa/°C 1 ±10 ±0.4 20 Pa hPa bits 2 3, 4 Table 3. Pressure Sensor Specifications Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Parameter specifications shown are component-level. They may be different at the board-level and may depend on PCB characteristics including but not limited to PCB material, number of layers, PCB thickness. They may also depend on usage conditions. Determined based on HTOL data. Derived from validation or characterization of parts, not tested in production. Board-level spec values depend on specific board design. For design information of boards used for device characterization, that forms the basis of the spec values reported here, please contact your local TDK InvenSense FAE. Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 8 of 60 ICP-20100 2.4 TEMPERATURE SENSOR SPECIFICATIONS Specifications of the temperature sensor are shown in Table 4. PARAMETER Temperature accuracy Output Data rate CONDITIONS MIN TYP ±0.5 ODR Table 4. Temperature Sensor Specifications Notes: 1. Temperature ODR = Pressure ODR for selected mode Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 9 of 60 MAX UNITS °C Hz NOTES 1 ICP-20100 3 3.1 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Default conditions of 25 °C, VDD = 1.8V and VDDIO = 1.8V apply to values in Table 5 and Table 6, unless otherwise stated. PARAMETER Main Supply Voltage I/O Supply Voltage Supply current SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 1.62 1.8 1.98 V 2.97 3.3 3.63 V 1.08 1.2 1.32 V 1.62 1.8 1.98 V 2.97 3.3 3.63 V - 2.65 - µA VDD VDDI0 IDD standby Table 5. Electrical Supplies Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 COMMENTS Page 10 of 60 Externally supplied ICP-20100 PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES SUPPLIES Supply Ramp Time Monotonic ramp. Ramp rate is 10% to 90% of the final value 0.01 Power Supply Noise 10 ms 50 mV peak-peak 2 2 TEMPERATURE SENSOR Operating Range ADC Resolution ODR -20 Ambient 65 °C 800 bits Hz 15 2 1 1 I2C ADDRESS AD0 = 0 AD0 = 1 I2C ADDRESS 0x63 0x64 DIGITAL INPUTS VIH, High Level Input Voltage VIL, Low Level Input Voltage 0.7*VDDIO V 0.3*VDDIO V 2 DIGITAL OUTPUTS VOH, High Level Output Voltage VOL, Low-Level Output Voltage 0.75*VDDIO V 2 0.25*VDDIO V Drive strength for VDDIO = 1.2V 0.5 2 3 4 2 4 6 8 4 6 9 12 mA Drive strength for VDDIO = 1.8V/3.3V 1 2 4 8 2 4 8 12 4 8 12 16 mA -2 +2 % 2 -3.125 +3.125 % 2 INTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE Clock Frequency Initial Tolerance Low clock frequency 8kHz Main clock frequency 1.9MHz Table 6. Electrical Specifications Notes: 1. 2. Guaranteed by design. Derived from validation or characterization of parts, not guaranteed in production Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 11 of 60 ICP-20100 3.2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Stress levels beyond those listed in Table 7 may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these conditions cannot be guaranteed. Exposure to the absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect the reliability of the device. PARAMETER RATING Supply voltage, VDD -0.3V to +4.0V Supply Voltage, SCL & SDA -0.3V to VDDIO+0.3V Operating temperature range -40°C to +85°C Storage temperature range -40°C to +85°C ESD HBM 1.5 kV ESD CDM 500V Radiated EMI immunity 4kV/m Conducted EMI immunity 2Vrms Table 7. Absolute Maximum Ratings 3.3 SENSOR SYSTEM TIMING Default conditions of 25 °C, VDD = 1.8V and VDDIO = 1.8V apply to TYP values listed in Table 8, unless otherwise stated. MAX values apply over the specified operating range of VDD and over the operating temperature range. PARAMETER SYMBOL Power-up time tPU CONDITIONS MIN - TYP 2 MAX - Table 8. System Timing Specifications Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 12 of 60 UNITS COMMENTS ms Time between VDD reaching VPU and sensor entering idle state; VPU is the power-up voltage, the minimum VDD at which start-up time is guaranteed, it has a value of 1.56V. ICP-20100 I2C TIMING CHARACTERIZATION 3.4 Default conditions of 25 °C, VDD = 1.8V and VDDIO = 1.8V apply to values in Table 9, unless otherwise stated. PARAMETERS 2 CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 1 2 I C TIMING I C FAST-MODE PLUS fSCL, SCL Clock Frequency MHz 1 tHD.STA, (Repeated) START Condition Hold Time 260 ns 1 tLOW, SCL Low Period 500 ns 1 tHIGH, SCL High Period 260 ns 1 tSU.STA, Repeated START Condition Setup Time 260 ns 1 tHD.DAT, SDA Data Hold Time 5 ns 1 tSU.DAT, SDA Data Setup Time 55 ns 1 tr, SDA and SCL Rise Time 2 Cb bus cap. From 10 to 400 pF 20*(VDD/5.5V) 120 ns 1 tf, SDA and SCL Fall Time 2 Cb bus cap. From 10 to 400 pF 20*(VDD/5.5V) 120 ns 1 tSU.STO, STOP Condition Setup Time 260 ns 1 tBUF, Bus Free Time Between STOP and START Condition 500 ns 1 Cb, Capacitive Load for each Bus Line 550 450 pF 1 tVD.DAT, Data Valid Time ns 1 tVD.ACK, Data Valid Acknowledge Time 450 ns 1 Table 9. I2C Parameters Specification Notes: 1. Based on characterization of 5 parts over temperature and voltage as mounted on evaluation board or in sockets. Figure 1. I2C Bus Timing Diagram Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 13 of 60 ICP-20100 3.5 I3CSM TIMING CHARACTERIZATION Default conditions of 25 °C, VDD = 1.8V and VDDIO = 1.8V apply to values in Table 10, unless otherwise stated. PARAMETERS I3CSM TIMING CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 12.5 12.9 MHz I3CSM SDR mode fSCL, SCL Clock Frequency tLOW, SCL Low Period From 30% to 30% 24 ns tDIG_L, SCL Low Period (to high transition) From 30% to 70% 32 ns tHIGH_MIXED, SCL High Period for Mixed Bus From 70% to 70% 24 tDIG_H_MIXED, SCL High Period for Mixed Bus From 70% to 30% 32 tHIGH, SCL High Period From 70% to 70% 24 tDIG_H, SCL High Period From 70% to 30% 32 tSCO, Clock in to Data Out for Slave ns 45 ns ns ns 12 ns tCR, SCL Rise Time Capped at 60 12 ns tCF, SCL Fall Time Capped at 60 12 ns tHD_PP, SDA Signal Data Hold in Push-Pull mode Slave 0 tSU_PP, SDA Signal Data Setup in Push-Pull mode Cb, Capavitive Load per Bus Line 3 SDA/SCL Table 10. I3CSM Parameters Specification Figure 2. I3CSM Bus Timing Diagrams Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 ns Page 14 of 60 ns 50 pF NOTES ICP-20100 3.6 SPI 4-WIRE MODE TIMING CHARACTERIZATION Default conditions of 25°C and 1.8V supply voltage apply to values in Table 11, unless otherwise stated. PARAMETERS CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 12 MHz 1 SPI TIMING fSPC, SCL Clock Frequency tLOW, SCL Low Period 40 ns 1 tHIGH, SCL High Period 40 ns 1 tSU.CS, CS Setup Time 20 ns 1 tHD.CS, CS Hold Time 20 ns 1 tSU.SDI, SDI Setup Time 5 ns 1 tHD.SDI, SDI Hold Time 20 ns 1 ns 1 tVD.SDO, SDO Valid Time Cload = 50 pF tHD.SDO, SDO Hold Time Cload = 50 pF 32 ns 1 tDIS.SDO, SDO Output Disable Time 5 25 ns 1 tFall, SCLK Fall Time 5 ns 2 tRise, SCLK Rise Time 5 ns 2 Table 11. SPI 4-Wire Mode Parameters Specification Notes: 1. 2. Based on characterization of 5 parts over temperature and voltage as mounted on evaluation board or in sockets Based on other parameter values Figure 3. SPI 4-Wire Mode Bus Timing Diagram Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 15 of 60 ICP-20100 3.7 SPI 3-WIRE MODE TIMING CHARACTERIZATION Default conditions of 25°C and 1.8V supply voltage apply to values in Table 12, unless otherwise stated. PARAMETERS CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 12 MHz 1 SPI TIMING fSPC, SCL Clock Frequency tLOW, SCL Low Period 40 ns 1 tHIGH, SCL High Period 40 ns 1 tSU.CS, CS Setup Time 20 ns 1 tHD.CS, CS Hold Time 20 ns 1 tSU.SDI, SDI Setup Time 5 ns 1, 3 tHD.SDI, SDI Hold Time 20 ns 1, 3 ns 1, 3 tVD.SDO, SDO Valid Time Cload = 50 pF tHD.SDO, SDO Hold Time Cload = 50 pF 32 ns 1, 3 tDIS.SDO, SDO Output Disable Time 5 25 ns 1, 3 tFall, SCLK Fall Time 5 ns 2 tRise, SCLK Rise Time 5 ns 2 Table 12. SPI 3-Wire Mode Parameters Specification Notes: 1. 2. 3. Based on characterization of 5 parts over temperature and voltage as mounted on evaluation board or in sockets Based on other parameter values Separate SDI and SDO times are provided to account for input and output transactions on the SDIO interface for 3-wire SPI mode Figure 4. SPI 3-Wire Mode Bus Timing Diagram Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 16 of 60 ICP-20100 4 INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS The ICP-20100 supports I3CSM, I2C, SPI host-interface options. The ICP-20100 always operates as a slave when connected to the host. Selection between SPI and I3CSM/I2C is done with the CSB pin. If the pin is pulled low, the SPI interface is active and I3CSM/I2C are disabled. If CSB is high, I3CSM/I2C is selected. I3CSM / I2C INTERFACE 4.1 The I3CSM/I2C interface can operate in I2C legacy mode or I3CSM SDR mode (SCL clock frequency up to 12.5 MHz). After reset, the device requires a minimum of 10 clock cycles to initialize the I3CSM/I2C interface. Before doing this, no communication is possible through I3CSM/I2C. This initialization can be done through a dummy write transaction to address 0xEE. 4.1.1 I2C Interface The ICP-20100 I2C slave interface can operate in following modes: • Standard mode (SCL clock frequency up to 100 kHz) • Fast mode (SCL clock frequency up to 400 kHz) • Fast mode plus (SCL clock frequency up to 1 MHz) 4.1.2 I3CSM Interface I3CSM is a new 2-wire digital interface comprised of the signals serial data (SDA) and serial clock (SCLK). I3CSM is intended to improve upon the I2C interface, while preserving backward compatibility. I3CSM carries the advantages of I²C in simplicity, low pin count, easy board design, and multi-drop (vs. point to point), but provides the higher data rates, simpler pads, and lower power of SPI. I3CSM adds higher throughput for a given frequency, dynamic addressing. The I3CSM interface complies with “MIPI I3C Specification -- public edition”, version 1.0, 23 December 2016. By default, the I2C protocol is used. Only when the device detects that it is connected to an I3C SM bus, will it permanently switch to the I3CSM protocol and the glitch filter will be disabled. The I3CSM interface supports: • SDR data rate up to 12.5 MHz • Dynamic Addressing • Error detection (Parity) • Common Command Codes described in Table 13. Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 17 of 60 ICP-20100 4.1.3 I2C Data Protocol A transfer is always started by addressing the device with an I2C write header followed by the targeted 8-bit register address. For write accesses, the master continues sending the 8-bit data word. For read accesses, the master must change the transfer direction from write to read by sending an I 2C read header with the correct address. The device then transmits the data word (if available). An address increment feature enables reading multiple data bytes in a row. All commands and memory locations are mapped to an 8-bit register space which can be accessed via the I2C interface. Data is always transferred as 8-bit words. Figure 5 illustrates the different transfer types. Figure 5. I2C Data Protocol The I2C interface has access to all registers needed for functional operation. Every byte transmitted from the I2C master to the slave device must be acknowledged. In read direction, the master indicates with the acknowledge if an address increment read needs to be initiated. An ACK from the master indicates a request for an address increment read. A NACK from the master indicates the end of the read transfer and needs to be followed by a STOP condition. Every last I2C bus transaction to ICP-20100 should end with read to address 0x00. At least once in every 255 I2C read or burst read transactions (Burst read accesses treated as one read transaction independent of burst size) on the bus to other I2C devices, the host should perform a read to ICP-20100 address 0x00. One possible implementation of the requirement above would be to add a dummy read from ICP-20100 address 0x00 after any I2C transactions. Another possible implementation is to perform a dummy read from ICP-20100 address 0x00 after each last I2C bus transaction to ICP-20100 and add a dummy read from ICP-20100 address 0x00 at a constant rate of 110Hz. 4.1.4 I3CSM Data Protocol The device is switched to I3CSM mode by sending the reserved byte 7’h7E. While in I3CSM mode, the device is addressed with an I3CSM write header containing the dynamic device address, followed by the targeted 8-bit register address. For write accesses, the master continues sending the 8-bit data word. For read accesses, the master must change the transfer direction from write to read by sending an I3CSM read header containing the dynamic device address. The device then transmits the data word. An address increment feature allows to read out multiple data bytes in a row. All commands and memory locations are mapped to an 8-bit register space which can be accessed via the I3CSM interface. Data is always transferred as 8-bit words. Figure 6 illustrates the different transfer types. Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 18 of 60 ICP-20100 Figure 6. I3CSM Data Protocol The I3CSM interface has access to all registers needed for functional operation. Every last I3C bus transaction to ICP-20100 should end with read to address 0x00. At least once in every 255 I3C read or burst read transactions (Burst read accesses treated as one read transaction independent of burst size) on the bus to other I3C devices, the host should perform a read to ICP-20100 address 0x00. One possible implementation of the requirement above would be to add a dummy read from ICP-20100 address 0x00 after any I3C transactions. Another possible implementation is to perform a dummy read from ICP-20100 address 0x00 after each last I3C bus transaction to ICP-20100 and add a dummy read from ICP-20100 address 0x00 at a constant rate of 110Hz. 4.1.5 Supported I3CSM Common Command Codes (CCC) I3CSM features CCCs that allow the master to manage the bus and its connected slaves, either directly or through a broadcast. The I3CSM master should not use any unsupported CCCs. CODE CCC TYPE MNEMONIC DESCRIPTION 0x06 0x07 0x86 0x87 0x88 0x8D 0x8E 0x8F 0x90 broadcast broadcast direct direct direct direct direct direct direct RSTDAA ENTDAA RSTDAA SETDASA SETNEWDA GETPID GETBCR GETDCR GETSTATUS Reset Dynamic Address Assignment Enter Dynamic Address Assignment Reset Dynamic Address Assignment (p2p) Set Dynamic Address from Static Address Set New Dynamic Address Get Provisional ID Get Bus Characteristics Register Get Device Characteristics Register Get Device Status Table 13. Supported I3CSM CCCs 4.1.6 I3CSM Provisional Identifier The Provision Identifier (PID) is hardwired as: FIXED BIT NAME 47:33 32 31:16 15:12 11:0 MIPI Manufacturer ID PID Type Selector Part ID Instance ID Vendor defined VALUE 15’h0235 0 0 0 0 Table 14. I3CSM Provisional Identifier Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 19 of 60 NOTE TDK Manufacturer ID 0 = PID fixed value ICP-20100 4.1.7 I3CSM Bus Characteristics Register The Bus Characteristics Register (BCR) is hardwired as: FIXED BIT NAME 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Device Role [1] Device Role [0] Data Rate support Bridge Identifier Offline Capable IBI Payload IBI Request Capable Max Data Speed Limit NOTE VALUE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fixed (slave role) fixed (slave role) fixed (SDR only) fixed (no bridge) fixed (not offline capable) fixed (IBI not supported) fixed (IBI not supported) fixed (no speed limit, GETMXDS not supported) Table 15. I3CSM Bus Characteristics Register 4.1.8 I3CSM Device Characteristics Register The Device Characteristics Register (DCR) byte [7:0] is hardwired to the fixed value 0x62, which corresponds to the “Environment Pressure Sensor” as defined by MIPI. (see https://www.mipi.org/MIPI_I3C_device_characteristics_register) 4.1.9 Fixed I2C slave address and address increment The value assigned on AD0 allows to adapt the I2C address as follows: • • AD0 = 0 : I2C address = 0x63 AD0 = 1 : I2C address = 0x64 4.1.10 I3CSM Slave Address I3CSM supports dynamic addressing feature which allows master and slaves to do dynamic address arbitration on the I3CSM bus. The concatenation of {PID[15:0],BCR[7:0],DCR[7:0]} is used to determine the priority for dynamic addressing by the Master. Since there is already a static address present for I2C, this can be used via the SETDASA command if known by the Master up front. When applicable, the address increment is applied as well. 4.2 SPI INTERFACE The ICP-20100 SPI slave interface can operate in the following modes: • 3-wire mode using pins CSB, SDIO and SCL • 4-wire mode using pins CSB, SDI, SDO and SCL The SPI interface has access to all registers needed for functional operation. Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 20 of 60 ICP-20100 4.2.1 SPI Protocol The SPI frame format is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SPI master pulls CSB low SPI master sends 1 command byte SPI master sends 1 address byte For write frames, SPI master sends a master data byte For read frames, IFPS replies with a number of slave data bytes SPI master releases CSB This is pictured in the Figure 7 and Figure 8 respectively for 4-wire SPI and 3-wire SPI. Figure 7. 4-Wire SPI Transaction Overview Figure 8. 3-Wire SPI Transaction Overview A transmitter conceptually produces data bits at the falling edge of the SPI clock SCL, and a receiver samples the data bits at the rising edge of the SPI clock. Bytes are transmitted in the order MSB to LSB. The slave keeps SDO in high-Z unless a reply is expected from the command (read request). PARAMETER DESCRIPTION MIN spi_speed Data rate of the SPI protocol DC TYP MAX UNIT 12 Mbps Table 16. SPI Data Rate Specifications Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 21 of 60 COMMENTS ICP-20100 4.2.2 SPI Modes The ICP-20100 supports SPI MODE0 and MODE3. When the SPI interface is idle, SCL is low. Data is propagated on the clock's falling edge and captured on the clock's rising edge. 4.2.3 SPI Frame Abort The SPI master can abort an SPI frame by de-asserting CSB. 4.2.4 Supported Commands Table 17 shows the supported commands via the SPI interface. COMMAND CODE 0x3C 0x33 COMMAND DESCRIPTION CMD_READ_REG CMD_WRITE_REG Read from register Write to register Table 17. SPI Supported Commands Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 22 of 60 ICP-20100 4.3 DRIVE STRENGTH CONFIGURATION The device starts up with drive strength 2 mA in 1.8V IO supply mode. If the application requires high speed communication (>1 MHz) or uses VDDIO=1.2V, the drive strength settings need to be adapted. This is done by reconfiguring register IO_DRIVE_STRENGTH (section 13.5 in this datasheet). This section provides MATLAB sample code on how to do this. The following terminology is used in this code for register map references: regMap.Register_Name.Register_Field_Name.Write(Value) where - “Register_Name” is the register name; - “Register_Field_Name” is the name of the register field in the register; - “Write” is a write operation for the specified register field; - “Value” is the value being written to the specified register field Please refer to sections 12 and 13 for information about the registers/register fields shown in the sample code. function PowerMode(self) %% PowerMode: function to move into power mode global regMap %% Move to power mode if not already inside if (regMap.MODE_SELECT.POWER_MODE.read==0) fprintf('Moving into power mode...\n') regMap.MODE_SELECT.POWER_MODE.write(1); pause(0.001); end end function Configure_drive_strength(self) %% Configure_drive_strength: sample code on how to configure the drive strength % after a reset of the device global regMap self.PowerMode; %% Configure the drive strength mirror registers % This example configures a drive strength of 12mA for 1.8V IO supply regMap.IO_DRIVE_STRENGTH.IO_DS.write('0x3'); end Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 23 of 60 ICP-20100 5 5.1 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION ICP-20100 PIN OUT DIAGRAM AND SIGNAL DESCRIPTION PIN NUMBER 1 2 3 PIN NAME CSB SCL VSS 4 SDA / SDIO / SDI 5 VDD 6 SDO / AD0 7 8 9 10 INT RESV RESV VDDIO DESCRIPTION SPI Chip Select I3CSM / I2C / SPI Serial Clock Power Supply Ground SDA: I3CSM / I2C serial data; SDIO: SPI serial data I/O (3-wire mode); SDI: SPI serial data input (4-wire mode) Power Supply Voltage SDO: SPI serial data output (4-wire mode); AD0: I3CSM / I2C slave address LSB Interrupt Output Connect to Ground Connect to Ground IO Power Supply Table 18. ICP-20100 Signal Descriptions 8 9 10 RESV RESV VDDIO 7 1 INT CSB BOTTOM VIEW 6 2 SDO / AD0 SCL 5 VDD 4 SDA / SDIO / SDI 3 VSS Figure 9. Pin Out Diagram for ICP-20100, 2mm x 2mm x 0.8mm LGA Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 24 of 60 ICP-20100 5.2 TYPICAL OPERATING CIRCUITS GND GND VDDIO C2, 100nF GND INT VDDIO AD0 SCL (VDDIO / GND) VDD C1, 100nF SDA GND GND Figure 10. ICP-20100 Application Schematic (I3CSM / I2C Interface to Host) Note: I2C lines are open drain and pull-up resistors (e.g. 5kΩ) are required. Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 25 of 60 ICP-20100 GND GND VDDIO C2, 100nF GND INT CSB SDO SCL VDD C1, 100nF SDIO / SDI GND GND Figure 11. ICP-20100 Application Schematic (SPI Interface to Host) 5.3 BILL OF MATERIALS FOR EXTERNAL COMPONENTS COMPONENT LABEL SPECIFICATION QUANTITY VDD Bypass Capacitor C1 X7R, 100nF ±10% 1 VDDIO Bypass Capacitor C2 X7R, 100nF ±10% 1 Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 26 of 60 ICP-20100 5.4 ASIC IDENTIFICATION For identifying this device, please use following procedure: 1) Power-on the ASIC 2) Initialize the I2C interface by toggling the clock line a few times. The easiest way to do that is by inserting a dummy I2C write transaction. You can, for example, execute the first transaction (write to lock register) twice. 3) Check that the value from register regMap.device_id equals 0x63 4) Check the value from register regMap.version: • 0x00 indicates a device version A • 0xB2 indicates a device version B Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 27 of 60 ICP-20100 6 PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT The ICP-20100 uses a 2nd order  ADC with time-multiplexed pressure and temperature measurements. Integration time for measurement, or over-sampling ratio (OSR) can be configured independently for pressure and temperature. 6.1 PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY Increasing the pressure OSR improves the noise on the pressure measurement but also results in more current consumption due to a delayed return to STANDBY mode. Increasing the temperature OSR improves the noise on the temperature measurement and on the pressure measurement due to the non-linear pressure compensation as a function of the temperature but also results in more current consumption due to a delayed return to STANDBY. The pressure and temperature OSR values are limited by the Output Data Rate (ODR) selection. For details of the relationship between these parameters, refer to section 6.2. For given OSR and ODR settings, the noise can further be optimized by using an IIR filter. Refer to section 0 for details of the IIR filter. 6.2 PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT SEQUENCING Pressure and temperature measurements are time-multiplexed, with pressure measurement performed first and followed by temperature measurement. A measurement can be started either automatically (duty cycled operation) or manually (triggered operation). 6.2.1 Duty Cycled Operation In duty cycled operation Pressure/Temperature measurements are automatically started. The time between 2 measurements is defined by the ODR (Output Data Rate) setting and is timed based on the low power clock. In Figure 12 and Figure 13, TOSR_P is the pressure sensor OSR and TOSR_T is the temperature sensor OSR. Figure 12. Duty Cycled Measurement If the configured ODR period is smaller than the conversion time for pressure and temperature, the actual ODR is adapted to match the conversion time. Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 28 of 60 ICP-20100 Figure 13. Duty Cycled Measurement Without Wait By disabling the pressure or temperature measurement through setting its respective OSR configuration register (refer to the application note “AN-000238: ICP-20100 and ICP-20132 User Configurable Operation Mode and IIR Filter”) to value 0, a temperature-only or pressure-only measurement can be configured. If a pressure-only setting is combined with an ODR period setting that is smaller than the conversion time, a maximal conversion rate can be established in which no settling is needed for each individual sample and a higher ODR can be reached. The same principle applies for temperature-only setting. Figure 14. Pressure-Only Mode The maximum ODR can be calculated based on the pressure and temperature OSR by the following formula: ODRMAX(Hz)= 106/(168+2.1*1.5*(OSRPRESS+OSRTEMP)) with OSRPRESS, OSRTEMP the pressure and temperature Over Sampling Ratio. where 𝑂𝑆𝑅𝑃𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆 = (𝑂𝑆𝑅_𝑃𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 + 1) ∗ 25 and 𝑂𝑆𝑅𝑇𝐸𝑀𝑃 = (𝑂𝑆𝑅_𝑇𝐸𝑀𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 + 1) ∗ 25 6.2.2 Triggered operation Triggered operation (also called forced measurement mode) performs a single Pressure, Temperature, or Pressure/Temperature pair measurement. After the measurement, the device returns to standby mode. Triggered operation is only supported for MODE4. Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 29 of 60 ICP-20100 6.3 FIR FILTER The ICP-20100 includes a FIR filter in the signal path. The FIR filter is a low pass filter, filtering off the remaining noise above ODR/4. Figure 15. FIR Filter In case the FIR filter is enabled first 14 samples should be ignored after mode change. This can be done by configuring ICP-20100 in required mode and poll for FIFO count to be 14 and flushing FIFO or by using FIFO watermark interrupt. The following sequence will explain ignoring first 14 samples using FIFO watermark interrupt: 1) Power-on the ASIC 2) Only for I2C: initialize the I2C interface by toggling the clock line a few times. The easiest way to do that is by inserting a dummy I2C write transaction. 3) Configure the FIFO watermark high to 14 samples • regMap.FIFO_CONFIG = 0xE0 4) Unmask the watermark high interrupt • regMap.INTERRUPT_MASK = 0xFB 5) Start a measurement • regMap.MODE_SELECT.MEAS_CONFIG = M (M is the selected mode) • regMap.MODE_SELECT.MEAS_MODE = 1 • regMap.MODE_SELECT.POWER_MODE = 0 6) Wait for the interrupt 7) Stop the measurement • regMap.MODE_SELECT = 0x00 • wait 10us; 8) Flush the FIFO • regMap.FIFO_FILL = 0x80; 9) Reconfigure the interrupt settings if required for the application and detection of measurement data 10) Start a measurement • regMap.MODE_SELECT.MEAS_CONFIG = M (M is the selected mode) • regMap.MODE_SELECT.MEAS_MODE = 1 • regMap.MODE_SELECT.POWER_MODE = 0 Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 30 of 60 ICP-20100 11) Wait for the interrupt or use another mechanism (polling, fixed wait) to detect if measurement data is available 12) Read the data from FIFO registers • Press[7:0] = regMap.PRESS_DATA_0 • Press[15:8] = regMap.PRESS_DATA_1 • Press[19:16] = regMap.PRESS_DATA_2 • Temp[7:0] = regMap.TEMP_DATA_0 • Temp[15:8] = regMap.TEMP_DATA_1 • Temp[19:16] = regMap.TEMP_DATA_2 13) Repeat step 12 until the FIFO is empty In case FIR filter is disabled (for operation mode 4) the first sample after mode change need to be ignored. 6.4 IIR FILTER The ICP-20100 includes an IIR filter in the signal path, to filter out pressure glitches due to sudden pressure changes caused by events such as slamming door, or wind blowing on the sensor. The IIR filter is a 1st order filter with programmable cut-off frequency. For details on how to program and use the IIR filter, refer to the application note “AN-000238: ICP-20100 and ICP20132 User Configurable Operation Mode and IIR Filter.” 6.5 BOOT SEQUENCE Before starting any measurement, the device needs to be configured. This section lists the different steps to be taken before being able to conduct a measurement. The following terminology is used in this code for register map references: regMap.Register_Name.Register_Field_Name = Value where - “Register_Name” is the register name - “Register_Field_Name” is the name of the register field in the register - “Value” is the value being written to the specified register field 1) Power-on the ASIC 2) Initialize the I2C interface by toggling the clock line a few times. The easiest way to do that is by inserting a dummy I2C write transaction. You can for example execute the first transaction (write to lock register) twice. 3) Check the value from register regMap.version: • If 0x00 (version A), continue to step 4. • If 0xB2 (version B), no further initialization is required. 4) Check the value from register regMap. OTP_STATUS2. BOOT_UP_STATUS Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 31 of 60 ICP-20100 • If 1, ICP-20100 didn’t go through power cycle after previous boot up sequence. No further initialization is required. • If 0, boot up config is not done after ICP-20100 power on. Continue to step 5 5) Bring the ASIC in power mode to activate the OTP power domain and get access to the main registers • regMap.MODE_SELECT.POWER_MODE = 1 • Wait 4ms; 6) Unlock the main registers • regMap.MASTER_LOCK.LOCK = 0x1f 7) Enable the OTP and the write switch • regMap.OTP_CONFIG1.OTP_ENABLE = 1; • regMap.OTP_CONFIG1.OTP_WRITE_SWITCH = 1; • wait 10μs; 8) Toggle the OTP reset pin • regMap.OTP_DBG2.RESET = 1 • wait 10us • regMap.OTP_DBG2.RESET = 0 • wait 10us 9) Program redundant read • regMap.OTP_MRA_LSB = 0x04 • regMap.OTP_MRA_MSB = 0x04 • regMap.OTP_MRB_LSB = 0x21 • regMap.OTP_MRB_MSB = 0x20 • regMap.OTP_MR_LSB = 0x10 • regMap.OTP_MR_MSB = 0x80 10) Write the address content and read command • regMap.OTP_ADDRESS.ADDRESS = 8’hF8 • regMap.OTP_COMMAND.ADDRESS = 4’h0 • regMap.OTP_COMMAND.COMMAND = 1 // for offset // read action 11) Wait for the OTP read to finish • Monitor regMap.OTP_STATUS.BUSY to be 0 12) Read the data from register • Offset = regMap.OTP_RDATA.VALUE 13) Write the next address content and read command • regMap.OTP_ADDRESS.ADDRESS = 8’hF9 • regMap.OTP_COMMAND.ADDRESS = 4’h0 Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 32 of 60 // for gain ICP-20100 • regMap.OTP_COMMAND.COMMAND = 1 // read action 14) Wait for the OTP read to finish • Monitor regMap.OTP_STATUS.BUSY to be 0 15) Read the data from register • Gain = regMap.OTP_RDATA.VALUE 16) Write the next address content and read command • regMap.OTP_ADDRESS.ADDRESS = 8’hFA • regMap.OTP_COMMAND.ADDRESS = 4’h0 • regMap.OTP_COMMAND.COMMAND = 1 // for HFosc // read action 17) Wait for the OTP read to finish • Monitor regMap.OTP_STATUS.BUSY to be 0 18) Read the data from register • HFosc = regMap.OTP_RDATA.VALUE 19) Disable OTP and write switch • regMap.OTP_CONFIG1.OTP_ENABLE = 0; • regMap.OTP_CONFIG1.OTP_WRITE_SWITCH = 0; • wait 10μs; 20) Write the Offset to the main registers • regMap.TRIM1_MSB.PEFE_OFFSET_TRIM = Offset[5:0] 21) Write the Gain to the main registers without touching the parameter BG_PTAT_TRIM • Rdata = regMap.TRIM2_MSB • Rdata[6:4] = Gain[2:0] • regMap.TRIM2_MSB = Rdata 22) Write the HFosc trim value to the main registers • regMap.TRIM2_LSB = HFosc 23) Lock the main registers • regMap.MASTER_LOCK.LOCK = 0x00 24) Move to standby • regMap.MODE_SELECT.POWER_MODE = 0 25) Write bootup config status to 1 to avoid re initialization with out power cycle. regMap. OTP_STATUS2. BOOT_UP_STATUS = 1 Note: The bootup sequence should be run only once for every powerup. Running the boot sequence multiple times could create issues. Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 33 of 60 ICP-20100 6.6 MODE SWITCHING/SELECTION Mode switching/selection is done by • Making sure the previous mode is selected by reading the register field MODE_SYNC_STATUS of register DEVICE_STATUS until it is set to ‘1’. • Starting the new mode by selecting it in the register field MEAS_CONFIG of register MODE_SELECT. 6.7 PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE READ-OUT Pressure and temperature are read out by • Waiting until the FIFO contains data (either by polling the FIFO_LEVEL register field in register FIFO_FILL or though configuration of the FIFO watermark high interrupt). • Read out registers PRESS_DATA_0, PRESS_DATA_1, PRESS_DATA_2, TEMP_DATA_0 , TEMP_DATA_1, and TEMP_DATA_2 using the address increment burst feature of the SPI, I 2C or I3CSM interface. The FIFO read pointer will automatically increment on reading the last register TEMP_DATA_2. The read address will automatically wrap to address PRESS_DATA_0 (in case of Pressure first mode refer to section 7). This means that multiple FIFO locations can be read out by continuously using the interface address increment function until the FIFO is empty. 6.7.1 Pressure conversion formula The 20-bit output pressure value represents a two’s complement integer from -219 till 219-1 To convert this value into pressure, use the formula P = (POUT/217)*40kPa + 70kPa - P: pressure in kPa - POUT: two’s complement representation of the pressure output code Figure 16. Pressure Output Code Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 34 of 60 ICP-20100 6.7.2 Temperature conversion formula The 20-bit output temperature value represents a two’s complement integer from -219 till 219-1 To convert this value into temperature, use the formula T = (TOUT/218)*65C + 25C - T: temperature in degrees Celsius - TOUT: two’s complement representation of the temperature output code Figure 17. Temperature Output Code Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 35 of 60 ICP-20100 7 FIFO A 96-bytes FIFO allows to buffer up to 16 pressure and temperature measurement pairs before reading them out through I2C, I3CSM or SPI. Four modes are supported when reading out the FIFO with address increment: • Pressure first: The address wraps to the start address of the Pressure value • Temperature only: The address wraps to the start address of the Temperature value • Temperature first: Temperature and pressure locations are switched, the address wraps to the start address of the Temperature value • Pressure only: Temperature and pressure locations are switched, the address wraps to the start address of the Pressure value Figure 18. FIFO Read Out Modes 7.1 FIFO ACCESSIBILITY The Measurement FIFO registers are accessible from the I2C/I3CSM/SPI interface in all operating modes, including Standby mode. The Measurement FIFO registers need to be read out in burst mode for I2C/I3CSM. The data that is read out is not guaranteed to be consistent if every byte is addressed separately. Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 36 of 60 ICP-20100 7.2 FIFO FULL/EMPTY A FIFO full flag is raised when the FIFO level reaches the FIFO size. Data is not written to the FIFO if it is full. The FIFO full flag is reset when the FIFO level drops below the FIFO size by fetching a FIFO word through from the I2C/I3CSM/SPI interface. A FIFO empty flag is raised when the FIFO level reaches 0. A read transaction from the FIFO returns 0x00 values if it is empty. The FIFO empty flag is reset when the FIFO level increases above 0. 7.3 FIFO OVERFLOW/UNDERFLOW A FIFO overflow flag is raised when a new pressure/temperature pair is written to the FIFO while it is full. The written pressure/temperature pair is ignored. The FIFO overflow flag is latched and can be reset by setting it through the I2C/I3CSM/SPI interface. A FIFO underflow flag is raised when a pressure/temperature pair is fetched from the FIFO while it is empty. The data read from the FIFO contains 0x00 values. The FIFO underflow flag is latched and can be reset by setting it through the I2C/I3CSM/SPI interface. 7.4 FIFO WATERMARK LOW/HIGH Two FIFO watermark register fields, FIFO_WMK_LOW and FIFO_WMK_HIGH, can be used to manage the data flow from the sensor to the host. The watermark high flag is set when the FIFO level reaches the high value watermark specified by FIFO_WMK_HIGH. The watermark low flag is set when the FIFO level reaches the low value watermark specified by FIFO_WMK_LOW. The FIFO watermark flags are latched and can be reset by setting them through the I2C/I3CSM/SPI interface. 7.5 FIFO FLUSH A FIFO flush command allows the user to flush the FIFO. The register field FLUSH should be set to 1 to flush the FIFO. 7.6 ABSOLUTE PRESSURE VALUE OVERRUN/UNDERRUN An absolute pressure value overrun flag is raised when the pressure value crosses a configurable 16-bit pressure overrun/underrun value. This value is configurable in the user register map using registers PRESS_ABS_LSB and PRESS_ABS_MSB. 7.7 DELTA PRESSURE VALUE OVERRUN A delta pressure value overrun flag is raised when the absolute difference between 2 consecutive pressure values exceeds a configurable 16-bit delta pressure overrun value. This value is configurable in the user register map, using registers PRESS_DELTA_LSB and PRESS_DELTA_MSB. Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 37 of 60 ICP-20100 8 INTERRUPTS The interrupt pin is open-drain. It is pulled high by default by an internal pull-up resistor. On an interrupt event, it is driven low until the interrupt source has been cleared through the I 2C/I3CSM/SPI interface. The interrupt can be configured to be connected to any of the following interrupt sources: • FIFO overflow • FIFO underflow • FIFO watermark low • FIFO watermark high • Absolute pressure threshold overrun • Absolute pressure threshold underrun • Delta pressure threshold overrun Each interrupt source can be individually masked. Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 38 of 60 ICP-20100 9 ASSEMBLY This section provides general guidelines for assembling TDK Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) pressure sensors. 9.1 IMPLEMENTATION AND USAGE RECOMMENDATIONS 9.1.1 Soldering When soldering, use the standard soldering profile IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 with peak temperatures of 260°C. ICP-20100 may exhibit a pressure offset after soldering, some settling time may be required depending on soldering properties, PCB properties, and ambient conditions. ICP-20100 devices have MSL rating 1, appropriate JEDEC J-STD-020 guidelines should be followed to avoid damaging the part. 9.1.2 Chemical Exposure and Sensor Protection The ICP-20100 is an open cavity package and should not be exposed to particulates or liquids. If any type of protective coating must be applied to the circuit board, the sensor must be protected during the coating process. Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 39 of 60 ICP-20100 10 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS Package dimensions for the ICP-20100: Top View: ICP-20100 Bottom View: ICP-20100 Figure 19. ICP-20100 Package Diagrams Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 40 of 60 ICP-20100 SYMBOLS A A3 b c D D1 E E1 e L L1 L3 MIN. 0.750 0.655 0.200 0.100 1.950 1.820 1.950 1.820 0.450 0.275 0.025 0.250 DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS NOM. 0.800 0.675 0.250 0.125 2.000 1.850 2.000 1.850 0.500 0.375 0.075 0.300 Table 19. ICP-20100 Package Dimensions Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 41 of 60 MAX. 0.850 0.695 0.300 0.150 2.050 1.880 2.050 1.880 0.550 0.425 0.100 0.325 ICP-20100 11 PART NUMBER PART MARKINGS The part number part markings for ICP-20100 devices are summarized below: PART NUMBER ICP-20100 PART MARKING S1 Table 20. Part Number Part Markings TOP VIEW Part Number Lot Traceability Code Date Code: (Y)Year(W)WorkWeek S1 XXXX YW 1-Hole (ICP-20100) Figure 20. Part Number Part Markings for ICP-20100 Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 42 of 60 ICP-20100 12 REGISTER MAP This section lists the register map for ICP-20100. Addr (Hex) Addr (Dec.) Register Name Serial I/F 5 5 TRIM1_MSB R/W 6 6 TRIM2_LSB R/W 7 7 TRIM2_MSB R/W C 12 DEVICE_ID RO Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 - - PEFE_GAIN_TRIM BG_PTAT_TRIM VALUE 13 IO_DRIVE_STRENGTH R/W 172 OTP_CONFIG1 R/W AD 173 OTP_MR_LSB R/W VALUE_LSB AE 174 OTP_MR_MSB R/W VALUE_MSB AF 175 OTP_MRA_LSB R/W VALUE_LSB B0 176 OTP_MRA_MSB R/W VALUE_MSB B1 177 OTP_MRB_LSB R/W VALUE_LSB B2 178 OTP_MRB_MSB R/W VALUE_MSB B5 181 OTP_ADDRESS_REG R/W B6 182 OTP_COMMAND_REG R/W B8 184 OTP_RDATA R - IO_DS - OTP_EN COMMAND OTP_ADDRESS_MSB VALUE B9 185 OTP_STATUS R 188 OTP_DBG2 R/W BE 190 MASTER_LOCK W BF 191 OTP_STATUS2 R/W C0 192 MODE_SELECT R/W C1 193 INTERRUPT_STATUS R/W - PRESS_D ELTA_INT C2 194 INTERRUPT_MASK R/W - PRESS_D ELTA_MA SK C3 195 FIFO_CONFIG R/W C4 196 FIFO_FILL R/W FIFO_FLU SH FIFO_EMP TY C5 197 SPI_MODE R/W C7 199 PRESS_ABS_LSB R/W PRESS_ABS_LSB C8 200 PRESS_ABS_MSB R/W PRESS_ABS_MSB - BUSY RESET LOCK BOOT_UP _STATUS FORCED_ MEAS_TRI GGER MEAS_MO DE POWER_M ODE PRESS_A BS_INT - FIFO_WM K_LOW_IN T FIFO_WM K_HIGH_I NT FIFO_UND ERFLOW_I NT FIFO_OV ERFLOW _INT PRESS_A BS_MASK - FIFO_WM K_LOW_M ASK FIFO_WM K_HIGH_M ASK FIFO_UND ERFLOW_ MASK FIFO_OV ERFLOW _MASK MEAS_CONFIG FIFO_WM_HIGH FIFO_LEVEL SPI_MOD E - C9 201 PRESS_DELTA_LSB R/W PRESS_DELTA_LSB 202 PRESS_DELTA_MSB R/W PRESS_DELTA_MSB CD 205 DEVICE_STATUS R CE 206 I3C_INFO R D3 211 VERSION R FA 250 PRESS_DATA_0 R PRESS_DATA_1 R PRESS_DATA_2 R FD 253 TEMP_DATA_0 R FE 254 TEMP_DATA_1 R FF 255 TEMP_DATA_2 R MODE_S YNC_ST ATUS I3C_INFO MAJOR MINOR PRESS_DATA_0 PRESS_DATA_1 - PRESS_DATA_2 TEMP_DATA_0 TEMP_DATA_1 - Table 21. Register Map Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 FIFO_READOUT_MODE FIFO_WM_LOW FIFO_FUL L CA 252 OTP_WR OTP_ADDRESS_LSB - BC 251 Bit0 PEFE_OFFSET_TRIM D FB Bit1 HF_OSC_TRIM AC FC Bit2 Page 43 of 60 TEMP_DATA_2 ICP-20100 13 REGISTER MAP DESCRIPTION This section describes the function and contents of each register. 13.1 TRIM1_MSB Name: TRIM1_MSB Address: 5 (0x05) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: Device dependent BIT NAME 7:6 5:0 PEFE_OFFSET_TRIM FUNCTION Reserved Trim value for the pressure front-end 13.2 TRIM2_LSB Name: TRIM2_LSB Address: 6 (0x06) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: Device dependent BIT NAME 7 6:0 HFOSC_TRIM FUNCTION Reserved Trim value for the high frequency oscillator 13.3 TRIM2_MSB Name: TRIM1_MSB Address: 7 (0x07) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: Device dependent BIT NAME 7 6:4 PEFE_GAIN_TRIM 3:0 BG_PTAT_TRIM FUNCTION Reserved Trim value for the pressure front-end Trim value for PTAT current 13.4 DEVICE_ID Name: DEVICE_ID Address: 12 (0x0C) Serial IF: RO Reset value: 0x63 BIT NAME 7:0 VALUE Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 FUNCTION 8-bit Device ID Page 44 of 60 ICP-20100 13.5 IO_DRIVE_STRENGTH Name: IO_DRIVE_STRENGTH Address: 13 (0x0D) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x03 BIT NAME 7:3 - 2:0 IO_DS FUNCTION Reserved IO drive strength value 000: 2 mA for 1.8V IO supply 001: 4 mA for 1.8V IO supply 010: 8 mA for 1.8V IO supply 011: 12 mA for 1.8V IO supply 100: 2 mA for 1.2V IO supply 101: 4 mA for 1.2V IO supply 110: 6 mA for 1.2V IO supply 111: 8 mA for 1.2V IO supply 13.6 OTP_CONFIG1 Name: OTP_CONFIG1 Address: 172 (0xAC) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:2 RESERVED 1 OTP_WRITE_SWITCH 0 OTP_ENABLE FUNCTION Connect OTP VCC to VCORE. This is needed for OTP write. VCORE should be 3V3 in this case Enable the OTP 13.7 OTP_MR_LSB Name: OTP_MR_LSB Address: 173 (0xAD) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 VALUE_LSB FUNCTION OTP MR register bits 7:0 13.8 OTP_MR_MSB Name: OTP_MR_MSB Address: 174 (0xAE) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 VALUE_MSB Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 FUNCTION OTP MR register bits 15:8 Page 45 of 60 ICP-20100 13.9 OTP_MRA_LSB Name: OTP_MRA_LSB Address: 175 (0xAF) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 VALUE_LSB FUNCTION OTP MRA register bits 7:0 13.10 OTP_MRA_MSB Name: OTP_MRA_MSB Address: 176 (0xB0) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 VALUE_MSB FUNCTION OTP MRA register bits 15:8 13.11 OTP_MRB_LSB Name: OTP_MRB_LSB Address: 177 (0xB1) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 VALUE_LSB FUNCTION OTP MRB register bits 7:0 13.12 OTP_MRB_MSB Name: OTP_MRB_MSB Address: 178 (0xB2) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 VALUE_MSB FUNCTION OTP MRB register bits 15:8 13.13 OTP_ADDRESS Name: OTP_ADDRESS Address: 181 (0xB5) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 ADDRESS Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 FUNCTION OTP address [7:0] to read from or to write to Page 46 of 60 ICP-20100 13.14 OTP_COMMAND Name: OTP_COMMAND Address: 182 (0xB6) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7 RESERVED 6:4 COMMAND 3:0 ADDRESS FUNCTION OTP access command OTP address [11:8] to read from or to write to 13.15 OTP_RDATA Name: OTP_RDATA Address: 184 (0xB8) Serial IF: R Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 VALUE FUNCTION OTP read data word 13.16 OTP_STATUS Name: OTP_STATUS Address: 185 (0xB9) Serial IF: R Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:1 RESERVED 0 BUSY FUNCTION OTP controller BUSY flag 13.17 OTP_DBG2 Name: OTP_DBG2 Address: 188 (0xBC) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7 RESET 6:0 RESERVED FUNCTION Value of the OTP port RESET - 13.18 OTP_STATUS2 Name: OTP_STATUS2 Address: 191 (0xBF) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0xF0 BIT NAME 7:1 RESERVED Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 FUNCTION - Page 47 of 60 ICP-20100 0 BOOT_UP_STATUS Boot up config status. Host can set this bit to 1 when boot up config is done and read later to know if ICP-20100 is power cycled and needs boot up config. 13.19 MASTER_LOCK Name: MASTER_LOCK Address: 190 (0xBE) Serial IF: W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 LOCK FUNCTION Write 8'h1F to unlock write access to all main registers Write any other value to lock write access to all main registers The OTP mirror registers are not locked by this register 13.20 MODE_SELECT Name: MODE_SELECT Address: 192 (0xC0) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:5 MEAS_CONFIG 4 FORCED_MEAS_TRIGGER 3 MEAS_MODE 2 POWER_MODE 1:0 FIFO_READOUT_MODE Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 FUNCTION Measurement Configuration (the modes listed below are described in section 2.2) 000: Mode0 001: Mode1 010: Mode2 011: Mode3 100: Mode4 101 to 111: Reserved Initiate Triggered Operation (also called Forced Measurement Mode) 0: Stay in Standby mode 1: Trigger for forced measurement (only supported for Mode4) Measurement Mode Selection 0: Standby or trigger forced measurement based on the field FORCED_MEAS_TRIGGER 1: Continuous Measurements (duty cycled): Measurements are started based on the selected mode ODR_REG Power Mode Selection 0: Normal Mode: Device is in standby and goes to active mode during the execution of a measurement 1: Active Mode: Power on DVDD and enable the high frequency clock FIFO Readout Mode Selection (refer to the FIFO section for further information) 00: Pressure first. When you start reading from address 0xFA with address increment, you will read out press(n), temp(n), press(n+1), temp(n+1), … 01: Temperature only. When you start reading from address 0xFD with address increment, you will read out temp(n), temp(n+1), … Page 48 of 60 ICP-20100 10: Temperature first. When you start reading from address 0xFA with address increment, you will read out temp(n), press(n), temp(n+1), press(n+1), … 11: Pressure only. When you start reading from address 0xFD with address increment, you will read out press(n), press(n+1), … Notes: - Make sure DEVICE_STATUS.MODE_SYNC_STATUS bit is set before writing this register. 13.21 INTERRUPT_STATUS Name: INTERRUPT_STATUS Address: 193 (0xC1) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7 - 6 PRESS_DELTA_INT 5 PRESS_ABS_INT 4 - 3 FIFO_WMK_LOW_INT 2 FIFO_WMK_HIGH_INT Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 FUNCTION Reserved Delta pressure overrun Read 0: The difference between 2 consecutive pressure measurements after filtering didn't exceed the programmed delta pressure overrun value. The interrupt has not triggered 1: The difference between 2 consecutive pressure measurements after filtering exceeded the programmed delta pressure overrun value. The interrupt has triggered Write policy is W1C 0: the press_delta_int interrupt status bit is unchanged 1: the press_delta_int interrupt status bit is cleared Pressure underrun/overrun Read 0: The pressure value didn't cross the programmed pressure underrun/overrun value. The interrupt has not triggered 1: The pressure value crossed the programmed pressure underrun/overrun value. The interrupt has triggered Write policy is W1C 0: the press_abs interrupt status bit is unchanged 1: the press_abs interrupt status bit is cleared Reserved FIFO watermark low Read 0: The FIFO fill level didn't reach in downward direction the programmed watermark low value. The interrupt has not triggered 1: The FIFO fill level reached in downward direction the programmed watermark low value. The interrupt has triggered Write policy is W1C 0: the fifo_wmk_low interrupt status bit is unchanged 1: the fifo_wmk_low interrupt status bit is cleared FIFO watermark high Read 0: The FIFO fill level didn't reach in upward direction the programmed watermark high value. The interrupt has not triggered 1: The FIFO fill level reached in upward direction the programmed watermark high value. The interrupt has triggered Page 49 of 60 ICP-20100 1 FIFO_UNDERFLOW_INT 0 FIFO_OVERFLOW_INT Write policy is W1C 0: the fifo_wmk_high interrupt status bit is unchanged 1: the fifo_wmk_high interrupt status bit is cleared FIFO underflow Read 0: No new pressure/temperature pair was fetched from the FIFO while it was empty. The interrupt has not triggered 1: A new pressure/temperature pair was fetched from the FIFO while it was empty. The interrupt has triggered Write policy is W1C 0: the fifo_underflow interrupt status bit is unchanged 1: the fifo_underflow interrupt status bit is cleared FIFO overflow Read 0: No new pressure/temperature pair was written to the FIFO while it was full. The interrupt has not triggered 1: A new pressure/temperature pair was written to the FIFO while it was full. The interrupt has triggered Write policy is W1C 0: the fifo_overflow interrupt status bit is unchanged 1: the fifo_overflow interrupt status bit is cleared 13.22 INTERRUPT_MASK Name: INTERRUPT_MASK Address: 194 (0xC2) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7 6 PRESS_DELTA_MASK 5 PRESS_ABS_MASK 4 - 3 FIFO_WMK_LOW_MASK 2 FIFO_WMK_HIGH_MASK 1 FIFO_UNDERFLOW_MASK 0 FIFO_OVERFLOW_MASK FUNCTION Reserved (program to 1) 0: PRESS_DELTA interrupt is not masked 1: PRESS_DELTA interrupt is masked 0: PRESS_ABS interrupt is not masked 1: PRESS_ABS interrupt is masked Reserved 0: FIFO_WMK_LOW interrupt is not masked 1: FIFO_WMK_LOW interrupt is masked 0: FIFO_WMK_HIGH interrupt is not masked 1: FIFO_WMK_HIGH interrupt is masked 0: FIFO_UNDERFLOW interrupt is not masked 1: FIFO_UNDERFLOW interrupt is masked 0: FIFO_OVERFLOW interrupt is not masked 1: FIFO_OVERFLOW interrupt is masked 13.23 FIFO_CONFIG Name: FIFO_CONFIG Address: 195 (0xC3) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 50 of 60 ICP-20100 BIT NAME 7:4 FIFO_WM_HIGH 3:0 FIFO_WM_LOW FUNCTION FIFO high watermark value. Interrupt is triggered when the FIFO fill level reaches this value in the upward direction. A value of 0 disables the high watermark check. FIFO low watermark value. Interrupt is triggered when the FIFO fill level reaches this value in the downward direction. 13.24 FIFO_FILL Name: FIFO_FILL Address: 196 (0xC4) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x40 BIT NAME 7 FIFO_FLUSH 6 FIFO_EMPTY 5 FIFO_FULL 4:0 FIFO_LEVEL FUNCTION FIFO flush command. (This field should not be modified while doing a measurement) 0: No change 1: FIFO is flushed. Flushing the FIFO will empty it. FIFO empty indication. 0: The FIFO level is above 0 1: The FIFO level is at 0 FIFO full indication. 0: The FIFO level is below the FIFO size 1: The FIFO level has reached the FIFO size FIFO fill level 00000: Empty 00001: 1/16 full 00010: 2/16 full 00011: 3/16 full 00100: 4/16 full 00101: 5/16 full 00110: 6/16 full 00111: 7/16 full 01000: 8/16 full 01001: 9/16 full 01010: 10/16 full 01011: 11/16 full 01100: 12/16 full 01101: 13/16 full 01110: 14/16 full 01111: 15/16 full 10000: Full 10001 to 11111: Reserved 13.25 SPI_MODE Name: SPI_MODE Address: 197 (0xC5) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 51 of 60 ICP-20100 BIT 7:1 0 NAME SPI_MODE FUNCTION Reserved 0: SPI 4-wire mode enabled 1: SPI 3-wire mode enabled 13.26 PRESS_ABS_LSB Name: PRESS_ABS_LSB Address: 199 (0xC7) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 PRESS_ABS_LSB FUNCTION LSB part of the 16bit pressure overrun/underrun value. The 16bit value represents pressure values according to the formula PABS = (P(kPa)-70kPa)/40kPa*213 For example, 80 kPa threshold results in value 0x0800, 50 kPa results in value 0xF000 This register should not be modified while doing a measurement. 13.27 PRESS_ABS_MSB Name: PRESS_ABS_MSB Address: 200 (0xC8) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 PRESS_ABS_MSB FUNCTION MSB part of the 16bit pressure overrun/underrun value. The 16bit value represents pressure values according to the formula PABS = (P(kPa)-70kPa)/40kPa*213 For example, 80kPa threshold results in value 0x0800, 50 kPa results in value 0xF000 This register should not be modified while doing a measurement. 13.28 PRESS_DELTA_LSB Name: PRESS_DELTA_LSB Address: 201 (0xC9) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 PRESS_DELTA_LSB Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 FUNCTION LSB part of the 16bit delta pressure overrun/underrun value. The 16bit value represents pressure values according to the formula PDELTA = (P(kPa)/80)* 214 For example, a delta pressure of 0.5 kPa is represented by the value 0x0066 This register should not be modified while doing a measurement. Page 52 of 60 ICP-20100 13.29 PRESS_DELTA_MSB Name: PRESS_DELTA_MSB Address: 202 (0xCA) Serial IF: R/W Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 PRESS_DELTA_MSB FUNCTION MSB part of the 16bit delta pressure overrun/underrun value. The 16bit value represents pressure values according to the formula PDELTA = (P(kPa)/80)* 214 For example, a delta pressure of 0.5 kPa is represented by the value 0x0066 This register should not be modified while doing a measurement. 13.30 DEVICE_STATUS Name: DEVICE_STATUS Address: 205 (0xCD) Serial IF: R Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:6 0 MODE_SYNC_STATUS FUNCTION Reserved 0: Synchronization of the selected mode to the internal clock domain is ongoing. MODE_SELECT register is not accessible by the user. 1: Synchronization of the selected mode to the internal clock domain is finished. MODE_SELECT register is accessible by the user. 13.31 I3C_INFO Name: I3C_INFO Address: 206 (0xCE) Serial IF: R Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 I3C_INFO FUNCTION This register contains the I3CSM dynamic slave address 13.32 VERSION Name: VERSION Address: 211 (0xD3) Serial IF: R Reset value: 0x00 (version A); 0xB2 (version B) BIT NAME FUNCTION 7:4 MAJOR Major version number 3:0 MINOR Minor version number Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 53 of 60 ICP-20100 13.33 PRESS_DATA_0 Name: PRESS_DATA_0 Address: 250 (0xFA) Serial IF: R Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 PRESS_DATA_0 FUNCTION Pressure data bits [7:0] 13.34 PRESS_DATA_1 Name: PRESS_DATA_1 Address: 251 (0xFB) Serial IF: R Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 PRESS_DATA_1 FUNCTION Pressure data bits [15:8] 13.35 PRESS_DATA_2 Name: PRESS_DATA_2 Address: 252 (0xFC) Serial IF: R Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:4 3:0 PRESS_DATA_2 FUNCTION Reserved Pressure data bits [19:16] 13.36 TEMP_DATA_0 Name: TEMP_DATA_0 Address: 253 (0xFD) Serial IF: R Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 TEMP_DATA_0 FUNCTION Temperature data bits [7:0] 13.37 TEMP_DATA_1 Name: TEMP_DATA_1 Address: 254 (0xFE) Serial IF: R Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:0 TEMP_DATA_1 Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 FUNCTION Temperature data bits [15:8] Page 54 of 60 ICP-20100 13.38 TEMP_DATA_2 Name: TEMP_DATA_2 Address: 255 (0xFF) Serial IF: R Reset value: 0x00 BIT NAME 7:4 3:0 TEMP_DATA_2 Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 FUNCTION Reserved Temperature data bits [19:16] Page 55 of 60 ICP-20100 14 TAPE & REEL SPECIFICATION Figure 21. ICP-20100 Tape Dimensions Figure 22. ICP-20100 Tape and Reel Drawing Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 56 of 60 ICP-20100 15 ORDERING GUIDE PART ICP-20100† TEMP RANGE PACKAGE BODY PACKAGE LID QUANTITY PACKAGING −40°C to +85°C 2x2x0.8mm LGA10L 1-Hole 10,000 13” Tape and Reel †Denotes RoHS and Green-Compliant Package Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 57 of 60 ICP-20100 16 REFERENCES Please refer to “InvenSense MEMS Handling Application Note (AN-IVS-0002A-00)” and “Pressure Sensor PCB Design Guidelines (AN-000140)” for the following information: • Manufacturing Recommendations o Assembly Guidelines and Recommendations o PCB Design Guidelines and Recommendations o MEMS Handling Instructions o ESD Considerations o Reflow Specification o Storage Specifications o Package Marking Specification o Reel & Pizza Box Label o Packaging o Representative Shipping Carton Label • Compliance o Environmental Compliance o DRC Compliance o Compliance Declaration Disclaimer Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 58 of 60 ICP-20100 17 REVISION HISTORY REVISION DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION 10/12/2020 0.1 Initial Release Updated ASIC Identification Procedure (Section 5.4); Updated Duty Cycled Operation Description (Section 6.2.1); Updated FIFO FULL/EMPTY Description (Section 7.2); Moved sections on FIFO OVERFLOW/UNDERFLOW, FIFO WATERMARK LOW/HIGH, ABSOLUTE PRESSURE VALUE OVERRUN/UNDERRUN, DELTA PRESSURE VALUE OVERRUN from Section 7 to Section 8. Updated Pressure Sensor Specifications (Table 3); Updated ASIC Identification Procedure (Section 5.4); Updated Duty Cycled Operation Description (Section 6.2.1); Updated Interrupts (Section 8). 03/12/2021 0.2 04/01/2021 0.3 05/03/2021 0.4 Added MSL information (Cover Page); Added Tape & Reel Specification (Section 14). 07/09/2021 1.0 Updated Pressure Sensor Specifications (Table 3); Updated References (Section 16) 09/15/2021 1.1 12/08/2021 1.2 12/17/2021 1.3 Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Updated Table 3 Notes and Conditions; Added OSRPRESS and OSRTEMP Calculation (Section 6.2.1); Updated FIFO_FLUSH Register Field Description (Section 13.23) Updated Drive Strength for VDDIO = 1.2V and for VDDIO = 1.8V/3.3V (Section 3.1); Updated HBM from 2kV to 1.5kV (Section 3.2); Added new dummy reads for I2C and I3C (Section 4.1.3 and Section 4.1.4); Updated Drive Strength Configuration (Section 4.3); Updated FIR Filter section (Section 6.3); Updated drive strength (Section 13.5, 3.1); Updated boot section (Section 6.5); Updated ASIC identification section (Section 5.4, 13.31); Added register OTP_STATUS2 (Section 12, 13.18); Updated IO_DS description (Section 13.5); Added Notes (Section 13.20) Updated Boot Sequence (Section 6.5) Page 59 of 60 ICP-20100 This information furnished by InvenSense or its affiliates (“TDK InvenSense”) is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by TDK InvenSense for its use, or for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. TDK InvenSense reserves the right to make changes to this product, including its circuits and software, in order to improve its design and/or performance, without prior notice. TDK InvenSense makes no warranties, neither expressed nor implied, regarding the information and specifications contained in this document. TDK InvenSense assumes no responsibility for any claims or damages arising from information contained in this document, or from the use of products and services detailed therein. This includes, but is not limited to, claims or damages based on the infringement of patents, copyrights, mask work and/or other intellectual property rights. Certain intellectual property owned by InvenSense and described in this document is patent protected. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of InvenSense. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. Trademarks that are registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies. TDK InvenSense sensors should not be used or sold in the development, storage, production or utilization of any conventional or mass-destructive weapons or for any other weapons or life threatening applications, as well as in any other life critical applications such as medical equipment, transportation, aerospace and nuclear instruments, undersea equipment, power plant equipment, disaster prevention and crime prevention equipment. ©2020—2021 InvenSense. All rights reserved. InvenSense, MotionTracking, MotionProcessing, MotionProcessor, MotionFusion, MotionApps, DMP, AAR, and the InvenSense logo are trademarks of InvenSense, Inc. The TDK logo is a trademark of TDK Corporation. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. ©2020—2021 InvenSense. All rights reserved. Document Number: DS-000416 Revision: 1.3 Page 60 of 60
ICP-20100 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+7.89480
    • 10+6.79320
    • 30+6.24240
    • 100+5.69160
    • 500+5.35680
    • 1000+5.18400


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 10000+13.5271010000+1.63749


      •  国内价格
      • 1+8.44310
      • 10+7.26500
      • 30+6.67590
      • 100+6.08690
      • 500+5.72880
      • 1000+5.54400


      •  国内价格 香港价格
      • 1+24.736171+2.99438
      • 5+22.073075+2.67200
      • 10+21.0826010+2.55210
      • 25+19.8946425+2.40830
      • 50+19.0864950+2.31047
      • 100+18.34543100+2.22076
      • 500+16.85417500+2.04024
      • 1000+16.298971000+1.97303
      • 5000+15.180575000+1.83765
