Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes
400 MHz – 1 GHz
Engineered for Embedded
System Design and Debug
Key Features
• 400 MHz, 600 MHz and
1 GHz bandwidths
• 4 analog and 18 digital
• 2.5 GS/s sample rates
per channel, 5 GS/s with
MSO 104Xs-A
• 10 Mpts/Ch memory on
all channels, all the time
• Fast Processing of long
memory and math
• Responsive User Interface
• WaveStream™ Fast
Viewing Mode
• WaveScan™ – Advanced Search
and Find
• Excellent triggering including
HDTV Trigger
Successful design and debug of an embedded system requires
monitoring a wide range of analog, digital and serial data signals.
The MSO Xs-A with its long memory, fast processing, advanced
measurements and touch screen is the right tool to view these
signals and ensure proper bus traffic and timing between events.
Its small form factor pack a powerful processor that can handle the long
10 Mpts of memory on each of the 4 analog and 18 digital channels faster
than any competing products and without any compromise of memory length
or sample rate. The touch screen interface is the ultimate in ease of use and
with features like WaveStream™ fast viewing mode and WaveScan™ Search
and Find you can be confident that
you will be able to quickly debug
and solve every problem in your
embedded system. Beyond the
advanced measurement and triggering
the MSO Xs-A offers a wide range of
available serial data trigger and decode
• 10.4" touch screen display
tools for I2C, SPI, UART, Audiobus
• LXI Compliant
(I2S, LJ, RJ, TDM), MIL-STD-1553,
• SMART Triggers™ capabilities
for combining parallel and
serial triggering
CAN and LIN. With analog bandwidths
from 400 MHz to 1 GHz and max
digital input frequencies up to
250 MHz the MSO Xs-A is the ideal
mixed signal oscilloscope for everyday
design and debug.
Speed and Responsiveness
The MSO Xs-A was designed to
shorten debug time through faster
hardware and more sophisticated
software. The hardware allows for
fast processing of long memory even
when looking at all 22 inputs with
math, measurements and serial
decoders. The software is designed
to respond immediately to the user’s
input even while processing data
eliminating any lag or delay.
WaveScan Advanced Search
Long Capture Time
WaveScan allows searching in a
With 10 Mpts/Ch of fast acquisition
WaveStream Fast
Viewing Mode
single acquisition using more than
memory standard the MSO Xs-A
WaveStream provides a vibrant,
20 different modes. Or, set up a
provides long capture time at full
intensity graded (256 levels) display
Scan condition and scan for an event
sample rate, and allows for very long
with a fast update to closely simulate
over hours or days, and perform
captures at lower sample rates letting
the look and feel of an analog
some action when it is found. Search
you capture long stretches of serial bus
oscilloscope. Turn WaveStream
for events on any analog or digital
traffic. The MSO Xs-A long memory is
ON or OFF, and adjust intensity,
channel or search for a pattern
also thoughtfully designed to respond
using the front panel knob. Use it
across multiple digital channels.
quickly, even when measurements,
only when you want to.
math, or serial decoders are being used.
Keep your testing efficient with a
Advanced Mixed Signal
Serial Data Trigger
and Decode
thoughtfully designed user interface
Powerful triggering allows for analog
Quickly and easily locate and isolate
that provides the busy engineer with
and digital cross-pattern triggering of
specific data on I2C, SPI, UART,
a GUI that is smooth, transparent, and
up to 4 analog and 18 digital channels
Audiobus (I2S, LJ, RJ, TDM),
easy to use. Use the touch screen
as well as Qualified AB event trigger-
MIL-STD-1553, CAN or LIN busses
to quickly access all triggers, math
ing to arm a trigger on a certain event
with the optional trigger and decode
functions and measurement parameters
and trigger on a parallel or serial
capabilities. Data is sown with a
or to “draw a box” around the area
pattern that follows.
color-coded overlay directly on top
Touch Screen Simplicity
of interest and zoom all channels to
of the physical layer waveform.
the desired area.
The MSO Xs-A mixed signal oscilloscope
makes everyday embedded system testing
simpler and easier. The intuitive user interface
and streamlined front panel make it easy to
turn on and start making measurements.
The interface is designed so that all triggering,
decoding, measurements and functions are
just one touch away
1. Digital Channel Capture
Capture 18 digital lines at 1 GS/s with 10 Mpts
memory on each channel
2. Digital Waveform Views
View all lines individually or group them
and view as a parallel bus
3. Analog Signal Capture
Capture and view analog
channels width bandwidths
up to 1 GHz, sample rate up
to 5 GS/s and 10 Mpts on
each channel
4. Serial Data Decode
View decoded bus information from I2C,
SPI, UART, Audiobus (I2S, LJ, RJ, TDM),
MIL-STD-1553, CAN and LIN on analog
or digital channels with serial data trigger
and decode options
5. Local Language User Interface
Select from 10 languages. Add a front panel
overlay with your local language
6. Bright 10.4" Touch Screen Display
Easily operate the MSO by accessing all functionality
with a touch of the screen
7. Push Knobs
Trigger level, delay and offset knobs all provide
shortcuts to common actions when pushed
8. WaveStream Fast Viewing Mode
Provides a lively, analog-like feel similar
to a phosphor trace. Adjust “trace”
intensity with the front panel
control, or toggle between
LeCroy WaveStream and
real-time modes
9. Dedicated Cursor Knobs
Select type of cursor, position them on your signal,
and read values without ever opening a menu
Document and Share:
• Save to on-board hard drive
• Save to network drive
• E-mail to team members
• Send to a printer
• Utilize front mounted USB port
Analog, Digital and
Cross-pattern Triggering
The MSO Xs-A has an extensive
set of triggering capabilities aimed
at capturing a wide range of analog
and digital signals. These triggers
can be as simple as an edge trigger
on an analog or digital channel or
as complicated as a cross-pattern
Set up a simple or complex cross-pattern
trigger with any combination of up to
4 analog and 18 digital channels. Set the
pattern with a choice of 1, 0, Rising Edge,
Falling Edge, Either Edge or Don’t Care.
trigger which incorporates up to
4 analog and 18 digital channels.
Powerful Qualified AB event
triggering allows the trigger to
be armed on one event and
triggered on another.
The advanced triggering of the
MSO Xs-A goes well beyond
the basic edge trigger and digital
pattern trigger that many MSOs
offer. Advanced triggers like runt
and dropout and slew rate help
find abnormal signals. The Qualified
AB trigger can be used to connect
multiple trigger events together.
Easy-to-use Measurement Tools
Cursor and measurement parameters
are important for measuring and
understanding both analog and digital
waveforms. The MSO Xs-A cursors
will read out hexadecimal bus values and
analog channel voltages simultaneously.
Cursor measurements are displayed directly in the channel and group descriptor boxes
which are always visible on screen.
Automated measurement parameters
will make measurements on both analog
and digital channels with statistics to
help you understand how they change
over time.
Use up to 6 measurements simultaneously and make measurements on analog, digital or
a combination of both. Measurements are quickly set up using the touch screen menus.
Complete I2C, SPI, UART,
RS-232, Audiobus (I2S, LJ, RJ,
TDM), MIL-STD-1553, CAN and
LIN Serial Triggering
Quickly and easily isolate specific
serial data events on your embedded
controller for better understanding and
faster debug. Set up trigger conditions
in binary and hexadecimal formats.
Use the digital channels to capture
serial data busses keeping the analog
oscilloscope channels open for other
uses. Trigger on DATA in specific
locations of long I2C EEPROM reads.
Get complete control of your debug
process and finish faster.
specific sub-address memory blocks
Powerful Conditional
Data Triggering
in the EEPROM. It can also aid in
Table Summary and
monitoring DATA outputs from
Turn your oscilloscope into a protocol
sensors, such as analog-to-digital
analyzer with the Table display of
converters, and triggering when DATA
protocol information. Customize
is outside a safe operating range. In
the table, or export Table data to an
both cases, verifying proper operation
Excel file. Touch a message in the
becomes a simple task.
table and automatically zoom for
detail. Search for specific address
Completely isolate specific message
Intuitive, Color-Coded
Decode Overlay
events for better understanding and
Advanced software algorithms
debug. Use a conditional trigger to
deconstruct the waveform into binary,
select a range of values to trigger on,
hex, or ASCII protocol information,
not just a single value. For example,
then overlay the decoded data on
oftentimes I2C utilizes DATA bytes to
the waveform.
specify sub-addresses for accessing
memory locations in EEPROMs.
Conditional DATA trigger allows
triggering on a range of DATA bytes
that correspond to reads or writes to
or data values in the acquisition.
Various sections of the protocol
are color-coded to make it easy to
understand. The decode operation is
fast—even with long acquisitions.
WaveScan provides powerful isolation capabilities that hardware triggers can’t provide. WaveScan provides the ability to
locate unusual events in a single capture (i.e., capture and
search), or “scan” for an event in many acquisitions over a
long period of time. Select from more than 20 search modes
to find events on any analog or digital channel or search for
a pattern across multiple digital channels.
WaveStream Fast
Viewing Mode
WaveStream provides a vibrant, intensity
graded (256 levels) display with a fast
update rate to closely simulate the
look and feel of an analog oscilloscope.
WaveStream is most helpful in viewing
signals that have signal jitter or signal
anomalies, or for applying a visual
check before creating an advanced
trigger or WaveScan setup to locate
an unusual event.
Since the sampling rate in WaveStream
mode can be as high as 5 GS/s (up
to 2.5x that of other oscilloscopes),
it is an excellent runt or glitch finder.
Since the scanning
Timing jitter is often visually assessed
“modes” are not simply
to understand approximate behavior.
copies of the hardware
WaveStream makes it easy to
triggers, the utility and
understand jitter on edges or in eye
diagrams. WaveStream also excels
capability is much higher.
For instance, there is no “frequency”
acquisitions, WaveScan builds on
in allowing you to relate composite
trigger in any oscilloscope, yet
the traditional LeCroy strength of
(WaveStream) to single-event (real-
WaveScan allows for “frequency”
fast processing of data. A LeCroy
time sampled) behaviors. Just capture
to be quickly “scanned.” This allows
X-Stream oscilloscope will quickly
in WaveStream mode, toggle to view
the user to accumulate a data set
scan millions of events looking for
or zoom a single trace, then toggle
of unusual events that are separated
unusual occurrences, and do it much
back to WaveStream mode.
by hours or days, enabling faster
faster and more efficiently than other
debugging. When used in multiple
oscilloscopes can.
LeCroy offers an extensive range of probes, accessories, and options for the MSO Xs-A.
Leverage your investment with these items.
ZS Series High Impedance Active Probes
Leading Features:
Leading Features:
• 1 GHz (ZS1000) and 1.5 GHz
(ZS1500) bandwidths
• Lowest priced differential probe
• High Impedance (0.9 pF, 1 MΩ)
• 700 V maximum input voltage
• Extensive standard and
available probe tip and ground
connection accessories
• Works with any 1 MΩ input
• ±12 Vdc offset (ZS1500)
AP033, AP034
• LeCroy ProBus system
Leading Features:
• 15 MHz bandwidth
• 500 MHz and 1 GHz bandwidth
ADP305, ADP300
Leading Features:
• 10,000:1 CMRR
• Wide dynamic range, low noise
• 20 MHz and 100 MHz bandwidth
• LeCroy ProBus system
• 1,000 Vrms common mode voltage
• 1,400 Vpeak differential voltage
• EN 61010 CAT III
• 80 dB CMRR at 50/60 Hz
Extended Math Option
Adds 12 additional math functions, chaining of two math
functions, rescaling with unit selection, and 1 Mpt FFTs.
• LeCroy ProBus system
I2C, SPI, UART, RS-232, Audiobus (I2S, LJ, RJ,
TDM), MIL-STD-1553, CAN and LIN Trigger
and Decode Options
Leading Features:
• Suitable for safe, accurate
high-voltage measurements
• 1.2 kV to 20 kV
• Works with any 1 MΩ input
Powerful serial
triggering, including
conditional data
triggering, intuitive,
color-coded decode
overlay, search,
CP030, CP031
and table display.
Leading Features:
• 30 Arms continuous current (50 Apeak)
• 50 or 100 MHz bandwidth
• Small form factor accommodates
large conductors with small
jaw size
• LeCroy ProBus system
Analog Channels
Bandwidth (@ 50 Ω)
Rise Time
Input Channels
Sample Rate (single-shot)
Sample Rate (RIS mode)
Standard Record Length
Standard Capture Time
Vertical Resolution
Vertical Sensitivity (V/div)
Vertical (DC Gain) Accuracy
BW Limit
Maximum Input Voltage
Input Coupling
Input Impedance
Probing System
MSO 44Xs-A
MSO 64Xs-A
MSO 104Xs-A
400 MHz
875 ps
600 MHz
500 ps
1 GHz
300 ps
10.4" Color flat-panel TFT-LCD, 800 x 600 SVGA, touch screen
2.5 GS/s
50 GS/s
10 Mpts/Ch (all channels)
Up to 2 ms at full sample rate on all four channels
2 mV/div–10 V/div (1 MΩ); 2 mV/div–1 V/div (50 Ω)
±1.0% of full scale (typical); ±1.5% of full scale ≥ 10 mV/div (warranted)
20 MHz, 200 MHz
50 Ω: 5 Vrms, 1 MΩ: 400 V max.
(DC + Peak AC ≤ 5 kHz)
AC, DC, GND (DC and GND for 50 Ω)
1 MΩ || 16 pF, or 50 Ω
BNC or ProBus
One PP009 (5 mm) per channel
5 GS/s
50 Ω: 5 Vrms
1 MΩ: 250 V max.
(DC + Peak AC ≤ 10 kHz)
1 MΩ || 20 pF, or 50 Ω
One PP011 (5 mm) per channel
Digital Channels
Number of Channels
Maximimum Input Frequency
Sample Rate (per Ch)
Record Length (per Ch)
Threshold Groupings
Threshold Levels
Input Impedance
Maximum Input Voltage
250 MHz
1 GS/s
10 Mpts
D0–D8, D9–D17
TTL, ECL, CMOS (2.5 V, 3.3 V, 5 V), PECL, LVDS or User Defined
100 kΩ || 5.0 pF
± 30 V non-destruct
Horizontal and Trigger
Timebase Range
Timebase Accuracy
Trigger Modes
Trigger Sources
Trigger Coupling
Pre-trigger Delay
Post-trigger Delay
Trigger Hold-off
Internal Trigger Level Range
External Trigger Range
200 ps/div–1000 s/div (roll mode from 500 ms/div–1000 s/div)
≤ 5 ppm @ 25 °C (typical) (≤ 10 ppm @ 5–40 °C)
Normal, Auto, Single, and Stop
Any input channel, External, Ext/10, or line; slope and level unique to each source (except for line trigger)
DC, AC, HFRej, LFRej
0–100% of full scale
0–10,000 divisions
1 ns to 20 s or 1 to 1,000,000,000 events
±4.1 div from center
EXT/10 ±4V; EXT ±400 mV
Trigger Types
MSO 44Xs-A
MSO 64Xs-A
MSO 104Xs-A
Edge, Glitch, Width, Logic (Pattern), TV (NTSC, PAL, SECAM, HDTV – 720p, 1080i, 1080p), Runt, Slew Rate,
Interval (Signal or Pattern), Dropout, Qualified (State or Edge)
Measure, Zoom,
and Math Tools
Standard Parameter
Standard Math
Up to 6 of the following parameters can be calculated at one time on any waveform: Amplitude, Area, Base
(Low), Delay, Duty, Fall Time (90%-10%), Fall Time (80%-20%), Frequency, Maximum, Mean, Minimum,
Overshoot+, Overshoot-, Period, Peak-Peak, Phase, Rise Time (10%-90%), Rise Time (20%-80%), RMS,
Skew, Standard Deviation, Top (High), Width+, Width-. Measurements can be gated.
Use front panel QuickZoom button, or use touch screen or mouse to draw a box around the zoom area.
Operators include Sum, Difference, Product, Ratio, and FFT (up to 25 kpts with power spectrum
output and rectangular, VonHann, and FlatTop windows). 1 math function may be defined at a time.
Physical (MS-250)
Dimensions (HWD)
Leadset Length
1.5" x 4.25" x 8.375" (3.8 x 10.8 x 21.2 cm)
1.7 lbs. (.775 kg)
16" (40.65 cm)
Physical (Base Oscilloscope)
Dimensions (HWD)
Net Weight
10.25" x 13.4" x 6" (26 cm x 34 cm x 15 cm) Excluding accessories and projections
16.0 lbs. (7.26 kg.)
Extended Math
Adds the following additional math functions: Absolute Value, Averaging (summed and continuous),
Derivative, Envelope, Enhanced Resolution (to 11- bits), Floor, Integral, Invert, Reciprocal, Rescale
(change scale and units), Roof, Square, and Square Root. Also adds chaining of two math functions
and 1 Mpt FFTs.
Product Description
Product Code
MSO Xs-A Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes
MSO 104Xs-A
MSO 64Xs-A
Chinese (Tr) Front Panel Overlay
Chinese (Simp) Front Panel Overlay
Russian Front Panel Overlay
MSO 44Xs-A
Software Options
Extended Math Software Package
Electrical Telecom Mask Test Software Package
Windows Lockout Software Option
Included with Standard Configuration
MS-250 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Option
Advanced Triggering with LeCroy SMART Triggers
÷10, 500 MHz, 10 MΩ Passive Probe (Total of 1 Per Channel)
Getting Started Manual and Quick Reference Guide
Standard Ports: 10/100Base-T Ethernet, USB 2.0 (5),
SVGA Video out, Audio in/out, RS-232
Protective Front Cover
Anti-virus Software (Trial Version)
Standard Commercial Calibration and Performance Certificate
3-year Warranty
I2C Trigger and Decode Option
UART and RS-232 Trigger and Decode Option
SPI Trigger and Decode Option
LIN Trigger and Decode Option
CAN Trigger and Decode Option
Audiobus Trigger and Decode Option
for I2S, LJ, RJ and TDM
MIL-STD-1553 Trigger and Decode Option
General Accessories
Mounting Accessory
Local Language Overlays
WSXs-I2Cbus TD
WSXs-Audiobus TD
WSXs-1553 TD
Probes and Amplifiers*
Large Gripper Probe Set for 0.10" (2.54 mm) Pin Pitch,
Includes 10 Color-coded Probes
Medium Gripper Probe Set for 0.04" (1.0 mm) Pin Pitch,
Includes 10 Color-coded Probes
Small Gripper Probe Set for 0.008" (0.2 mm) Pin Pitch,
Includes 10 Color-coded Probes
18-pin 3M Interface Cable
(Mates with 3M Part Number 2520-6002)
German Front Panel Overlay
French Front Panel Overlay
Italian Front Panel Overlay
Spanish Front Panel Overlay
Japanese Front Panel Overlay
Korean Front Panel Overlay
Serial Data Options
Mixed Signal Accessories
Clamp Mounting Stand
Product Code
Local Language Overlays
1 GHz, 5 GS/s, 4 + 18 Ch, 10 Mpts/Ch MSO
with 10.4" Color Touch Screen Display
600 MHz, 2.5 GS/s, 4 + 18 Ch, 10 Mpts/Ch MSO
with 10.4" Color Touch Screen Display
400 MHz, 2.5 GS/s, 4 + 18 Ch, 10 Mpts/Ch MSO
with 10.4" Color Touch Screen Display
Keyboard Accessory
Optical Mouse Accessory
External GPIB Accessory
Hard Carrying Case
Soft Carrying Case
Rack Mount Accessory
Accessory Pouch
Product Description
Set of 4 ZS1500, 1.5 GHz, 0.9 pF, 1 MΩ
High Impedance Active Probe
Set of 4 ZS1000, 1 GHz, 0.9 pF, 1 MΩ
High Impedance Active Probe
1 GHz Active Differential Probe (÷1, ÷10, ÷20)
500 MHz Active Differential Probe (x10, ÷1, ÷10, ÷100)
30 A; 100 MHz Current Probe – AC/DC; 30 Arms; 50 Apeak Pulse
30 A; 50 MHz Current Probe – AC/DC; 30 Arms; 50 Apeak Pulse
30 A; 50 MHz Current Probe – AC/DC; 30 Arms; 50 Apeak Pulse
150 A; 10 MHz Current Probe – AC/DC; 150 Arms; 500 Apeak Pulse CP150
500 A; 2 MHz Current Probe – AC/DC; 500 Arms; 700 Apeak Pulse
1,400 V, 100 MHz High-Voltage Differential Probe
1,400 V, 20 MHz High-Voltage Differential Probe
1 Ch, 100 MHz Differential Amplifier
with Precision Voltage Source
*A wide variety of other passive, active, and differential probes are also available.
Consult LeCroy for more information.
Customer Service
LeCroy oscilloscopes and probes are designed, built, and tested to
ensure high reliability. In the unlikely event you experience difficulties,
our digital oscilloscopes are fully warranted for three years, and our
probes are warranted for one year.
This warranty includes:
• No charge for return shipping
• Long-term 7-year support
• Upgrade to latest software at no charge
Local sales offices are located throughout the world.
Visit our website to find the most convenient location.
© 2010 by LeCroy Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications, prices, availability, and delivery subject to change
without notice. Product or brand names are trademarks or requested trademarks of their respective holders.