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    U6209B - 1.3 GHz PLL for TV- and VCR- Tuner - TEMIC Semiconductors

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U6209B 数据手册
U6209B 1.3 GHz PLL for TV- and VCR- Tuner Description The U6209B is a single chip PLL frequency synthesizer with unidirectional I2C-bus control. This IC contains a high frequency prescaler which can be switched off. Five open collector switching outputs are available. The U6209B has a programmable 512/1024 reference divider. Features D 1.3 GHz divide-by-8 prescaler integrated (can be bypassed) D Four addresses selectable at Pin 10 for multi-tuner application D 15 bit counter accepts input frequencies up to 170 MHz D 31.25 kHz ( –1.3 GHz ) / 3.90625 kHz ( –170 MHz ) tuning steps with 4MHz Xtal D Programmable reference divider: divider by 512 or 1024 D Electrostatic protection according to MILSTD 883 D SO16 small package D mP-controlled by compatible) I2C-Bus (MC44818 data format D Five port outputs (open collector ) Block Diagram P4 P0 11 9 P1 P2 P3 876 AS 10 SCL 5 SDA 4 I2C Bus Control 5-bit latch Switching Outputs T1 7-bit latch 8-bit latch 5-bit latch Gate 15-bit latch PSC T0 5I RD1,2 OS 14 RFi 13 1 OR 8 Prescaler 15-bit counter FPRD Phase Detector Charge Pump 16 VD 1 PD Osc. 512 / 1024 FRFD 12 Vs 15 GND 2 3 Crystal 95 10750 Figure 1. Ordering Information Extended Type Number U6209B-GFPG3 Package SO16 plastic package Remarks Taped and reeled TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Rev. A2, 30-Aug-96 1 (11) Preliminary Information U6209B Pin Configuration PD Q1 Q2 SDA SCL P3 P2 P1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 95 10758 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 VD GND RFi RFi VS P4 AS P0 Figure 2. Circuit Description The U6209B is a single-chip PLL designed for TV and VCR receiver systems. It consists of a bridgeable divide-by-8 prescaler with an integrated preamplifier, a 15-bit programmable divider, a crystal oscillator and a reference divider with two selectable divider ratios (512 / 1024), and a phase/frequency detector together with a charge pump which drives the tuning amplifier. Only one external transistor is required for varactor-line driving. The device can be controlled via I2C bus format. There are four programmable addresses selectable, programmed by applying a specific input voltage to the address-select input, enabling the use of up to four synthesizers in a system. Five open collector output port functions are included which are capable of sinking at least 10 mA. Oscillator frequency calculation: fvco = PSF x SF x frefosc / 1024 fvco: Locked frequency of voltage controlled oscillator PSF : Scaling factor of prescaler (1 or 8) SF : Scaling factor of programmable 15-bit divider frefosc :Reference oscillator frequency: 3.2/4 MHz crystal or external reference frequency In addition, there are port outputs available for bandswitching and other purposes. 2 (11) Preliminary Information ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á Application A typical application is shown on page 10. All input / output interface circuits are shown on page 9. Some special features which are related to test- and alignment procedures for tuner production are explained together within the following I2C bus mode description. TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Rev. A2, 30-Aug-96 Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Symbol PD Q1 Q2 SDA SCL P3 P2 P1 P0 AS P4 Vs RFi RFi GND VD Function Charge pump output Crystal Crystal Data in/output Clock Port output (open collector) Port output (open collector) Port output (open collector) Port output (open collector) Address select input Port output (open collector) Supply voltage RF input RF input Ground Active filter output ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á All voltages are referred to GND (Pin 15). ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á ÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á ÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ All voltages are referred to GND (Pin 15). TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Rev. A2, 30-Aug-96 Thermal Resistance Operating Range Absolute Maximum Ratings SO16 small package Parameters Supply voltage Ambient temperature Input frequency Input frequency Programmable divider Crystal oscillator In ON state Junction temperature Storage temperature Pin 12 Pins 13,14 Pin 2 Pin 1 Pin 16 Pin 4 Pin 5 SDA output current open collector Pin 4 Address select voltage Pin 10 Port output current open collector Pins 6–9,11 Total port output current open collector Pins 6–9,11 Port output voltage in off state Supply voltage RF input voltage Crystal input voltage Charge pump output voltage Active filter output voltage Bus input/ output voltage Parameters Parameters PSC = 1 PSC = 0 Test Conditions / Pins Pin 12 Pins 6–9,11 Preliminary Information Pins 13,14 Pins 13,14 Pin 2 Symbol Vs Tamb RFi RFi SF fXTAL Symbol VS RFi Q1 PD VD VSDA VSCL ISDA VAS P0–4 P0–4 P0–4 Symbol RthJA Tj Tstg Min. 4.5 0 64 1 256 3 Min. –0.3 –0.3 –0.3 –0.3 –0.3 –0.3 –0.3 –1 –0.3 –1 –1 –0.3 –0.3 –40 –40 Value 110 Typ. Typ. 4 Max. 6 VS + 0.3 VS + 0.3 VS + 0.3 VS + 0.3 6 6 5 VS + 0.3 15 50 15 U6209B Max. 5.5 70 1300 170 32767 4.48 6 125 125 Unit K/W MHz Unit V °C MHz MHz Unit V V V V V V V mA V mA mA V V °C °C 3 (11) ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ Á Á Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ Á Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á Test Conditions (unless otherwise specified) : VS = 5V, Tamb = 25°C. Notes: 1) RMS-voltage calculated from the measured available power on 50 W 2) Tested with one switch active Electrical Characteristics U6209B 4 (11) (prescaler OFF) Input sensitivity fi = 80 - 1000 MHz PSC = 1 Pin 13 fi = 1300 MHz PSC = 1 Pin 13 fi = 10 - 170 MHz PSC = 0 Pin 13 Port outputs P0–4 Pins 6–9, 11 (open collector) Leakage current VH = 13.5 V Saturation voltage IL = 10 mA Charge pump output (PD) Charge pump current ‘H’ 5I = 1, VPD = 2 V Pin 1 Charge pump current ‘L’ 5I = 0, VPD = 2 V Pin 1 Charge pump leakage T0 = 0, VPD = 2 V Pin 1 current Charge pump amplifier Pins 1, 16 gain Bus inputs (SDA,SCL) Input voltage high Pins 4, 5 Input voltage low Pins 4, 5 Input current high Vi ‘H’ = VS Pins 4, 5 Input current low Vi ‘L’ = 0 V Pins 4, 5 Output voltage SDA ISDA ‘L’ = 2 mA Pin 4 (open collector) Address selection input (AS) Input current high VAS “H” = VS Pin 8 Input current low VAS “L” = 0 V Pin 8 Parameters Supply current (prescaler ON) Test Conditions / Pins SW 0–4 = 0; PSC =1 Pin 12 SW 0–4 = 0; PSC =0 Pin 12 Vi ‘H’ Vi ‘L’ Ii ‘H’ Ii ‘L’ VSDA ‘L’ IiAS “H” IiAS “L” IL VSL 2) IPDH IPDL IPDTRI Symbol Is Vi Vi Vi Is 1) 1) 1) – 100 Min. 32 – 20 10 40 10 22 3 Preliminary Information TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Rev. A2, 30-Aug-96 6400 Typ. 42 180 50 5 28 Max. 52 315 315 315 0.4 5.5 1.5 10 10 0.5 10 35 mVrms mVrms mVrms Unit mA mA uA V V uA uA V uA uA nA uA V U6209B Functional Description The U6209B is programmed via a 2–wire I2C bus data format. The three bus input Pins 4, 5, 10 are used as SDA, SCL and address select inputs. The data includes the scaling factor SF (15 bit) and port output information. There are some additional functions included for testing of the device. I2C - Bus Description The U6209B is controlled via a 2-wire I2C bus format by feeding data and clock signals into the SDA and SCL lines respectively. The table ‘I2C–BUS DATA FORMAT’ describes the format of the data and shows how to select the device address by applying a voltage at pin 10. When the correct address byte has been received, the SDA line is pulled low by the device during the acknowledge period, and then also during the acknowledge periods, when additional data bytes are programmed. After the address transmission (first byte), data bytes can be sent to the device. There are four data bytes requested to fully program the device. The programmable divider latch is loaded after the 8th clock pulse of the second divider byte PDB2, the control and the port register latches are loaded after the 8th clock pulse of the control byte CB1 respectively post byte CB2. The table ‘I2C-BUS PULSE DIAGRAM’ shows some possible data transfer examples. The programmable divider bytes PDB1 and PDB2 are stored in a 15-bit latch and control the division ratio of the 15-bit programmable divider. The control Byte CB1 enables the control of the the following special functions: D T1-bit enables divider test mode when it is set to logic 1 D T0-bit enables the charge pump to be disabled when it is set to logic 1 D RD1 and RD2-bit allow selection of the reference divider ratio D PSC–bit switches prescaler off when it is set to logic 0 D OS-bit disables the charge pump drive amplifier output when it is set to logic 1. When T1 is set to logic 1, the programmable divider output signal is switched to pin 7 and the reference divider output signal is switched to pin 6. The OS-bit function disables the complete PLL function. This enables tuner alignment by supplying the tuning voltage directly via the 30-V supply voltage of the tuner. The control byte CB2 programs the port outputs P0-4; a logic 0 for high impedance output (off) and a logic 1 for low impedance output (on). D 5I-bit switches between low and high charge pump current TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Rev. A2, 30-Aug-96 5 (11) Preliminary Information U6209B I2C - Bus Description (continued) Data Formats Description Address byte Programmable divider byte 1 Programmable divider byte 2 Control byte 1 Control byte 2 MSP 1 0 n7 1 X 1 n14 n6 5I X 0 n13 n5 T1 X 0 n12 n4 T0 P4 Data Format 0 n11 n3 RD2 P3 AS1 n10 n2 RD1 P2 AS2 n9 n1 PSC P1 LSB 0 n8 n0 OS P0 A A A A A ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ Á ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ Á ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ Á ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ Á Á ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á Á Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á Á Á Á Á Á ÁÁ ÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁ Á ÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁ ÁÁ ÁÁ A = Acknowledge; X = not used; Unused bits of control byte 2 should be 0 for lowest power consumption n0..n14 : PSC : T0, T1 : P0–4: 5I : OS : RD1, RD2: Scaling factor ( SF ) Prescaler on / off Testmode selection Port outputs Charge pump current switch Output switch Reference divider section SF = 16384 x n14 + 8192 x n13 + ... + 2 x n1 + n0 PSC = 1 : prescaler on ( PSF = 8 ) PSC = 0 : prescaler off ( PSF = 1 ) T1 = 1 : divider test mode on T1 = 0 : divider test mode off T0 = 1 : charge pump disable T0 = 0 : charge pump enable P0–4 = 1: open collector active 5I = 1 : high current 5I = 0 : low current OS = 1 : varicap drive disable OS = 0 : varicap drive enable RD1,RD2 : Reference divider selection RD2 RD1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Reference Divider Ratio 512 1024 1024 512 AS1 0 0 1 1 AS2 1 0 0 1 Address 1 2 3 4 Hex. Value C2 C0 C4 C6 Dec. Value 194 192 196 198 Voltage at Pin 10 open 0 to 10% VS 40 to 60% VS 90 to 100% VS 6 (11) Preliminary Information TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Rev. A2, 30-Aug-96 U6209B Pulse Diagram 95 10724 Address byte / A / 1.Byte /A/ 2.Byte / A / 3.Byte /A/ 4.Byte /A/ SDA SCL START 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1... 8 9 1... 8 9 1... 8 9 1... 8 9 STOP Figure 3. Data transfer examples START – ADR – PDB1 – PDB2 – CB1 – CB2 – STOP START – ADR – CB1 – CB2 – –PDB1 – PDB2 – STOP START – ADR – PDB1 – PDB2 – CB1 – STOP START – ADR – PDB1 – PDB2 – STOP START – ADR – CB1 – CB2 – STOP START – ADR – CB1 – STOP Description START = Start condition ADR = Address byte PDB1 = Programmable divider byte 1 PDB2 = Programmable divider byte 2 CB1 = Control byte 1 CB2 = Control byte 2 STOP = Stop condition Bus Timing t SDA W STA 95 10725 t S STA SCL t LOW t HIGH tR tF t S STO tH STA t S DAT START CLOCK t H DAT STOP DATACHANGE Figure 4. tS STT tW STT tH STT tLOW tHIGH – Set-up time start – Waiting-time start – Hold-time start – “L”-Pulse width clock – “H”-Pulse width clock Test Conditions / Pins tS DAT tH DAT tS STO tR tF Symbol tR tF fSCL tHIGH tLOW tHSTA tWStt tSSTT tSSTO tSDAT tHDAT – Set-up time data – Hold-time data – Set-up time stop – Rise time – Fall time Min. Typ. Max. 15 15 100 Unit ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁ Á Á Á Á Á Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ Á ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Parameters Bus timing Rise time SDA, SCL Fall time SDA, SCL Clock frequency SCL Clock “H” Pulse Clock “L” Pulse Hold time start Waiting time start Set up time start Set-up time stop Set-up time data Hold time data ms ms 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 0.3 0 kHz ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Rev. A2, 30-Aug-96 7 (11) Preliminary Information U6209B Typical Prescaler Input Sensitivity (Prescaler on: PSC = 1) : Vi (mV RMS on 50W ) 1000 95 10726 100 Operating window 10 1 0,1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Frequency (MHz) Figure 5. Typical Prescaler Input Sensitivity (Prescaler off: PSC = 0) : Vi (mV RMS on 50 W ) 1000 95 10727 w 100 Operating window 10 1 0,1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Frequency (MHz) Figure 6. 8 (11) Preliminary Information TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Rev. A2, 30-Aug-96 U6209B Input/Output Interface Circuits Vref Vs 95 10752 1.5K RF1 RF2 1.5K Port 95 10735 Figure 7. RF input Figure 10. Ports Vs Vs 1K AS Crystal Q1 Crystal Q2 95 10736 95 10753 Figure 8. Reference oscillator Figure 11. Address select input Vs Vs 60 2K PD SDA / SCL SDA only ACK OS (O/P Disable) 95 10751 VD 45K 95 10740 Figure 9. SCL and SDA input Figure 12. Loop amplifier TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Rev. A2, 30-Aug-96 9 (11) Preliminary Information U6209B Application Circuit TUNER fTV f IF f VCO 33 V 22 k 39 n 4 MHz PD 18 p 3 2 1n 13 RFi 1n 14 12 15 1 16 Vs GND AS SCL SDA from uC 22 k 180 n VD U6209B 7 P2 P1 10 5 4 95 10754 12 V 6 8 P0 9 11 P4 22 k 10 k 22 k 10 k 22 k 10 k P3 Figure 13. Package Dimensions Small outline plastic package, 16-pin SO16 Dimensions in mm 94 8875 10 (11) Preliminary Information TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Rev. A2, 30-Aug-96 U6209B Ozone Depleting Substances Policy Statement It is the policy of TEMIC TELEFUNKEN microelectronic GmbH to 1. Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements. 2. Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating systems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment. It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances ( ODSs). The Montreal Protocol ( 1987) and its London Amendments ( 1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances. TEMIC TELEFUNKEN microelectronic GmbH semiconductor division has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents. 1. Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively 2 . Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA) in the USA 3. Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C ( transitional substances ) respectively. TEMIC can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances. We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical design and may do so without further notice. Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use TEMIC products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify TEMIC against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use. TEMIC TELEFUNKEN microelectronic GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, Germany Telephone: 49 ( 0 ) 7131 67 2831, Fax number: 49 ( 0 ) 7131 67 2423 TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Rev. A2, 30-Aug-96 11 (11) Preliminary Information
U6209B 价格&库存

