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    光耦,光电双向晶闸管输出,过零, 极低的输入电流

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IL4117 数据手册
IL4116, IL4117, IL4118 Vishay Semiconductors Optocoupler, Phototriac Output, Zero Crossing, Very Low Input Current A 1 6 MT2 C 2 5 NC NC 3 ZCC* FEATURES • High input sensitivity: IFT = 1.3 mA, PF = 1.0; IFT = 3.5 mA, typical PF < 1.0 • Zero voltage crossing • 600 V, 700 V, and 800 V blocking voltage • 300 mA on-state current • High dV/dt 10 000 V/μs • Isolation test voltage 5300 VRMS • Very low leakage < 10 μA • Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC and in accordance to WEEE 2002/96/EC 4 MT1 *Zero crossing circuit i179030_4 V D E 21842-1 DESCRIPTION The IL4116, IL4117, and IL4118 consists of an AlGaAs IRLED optically coupled to a photosensitive zero crossing TRIAC network. The TRIAC consists of two inverse parallel connected monolithic SCRs. These three semiconductors devices are assembled in a six pin 300 mil dual in-line package. High input sensitivity is achieved by using an emitter follower phototransistor and a cascaded SCR predriver resulting in an LED trigger current of less than 1.3 mA (DC). The IL4116, IL4117, IL4118 uses zero cross line voltage detection circuit witch consists of two enhancement MOSFETs and a photodiode. The inhibit voltage of the network is determined by the enhancement voltage of the n-channel FET. The P-channel FET is enabled by a photocurrent source that permits the FET to conduct the main voltage to gate on the n-channel FET. Once the main voltage can enable the n-channel, it clamps the base of the phototransistor, disabling the first stage SCR predriver. The blocking voltage of up to 800 V permits control of off-line voltages up to 240 VAC, with a safety factor of more than two, and is sufficient for as much as 380 VAC. Current handling capability is up to 300 mA RMS continuous at 25 °C. The IL4116, IL4117, IL4118 isolates low-voltage logic from 120 VAC, 240 VAC, and 380 VAC lines to control resistive, inductive, or capacitive loads including motors, solenoids, high current thyristors or TRIAC and relays. Applications include solid-state relays, industrial controls, office equipment, and consumer appliances. APPLICATIONS • • • • • Solid state relay Lighting controls Temperature controls Solenoid/valte controls AC motor drives/starters AGENCY APPROVALS • UL1577, file no. E52744 system code H or J, double protection • CSA 93751 • BSI IEC60950; IEC60065 • DIN EN 60747-5-5 (VDE 0884) available with option 1 • FIMKO ORDERING INFORMATION I L 4 1 1 # - X PART NUMBER 0 # # DIP Option 6 7.62 mm 10.16 mm Option 7 Option 9 T PACKAGE OPTION TAPE AND REEL > 0.1 mm > 0.7 mm BLOCKING VOLTAGE VDRM (V) AGENCY CERTIFIED/PACKAGE UL, cUL, BSI, FIMKO DIP-6 DIP-6, 400 mil, option 6 600 700 800 IL4116 IL4117 IL4118 IL4116-X006 - IL4118-X006 SMD-6, option 7 IL4116-X007T (1) IL4117-X007 IL4118-X007T (1) SMD-6, option 9 IL4116-X009T (1) - IL4118-X009T (1) 600 700 800 DIP-6 VDE, UL, cUL, BSI, FIMKO IL4116-X001 IL4117-X001 IL4118-X001 DIP-6, 400 mil, option 6 IL4116-X016 - IL4118-X016 - - IL4118-X017 IL4116-X019T (1) - - SMD-6, option 7 SMD-6, option 9 Note (1) Also available in tubes, do not put T on the end. Document Number: 83628 Rev. 1.8, 20-Oct-10 For technical questions, contact: optocoupleranswers@vishay.com www.vishay.com 1 IL4116, IL4117, IL4118 Vishay Semiconductors Optocoupler, Phototriac Output, Zero Crossing, Very Low Input Current ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER (1) (Tamb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) TEST CONDITION PART SYMBOL VALUE UNIT VR IF 6 60 2.5 100 1.33 750 V mA A mW mW/°C °C/W 600 700 800 300 3 500 6.6 150 V V V mA A mW mW/°C °C/W INPUT Reverse voltage Forward current Surge current Power dissipation Derate linearly from 25 °C Thermal resistance OUTPUT IFSM Pdiss Rth IL4116 IL4117 IL4118 Peak off-state voltage RMS on-state current Single cycle surge Power dissipation Derate linearly from 25 °C Thermal resistance COUPLER VDRM VDRM VDRM IDRM Pdiss Rth Creepage distance ≥7 mm Clearance distance ≥7 mm °C Storage temperature Tstg - 55 to + 150 Operating temperature Tamb - 55 to + 100 °C Isolation test voltage VISO 5300 VRMS Ω Isolation resistance Lead soldering temperature (2) VIO = 500 V, Tamb = 25 °C RIO ≥ 1012 VIO = 500 V, Tamb = 100 °C RIO ≥ 1011 Ω 5s Tsld 260 °C Notes (1) Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the operational sections of this document. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods of the time can adversely affect reliability. (2) Refer to reflow profile for soldering conditions for surface mounted devices (SMD). Refer to wave profile for soldering conditions for through hole devices (DIP). www.vishay.com 2 For technical questions, contact: optocoupleranswers@vishay.com Document Number: 83628 Rev. 1.8, 20-Oct-10 IL4116, IL4117, IL4118 Optocoupler, Phototriac Output, Zero Vishay Semiconductors Crossing, Very Low Input Current ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER TEST CONDITION PART SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT 1.3 1.5 V 10 μA INPUT Forward voltage IF = 20 mA VF Breakdown voltage IR = 10 μA VBR VR = 6 V IR Reverse current Capacitance VF = 0 V, f = 1 MHz Thermal resistance, junction to lead 6 30 0.1 V CO 40 pF RthjI 750 °C/W OUTPUT Repetitive peak off-state voltage IDRM = 100 μA Off-state voltage ID(RMS) =70 μA Off-state current IL4116 VDRM 600 650 V IL4117 VDRM 700 750 V IL4118 VDRM 800 850 V IL4116 VD(RMS) 424 460 V IL4117 VD(RMS) 494 536 V IL4118 VD(RMS) 565 613 VD = 600, Tamb = 100 °C ID(RMS) 10 On-state voltage IT = 300 mA VTM 1.7 On-state current PF = 1, VT(RMS) = 1.7 V ITM Surge (non-repetitive, on-state current) f = 50 Hz ITSM Holding current VT = 3 V IH Latching current VT = 2.2 V IL LED trigger current VAK = 5 V IFT Zero cross inhibit voltage Critical rate of rise of on-state current commutation μA 3 V 300 mA 3 A 200 μA 500 μA 0.7 1.3 mA 15 25 IF = rated IFT VIH VRM, VDM = 400 VAC dV/dtcr VRM, VDM = 400 VAC, Tamb = 80 °C dV/dtcr 2000 V/μs VD = 230 VRMS, ID = 300 mARMS, TJ = 25 °C dV/dtcrq 8 V/μs VD = 230 VRMS, ID = 300 mARMS, TJ = 85 °C dV/dtcrq 7 V/μs VD = 230 VRMS, ID = 300 mARMS, TJ = 25 °C dV/dtcrq 12 A/ms RthjI 150 °C/W Critical rate of rise off-state voltage Critical rate of rise of voltage at current commutation 65 V 100 Thermal resistance, junction to lead 10 000 V V/μs COUPLER Critical state of rise of coupler input-output voltage IT = 0 A, VRM = VDM = 424 VAC dV(IO)/dt Capacitance (input to output) f = 1 MHz, VIO = 0 V CIO 0.8 pF CCM 0.01 pF Common mode coupling capacitance 10 000 V/μs Note • Minimum and maximum values are testing requirements. Typical values are characteristics of the device and are the result of engineering evaluation. Typical values are for information only and are not part of the testing requirements. SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER TEST CONDITION Turn-on time VRM = VDM = 424 VAC ton 35 μs Turn-off time PF = 1, IT = 300 mA toff 50 μs Document Number: 83628 Rev. 1.8, 20-Oct-10 PART SYMBOL For technical questions, contact: optocoupleranswers@vishay.com MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT www.vishay.com 3 IL4116, IL4117, IL4118 Vishay Semiconductors Optocoupler, Phototriac Output, Zero Crossing, Very Low Input Current TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) 150 PLED - LED Power (mW) 35 IF - LED Current (mA) 30 25 20 15 10 100 50 5 0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 0 - 60 - 40 - 20 1.4 VF - LED Forward Voltage (V) iil4116_01 0 20 40 60 80 100 TA - Ambient Temperature (°C) iil4116_04 Fig. 4 - Maximum LED Power Dissipation Fig. 1 - LED Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage 500 1.3 IT - On-Site Current - mA(RMS) VF - Forward Voltage (V) 1.4 TA = - 55 °C 1.2 TA = 25 °C 1.1 1.0 0.9 TA = 100 °C 0.8 0.7 1 0.1 10 iil4116_02 100 t DF = τ/t 10 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 iil4116_03 101 - 200 - 300 - 400 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 VT - On-State Voltage - V(RMS) 250 200 150 100 50 0 - 60 - 40 - 20 t - LED Pulse Duration (s) iil4116_06 Fig. 3 - Peak LED Current vs. Duty Factor, τ www.vishay.com 4 0 - 100 300 PLED - LED Power (mW) If(pk) - Peak LED Current (mA) 1000 100 Fig. 5 - On-State Terminal Voltage vs. Terminal Current τ Duty Factor 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 200 iil4116_05 Fig. 2 - Forward Voltage vs. Forward Current 10 000 300 - 500 -3 100 IF - Forward Current (mA) 400 0 20 40 60 80 100 TA - Ambient Temperature (°C) Fig. 6 - Maximum Output Power Dissipation For technical questions, contact: optocoupleranswers@vishay.com Document Number: 83628 Rev. 1.8, 20-Oct-10 IL4116, IL4117, IL4118 Optocoupler, Phototriac Output, Zero Vishay Semiconductors Crossing, Very Low Input Current TRIGGER CURRENT VS. TEMPERATURE AND VOLTAGE The trigger current of the IL4116, IL4117, IL4118 has a positive temperature gradient and also is dependent on the terminal voltage as shown as the fig. 7. For the operating voltage 250 VRMS over the temperature range - 40 °C to 85 °C, the IF should be at least 2.3 x of the IFT1 (1.3 mA, max.). Considering - 30 % degradation over time, the trigger current minimum is IF = 1.3 x 2.3 x 130 % = 4 mA 2.5 100 °C IFT (mA) 2.0 85 °C 1.5 25 °C 1.0 50 °C 0.5 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 VRMS (V) 21611 Fig. 7 - Trigger Current vs. Temperature and Operating Voltage (50 Hz) INDUCTIVE AND RESISTIVE LOADS For inductive loads, there is phase shift between voltage and current, shown in the fig. 8. IF(on) IF(on) IF(off) IF(off) AC line voltage AC line voltage AC current through triac AC current through triac Commutating dV/dt Commutating dV/dt Voltage across triac 21607 Resistive load Voltage across triac Inductive load Fig. 8 - Waveforms of Resistive and Inductive Loads The voltage across the triac will rise rapidly at the time the current through the power handling triac falls below the holding current and the triac ceases to conduct. The rise rate of voltage at the current commutation is called commutating dV/dt. There would be two potential problems for ZC phototriac control if the commutating dV/dt is too high. One is lost control to turn off, another is failed to keep the triac on. Lost control to turn off If the commutating dV/dt is too high, more than its critical rate (dV/dtcrq), the triac may resume conduction even if the LED drive current IF is off and control is lost. Document Number: 83628 Rev. 1.8, 20-Oct-10 In order to achieve control with certain inductive loads of power factors is less than 0.8, the rate of rise in voltage (dV/dt) must be limited by a series RC network placed in parallel with the power handling triac. The RC network is called snubber circuit. Note that the value of the capacitor increases as a function of the load current as shown in fig. 9. Failed to keep on As a zero-crossing phototriac, the commutating dV/dt spikes can inhibit one half of the TRIAC from keeping on If the spike potential exceeds the inhibit voltage of the zero cross detection circuit, even if the LED drive current IF is on. For technical questions, contact: optocoupleranswers@vishay.com www.vishay.com 5 IL4116, IL4117, IL4118 Vishay Semiconductors Optocoupler, Phototriac Output, Zero Crossing, Very Low Input Current 2.0 NIFth - Normalized LED Trigger Current This hold-off condition can be eliminated by using a snubber and also by providing a higher level of LED drive current. The higher LED drive provides a larger photocurrent which causes the triac to turn-on before the commutating spike has activated the zero cross detection circuit. Fig. 10 shows the relationship of the LED current for power factors of less than 1.0. The curve shows that if a device requires 1.5 mA for a resistive load, then 1.8 times (2.7 mA) that amount would be required to control an inductive load whose power factor is less than 0.3 without the snubber to dump the spike. 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 I Fth Normalized to IFth at PF = 1.0 1.0 0.8 0 CS - Shunt Capacitance (µF) 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 PF - Power Factor C S (µF) = 0.0032 (µF) x 10 ^ (0.0066 IL (mA)) iil4116_08 Fig. 10 - Normalized LED Trigger Current 0.1 0.01 PF = 0.3 IF = 2.0 mA 0.001 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 I L - Load Current (mA) iil4116_07 Fig. 9 - Shunt Capacitance vs. Load Current vs. Power Factor APPLICATIONS Direct switching operation: Indirect switching operation: The IL4116, IL4117, IL4118 isolated switch is mainly suited to control synchronous motors, valves, relays and solenoids. Fig. 11 shows a basic driving circuit. For resistive load the snubber circuit RS CS can be omitted due to the high static dV/dt characteristic. The IL4116, IL4117, IL4118 switch acts here as an isolated driver and thus enables the driving of power thyristors and power triacs by microprocessors. Fig. 12 shows a basic driving circuit of inductive load. The resister R1 limits the driving current pulse which should not exceed the maximum permissible surge current of the IL4116, IL4117, IL4118. The resister RG is needed only for very sensitive thyristors or triacs from being triggered by noise or the inhibit current. 1 Hot 6 Control RS 2 CS ZC 3 R1 360 220/240 VAC 5 1 Control 4 2 U1 21608-1 Hot 6 5 Nutral 3 4 U1 Fig. 11 - Basic Direct Load Driving Circuit 220/240 VAC RS ZC Inductive load CS RG 330 Inductive load Nutral 21609-1 Fig. 12 - Basic Power Triac Driver Circuit www.vishay.com 6 For technical questions, contact: optocoupleranswers@vishay.com Document Number: 83628 Rev. 1.8, 20-Oct-10 IL4116, IL4117, IL4118 Optocoupler, Phototriac Output, Zero Vishay Semiconductors Crossing, Very Low Input Current PACKAGE DIMENSIONS in millimeters 3 2 1 4 5 6 Pin one ID 6.4 ± 0.1 ISO method A 8.6 ± 0.1 7.62 typ. 0.5 ± 0.05 1 min. 3.555 ± 0.255 18° 4° typ. 2.95 ± 0.5 0.8 min. 0.85 ± 0.05 0.5 ± 0.05 0.25 typ. 3° to 9° 7.62 to 8.81 i178004 2.54 typ. Option 6 Option 7 Option 9 10.36 9.96 7.62 typ. 9.53 10.03 7.8 7.4 7.62 ref. 0.7 4.6 4.1 0.102 0.249 8 min. 0.35 0.25 0.25 typ. 0.51 1.02 8.4 min. 15° max. 8 min. 10.16 10.92 Document Number: 83628 Rev. 1.8, 20-Oct-10 10.3 max. For technical questions, contact: optocoupleranswers@vishay.com 18450 www.vishay.com 7 Legal Disclaimer Notice www.vishay.com Vishay Disclaimer  ALL PRODUCT, PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product. Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability. Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and / or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein. Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. © 2017 VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Revision: 08-Feb-17 1 Document Number: 91000
IL4117 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+37.361021+4.53020
  • 50+23.2727350+2.82193
  • 100+21.84796100+2.64917
  • 500+19.31874500+2.34249
  • 1000+18.496181000+2.24275
  • 2000+17.800132000+2.15835
  • 5000+17.042255000+2.06645
