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LM3630ATME 数据手册
Product Folder Sample & Buy Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents Reference Design LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 LM3630A High-Efficiency Dual-String White LED Driver 1 Features 3 Description • • • • The LM3630A is a current-mode boost converter which supplies the power and controls the current in up to two strings of 10 LEDs per string. Programming is done over an I2C-compatible interface. The maximum LED current is adjustable from 5 mA to 28.5 mA. At any given maximum LED current the LED brightness is further adjusted with 256 exponential or linear dimming steps. Additionally, pulsed width modulation (PWM) brightness control can be enabled allowing for LED current adjustment by a logic level PWM signal. 1 • • • • • • • • • Drives up to 2 Strings of 10 Series LEDs Wide 2.3-V to 5.5-V Input Voltage Range Up to 87% Efficient 8-bit I2C-Compatible Programmable Exponential or Linear Brightness Control PWM Brightness Control for CABC Operation Independent Current Control per String True Shutdown Isolation for LEDs Internal Soft-Start Limits Inrush Current Adaptive Headroom Programmable 16-V/24-V/32-V/40-V Overvoltage Protection Selectable Boost Frequency of 500 kHz or 1 MHz with Optionally Additional Offset Low Profile 12-Pin DSBGA Package Solution Size 32 mm² The boost switching frequency is programmable at 500 kHz for low switching loss performance or 1 MHz to allow the use of tiny low-profile inductors. A setting for a 10% offset of these frequencies is available. Overvoltage protection is programmable at 16 V, 24 V, 32 V, or 40 V to accommodate a wide variety of LED configurations and Schottky diode/output capacitor combinations. The device operates over a 2.3-V to 5.5-V operating voltage range and –40°C to +85°C ambient temperature range. The LM3630A is available in an ultra-small 12-bump DSBGA package. 2 Applications • • Smart-Phone LCD Backlighting LCD and Keypad Lighting Device Information(1) PART NUMBER LM3630A PACKAGE DSBGA (12) BODY SIZE (MAX) 1.94 mm × 1.42 mm (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet. Typical Application L VOUT up to 40V D1 VIN CIN COUT IN SW OVP SDA SCL AP INTN LM3630A LED1 HWEN LED2 PWM SEL GND 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Features .................................................................. Applications ........................................................... Description ............................................................. Revision History..................................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 1 1 1 2 3 4 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... ESD Ratings.............................................................. Recommended Operating Conditions....................... Thermal Information .................................................. Electrical Characteristics........................................... I2C-Compatible Timing Requirements (SCL, SDA) . Typical Characteristics .............................................. Detailed Description ............................................ 19 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Overview ................................................................. Functional Block Diagram ....................................... Feature Description................................................. Device Functional Modes........................................ 19 19 19 26 7.5 Programming........................................................... 30 7.6 Register Maps ......................................................... 31 8 Application and Implementation ........................ 37 8.1 Application Information............................................ 37 8.2 Typical Application ................................................. 37 8.3 Initialization Setup ................................................... 40 9 Power Supply Recommendations...................... 40 10 Layout................................................................... 41 10.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 41 10.2 Layout Example .................................................... 44 11 Device and Documentation Support ................. 45 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Device Support .................................................... Documentation Support ....................................... Community Resources.......................................... Trademarks ........................................................... Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ Glossary ................................................................ 45 45 45 45 45 45 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ........................................................... 45 4 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision A (January 2014) to Revision B • Added Device Information and Pin Configuration and Functions sections, ESD Rating table, Feature Description, Device Functional Modes, Application and Implementation, Power Supply Recommendations, Layout, Device and Documentation Support, and Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information sections ................................................. 1 Changes from Original (April 2013) to Revision A • 2 Page Page Changed equation in note 2 of Electrical Char table.............................................................................................................. 5 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 5 Pin Configuration and Functions YFQ Package 12-Pin DSBGA Top View YFQ Package 12-Pin DSBGA Bottom View SW SCL SDA GND GND INTN HWEN SEL IN IN SEL PWM ILED2 ILED1 ILED1 ILED2 OVP SDA SCL SW HWEN INTN PWM OVP Pin Functions PIN NO. NAME A1 SDA A2 SCL A3 SW TYPE DESCRIPTION Input/Output Serial data connection for I2C-compatible interface Input Serial clock connection for I2C-compatible interface PWR Inductor connection, diode anode connection, and drain connection for internal NFET. Connect the inductor and diode as close as possible to SW to reduce inductance and capacitive coupling to nearby traces. Logic high hardware enable B1 HWEN Input B2 INTN Output B3 GND GND Ground C1 PWM Input External PWM brightness control input C2 SEL Input Selects I2C-compatible address. Ground selects 7-bit address 36h. VIN selects address 38h. C3 IN Input Input voltage connection. Connect a 2.3-V to 5.5-V supply to IN and bypass to GND with a 2.2-µF or greater ceramic capacitor. D1 OVP Input Output voltage sense connection for overvoltage sensing. Connect OVP to the positive terminal of the output capacitor. D2 ILED2 Input Input terminal to internal current sink 2. D3 ILED1 Input Input terminal to internal current sink 1. Interrupt output for fault status change. Open drain active low signal. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 3 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com 6 Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (1) (2) MIN MAX UNIT IN, HWEN, PWM, SCL, SDA, INTN, SEL to GND –0.3 6 V SW, OVP, ILED1, ILED2 to GND –0.3 45 V Continuous power dissipation (3) Internally limited Maximum junction temperature T(J-MAX) 150 Maximum lead temperature (soldering) Vapor phase (60 sec.) (4) Maximum lead temperature (soldering) Infrared (15 sec.) (4) −45 Storage temperature, Tstg (1) (2) (3) (4) 215 °C 220 °C 150 °C Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltages are with respect to the potential at the GND pin. Internal thermal shutdown circuitry protects the device from permanent damage. Thermal shutdown engages at TJ = 140°C (typical) and disengages at TJ = 125°C (typical). For detailed soldering specifications and information, refer to Texas Instruments Application Note 1112: DSBGA Wafer Level Chip Scale Package (SNVA009). 6.2 ESD Ratings VALUE V(ESD) (1) (2) Electrostatic discharge Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 (1) ±2000 Charged-device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101 (2) ±500 UNIT V JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) MIN VIN Input voltage TA Operating ambient temperature NOM MAX UNIT 2.3 5.5 V −40 85 °C 6.4 Thermal Information LM3630A THERMAL METRIC (1) YFQ (DBSGA) UNIT 12 PINS RθJA (1) 4 Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 78.1 °C/W For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report, SPRA953. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 6.5 Electrical Characteristics Typical limits are for TA = 25°C; minimum and maximum limits apply over the full operating ambient temperature range (−40°C ≤ TA ≤ 85°C); VIN = 3.6 V, unless otherwise specified. (1) PARAMETER ILED1, ILED2 Output current regulation IMATCH ILED1 to ILED2 current matching (2) TEST CONDITION 2.5 V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5 V, full-scale current = 20 mA 2.5 V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5 V, ILED = 10 mA, TA = 25°C 2.5 V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5 V, ILED = 10 mA, 0°C ≤ TA ≤ 70°C ILED1 on A ILED2 on B MIN TYP MAX 19 20 21 –1% 0.5% 1% –2.5% 0.5% 2.5% VREG_CS Regulated current sink headroom voltage ILED = 5 mA 250 VHR Current sink minimum headroom voltage ILED = 95% of nominal, ILED = 20 mA 160 RDSON NMOS switch on resistance ISW = 100 mA NMOS switch current limit VOVP Output overvoltage protection 2.5 V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5 V 640 800 960 800 1000 1200 960 1200 1440 24-V option 23 24 25 40-V option 39 41 44 2.5 V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5 V 500-kHz shift = 0 1.12-MHz shift = 1 500 518 1120 1163 962 1000 1038 1 4 HWEN = GND 1 4 Full-scale current = 20 mA, BRT = 0x01, Exponential mapping mode 13 2.3 V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5 V (2) 481 1077 HWEN = VIN, I2C shutdown Shutdown current Thermal shutdown kHz µA 140 Hysteresis Initialization timing 582 350 ISHDN tWAIT V 94% VIN = 3.6 V TSD 560 ILED1 = ILED2 = 20 mA, feedback disabled. Quiescent current into device, not switching (1) 538 Maximum duty cycle Minimum LED current in ILED1 or ILED2 mA 1 IQ ILED_MIN Ω 720 ON threshold, 2.3 V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5 V 1-MHz shift = 0 DMAX 600 ON threshold, 2.3 V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5 V 560-kHz shift = 1 Switching frequency 240 0.25 Hysteresis ƒSW mA mV 480 ICL UNIT 15 Time period to wait from the assertion of HWEN or after software reset, before an I2C transaction will be ACK'ed. During this time period an I2C transaction will be NAK'ed 1 µA °C ms Minimum and maximum limits are specified by design, test, or statistical analysis. Typical numbers are not ensured, but do represent the most likely norm. Unless otherwise specified, conditions for typical specifications are: VIN = 3.6 V and TA = 25°C. LED current sink matching between LED1 and LED2 is given by taking the difference between ILED1 and ILED2 and dividing by the sum of ILED1 and ILED2. The formula is (ILED1 − ILED2)/(ILED1 + ILED2) at ILED = 10 mA. ILED1 is driven by Bank A and ILED2 is driven by Bank B. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 5 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Electrical Characteristics (continued) Typical limits are for TA = 25°C; minimum and maximum limits apply over the full operating ambient temperature range (−40°C ≤ TA ≤ 85°C); VIN = 3.6 V, unless otherwise specified.(1) PARAMETER TEST CONDITION MIN TYP MAX UNIT LOGIC INPUTS (PWM, HWEN, SEL, SCL, SDA) VIL Input logic low 2.3 V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5 V 0 0.4 VIH Input logic high 2.3 V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5 V 1.2 VIN VOL Output logic low (SDA, INTN) 2.3 V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5 V ƒPWM PWM input frequency 2.3 V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5 V CIN Input capacitance 400 mV 80 kHz 10 SDA 4.5 SCL 5 V pF 6.6 I2C-Compatible Timing Requirements (SCL, SDA) See (1). MIN t1 SCL (clock period) 2.5 t2 Data in setup time to SCL high 100 t3 Data in setup time to SCL low t4 SDA low setup time to SCL low (start) 100 t5 SDA high hold time to SCL high (stop) 100 (1) 6 0 NOM MAX UNIT µs ns SCL and SDA must be glitch-free in order for proper brightness to be realized. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 6.7 Typical Characteristics 90 90 80 80 Efficiency % Efficiency % TA = 25°C, ILED full-scale = 20 mA, unless specified otherwise. 70 60 50 VIN = 2.5V Freq = 500kHz LED = 2p6s L = 22uH Boost LED 70 60 50 LED 40 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % VIN = 2.5 V Frequency = 500 kHz 2p6s 0 L = 22 µH VIN = 2.7 V Frequency = 500 kHz 80 Efficiency % Efficiency % 80 70 60 VIN = 3.6V Freq = 500kHz LED = 2p6s L = 22uH LED 60 80 2p6s 100 C058 L = 22 µH Figure 2. Boost and LED Efficiency 90 Boost 40 Brightness % 90 50 20 C001 Figure 1. Boost and LED Efficiency 70 60 50 VIN = 4.2V Freq = 500kHz LED = 2p6s L = 22uH Boost LED 40 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % VIN = 3.6 V 2p6s Frequency = 500 kHz 0 L = 22 µH VIN = 4.2 V Frequency = 500 kHz 60 80 2p6s 100 C060 L = 22 µH Figure 4. Boost And LED Efficiency 80 80 Efficiency % 90 70 VIN = 5.5V Freq = 500kHz LED = 2p6s L = 22uH 50 40 Brightness % 90 60 20 C059 Figure 3. Boost and LED Efficiency Efficiency % VIN = 2.7V Freq = 500kHz LED = 2p6s L = 22uH Boost 70 60 50 Boost VIN = 2.5V Freq = 500kHz LED = 2p6s L = 10uH Boost LED LED 40 40 0 20 40 60 80 Brightness % VIN = 5.5 V Frequency = 500 kHz 2p6s 100 0 20 L = 22 µH 40 60 80 Brightness % C061 VIN = 2.5 V Frequency = 500 kHz Figure 5. Boost and LED Efficiency 2p6s C003 L = 10 µH Figure 6. Boost and LED Efficiency Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 100 7 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Typical Characteristics (continued) 90 90 80 80 Efficiency % Efficiency % TA = 25°C, ILED full-scale = 20 mA, unless specified otherwise. 70 60 50 VIN = 2.7V Freq = 500kHz LED = 2p6s L = 10uH Boost LED 70 60 50 LED 40 40 0 20 40 60 80 Brightness % VIN = 2.7 V Frequency = 500 kHz 2p6s 100 0 L = 10 µH VIN = 3.6 V Frequency = 500 kHz 80 Efficiency % Efficiency % 80 70 60 VIN = 4.2V Freq = 500kHz LED = 2p6s L = 10uH LED 80 2p6s 100 C005 L = 10 µH 70 60 50 VIN = 5.5V Freq = 500kHz LED = 2p6s L = 10uH Boost LED 40 40 0 20 40 60 80 Brightness % VIN = 4.2 V Frequency = 500 kHz 2p6s 100 0 L = 10 µH VIN = 5.5 V Frequency = 500 kHz 80 Efficiency % 80 70 60 VIN = 2.5V Freq = 500kHz LED = 1p10s L = 22uH LED 60 80 2p6s 100 C007 L = 10 µH Figure 10. Boost and LED Efficiency 90 Boost 40 Brightness % 90 50 20 C006 Figure 9. Boost and LED Efficiency Efficiency % 60 Figure 8. Boost and LED Efficiency 90 Boost 40 Brightness % 90 50 20 C004 Figure 7. Boost and LED Efficiency 70 60 50 VIN = 2.7V Freq = 500kHz LED = 1p10s L = 22uH Boost LED 40 40 0 20 40 60 80 Brightness % VIN = 2.5 V Frequency = 500 kHz 1p10s 100 0 20 L = 22 µH 40 60 80 Brightness % C008 VIN = 2.7 V Frequency = 500 kHz Figure 11. Boost and LED Efficiency 8 VIN = 3.6V Freq = 500kHz LED = 2p6s L = 10uH Boost Submit Documentation Feedback 1p10s 100 C009 L = 22 µH Figure 12. Boost and LED Efficiency Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 Typical Characteristics (continued) 90 90 80 80 Efficiency % Efficiency % TA = 25°C, ILED full-scale = 20 mA, unless specified otherwise. 70 60 50 VIN = 3.6V Freq = 500kHz LED = 1p10s L = 22uH Boost LED 70 60 50 LED 40 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % VIN = 3.6 V Frequency = 500 kHz 0 1p10s L = 22 µH 40 60 80 Brightness % VIN = 4.2 V Frequency = 500 kHz Figure 13. Boost and LED Efficiency 1p10s 100 C011 L = 22 µH Figure 14. Boost and LED Efficiency 90 80 80 VIN = 5.5V Freq = 500kHz LED = 1p10s L = 22uH 70 Efficiency % Efficiency % 20 C010 90 60 50 70 60 50 Boost VIN = 2.5V Freq = 500kHz LED = 1p10s L = 10uH Boost LED LED 40 40 0 20 40 60 80 Brightness % VIN = 5.5 V Frequency = 500 kHz 1p10s 100 0 L = 22 µH VIN = 2.5 V Frequency = 500 kHz 80 Efficiency % 80 70 60 VIN = 2.7V Freq = 500kHz LED = 1p10s L = 10uH LED 60 80 1p10s 100 C013 L = 10 µH Figure 16. Boost and LED Efficiency 90 Boost 40 Brightness % 90 50 20 C012 Figure 15. Boost and LED Efficiency Efficiency % VIN = 4.2V Freq = 500kHz LED = 1p10s L = 22uH Boost 70 60 50 VIN = 3.6V Freq = 500kHz LED = 1p10s L = 10uH Boost LED 40 40 0 20 40 60 80 Brightness % VIN = 2.7 V Frequency = 500 kHz 1p10s 100 0 20 L = 10 µH 40 60 80 Brightness % C014 VIN = 3.6 V Frequency = 500 kHz Figure 17. Boost and LED Efficiency 1p10s C015 L = 10 µH Figure 18. Boost and LED Efficiency Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 100 9 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Typical Characteristics (continued) 90 90 80 80 70 60 VIN = 4.2V Freq = 500kHz LED = 1p10s L = 10uH 50 Boost Efficiency % Efficiency % TA = 25°C, ILED full-scale = 20 mA, unless specified otherwise. 70 VIN = 5.5V Freq = 500kHz LED = 1p10s L = 10uH 60 50 Boost LED LED 40 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % VIN = 4.2 V Frequency = 500 kHz 1p10s 0 L = 10 µH VIN = 5.5 V Frequency = 500 kHz 80 80 70 60 100 1p10s C017 L = 10 µH 70 VIN = 2.7V Freq = 1MHz LED = 2p10s L = 10uH 60 Boost LED LED 40 0 20 40 60 80 Brightness % VIN = 2.5 V Frequency = 1 MHz 2p10s 100 0 L = 10 µH VIN = 2.7 V Frequency = 1 MHz 80 Efficiency % 80 70 60 VIN = 3.6V Freq = 1MHz LED = 2p10s L = 10uH LED 60 80 100 2p10s C019 L = 10 µH Figure 22. Boost and LED Efficiency 90 Boost 40 Brightness % 90 50 20 C018 Figure 21. Boost and LED Efficiency Efficiency % 80 50 Boost 40 70 VIN = 4.2V Freq = 1MHz LED = 2p10s L = 10uH 60 50 Boost LED 40 40 0 20 40 60 80 Brightness % VIN = 3.6 V Frequency = 1 MHz 2p10s 100 0 20 L = 10 µH 40 60 80 Brightness % C020 VIN = 4.2 V Frequency = 1 MHz Figure 23. Boost and LED Efficiency 10 60 Figure 20. Boost and LED Efficiency 90 Efficiency % Efficiency % Figure 19. Boost and LED Efficiency VIN = 2.5V Freq = 1MHz LED = 2p10s L = 10uH 40 Brightness % 90 50 20 C016 Submit Documentation Feedback 2p10s 100 C021 L = 10 µH Figure 24. Boost and LED Efficiency Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 Typical Characteristics (continued) 90 90 80 80 70 Efficiency % Efficiency % TA = 25°C, ILED full-scale = 20 mA, unless specified otherwise. VIN = 5.5V Freq = 1MHz LED = 2p10s L = 10uH 60 50 70 60 50 Boost LED LED 40 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % VIN = 5.5 V Frequency = 1 MHz 2p10s 0 L = 10 µH VIN = 2.7 V Frequency = 500 kHz 80 Efficiency % 80 70 60 VIN = 3.6V Freq = 500kHz LED = 2p10s L = 10uH LED 60 80 100 2p10s C023 L = 10 µH Figure 26. Boost and LED Efficiency 90 Boost 40 Brightness % 90 50 20 C022 Figure 25. Boost and LED Efficiency Efficiency % VIN = 2.7V Freq = 500kHz LED = 2p10s L = 10uH Boost 70 60 50 VIN = 4.2V Freq = 500kHz LED = 2p10s L = 10uH Boost LED 40 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % VIN = 3.6 V Frequency = 500 kHz 2p10s 0 20 40 L = 10 µH 60 80 100 Brightness % C024 VIN = 4.2 V Frequency = 500 kHz Figure 27. Boost and LED Efficiency 2p10s C025 L = 10 µH Figure 28. Boost and LED Efficiency 90 3.0 2p6s, L=10uH,Freq=500kHz 2.5 2.0 70 IIN (mA) Efficiency % 80 VIN = 5.5V Freq = 500kHz LED = 2p10s L = 10uH 60 50 1.5 1.0 Boost 0.5 LED1 & 2 on DACA IIN vs VIN LED 40 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 Brightness % VIN = 5.5 V Frequency = 500 kHz 2p10s 100 0 20 40 L = 10 µH 60 80 Brightness % C026 ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz Figure 29. Boost and LED Efficiency Product Folder Links: LM3630A C029 LED1 and 2 on DACA 2p6s L = 10 µH Figure 30. IIN Across VIN Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated 100 11 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Typical Characteristics (continued) 17.0 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 LED1 & 2 on DACA PWR_IN vs VIN 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 16.5 16.0 2p6s, L=10uH,Freq=500kHz VOUT (V) PWR_IN (mW) TA = 25°C, ILED full-scale = 20 mA, unless specified otherwise. 15.5 15.0 2p6s, L=10uH,Freq=500kHz 14.5 LED1 & 2 on DACA VOUT vs VIN 14.0 0 20 40 60 80 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 0 100 ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz LED1 and 2 on DACA 2p6s L = 10 µH 800 2p6s, L=10uH,Freq=500kHz 30 20 700 C003 2p6s, L=10uH,Freq=500kHz 600 500 400 300 LED1 & 2 on DACA PWR_OUT vs VIN 100 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 0 LED1 and 2 on DACA 2p6s L = 10 µH 60 80 100 C033 LED1 and 2 on DACA 2p6s L = 10 µH Figure 34. PWR_OUT Across VIN 450 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 400 350 I_Inductor (mA) 20 40 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 2p6s, L=10uH,Freq=500kHz 25 20 C032 Figure 33. IOUT Across VIN 30 ILED (mA) 100 LED1 and 2 on DACA 2p6s L = 10 µH 200 LED1 & 2 on DACA IOUT vs VIN 10 80 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 900 PWR_OUT (mW) IOUT (mA) 40 60 Figure 32. VOUT Across VIN 1000 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 50 40 Brightness % Figure 31. PWR_IN Across VIN 60 20 C030 15 10 300 2p6s,L=10uH,Freq=500kHz 250 200 150 100 LED1 & 2 on DACA ILED vs VIN 5 LED1 & 2 On DACA I_Inductor vs VIN 50 0 0 0 20 40 60 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 80 100 0 LED1 and 2 on DACA 2p6s L = 10 µH 40 60 80 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz Figure 35. ILED Across VIN 12 20 C034 100 C035 LED1 and 2 on DACA 2p6s L = 10 µH Figure 36. I_INDUCTOR Across VIN Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 Typical Characteristics (continued) TA = 25°C, ILED full-scale = 20 mA, unless specified otherwise. 3.0 2p6s, L=10uH,Freq=500kHz 2.5 PWR_IN (mW) IIN (mA) 2.0 1.5 1.0 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V LED1 DACA LED2 DACB IIN vs VIN 0.5 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 2p6s, L=10uH,Freq=500kHz 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 2p6s L = 10 µH ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 50 15.5 2p6s, L=10uH,Freq=500kHz 15.0 100 C030 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 2p6s L = 10 µH 2p6s, L=10uH,Freq=500kHz 30 20 LED1 DACA LED 2 DACB VOUT vs VIN 14.5 LED1 DACA LED2 DACB IOUT vs VIN 10 14.0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 0 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 2p6s L = 10 µH ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 60 80 100 C032 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 2p6s L = 10 µH Figure 40. IOUT Across VIN 30 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 25 20 ILED (mA) 800 40 Brightness % 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 1000 20 C003 Figure 39. VOUT Across VIN 1200 PWR_OUT (mW) 80 40 IOUT (mA) VOUT (V) 16.0 60 Figure 38. PWR_IN Across VIN 60 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 16.5 40 Brightness % C029 Figure 37. IIN Across VIN 17.0 20 LED1 DACA LED2 DACB PWR_IN vs VIN 2p6s, L=10uH,Freq=500kHz 600 400 2p6s, L=10uH,Freq=500kHz 15 10 LED1 DACA LED2 DACB PWR_OUT vs VIN 200 LED1 DACA LED2 DACB ILED vs VIN 5 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 100 0 20 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 2p6s L = 10 µH 40 60 80 100 Brightness % C033 ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz Figure 41. PWR_OUT Across VIN LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB C034 2p6s L = 10 µH Figure 42. ILED Across VIN Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 13 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Typical Characteristics (continued) TA = 25°C, ILED full-scale = 20 mA, unless specified otherwise. 450 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 400 300 4.0 3.5 2p6s,L=10uH,Freq=500kHz 250 2p10s, L=10uH,Freq=1MHz 4.5 3.0 IIN (mA) I_Inductor (mA) 350 5.0 LED1 DACA LED2 DACB I_Inductor vs VIN 200 2.5 2.0 150 1.0 50 0.5 0 LED1 & 2 on DACA IIN vs VIN 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 0 100 Brightness % 20 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 2p6s L = 10 µH ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 1 MHz 100 C029 LED1 and LED2 on DACA 2p10s L = 10 µH 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V LED1 & 2 on DACA PWR_IN vs VIN 27 2p10s, L=10uH,Freq=1MHz 26 2p10s, L=10uH,Freq=1MHz 25 LED1 & 2 on DACA VOUT vs VIN 24 0 20 40 60 80 ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 1 MHz 0 100 Brightness % 80 100 C003 LED1 and LED2 on DACA 2p10s L = 10 µH 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 1600 1400 2p10s, L=10uH,Freq=1MHz 30 20 1200 2p10s, L=10uH,Freq=1MHz 1000 800 600 400 LED1 & 2 on DACA IOUT vs VIN 10 60 Figure 46. VOUT Across VIN 1800 PWR_OUT (mW) 40 40 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 1 MHz LED1 and LED2 on DACA 2p10s L = 10 µH 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 50 20 C030 Figure 45. PWR_IN Across VIN 60 IOUT (mA) 80 Figure 44. IIN Across VIN 28 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 60 Brightness % VOUT (V) PWR_IN (mW) 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 40 C035 Figure 43. I_INDUCTOR Across VIN LED1 & 2 on DACA PWR_OUT vs VIN 200 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 1 MHz 0 20 LED1 and LED2 on DACA 2p10s L = 10 µH 40 60 80 Brightness % C032 ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 1 MHz Figure 47. IOUT Across VIN 14 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 1.5 100 100 C033 LED1 and LED2 on DACA 2p10s L = 10 µH Figure 48. PWR_OUT Across VIN Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 Typical Characteristics (continued) TA = 25°C, ILED full-scale = 20 mA, unless specified otherwise. 30 20 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 800 700 I_Inductor (mA) 25 ILED (mA) 900 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 2p10s, L=10uH,Freq=1MHz 15 10 600 2p10s,L=10uH,Freq=1MHz 500 400 300 200 LED1 & 2 on DACA ILED vs VIN 5 LED1 & 2 On DACA I_Inductor vs VIN 100 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 1 MHz 0 LED1 and LED2 on DACA 2p10s L = 10 µH ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 1 MHz Figure 49. ILED Across VIN 2p10s, L=10uH,Freq=1MHz 35 PWR_IN (mW) IIN (mA) 40 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 1.5 LED1 DACA LED2 DACB IIN vs VIN 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 20 15 5 0 0 2p10s L = 10 µH 40 60 80 100 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 1 MHz C030 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 2p10s L = 10 µH Figure 52. PWR_IN Across VIN 60 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 2p10s, L=10uH,Freq=1MHz 50 40 IOUT (mA) VOUT (V) 20 C029 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB LED1 DACA LED2 DACB PWR_IN vs VIN 10 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 27 C035 25 Figure 51. IIN Across VIN 28 100 2p10s, L=10uH,Freq=1MHz 30 100 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 1 MHz 80 LED1 and LED2 on DACA 2p10s L = 10 µH 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 45 4.0 0.5 60 Figure 50. I_INDUCTOR Across VIN 50 1.0 40 Brightness % 5.0 4.5 20 C034 26 2p10s, L=10uH,Freq=1MHz 30 20 25 LED1 DACA LED 2 DACB VOUT vs VIN LED1 DACA LED2 DACB IOUT vs VIN 10 24 0 0 20 40 60 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 1 MHz LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 80 100 0 20 2p10s L = 10 µH 40 60 80 100 Brightness % C003 ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 1 MHz Figure 53. VOUT Across VIN LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB C032 2p10s L = 10 µH Figure 54. IOUT Across VIN Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 15 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Typical Characteristics (continued) TA = 25°C, ILED full-scale = 20 mA, unless specified otherwise. 1800 1200 20 2p10s, L=10uH,Freq=1MHz 1000 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 25 ILED (mA) 1400 PWR_OUT (mW) 30 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 1600 800 2p10s,L=10uH,Freq=1MHz 15 10 600 LED1 DACA LED2 DACB PWR_OUT vs VIN 400 200 LED1 DACA LED2 DACB ILED vs VIN 5 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 1 MHz 0 100 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 900 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 2p10s L = 10 µH ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 1 MHz 700 600 C034 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 2p10s L = 10 µH 2.5 2.0 2p10s,L=10uH,Freq=1MHz 400 1.5 1.0 300 0.5 0 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V LED1 & 2 on DACA IIN vs VIN 100 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 1 MHz 0 20 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 2p10s L = 10 µH 60 80 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 100 C029 LED1 and LED2 on DACA 2p6s L = 22 µH Figure 58. IIN Across VIN 17.0 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 40 C035 Figure 57. I_INDUCTOR Across VIN 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 100 2p6s, L=22uH,Freq=500kHz LED1 DACA LED2 DACB I_Inductor vs VIN 500 LED1 & 2 on DACA PWR_IN vs VIN 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 16.5 16.0 2p6s, L=22uH,Freq=500kHz VOUT (V) PWR_IN (mW) 80 Figure 56. ILED Across VIN 200 15.5 2p6s, L=22uH,Freq=500kHz 15.0 14.5 LED1 & 2 on DACA VOUT vs VIN 14.0 0 20 40 60 80 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 100 0 20 LED1 and LED2 on DACA 2p6s L = 22 µH 40 60 Brightness % C030 ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 80 100 C003 LED1 and LED2 on DACA 2p6s L = 22 µH Figure 60. VOUT Across VIN Figure 59. PWR_IIN Across VIN 16 60 3.0 IIN (mA) I_Inductor (mA) 800 40 Brightness % Figure 55. PWR_OUT Across VIN 1000 20 C033 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 Typical Characteristics (continued) TA = 25°C, ILED full-scale = 20 mA, unless specified otherwise. 60 40 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 1000 PWR_OUT (mW) 50 IOUT (mA) 1200 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 2p6s, L=22uH,Freq=500kHz 30 20 800 2p6s, L=22uH,Freq=500kHz 600 400 LED1 & 2 on DACA IOUT vs VIN 10 LED1 & 2 on DACA PWR_OUT vs VIN 200 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 0 LED1 and LED2 on DACA 2p6s L = 22 µH ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 400 2p6s,L=22uH,Freq=500kHz 15 10 350 300 C033 2p6s,L=22uH,Freq=500kHz 250 200 150 LED1 & 2 On DACA I_Inductor vs VIN 50 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 0 LED1 and LED2 on DACA 2p6s L = 22 µH ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 2.5 PWR_IN (mW) 2.0 1.5 1.0 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V LED1 DACA LED2 DACB IIN vs VIN 0.0 20 40 60 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 60 80 100 C035 LED1 and LED2 on DACA 2p6s L = 22 µH Figure 64. I_INDUCTOR Across VIN 2p6s, L=22uH,Freq=500kHz 0 40 Brightness % Figure 63. ILED Across VIN 0.5 20 C034 3.0 IIN (mA) 100 LED1 and LED2 on DACA 2p6s L = 22 µH 100 LED1 & 2 on DACA ILED vs VIN 5 80 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 450 I_Inductor (mA) ILED (mA) 20 60 Figure 62. PWR_IOUT Across VIN 500 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 25 40 Brightness % Figure 61. IOUT Across VIN 30 20 C032 80 100 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 2p6s, L=22uH,Freq=500kHz 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 60 80 100 Brightness % C029 2p6s L = 22 µH 40 LED1 DACA LED2 DACB PWR_IN vs VIN ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz Figure 65. IIN Across VIN LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB C030 2p6s L = 22 µH Figure 66. PWR_IIN Across VIN Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 17 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Typical Characteristics (continued) TA = 25°C, ILED full-scale = 20 mA, unless specified otherwise. 17.0 16.0 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 50 15.5 2p6s, L=22uH,Freq=500kHz 15.0 30 20 LED1 DACA LED 2 DACB VOUT vs VIN 14.5 LED1 DACA LED2 DACB IOUT vs VIN 10 14.0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 0 20 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 2p6s L = 22 µH ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 80 100 C032 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 2p6s L = 22 µH Figure 68. IOUT Across VIN 30 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 25 20 ILED (mA) 800 60 Brightness % 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 1000 40 C003 Figure 67. VOUT Across VIN 1200 PWR_OUT (mW) 2p6s, L=22uH,Freq=500kHz 40 IOUT (mA) 16.5 VOUT (V) 60 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 2p6s, L=22uH,Freq=500kHz 600 400 2p6s, L=22uH,Freq=500kHz 15 10 LED1 DACA LED2 DACB PWR_OUT vs VIN 200 LED1 DACA LED2 DACB ILED vs VIN 5 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 0 20 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 2p6s L = 22 µH ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 80 100 C034 2p6s L = 22 µH Figure 70. ILED Across VIN 500 2.7V 3.05V 3.6V 4.2V 5.5V 450 400 350 300 60 Brightness % Figure 69. PWR_OUT Across VIN I_Inductor (mA) 40 C033 LED1 DACA LED2 DACB I_Inductor vs VIN 2p6s,L=22uH,Freq=500kHz 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 ILED Full Scale = 28.5 mA Frequency = 500 kHz 40 60 80 100 Brightness % C035 LED1 on DACA LED2 on DACB 2p6s L = 22 µH Figure 71. I_INDUCTOR Across VIN 18 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 7 Detailed Description 7.1 Overview The LM3630A provides the power for two high-voltage LED strings (up to 40 V at 28.5 mA each). The two highvoltage LED strings are powered from an integrated asynchronous boost converter. The device is programmable over an I2C-compatible interface. Additional features include a PWM input for content adjustable brightness control, programmable switching frequency, and programmable overvoltage protection (OVP). 7.2 Functional Block Diagram VIN CIN COUT SW HWEN Global Enable/ Disable Reference and Thermal Shutdown OVP Programmable Over Voltage Protection (16V, 24V, 32V, 40V) Boost Converter 1A Current Limit Current Sinks Programmable 500 kHz/1 Mhz Switching Frequency LED1 LED String Open/ Short Detection LED2 Backlight LED Control PWM PWM Sampler 1. 5-bit Full Scale Current Select 2. 8-bit brightness adjustment 3. Linear/Exponential Dimming SDA SCL 2 I CCompatible Interface 4. LED Current Ramping Fault Detection OVP OCP TSD INTN SEL 7.3 Feature Description 7.3.1 Operation Control Bank Mapping Control of the LM3630A device current sinks is not done directly, but through the programming of Control Banks. The current sinks are then assigned to the programmed Control Bank (see Figure 72). Both current sinks can be assigned to Control Bank A or LED1 can use Control Bank A while LED2 uses Control Bank B. Assigning LED1 to Control Bank A and LED2 to Control Bank B allows for better LED current matching. Assigning each current sink to different control banks allows for each current sink to be programmed with a different current or have the PWM input control a specific current sink. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 19 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Feature Description (continued) Current Sinks Control Banks Internal PWM Filter PWM Input (Assigned to Control Banks) LED1 BANK A LE D2 PWM Input PWM _O N_ A =1 LED2 BANK B LED2_ON_A = 0 Figure 72. Control Diagram Table 1. Bank Configuration Examples: Register Values (1) REGISTERS TO PROGRAM ILED1 on A, ILED2 ON B WITH PWM DIMMING (1) ILED1 AND ILED2 ON A WITH PWM DIMMING ILED1 ON A WITH PWM ILED2 ON B NO PWM 1EH linear or 06h exp Control 1EH linear or 06h exp 15h linear or 05h exp Configuration 1Bh 09h 19h Brightness A used for A used for both used for A Brightness B used for B not used used for B (A and B do not have to be equal) LED current matching is specified using this configuration. PWM Input Polaritiy The PWM Input can be set for active high (default) or active low polarity. With active low polarity the LED current is a function of the negative duty cycle at PWM. HWEN Input HWEN is the global hardware enable to the LM3630A. HWEN must be pulled high to enable the device. HWEN is a high-impedance input so it cannot be left floating. When HWEN is pulled low the LM3630A is placed in shutdown and all the registers are reset to their default state. SEL Input SEL is the select pin for the serial bus device address. When this pin is connected to ground, the seven-bit device address is 36H. When this pin is tied to the VIN power rail, the device address is 38H. INTN Output The INTN pin is an open-drain active-low output signal which indicates detected faults. The signal asserts low when either OCP, OVP, or TSD is detected by the LED driver. The Interrupt Enable register must be set to connect these faults to the INTN pin. Boost Converter The high-voltage boost converter provides power for the two current sinks (ILED1 and ILED2). The boost circuit operates using a 10-μH to 22-μH inductor and a 1-μF output capacitor. The selectable 500-kHz or 1-MHz switching frequency allows for the use of small external components and provides for high boost converter efficiency. Both LED1 and LED2 feature an adaptive voltage regulation scheme where the feedback point (LED1 or LED2) is regulated to a minimum of 300 mV. When there are different voltage requirements in both highvoltage LED strings, because of different programmed voltages or string mismatch, the LM3630A regulates the feedback point of the highest voltage string to 300 mV and drop the excess voltage of the lower voltage string across the lower strings current sink. 20 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 Boost Switching Frequency Select The LM3630A’s boost converter can have a 500-kHz or 1-MHz switching frequency. For a 500-kHz switching frequency the inductor value must be between 10 μH and 22 μH. For the 1-MHz switching frequency the inductor can be between 10 μH and 22 μH. Additionally, there is a Frequency Shift bit which offsets the frequency approximately 10%. For the 500 kHz setting, shift = 0. The boost frequency is shifted to 560 kHz when Shift = 1. For the 1-MHz setting, Shift = 0. The boost frequency is shifted to 1120 kHz when shift = 1. Adaptive Headroom Reference Figure 73 and Figure 74 for the following description. The adaptive headroom circuit controls the boost output voltage to provide the minimal headroom voltage necessary for the current sinks to provide the specified ILED current. The headroom voltage is fed back to the Error Amplifier to dynamically adjust the Boost output voltage. The error amplifier's reference voltage is adjusted as the brightness level is changed, because the currents sinks require less headroom at lower ILED currents than at higher ILED currents. Note that the VHR Min block dynamically selects the LED string that requires the higher boost voltage to maintain the ILED current; this string has the lower headroom voltage. In Figure 74 this is LED string 2. The headroom voltage on LED string 1 is higher, but this is due to LED string 2 have an overall higher forward voltage than LED string 1. LED strings that have closely matched forward voltages have closely matched headroom voltages and better overall efficiency. In a single string LED configuration the Feedback enable must be enabled for only that string (LED1 or LED2). The adaptive headroom circuit is control by that single string. In a two string LED configuration the Feedback enable must be enabled for both strings (LED1 and LED2). The VHR Min block then dynamically selects the LED string to control the adaptive headroom circuit. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 21 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com VIN SW COUT OVP Headroom Control Boost Controller + IIN Error Amplifier CIN Brightness Control LED1 VHR Min LED2 Feedback Enable GND Figure 73. Adaptive Headroom Block Diagram 0.35 VHR1 Headroom Voltage (V) VHR2 0.30 0.25 0.20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness % C001 Figure 74. Typical Headroom Voltage Curve Current Sinks LED1 and LED2 control the current up to a 40-V LED string voltage. Each current sink has 5-bit full-scale current programmability and 8-bit brightness control. Either current sink has its current set through a dedicated brightness register and can additionally be controlled via the PWM input. 22 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 Current String Biasing Each current string can be powered from the LM3630A device’s boost or from an external source. When powered from an external source the feedback input for either current sink can be disabled in the Configuration Register so it no longer controls the boost output voltage. Full-Scale LED Current The LM3630A device’s full-scale current is programmable with 32 different full-scale levels. The full-scale current is the LED current in the control bank when the brightness code is at max code (0xFF). The 5-bit full-scale current vs code is given by Equation 1: ILED_FULLSCALE = 5 mA + Code × 0.75 mA (1) With a maximum full-scale current of 28.5 mA. Brightness Register Each control bank has its own 8-bit brightness register. The brightness register code and the full-scale current setting determine the LED current depending on the programmed mapping mode. Exponential Mapping In exponential mapping mode the brightness code to backlight current transfer function is given by Equation 2: ILED = ILED_FULLSCALE x 0.85 (44 - Code + 1 5.8181818 ) x DPWM where • • • ILED_FULLSCALE is the full-scale LED current setting Code is the backlight code in the brightness register DPWM is the PWM input duty cycle (2) Figure 75 and Figure 76 show the approximate backlight code to LED current response using exponential mapping mode. Figure 75 shows the response with a linear Y axis, and Figure 76 shows the response with a logarithmic Y axis. In exponential mapping mode the current ramp (either up or down) appears to the human eye as a more uniform transition then the linear ramp. This is due to the logarithmic response of the eye. 100 90 LED CURRENT (% of Full Scale) LED CURRENT (% of Full Scale) 100 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1 10 0 0 51 102 153 204 0.1 0 255 BACKLIGHT CODE (D) 51 102 153 204 255 BACKLIGHT CODE (D) Figure 75. Exponential Mapping Mode (Linear Scale) Figure 76. Exponential Mapping Mode (Log Scale) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 23 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Linear Mapping In linear mapping mode the brightness code to backlight current has a linear relationship and follows Equation 3: ILED = ILED_FULLSCALE x 1 x Code x D PWM 255 where • • • ILED_FULLSCALE is the full scale LED current setting Code is the backlight code in the brightness register DPWM is the PWM input duty cycle (3) Figure 77 shows the backlight code-to-LED current response using linear-mapping mode. The Configuration Register must be set to enable linear mapping. 100 LED CURRENT (% Full Scale) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 256 BACKLIGHT CODE (D) Figure 77. Linear Mapping Mode 7.3.2 Test Features The LM3630A contains an LED open, an LED short, and overvoltage manufacturing fault detection. This fault detection is designed to be used during the manufacturing process only and not normal operation. These faults do not set the INTN pin. Open LED String (LED1 And LED2) An open LED string is detected when the voltage at the input to either LED1 or LED2 has fallen below 200 mV, and the boost output voltage has hit the OVP threshold. This test assumes that the LED string that is being detected for an open is being powered from the boost output (Feedback Enabled). For an LED string not connected to the boost output, and connected to another voltage source, the boost output would not trigger the OVP flag. In this case an open LED string would not be detected. Shorted LED String The LM3630A features an LED short fault flag indicating if either of the LED strings have experienced a short. There are two methods that can trigger a short in the LED strings: 1. An LED current sink with feedback enabled, and the difference between OVP input and the LED current sink input voltage goes below 1 V. 2. An LED current sink is configured with feedback disabled (not powered from the boost output) and the difference between VIN and the LED current sink input voltage goes below 1 V. Overvoltage Protection (Manufacturing Fault Detection and Shutdown) The LM3630A provides an overvoltage Protection (OVP) mechanism specifically for manufacturing test where a display may not be connected to the device. The OVP threshold on the LM3630A has 4 different programmable options (16 V, 24 V, 32 V, and 40 V). The manufacturing protection is enabled in the Fault Status register bit 0. When enabled, this feature causes the boost converter to shutdown anytime the selected OVP threshold is exceeded. The OVP_fault bit in the Fault Status register is set to one. The boost converter does not resume operation until the LM3630A is reset with either a write to the Software Reset bit in the Software Reset register or a cycling of the HWEN pin. The reset clears the fault. 24 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 7.3.3 Fault Flags/Protection Features The Interrupt Status register contains the status of the protection circuits of the LM3630A. The corresponding bits are set to one if an OVP, OCP, or TSD event occurs. These faults do set the INTN pin when the corresponding bit is set in the Interrupt Enable register. Overvoltage Protection (Inductive Boost Operation) The overvoltage protection threshold (OVP) on the LM3630A has 4 different programmable options (16 V, 24 V, 32 V, and 40 V). OVP protects the device and associated circuitry from high voltages in the event the feedback enabled LED string becomes open. During normal operation, the LM3630A device’s inductive boost converter boosts the output up so as to maintain at least 300 mV at the active current sink inputs. When a high-voltage LED string becomes open the feedback mechanism is broken, and the boost converterinadvertently over boosts the output. When the output voltage reaches the OVP threshold the boost converter stops switching, thus allowing the output node to discharge. When the output discharges to VOVP – 1 V the boost converter begins switching again. The OVP sense is at the OVP pin, so this pin must be connected directly to the inductive boost output capacitor’s positive terminal. For current sinks that have feedback disabled the over voltage sense mechanism is not in place to protect from potential over-voltage conditions. In this situation the application must ensure that the voltage at LED1 or LED2 doesn’t exceed 40 V. The default setting for OVP is set at 24 V. For applications that require higher than 24 V at the boost output the OVP threshold has to be programmed to a higher level at power up. Current Limit The switch current limit for the LM3630A device’s inductive boost is set at 1 A. When the current through the NFET switch hits this over current protection threshold (OCP) the device turns the NFET off and the energy of the inductor is discharged into the output capacitor. Switching is then resumed at the next cycle. The current limit protection circuitry can operate continuously each switch cycle. The result is that during high output power conditions the device can continuously run in current limit. Under these conditions the device inductive boost converter stops regulating the headroom voltage across the high voltage current sinks. This results in a drop in the LED current. Thermal Shutdown The LM3630A contains thermal shutdown protection. In the event the die temperature reaches 140°C, the boost power supply and current sinks shut down until the die temperature drops to typically 125°C. 7.3.4 Initialization Timing Initialization Timing With HWEN Tied to VIN If the HWEN input is tied to VIN, then the tWAIT time starts when VIN crosses 2.5 V as shown in Figure 78. The initial I2C transaction can occur after the tWAIT time expires. Any I2C transaction during the tWAIT period are NAK'ed. 2.5V twait = 1 ms VIN HWEN SCL SDA Figure 78. Initialization Timing With HWEN Is Tied to VIN Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 25 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Initialization Timing With HWEN Driven by GPIO If the HWEN input is driven by a GPIO then the tWAITtime starts when HWEW crosses 1.2 V as shown in Figure 79. The initial I2C transaction can occur after the tWAIT time expires. Any I2C transaction during the tWAIT period are NAK'ed. VIN twait = 1 ms 1.2V HWEN SCL SDA Figure 79. Initialization Timing With HWEN Driven by a GPIO Initialization After Software Reset The time between the I2C transaction that issues the software reset, and the subsequent I2C transaction (that is, to configure the LM3630A) must be at greater or equal to the tWAIT period of 1 ms. Any I2C transaction during the tWAIT period are NAK'ed. 7.4 Device Functional Modes 7.4.1 LED Current Ramping Start-Up/Shutdown Ramp The LED current turn on time from 0 to the initial LED current set-point is programmable. Similarly, the LED current shutdown time to 0 is programmable. Both the startup and shutdown times are independently programmable with 8 different levels. The start-up times are independently programmable from the shutdown times, but not independently programmable for each Control bank. For example, programming a start-up or shutdown time, programs the same ramp time for each control bank. The start-up time is used when the device is first enabled to a non-zero brightness value. The shutdown time is used when the brightness value is programmed to zero. If HWEN is used to disable the device, the action is immediate and the Shutdown time is not used. The zero code does take a small amount of time which is approximately 0.5 ms. Table 2. Start-Up/Shutdown Times CODE START-UP TIME 000 4 ms SHUTDOWN TIME 0 001 261 ms 261 ms 010 522 ms 522 ms 011 1.045 s 1.045 s 100 2.091 s 2.091 s 101 4.182 s 4.182 s 110 8.364 s 8.364 s 111 16.73 s 16.73 s Run-Time Ramp Current ramping from one brightness level to the next is programmable. There are 8 different ramp up times and 8 different ramp down times. The ramp up time is independently programmable from the ramp down time, but not independently programmable for each Control Bank. For example, programming a ramp up time or a ramp down time programs the same ramp time for each control bank. The run time ramps are used whenever the device is enabled with a non-zero brightness value and a new non-zero brightness value is written. 26 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 Table 3. LED Current Run Ramp Times CODE RAMP-UP TIME RAMP-DOWN TIME 000 0 0 001 261 ms 261 ms 010 522 ms 522 ms 011 1.045s 1.045s 100 2.091s 2.091s 101 4.182s 4.182s 110 8.364s 8.364s 111 16.73s 16.73s 7.4.2 PWM Operation Current Scaling 2 MHz clock Filter Strength PWM Input Sample Period LPF ILED Brightness R3 & R4 Hysteresis Min PWM value Full Scale R5 & R6 Figure 80. PWM Sampler Hysteresis Block Output Previous Previous Value No LPF Output Sampled Value Sampled > Previous +2? or Sampled < Previous Yes Output Sample Figure 81. Hysteresis Block (Details) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 27 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Min Block Input code 6? No Output = 0 Yes Output = Input PWM Value Output = 6 Figure 82. Min Block (Details) PWM Input The PWM input can be assigned to any control bank. When assigned to a control bank, the programmed current in the control bank also becomes a function of the duty cycle at the PWM input. The PWM input is sampled by a digital circuit which outputs a brightness code that is equivalent to the PWM input duty cycle. The resultant brightness value is a combination of the maximum current setting, the brightness registers, and the equivalent PWM brightness code. PWM Input Frequency The specified input frequency of the PWM signal is 10 kHz to 80 kHz. The recommended frequency is 30 kHz or greater. The PWM input sampler operates beyond those frequency limits. Performance changes based on the input frequency used. Using frequencies outside the specified range is not recommended. Lower PWM input frequency increases the likelihood that the output of the sampler may change and that a single brightness step may be visible on the screen. This may be visible at low brightness because the step change is large relative to the output level. Recommended Settings For best performance of the PWM sampler it is recommended to have a PWM input frequency of at least 30 kHz. The Filter Strength (register 50h) must be set to 03h. The Hysteresis 1 bit must be set in register 05h to 1 when setting the maximum current for bank A. For example if max current is 20 mA, register 05h is set to 14h, change that to 94h for 1 bit hysteresis and a smooth min-to-max brightness transition. Adjustments to PWM Sampler The digital sampler has controls for hysteresis and minimum output brightness which allow the optimization of sampler output. The default hysteresis mode of the PWM sampler requires detecting a two code change in the input to increase brightness. Reducing the hysteresis to change on 1 code allows a smoother brightness transition when the brightness control is swept across the screen in a system. The filter strength bits affect the speed of the output transitions from the PWM sampler. A lower bound to the brightness is enabled by default which limits the minimum output of the PWM sampler to an equivalent code of 6 when the LEDs are turned on. A detected code of 1 is forced to off. A minimum 2% PWM input duty cycle is recommended. Input duty cycles of 1% or less causes delayed off-to-on transitions. Filter Strength, Register 50h Bits [1:0] • • 28 Filter Strength controls the amount of sampling cycles that are fed back to the PWM input sampler. A filter strength of 00b allows the output of the PWM sampler to change on every Sample Period. A filter strength of 01b allows the output of the PWM sampler to change every two Sample Periods. A filter strength of 10b allows the output of the PWM sampler to change every four Sample Periods. A filter strength of 11b allows the output of the PWM sampler to change every eight Sample Periods. he effect of setting this value to 11b forces the output of the PWM sampler to change less frequently then lower values. The benefit is this reduces the appearance of flicker because the output is slower to change. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 The negative is that the output is slower to change. Hysteresis 1 Bit, Register 05h, Bit 7 • • The default setting for the LM3630A has Bit 7 of register 05h is 0b. This requires the detection of a PWM input change that is at least 3 equivalent codes higher than the present code. If this bit is set to 1b, the hysteresis is turned off and the PWM sampler output is allowed to change by 2 code. Setting this bit to 1b turns off the 2 code requirement for the PWM sampler output to change. The benefit is that the output change is smoother. The negative is that there may be some PWM input value where the output could change by one code and it might appear as flicker. Lower Bound Disable, Register 05h, Bit 6 • • • The default setting for the LM3630A has Bit 6 of register 05h is 0b. This turns on the lower bound where the minimum output value of the PWM sampler is an equivalent code of 6. If the PWM sampler detects an equivalent code of 0 or 1, the output is 0, and the LEDs are off. If the PWM sampler detects an equivalent code of 2 through 6, a current equal to code 6 is output. Detection of any higher code outputs that code conforming to the rules of hysteresis above. Setting Bit 6 of register 05h to 1b can be used to allow the output to be below an equivalent code 6. The output of the PWM sampler matches the input pulse width conforming to the rules of Hysteresis and equivalent codes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are also allowed. The benefit is the output is allowed to go dimmer than in the default mode. The negative is at the low codes of 1 and 2, the LEDs may not turn on or the LEDs may appear to flicker. Disabling the Lower Bound (05h Bit 6 = 1b) allows the minimum duty cycle to be detected at 0.35% PWM input duty cycle. At 30-kHz PWM input frequency, the minimum pulse width required to turn on the LEDs is 0.39% × 33 µS = 129 ns. There is no specified tolerance to this value. Minimum TON Pulse Width The minimum TON pulse width required to produce a non-zero output is dependent upon the LM3630A settings. The default setting of the LM3630A requires a minimum of 0.78% duty cycle for the output to be turned on. Because the lower bound feature is enabled, a value of 0.78% (equivalent brightness code 2) up to 2.35% (equivalent brightness code 6) all produce an output equivalent to brightness code 6. At 30-kHz PWM input frequency, the minimum pulse width required to turn on the LEDs is 0.78% × 33 µS = 260 ns. Because of the hysteresis on the PWM input, this pulse width may not be sufficient to turn on the LEDs. It is recommended that a minimum pulse width of 2% be used. 2% × 33 µS = 660 ns at 30 kHz input frequency. Disabling the lower bound as described allows a smaller minimum pulse width. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 29 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com 7.5 Programming 7.5.1 I2C-Compatible Interface Data Validity The data on SDA line must be stable during the HIGH period of the clock signal (SCL). In other words, state of the data line can only be changed when SCL is LOW. SCL SDA data change allowed data valid data change allowed data valid data change allowed Figure 83. Data Validity Diagram A pullup resistor between the VIO line of the controller and SDA must be greater than [(VIO – VOL) / 3 mA] to meet the VOL requirement on SDA. Using a larger pullup resistor results in lower switching current with slower edges, while using a smaller pullup results in higher switching currents with faster edges. Start and Stop Conditions START and STOP conditions classify the beginning and the end of the I2C session. A START condition is defined as SDA signal transitioning from HIGH to LOW while SCL line is HIGH. A STOP condition is defined as the SDA transitioning from LOW to HIGH while SCL is HIGH. The I2C master always generates START and STOP conditions. The I2C bus is considered to be busy after a START condition and free after a STOP condition. During data transmission, the I2C master can generate repeated START conditions. First START and repeated START conditions are equivalent, function-wise. SDA SCL S P START condition STOP condition Figure 84. Start and Stop Conditions Transferring Data Every byte put on the SDA line must be eight bits long, with the most significant bit (MSB) transferred first. Each byte of data has to be followed by an acknowledge bit. The acknowledge related clock pulse is generated by the master. The master releases the SDA line (HIGH) during the acknowledge clock pulse. The LM3630A pulls down the SDA line during the 9th clock pulse, signifying an acknowledge. The LM3630A generates an acknowledge after each byte is received. After the START condition, the I2C master sends a chip address. This address is seven bits long followed by an eighth bit which is a data direction bit (R/W). The LM3630A address is 36h. For the eighth bit, a “0” indicates a WRITE and a “1” indicates a READ. The second byte selects the register to which the data is written. The third byte contains data to write to the selected register. 30 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 Programming (continued) I2C Compatible Address MSB 0 Bit 7 LSB 1 Bit 6 1 Bit 5 0 Bit 4 1 Bit 3 1 Bit 2 0 Bit 1 R/W Bit 0 Figure 85. I2C-Compatible Chip Address (0x36), SEL = 0 I2C Compatible Address MSB 0 Bit 7 LSB 1 Bit 6 1 Bit 5 1 Bit 4 0 Bit 3 0 Bit 2 0 Bit 1 R/W Bit 0 Figure 86. I2C-Compatible Chip Address (0x38), SEL = 1 7.6 Register Maps 7.6.1 LM3630A I2C Register Map This table summarizes LM3630A I2C-compatible register usage and shows default register bit values after reset, as programmed by the factory. The following sub-sections provide additional details on the use of individual registers. Register bits which are blank in the following tables are considered undefined. Undefined bits should be ignored on reads and written as zero. SLAVE ADDRESS [0x36h for SEL = 0, 0x38h for SEL = 1] BASE REGISTERS REGISTER NAME ADDRESS TYPE DEFAULT RESET VALUES Control 0x00 R/W 0xC0 Configuration 0x01 R/W 0x18 Boost Control 0x02 R/W 0x38 Brightness A 0x03 R/W 0x00 Brightness B 0x04 R/W 0x00 Current A 0x05 R/W 0x1F Current B 0x06 R/W 0x1F On/Off Ramp 0x07 R/W 0x00 Run Ramp 0x08 R/W 0x00 Interrupt Status 0x09 R/W 0x00 Interrupt Enable 0x0A R/W 0x00 Fault Status 0x0B R/W 0x00 Software Reset 0x0F R/W 0x00 PWM Out Low 0x12 Read 0x00 PWM Out High 0x13 Read 0x00 Revision 0x1F Read 0x02 Filter Strength 0x50 R/W 0x00 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 31 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com 7.6.2 Register Descriptions Table 4. Control (Offset = 0x00, Default = 0xC0) Register Bits 7 6 SLEEP_CMD SLEEP_ STATUS 5 4 3 2 1 0 LINEAR_A LINEAR_B LED_A_EN LED_B_EN LED2_ON_A Name Bit Access SLEEP_CMD 7 R/W Description The device is put into sleep mode when set to '1' SLEEP_STATUS 6 Read Reflects the sleep mode status. A '1' indicates the part is in sleep mode. Used to determine when part has entered or exited sleep mode after writing the SLEEP_CMD bit. 5 Read LINEAR_A 4 R/W Enables the linear output mode for Bank A when set to '1'. LINEAR_B 3 R/W Enables the linear output mode for Bank B when set to '1'. LED_EN_A 2 R/W Enables the LED A output LED_EN_B 1 R/W Enables the LED B output LED2_ON_A 0 R/W Connect the LED2 output to Bank A Control Table 5. Configuration (Offset = 0x01, Default = 0x18) Register Bits 7 Name 6 5 Bit Access 7 Read 6 Read 4 3 2 1 0 FB_EN_B FB_EN_A PWM_LOW PWM_EN-B PWM_EN_A Description 5 Read FB_EN_B 4 R/W Enable Feedback on Bank B FB_EN_A 3 R/W Enable Feedback on Bank A PWM_LOW 2 R/W Sets the PWM to active low PWM_EN_B 1 R/W Enables the PWM for Bank B PWM_EN_A 0 R/W Enables the PWM for Bank A Table 6. Boost Control (Offset = 0x02, Default = 0x38) Register Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 BOOST_OVP[1] BOOST_OVP[0] BOOST_OCP[1] BOOST_OCP[0] SLOW_STAR T 1 0 SHIFT FMODE Name Bit Access 7 Read BOOST_OVP 6:5 R/W Selects the voltage limit for over-voltage protection: 00 = 16 V 01 = 24 V 10 = 32 V 11 = 4 0V BOOST_OCP 4:3 R/W Selects the current limit for over-current protection: 00 = 600 mA 01 = 800 mA 10 = 1 A 11 = 1.2 A SLOW_START 2 R/W Slows the boost output transition SHIFT 1 R/W Enables the alternate oscillator frequencies: For FMODE = 0: SHIFT = 0F = 500 kHz; SHIFT 1F = 560 kHz For FMODE = 1: SHIFT = 0F = 1 MHz; SHIFT 1F = 1120 MHz 32 Description Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 Table 6. Boost Control (Offset = 0x02, Default = 0x38) (continued) Register Bits 7 6 5 FMODE 0 R/W 4 3 2 1 0 Selects the boost frequency: 0 = 500 kHz, 1 = 1MHz Table 7. Brightness A (Offset = 0x03, Default = 0x00) (1) Register Bits (1) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A[7] A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] Name Bit Access A [7:0] R/W Description Sets the 8-bit brightness value for outputs connected to Bank A. Minimum brightness setting is code 04h. These registers are not update if the device is in Sleep Mode (Control: SLEEP_STATUS = 1). Table 8. Brightness B (Offset = 0x04, Default = 0x00) (1) Register Bits (1) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 B[7] B[6] B[5] B[4] B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0] Name Bit Access B [7:0] R/W Description Sets the 8-bit brightness value for outputs connected to Bank B. Minimum brightness setting is code 04h. These registers are not update if the device is in Sleep Mode (Control: SLEEP_STATUS = 1). Table 9. Current A (Offset = 0x05, Default 0x1F) Register Bits 7 6 Hysteresis Lower Bound 5 4 3 2 1 0 A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] Name Bit Access Hysteresis 7 R/W Description Determines the hysteresis of the PWM Sampler. Clearing this bit, the PWM sampler changes its output upon detecting at least 3 equivalent code changes on the PWM input. Setting this bit, the PWM sampler changes its output upon detecting 2 equivalent code changes on the PWM input. Lower Bound 6 R/W Determines the lower bound of the PWM Sampler. Clearing this bit, the PWM sampler outputs code 6 when it detects equivalent codes 2 thru 6; and code 0 when it detects equivalent codes 0 thru 1. Setting this bit, the PWM sampler can output codes below 6, based upon the Hysteresis setting and equivalent code sampled from the input PWM. 5 Read A [4:0] R/W Sets the 5-bit full-scale current for outputs connected to Bank A. Table 10. Current B (Offset = 0x06, Default = 0x1F) Register Bits 7 6 5 Name Bit Access B [4:0] R/W 4 3 2 1 0 B[4] B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0] Description Sets the 5-bit full-scale current for outputs connected to Bank B Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 33 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Table 11. On/Off Ramp (Offset = 0x07, Default 0x00) Register Bits 7 6 5 Name Bit Access 7 Read 6 Read T_START [5:3] R/W Ramp time for startup events. T_SHUT [2:0] R/W Ramp time for shutdown events. T_START[2] Code 4 3 2 1 0 T_START[1] T_START[0] T_SHUT[2] T_SHUT[1] T_SHUT[0] Description Start-Up Time Shutdown Time 000 4 ms 0* 001 261 ms 261 ms 010 522 ms 522 ms 011 1.045s 1.045 s 100 2.091s 2.091 s 101 4.182s 4.182 s 110 8.364s 8.364 s 111 16.73s 16.73 s *Code 0 results in approximately 0.5 ms ramp time. Table 12. Run Ramp (Offset = 0x08, Default = 0x00) Register Bits 7 6 5 Name Bit Access 7 Read T_UP[2] 4 3 2 1 0 T_UP[1] T_UP[0] T_DOWN[2] T_DOWN[1] T_DOWN[0] Description 6 Read T_UP [5:3] R/W Time for ramp-up events T_DOWN [2:0] R/W Time for ramp-down events Code Ramp-Up Time 000 0* Ramp-down Time 0* 001 261 ms 261 ms 010 522 ms 522 ms 011 1.045s 1.045 s 100 2.091s 2.091 s 101 4.182s 4.182 s 110 8.364s 8.364 s 111 16.73s 16.73 s *Code 0 results in approximately 0.5 ms ramp time. 34 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 Table 13. Interrupt Status (Offset = 0x09, Default = 0x00) Register Bits 7 6 5 4 3 Name Bit Access 7 Read 6 Read 5 Read 4 Read 3 Read OCP 2 R/W An overcurrent condition occurred. OVP 1 R/W An overvoltage condition occurred. TSD 0 R/W A thermal shutdown event occurred. 2 1 0 OCP OVP TSD Description The interrupt status register is cleared upon a read of the register. If the condition that caused the interrupt is still present, then the bit is set to one again and another interrupt is signaled on the INTN output pin. The interrupt status register is not cleared if the device is in sleep mode (Control: SLEEP_STATUS = 1). To disconnect the interrupt condition from the INTN pin during sleep mode, disable the fault connection in the Interrupt Enable register. An interrupt condition sets the status bit and causes an event on the INTN pin only if the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Enable register is one and the Global Enable bit is also one. Table 14. Interrupt Enable (Offset = 0x0A, Default = 0x00) Register Bits 7 6 5 Access 4 3 2 1 0 OCP OVP TSD Name Bit Description GLOBAL 7 R/W 6 Read 5 Read 4 Read 3 Read OCP 2 R/W Set to '1' to enable the over-current condition interrupt. OVP 1 R/W Set to '1' to enable the over-voltage condition interrupt. TSD 0 R/W Set to '1' to enable the thermal shutdown interrupt. Set to '1' to enable interrupts to drive the INTN pin. Table 15. Fault Status (Offset = 0x0B, Default = 0x00) Register Bits 7 6 5 Name Bit Access 7 Read OPEN 4 3 2 1 0 LED2_SHORT LED1_SHORT SHORT_EN OVP_FAULT OVP_F_EN Description . 6 Read OPEN 5 R/W An open circuit was detected on one of the LED strings. LED2_SHORT 4 R/W A short was detected on LED string 2. LED1_SHORT 3 R/W A short was detected on LED string 1. SHORT_EN 2 R/W Set to '1' to enable short test. OVP_FAULT 1 R/W An OVP occurred in manufacturing test. OVP_F_EN 0 R/W Set to '1' to enable OVP manufacturing test. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 35 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Table 16. Software Reset (Offset = 0x0F, Default = 0x00) Register Bits 7 6 5 Name Bit Access 7 Read 6 Read 5 Read 4 Read 3 Read 2 Read 1 Read 0 R/W 4 3 2 1 0 SW_RESET SW_RESET Description . Set to '1' to reset the device. This is a full reset which clears the registers, executes a power-on reset, and reads the EPROM configuration. Table 17. PWM_OUT Low (Offset = 0x12, Default 0x00) Register Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PWM_OUT[7] PWM_OUT[6] PWM_OUT[5] PWM_OUT[4] PWM_OUT[3] PWM_OUT[2] PWM_OUT[1] PWM_OUT[0] Table 18. PWM_OUT High (Offset = 0x13, Default 0x00) Register Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PWM_OUT[8] Name Bit Access PWM_OUT [7:0] R/W Description The value of the PWM detector. Maximum value is 256 or 100h. If PWM_OUT[7:0] is non-zero PWM_OUT[8] is zero. Table 19. Revision (Offset = 0x1F, Default = 0x02) Register Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 REV[7] REV[6] REV[5] REV[4] REV[3] REV[2] REV[1] REV[0] Name Bit Access Description REV [7:0] R/W Revision value Table 20. Filter Strength (Offset = 0x50, Default = 0x00) Register Bits 7 36 6 5 Name Bit Access FLTR_STR [1:0] R/W 4 3 2 1 0 FLTR_STR[1] FLTR_STR[0] Description Filter Strength Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 8 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 8.1 Application Information The LM3630A is a dual-channel backlight driver. The device has 5-bit full-scale current programmability (5 mA to 30 mA) and for every full-scale current there is 8 bits of LED current adjustment from 0 to IFULL_SCALE. Both current sinks can be independently controlled via two separate full-scale current registers and two separate 8-bit brightness registers, or can be made to track together via a single brightness register. 8.2 Typical Application L VOUT up to 40V D1 VIN CIN COUT IN SW OVP SDA SCL AP INTN LM3630A LED1 HWEN LED2 PWM SEL GND Figure 87. LM3630A Typical Application 8.2.1 Design Requirements For typical white LED applications, use the parameters listed in Table 21. Table 21. Design Parameters DESIGN PARAMETER EXAMPLE VALUE Minimum input voltage 2.3 V Minimum output voltage VIN Output current 28.5 mA per channel Switching frequency 500 kHz or 1 MHz Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 37 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com 8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure Inductor Selection The LM3630A is designed to work with a 10-µH to 22-µH inductor. When selecting the inductor, ensure that the saturation rating for the inductor is high enough to accommodate the peak inductor current. Equation 4 calculates the peak inductor current based upon LED current, VIN, VOUT, and efficiency. I PEAK = I LED VOUT + 'I L × K VIN (4) where: 'IL = VIN x (VOUT - VIN ) 2 x f SW x L x VOUT (5) When choosing L, the inductance value must also be large enough so that the peak inductor current is kept below the LM3630A device's switch current limit. This forces a lower limit on L given by Equation 6. VIN x (VOUT - VIN) L> § I LED _ MAX x VOUT © K x VIN 2 x f SW x VOUT x ¨ ¨I SW_MAX - · ¸¸ ¹ (6) ISW_MAX is given in Electrical Characteristics, efficiency (η) is shown in theTypical Characteristics, and ƒSW is typically 500 kHz or 1 MHz. Table 22. Inductors CURRENT RATING MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER VALUE SIZE DC RESISTANCE TDK VLF4014ST-100M1R0 10 µH 3.8 mm × 3.6 mm × 1.4 mm 1A 0.22 Ω TDK VLF302512MT-220M 22 µH 3 mm × 2.5 mm × 1.2 mm 0.43A 0.583 Ω Maximum Power Output The LM3630A device's maximum output power is governed by two factors: the peak current limit (ICL = 1.2 A maximum), and the maximum output voltage (VOVP = 40 V minimum). When the application causes either of these limits to be reached, it is possible that the proper current regulation and matching between LED current strings may not be met. In the case of a peak current limited situation, when the peak of the inductor current hits the LM3630A device's current limit the NFET switch turns off for the remainder of the switching period. If this happens, each switching cycle the LM3630A begins to regulate the peak of the inductor current instead of the headroom across the current sinks. This can result in the dropout of the feedback-enabled current sinks and the current dropping below its programmed level. The peak current in a boost converter is dependent on the value of the inductor, total LED current (IOUT), the output voltage (VOUT) (which is the highest voltage LED string + 0.3 V regulated headroom voltage), the input voltage VIN, and the efficiency (Output Power/Input Power). Additionally, the peak current is different depending on whether the inductor current is continuous during the entire switching period (CCM) or discontinuous (DCM) where it goes to 0 before the switching period ends. For CCM the peak inductor current is given by: IPEAK = VIN x efficiency VIN IOUT x VOUT x 1+ VOUT 2 x fsw x L VIN x efficiency (7) For DCM the peak inductor current is given by: IPEAK = 2 x IOUT fsw x L x efficiency x VOUT - VIN x efficiency (8) To determine which mode the circuit is operating in (CCM or DCM), a calculation must be done to test whether the inductor current ripple is less than the anticipated input current (IIN). If ΔIL is < IIN, the device operates in CCM. If ΔIL is > IIN then the device is operating in DCM. 38 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 VIN x efficiency VIN IOUT x VOUT x 1> VOUT VIN x efficiency fsw x L (9) Typically at currents high enough to reach the LM3630A device's peak current limit, the device is operating in CCM. Application Curves show the output current and output voltage derating for a 10-µH and a 22-µH inductor, at switch frequencies of 500 kHz and 1 MHz. A 10-µH inductor is typically a smaller device with lower on resistance, but the peak currents are higher. A 22-µH inductor provides for lower peak currents, but to match the DC resistance of a 10 µH requires a larger-sized device. 8.2.3 Application Curves 43 43 42 3.0 3.1 40 3.2 3.3 39 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 34 4.3 4.4 33 4.5 4.6 32 4.7 4.8 31 4.9 5.0 30 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 38 Vout (V) 37 36 35 Freq = 500kHz L = 10uH VIN = 3.0V to 5.5V 29 28 42 41 Vout (V) 41 40 39 38 Freq = 1MHz L = 10uH VIN = 3.0V to 5.5V 37 5.5 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 27 36 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 IOUT (mA) 40 50 60 70 80 IOUT (mA) C002 Frequency = 500 kHz C002 L = 10 µH Frequency = 1 MHz Figure 89. Maximum Boost Output Power vs VIN 41 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 40 Freq = 500kHz L = 22uH VIN = 3.0V to 5.5V 3.0 3.1 39 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 38 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 34 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 33 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.4 32 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 37 36 35 Vout (V) Vout (V) Figure 88. Maximum Boost Output Power vs VIN L = 10 µH 31 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 28 5.1 5.2 27 5.4 26 5.3 30 29 Freq = 1MHz L = 22uH VIN = 3.0V to 5.5V 25 5.5 5.5 24 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 80 10 20 IOUT (mA) 30 40 50 60 70 Frequency = 500 kHz 80 IOUT (mA) C002 L = 22 µH C002 Frequency = 1 MHz Figure 90. Maximum Boost Output Power vs VIN L = 22 µH Figure 91. Maximum Boost Output Power vs VIN Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 39 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com 8.3 Initialization Setup 8.3.1 Recommended Initialization Sequence The recommended initialization sequence for the device registers is as follows: 1. Set Filter Strength register (offset = 50h) to 03h. 2. Set Configuration register (offset = 01h) to enable the PWM and the feedback for Bank A; for example, writing 09h to the Configuration register, enables PWM and feedback for Bank A. Note the Bank B PWM and feedback need to be configured if Bank B is used, otherwise disable the Bank B feedback by clearing bit 4 and disable the Bank B PWM by clearing bit 1. 3. Configure the Boost Control register (offset = 02h) to select the OVP, OCP and FMODE. For example, writing 78h to the Boost Control register sets OVP to 40 V, OCP to 1.2 A and FMODE to 500 kHz. 4. Set the full scale LED current for Bank A and Bank B (if used), by writing to the Current A (offset = 05h), and Current B(offset = 06) registers. For example, writing 14h to the Current A register selects a full scale LED current of 20 mA for Bank A. 5. Set the PWM Sampler Hysteresis to 2 codes by setting Bit 7 of the Current A register. Set the PWM Sampler Lower Bound code to 6 by clearing Bit 6 of the Current A register. Note these settings apply to both Bank A and Bank B. If only Bank B is used, these setting are still necessary when PWM is enabled. 6. Select the current control and enable or disable the LED Bank A and/or B by writing to Control register(offset = 00h). For example, writing 14h to the Control register select linear current control and enables Bank A. 7. Set the LED brightness by writing to Brightness A (offset = 03h) and Brightness B (Offset = 04h) registers. For example, writing FFh to Brightness A sets the LED current to 20 mA, with the Current A register set to 14h, and the PWM input is high. 9 Power Supply Recommendations The LM3630A operates from a 2.3-V to 5.5-V input voltage. The boost switching frequency is programmable at 500 kHz for low switching loss performance or 1 MHz to allow the use of tiny low-profile inductors. This input supply must be well regulated and provide the peak current required by the LED configuration and inductor selected. 40 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 10 Layout 10.1 Layout Guidelines The LM3630A contains an inductive boost converter which detects a high switched voltage (up to 40 V) at the SW pin, and a step current (up to 900 mA) through the Schottky diode and output capacitor each switching cycle. The high switching voltage can create interference into nearby nodes due to electric field coupling (I = CdV/dt). The large step current through the diode and the output capacitor can cause a large voltage spike at the SW pin and the OVP pin due to parasitic inductance in the step current conducting path (V = Ldi/dt). Board layout guidelines are geared towards minimizing this electric field coupling and conducted noise. Figure 92 highlights these two noise generating components. Voltage Spike VOUT + VF Schottky Pulsed voltage at SW Current through Schottky Diode and COUT IPEAK IAVE = IIN Paracitic Circuit Board Inductances Current through inductor Affected Node due to capacitive coupling Cp1 L Lp1 D1 Lp2 Up to 40 V 2.7 V to 5.5 V VLOGIC COUT IN 10 k: SW Lp3 10 k: SCL OVP SDA LM3630A LCD Display LED1 LED2 GND Figure 92. LM3630A Boost Converter Showing Pulsed Voltage At SW (High Dv/Dt) and Current Through Schottky and COUT (High Di/Dt) The following lists the main (layout sensitive) areas of the LM3630A in order of decreasing importance: • Output Capacitor – Schottky Cathode to COUT+ – COUT– to GND • Schottky Diode – SW Pin to Schottky Anode – Schottky Cathode to COUT+ • Inductor – SW Node PCB capacitance to other traces • Input Capacitor – CIN+ to IN pin – CIN– to GND Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 41 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com Layout Guidelines (continued) 10.1.1 Output Capacitor Placement The output capacitor is in the path of the inductor current discharge path. As a result COUT detects a high current step from 0 to IPEAK each time the switch turns off and the Schottky diode turns on. Any inductance along this series path from the cathode of the diode through COUT and back into the LM3630A GND pin will contribute to voltage spikes (VSPIKE = LP_ × dI/dt) at SW and OUT which can potentially overvoltage the SW pin, or feed through to GND. To avoid this, COUT+ must be connected as close as possible to the Cathode of the Schottky diode and COUT– must be connected as close as possible to the device GND bump. The best placement for COUT is on the same layer as the LM3630A so as to avoid any vias that can add excessive series inductance (see Figure 94). 10.1.2 Schottky Diode Placement The Schottky diode is in the path of the inductor current discharge. As a result the Schottky diode detects a high current step from 0 to IPEAK each time the switch turns off and the diode turns on. Any inductance in series with the diode will cause a voltage spike (VSPIKE = LP_ × dI/dt) at SW and OUT which can potentially overvoltage the SW pin, or feed through to VOUT and through the output capacitor and into GND. Connecting the anode of the diode as close as possible to the SW pin and the cathode of the diode as close as possible to COUT+ will reduce the inductance (LP_) and minimize these voltage spikes (see Figure 94). 10.1.3 Inductor Placement The node where the inductor connects to the LM3630A SW bump has 2 issues. First, a large switched voltage (0 to VOUT + VF_SCHOTTKY) appears on this node every switching cycle. This switched voltage can be capacitively coupled into nearby nodes. Second, there is a relatively large current (input current) on the traces connecting the input supply to the inductor and connecting the inductor to the SW bump. Any resistance in this path can cause large voltage drops that will negatively affect efficiency. To reduce the capacitively coupled signal from SW into nearby traces, the SW bump to inductor connection must be minimized in area. This limits the PCB capacitance from SW to other traces. Additionally, the other traces need to be routed away from SW and not directly beneath. This is especially true for high impedance nodes that are more susceptible to capacitive coupling such as (SCL, SDA, HWEN, PWM, and possibly ASL1 and ALS2). A GND plane placed directly below SW will dramatically reduce the capacitive coupling from SW into nearby traces To limit the trace resistance of the VBATT to inductor connection and from the inductor to SW connection, use short, wide traces (see Figure 94). 10.1.4 Input Capacitor Selection and Placement The input bypass capacitor filters the inductor current ripple, and the internal MOSFET driver currents during turnon of the power switch. The driver current requirement can range from 50 mA at 2.7 V to over 200 mA at 5.5 V with fast durations of approximately 10 ns to 20 ns. This will appear as high di/dt current pulses coming from the input capacitor each time the switch turns on. Close placement of the input capacitor to the IN pin and to the GND pin is critical since any series inductance between IN and CIN+ or CIN– and GND can create voltage spikes that could appear on the VIN supply line and in the GND plane. Close placement of the input bypass capacitor at the input side of the inductor is also critical. The source impedance (inductance and resistance) from the input supply, along with the input capacitor of the LM3630A, form a series RLC circuit. If the output resistance from the source (RS) is low enough the circuit will be underdamped and will have a resonant frequency (typically the case). Depending on the size of LS the resonant frequency could occur below, close to, or above switching frequency of the device. This can cause the supply current ripple to be: 1. Approximately equal to the inductor current ripple when the resonant frequency occurs well above the LM3630A switching frequency; 2. Greater then the inductor current ripple when the resonant frequency occurs near the switching frequency; and 3. Less then the inductor current ripple when the resonant frequency occurs well below the switching frequency. 42 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 Layout Guidelines (continued) Figure 93 shows the series RLC circuit formed from the output impedance of the supply and the input capacitor. The circuit is re-drawn for the AC case where the VIN supply is replaced with a short to GND and the LM3630A plus inductor is replaced with a current source (ΔIL). In Figure 93, equation 1 is the criteria for an underdamped response, equation 2 is the resonant frequency, and equation 3 is the approximated supply current ripple as a function of LS, RS, and CIN. As an example, consider a 3.6-V supply with 0.1-Ω of series resistance connected to CIN through 50 nH of connecting traces. This results in an underdamped input filter circuit with a resonant frequency of 712 kHz. Since the switching frequency lies near to the resonant frequency of the input RLC network, the supply current is probably larger then the inductor current ripple. In this case using equation 2 from Figure 93 the supply current ripple can be approximated as 1.68 multiplied by the inductor current ripple. Increasing the series inductance (LS) to 500 nH causes the resonant frequency to move to around 225 kHz and the supple current ripple to be approximately 0.25 multiplied by the inductor current ripple. 'IL ISUPPLY RS L LS SW IN + LM3630A CIN - VIN Supply ISUPPLY RS LS 'IL CIN 2 1. RS 1 > L S x C IN 4 x L S2 2. f RESONANT = 3. 1 2S LS x CIN 1 2S x 500 kHz x CIN I SUPPLYRIPPLE | ' I L x 2 RS § · 1 ¨2S x 500 kHz x LS ¸ ¨ ¸ x x S 500 kHz C 2 IN © ¹ 2 Figure 93. Input RLC Network Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 43 LM3630A SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 www.ti.com 10.2 Layout Example Schottky (SOD-323 40V) COUT (603 1uF) Inductor (VLF302512MT) CIN (0402 2.2uF) 4mm 8mm Figure 94. Typical LP3630A PCB Layout (2 × 10 Led Application) 44 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A LM3630A www.ti.com SNVS974B – APRIL 2013 – REVISED OCTOBER 2015 11 Device and Documentation Support 11.1 Device Support 11.1.1 Third-Party Products Disclaimer TI'S PUBLICATION OF INFORMATION REGARDING THIRD-PARTY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT REGARDING THE SUITABILITY OF SUCH PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OR A WARRANTY, REPRESENTATION OR ENDORSEMENT OF SUCH PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, EITHER ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH ANY TI PRODUCT OR SERVICE. 11.2 Documentation Support 11.2.1 Related Documentation For additional information, see the following: Texas Instruments Application Note 1112: DSBGA Wafer Level Chip Scale Package (SNVA009). 11.3 Community Resources The following links connect to TI community resources. Linked contents are provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use. TI E2E™ Online Community TI's Engineer-to-Engineer (E2E) Community. Created to foster collaboration among engineers. At e2e.ti.com, you can ask questions, share knowledge, explore ideas and help solve problems with fellow engineers. Design Support TI's Design Support Quickly find helpful E2E forums along with design support tools and contact information for technical support. 11.4 Trademarks E2E is a trademark of Texas Instruments. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 11.5 Electrostatic Discharge Caution These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. 11.6 Glossary SLYZ022 — TI Glossary. This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2013–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: LM3630A 45 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 10-Dec-2020 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan (2) Lead finish/ Ball material MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) (6) LM3630ATME ACTIVE DSBGA YFQ 12 250 RoHS & Green SNAGCU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 D6 LM3630ATMX ACTIVE DSBGA YFQ 12 3000 RoHS & Green SNAGCU Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 D6 (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of
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