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    NTC 热敏电阻器 5k 磁珠

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NTCLE305E4502SBA 数据手册
NTCLE305E4...SB www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents NTC Thermistors, 2-Point Micro Chip Sensor Insulated Leads FEATURES • Flexible insulated leads for special mounting or assembly Available • Miniature sized very fast reacting • Accurate over a wide temperature range • High stability over a long life • Exceptional withstanding in thermal shocks • AEC-Q200 qualified • Fulfills the ELV 2000/53/EC • Material categorization: for definitions of compliance please see www.vishay.com/doc?99912 LINKS TO ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 3D 3D 3D Models Design Tools Related Documents QUICK REFERENCE DATA PARAMETER VALUE UNIT Resistance value at 25 °C 2.06K to 10K Ω Tolerance on R25-value ± 1.92; ± 2.19 % B25/85-value 3511 to 3984 K ± 0.5 to ± 1 % ± 0.5 °C -40 to +125 °C 50 mW Dissipation factor δ (in still air) ≈ 0.8 mW/K Response time (in stirred air) (in oil) ≈3 ≈ 0.7 s 100 VRMS ≈ 0.05 g Tolerance on B25/85 Temperature accuracy between 25 °C and 85 °C Operating temperature range Maximum power dissipation at 55 °C APPLICATIONS Temperature measurement, sensing automotive and industrial applications and control in DESCRIPTION These thermistors consist of a micro NTC ceramic chip soldered between two ETFE insulated AWG #32 solid silver plated nickel leads. The thermistor body is coated with a ocher colored insulating lacquer. PACKAGING The thermistors are packed in cardboard boxes; the smallest packing quantity is 1000 pieces. MARKING Minimum dielectric withstanding voltage between leads termination and coated body Weight The components are not marked. DESIGN-IN SUPPORT For complete curve computation, please visit: www.vishay.com/thermistors/ntc-curve-list/. MOUNTING Important mounting and handling instructions: see www.vishay.com/doc?29222 By soldering or welding in any position. The parts can be potted in suitable resins. DIMENSIONS in millimeters L2 T L1 L B d D TMAX. BMAX. L L1 L2 Ø DMAX. Ød 1.6 1.6 41.0 ± 1 5.0 ± 1 5.0 ± 1 0.40 0.20 ± 0.01 Revision: 24-Jan-2022 Document Number: 29076 1 For technical questions, contact: nlr@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 NTCLE305E4...SB www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents ELECTRICAL DATA AND ORDERING INFORMATION R25 (1) (Ω) R25-TOL. (± %) B25/85 (1) (K) B25/85-TOL. (± %) RoHS COMPLIANT WITH EXEMPTION (2) 2060 1.92 3511 1.0 NTCLE305E4202SB n/a 5000 2.19 3984 0.5 NTCLE305E4502SB NTCLE305E4502SBA 10 000 2.19 3984 0.5 NTCLE305E4103SB NTCLE305E4103SBA SAP MATERIAL AND ORDERING NUMBER RoHS COMPLIANT Notes Preferred versions for new designs (1) Other R and B-values available on request 25 (2) RoHS exemption 7(c)-I: electrical and electronic components containing lead in a glass or ceramic other than dielectric ceramic in capacitors, e.g. piezo-electronic devices, or in a glass or ceramic matrix compound RESISTANCE VALUES AT INTERMEDIATE TEMPERATURES WITH R25 AT 2060 Ω SAP PART AND ORDERING NUMBER: NTCLE305E4202SB(A) TEMPERATURE (°C) RESISTANCE (Ω) RT/R25 R-TOL. (± %) α (%/K) T-TOL. (± °C) RMIN. (Ω) RMAX. (Ω) -40.0 47 326 22.974 5.27 - 6.03 0.87 44 832 49 820 -35.0 35 203 17.089 4.95 -5.81 0.85 33 461 36 945 -30.0 26 473 12.851 4.64 -5.60 0.83 25 245 27 700 -25.0 20 115 9.7643 4.34 -5.39 0.81 19 241 20 988 -20.0 15 435 7.4925 4.06 -5.20 0.78 14 808 16 061 -15.0 11 954 5.8031 3.78 -5.02 0.75 11 502 12 407 -10.0 9341.4 4.5347 3.52 -4.85 0.73 9012.6 9670.2 -5.0 7361.4 3.5735 3.27 -4.68 0.70 7120.9 7601.8 0.0 5847.7 2.8387 3.02 -4.53 0.67 5671.0 6024.5 5.0 4680.9 2.2723 2.79 -4.38 0.64 4550.5 4811.4 10.0 3774.3 1.8322 2.56 -4.24 0.60 3677.7 3870.9 15.0 3064.4 1.4876 2.34 -4.10 0.57 2992.7 3136.2 20.0 2504.6 1.2158 2.13 -3.97 0.54 2451.3 2557.9 25.0 2060.0 1.0000 1.92 -3.85 0.50 2020.4 2099.6 30.0 1704.5 0.82744 1.86 -3.73 0.50 1672.7 1736.3 35.0 1418.6 0.68864 1.81 -3.62 0.50 1392.9 1444.3 40.0 1186.9 0.57618 1.76 -3.52 0.50 1166.1 1207.8 45.0 997.97 0.48445 1.71 -3.42 0.50 980.90 1015.0 50.0 842.90 0.40917 1.67 -3.33 0.50 828.85 856.95 55.0 714.92 0.34705 1.63 -3.25 0.50 703.29 726.55 60.0 608.74 0.29550 1.59 -3.18 0.50 599.06 618.41 65.0 520.21 0.25253 1.55 -3.11 0.50 512.13 528.30 70.0 446.08 0.21654 1.52 -3.04 0.50 439.29 452.86 75.0 383.73 0.18628 1.49 -2.98 0.50 378.01 389.45 80.0 331.09 0.16072 1.46 -2.92 0.50 326.25 335.93 85.0 286.48 0.13907 1.43 -2.87 0.50 282.37 290.59 90.0 248.55 0.12065 1.57 -2.81 0.56 244.64 252.45 95.0 216.18 0.10494 1.70 -2.77 0.62 212.50 219.87 100.0 188.49 0.091501 1.83 -2.72 0.67 185.04 191.95 105.0 164.73 0.079964 1.96 -2.67 0.73 161.50 167.95 110.0 144.27 0.070036 2.08 -2.63 0.79 141.27 147.28 115.0 126.63 0.061470 2.20 -2.59 0.85 123.84 129.42 120.0 111.36 0.054061 2.32 -2.55 0.91 108.78 113.95 125.0 98.133 0.047637 2.43 -2.51 0.97 95.746 100.52 Revision: 24-Jan-2022 Document Number: 29076 2 For technical questions, contact: nlr@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 NTCLE305E4...SB www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents RESISTANCE VALUES AT INTERMEDIATE TEMPERATURES WITH R25 AT 5 kΩ SAP PART AND ORDERING NUMBER: NTCLE305E4502SB(A) TEMPERATURE (°C) RESISTANCE (Ω) RT/R25 R-TOL. (± %) α (%/K) T-TOL. (± °C) RMIN. (Ω) RMAX. (Ω) -40 167 137 33.427 4.10 -6.63 0.62 160 290 173 984 -35 120 661 24.132 3.91 -6.41 0.61 115 939 125 383 -30 88 066 17.613 3.74 -6.19 0.60 84 775 91 358 -25 64 950 12.990 3.57 -5.99 0.60 62 632 67 268 -20 48 381 9.6761 3.41 -5.79 0.59 46 732 50 029 -15 36 382 7.2765 3.25 -5.61 0.58 35 199 37 565 -10 27 609 5.5218 3.10 -5.43 0.57 26 753 28 465 -5 21 134 4.2268 2.96 -5.26 0.56 20 509 21 759 0 16 312 3.2624 2.82 -5.10 0.55 15 852 16 772 5 12 691 2.5381 2.68 -4.94 0.54 12 350 13 031 10 9948.4 1.9897 2.55 -4.80 0.53 9694.3 10 203 15 7855.6 1.5711 2.43 -4.65 0.52 7664.7 8046.5 20 6246.4 1.2493 2.31 -4.52 0.51 6102.1 6390.6 25 5000.0 1.0000 2.19 -4.39 0.50 4890.3 5109.7 30 4028.0 0.80560 2.13 -4.26 0.50 3942.2 4113.8 35 3264.9 0.65297 2.07 -4.14 0.50 3197.3 3332.5 40 2661.9 0.53239 2.01 -4.03 0.50 2608.4 2715.5 45 2182.6 0.43653 1.96 -3.92 0.50 2139.9 2225.4 50 1799.4 0.35987 1.90 -3.81 0.50 1765.1 1833.6 55 1491.1 0.29823 1.85 -3.71 0.50 1463.5 1518.8 60 1241.9 0.24838 1.80 -3.61 0.50 1219.5 1264.3 65 1039.3 0.20787 1.76 -3.51 0.50 1021.1 1057.6 70 873.83 0.17477 1.71 -3.42 0.50 858.87 888.79 75 737.96 0.14759 1.67 -3.34 0.50 725.65 750.27 80 625.90 0.12518 1.63 -3.25 0.50 615.72 636.08 85 533.05 0.10661 1.59 -3.17 0.50 524.60 541.51 90 455.79 0.091159 1.66 -3.09 0.54 448.21 463.37 95 391.23 0.078246 1.74 -3.02 0.58 384.43 398.03 100 337.06 0.067411 1.81 -2.94 0.62 330.95 343.16 105 291.42 0.058284 1.88 -2.87 0.66 285.93 296.91 110 252.84 0.050568 1.95 -2.81 0.70 247.90 257.78 115 220.09 0.044019 2.02 -2.74 0.74 215.64 224.54 120 192.21 0.038441 2.09 -2.68 0.78 188.19 196.22 125 168.37 0.033675 2.15 -2.62 0.82 164.75 172.00 Revision: 24-Jan-2022 Document Number: 29076 3 For technical questions, contact: nlr@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 NTCLE305E4...SB www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents RESISTANCE VALUES AT INTERMEDIATE TEMPERATURES WITH R25 AT 10 kΩ SAP PART AND ORDERING NUMBER: NTCLE305E4103SB(A) TEMPERATURE (°C) RESISTANCE (Ω) R/R25 ΔR/R (%) α (%/K) ΔTMAX. (± °C) RMIN. (Ω) RMAX. (Ω) -40 334 274 33.427 4.10 -6.63 0.62 320 580 347 969 -35 241 323 24.132 3.91 -6.41 0.61 231 879 250 767 -30 176 133 17.613 3.74 -6.19 0.60 169 549 182 716 -25 129 900 12.990 3.57 -5.99 0.60 125 264 134 536 -20 96 761 9.6761 3.41 -5.79 0.59 93 465 100 058 -15 72 765 7.2765 3.25 -5.61 0.58 70 399 75 130 -10 55 218 5.5218 3.10 -5.43 0.57 53 506 56 931 -5 42 268 4.2268 2.96 -5.26 0.56 41 018 43 518 0 32 624 3.2624 2.82 -5.10 0.55 31 705 33 544 5 25 381 2.5381 2.68 -4.94 0.54 24 700 26 063 10 19 897 1.9897 2.55 -4.80 0.53 19 389 20 405 15 15 711 1.5711 2.43 -4.65 0.52 15 329 16 093 20 12 493 1.2493 2.31 -4.52 0.51 12 204 12 781 25 10 000 1.0000 2.19 -4.39 0.50 9780.7 10 219 30 8056.0 0.80560 2.13 -4.26 0.50 7884.3 8227.6 35 6529.7 0.65297 2.07 -4.14 0.50 6394.5 6664.9 40 5323.9 0.53239 2.01 -4.03 0.50 5216.7 5431.1 45 4365.3 0.43653 1.96 -3.92 0.50 4279.8 4450.7 50 3598.7 0.35987 1.90 -3.81 0.50 3530.2 3667.3 55 2982.3 0.29823 1.85 -3.71 0.50 2927.0 3037.6 60 2483.8 0.24838 1.80 -3.61 0.50 2439.0 2528.6 65 2078.7 0.20787 1.76 -3.51 0.50 2042.1 2115.2 70 1747.7 0.17477 1.71 -3.42 0.50 1717.7 1777.6 75 1475.9 0.14759 1.67 -3.34 0.50 1451.3 1500.5 80 1251.8 0.12518 1.63 -3.25 0.50 1231.4 1272.2 85 1066.1 0.10661 1.59 -3.17 0.50 1049.2 1083.0 90 911.59 0.091159 1.66 -3.09 0.54 896.42 926.75 95 782.46 0.078246 1.74 -3.02 0.58 768.85 796.06 100 674.11 0.067411 1.81 -2.94 0.62 661.89 686.33 105 582.84 0.058284 1.88 -2.87 0.66 571.86 593.83 110 505.68 0.050568 1.95 -2.81 0.70 495.79 515.56 115 440.19 0.044019 2.02 -2.74 0.74 431.28 449.09 120 384.41 0.038441 2.09 -2.68 0.78 376.38 392.44 125 336.75 0.033675 2.15 -2.62 0.82 329.50 344.00 Revision: 24-Jan-2022 Document Number: 29076 4 For technical questions, contact: nlr@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 Legal Disclaimer Notice www.vishay.com Vishay Disclaimer ALL PRODUCT, PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product. Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability. Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay's knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer's responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and / or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer's technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay's terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein. Hyperlinks included in this datasheet may direct users to third-party websites. These links are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. Inclusion of these hyperlinks does not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Vishay of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation, organization or individual associated with the third-party website. Vishay disclaims any and all liability and bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the third-party website or for that of subsequent links. Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. © 2023 VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Revision: 01-Jan-2023 1 Document Number: 91000
NTCLE305E4502SBA 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+11.154141+1.34282
  • 5+9.522735+1.14642
  • 10+8.9428810+1.07661
  • 25+8.2785825+0.99664
  • 50+7.8355050+0.94330
  • 100+7.44125100+0.89584
