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    完全集成的接近和环境光传感器,具有红外发射器、I2C 接口和中断功能

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VCNL4040M3OE 数据手册
VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors Fully Integrated Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor with Infrared Emitter, I2C Interface, and Interrupt Function FEATURES • Package type: surface mount • Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 4.0 x 2.0 x 1.1 • Integrated modules: infrared emitter (IRED), ambient light sensor (ALS), proximity sensor (PS), and signal conditioning IC • Operates ALS and PS in parallel structure • FiltronTM technology adoption background light cancellation for robust • Temperature compensation: -40 °C to +85 °C DESCRIPTION • Low power consumption I2C (SMBus compatible) interface VCNL4040 integrates a proximity sensor (PS), ambient light sensor (ALS), and a high power IRED into one small package. It incorporates photodiodes, amplifiers, and analog to digital converting circuits into a single chip by CMOS process. The 16-bit high resolution ALS offers excellent sensing capabilities with sufficient selections to fulfill most applications whether dark or high transparency lens design. High and low interrupt thresholds can be programmed for both ALS and PS, allowing the component to use a minimal amount of the microcontrollers resources. • Floor life: 168 h, MSL 3, according to J-STD-020 The proximity sensor features an intelligent cancellation scheme, so that cross talk phenomenon is eliminated effectively. To accelerate the PS response time, smart persistence prevents the misjudgment of proximity sensing but also keeps a fast response time. In active force mode, a single measurement can be requested, allowing another good approach for more design flexibility to fulfill different kinds of applications with more power saving. • Intelligent cancellation to reduce cross talk phenomenon The patented FiltronTM technology achieves ambient light spectral sensitivity closest to real human eye response and offers the best background light cancellation capability (including sunlight) without utilizing the microcontrollers’ resources. VCNL4040 provides an excellent temperature compensation capability for keeping output stable under various temperature configurations. ALS and PS functions are easily set via the simple command format of I2C (SMBus compatible) interface protocol. Operating voltage ranges from 2.5 V to 3.6 V. VCNL4040 is packaged in a lead-free 8-pin molding package, which offers the best market-proven reliability quality. • Spectrum close to real human eye responses • Output type: I2C bus (ALS / PS) • Operation voltage: 2.5 V to 3.6 V • Material categorization: for definitions of compliance please see www.vishay.com/doc?99912 PROXIMITY FUNCTION • Immunity to red glow (940 nm IRED) • Programmable IRED sink current • Smart persistence scheme to reduce PS response time • Selectable for 12- / 16-bit PS output data AMBIENT LIGHT FUNCTION • High accuracy of ALS ±10 % • Fluorescent light flicker immunity • Selectable maximum detection range (819 / 1638 / 3277 / 6553) lux with highest sensitivity 0.0125 lux/step INTERRUPT • Programmable interrupt function for ALS and PS with upper and lower thresholds • Adjustable persistence to prevent false triggers for ALS and PS APPLICATIONS • Handheld device • Notebook, tablet PC • Consumer device • Industrial application Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 1 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors PRODUCT SUMMARY PART NUMBER OPERATING RANGE (mm) VCNL4040 0 to 200 OPERATING I2C BUS IRED PULSE VOLTAGE VOLTAGE CURRENT (1) RANGE RANGE (mA) (V) (V) 2.5 to 3.6 1.8 to 3.6 200 AMBIENT LIGHT RANGE (lx) 0.0125 to 6553 AMBIENT ADC RESOLUTION LIGHT OUTPUT PROXIMITY / RESOLUTION CODE AMBIENT LIGHT (lx) 0.0125 16 bit, I2C 16 bit / 16 bit Note (1) Adjustable through I2C interface ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING CODE VOLUME (1) REMARKS MOQ: 2500 pcs 4.0 mm x 2.0 mm x 1.1 mm PACKAGING VCNL4040M3OE VCNL4040M3OE-H3 Tape and reel 4.34 mm x 2.35 mm x 3.25 mm MOQ: 1500 pcs VCNL4040M3OE-H5 4.34 mm x 2.35 mm x 3.65 mm Note (1) MOQ: minimum order quantity ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tamb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN. MAX. Supply voltage TEST CONDITION VDD 2.5 3.6 UNIT V Operation temperature range Tamb -40 +85 °C Storage temperature range Tstg -40 +100 °C RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (Tamb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER TEST CONDITION SYMBOL MIN. MAX. UNIT Supply voltage VDD 2.5 3.6 V Operation temperature range Tamb -40 +85 °C I2C bus operating frequency f(I2CCLK) 10 400 kHz PIN DESCRIPTIONS PIN ASSIGNMENT SYMBOL TYPE 1 GND I FUNCTION Ground 2 CATHODE I Cathode (sensor) connection 3 VDD I Power supply input 4 ANODE I Anode for IRED 5 CATHODE I Cathode (LED) connection 6 INT O Interrupt pin 7 SDAT I / O (open drain) I2C data bus data input / output 8 SCLK I I2C digital bus clock input Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 2 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors BLOCK DIAGRAM VDD Anode PD Timing Controller PD Buffer DSP IR LED PS PD Oscillator INT SCLK SDAT LED Driver LED_CATHODE Temperature Sensor I2C Bus Logic Control ALS PD ALS 16 bits Data Buffer Low Pass Filter GND BASIC CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER TEST CONDITION Supply voltage Excluded LED driving Supply current Light condition = dark, VDD = 3.3 V I2C supply voltage MIN. VDD 2.5 IDD PS shut down Logic high Logic low Logic high Logic low ALS disable, PS enable IALSSD ALS enable, PS disable IPSSD VDD = 3.3 V VDD = 2.6 V Peak sensitivity wavelength of ALS Peak sensitivity wavelength of PS VIH TYP. 3.6 UNIT V μA 0.2 1.8 μA 3.6 V 200 μA 260 μA 1.55 0.4 VIL VIH MAX. 300 IDD (SD) VPULL UP ALS shut down I2C signal input SYMBOL 1.4 0.4 VIL λp 550 λpps 940 V V nm nm Full ALS counts 16-bit resolution 65 535 steps Full PS counts 12-bit / 16-bit resolution 4096 / 65 535 steps White LED light source ± 10 % ALS sensing tolerance Detectable intensity Minimum IT = 640 ms, 1 step (1)(2) 0.0125 Maximum IT = 80 ms, 65 535 step (1)(2) 6553 ALS dark offset PS detection range IT = 80 ms, normal sensitivity (1) 0 3 steps Kodak white card 0 200 mm -40 +85 °C 2.5 3.6 V 200 mA Operating temperature range Tamb Cathode (sensor) voltage IRED driving current lx (3) Notes (1) Test condition: V DD = 3.3 V, temperature: 25 °C (2) Maximum detection range to ambient light can be determined by ALS refresh time adjustment. Refer to table “ALS Resolution and Maximum Detection Range” (3) Based on IRED on / off duty ratio = 1/40, 1/80, 1/160, and 1/320 Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 3 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors I2C BUS TIMING CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER SYMBOL Clock frequency STANDARD MODE FAST MODE MAX. f(SMBCLK) 10 100 t(BUF) 4.7 1.3 μs t(HDSTA) 4.0 0.6 μs Repeated start condition setup time t(SUSTA) 4.7 0.6 μs Stop condition setup time t(SUSTO) 4.0 0.6 Data hold time t(HDDAT) Data setup time Bus free time between start and stop condition Hold time after (repeated) start condition; after this period, the first clock is generated MIN. MAX. 10 400 UNIT MIN. 3450 kHz μs 900 ns t(SUDAT) 250 100 ns I2C clock (SCK) low period t(LOW) 4.7 1.3 μs I2C clock (SCK) high period t(HIGH) 4.0 0.6 μs Clock / data fall time t(F) 300 300 ns Clock / data rise time t(R) 1000 300 ns t(LOW) I2C bus CLOCK (SCLK) t(R) t(F) VIH VIL t(HDSTA) t(SUSTO) t(BUF) t(HDDAT) I2C bus DATA (SDAT) t(SUDAT) VIH VIL { P Stop Condition t(SUSTA) t(HIGH) { { S Star Condition { S Start P Stop t(LOSEXT) SCLKACK t(LOWMEXT) SDAACK t(LOWMEXT) t(LOWMEXT) 2 I C bus CLOCK (SCLK) I2C bus DATA (SDAT) Fig. 1 - I2C Bus Timing Diagram Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 4 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors PARAMETER TIMING INFORMATION I2C bus CLOCK (SCLK) I2C bus DATA (SDAT) SA7 SA6 SA5 SA4 SA3 W SA1 SA2 Start by Master SA7 SA6 SA5 SA4 SA3 SA0 SA1 SA2 ACK by VCNL4040 ACK by VCNL4040 I2CBus Slave Address Byte Command Code I2C bus CLOCK (SCLK) I2C bus DATA (SDAT) SA7 SA6 SA5 SA4 SA3 SA2 SA0 SA1 SA7 SA6 SA5 SA4 SA3 SA2 SA1 SA0 ACK by VCNL4040 ACK by VCNL4040 Data Byte Low Stop by Master Data Byte High Fig. 2 - I2C Bus Timing for Sending Word Command Format I2CBus CLOCK (SCLK) I2CBus DATA (SDAT) SA7 SA6 SA5 SA4 SA3 W SA1 SA2 Start by Master SA7 SA6 SA5 SA4 SA3 SA0 SA1 SA2 ACK by VCNL4040 ACK by VCNL4040 I2CBus Slave Address Byte Command Code I2CBus CLOCK (SCLK) I2CBus DATA (SDAT) SA6 SA7 SA5 SA4 SA3 SA2 R SA1 Start by Master SA7 SA6 SA5 SA4 SA3 SA2 SA1 SA0 ACK by Master ACK by VCNL4040 I2CBus Slave Address Byte Data Byte Low I2CBus CLOCK (SCLK) I2CBus DATA (SDAT) SA7 SA6 SA5 SA4 SA3 SA2 SA1 SA0 ACK by Master Stop by Master Data Byte High Fig. 3 - I2C Bus Timing for Receiving Word Command Format Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 5 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) Axis Title 100 10000 PS-CH ALS-CH 80 70 1000 60 1st line 2nd line 2nd line Normalized Output (%) 90 50 40 100 30 20 10 0 400 500 600 700 800 900 10 1000 λ - Wavelength (nm) 2nd line Fig. 4 - Normalized Spectral Response Fig. 7 - IDD vs.Temperature Fig. 5 - Forward Current IF = f (VF) Fig. 8 - ALS View Angle Axis Title Axis Title 70 000 10000 1.0 160 ms 60 000 10000 0.9 40 000 320 ms 30 000 640 ms 100 20 000 0.7 1000 0.6 1st line 2nd line 1000 1st line 2nd line Step 1st line 80 ms Normalized Output 1st line 0.8 50 000 0.5 0.4 100 0.3 0.2 10 000 0.1 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10 10 000 0 400 500 600 700 800 900 10 1000 Lux 2nd line Wavelength (nm) 2nd line Fig. 6 - ALS Refresh Time vs. Maximum Detection Range Fig. 9 - White Channel Spectral Response Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 6 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors Fig. 10 - IRED Profile APPLICATION INFORMATION Pin Connection with the Host VCNL4040 integrates proximity sensor, ambient light Sensor, and IRED all together with I2C interface. It is very easy for the baseband (CPU) to access PS and ALS output data via I2C interface without extra software algorithms. The hardware schematic is shown in the following diagram. Two additional capacitors in the circuit can be used for the following purposes: (1) the 0.1 μF capacitor near the VDD pin is used for power supply noise rejection, (2) the 2.2 μF capacitor - connected to the anode - is used to prevent the IRED voltage from instantly dropping when the IRED is turned on, and (3) 2.2 kΩ is suitable for the pull up resistor of I2C except for the 8.2 kΩ applied on the INT pin. Note • Cathode (LED) and cathode (sensor): pins need to be connected together externally VPull_up VDD VDD_LED 0.1uF 2.2KΩ 2.2uF 2.2KΩ 3 8 4 SCLK SCK Anode 7 SDA SDAT 8.2KΩ VCNL4040 Baseband INT 6 CATHODE (LED) 5 INT GND CATHODE (Sensor) 2 1 Fig. 11 - Hardware Pin Connection Diagram Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 7 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors Digital Interface VCNL4040 applies single slave address 0x60 (HEX) of 7-bit addressing following I2C protocol. As figure 12 shows, VCNL4040’s I2C command format is simple for read and write operations between VCNL4040 and the host. The white sections indicate host activity and the gray sections indicate VCNL4040’s acknowledgement of the host access activity. Write word and read word protocol is suitable for accessing registers particularly for 16-bit data ALS and 12-bit / 16-bit PS data. Interrupt can be cleared by reading data out from register: INT_Flag. All command codes should follow read word and write word protocols. Send Byte ɦ Write Command to VCNL4040 1 S 1 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 1 Wr A Command Code A Data Byte Low A Data Byte High A P 7 Slave Address Receive Byte ɦ Read Data from VCNL4040 1 7 1 1 8 1 1 7 1 1 8 1 8 1 1 S Slave Address Wr A Command Code A S Slave Address Rd A Data Byte Low A Data Byte High A P S = start condition P = stop condition A = acknowledge Shaded area = VCNL4040 acknowledge Fig. 12 - Write Word and Read Word Protocol Function Description VCNL4040 applies a 16-bit high resolution ALS that provides the best ambient light sensing capability down to 0.01 lux/step which works well under a low transmittance lens design (dark lens). A flexible interrupt function of ALS (register: ALS_CONF) is also supported. The INT signal will not be triggered by VCNL4040 if the ALS value is not over high INT threshold window level, or lower than low INT threshold window level of ALS. VCNL4040 detects different light sources such as fluorescent light, incandescent light, sunlight, and white LED with high accuracy ALS data output after detecting algorithm is implemented. For proximity sensor function, VCNL4040 supports different kinds of mechanical designs to achieve the best proximity detection performance for any color of object with more flexibility. The basic PS function settings, such as duty ratio, integration time, interrupt, and PS enable / disable, and persistence, are handled by the register: PS_CONF1. Duty ratio controls the PS response time. Integration time represents the duration of the energy being received. The interrupt is triggered when the PS detection levels over the high threshold level setting (register: PS_THDH) or lower than low threshold (register: PS_THDL). If the interrupt function is enabled, the host can react to the interrupt pin, instead of polling the PS data registers. The INT flag (register: INT_Flag) indicates the type of interrupt that has been triggered, depending on the interrupt settings in the configuration registers. PS persistence (PS_PERS) sets up the PS INT trigger conditions, defining the amount of consecutive hits required before an interrupt event occurs. The intelligent cancellation level can be set on register: PS_CANC to reduce the cross talk phenomenon. VCNL4040 also supports an easy to use proximity detection logic mode, that triggers when the PS high threshold is exceeded and automatically resets the interrupt pin when the proximity reading falls beneath the PS low threshold. This functionality can be set in the register: PS_MS. A smart persistence is provided to be able to prevent false PS interrupt trigger events. Descriptions of each of these parameters are shown in table 1. Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 8 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors TABLE 1 - COMMAND CODE AND REGISTER DESCRIPTION COMMAND DATE BYTE CODE LOW / HIGH 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C REGISTER NAME R/W DEFAULT VALUE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION L ALS_CONF R/W 0x01 ALS integration time, persistence, interrupt, and function enable / disable H Reserved R/W 0x00 Reserved L ALS_THDH_L R / W 0x00 ALS high interrupt threshold LSB byte H ALS_THDH_M R / W 0x00 ALS high interrupt threshold MSB byte L ALS_THDL_L R / W 0x00 ALS low interrupt threshold LSB byte H ALS_THDL_M R / W 0x00 ALS low interrupt threshold MSB byte L PS_CONF1 0x01 PS duty ratio, integration time, persistence, and PS enable / disable H PS_CONF2 R/W 0x00 PS output resolution selection, PS interrupt trigger method L PS_CONF3 R/W 0x00 PS smart persistence, active force mode H PS_MS R/W 0x00 White channel enable / disable, PS mode selection, PS protection setting, and LED current selection R/W L PS_CANC_L R/W 0x00 PS cancellation level setting H PS_CANC_M R / W 0x00 PS cancellation level setting L PS_THDL_L 0x00 PS low interrupt threshold setting LSB byte R/W H PS_THDL_M R/W 0x00 PS low interrupt threshold setting MSB byte L PS_THDH_L R/W 0x00 PS high interrupt threshold setting LSB byte H PS_THDH_M R/W 0x00 PS high interrupt threshold setting MSB byte L PS_Data_L R 0x00 PS LSB output data H PS_Data_M R 0x00 PS MSB output data L ALS_Data_L R 0x00 ALS LSB output data H ALS_Data_M R 0x00 ALS MSB output data L White_Data_L R 0x00 White LSB output data H White_Data_M R 0x00 White MSB output data L Reserved R 0x00 Reserved H INT_Flag R 0x00 ALS, PS interrupt flags L ID_L R 0x86 Device ID LSB H ID_M R 0x01 Device ID MSB Note • All of reserved register are used for internal test. Please keep as default setting. Command Register Format VCNL4040 provides an 8-bit command register for ALS and PS controlling independently. The description of each command format is shown in following tables. TABLE 2 - REGISTER: ALS_CONF DESCRIPTION REGISTER NAME Command COMMAND CODE: 0x00_L (0x00 DATA BYTE LOW) Bit 7 REGISTER: ALS_CONF Command 6 5 Bit 3 1 0 Description 7:6 Reserved 5:4 Default = (0 : 0) 3:2 (0 : 0) = 1, (0 : 1) = 2, (1 : 0) = 4, (1 : 1) = 8 ALS interrupt persistence setting ALS_INT_EN 1 0 = ALS interrupt disable, 1 = ALS interrupt enable ALS_SD 0 0 = ALS power on, 1 = ALS shut down, default = 1 Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 2 (0 : 0) = 80 ms; (0 : 1) = 160 ms; (1 : 0) = 320 ms; (1 : 1) = 640 ms ALS integration time setting, longer integration time has higher sensitivity ALS_IT ALS_PERS 4 COMMAND CODE: 0x00_L (0x00 DATA BYTE LOW) Document Number: 84274 9 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors TABLE 3 - REGISTER: 00H_H DESCRIPTION REGISTER: Reserved COMMAND CODE: 0x00_H (0x00 DATA BYTE HIGH) Command Bit Reserved 7:0 Description Default = (0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0) TABLE 4 - REGISTER ALS_THDH_L AND ALS_THDH_M DESCRIPTION COMMAND CODE: 0x01_L (0x01 DATA BYTE LOW) OR 0x01_H (0x01 DATA BYTE HIGH) Register Bit Description ALS_THDH_L 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, ALS high interrupt threshold LSB byte ALS_THDH_M 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, ALS high interrupt threshold MSB byte TABLE 5 - REGISTER: ALS_THDL_L AND ALS_THDL_M DESCRIPTION COMMAND CODE: 0x02_L (0x02 DATA BYTE LOW) AND 0x02_H(0x02 DATA BYTE HIGH) Register Bit Description ALS_THDL_L 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, ALS low interrupt threshold LSB byte ALS_THDL_M 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, ALS low interrupt threshold MSB byte TABLE 6 - REGISTER: PS_CONF1 DESCRIPTION REGISTER: PS_CONF1 Command COMMAND CODE: 0x03_L (0x03 DATA BYTE LOW) Bit Description PS_Duty 7:6 (0 : 0) = 1/40, (0 : 1) = 1/80, (1 : 0) = 1/160, (1 : 1) = 1/320 PS IRED on / off duty ratio setting PS_PERS 5:4 (0 : 0) = 1, (0 : 1) = 2, (1 : 0) = 3, (1 : 1) = 4 PS interrupt persistence setting PS_ IT 3:1 (0 : 0 : 0) = 1T, (0 : 0 : 1) = 1.5T, (0 : 1 : 0) = 2T, (0 : 1 : 1) = 2.5T, (1 : 0 : 0) = 3T, (1 : 0 : 1) = 3.5T, (1 : 1 : 0) = 4T, (1 : 1 : 1) = 8T, PS integration time setting PS_SD 0 0 = PS power on, 1 = PS shut down, default = 1 TABLE 7 - REGISTER: PS_CONF2 DESCRIPTION REGISTER: PS_CONF2 COMMAND CODE: 0x03_H (0x03 DATA BYTE HIGH) Command Bit Reserved 7:6 (0 : 0), reserved Description Reserved 5:4 (0 : 0), reserved PS_HD 3 0 = PS output is 12 bits; 1 = PS output is 16 bits Reserved 2 Default = 0 PS_INT 1:0 (0 : 0) = interrupt disable, (0 : 1) = trigger when close, (1 : 0)= trigger when away, (1 : 1)= trigger when close or away TABLE 8 - REGISTER: PS_CONF3 DESCRIPTION REGISTER: PS_CONF3 COMMAND CODE: 0x04_L (0x04 DATA BYTE LOW) Command Bit Reserved 7 Reserved 6:5 Description 0 (0 : 0) PS_SMART_PERS 4 0 = disable; 1 = enable PS smart persistence PS_AF 3 0 = active force mode disable (normal mode), 1 = active force mode enable PS_TRIG 2 0 = no PS active force mode trigger, 1 = trigger one time cycle VCNL4040 output one cycle data every time host writes in ‘1’ to sensor. The state returns to ‘0’ automatically. Reserved 1:0 Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 (0 : 0) Document Number: 84274 10 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors TABLE 9 - REGISTER: PS_MS DESCRIPTION REGISTER: PS_MS COMMAND CODE: 0x04_H (0x04 DATA BYTE HIGH) Command Bit White_EN 7 0 = white channel enabled 1 = white channel disabled PS_MS 6 0 = proximity normal operation with interrupt function 1 = proximity detection logic output mode enable Reserved LED_I Description 5:3 (0:0:0) 2:0 (0 : 0 : 0) = 50 mA; (0 : 0 : 1) = 75 mA; (0 : 1 : 0) = 100 mA; (0 : 1 : 1) = 120 mA (1 : 0 : 0) = 140 mA; (1 : 0 : 1) = 160 mA; (1 : 1 : 0) = 180 mA; (1 : 1 : 1) = 200 mA LED current selection setting TABLE 10 - REGISTER PS_CANC_L AND PS_CANC_M DESCRIPTION COMMAND CODE: 0x05_L (0x05 DATA BYTE LOW) AND 0x05_H(0x05 DATA BYTE HIGH) Register Bit Description PS_CANC_L 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, PS cancellation level setting_LSB byte PS_CANC_M 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, PS cancellation level setting_MSB byte TABLE 11 - REGISTER: PS_THDL_L AND PS_THDL_M DESCRIPTION COMMAND CODE: 0x06_L (0x06 DATA BYTE LOW) AND 0x06_H(0x06 DATA BYTE HIGH) Register Bit Description PS_THDL_L 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, PS interrupt low threshold setting_LSB byte PS_THDL_M 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, PS interrupt low threshold setting_MSB byte TABLE 12 - REGISTER: PS_THDH_L AND PS_THDH_M DESCRIPTION COMMAND CODE: 0x07_L (0x07 DATA BYTE LOW) AND 0x07_H(0x07 DATA BYTE HIGH) Register Bit Description PS_THDH_L 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, PS interrupt high threshold setting_LSB byte PS_THDH_M 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, PS interrupt high threshold setting_MSB byte TABLE 13 - READ OUT REGISTER DESCRIPTION Register PS_Data_L Command Code Bit Description 0x08_L (0x08 data byte low) 7:0 PS_Data_M 0x08_H (0x08 data byte high) 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, PS MSB output data ALS_Data_L 0x09_L (0x09 data byte low) 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, ALS LSB output data ALS_Data_M 0x09_H (0x09 data byte high) 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, ALS MSB output data White_Data_L 0x0A_L (0x0A data byte low) 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, white LSB output data White_Data_M 0x0A_H (0x0A data byte high) 7:0 0x00 to 0xFF, white LSB output data Reserved 0x0B_L (0x0B data byte low) 7:0 INT_Flag 0x0B_H (0x0B data byte high) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ID_L 0CH_L (0CH data byte low) 7:0 86H for MP version sample, device ID LSB byte 0CH_H (0CH data byte high) 7:6 5:4 3:0 (0 : 0) (0 : 0) Slave address = 0x60 (7-bit) Version code (0 : 0 : 0 : 1), device ID MSB byte ID_M Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 0x00 to 0xFF, PS LSB output data Default = 0x00 Reserved PS_SPFLAG, PS entering protection mode ALS_IF_L, ALS crossing low THD INT trigger event ALS_IF_H, ALS crossing high THD INT trigger event Reserved Reserved PS_IF_CLOSE, PS rises above PS_THDH INT trigger event PS_IF_AWAY, PS drops below PS_THDL INT trigger event Document Number: 84274 11 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors Adjustable Sampling Time VCNL4040’s LED driver drives the internal IRED with the “LED CATHODE” pin by a pulsed duty cycle. The IRED on / off duty ratio can be set in register: PS_Duty which is related to the current consumption and PS response time. The higher the duty ratio, the faster the response time achieved with higher power consumption. For example, PS_Duty = 1/320, peak IRED current = 100 mA, averaged current consumption is 100 mA/320 = 0.3125 mA. Initialization VCNL4040 includes default values for each register. As long as power is on, it is ready to be controlled by host via I2C bus. Threshold Window Setting • ALS Threshold Window Setting (Applying ALS INT) Register: ALS_THDH_L and ALS_THDH_M defines 16-bit ALS high threshold data for LSB byte and MSB byte. Register: ALS_THDL_L and ALS_THDL_M defines 16-bit ALS low threshold data for LSB byte and MSB byte. As long as ALS INT function is enabled, INT will be triggered once the ALS data exceeds ALS_THDH or goes below ALS_THDL. To easily define the threshold range, multiply the value of the resolution (lux/step) by the threshold level (refer to table 14). TABLE 14 - ALS RESOLUTION AND MAXIMUM DETECTION RANGE ALS_IT ALS_IT (7 : 6) SENSITIVITY MAXIMUM DETECTION RANGE UNIT (lux/step) UNIT (lux) INTEGRATION TIME (typ.) (0, 0) 80 ms 0.10 6553.5 (0, 1) 160 ms 0.05 3276.8 (1, 0) 320 ms 0.025 1638.4 (1, 1) 640 ms 0.0125 819.2 • ALS Persistence The ALS INT is triggered once the ALS value is higher or lower than the threshold window. The ALS_PERS (1, 2, 4, parameter, sets the amount of consecutive hits needed, in order for an interrupt event to trigger. 8 times) • Programmable PS Threshold VCNL4040 provides both high and low thresholds setting for PS (register: PS_THDL, PS_THDH). • PS Persistence The PS persistence function (PS_PERS, 1, 2, 3, 4) helps to avoid false trigger of the PS INT. It defines the amount of consecutive hits needed in order for a PS interrupt event to be triggered. • PS Active Force mode An extreme power saving way to use PS is to apply PS active force (register: PS_CONF3 command: PS_AF = 1) mode. Anytime host would like to request one proximity measurement, write a ‘1’ into register: PS_CONF3 command: PS_Trig. This triggers a single PS measurement, which can be read from the PS result registers. VCNL4040 stays in standby mode constantly. Data Access All of VCNL4040 16 bit command registers are readable. The result data for ALS, white, and PS measurements can be read out form their respective registers. Each result is made of 2 bytes. TABLE 15 - 16-BIT ALS DATA FORMAT VCNL4040 Bit 15 14 Register 13 12 11 ALS_DataM 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ALS_DataL Intelligent Cancellation VCNL4040 provides an intelligent cancellation method to reduce cross talk phenomenon for the proximity sensor. The output data will be subtracted by the value set in register: PS_CANC. Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 12 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors Interruption (INT) The VCNL4040 has an interrupt feature for both the PS and ALS channel. The purpose of the interrupt feature is to actively inform the host once INT has been triggered. When the interrupt is enabled, the host does not need to continuously read the data registers of the sensor, but instead can simply react to the interrupt pin. As long as the host enables ALS interrupt (register: ALS_INT_EN) or PS interrupt (register: PS_INT) function, the level of INT pin (pin 6) is pulled low once an interrupt event has been triggered. All registers are accessible even if INT is triggered. ALS INT is triggered when ALS value crosses over the value set in register: ALS_THDH or below the value set by register: ALS_THDL. PS INT is triggered when the PS value crosses over the value set in register: PS_THDH or falls below the value set in register: PS_THDL. Which of these thresholds to react to, can be set by the PS_INT bits in the register: PS_CONF2. Interruption Flag Register: INT_Flag represents all of the interrupt trigger statuses for ALS and PS. If any of these flags trigger from “0” to “1”, the INT pin will be pulled low. Once the host reads INT_Flag register, all the flags are cleared (reset to "0"), and the INT pin is reset to high. PROXIMITY DETECTION LOGIC OUTPUT MODE VCNL4040 has a proximity detection logic mode, enabling the host to read the state of PS (near or far) simply by monitoring the INT pin (pin 6). When this mode is selected, the INT pin is pulled low when an object is close to the sensor (value is above high threshold) and is reset to high when the object moves away (value is below low threshold). Register: PS_THDH / PS_THDL define where these threshold levels are set. It should be noted that whenever the proximity detection logic mode has been enabled, the INT pin only reacts to proximity interrupt events. If the host would like to use ALS INT function, the bit PS_MS in the register: PS_MS needs to be set to normal operation mode (PS_MS = 0). In order for the proximity detection logic mode to function, one of the PS_INT bits in register: PS_CONF2 must be enabled (“trigger when close”, “trigger when away”, or “trigger when close or away”). If PS_INT is set to “INT Disable” the proximity detection logic mode will not function. PROXIMITY DETECTION HYSTERESIS A hysteresis is created by setting the low and high threshold values. With proximity detection logic mode disabled, an interrupt event will trigger and stay triggered until it is cleared in the INT_Flag register. The register is cleared automatically once it is read. If the interrupt flags are not cleared after an interrupt event has occurred, the VCNL4040 will not react to another interrupt event until the INT-Flag register has been cleared. An example of this could be when turning on and off a backlight of a mobile display. First the PS INT triggers when the PS value is over PS_THDH. The host switches off the panel backlight and then clears INT. When PS value is less than PS_THDL, host switches on panel backlight. VPull_up VDD VDD_LED 0.1uF 2.2KΩ 2.2uF 2.2KΩ 3 8 SCK 4 SCLK Anode 7 SDA SDAT 8.2KΩ VCNL4040 Baseband GPIO 6 CATHODE (LED) 5 INT GND CATHODE (Sensor) 2 1 Fig. 13 - VCNL4040 Reference Circuit Connection with Host (Proximity Detection Logic Output Mode) (VCNL4040 INT pin connecting to BB GPIO instead of INT pin) Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 13 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors PACKAGE INFORMATION (VCNL4040M3OE) in millimeters Top View Side View Bottom View 1.1 ± 0.05 0.9 2 ± 0.1 4 4 5 0.675 x 8 Ø1.1 0.55 1.075 Sensor 1.075 Ø1.2 2.6 LED 1.45 4 ± 0.1 1.075 0.85 5 0.5 8 1 1 8 0.75 1 1 GND 2 Cathode 3 4 5 Cathode (LED) 6 INT VDD 7 SDAT Anode 8 SCLK (sensor) Fig. 14 - VCNL4040 Package Dimensions LAYOUT PAD INFORMATION (VCNL4040M3OE) in millimeters Pad Center to Center 1.4 1.075 0.7 0.725 x 8 1.075 0.7 x 8 1.075 Pad Cente r to Center 0.35 Fig. 15 - VCNL4040M3OE PCB Layout Footprint Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 14 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors PACKAGE INFORMATION (VCNL4040M3OE-H3) in millimeters Top View Side View Bottom View 3.25 ± 0.2 0.8 2.35 ± 0.2 4 4 5 0.7(x8) 1.075 2.6 4.34 ± 0.2 1.075 1.02 5 Ø1.2 1.075 Ø1.1 8 1 1 8 1 1 GND 5 Cathode Cathode (LED) 6 INT 3 VDD 7 SDAT 4 Anode 8 SCLK 2 (sensor) 0.575 Fig. 16 - VCNL4040M3OE-H3 Package Dimensions PACKAGE INFORMATION (VCNL4040M3OE-H5) in millimeters Top View Side View Bottom View 3.65 ± 0.2 0.8 2.35 ± 0.2 4 4 5 0.7(x8) 1.075 2.6 4.34 ± 0.2 1.075 1.02 5 Ø1.2 1.075 Ø1.1 8 1 1 8 1 1 2 GND Cathode (sensor) 5 0.575 Cathode (LED) 6 INT 3 VDD 7 SDAT 4 Anode 8 SCLK Fig. 17 - VCNL4040M3OE-H5 Package Dimensions Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 15 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors LAYOUT PAD INFORMATION (VCNL4040M3OE-H3, VCNL4040M3OE-H5) in millimeters Pad Center to Center 1.7 1.075 0.8 0.725 x 8 1.075 0.9 x 8 1.075 Pad Cente r to Center 0.45 Fig. 18 - VCNL4040M3OE-H3 and H5 PCB Layout Footprint LAYOUT NOTICE AND REFERENCE CIRCUIT Pad and Circuit Layout Reference Fig. 19 - Suggested VCNL4040 Layout Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 16 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors APPLICATION CIRCUIT BLOCK REFERENCE VDD_LED VDD 0.1uF 2.2KΩ 2.2uF 2.2KΩ 3 8 4 SCLK SCK Anode 7 SDA SDAT 8.2KΩ VCNL4040 Baseband 6 INT CATHODE (Sensor) 2 INT GND CATHODE (LED) 5 1 Fig. 20 - VCNL4040 Application Circuit (normal operation with interrupt function) VPull_up VDD 22 ȟ 1uF 2.2Kȟ 2.2Kȟ 3 8 4 SCLK SCK Anode 7 SDAT SDA 8.2Kȟ 2.2 uF VCNL4040 Baseband INT 6 CATHODE (Sensor) 2 INT GND CATHODE (LED) 5 1 Fig. 21 - VCNL4040 Application Circuit (VDD (sensor and LED) suggestion circuit) Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 17 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors RECOMMENDED STORAGE AND REBAKING CONDITIONS PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. MAX. UNIT 5 50 °C Relative humidity 60 % Open time 168 h From the date code on the aluminized envelope (unopened) 12 months Tape and Reel: 60 °C 22 h Tube: 60 °C 22 h Storage temperature Total time Rebaking RECOMMENDED INFRARED REFLOW Soldering conditions which are based on J-STD-020 C IR REFLOW PROFILE CONDITION PARAMETER CONDITIONS Peak temperature TEMPERATURE TIME 260 °C + 5 °C / - 5 °C (max.: 265 °C) 10 s 150 °C to 200 °C 60 s to 180 s 217 °C 60 s to 150 s Preheat temperature range and timing Timing within 5 °C to peak temperature 10 s to 30 s Timing maintained above temperature / time Timing from 25 °C to peak temperature 8 minutes (max.) Ramp-up rate 3 °C/s (max.) Ramp-down rate 6 °C/s (max.) Recommend Normal Solder Reflow is 235 °C to 265 °C Max. Temperature 260+5/-50C / 10 seconds Temperature (ºC) 260 Ramp-up Rate 3 0C / seconds (max) 217 Ramp-down Rate 6 0C / seconds (max) 200 150 Soldering Zone 60-150 seconds Ramp-up Rate 3 0C / seconds (max) Pre-Heating Time t2 - t1 = 60 - 180 secons t1 t2 Time (second) Fig. 22 - VCNL4040 Solder Reflow Profile Chart Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 18 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors RECOMMENDED IRON TIP SOLDERING CONDITION AND WARNING HANDLING 1. Solder the device with the following conditions: 1.1.Soldering temperature: 400 °C (max.) 1.2.Soldering time: 3 s (max.) 2. If the temperature of the method portion rises in addition to the residual stress between the leads, the possibility that an open or short circuit occurs due to the deformation or destruction of the resin increases. 3. The following methods: VPS and wave soldering, have not been suggested for the component assembly. 4. Cleaning method conditions: 4.1. Solvent: methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol 4.2.Solvent temperature < 45 °C (max.) 4.3.Time: 3 minutes (min.) TAPE PACKAGING INFORMATION in millimeters Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 19 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors TAPE PACKAGING INFORMATION (VCNL4040M3OE-H3) in millimeters Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 20 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VCNL4040 www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors TAPE PACKAGING INFORMATION (VCNL4040M3OE-H5) in millimeters Rev. 1.4, 02-Mar-15 Document Number: 84274 21 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 Footprint and Schematic Information www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors Footprint and Schematic Information for VCNL4040 The footprint and schematic symbols for the following parts can be accessed using the link to the SnapEDA website. They are available in Eagle, Altium, KiCad, OrCAD / Allegro, Pulsonix, and PADS. Note that the 3D models for these parts can be found on the Vishay product page. The links are included here for convenience. PART NUMBER FOOTPRINT / SCHEMATIC 3D MODEL VCNL4040-M30E-H3 www.snapeda.com/parts/VCNL4040M3OE-H3/Vishay/view-part/ - VCNL4040-M30E-H5 www.snapeda.com/parts/VCNL4040M3OE-H5/Vishay/view-part/ - www.snapeda.com/parts/VCNL4040M3OE/Vishay/view-part/ www.vishay.com/doc?84352 VCNL4040-M30E For technical issues and product support, please contact sensorstechsupport@vishay.com. Rev. 1.0, 05-Oct-16 Document Number: 84396 1 For technical questions, contact: sensorstechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 Legal Disclaimer Notice www.vishay.com Vishay Disclaimer  ALL PRODUCT, PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product. Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability. Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and / or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein. Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. © 2017 VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Revision: 08-Feb-17 1 Document Number: 91000

器件简介: VCNL4040是一款集成了接近传感器(PS)、环境光传感器(ALS)和红外发射器(IRED)的传感器。它采用CMOS工艺将光电二极管、放大器和模数转换电路集成在单个芯片上。这款传感器具有16位高分辨率的ALS,提供出色的感测能力,适用于大多数应用场景,无论是在黑暗还是高透明度镜头设计下。它还具有高低端中断阈值可编程功能,允许组件使用最少的微控制器资源。

引脚分配: - GND:接地 - CATHODE (sensor):传感器阴极连接 - VDD:电源输入 - ANODE:IRED阳极 - CATHODE (LED):LED阴极连接 - INT:中断引脚 - SDAT:I2C数据线,开漏输出 - SCLK:I2C时钟输入

参数特性: - 工作电压范围:2.5 V至3.6 V - 环境光感测范围:0.0125至6553勒克斯 - 接近感测距离:0至200毫米 - IRED脉冲电流可调:200毫安 - 环境光分辨率:0.0125勒克斯 - ADC分辨率:16位(ALS/PS)

功能详解: - FiltronTM技术:提供接近人类视觉响应的环境光光谱敏感度,提供最佳的背景光消除能力。 - 温度补偿:在-40°C至+85°C的温度范围内工作,保持输出稳定。 - I2C接口:提供低功耗的通信接口,兼容SMBus。 - 中断功能:ALS和PS都可以设置高低端中断阈值,可调节持续时间以防止误触发。

应用信息: - 手持设备 - 笔记本电脑、平板电脑 - 消费电子产品 - 工业应用

封装信息: VCNL4040采用无铅8引脚封装,尺寸为4.0 x 2.0 x 1.1毫米。
VCNL4040M3OE 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 2500+7.36340
  • 5000+7.21658
  • 10000+7.07178


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+15.890061+1.91851
  • 5+14.099845+1.70237
  • 10+13.4349910+1.62210
  • 25+12.6373725+1.52579
  • 50+12.0920150+1.45995
  • 100+11.59300100+1.39970
  • 500+10.58963500+1.27856
  • 1000+10.216421000+1.23350


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 2500+7.933882500+0.95791


  •  国内价格
  • 10+12.19670
  • 100+9.12200
  • 500+7.07200
  • 2500+5.12470
  • 12500+4.61220


    •  国内价格
    • 1+11.76120
    • 10+10.07640
    • 30+9.01800
    • 100+7.93800


    •  国内价格
    • 1+6.20400
    • 100+5.17000
    • 1250+4.69700
    • 2500+4.35600


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 2500+7.841632500+0.94677


    •  国内价格
    • 100+10.13582
    • 250+9.88369
    • 500+9.63662
    • 1000+9.39563


    •  国内价格
    • 1+9.08985
    • 10+8.26350
    • 30+7.71260
    • 100+6.88625
    • 500+6.50062
    • 1000+6.22517
