L ow Power S ingle Op A mp L M 321 MF
T he L M 321 brings performance and economy to low power sy stem s. With a high unity g ain frequency a nd a g uaranteed 0.4V/µs slew rate, the quiescent current is o nly 4 30µA/am plifier (5V). The input com m on m ode r ange includes ground and therefore the device is able to o perate in single supply a pplications as well as in dual s upply a pplications. It is also capable of com f ortably d riving large capacitive loads. T he L M 321 MF i s available in the SOT-23-5L package. Overall the L M 32 1MF i s a low power, wide s upply r ange perform ance op am p that can be designed into a wide range of applications a t an econom ical price without sacrificing valuable board space. S OT-23-5L
G ain-Bandwidth product: 1MHz L ow supply c urrent: 430µA L ow input bias current: 45nA W ide supply v oltage range: +3V to +32V S ingle version of L M 358
C hargers P ower supplies I ndustrial: controls, instrum e nts D esktops C om m unications infrastructure
Print Model D321: E
D ata Code
Year Code
C haracteristic S upply Vo ltage,(V - V ) I nput Vo ltage O utput Short Circuit to GND V + ≤ 15V a nf Ta =25 ℃ J unction Te m p erature ( Note3) T herm a l Resistance to A m bient ( θ J A ) O perating Te m p erature R ange S t orage Te m p erature R ange Note2
+ -
Va l u e 32 - 0.3~+32 Continuous 1 50 265 - 40~+85 - 65~+150 ( Unless otherwise specified: V + =5.0V) M in. Ty p . 2 45 3 0 0.66 0.43 50 70 75 100 90 100 -120 M ax. 5 1 50 30
U nit V V ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃
P aram e ter Input Of fset Vo ltage Input Bias Current
Te st Conditions Ta = 2 5 ℃ ( Note 4 ) Ta = 2 5 ℃ , I I N ( + ) o r I I N ( - ) , V C M =0V ( Note 5 )
Unit mV nA nA V mA V /m V dB dB dB
I nput Of fset Current Ta = 2 5 ℃ , I I N ( + ) - I I N ( - ) V C M =0V , I nput C o mm on-Mode Ta = 2 5 ℃ , V + =30V ( Note 6 ) Vo ltage Range O ver Full Te m p erature V + =30V S upply C urrent R ange , R L = ∞ o n al l O p V + =5V A m ps + Lar g e Signal Vo lt age V =15V , Ta = 2 5 ℃ , R L ≥ 2 k Ω G ain ( For Vo =1~1 1V ) Co m m on-M ode D C , Ta = 2 5 ℃ , V C M =0~V + -1.5V R ejection Ratio P ower Supply D C , Ta = 2 5 ℃ , V + =5~30V R ejection Ratio A m plifier - to-Am p lifier Ta = 2 5 ℃ , f=1~20kHz C oupling ( Input Referred ) Note 7 ) (
V + -1.5 2 1.2
S ource Output Current V I N ( + ) =1V,V I N ( - ) =0V,V + =15V,Vo=2V, Ta=2 5 ℃ V I N ( - ) =1V,V I N ( + ) =0V,V + =15V,Vo=2V, Ta=2 5 ℃ V I N ( - ) =1V,V I N ( + ) =0V,V + =15V, Vo=200mV,Ta=25 ℃ R L =2k Ω R L =10k Ω 20 10 12 40 20 50 40 26 27 28 5 20 85 mA mA µA mA V V mV
S ink
S hort Circuit to Ground V + =15V , Ta=2 5 ℃ ( Note 2 ) O utput Vo ltage Swing VOH VOL V + =30V V =5V , R L =10k Ω
N o t e 1 A bsolute Maximu m Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may
occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional, but specific performance is not guaranteed. For guaranteed specifications and the test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics.
N o t e 2 : S hort circuits from the output to V
c an cause excessive heating and eventual
destruction. When considering short circuits to ground, the maximum output current is approximately 40mA independent of the magnitude of V + . At values of supply voltage in excess of +15V, continuous short-circuits can exceed the power dissipation ratings and cause eventual destruction. Destructive dissipation can result from simultaneous shorts on all amplifiers.
N o t e 3 : T he maximum power dissipation is a function of T J ( M A X ) , θ J A , a nd Ta. The
maximum allowable power dissipation at any ambient temperature is P D = ( T J ( M A X ) - T a)/ θ J A . A ll numbers apply for packages soldered directly onto a PC board. N ote 4: V o=1.4V, Rs = 0 Ω w ith V + f rom 5V to 30V; and over the full input common-mode range (0V to V + - 1.5V) at 25°C N ote 5: T he direction of the input current is out of the IC due to the PNP input stage. This current is essentially constant, independent of the state of the output so no loading change exists on the input lines. N ote 6: T he input common-mode voltage of either input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3V (at 25°C). The upper end of them common-mode voltage range is V + - 1.5V (at 25°C), but either or both inputs can go to +32V without damage, independent of the magnitude of V + . N ote 7: D ue to proximity of external components, insure that coupling is not originating via stray capacitance between these external parts. This typically can be detected as this type of capacitance increases at higher frequencies.
T he L M 321 MF o p amp can operate with a single or dual power supply voltage, has true-differential inputs, and remain in the linear mode with an input common-mode voltage of 0 V D C . This amplifier operates over a wide range of power supply voltages, with little change in performance characteristics. At 25°C amplifier operation is possible down to a minimum supply voltage of 3V. L arge differential input voltages can be easily accommodated and, as input differential voltage protection diodes are not needed, no large input currents result from large differential input voltages. The differential input voltage may be larger than V + w ithout damaging the device. Protection should be provided to prevent the input voltages from going negative mo re than − 0.3 V D C ( at 25°C). An input clamp diode with a resistor to the IC input terminal can be used. T o reduce the power supply drain, the amplifier has a class A output stage for small signal levels which converts to class B in a large signal mode. This allows the amplifiers to both s ource and sink large output currents. Therefore both NPN and PNP external current boost transistors can be used to extend the power capability of the basic amplifiers. The output voltage needs to raise approximately 1 diode drop above ground to bias the on-chip vertical PNP transistor for output current sinking applications. F or AC applications, where the load is capacitively coupled to the output of the amplifier, a resistor should be used, from the output of the amplifier to ground to increase the class A b ias current and to reduce distortion. C apacitive loads which are applied directly to the output of the amplifier reduce the loop stability margin. Values of 50pF can be accommodated using the worst-case non-inverting u nity gain connection. Large closed loop gains or resistive isolation should be used if large load capacitance must be driven by the amplifier. T he bias network of the L M 321 MF e stablishes a supply current which is independent of the magnitude of the power supply voltage over the range of from 3 V D C t o 30 V D C . O utput short circuits either to ground or to the positive power suppl y should be of short time duration. Units can be destroyed, not as a result of the short circuit current causing
m e tal fusing, but rather due to the large increase in IC chip dissipation which will cause e ventual failure due to excessive junction te m p eratures. The larger value of output source c urrent which is available at 25°C provides a larger output current capability at elevated t em p eratures than a standard IC op am p. T he circuits presented in the section on ty pical applications em phasize operation on only a s ingle power supply v oltage. If com p lem e ntary p ower supplies are available, all of the s tandard op am p circuits can be used. In general, introducing a pseudo-ground (a bias v oltage reference of V + /2) will allow operation above and below this value in single power s upply s y stem s. Many a pplication circuits are shown which take advantage of the wide input c om m on-m ode voltage range which includes ground. In m o st cases, input biasing is not r equired and input voltages which range to ground can easily b e accom m odated.
( Unless otherwise specified: V s=+5V, s ingle supply , Ta =25 ℃ )
SOT-23-5L U nit:m m