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XCL211B082DR 数据手册
XCL211/XCL212 Series ETR28006-001 2.0A Inductor Built-in Step-Down “micro DC/DC” Converters ☆GreenOperation Compatible ■GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XCL211/XCL212series is a synchronous step-down micro DC/DC converter which integrates an inductor and a control IC in one tiny package (3.1mm×4.7mm, h=1.3mm). An internal coil simplifies the circuit and enables minimization of noise and other operational trouble due to the circuit wiring. A wide operating voltage range of 2.7V to 6.0V enables support for applications that require an externally set output voltage can be selected. The XCL211/XCL212 series uses synchronous rectification at an operating frequency of 2.4MHz. PWM control (XCL211) or automatic PWM/PFM switching control (XCL212) can be selected. The XCL211 series has a fixed frequency, enabling the suppression of output ripple. The XCL212 series achieves high efficiency while holding down output ripple across the full range of loads, from light to heavy, enabling the extension of battery operation time. The series have a high speed soft-start as fast as 1ms in typical for quick turn-on. With the built-in UVLO (Under Voltage Lock Out) function, the internal P-channel driver transistor is forced OFF when input voltage becomes 2.4V or lower. It’s suitable for large-current application due to limit current is configured 4.0A in typical. The integrated CL discharge function which enables the electric charge at the output capacitor CL to be discharged via the internal discharge switch located between the LX and GND pins. Due to CL discharge function, malfunction on LX is prevented when Stand-by mode. ■APPLICATIONS ■FEATURES ●Wearable devices Package Size ●Note PCs Input Voltage : 2.7V~6.0V ●Printers Output Voltage : 0.9V~VIN (FB Voltage=0.8V±2%) ●Tablet PCs ●PND(Portable Navigation Device) : 3.1mm×4.7mm, h=1.3mm High Efficiency : 94% (VIN=5.0V, VOUT=3.3V) Output Current : 2.0A Oscillation Frequency : 2.4MHz (±15%) Maximum Duty Cycle : 100% Control Methods : PWM (XCL211) PWM/PFM (XCL212) Functions : Current Limit Circuit (automatic return) Soft-Start Circuit Built-In CL Discharge, UVLO Output Capacitor : Low ESR Ceramic Capacitor Operating Ambient Temperature : -40℃~85℃ Package : USP-11B01 Environmental Friendly : EU RoHS Compliant, Pb Free ■ TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS XCL211B082DR /XCL212B082DR 100 XCL212 80 Efficiency : EFFI (%) ■TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT XCL211 60 40 VIN=5.0V VOUT=3.3V 20 0 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Output Current : IOUT (mA) 1/16 XCL211/XCL212 series ■BLOCK DIAGRAM XCL211/XCL212 Series (USP-11B01) Inductor L1 L2 UVLO Cmp AVIN UVLO R1 PVIN Current Feedback Current Limit R2 Error Amp. PWM Comparator FB Logic Vref with Soft Start, CE CE Control Logic CE Phase Compensation Synch Buffer Drive Lx Ramp Wave Generator OSC CE/B Thermal Shutdoun PWM/PFM Selector GND * The XCL211 offers a fixed PWM control, a Control Logic of PWM/PFM Selector is fixed at “PWM” internally. The XCL212 control scheme is a fixed PWM/PFM automatic switching, a Control Logic of PWM/PFM Selector is fixed at “PWM/PFM automatic switching” internally. Diodes inside the circuit are an ESD protection diode and a parasitic diode. ■PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION ● Ordering Information XCL211①②③④⑤⑥ XCL212①②③④⑤⑥ DESIGNATOR Type Reference Voltage Oscillation Frequency Package (Order Unit) ① ②③ ④ ⑤⑥ (*1) (*1) Halogen free and EU RoHS compliant. (*2) The USP-11B01 reels are shipped in a moisture-proof packing. ● Selection Guide SOFT-START TYPE TIME B 2/16 Fixed PWM PWM/PFM Auto Switching ITEM SYMBOL Fixed B 08 2 DR DESCRIPTION Refer to Selection Guide Reference Voltage is fixed at 0.8V 2.4MHz USP-11B01 (*2) (1,000/Reel) CHIP ENABLE CURRENT LIMITER THERMAL SHUTDOWN UVLO CL AUTODISCHARGE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes XCL211/XCL212 Series ■PIN CONFIGURATION PVIN AVIN CE NC Lx FB GND NC Lx USP-11B01 (BOTTOM VIEW) * Please connect the AVIN pin (No.7) and the PVIN pin (No.9) when operating. * Please connect the LX pins (No.2 and No.3). ■PIN ASSIGNMENT PIN NUMBER PIN NAME FUNCTIONS 1 NC No Connection 2 Lx Switching Output 3 Lx Switching Output 4 NC No Connection 5 FB Output Voltage Monitor 6 CE Chip Enable 7 AVIN Analog Input 8 GND Ground 9 PVIN Power Input - L1, L2 Inductor Electrodes ■CE PIN FUNCTION PIN NAME SIGNAL STATUS CE Low High Stand-by Active * Please do not leave the CE pin open. ■ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Ta=25℃ PARAMETER PVIN Pin Voltage AVIN Pin Voltage CE Pin Voltage FB Pin Voltage Lx Pin Voltage Lx Pin Current Power Dissipation USP-11B01 Operating Ambient Temperature Storage Temperature SYMBOL VPVIN VAVIN VCE VFB VLx ILx Pd Topr Tstg RATINGS UNIT -0.3 ~ +7.0 (*1) V -0.3 ~ +7.0 -0.3 ~ +7.0 -0.3 ~ +7.0 or VPVIN +0.3 (*2) ±6.0 (*3) 1000 -40 ~ +85 -55 ~ +125 V V V A mW ℃ ℃ All voltages are described based on the ground voltage of GND. (*1) Please connect PVIN pin (No.9) and AVIN pin (No.7) for use. (*2) The maximum value should be either +7.0 or VPVIN+0.3 in the lowest. (*3) It is measured when the two Lx pins (No.2 and 3) are tied up to each other. 3/16 XCL211/XCL212 series ■ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS XCL211B082DR/XCL212B082DR, Ta=25℃ PARAMETER SYMBOL FB Voltage VFB CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT CIRCUIT 0.784 0.800 0.816 V ③ 2.7 - 6.0 V ① 2.0 - - A ① 2.00 - 2.68 V ③ VIN=VCE=5.0V, VFB=0.88V - 53 92 μA ② VIN=5.0V, VCE=0V, VFB=0.88V - 0.01 1.00 μA ② 2040 2400 2760 kHz ① - 680 - mA ① - 180 250 % ① VIN=5.0V, VCE=5.0V Voltage to start oscillation while VFB=0.72V → 0.88V Operating Voltage Range VIN When connected to external components VIN=VCE=5.0V (*1,*2) Maximum Output Current IOUTMAX UVLO Voltage VUVLO Quiescent Current Iq Stand-by Current ISTB Oscillation Frequency fOSC PFM Switch Current (*4) IPFM PFM Duty Limit (*4) DTYLIMIT_PFM Maximum Duty Cycle DMAX VIN=VCE=5.0V, VFB=0.72V 100 - - % ③ Minimum Duty Cycle DMIN VIN=VCE=5.0V, VFB=0.88V - - 0 % ③ LXSW”H”ON Resistance RLXH VIN=VCE=4.0V, VFB=0.72V (*6) - 0.11 0.21 LXSW”L”ON Resistance LXSW”H” Leakage Current Current Limit Output Voltage Temperature Characteristics When connected to external components VCE=5.0V, VFB=0.72V Voltage which Lx pin holding “L” level (*3) VIN=VCE=5.0V, IOUT=300mA When connected to external components VIN=VCE=6.0V, IOUT=1mA When connected to external components VIN=VCE=2.7V, IOUT=1mA When connected to external components RLXL ILeakH ILIM ∆VOUT/ (∆topr・VOUT) VIN=5.0V, VCE=0V, VFB=0.88V, VLx=0V VIN=VCE=5.0V, VFB=0.72V (*9) 0.12 Ω ④ 0.30 (*7) Ω - (*8) μA ⑤ - 0.01 1.00 - 4.0 - A ④ - ±100 - ppm/℃ ① 1.2 - VIN V ③ GND - 0.4 V ③ IOUT=100mA -40℃≦Topr≦85℃ When connected to external components VIN=5.0V, VFB=0.72V Applied voltage to VCE CE ”H” Voltage VCEH CE ”L” Voltage VCEH CE ”H” Current ICEH VIN=5.0V, VCE=5.0V, VFB=0V -0.1 - 0.1 μA ⑤ CE ”L” Current ICEL VIN=5.0V, VCE=0V, VFB=0V -0.1 - 0.1 μA ⑤ FB ”H” Current IFBH VIN=5.0V, VCE =0V, VFB=5.0V -0.1 - 0.1 μA ⑤ FB ”L” Current IFBL VIN=5.0V, VCE=0V, VFB=0V -0.1 - 0.1 μA ⑤ 0.3 1.0 2.0 ms ① Voltage changes Lx to “H” level VIN=5.0V, VFB=0.72V Applied voltage to VCE Voltage changes Lx to “L” level VIN=5.0V, VCE=0V → 5.0V, IOUT=1mA Soft-Start Time tSS Thermal Shutdown Temperature TTSD - 150 - ℃ - Hysteresis Width THYS - 20 - ℃ - CL Discharge Resistance RDCHG Inductance L Inductor Rated Current IDC When connected to external components VIN=5.0V, VCE=0V, VFB=0.72V, VLx=1.0V 80 130 160 Ω ⑥ Test Freq.=1.0MHz - 1.5 - μH - ∆T=+40℃ - 2.3 - A - External Components: CIN1=20μF(ceramic), CIN2=1μF(ceramic), CL=20μF(ceramic), R1=15kΩ, R2=30kΩ, CFB=1000pF Condition: Unless otherwise stated,”H”= VIN ~ VIN - 1.2V, “L”= + 0.1V ~ -0.1V (*1) Mount conditions affect heat dissipation. Maximum output current is not guaranteed when TTSD starts to operate earlier. (*2) When the difference between the input and the output is small, some cycles may be skipped completely before current maximizes. If current is further pulled from this state, output voltage will decrease because of P-ch driver ON resistance. (*3) These values include UVLO detect voltage, UVLO release voltage and hysteresis operating voltage range. UVLO release voltage is defined as the VIN voltage which makes Lx pin “H”. (*4) XCL211 series exclude IPFM and DTYLIMIT_PFM because those are only for the PFM control’s functions. (*5) On resistance = (VIN – Lx pin measurement voltage) / 0.1A (*6) Design value (*7) When temperature is high, a current of approximately 20μA (maximum) may leak. (*8) Current limit denotes the level of detection at peak of coil current. 4/16 XCL211/XCL212 Series ■TEST CIRCUITS < Circuit No.① > L2 L1 Wave Form Measure Point ※External Components  CIN1 :20μF(ceramic) CIN2 :1μF(ceramic) CL :20μF(ceramic) R1 :15kΩ R2 :30kΩ CFB :1000pF(ceramic)  L :1.5μH(Selected goods) L PVIN LX AVIN FB CFB A VIN R1 A CL CIN2 CIN1 V CE GND IOUT R2 VCE < Circuit No.② > A VIN < Circuit No.③ > L2 L1 L2 L1 PVIN LX PVIN LX AVIN FB AVIN FB VIN 1μF CE GND 200Ω 1μF VFB VCE CE GND L2 L1 PVIN LX VFB VCE < Circuit No.④ > < Circuit No.⑤ > L2 L1 PVIN LX Wave Form Measure Point AVIN FB AVIN 1μF ILx CE GND VFB FB ICEH VIN 1μF ILeakH A IFB H A VIN Wave Form Measure Point VCE A A IFB L CE GND VFB ICEL VCE < Circuit No.⑥ > L2 L1 PVIN LX AVIN FB ILx VIN A V 1μF CE GND VFB VLx VCE 5/16 XCL211/XCL212 series ■TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT VOUT L2 L1 CFB R1 VIN CIN1 PVIN LX AVIN FB CL CIN2 CE GND R2 VCE NOTE: The integrated Inductor can be used only for this DC/DC converter. Please do not use this inductor for other reasons. 【External Components】 VALUE PRODUCT NUMBER LMK212ABJ106KG (TaiyoYuden) CIN1 CL 10V/10μF LMK212AB7106MG (TaiyoYuden) C2012JB1A106K125AC (TDK) C2012X7R1A106K125AC (TDK) 10V/22μF LMK212BBJ226MG (TaiyoYuden) C2012JB1A226M125AB (TDK) EMK107BJ105KA (TaiyoYuden) EMK107B7105KA (TaiyoYuden) CIN2 16V/1μF C1005JB1C105K050BC (TDK) C1005X5R1C105K050BC (TDK) C1608X7R1C105K080AC (TDK) NOTE: The minimum value of the CIN1 should be 10μF, and it is optimum to set a capacitance value depends on the input impedance. The value of the CL should be within the range from 20μF to 47μF. 6/16 XCL211/XCL212 Series ■ OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION The XCL211/XCL212 series consists of a reference voltage source, ramp wave circuit, error amplifier, PWM comparator, phase compensation circuit, output voltage adjustment resistors, P-channel MOS driver transistor, N-channel MOS switching transistor for the synchronous switch, current limiter circuit, UVLO circuit and others. (See the BLOCK DIAGRAM below) The series ICs compare, using the error amplifier, the voltage of the internal voltage reference source with the feedback voltage from the FB pin. Phase compensation is performed on the resulting error amplifier output, to input a signal to the PWM comparator to determine the turn-on time during PWM operation. The PWM comparator compares, in terms of voltage level, the signal from the error amplifier with the ramp wave from the ramp wave circuit, and delivers the resulting output to the buffer driver circuit to cause the Lx pin to output a switching duty cycle. output voltage. This process is continuously performed to ensure stable The current feedback circuit monitors the P-channel MOS driver transistor current for each switching operation, and modulates the error amplifier output signal to provide multiple feedback signals. This enables a stable feedback loop even when a low ESR capacitor such as a ceramic capacitor is used ensuring stable output voltage. VOUT L2 L1 CFB R1 VIN CIN1 PVIN LX AVIN FB CL CIN2 CE GND R2 VCE The reference voltage source provides the reference voltage to ensure stable output voltage of the DC/DC converter. The ramp wave circuit determines switching frequency. The frequency is fixed internally and can be selected from 1.2MHz or 2.4MHz. Clock pulses generated in this circuit are used to produce ramp waveforms needed for PWM operation, and to synchronize all the internal circuits. The error amplifier is designed to monitor output voltage. the external split resistors, R1 and R2. increases. The amplifier compares the reference voltage with the feedback voltage divided by When a voltage lower than the reference voltage is fed back, the output voltage of the error amplifier The gain and frequency characteristics of the error amplifier output are fixed internally to deliver an optimized signal to the mixer. The XCL211/XCL212 series includes a fold-back circuit, which aids the operation of the current limiter and circuit protection. The XCL211/XCL212 series monitors the current flowing through the P-channel MOS driver transistor ①When current flowing through P-channel MOS driver transistor reaches current limit ILIM, the current limiter circuit operates to limit the inductor current ILX. If this state continues, the fold-back circuit operates and limit the output current in order to protect the IC from damage. ②The output voltage is automatically resumed if the load goes light. When it is resumed, the soft-start function operates. 7/16 XCL211/XCL212 series ■OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION (Continued) For protection against heat damage, the thermal shutdown function monitors chip temperature. When the chip’s temperature reaches 150OC (TYP.), the thermal shutdown circuit starts operating and the P-channel driver transistor will be turned off. At the same time, the output voltage decreases. When the temperature drops to 130OC (TYP.) after shutting off the current flow, the IC performs the soft start function to initiate output startup operation. < Function of CE pin > The XCL211/212 series will enter into stand-by mode by inputting a low level signal to the CE pin. During a stand-by mode, the current consumption of the IC becomes 0μA (TYP.). The IC starts its operation by inputting a high level signal to the CE pin. The input of the CE pin is a CMOS input and the sink current is 0μA (TYP.). When the VIN pin voltage becomes 2.4V (TYP.) or lower, the P-channel MOS driver transistor output driver transistor is forced OFF to prevent false pulse output caused by unstable operation of the internal circuitry. When the VIN pin voltage becomes 2.68V (MAX.) or higher, switching operation takes place. By releasing the UVLO function, the IC performs the soft start function to initiate output startup operation. The soft start function operates even when the VIN pin voltage falls momentarily below the UVLO operating voltage. The UVLO circuit does not cause a complete shutdown of the IC, but causes pulse output to be suspended; therefore, the internal circuitry remains in operation. The XCL211/XCL212 series provide 1.0ms (TYP). Soft start time is defined as the time interval to reach 90% of the output voltage from the time when the VCE is turned on. The XCL211/XCL212 series can quickly discharge the electric charge at the output capacitor (CL) when a low signal to the CE pin which enables a whole IC circuit put into OFF state, is inputted via the N-channel MOS switch transistor located between the LX pin and the VGND pin. When the IC is disabled, electric charge at the output capacitor (CL) is quickly discharged so that it may avoid application malfunction. Discharge time of the output capacitor (CL) is set by the CL auto-discharge resistance (R) and the output capacitor (CL). By setting time constant of a CL auto-discharge resistance value [R] and an output capacitor value (CL) as τ(τ=C x R), discharge time of the output voltage after discharge via the N-channel transistor is calculated by the following formulas. V = VOUT(E)×e -t /τ or t= τ ln (VOUT(E) /V) V : Output voltage after discharge VOUT(E) : Output voltage t: Discharge time τ : CL×RDCHG CL : Capacitance of Output capacitor RDCHG : CL auto-discharge resistance Output Voltage Dischage characteristics RDCHG = 130Ω(TYP.) Rdischg CL=20μF 5.0 4.5 Output Voltage: V OUT (V) 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 VOUT =1.2V VOUT = 1.2V 2.0 VOUT VOUT =1.8V = 1.8V 1.5 VOUT =3.3V VOUT = 3.3V 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Discharge Time: t(ms) 8/16 16 18 20 XCL211/XCL212 Series ■OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION (Continued) (*1) In PFM control operation, until coil current reaches to a specified level (IPFM), the IC keeps the P-channel MOS driver transistor on. case, time that the P-channel MOS driver transistor is kept on (tON) can be given by the following formula. Please refer to IPFM① tON = L × IPFM / (VIN - VOUT) (*1) In PFM control operation, the PFM duty limit (DTYLIMIT_PFM) is set to 200% (TYP.). In this Therefore, under the condition that the duty increases (e.g. the condition that the step-down ratio is small), it’s possible for P-channel MOS driver transistor to be turned off even when coil current doesn’t reach to IPFM. (*1) Please refer to IPFM② XCL211 Series is excluded. Fig. Fig. 9/16 XCL211/XCL212 series ■NOTE ON USE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Please use this IC within the stated maximum ratings. For temporary, transitional voltage drop or voltage rising phenomenon, the IC is liable to malfunction should the ratings be exceeded. Where wiring impedance is high, operations may become unstable due to noise and/or phase lag depending on output current. Please wire the input capacitor (CIN) and the output capacitor (CL) as close to the IC as possible. When the difference between VIN and VOUT is large in PWM control, very narrow pulses will be outputted, and there is the possibility that some cycles may be skipped completely. When the difference between VIN and VOUT is small, and the load current is heavy, very wide pulses will be outputted and there is the possibility that some cycles may be skipped completely. With the IC, the peak current of the coil is controlled by the current limit circuit. Since the peak current increases when dropout voltage or load current is high, current limit starts operation, and this can lead to instability. When peak current becomes high, please adjust the coil inductance value and fully check the circuit operation. In addition, please calculate the peak current according to the following formula: Ipk = (VIN-VOUT)×OnDuty / (2×L×fOSC) + IOUT L : Coil Inductance Value fOSC: Oscillation Frequency 6. 7. 8. Use of the IC at voltages below the recommended voltage range may lead to instability. This IC should be used within the stated absolute maximum ratings in order to prevent damage to the device. When the IC is used in high temperature, output voltage may increase up to input voltage level at no load because of the leak current of the P-channel driver transistor. 9. The XCL211/XCL212 uses fold-back circuit limiter. However, fold-back may become “droop” affected by the wiring conditions. Care must be taken especially for CIN distance and position. 10. If CL capacitance reduction happens such as in the case of low temperature, the IC may enter unstable operation. Care must be taken for CL capacitor selection and its capacitance value. Ta = - 50 ℃ VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 0.9V, fOSC = 2.4MHz 1ch VLx :2.0V/di v CIN = 20 μF(Ceramic) CL = 14.7μF(Ceramic) IOUT = 300mA 2ch VOUT :50mV/di v x-axis : 2.0μs / div 11. Torex places an importance on improving our products and its reliability. However, by any possibility, we would request user fail-safe design and post-aging treatment on system or equipment. 10/16 XCL211/XCL212 Series ■NOTE ON USE (Continued) 12) Instructions of pattern layouts (1) In order to stabilize VIN voltage level, we recommend that that a by-pass capacitor (CIN) be connected as close as possible to PVIN pin, AVIN (2) Make sure to avoid noise from the PVIN pin to the AVIN pin. (3) Please mount each external component as close to the IC as possible. pin and GND pins. (4) Wire external components as close to the IC as possible and use thick, short connecting traces to reduce the circuit impedance. (5) Make sure that the PCB GND traces are as thick as possible, as variations in ground potential caused by high ground currents at the time of (6) This series’ internal driver transistors bring on heat because of the output current and ON resistance of P-channel and N-channel MOS switching may result in instability of the IC. driver transistors. 11/16 XCL211/XCL212 series ■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (1) Output Voltage vs. Output Current VOUT=1.8V VOUT=3.3V 2.0 3.5 V IN=5.0V XCL211 XCL212 V IN=3.7V,5.0V 1.9 Output Voltage : V OUT (V) Output Voltage : V OUT (V) XCL211 V IN=3.7V,5.0V 1.8 VOUT=1.8V/出力電圧特性 1.7 1.6 3.4 XCL212 3.3 3.2 3.1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 0.1 1 Output Current : IOUT (mA) 10 100 1000 10000 Output Current : IOUT (mA) (2) Efficiency vs. Output Current VOUT=1.8V VOUT=3.3V 100 100 XCL212 XCL212 80 Efficiency : EFFI (%) Efficiency : EFFI (%) 80 60 5.0V 40 V IN=3.7V XCL211 20 1 10 100 V IN=5.0V 40 20 0 0.1 XCL211 60 1000 0 10000 0.1 1 Output Current : IOUT (mA) 10 100 1000 Output Current : IOUT (mA) 10000 (3) Ripple Voltage vs. Output Current VOUT=1.8V VOUT=3.3V 100 100 80 80 XCL212 V IN=3.7V,5.0V Ripple Voltage :Vr (mV) Ripple Voltage : Vr(mV) XCL211 V IN=3.7V,5.0V 60 VOUT=1.8V/リップル特性 40 20 60 XCL211 XCL212 40 20 0 0 0.1 12/16 V IN=5.0V 1 10 100 1000 Output Current : IOUT (mA) 10000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Output Current : IOUT (mA) 10000 XCL211/XCL212 Series ■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) (4) Output Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature VOUT=1.8V VOUT=3.3V 2.1 3.6 V OUT =1.8V IOUT =1000mA 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 V OUT =3.3V IOUT =1000mA 3.5 Output Voltage : V OUT (V) Output Voltage : V OUT (V) 2.0 XCL212 V IN=3.3V,5.0V XCL211 V IN=5.0V 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 XCL211 V IN=3.0V,5.0V 1.5 XCL212 V IN=5.0V 3.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 Ambient Temperature : Ta (℃) Ambient Temperature : Ta (℃) (5) Oscillation Frequency vs. Ambient Temperature XCL211B082DR VOUT=1.8V XCL211B082DR VOUT=3.3V 2.8 2.8 V OUT =1.8V IOUT =1mA V IN=3.0V 2.6 V IN=4.0V 2.5 2.4 2.3 V IN=5.0V 2.2 2.1 2.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 V OUT =3.3V IOUT =1mA 2.7 Oscillation Frequency : fosc (MHz) Oscillation Frequency : fosc (MHz) 2.7 100 2.6 V IN=4.0V 2.5 2.4 2.3 V IN=5.0V 2.2 2.1 2.0 125 -50 Ambient Temperature : Ta (℃) -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 Ambient Temperature : Ta (℃) (6) Load Transient Response XCL211B082DR Vout=1.8V 1 V OUT =1.8V XCL212B082DR Vout=1.8V V OUT =1.8V 1 IOUT =1mA⇔2000mA 2 IOUT =1mA⇔2000mA 2 1ch:100mV/div, 2ch:IOUT SW 2.0V/div, H:100us/div 1ch:100mV/div, 2ch:IOUT SW 2.0V/div, H:100us/div 13/16 XCL211/XCL212 series ■PACKAGING INFORMATION ●USP-11B01 (unit:mm) 1pin INDENT 3.1±0.1 (1.9) (0.2) (0.9) 1.0±0.05 (0.3) L1 L2 3 4 2 5 1 0.25±0.05 (0.2) 6 9 8 (0.5) 7 (0.3) 2 ●USP-11B01 Reference Pattern Layout (unit: mm) 14/16 ●USP-11B01 Reference Metal Mask Design (unit: mm) XCL211/XCL212 Series ■MARKING RULE ●USP-11B01 ① represents product series MARK PRODUCT SERIES C XCL211****** D XCL212****** ①②③ ④⑤ ② represents integer of the reference voltage MARK OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) PRODUCT SERIES A 0.8 (fix) XCL21**08*** ③ represents oscillation frequency MARK OSCILLATION FREQUENCY (MHz) PRODUCT SERIES 2 2.4 XCL21****2** ④⑤ represents production lot number 01 to 09, 0A to 0Z, 11 to 9Z, A1 to A9, AA to AZ, B1 to ZZ repeated (G, I, J, O, Q, W excluded) *No character inversion used. 15/16 XCL211/XCL212 series 1. The products and product specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice to improve performance characteristics. Consult us, or our representatives before use, to confirm that the information in this datasheet is up to date. 2. We assume no responsibility for any infringement of patents, patent rights, or other rights arising from the use of any information and circuitry in this datasheet. 3. Please ensure suitable shipping controls (including fail-safe designs and aging protection) are in force for equipment employing products listed in this datasheet. 4. The products in this datasheet are not developed, designed, or approved for use with such equipment whose failure of malfunction can be reasonably expected to directly endanger the life of, or cause significant injury to, the user. (e.g. Atomic energy; aerospace; transport; combustion and associated safety equipment thereof.) 5. Please use the products listed in this datasheet within the specified ranges. Should you wish to use the products under conditions exceeding the specifications, please consult us or our representatives. 6. We assume no responsibility for damage or loss due to abnormal use. 7. All rights reserved. No part of this datasheet may be copied or reproduced without the prior permission of TOREX SEMICONDUCTOR LTD. 16/16
物料型号:TOREX XCL211/XCL212系列


引脚分配:该系列有9个引脚,包括输入电压(PVIN)、模拟输入(AVIN)、地(GND)、芯片使能(CE)、输出电压监测(FB)、开关输出(Lx)、空脚(NC)和电感电极(L1, L2)。

参数特性: - 工作电压范围:2.7V至6.0V - 输出电压:0.9V至输入电压(FB电压=0.8V±2%) - 输出电流:2.0A - 效率:最高94%(输入5.0V,输出3.3V) - 工作频率:2.4MHz - 控制方法:PWM(XCL211)或PWM/PFM自动切换控制(XCL212) - 内置功能:电流限制电路(自动恢复)、软启动电路、内置CL放电、UVLO(欠压锁定)

功能详解: - 高速软启动:典型值为1ms,快速启动 - UVLO功能:当输入电压低于2.4V时,内部P沟道驱动晶体管关闭 - 限流配置:典型值为4.0A - 集成CL放电功能:通过LX和GND引脚之间的内部放电开关放电


XCL211B082DR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+37.718111+4.55458
  • 10+24.3978310+2.94611
  • 25+20.9235325+2.52658
  • 100+16.99237100+2.05188
  • 250+15.06148250+1.81872
  • 500+13.87391500+1.67532


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1000+12.879121000+1.55520
  • 2000+12.757142000+1.54047


    •  国内价格
    • 1+32.69282
    • 10+21.44368
    • 50+17.31313
    • 100+16.17064
    • 500+13.00682
