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TB6560AHQ 数据手册
TB6560AHQ/AFG TOSHIBA BiCD Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TB6560AHQ, TB6560AFG PWM Chopper-Type Bipolar Driver IC for Stepping Motor Control The TB6560AHQ/AFG is a PWM chopper-type stepping motor driver IC designed for sinusoidal-input microstep control of bipolar stepping motors. The TB6560AHQ/AFG can be used in applications that require 2-phase, 1-2-phase, 2W1-2-phase and 4W1-2-phase excitation modes. The TB6560AHQ/AFG is capable of low-vibration, high-performance forward and reverse driving of a two-phase bipolar stepping motor using only a clock signal. TB6560AHQ Features • Single-chip motor driver for sinusoidal microstep control of stepping motors • High output withstand voltage due to the use of BiCD process: Ron (upper and lower sum) = TB6560AFG TB6560AHQ: 0.6 Ω (typ.) TB6560AFG: 0.7 Ω (typ.) • Forward and reverse rotation • Selectable phase excitation modes (2, 1-2, 2W1-2 and 4W1-2) • High output withstand voltage: VDSS = 40 V • High output current: IOUT = TB6560AHQ: 3.5 A (peak) TB6560AFG: 2.5 A (peak) • Packages: HZIP25-P-1.27 HQFP64-P-1010-0.50 • Internal pull-down resistors on inputs: 100 kΩ (typ.) • Output monitor pin: MO current (IMO (max) = 1 mA) • Reset and enable pins • Thermal shutdown (TSD) Weight HZIP25-P-1.27: 9.86 g (typ.) HQFP64-P-1010-0.50: 0.26 g (typ.) *Solderability 1. Use of Sn-37Pb solder bath *solder bath temperature = 230°C *dipping time = 5 seconds *number of times = once *use of R-type flux 2. Use of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder bath *solder bath temperature = 245°C *dipping time = 5 seconds *the number of times = once *use of R-type flux *: These ICs are highly sensitive to electrostatic discharge. When handling them, ensure that the environment is protected against electrostatic discharge. Ensure also that the ambient temperature and relative humidity are maintained at reasonable level. 1 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Block Diagram VDD Protect 20/30, 31 19/28 MO VMA 17/23 18/25, 26 OUT_AP M1 23/36 16/19, 20 PWM Bridge driver A control circuit M2 22/35 13/10, 11 OUT_AM CW/CCW 21/33 CLK Thermal shutdown circuit 3/45 14/13, 14 NFA Input circuit RESET 5/48 ENABLE 8/55, 56 VMB 4/47 OUT_BP DCY1 25/39 12/6, 7 PWM Bridge driver B control DCY2 24/38 circuit 9/61, 62 OSC 7/53 OUT_BM OSC 11/2, 4 NFB Maximum current setting circuit 2/43 1/42 TQ1 TQ2 6/50, 51 15/16 SGND PGNDA 10/64 PGNDB TB6560AHQ/TB6560AFG 2 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Pin Functions Pin No. TB6560 AHQ TB6560 AFG I/O Symbol Functional Description Remarks 1 42 Input TQ2 Torque setting input (current setting) Internal pull-down resistor 2 43 Input TQ1 Torque setting input (current setting) Internal pull-down resistor 3 45 Input CLK Clock input for microstepping Internal pull-down resistor 4 47 Input ENABLE H: Enable; L: All outputs OFF Internal pull-down resistor 5 48 Input RESET L: Reset (The outputs are reset to their initial states.) Internal pull-down resistor 6 50/51 ⎯ SGND Signal ground (for control block) 7 53 ⎯ OSC A CR oscillation circuit is connected to this pin. Performs output chopping. (Note 1) 8 55/56 Input VMB Motor power supply pin (for phase-B driver) (Note 1) 9 61/62 Output OUT_BM OUT_B output (Note 1) 10 64 (*) ⎯ PGNDB Power ground 11 2/4 (*) ⎯ NFB Connection pin for a B-channel current sensing resistor Two pins of the TB6560AFG should be short-circuited. (Note 1) 12 6/7 Output OUT_BP OUT_B output (Note 1) 13 10/11 Output OUT_AM OUT_A output (Note 1) 14 13/14 (*) ⎯ NFA Connection pin for an A-channel current sensing resistor Two pins of the TB6560AFG should be short-circuited. (Note 1) 15 16 ⎯ PGNDA 16 19/20 Output OUT_AP Power ground OUT_A output (Note 1) 17 23 Output MO Initial state sensing output. This pin is enabled in the initial state. 18 25/26 Input VMA Motor power supply pin (for phase-A driver) 19 28 Output Protect 20 30/31 Input VDD Open drain (Note 1) When TSD is activated: High; when in normal state: High-Z. Open drain Power supply pin for control block Rotation direction select input. (Note 1) Internal pull-down resistor 21 33 Input CW/CCW 22 35 Input M2 Excitation mode setting input Internal pull-down resistor 23 36 Input M1 Excitation mode setting input Internal pull-down resistor 24 38 Input DCY2 Current decay mode setting input Internal pull-down resistor 25 39 Input DCY1 Current decay mode setting input Internal pull-down resistor L: Clockwise; H: Counterclockwise (*): The pin assignment of the TB6560AFG is different from that of the TB6560FG. TB6560AHQ: There is no no-connect (NC) pin. TB6560AFG: Except the above pins, all pins are NC. The pin numbers of NC pins are: 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 27, 29, 32, 34, 37, 40, 41, 44, 46, 49, 52, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, and 63. Applying a voltage to NC pins does not cause any problem since they are not connected inside the IC. All control input pins have an internal pull-down resistor of 100 kΩ (typ.) Note 1: As for the TB6560AFG, two pins that have the same functionality should be short-circuited at a location as close to the TB6560AFG as possible. (The electrical characteristics provided in this document are measured when those pins are handled in this manner.) 3 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Equivalent Circuits Input Pins (M1, M2, CLK, CW/CCW, TQ1,TQ2,ENABLE, RESET ,DCY1, DCY2) Output Pins (MO, Protect) VDD 100 Ω 100 kΩ 100 Ω 4 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Pin Assignment (top view) RESET ENABLE (NC) CLK (NC) TQ1 TQ2 (NC) (NC) DCY1 DCY2 (NC) M1 M2 (NC) CW/CCW TB6560AFG 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 29 (NC) OSC 53 28 Protect (NC) 54 27 (NC) VMB 55 26 VMA VMB 56 25 VMA (NC) 57 24 (NC) (NC) 58 23 MO (NC) 59 22 (NC) (NC) 60 21 (NC) OUT_BM 61 20 OUT_AP OUT_BM 62 19 OUT_AP (NC) 63 18 (NC) PGNDB 64 17 (NC) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 OUT_AM 2 OUT_BP 1 12 13 14 15 16 PGNDA 52 (NC) (NC) NFA VDD NFA 30 (NC) 51 OUT_AM SGND (NC) VDD (NC) 31 OUT_BP 50 (NC) SGND NFB (NC) (NC) 32 NFB 49 (NC) (NC) 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 DCY1 DCY2 24 M1 M2 22 CW/CCW VDD 20 Protect VMA 18 MO OUT_AP 16 PGNDA NFA 14 OUT_AM OUT_BP 12 NFB PGNDB 10 OUT_BM VMB 8 OSC SGND 6 RESET ENABLE 4 CLK 2 TQ2 TQ1 TB6560AHQ 5 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) Characteristics Power supply voltage Output current (per phase) TB6560AHQ Peak TB6560AFG Rating VDD 6 VMA/B 40 Unit V 3.5 IO (PEAK) MO drain current Protect drain current Symbol A 2.5 I (MO) 1 mA I (Protect) 1 mA VIN VDD V Input voltage 5 (Note 1) TB6560AHQ Power dissipation 43 (Note 2) PD 1.7 (Note 3) TB6560AFG W 4.2 (Note 4) Operating temperature Topr −30 to 85 °C Storage temperature Tstg −55 to 150 °C Note 1: Ta = 25°C, without heatsink. Note 2: Ta = 25°C, with infinite heatsink (HZIP25). Note 3: Ta = 25°C, with soldered leads. Note 4: Ta = 25°C, when mounted on a board (4-layer board). Operating Range (Ta = −30 to 85°C) Characteristics Power supply voltage Output current TB6560AHQ TB6560AFG Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit VDD ⎯ 4.5 5.0 5.5 V VMA/B VMA/B ≥ VDD 4.5 ⎯ 34 V ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 3 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 1.5 IOUT A Input voltage VIN ⎯ 0 ⎯ 5.5 V Clock frequency fCLK ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 15 kHz OSC frequency fOSC ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 600 kHz 6 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C, VDD = 5 V, VM = 24 V) Characteristics Input voltage Symbol VDD −0.2 ⎯ 0.8 ⎯ 400 ⎯ IIN (H) M1, M2, CW/CCW, CLK, RESET , ENABLE, DCY1, DCY2, TQ1, TQ2 VIN = 5.0 V Internal pull-down resistor 30 55 80 IIN (L) VIN = 0 V ⎯ ⎯ 1 IDD1 Outputs: Open, RESET : H, ENABLE: H (2, 1-2 phase excitation) ⎯ 3 5 IDD2 Outputs: Open, RESET : H, ENABLE: H (4W1−2, 2W1-2 phase excitation) ⎯ 3 5 IDD3 RESET : L, ENABLE: L ⎯ 2 5 IDD4 RESET : H, ENABLE: L ⎯ 2 5 IM1 RESET : H/L, ENABLE: L ⎯ 0.5 1 IM2 RESET : H/L, ENABLE: H ⎯ 0.7 2 ΔVO B/A, COSC = 330 μF −5 ⎯ 5 VNFHH TQ1 = H, TQ2 = H 10 20 30 VNFHL TQ1 = L, TQ2 = H 45 50 55 VNFLH TQ1 = H, TQ2 = L 70 75 80 VNFLL TQ1 = L, TQ2 = L ⎯ ⎯ 100 VIN (L) VDD supply current VM supply current Channel-to-channel voltage differential VNF voltage change according to the torque settings Max ⎯ Low Input current Typ. 2.0 VIN (H) (Note) Min M1, M2, CW/CCW, CLK, RESET , ENABLE, DCY1, DCY2, TQ1, TQ2 High Input hysteresis voltage Test Condition VINhys Unit V mV μA mA mA % % Minimum clock pulse width tW (CLK) COSC= 330 pF 30 ⎯ ⎯ μs MO output residual voltage VOL MO IOL = 1 mA ⎯ ⎯ 0.5 V VOL Protect IOL = 1 mA ⎯ ⎯ 0.5 V Protect output rest voltage (Note) TSD threshold (Note) TSD ⎯ ⎯ 170 ⎯ °C TSD hysteresis (Note) TSDhys ⎯ ⎯ 20 ⎯ °C COSC = 330 pF 60 130 200 kHz Oscillating frequency fOSC Note: Not tested in production 7 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C, VDD = 5 V, VM = 24 V) Characteristics Symbol TB6560AHQ Output ON-resistance TB6560AFG A-/B-phase chopping current (Note 1) 2W1-2phase excitation 4W1-2phase excitation Test Condition Ron U1H Min Typ. Max ⎯ 0.3 0.4 ⎯ 0.3 0.4 ⎯ 0.35 0.5 ⎯ 0.35 0.5 θ=0 ⎯ 100 ⎯ IOUT = 1.5 A Ron L1H Ron U1F IOUT = 1.5 A Ron L1F 1-2phase excitation ⎯ ⎯ θ = 1/16 ⎯ 100 ⎯ 2W1-2phase excitation ⎯ θ = 2/16 93 98 100 ⎯ ⎯ θ = 3/16 91 96 100 2W1-2phase excitation ⎯ θ = 4/16 87 92 97 ⎯ ⎯ θ = 5/16 83 88 93 2W1-2phase excitation ⎯ θ = 6/16 78 83 88 ⎯ ⎯ θ = 7/16 72 77 82 66 71 76 2W1-2phase excitation 1-2phase excitation Vector θ = 8/16 TQ1 = L, TQ2 = L ⎯ θ = 9/16 58 63 68 2W1-2phase excitation ⎯ θ = 10/16 51 56 61 ⎯ ⎯ θ = 11/16 42 47 52 2W1-2phase excitation ⎯ θ = 12/16 33 38 43 ⎯ ⎯ θ = 13/16 24 29 34 2W1-2phase excitation ⎯ θ = 14/16 15 20 25 ⎯ ⎯ θ = 15/16 5 10 15 ⎯ ⎯ 100 ⎯ 450 500 550 ⎯ 1 ⎯ ⎯ 1 ⎯ ⎯ 1 ⎯ ⎯ 3 ⎯ ⎯ 2 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 1 ⎯ ⎯ 1 Reference voltage TQ1, TQ2 = L (100 %) OSC = 100 kHz VNF Output transistor switching characteristics (Note 2) tr RL = 10 Ω, VNF = 0.5 V tf RESET to output tpLH Delay time (Note 2) tpLH ENABLE to output tpHL Output leakage current Upper side ILH Lower side ILL VM = 40 V Ω % ⎯ 2-phase excitation Unit mV μs μA Note 1: Relative to the peak current at θ = 0. Note 2: Not tested in production. 8 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Functional Descriptions 1. Excitation Mode Settings The excitation mode can be selected from the following four modes using the M1 and M2 inputs. (The 2-phase excitation mode is selected by default since both M1 and M2 have internal pull-down resistors.) Inputs M2 M1 Mode (Excitation) L L 2-phase L H 1-2-phase H L 4W1-2-phase H H 2W1-2-phase 2. Function Table (Relationship Between Inputs and Output Modes) When the ENABLE pin is Low, outputs are off. When the RESET pin is Low, the outputs are put in the Initial mode as shown in the table below. In this mode, the states of the CLK and CW/CCW pins are don’t-cares. Inputs Output Mode CW/CCW RESET ENABLE L H H CW H H H CCW X X L H Initial mode X X X L Z CLK X: Don’t care 3. Initial Mode When RESET is asserted, phase currents in each excitation mode are as follows. At this time, the MO pin goes Low (open-drain connection). Excitation Mode A-Phase Current B-Phase Current 2-phase 100 % −100 % 1-2-phase 100 % 0% 2W1-2-phase 100 % 0% 4W1-2-phase 100 % 0% 4. Decay Mode Settings It takes approximately four OSC cycles for discharging a current in PWM mode. The 25 % decay mode is created by inducing decay during the last cycle in Fast Decay mode; the 50 % Decay mode is created by inducing decay during the last two cycles in Fast Decay mode; and the 100 % Decay mode is created by inducing decay during all four cycles in Fast Decay mode. Since the DCY1 and DCY2 pins have internal pull-down resistors, the Normal mode is selected when DCY1 and DCY2 are undriven. DCY2 DCY1 Current Decay Setting L L Normal 0 % L H 25 % Decay H L 50 % Decay H H 100 % Decay 9 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG 5. Torque Settings (Current Value) The ratio of the current necessary for actual operations to the predefined current adjusted by an external resistor can be selected as follows. The Weak Excitation mode should be selected to set a torque extremely low like when the motor is at a fixed position. Since the TQ2 and TQ1 pins have pull-down resistors, the 100 % torque setting is selected when TQ2 and TQ1 are undriven. TQ2 TQ1 Current Ratio L L 100 % L H 75 % H L 50 % H H 20 % (Weak excitation) 6. Calculation of the Predefined Output Current To perform a constant current drive, the reference current should be adjusted by an external resistor. Charging stops when the NFA (NFB) voltage reaches 0.5 V (when the torque setting is 100 %) so that a current does not exceed the predefined level. IOUT (A) = 0.5 (V) / RNF (Ω) Example: To set the peak current to 1 A, the value of an external resistor should be 0.5 Ω. 7. Protect and MO Output Pins These are open-drain outputs. An external pull-up resistor should be added to these pins when in use. If the TSD circuit is activated, Protect is driven Low. When the IC enters the Initial state, MO is driven Low. Pin State Protect MO Low Thermal shutdown Initial state High-Z Normal operation Other than the initial state Open-drain connection Rest voltage of output terminal Mo and output terminal Protect reach 0.5 V (max) when IO is 1 mA. 8. Adjusting the External Capacitor Value (COSC) and Minimum Clock Pulse Width (tW(CLK)) A triangular-wave is generated internally by CR oscillation. The capacitor is externally connected to the OSC pin. The recommended capacitor value is between 100 pF and 1000 pF. Approximate equation: fOSC = 1/{ COSC × 1.5 × (10/ COSC + 1)/66} × 1000 kHz (Since this is an approximation formula, the calculation result may not be exactly equal to the actual value.) The approximate values are shown below. The minimum clock pulse width (tW(CLK)) corresponds to the external capacitor (COSC ) as follows: Capacitor Oscillating Frequency Minimum Clock Pulse Width tW(CLK) (Note 1) 1000 pF 44 kHz 90 μs (Note 2) 330 pF 130 kHz 30 μs 100 pF 400 kHz 10 μs (Note 2) Note 1: When the frequency of an input clock signal is high, the COSC value should be small so that the duty cycle of an input clock pulse does not become extremely high (should be around 50 % or lower). Note 2: Not tested in production. 10 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Relationship between the Enable and RESET and Output Signals Example 1: ENABLE input in 1-2-phase excitation mode (M1: H, M2: L) CW CLK ENABLE RESET MO voltage (%) 100 71 IA (current from 0 OUT_AP to OUT_AM) −71 −100 t0 t1 t2 t3 OFF t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 Setting the ENABLE signal Low disables only the output signals, while internal circuitry other than the output block continues to operate in accordance with the CLK input. Therefore, when the ENABLE signal goes High again, the output current generation is restarted as if phases proceeded with the CLK signal. Example 2: RESET input in 1-2-phase excitation mode (M1: H, M2: L) CW CLK ENABLE RESET MO voltage (%) 100 71 IA (current from OUT_AP to OUT_AM) 0 −71 −100 t0 t1 t2 t3 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 Setting the RESET signal Low causes the outputs to be put in the Initial state and the MO output to be driven Low (Initial state: A-channel output current is at its peak (100 %)). When the RESET signal goes High again, the output current generation is restarted at the next rising edge of CLK with the state following the Initial state. 11 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG 2-Phase Excitation (M1: L, M2: L, CW Mode) CW CLK MO (%) 100 IA 0 −100 (%) 100 IB 0 −100 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 1-2-Phase Excitation (M1: H, M2: L, CW Mode) CW CLK MO (%) 100 71 IA 0 −71 −100 (%) 100 71 IB 0 −71 −100 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 12 t7 t8 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG 2W1-2-Phase Excitation (M1: H, M2: H, CW Mode) CW CLK MO (%) 100 98 92 83 71 56 38 20 IA 0 −20 −38 −56 −71 −83 −92 −98 −100 (%) 100 98 92 83 71 56 38 20 IB 0 −20 −38 −56 −71 −83 −92 −98 −100 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 t18 t19 t20 t21 t22 t23 t24 t25 t26 t27 t28 t29 t30 t31 t32 13 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG 4W1-2-Phase Excitation (M1: L, M2: H, CW Mode) [%] 100 98 96 92 88 83 77 71 63 56 47 38 A-phase B-phase 29 20 10 0 −10 −20 −29 −38 −47 −56 −63 −71 −77 −83 −88 −92 −96 −98 −100 STEP 14 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG CK MO M1 M2 RESET (%) 100 91 71.4 40 IA 0 −40 −71.4 −91 −100 1-2-phase excitation Other excitation It is recommended that the state of the M1 and M2 pins be changed after setting the RESET signal Low during the Initial state (MO = Low). Even when the MO signal is Low, changing the M1 and M2 signals without setting the RESET signal Low may cause a discontinuity in the current waveform. 15 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG 9. Current Waveforms and Mixed Decay Mode Settings The current decay rate of the Decay mode operation can be determined by the DCY1 and DCY2 inputs for constant-current control. The “NF” refers to the point at which the output current reaches its predefined current level, and the “RNF” refers to the monitoring timing of the predefined current. The smaller the MDT value, the smaller the current ripple amplitude. However, the current decay rate decreases. fchop OSC Pin Internal Waveform Predefined Current Level Normal Mode NF RNF Charge mode → NF: Predefined current level → Slow mode → Current monitoring → (When predefined current level > Output current) Charge mode Predefined Current Level 25 % Decay Mode NF MDT RNF Charge mode → NF: Predefined current level → Slow mode → Mixed decay timing → Fast mode → Current monitoring → (When predefined current level > Output current) Charge mode Predefined Current Level 50 % Decay Mode NF MDT Charge mode → NF: Predefined current level → Slow mode → Mixed decay timing → Fast mode → Current monitoring → (When predefined current level > Output current) Charge mode RNF Predefined Current Level 100 % Decay Mode NF Charge mode → NF: Predefined current level → Fast mode → Current monitoring → (When predefined current level > Output current) Charge mode RNF 16 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG 10. Current Control Modes (Effects of Decay Modes) • Increasing the current (sine wave) Slow Slow Predefined Current Level Fast Slow Predefined Current Level • Charge Slow Fast Charge Charge Fast Charge Fast Decreasing the current with a high decay rate (The current decay rate in Mixed Decay mode is the ratio between the time in Fast-Decay mode (discharge time after MDT) and the remainder of the period.) Slow Slow Predefined Current Level Since the current decays quickly, it can be decreased to the predefined value in a short time. Charge Charge Fast Fast Slow Slow Predefined Current Level Fast • Charge Fast Decreasing the current with a low decay rate (The current decay rate in Mixed Decay mode is the ratio between the time in Fast-Decay mode (discharge time after MDT) and the remainder of the period.) Since the current decays slowly, decreasing the current to the predefined value takes a long time (or the current cannot be properly decreased to the predefined value). Slow Slow Predefined Current Level Fast Charge Charge Fast Slow Fast Slow Fast Predefined Current Level During Mixed Decay and Fast Decay modes, if the predefined current level is less than the output current at the RNF (current monitoring point), the Charge mode in the next chopping cycle will disappear (though the current control mode is briefly switched to Charge mode in actual operations for current sensing) and the current is controlled in Slow and Fast Decay modes (mode switching from Slow Decay mode to Fast Decay mode at the MDT point). Note: The above figures are rough illustration of the output current. In actual current waveforms, transient response curves can be observed. 17 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG 11. Current Waveforms in Mixed Decay Mode fchop fchop OSC Pin Internal Waveform IOUT Predefined Current Level Predefined Current Level NF NF 25 % Mixed Decay Mode RNF MDT (Mixed Decay Timing) Points • When the NF points come after Mixed Decay Timing points Switches to Fast mode after Charge mode fchop fchop IOUT Predefined Current Level NF MDT (Mixed Decay Timing) Points RNF Predefined Current Level NF 25 % Mixed Decay Mode RNF CLK Signal Input • When the output current value > predefined current level in Mixed Decay mode fchop fchop Predefined Current Level fchop NF IOUT RNF NF Predefined Current Level 25 % Mixed Decay Mode RNF MDT (Mixed Decay Timing) Points CLK Signal Input *: Even if the output current rises above the predefined current at the RNF point, the current control mode is briefly switched to Charge mode for current sensing. 18 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG 12. Current Waveform in Fast Decay Mode After the output current to the load reaches the current value specified by RNF, torque or other means, the output current to the load will be fed back to the power supply fully in Fast Decay mode. fchop Predefined Current Level IOUT Switches to Charge mode briefly Fast Decay Mode (100 % Decay Mode) RNF Predefined Current Level NF RNF Since the predefined current level > output current, current control mode is switched from Charge mode → NF → Fast Decay mode even in the next chopping cycle. RNF CLK Signal Input 19 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG 13. CLK and Internal OSC Signals and Output Current Waveform (when the CLK signal is asserted during Slow Decay mode) 25 % Mixed Decay Mode fchop fchop fchop OSC Pin Internal Waveform Predefined Current Level NF IOUT MDT NF Predefined Current Level RNF MDT RNF Switches to Charge mode briefly CLK Signal Input The OSC counter is reset here. When the CLK signal is asserted, the Chopping Counter (OSC Counter) is forced to reset at the next rising edge of the OSC signal. As a result, the response to input data is faster compared to methods in which the counter is not reset. The delay time that is theoretically determined by the logic circuit is one OSC cycle = 10 μs at a 100-kHz chopping rate. After the OSC Counter is reset by the CLK signal input, the current control mode is invariably switched to Charge mode briefly for current sensing. Note: Even in Fast Decay mode, the current control mode is invariably switched to Charge mode briefly for current sensing. 20 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG 14. CLK and Internal OSC Signals and Output Current Waveform (when the CLK signal is asserted during Charge mode) 25 % Mixed Decay Mode fchop fchop fchop OSC Pin Internal Waveform Predefined Current Level MDT NF Predefined Current Level MDT IOUT RNF RNF Switches to Charge mode briefly CLK Signal Input The OSC Counter is reset here. 21 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG 15. CLK and Internal OSC Signals and Output Current Waveform (when the CLK signal is asserted during Fast Decay mode) 25 % Mixed Decay Mode fchop fchop fchop OSC Pin Internal Waveform Predefined Current Level IOUT NF MDT NF Predefined Current Level MDT RNF RNF Switches to Charge mode briefly CLK Signal Input The OSC Counter is reset here. 22 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG 16. Internal OSC Signal and Output Current Waveform when Predefined Current is Changed from Positive to Negative (when the CLK signal is input using 2-phase excitation) 25% Mixed Decay Mode fchop fchop fchop Predefined Current Level IOUT 0 RNF RNF Predefined Current Level NF MDT NF CLK Signal Input The OSC Counter is reset here. 23 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Current Discharge Path when ENABLE is Set as Low During Operation When all the output transistors are forced off during Slow Decay mode, the coil energy is discharged in the following modes: Note: Parasitic diodes are located on dotted lines. However, they are not normally used in normal Mixed Decay mode. VM VM U1 ON Note U2 U1 OFF OFF VM Note Load ON ON L1 L2 L1 RNF Charge Mode OFF OFF L2 ON RNF PGND U1 ENABLE is set as low Load OFF U2 U2 OFF Note Load L1 L2 OFF OFF RNF PGND Slow Mode PGND Forced OFF Mode As shown in the figure above, output transistors have parasitic diodes. Normally, when the energy of the coil is discharged, each transistor is turned on allowing the current to flow in the reverse direction to that in normal operation; as a result, the parasitic diodes are not used. However, when all the output transistors are forced off, the coil energy is discharged via the parasitic diodes. 24 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Output Transistor Operating Modes VM VM U1 U2 U1 OFF OFF OFF ON ON L1 L2 L1 ON Note VM Note Load U2 U1 OFF OFF Load ON L1 OFF RNF PGND Charge Mode L2 ON RNF PGND ON Note Load L2 RNF U2 PGND Slow Mode Fast Mode Output Transistor Operating Modes CLK U1 U2 L1 L2 Charge ON OFF OFF ON Slow Decay OFF OFF ON ON Fast Decay OFF ON ON OFF Note: This table shows an example of when the current flows as indicated by the arrows in the above figures. If the current flows in the opposite direction, refer to the following table: CLK U1 U2 L1 L2 Charge OFF ON ON OFF Slow Decay OFF OFF ON ON Fast Decay ON OFF OFF ON Upon transitions of above-mentioned modes, a dead time of about 300 ns is inserted between each mode respectively. 25 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Test Points for AC Specifications CLK tCLK tCLK tpLH VM 90% tpHL 50% GND 90% 50% 10% 10% tr tf Figure 1 Timing Waveforms and Symbols OSC-Charge DELAY: The OSC waveform is converted into the internal OSC waveform by checking the level of a chopping wave. The internal OSC signal is designed to be logic High when the OSC voltage is at 2 V or above, and to be logic Low when the OSC voltage is at 0.5 V or below. However, there is a response delay and that there occurs a peak-to-peak voltage variation. 2V OSC Waveform 0.5 V OSC Pin Internal Waveform Figure 2 Timing Waveforms (OSC Signal) 26 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Power Dissipation TB6560AHQ TB6560AFG PD - Ta Power dissipation PD (W) ①With soldered leads. ②When mounted on a board (4-layer board) Ambient temperature Ta (℃) 27 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG 1. Power-on Sequence with Control Input Signals Turn on VDD. Then, when the VDD voltage has stabilized, turn on VMA/B. Hold the control input pins Low while turning on VDD and VMA/B. (All the control input pins are internally pulled down.) After VDD and VMA/B completely stabilizes at the rated voltages, the RESET and ENABLE pins can be set High. If this sequence is not properly followed, the IC may not operate correctly, or the IC and the peripheral parts may be damaged. When RESET is released High, the CLK signal is applied and excitation is started. Only after ENABLE is also set High, outputs are enabled. When only RESET is set High, outputs are disabled and only the internal counter advances. Likewise, when only ENABLE is set High, the excitation will not be performed even if the CLK signal is applied and the outputs will remain in the initial state. An example of a control input sequence is shown below. A power-off sequence should be the reverse of this sequence. CLK RESET ENABLE OUT H L H L H Z L Output Internal current setting Output current setting Z Internal current setting: Disabled; Output OFF Internal current setting: Enabled 2. Power Dissipation The power dissipation of the IC can be calculated by the following equation: P = VDD × IDD + IOUT × IOUT × Ron × 2 phases The higher the ambient temperature, the smaller the power dissipation. Examine the PD-Ta characteristic curve to determine if there is a sufficient margin in the thermal design. 3. Treatment of Heat-Radiating Fin The heat-radiating fin pins of the TB6560AHQ/AFG (backside) are electrically connected to the backside of the die. Thus, if a current flows to the fin, the IC may malfunction. If there is any possibility of a voltage being generated between grounds and the fin, the fin pins should either be connected to ground or insulated. 4. Thermal Shutdown (TSD) When the die temperature reaches 170°C (typ.), the thermal shutdown circuit is tripped, switching the outputs to off. There is a variation of about ±20°C in the temperature at which the thermal shutdown circuit is tripped. 28 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Application Circuit Example Fuse 5 V 10 μF 1 μF VDD CLK VMA 24 V VMB OUT_AP RESET ENABLE 1 μF 47 μF H-SW A OUT_AM Logic PWM control circuit M1 NFCompA M2 OUT_BP M H-SW B MCU or External input CW/CCW DCY1 OUT_BM Current control NFA PWM control circuit DCY2 RNFA NFCompB TQ1 TQ2 NFB Protect RNFB MO R1 R2 OSC 100 pF ≈ 400 kHz SGND PGND 0.5 Ω: IOUT (max) = 1.0 A Note: Capacitors for the power supply lines should be connected as close to the IC as possible. Usage Considerations • A large current might abruptly flow through the IC in case of a short-circuit across its outputs, a short-circuit to power supply or a short-circuit to ground, leading to a damage of the IC. Also, the IC or peripheral parts may be permanently damaged or emit smoke or fire resulting in injury especially if a power supply pin (VDD, VMA, VMB) or an output pin (OUT_AP, OUT_AM, OUT_BP, OUT_BM) is short-circuited to adjacent or any other pins. These possibilities should be fully considered in the design of the output, VDD, VM, and ground lines. • A fuse should be connected to the power supply line. The rated maximum current of the TB6560AHQ is 3.5 A/phase and that of the TB6560AFG is 2.5 A/phase. Considering those maximum ratings, an appropriate fuse must be selected depending on operating conditions of a motor to be used. Toshiba recommends that a fast-blow fuse be used. • The power-on sequence described on page 28 must be properly followed. • If a voltage outside the operating range specified on page 6 (4.5 ≤ VDD ≤ 5.5, 4.5 ≤ VMA/B ≤ 34, VDD ≤ VMA/B) is applied, the IC may not operate properly or the IC and peripheral parts may be permanently damaged. Ensure that the voltage range does not exceed the upper and lower limits of the specified range. 29 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Package Dimensions Weight: 9.86 g (typ.) 30 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Package Dimensions Weight: 0.26 g (typ.) Note: The size of a backside heatsink is 5.5 mm × 5.5 mm. 31 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Notes on Contents 1. Block Diagrams Some of the functional blocks, circuits, or constants in the block diagram may be omitted or simplified for explanatory purposes. 2. Equivalent Circuits The equivalent circuit diagrams may be simplified or some parts of them may be omitted for explanatory purposes. 3. Timing Charts Timing charts may be simplified for explanatory purposes. 4. Application Circuits The application circuits shown in this document are provided for reference purposes only. Thorough evaluation is required, especially at the mass production design stage. Toshiba does not grant any license to any industrial property rights by providing these examples of application circuits. 5. Test Circuits Components in the test circuits are used only to obtain and confirm the device characteristics. These components and circuits are not guaranteed to prevent malfunction or failure from occurring in the application equipment. IC Usage Considerations Notes on Handling of ICs (1) The absolute maximum ratings of a semiconductor device are a set of ratings that must not be exceeded, even for a moment. Do not exceed any of these ratings. Exceeding the rating(s) may cause the device breakdown, damage or deterioration, and may result injury by explosion or combustion. (2) Use an appropriate power supply fuse to ensure that a large current does not continuously flow in case of over current and/or IC failure. The IC will fully break down when used under conditions that exceed its absolute maximum ratings, when the wiring is routed improperly or when an abnormal pulse noise occurs from the wiring or load, causing a large current to continuously flow and the breakdown can lead smoke or ignition. To minimize the effects of the flow of a large current in case of breakdown, appropriate settings, such as fuse capacity, fusing time and insertion circuit location, are required. (3) If your design includes an inductive load such as a motor coil, incorporate a protection circuit into the design to prevent device malfunction or breakdown caused by the current resulting from the inrush current at power ON or the negative current resulting from the back electromotive force at power OFF. IC breakdown may cause injury, smoke or ignition. Use a stable power supply with ICs with built-in protection functions. If the power supply is unstable, the protection function may not operate, causing IC breakdown. IC breakdown may cause injury, smoke or ignition. (4) Do not insert devices in the wrong orientation or incorrectly. Make sure that the positive and negative terminals of power supplies are connected properly. Otherwise, the current or power consumption may exceed the absolute maximum rating, and exceeding the rating(s) may cause the device breakdown, damage or deterioration, and may result injury by explosion or combustion. In addition, do not use any device that is applied the current with inserting in the wrong orientation or incorrectly even just one time. 32 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG Points to Remember on Handling of ICs (1) Thermal Shutdown Circuit Thermal shutdown circuits do not necessarily protect ICs under all circumstances. If the thermal shutdown circuits operate against the over temperature, clear the heat generation status immediately. Depending on the method of use and usage conditions, such as exceeding absolute maximum ratings can cause the thermal shutdown circuit to not operate properly or IC breakdown before operation. (2) Heat Radiation Design In using an IC with large current flow such as power amp, regulator or driver, please design the device so that heat is appropriately radiated, not to exceed the specified junction temperature (TJ) at any time and condition. These ICs generate heat even during normal use. An inadequate IC heat radiation design can lead to decrease in IC life, deterioration of IC characteristics or IC breakdown. In addition, please design the device taking into considerate the effect of IC heat radiation with peripheral components. (3) Back-EMF When a motor rotates in the reverse direction, stops or slows down abruptly, a current flow back to the motor’s power supply due to the effect of back-EMF. If the current sink capability of the power supply is small, the device’s motor power supply and output pins might be exposed to conditions beyond maximum ratings. To avoid this problem, take the effect of back-EMF into consideration in system design. (4) Short-Circuits The IC may be permanently damaged in case of a short-circuit across its outputs, a short-circuit to power supply or a short-circuit to ground. These possibilities should be fully considered in the design of the output, VDD, VM and ground lines. (5) Short-Circuits between Adjacent Pins in the TB6560AHQ In the TB6560AHQ, the term “adjacent pin” includes a pin diagonally closest to a given pin. For example, pin 3 has four adjacent pins: 1, 2, 4 and 5. Depending on the specified voltage and current, a large current might abruptly flow through the TB6560AHQ in case of a short-circuit between any adjacent pins that are listed below. If the large current persists, it may lead to a smoke emission. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) Pins 7 and 8 Pins 7 and 9 Pins 8 and 9 Pins 9 and 10 Pins 9 and 11 Pins 10 and 12 Pins 11 and 12 Pins 11 and 13 Pins 12 and 13 Pins 12 and 14 Pins 13 and 14 Pins 13 and 15 Pins 14 and 16 Pins 15 and 16 Pins 16 and 17 Pins 16 and 18 Pins 17 and 18 Pins 18 and 19 Pins 18 and 20 Therefore, to avoid a continuous overcurrent due to the above-described short-circuit and allow the TB6560AHQ/AFG to be fail-safe, an appropriate fuse should be added at the right place, or overcurrent shutdown circuitry should be added to the power supply. The rated current of a fuse may vary depending on actual applications and its characteristics. Thus, an appropriate fuse must be selected experimentally. 33 2011-01-18 TB6560AHQ/AFG RESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE • Toshiba Corporation, and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “TOSHIBA”), reserve the right to make changes to the information in this document, and related hardware, software and systems (collectively “Product”) without notice. • This document and any information herein may not be reproduced without prior written permission from TOSHIBA. Even with TOSHIBA’s written permission, reproduction is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration/omission. • Though TOSHIBA works continually to improve Product’s quality and reliability, Product can malfunction or fail. Customers are responsible for complying with safety standards and for providing adequate designs and safeguards for their hardware, software and systems which minimize risk and avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of Product could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property, including data loss or corruption. Before customers use the Product, create designs including the Product, or incorporate the Product into their own applications, customers must also refer to and comply with (a) the latest versions of all relevant TOSHIBA information, including without limitation, this document, the specifications, the data sheets and application notes for Product and the precautions and conditions set forth in the “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” and (b) the instructions for the application with which the Product will be used with or for. Customers are solely responsible for all aspects of their own product design or applications, including but not limited to (a) determining the appropriateness of the use of this Product in such design or applications; (b) evaluating and determining the applicability of any information contained in this document, or in charts, diagrams, programs, algorithms, sample application circuits, or any other referenced documents; and (c) validating all operating parameters for such designs and applications. TOSHIBA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR CUSTOMERS’ PRODUCT DESIGN OR APPLICATIONS. • Product is intended for use in general electronics applications (e.g., computers, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robots and home electronics appliances) or for specific applications as expressly stated in this document. Product is neither intended nor warranted for use in equipment or systems that require extraordinarily high levels of quality and/or reliability and/or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life, bodily injury, serious property damage or serious public impact (“Unintended Use”). Unintended Use includes, without limitation, equipment used in nuclear facilities, equipment used in the aerospace industry, medical equipment, equipment used for automobiles, trains, ships and other transportation, traffic signaling equipment, equipment used to control combustions or explosions, safety devices, elevators and escalators, devices related to electric power, and equipment used in finance-related fields. Do not use Product for Unintended Use unless specifically permitted in this document. • Do not disassemble, analyze, reverse-engineer, alter, modify, translate or copy Product, whether in whole or in part. • Product shall not be used for or incorporated into any products or systems whose manufacture, use, or sale is prohibited under any applicable laws or regulations. • The information contained herein is presented only as guidance for Product use. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA for any infringement of patents or any other intellectual property rights of third parties that may result from the use of Product. No license to any intellectual property right is granted by this document, whether express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise. • ABSENT A WRITTEN SIGNED AGREEMENT, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THE RELEVANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR PRODUCT, AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWABLE BY LAW, TOSHIBA (1) ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR LOSS, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF OPPORTUNITIES, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION AND LOSS OF DATA, AND (2) DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS RELATED TO SALE, USE OF PRODUCT, OR INFORMATION, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ACCURACY OF INFORMATION, OR NONINFRINGEMENT. • Do not use or otherwise make available Product or related software or technology for any military purposes, including without limitation, for the design, development, use, stockpiling or manufacturing of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons or missile technology products (mass destruction weapons). Product and related software and technology may be controlled under the Japanese Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law and the U.S. Export Administration Regulations. Export and re-export of Product or related software or technology are strictly prohibited except in compliance with all applicable export laws and regulations. • Please contact your TOSHIBA sales representative for details as to environmental matters such as the RoHS compatibility of Product. Please use Product in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substances, including without limitation, the EU RoHS Directive. TOSHIBA assumes no liability for damages or losses occurring as a result of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations. 34 2011-01-18
物料型号:TB6560AHQ/AFG 器件简介:TB6560AHQ/AFG 是东芝公司生产的 PWM 斩波型双极型步进电机驱动 IC,支持正弦波输入微步控制,适用于双相双极型步进电机。

引脚分配:TB6560AHQ/AFG 有多种引脚配置,包括输入、输出和电源地等,具体分配详见文档中的引脚功能表格。




封装信息:TB6560AHQ 有 HZIP25-P-1.27 封装,TB6560AFG 有 HQFP64-P-1010-0.50 封装。

以上信息摘自东芝官方提供的 TB6560AHQ/AFG 数据手册。
TB6560AHQ 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+30.97440
    • 10+26.67600
    • 28+24.11640
