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    TL12W03-D - TOSHIBA LED lamps - Toshiba Semiconductor

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TL12W03-D 数据手册
Preliminary TL12W 03-D(T30) TL 12W03-D(T30) ・本資料は、製品の紹介を目的とした技術検討資料です。最終仕様段階で特性内容 の変更を伴う場合もあります。製品設計を行う場合は、営業部門に最終仕様を ご確認頂けます様お願い致します。 ・本資料の第三者への開示は、行わないようお願い致します。 ・Th i s m at er i al i s t ec h n o l o g i c al ex am i n at i o n m at er i al t o ai m at t h e p r o d u c t i n t r o d u c t i o n . T h e c h an g e i n t h e c o n t en t o f t h e c h ar ac t er i s t i c m i g h t b e ac c o m p an i ed at t h e f i n al s p ec i f i c at i o n p r o c es s . Th e f i n al s p ec i f i c at i o n w i l l b e ab l e t o b e g o t t en i n t h e b r o k er ag e d ep ar t m en t w h en t h e p r o d u c t i s d es i g n ed an d t o g et t h e c o n f i r m at i o n . ・Pl eas e d o n o t o p en t h i s m at er i al t o t h e t h i r d p er s o n . HOL-1096 1 2009-06-30 Preliminary TL12W 03-D(T30) TOSHIBA LED lam ps Pr el i m i n ar y TL 12W03-D(T30) ○ Surface-mount devices 10.5 (L) mm × 5.0 (W) mm × 2.1 (H) mm High luminous flux: 90 lm(typ.) @350 mA Color: white Topr / Tstg: 40 to 100°C Reflow-solderable Standard embossed tape packing: T30 (500 / reel) *5.0 - 0.2 10. 5 ± 0.2 8. 0 7. 0 +0.4 Unit: mm Pol arity 1 2 Applications : general lighting LED Chip position Cathode index 1. 2 0.5 2 (1.0) 2.0 Co l o r an d Mat er i al P art N umber TL12W 03-D C olor W hite Mater ial InG aN 1 A b s o l u t e Max i m u m Rat i n g s (Ta Char ac ter istics For ward Curr ent P ower D issipation Oper ating Temper atur e Stor age T emper atur e Junction T emper atur e S ymbol IF PD Topr Tstg Tj 25°C) R ating 500 1.95 40 to 100 40 to 100 120 Unit mA W °C °C °C 1.An od e 2.Cat h ode Tol eran ce : ± 0.15 *size of in clu d in g b u rr JEDEC JEITA TOSHIBA W eight: 0.30 g (typ.) ― ― ― Note 1: Using continuously under heavy loads (e.g. the application of high tem perature/current/voltage and the significant change in tem perature, etc.) m ay cause this product to decrease in the reliability significantly even if the operating conditions (i.e. operating tem perature/current/voltage, etc.) are within the absolute m aximum ratings. Please design the appropriate reliability upon reviewing the Toshiba Semiconductor Reliability Handbook (“Handling Precautions”/”Derating Concept and Methods”) and individual reliability data (i.e. reliability test report and estimated failure rate, etc). Note 2: The junction-to-ambient therm al resistance, Rth(j-a), should be kept below 30℃/W so that the TL12W 03-D is not exposed to a condition beyond the absolute m aximum ratings. Rth(j-a): Therm al resistance from the LED junction to ambient temperature IF – Ta 600 (m A ) 500 400 Allowable forwar d current IF 300 200 100 Rth(j- a) =30℃ /W 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Ambient temper atur e Ta (°C) HOL-1096 2 2009-06-30 (2. 3) 2.1 3.0 8-mm pitch, 24-mm tape reel Preliminary El ec t r i c al Ch ar ac t er i s t i c s (Ta Char ac ter istics For ward V oltage (N ote 3) R evers e V oltage Thermal R esistanc e (N ote 4) TL12W 03-D(T30) 25°C) Test c ondition IF IR IF 350 mA 1mA 350 mA Min 2.9 Typ. 3.3 0.75 8 Max 3.9 Unit V V °C W S ymbol VF VR Rth(j-s) Note 3: VF rank classification Ta=25°C Accuracy: +/-0.1V P art N umber Min For ward V oltage VF Typ. 3.3 Max 3.9 3.4 3.9 V mA 350 IF TL12W 03-D(T30) 1 2 Unit 2.9 2.9 3.4 The specification on the above table is used for VF classification of LEDs in Toshiba facility. Each reel includes the sam e rank LEDs. Let the delivery ratio of each rank be unquestioned. Note 4: Rth(j-s): Therm al resistance from the LED junction to solder point. Op t i c al Ch ar ac t er i s t i c s (Ta Char ac ter istics Chr omaticity Luminous flux (N ote 6) 25°C) S ymbol Cx Cy F Test c ondition IF IF IF 350 mA 350 mA 350 mA (67.3) Min Typ. (N ote 5) (N ote 5) 90 (113) lm Max Unit Note 5: The product is tested at the following chromaticity coordinate groups. Test conditions: IF=350 m A, Ta=25°C Accuracy: +/-0.01 Cx 0.311 Cy 0.342 0.315 0.277 0.291 0.367 0.342 0.291 0.305 0 .40 65 0 0 K 0 .36 56 5 0K DT 1 0.292 0.304 0.318 0.329 Cy 8 00 0 K 0 .32 DT 1 0 .28 DT2 B lack bo dy cu rve DT 2 0.311 0.318 0.330 0 .24 0 .2 8 0 .3 0 Cx 0 .32 0 .3 4 HOL-1096 3 2009-06-30 Preliminary Note 6: F rank classification TL12W 03-D(T30) Ta=25°C Accuracy: +/-20% Luminous flux F P art N umber Min TL12W 03-D(T30) F1 F2 G1 Unit 67.3 67.3 80 95 lm Typ. 90 Max 113 80 95 113 mA 350 IF The specification on the above table is used for F classification of LEDs in Toshiba facility. Each reel includes the sam e rank LEDs. Let the delivery ratio of each rank be unquestioned. Note 6: Caution The product is sensitive to electrostatic and care must be fully taken when handling products. Particularly in the case that an over-voltage shall be applied, the overflowed energy may cause damage to or possibly result in destruction of the product. Users shall take absolutely secure countermeasures against electrostatic and surge when handling the product. This product is designed as a general display light source usage, and it has applied the measurement standard that matched with the sensitivity of human's eyes. Therefore, it is not intended for usage of functional application (ex. Light source for sensor, optical communication and etc) except general display light source. HOL-1096 4 2009-06-30 Preliminary TL 12W03-D IF – VF (typ.) TL12W 03-D(T30) F – IF (typ.) 1000 Ta 2 5 °C 10 Ta 2 5 °C Forw ard Curr ent IF (mA) F/ F( 350mA) 100 1 10 Luminous flux 0.1 1 2.2 2.6 3 3.4 (V ) 0.01 3.8 1 For ward Voltage VF 10 100 For ward Curr ent IF ( mA ) 1000 R elative F – Tc (typ.) R adiation pattern Ta 25°C 10 F IFp=350mA Relative luminous flux 0° 30° 30° 1 60° 60° 90° 0.1 - 40 90 ° 0 0 . 2 0 . 4 0 . 6 0 .8 1 . 0 -20 0 20 40 60 (°C) 80 100 C as e Temper atur e Tc HOL-1096 5 2009-06-30 Preliminary Pac k ag i n g TL12W 03-D(T30) This LED device is packed in an aluminum envelope with a silica gel and a moisture indicator to avoid moisture absorption. The optical characteristics of the devices may be affected by exposure to moisture in the air before soldering and they should therefore be stored under the following conditions: 1. This moisture proof bag may be stored unopened within 12 months at the following conditions. Temperature: 5 C to 30 C Humidity: 90% (max) 2. After opening the moisture proof bag, the device should be assembled within 168 hours in an environment of 5°C to 30°C/60% RH or below. 3. If upon opening, the moisture indicator card shows humidity 30% or above (Color of indication changes to pink) or the expiration date has passed, the devices should be baked in taping with reel. After baking, use the baked devices within 72 hours, but perform baking only once. Baking conditions: 60 5°C, for 24 to 48 hours. Expiration date: 12 months from sealing date, which is imprinted on the label affixed. 4. Repeated baking can cause the peeling strength of the taping to change, then leads to trouble in mounting. 5. If the packing material of laminate would be broken, the hermeticity would deteriorate. Therefore, do not throw or drop the packed devices. Mo u n t i n g Met h o d So l d er i n g Reflow soldering (example) Temper atur e pr ofile f or P b s oldering ( example) 10 s max (*) 240 C max Temper atur e pr ofile f or P b-fr ee s oldering ( example) 5 s max (*) (*) Package sur face temperatur e ( C ) (*) 4 C/s max (*) max(*) 150 to 180 C 230 C 4 C/s max (*) 60 to 120 s max(*) 30 to 50 s max(*) 260 C max Package sur face temperatur e ( C ) (*) max(*) 140 to 160 C 4 C/s max(*) 60 to 120 s max(*) 4 C/s max Time (s) Time (s) The product is evaluated using above reflow soldering conditions. No additional test is performed exceed the condition (i.e. the condition more than (*)MAX values) as a evaluation. Please perform reflow soldering under the above conditions. Please perform the first reflow soldering with reference to the above temperature profile and within 168 h of opening the package. Second reflow soldering In case of second reflow soldering should be performed within 168 h of the first reflow under the above conditions. Storage conditions before the second reflow soldering: 30 C, 60% RH (max) When any soldering corrections are made manually,a hot-plate should be used . (only once at each soldering point) Temperature of a hot plate: 150 C Soldering iron: 25 W Temperature: 350 C or less Time: within 3 s Do not perform wave soldering. HOL-1096 6 2009-06-30 Preliminary Rec o m m en d ed s o l d er i n g p at t er n 単位(mm) Unit (mm) TL12W 03-D(T30) 7.4 3. 3 3.4 0.8 Cl ean i n g When cleaning is required after soldering, Toshiba recommends the following cleaning solvents. It is confirmed that these solvents have no effect on semiconductor devices in our dipping test (under the recommended conditions). In selecting the one for your actual usage, please perform sufficient review on washing condition, using condition and etc. ASAHI CLEAN AK-225AES: (made by ASAHI GLASS) Pr ec au t i o n s w h en Mo u n t i n g Do not apply force to the plastic part of the LED under high-temperature conditions. To avoid damaging the LED plastic, do not apply friction using a hard material. When installing the PCB in a product, ensure that the device does not come into contact with other cmponents. Tap e Sp ec i f i c at i o n s 1. Pr o d u c t n u m b er f o r m at The type of package used for shipment is denoted by a symbol suffix after the product number. The method of classification is as below. (this method, however does not apply to products whose electrical characteristics differ from standard Toshiba specifications) (1) Tape Type: T30 (8-mm pitch) (2) Example TL12W 03-D (T30) Tape type Toshiba pr oduct N o. 2. Han d l i n g p r ec au t i o n s Tape material protected against static electricity. However, static electricity may occur depending on quantity of charged static electricity and a device may attach to a tape, or a device may be unstable when peeling a tape cover. (a) Since tape materials may accumulate an electrostatic charge, use an ionizer to neutralize the ambient air. (b)For transport and tem porary storage of devices, use containers (boxes and bags) and jigs that are made of anti-static materials or of materials which dissipate electrostatic charge. HOL-1096 7 2009-06-30 Preliminary 3. Tap e d i m en s i o n s TL12W 03-D(T30) Unit: mm S ymbol D E P0 t F D1 Dimension 1.5 1.75 4.0 0.3 11.5 1.7 Toler anc e 0.1/ 0 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.1 S ymbol P2 W P A0 B0 K0 Dimension 2.0 24.0 8.0 5.5 11.0 2.3 Toler anc e 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 D P0 P2 t K0 F E W B0 極olarity P性 A0 P D1 4. Reel d i m en s i o n s Unit: mm 25.5 1.0 29.5 1.0 2.0 254 3- 2 0.5 13 0.2 100 1.0 HOL-1096 8 2009-06-30 Preliminary 5. L ead er an d t r ai l er s ec t i o n s o f t ap e TL12W 03-D(T30) 40 mm or mor e (N ote 1) 40 mm or mor e (N ote 2) Leading part: 190 mm (min) Note 1: Empty trailer section Note 2: Empty leader section 6. Pac k i n g f o r m (1) Packing quantity R eel C arton 500 pcs 1000 pcs (2) Packing form: Each reel is sealed in an aluminum pack with silica gel. HOL-1096 9 2009-06-30 Preliminary 7. L ab el f o r m at (1) Label contents Shipped products are mentioned the following contents. TL12W 03-D(T30) P/N: TYPE AD D C 1) xxxxxx 3) ( xxxxx) 6) TO SHI B A TL 12W03-D (T30) 2) xxxxxxxx Q’TY 4) xxx 500 pcs 5)xxxx Use under 5-30degC/60%RH within 168h S EALED: xxxxxxxx DIFFU SED IN JAPAN AS SE MBLED IN JAPAN [[G]]/R oHS CO MP ATIBLE *Y3804xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* Contents about Note section (Each example means the contents are different for each lot.) Inf ormation f or customers us e 1) Lot c ode E xample: 2707C 2B 2) K ey c ode E xample: 123456 3) R ank s ymbol E xample: DT1F21 Inf ormation f or Toshiba us e 4) Management c ode E xample: 715 32G 5) P ac king quantity E xample: 500 pcs 6) Stor age c ondition after opening Us e under 5- 30 degC /60%RH within 168h (2) Label location R eel C arton Tape f eel dir ec tion Label position Label position The aluminum pac kage in which the r eel is supplied als o has the label attac hed to center of one side. HOL-1096 10 2009-06-30 Preliminary RESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE TL12W 03-D(T30) Toshiba C orpor ation, and its subs idiaries and affiliates (c ollectively “TOSHIBA”), r es er ve the right to make changes to the inf or mation in this doc ument, and r elated har dwar e, s oftwar e and s ystems (c ollec tively “ Pr oduct”) without notic e. This document and any infor mation her ein may not be r epr oduc ed without prior wr itten per mission fr om TOSH IBA. E ven with TOSHIBA’s wr itten permission, r epr oduction is per missible only if r epr oduction is without alter ation/omission. Though TOSHIB A works c ontinually to impr ove Pr oduct’s quality and r eliability, Pr oduct c an malfunction or f ail. Customers ar e r esponsible for c omplying with s af ety standar ds and f or pr oviding adequate des igns and s af eguar ds f or their har dwar e, s oftwar e and systems whic h minimize risk and avoid s ituations in which a malfunction or f ailur e of Pr oduct c ould c aus e loss of human lif e, bodily injur y or damage to pr operty, including data loss or c orr uption. B ef or e cr eating and pr oducing des igns and using, customers must als o r ef er to and c omply with ( a) the lates t versions of all r elevant TO SHIBA inf or mation, including without limitation, this document, the specific ations, the data s heets and applic ation notes for Pr oduct and the pr ec autions and c onditions s et f orth in the “TOSHIB A S emic onductor R eliability H andbook” and (b) the instr uctions f or the applic ation that Pr oduct will be us ed with or f or. C ustomers ar e solely r esponsible f or all as pects of their own pr oduct des ign or applications, including but not limited to ( a) determining the appr opriateness of the us e of this Pr oduct in s uch design or applic ations; ( b) evaluating and deter mining the applic ability of any inf or mation c ontained in this doc ument, or in charts, diagr ams, pr ogr ams, algorithms, s ample applic ation c ircuits, or any other r efer enc ed doc uments; and (c) validating all oper ating par ameters f or such designs and applic ations. TOS HIB A A SS UM ES NO L IA B IL ITY FOR C USTOM ERS’ PR ODUCT DESIG N OR A PPL ICATIONS. Pr oduct is intended for us e in gener al elec tr onics applic ations ( e.g., c omputers, pers onal equipment, offic e equipment, measur ing equipment, industr ial r obots and home electr onics applianc es) or f or specific applic ations as expr essly stated in this document. Pr oduct is neither intended nor warr anted for us e in equipment or s ys tems that r equir e extr aor dinar ily high levels of quality and/or r eliability and/or a malfunction or f ailur e of which may c aus e loss of human lif e, bodily injur y, s erious pr operty damage or s erious public impact (“ Unintended Us e”). U nintended Us e includes, without limitation, equipment us ed in nuclear f acilities, equipment us ed in the aer ospac e industr y, medic al equipment, equipment us ed for automobiles, tr ains, ships and other tr ansportation, tr affic signaling equipment, equipment us ed to c ontr ol c ombustions or explos ions, s af ety devic es, elevators and esc alators, devic es r elated to electric power, and equipment us ed in financ e- r elated fields. D o not us e Pr oduct f or Unintended Us e unless specific ally per mitted in this document. D o not dis ass emble, analyze, r evers e- engineer, alter, modify, tr anslate or c opy Pr oduct, whether in whole or in part. Pr oduct shall not be us ed f or or inc orpor ated into any pr oducts or s ys tems whos e manuf actur e, us e, or s ale is pr ohibited under any applic able laws or r egulations. The information c ontained her ein is pr es ented only as guidanc e f or P r oduct us e. N o r es ponsibility is ass umed by TOS HIBA for any infringement of patents or any other intellectual pr oper ty rights of thir d par ties that may r es ult fr om the us e of Pr oduct. N o lic ens e to any intellectual pr operty r ight is gr anted by this doc ument, whether expr ess or implied, by estoppel or other wis e. A B S E NT A WRITTEN S IG NE D A GRE EM ENT, EXC E PT A S PR OVIDE D IN T HE RE L EVA NT TERM S A ND C ONDITIONS OF S A L E FOR PR ODUCT, A ND TO T HE M A X IM UM EXTENT A L L OWA B L E B Y L AW, TOS HIB A ( 1) A SS UM ES NO L IA B IL ITY WHATS OEVER , INC L UDING WITHOUT L IM ITATION, INDIRECT, C ONSE QUE NTIA L , S PECIA L , OR INCIDE NTA L DA M A GES OR L OSS, INCL UDING WIT HOUT L IM ITATION, L OSS OF PR OFITS, L OSS OF OPPORTUNITIES , B US INESS INTERR UPTION A ND L OSS OF DATA , A ND ( 2) DIS CL A IM S A NY A ND A L L EX PR ESS OR IM PL IE D WA RR A NTIES A ND C ONDITIONS REL ATE D TO SA L E, USE OF PR ODUCT, OR INFORM ATION, INC L UDING WA R RA NTIES OR C ONDITIONS OF M ERCHA NTA B IL ITY, FIT NESS FOR A PA RTIC UL A R PUR POSE, A CC UR A CY OF INFORM ATION, OR NONINFRING EM ENT. D o not us e or other wis e make available Pr oduct or r elated s oftwar e or technology f or any militar y pur pos es , including without limitation, for the design, development, us e, stockpiling or manufactur ing of nuclear, chemic al, or biologic al weapons or missile technology pr oducts (mass destr uction weapons). Pr oduct and r elated s oftwar e and technology may be c ontr olled under the Japanes e For eign E xc hange and For eign Trade Law and the U.S. E xport A dministr ation R egulations. E xport and r e- expor t of Pr oduct or r elated s oftwar e or tec hnology ar e strictly pr ohibited exc ept in c omplianc e with all applic able exp ort laws and r egulations. Pleas e c ontact your TOSHIB A s ales r epr es entative f or details as to envir onmental matters such as the R oH S c ompatibility of Pr oduct. Pleas e us e Pr oduct in c omplianc e with all applic able laws and r egulations that r egulate the inclusion or us e of c ontr olled s ubstanc es, including without limitation, the EU R oHS Dir ective. TOSHIB A ass umes no liability f or damages or loss es occ urring as a r es ult of nonc omplianc e with applic able laws and r egulations. HOL-1096 11 2009-06-30
TL12W03-D 价格&库存

