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TMC2208-LA-T 数据手册
POWER DRIVER FOR STEPPER MOTORS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TMC2208/2 & TMC2224/0/5 family Datasheet TMC2202, TMC2208, TMC2220, TMC2224, TMC2225 Step/Dir Drivers for Two-Phase Bipolar Stepper Motors up to 2A peak - stealthChop™ for Quiet Movement - UART Interface Option. APPLICATIONS Compatible Design Upgrade 3D Printers Printers, POS Office and home automation Textile, Sewing Machines CCTV, Security ATM, Cash recycler HVAC FEATURES AND DESCRIPTION BENEFITS The TMC2202, TMC2208, TMC2220, TMC2224 and TMC2225 are ultra-silent motor driver ICs for two phase stepper motors. Their pinning is compatible to a number of legacy drivers. TRINAMICs sophisticated stealthChop2 chopper ensures noiseless operation, maximum efficiency and best motor torque. Its fast current regulation and optional combination with spreadCycle allow for highly dynamic motion. Integrated power-MOSFETs handle motor current up to 1.4A RMS. Protection and diagnostic features support robust and reliable operation. A simple to use UART interface opens up more tuning and control options. Application specific tuning can be stored to OTP memory. Industries’ most advanced STEP/DIR stepper motor driver family upgrades designs to noiseless and most precise operation for costeffective and highly competitive solutions. 2-phase stepper motors up to 2A coil current (peak) STEP/DIR Interface with 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 microstep pin setting Smooth Running 256 microsteps by microPlyer™ interpolation stealthChop2™ silent motor operation spreadCycle™ highly dynamic motor control chopper Low RDSon LS 280mΩ & HS 290mΩ (typ. at 25°C) Voltage Range 4.75… 36V DC Automatic Standby current reduction (option) Internal Sense Resistor option (no sense resistors required) Passive Braking and Freewheeling Single Wire UART & OTP for advanced configuration options Integrated Pulse Generator for standalone motion Full Protection & Diagnostics Choice of QFN, TQFP and HTSSOP packages for best fit BLOCK DIAGRAM Step/Dir Power Supply IREF optional current scaling TMC220X TMC222X +5V Regulator Charge Pump OTP memory Step Multiplyer Standstill Current Reduction DAC Reference Motor UART optional control Configuration Pins CLK UART Control Mode Selection Control Register Set spreadCycle 256 µStep Sequencer DRIVER stealthChop stealthChop2 Protection & Diagnostics CLK Oscillator / Selector Pulse Generator Diag Out / Index TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG Hamburg, Germany TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 2 APPLICATION EXAMPLES: SIMPLE SOLUTIONS – HIGHLY EFFECTIVE The TMC22xx family scores with power density, integrated power MOSFETs, smooth and quiet operation, and a congenial simplicity. The TMC22xx covers a wide spectrum of applications from battery systems to embedded applications with up to 2A motor current per coil. TRINAMICs unique chopper modes spreadCycle and stealthChop2 optimize drive performance. stealthChop reduces motor noise to the point of silence at low velocities. Standby current reduction keeps costs for power dissipation and cooling down. Extensive support enables rapid design cycles and fast time-to-market with competitive products. STANDALONE REPLACEMENT FOR LEGACY STEPPER DRIVER 0A+ S/D ERROR, INDEX TMC22xx S 0A- N 0B+ 0B- UART INTERFACE FOR FULL DIAGNOSTICS AND CONTROL 0A+ S/D High-Level Interface CPU UART TMC22xx 0A0B+ 0B- Sense Resistors may be omitted S N In this example, configuration is hard wired via pins. Software based motion control generates STEP and DIR (direction) signals, INDEX and ERROR signals report back status information. A CPU operates the driver via step and direction signals. It accesses diagnostic information and configures the TMC22xx via the UART interface. The CPU manages motion control and the TMC22xx drives the motor and smoothens and optimizes drive performance. TMC2208-EVAL EVALUATION BOARD The TMC22xx-EVAL is part of TRINAMICs universal evaluation board system which provides a convenient handling of the hardware as well as a user-friendly software tool for evaluation. The TMC22xx evaluation board system consists of three parts: STARTRAMPE (base board), TMC2208BRIDGE (connector board with several test points and stand-alone settings), and TMC22xx-EVAL. ORDER CODES Order code TMC2208-LA TMC2224-LA TMC2202-WA TMC2220-TA TMC2225-SA TMC2208-EVAL TMC2224-EVAL TMC22xx-Bridge STARTRAMPE www.trinamic.com Description stealthChop standalone driver; QFN28 (RoHS compliant) stealthChop standalone driver; QFN28 (RoHS compliant) stealthChop driver; wettable edge QFN32 (RoHS compliant) Option package: TQFP 48 – please request for availability! Option package: HTSSOP28 – please request for availability! Evaluation board for TMC2208 stepper motor driver Evaluation board for TMC2224 stepper motor driver Connector and jumper board fitting to TMC22xx family Baseboard for TMC2208-EVAL and further evaluation boards Size [mm2] 5x5 5x5 5x5 9x9 9.7 x 6.4 85 x 55 85 x 55 61 x 38 85 x 55 TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 3 Table of Contents 1 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION ......................... 4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2 PIN ASSIGNMENTS ........................................... 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 3 DATAGRAM STRUCTURE .................................19 CRC CALCULATION .......................................21 UART SIGNALS ............................................21 ADDRESSING MULTIPLE SLAVES ....................22 REGISTER MAP .................................................23 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6 STANDARD APPLICATION CIRCUIT ................15 INTERNAL RDSON SENSING..........................15 5V ONLY SUPPLY..........................................16 CONFIGURATION PINS ..................................17 HIGH MOTOR CURRENT .................................17 DRIVER PROTECTION AND EME CIRCUITRY ...18 UART SINGLE WIRE INTERFACE ................19 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 PACKAGE OUTLINE TMC2208 ........................ 8 SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS TMC2208 .................. 8 PACKAGE OUTLINE TMC2202 ........................ 9 SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS TMC2202 .................. 9 PACKAGE OUTLINE TMC2224 ......................10 SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS TMC2224 ................11 PACKAGE OUTLINE TMC2225 ......................12 SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS TMC2225 ................12 PACKAGE OUTLINE TMC2220 ......................13 SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS TMC2220 ................13 SAMPLE CIRCUITS ..........................................15 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4 KEY CONCEPTS ................................................ 5 CONTROL INTERFACES ..................................... 6 MOVING AND CONTROLLING THE MOTOR ........ 6 STEALTHCHOP2 & SPREADCYCLE DRIVER ........ 6 PRECISE CLOCK GENERATOR AND CLK INPUT... 7 AUTOMATIC STANDSTILL POWER DOWN......... 7 INDEX OUTPUT ................................................ 7 GENERAL REGISTERS .....................................24 VELOCITY DEPENDENT CONTROL ...................29 SEQUENCER REGISTERS .................................30 CHOPPER CONTROL REGISTERS .....................31 STEALTHCHOP™ ..............................................37 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 AUTOMATIC TUNING .....................................37 STEALTHCHOP OPTIONS ................................39 STEALTHCHOP CURRENT REGULATOR .............39 VELOCITY BASED SCALING ............................41 COMBINING STEALTHCHOP AND SPREADCYCLE .. .....................................................................43 FLAGS IN STEALTHCHOP................................44 FREEWHEELING AND PASSIVE BRAKING ........45 www.trinamic.com 7 SPREADCYCLE CHOPPER ............................... 47 7.1 SPREADCYCLE SETTINGS ............................... 48 8 SELECTING SENSE RESISTORS.................... 51 9 MOTOR CURRENT CONTROL ........................ 52 9.1 ANALOG CURRENT SCALING VREF ............... 53 10 INTERNAL SENSE RESISTORS ..................... 55 11 STEP/DIR INTERFACE .................................... 57 11.1 TIMING ......................................................... 57 11.2 CHANGING RESOLUTION ............................... 58 11.3 MICROPLYER STEP INTERPOLATOR AND STAND STILL DETECTION ....................................................... 59 11.4 INDEX OUTPUT ............................................. 60 12 INTERNAL STEP PULSE GENERATOR ......... 61 13 DRIVER DIAGNOSTIC FLAGS ...................... 62 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT ....................... 62 SHORT PROTECTION ...................................... 62 OPEN LOAD DIAGNOSTICS ........................... 63 DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT ................................... 63 14 QUICK CONFIGURATION GUIDE ................ 64 15 EXTERNAL RESET ............................................. 67 16 CLOCK OSCILLATOR AND INPUT ............... 67 17 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS................. 68 18 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ................. 68 18.1 18.2 18.3 19 LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS ......................... 74 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 20 OPERATIONAL RANGE ................................... 68 DC AND TIMING CHARACTERISTICS .............. 69 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS.......................... 73 EXPOSED DIE PAD ........................................ 74 WIRING GND .............................................. 74 SUPPLY FILTERING........................................ 74 LAYOUT EXAMPLE TMC2208 ........................ 75 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA .................... 76 20.1 20.2 20.3 DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS QFN28............... 76 DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS QFN32-WA ....... 78 PACKAGE CODES ........................................... 79 21 TABLE OF FIGURES ......................................... 80 22 REVISION HISTORY ....................................... 81 23 REFERENCES ...................................................... 81 TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 1 4 Principles of Operation The TMC22xx family of stepper drivers is intended as a drop-in upgrade for existing low cost stepper driver applications. Its silent drive technology stealthChop enables non-bugging motion control for home and office applications. A highly efficient power stage enables high current from a tiny package. The TMC22xx requires just a few control pins on its tiny package. They allow selection of the most important setting: the desired microstep resolution. A choice of 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 microsteps adapts the driver to the capabilities of the motion controller. Some package options also allow chopper mode selection by pin. STEP DIR 5V Voltage regulator Step&Dir input Analog Scaling (only TMC222x) PDN/UART Configuration Interface B. Dwersteg, © TRINAMIC 2016 UART interface + Register Block Driver error Index pulse DIAG INDEX (not with TMC2202) opt. ext. clock 10-16MHz CLK_IN 3.3V or 5V I/O voltage VCC_IO 100µF VCP CPI Low ESR type OA1 Full Bridge A OA2 BRA stealthChop2 256 Microstep Sequencer 100n Driver Integrated Rsense N stepper motor RSA IREF Connect directly to GND plane Use low inductivity SMD type, e.g. 1206, 0.5W for RSA and RSB spreadCycle Programmable Diagnostic Outputs S OB1 Full Bridge B Trimmed CLK oscillator/ selector OB2 BRB RSB Connect directly to GND plane ENN 100n GND optional UART interface Configuration Memory (OTP) 100n charge pump IREF Stand Still Current Reduction microPlyer MS2 SPREAD +VM VS VREF MS1 100n 16V TMC22xx Step Pulse Generator Configuration (GND or VCC_IO) 22n 50V DIE PAD Step and Direction motion control CPO 2.2µ 6.3V 5VOUT Place near IC with short path to die pad VREF Analog current scaling or leave open Even at low microstepping rate, the TMC22xx offers a number of unique enhancements over comparable products: TRINAMICs sophisticated stealthChop2 chopper plus the microstep enhancement microPlyer ensure noiseless operation, maximum efficiency and best motor torque. Its fast current regulation and optional combination with spreadCycle allow for highly dynamic motion. Protection and diagnostic features support robust and reliable operation. A simple-to-use 8 bit UART interface opens up more tuning and control options. Application specific tuning can be stored to on-chip OTP memory. Industries’ most advanced step & direction stepper motor driver family upgrades designs to noiseless and most precise operation for cost-effective and highly competitive solutions. opt. driver enable Figure 1.1 TMC22xx basic application block diagram THREE MODES OF OPERATION: OPTION 1: Standalone STEP/DIR Driver (Legacy Mode) A CPU (µC) generates step & direction signals synchronized to additional motors and other components within the system. The TMC22xx operates the motor as commanded by the configuration pins and STEP/DIR signals. Motor run current either is fixed, or set by the CPU using the analog input VREF. The pin PDN_UART selects automatic standstill current reduction. Feedback from the driver to the CPU is granted by the INDEX and DIAG output signals. Enable or disable the motor using the ENN pin. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 5 OPTION 2: Standalone STEP/DIR Driver with OTP pre-configuration UART Additional options enabled by pre-programming OTP memory (label UART & OTP): + + + OTP Tuning of the chopper to the application for application tailored performance Cost reduction by switching the driver to internal sense resistor mode Adapting the automatic power down level and timing for best application efficiency 0A+ S/D High-Level Interface CPU ERROR, INDEX TMC22xx 0A- S N 0B+ TXD only or bit bang UART Other drivers 0B- External preprogramming Figure 1.2 Stand-alone driver with pre-configuration To enable the additional options, either one-time program the driver’s OTP memory, or store configuration in the CPU and transfer it to the on-chip registers following each power-up. Operation uses the same signals as Option 1. Programming does not need to be done within the application - it can be executed during testing of the PCB! Alternatively, use bit-banging by CPU firmware to configure the driver. Multiple drivers can be programmed at the same time using a single TXD line. OPTION 3: STEP/DIR Driver with Full Diagnostics and Control UART Similar to Option 2, but pin PDN_UART is connected to the CPU UART interface. Additional options (label UART): + + + + Detailed diagnostics and thermal management Passive braking and freewheeling for flexible, lowest power stop modes More options for microstep resolution setting (fullstep to 256 microstep) Software controlled motor current setting and more chopper options This mode allows replacing all control lines like ENN, DIAG, INDEX, MS1, MS2, and analog current setting VREF by a single interface line. This way, only three signals are required for full control: STEP, DIR and PDN_UART. Even motion without external STEP pulses is provided by an internal programmable step pulse generator: Just set the desired motor velocity. However, no ramping is provided by the TMC22xx. Access to multiple driver ICs is possible using an analog multiplexer IC. 1.1 Key Concepts The TMC22xx implements advanced features which are exclusive to TRINAMIC products. These features contribute toward greater precision, greater energy efficiency, higher reliability, smoother motion, and cooler operation in many stepper motor applications. stealthChop2™ No-noise, high-precision chopper algorithm for inaudible motion and inaudible standstill of the motor. Allows faster motor acceleration and deceleration than stealthChop™ and extends stealthChop to low stand still motor currents. spreadCycle™ High-precision movements. cycle-by-cycle current control algorithm for highest dynamic microPlyer™ Microstep interpolator for obtaining full 256 microstep smoothness with lower resolution step inputs starting from fullstep In addition to these performance enhancements, TRINAMIC motor drivers offer safeguards to detect and protect against shorted outputs, output open-circuit, overtemperature, and undervoltage conditions for enhancing safety and recovery from equipment malfunctions. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 6 1.2 Control Interfaces The TMC22xx supports both, discrete control lines for basic mode selection and a UART based single wire interface with CRC checking. The UART interface automatically becomes enabled when correct UART data is sent. When using UART, the pin selection may be disabled by control bits. 1.2.1 UART Interface UART The single wire interface allows unidirectional operation (for parameter setting only), or bi-directional operation for full control and diagnostics. It can be driven by any standard microcontroller UART or even by bit banging in software. Baud rates from 9600 Baud to 500k Baud or even higher (when using an external clock) may be used. No baud rate configuration is required, as the TMC22xx automatically adapts to the masters’ baud rate. The frame format is identical to the intelligent TRINAMIC controller & driver ICs TMC5130 and TMC5072. A CRC checksum allows data transmission over longer distance. For fixed initialization sequences, store the data including CRC into the µC, thus consuming only a few 100 bytes of code for a full initialization. CRC may be ignored during read access, if not desired. This makes CRC use an optional feature! The IC has a fixed address. Multiple drivers can be programmed in parallel by tying together all interface pins, in case no read access is required. An optional addressing can be provided by analog multiplexers, like 74HC4066. From a software point of view the TMC22xx is a peripheral with a number of control and status registers. Most of them can either be written only or are read only. Some of the registers allow both, read and write access. In case read-modify-write access is desired for a write only register, a shadow register can be realized in master software. 1.3 Moving and Controlling the Motor 1.3.1 STEP/DIR Interface The motor is controlled by a step and direction input. Active edges on the STEP input can be rising edges or both rising and falling edges as controlled by a special mode bit (DEDGE). Using both edges cuts the toggle rate of the STEP signal in half, which is useful for communication over slow interfaces such as optically isolated interfaces. The state sampled from the DIR input upon an active STEP edge determines whether to step forward or back. Each step can be a fullstep or a microstep, in which there are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256 microsteps per fullstep. A step impulse with a low state on DIR increases the microstep counter and a high decreases the counter by an amount controlled by the microstep resolution. An internal table translates the counter value into the sine and cosine values which control the motor current for microstepping. 1.3.2 Internal Step Pulse Generator UART Some applications do not require a precisely co-ordinate motion – the motor just is required to move for a certain time and at a certain velocity. The TMC22xx comes with an internal pulse generator for these applications: Just provide the velocity via UART interface to move the motor. The velocity sign automatically controls the direction of the motion. However, the pulse generator does not integrate a ramping function. Motion at higher velocities will require ramping up and ramping down the velocity value via software. STEP/DIR mode and internal pulse generator mode can be mixed in an application! 1.4 stealthChop2 & spreadCycle Driver stealthChop is a voltage chopper based principle. It especially guarantees that the motor is absolutely quiet in standstill and in slow motion, except for noise generated by ball bearings. Unlike other voltage mode choppers, stealthChop2 does not require any configuration. It automatically learns the best settings during the first motion after power up and further optimizes the settings in subsequent motions. An initial homing sequence is sufficient for learning. Optionally, initial learning parameters can be stored to OTP. stealthChop2 allows high motor dynamics, by reacting at once to a change of motor velocity. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 7 For highest velocity applications, spreadCycle is an option to stealthChop2. It can be enabled via input pin (TMC222x) or via UART and OTP. stealthChop2 and spreadCycle may even be used in a combined configuration for the best of both worlds: stealthChop2 for no-noise stand still, silent and smooth performance, spreadCycle at higher velocity for high dynamics and highest peak velocity at low vibration. spreadCycle is an advanced cycle-by-cycle chopper mode. It offers smooth operation and good resonance dampening over a wide range of speed and load. The spreadCycle chopper scheme automatically integrates and tunes fast decay cycles to guarantee smooth zero crossing performance. Benefits of using stealthChop2: - Significantly improved microstepping with low cost motors - Motor runs smooth and quiet - Absolutely no standby noise - Reduced mechanical resonance yields improved torque 1.5 Precise clock generator and CLK input The TMC22xx provides a factory trimmed internal clock generator for precise chopper frequency and performance. However, an optional external clock input is available for cases, where quartz precision is desired, or where a lower or higher frequency is required. For safety, the clock input features timeout detection, and switches back to internal clock upon fail of the external source. 1.6 Automatic Standstill Power Down An automatic current reduction drastically reduces application power dissipation and cooling requirements. Per default, the stand still current reduction is enabled by pulling PDN_UART input to GND. It reduces standstill power dissipation to less than 33% by going to slightly more than half of the run current. Modify stand still current, delay time and decay via UART, or pre-programmed via internal OTP. Automatic freewheeling and passive motor braking are provided as an option for stand still. Passive braking reduces motor standstill power consumption to zero, while still providing effective dampening and braking! STEP CURRENT IRUN IHOLD RMS motor current trace with pin PDN=0 TPOWERDOWN IHOLDDELAY power down power down ramp time delay time t Figure 1.3 Automatic Motor Current Power Down 1.7 Index Output The index output gives one pulse per electrical rotation, i.e. one pulse per each four fullsteps. It shows the internal sequencer microstep 0 position (MSTEP near 0). This is the power on position. In combination with a mechanical home switch, a more precise homing is enabled. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 2 8 Pin Assignments The TMC22xx family comes in a number of package variants in order to fit different footprints. Please check for availability. VS BRB OB1 OA1 BRA VS 2.1 Package Outline TMC2208 26 25 24 23 22 3 19 2 20 1 6 © B. Dwersteg, TRINAMIC 7 Pad=GND 9 10 11 12 13 OA2 DIR GND VREF STEP VCC_IO 14 5VOUT MS1 MS2 DIAG INDEX CLK PDN_UART 8 15 16 5 17 18 TMC2208 QFN28 4 OB2 ENN GND CPO CPI VCP - 27 21 28 Figure 2.1 TMC2208 Pinning Top View – type: QFN28, 5x5mm², 0.5mm pitch 2.2 Signal Descriptions TMC2208 Pin OB2 Number 1 Type ENN 2 DI GND CPO CPI VCP 3, 18 4 5 6 7, 20, 25 N.C. 5VOUT 8 MS1 MS2 DIAG INDEX 9 10 11 12 DI (pd) DI (pd) DO DO CLK 13 DI PDN_UART 14 DIO VCC_IO 15 www.trinamic.com Function Motor coil B output 2 Enable not input. The power stage becomes switched off (all motor outputs floating) when this pin becomes driven to a high level. GND. Connect to GND plane near pin. Charge pump capacitor output. Charge pump capacitor input. Tie to CPO using 22nF 50V capacitor. Charge pump voltage. Tie to VS using 100nF capacitor. Unused pin, leave open or connect to GND for compatibility to future versions. Output of internal 5V regulator. Attach 2.2µF to 4.7µF ceramic capacitor to GND near to pin for best performance. Provide the shortest possible loop to the GND pad. Microstep resolution configuration (internal pull down resistors) MS2, MS1: 00: 1/8, 01: 1/2, 10: 1/4 11: 1/16 Diagnostic output. Hi level upon driver error. Reset by ENN=high. Configurable index output. Provides index pulse. CLK input. Tie to GND using short wire for internal clock or supply external clock. Power down not control input (low = automatic standstill current reduction). Optional UART Input/Output. Power down function can be disabled in UART mode. 3.3V to 5V IO supply voltage for all digital pins. TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) Pin STEP Number 16 Type DI VREF 17 AI DIR 19 DI (pd) VS 22, 28 OA2 21 BRA 23 OA1 OB1 24 26 BRB 27 Exposed die pad - 9 Function STEP input Analog reference voltage for current scaling or reference current for use of internal sense resistors (optional mode) DIR input (internal pull down resistor) Motor supply voltage. Provide filtering capacity near pin with shortest possible loop to GND pad. Motor coil A output 2 Sense resistor connection for coil A. Place sense resistor to GND near pin. Tie to GND when using internal sense resistor. Motor coil A output 1 Motor coil B output 1 Sense resistor connection for coil B. Place sense resistor to GND near pin. Tie to GND when using internal sense resistor. Connect the exposed die pad to a GND plane. Provide as many as possible vias for heat transfer to GND plane. Serves as GND pin for power drivers and analogue circuitry. BRB OB1 OA1 BRA 2.3 Package Outline TMC2202 30 29 28 27 26 25 3 22 2 23 1 6 19 5 20 21 TMC2202 QFN32 4 8 Pad=GND 10 11 12 13 14 15 OA2 VS DIR GND VREF STEP 16 VCP 5VOUT MS1 MS2 DIAG CLK PDN_UART VCC_IO 9 17 18 © B. Dwersteg, TRINAMIC 7 OB2 VS ENN GND CPO CPI 31 24 32 Figure 2.2 TMC2202 Pinning Top View – type: QFN32, 5x5mm², 0.5mm pitch 2.4 Signal Descriptions TMC2202 Pin OB2 N.C. Number 1 2, 4, 21, 23, 26, 28, 29, 31 VS 3, 22 ENN 5 www.trinamic.com Type DI Function Motor coil B output 2 Unused pin, leave open to provide for higher creeping voltage distances. Motor supply voltage. Provide filtering capacity near pin with shortest possible loop to GND pad. Enable not input. The power stage becomes switched off (all motor outputs floating) when this pin becomes driven to a high level. TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) Pin GND CPO CPI VCP Number 6, 19 7 8 9 Type 5VOUT 10 MS1 MS2 DIAG 11 12 13 DI (pd) DI (pd) DO CLK 14 DI PDN_UART 15 DIO VCC_IO STEP 16 17 DI VREF 18 AI DIR OA2 20 24 DI (pd) BRA 25 OA1 OB1 27 30 BRB 32 Exposed die pad - Function GND. Connect to GND plane near pin. Charge pump capacitor output. Charge pump capacitor input. Tie to CPO using 22nF 50V capacitor. Charge pump voltage. Tie to VS using 100nF capacitor. Output of internal 5V regulator. Attach 2.2µF to 4.7µF ceramic capacitor to GND near to pin for best performance. Provide the shortest possible loop to the GND pad. Microstep resolution configuration (internal pull down resistors) MS2, MS1: 00: 1/8, 01: 1/2, 10: 1/4 11: 1/16 Diagnostic output. Hi level upon driver error. Reset by ENN=high. CLK input. Tie to GND using short wire for internal clock or supply external clock. Power down not control input (low = automatic standstill current reduction). Optional UART Input/Output. Power down function can be disabled in UART mode. 3.3V to 5V IO supply voltage for all digital pins. STEP input Analog reference voltage for current scaling or reference current for use of internal sense resistors (optional mode) DIR input (internal pull down resistor) Motor coil A output 2 Sense resistor connection for coil A. Place sense resistor to GND near pin. Tie to GND when using internal sense resistor. Motor coil A output 1 Motor coil B output 1 Sense resistor connection for coil B. Place sense resistor to GND near pin. Tie to GND when using internal sense resistor. Connect the exposed die pad to a GND plane. Provide as many as possible vias for heat transfer to GND plane. Serves as GND pin for power drivers and analogue circuitry. MS1 CLK STEP ENN DIR SPREAD 2.5 Package Outline TMC2224 26 25 24 23 22 3 19 2 20 1 7 © B. Dwersteg, TRINAMIC Pad=GND 9 10 11 12 13 DIAG PDN_UART VCC_IO 5VOUT GND TEST VREF 14 OA2 BRA OA1 OB1 BRB OB2 VS 8 15 6 16 5 17 18 TMC2224 QFN28 4 MS2 INDEX GND CPO CPI VCP VS 27 21 28 Figure 2.3 TMC2224 Pinning Top View – type: QFN28, 5x5mm², 0.5mm pitch www.trinamic.com 10 TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 11 2.6 Signal Descriptions TMC2224 Pin MS1 MS2 INDEX GND CPO CPI VCP Number 28 1 2 3, 17 4 5 6 VS 7, 14 OA2 8 BRA 9 OA1 OB1 10 11 BRB 12 OB2 13 VREF 15 TEST 16 5VOUT 18 VCC_IO 19 PDN_UART 20 DIO (pd) DIAG SPREAD DIR 21 22 23 DO DI (pd) DI (pd) ENN 24 DI STEP 25 DI (pd) N.C. 26 CLK 27 Exposed die pad - www.trinamic.com Type DI (pd) DI (pd) DO AI DI Function Microstep resolution configuration (internal pull down resistors) MS2, MS1: 00: 1/4, 01: 1/8, 10: 1/16, 11: 1/32 Configurable index output. Provides index pulse. GND. Connect to GND plane near pin. Charge pump capacitor output. Charge pump capacitor input. Tie to CPO using 22nF 50V capacitor. Charge pump voltage. Tie to VS using 100nF capacitor. Motor supply voltage. Provide filtering capacity near pin with shortest possible loop to GND pad. Motor coil A output 2 Sense resistor connection for coil A. Place sense resistor to GND near pin. Tie to GND when using internal sense resistor. Motor coil A output 1 Motor coil B output 1 Sense resistor connection for coil B. Place sense resistor to GND near pin. Tie to GND when using internal sense resistor. Motor coil B output 2 Analog reference voltage for current scaling or reference current for use of internal sense resistors (optional mode) Connect to GND. May alternatively be left open or connected to VREF. Output of internal 5V regulator. Attach 2.2µF to 4.7µF ceramic capacitor to GND near to pin for best performance. Provide the shortest possible loop to the GND pad. 3.3V to 5V IO supply voltage for all digital pins. Power down not control input (low = automatic standstill current reduction). (internal pull down resistor) Optional UART Input/Output. Power down function can be disabled in UART mode. Diagnostic output. Hi level upon driver error. Reset by ENN=high. Chopper mode selection: Low=stealthChop, High=spreadCycle DIR input (internal pull down resistor) Enable not input. The power stage becomes switched off (all motor outputs floating) when this pin becomes driven to a high level. STEP input (internal pull down resistor) Unused pin, leave open or connect to GND for compatibility to future versions. CLK input. Tie to GND using short wire for internal clock or supply external clock. Connect the exposed die pad to a GND plane. Provide as many as possible vias for heat transfer to GND plane. Serves as GND pin for power drivers and analogue circuitry. TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 12 6 23 5 24 4 25 3 26 2 27 1 20 9 © B. Dwersteg, TRINAMIC Pad=GND 10 11 18 19 8 21 22 TMC2225 HTSSOP28 7 17 12 16 13 15 14 CPO CPI VCP VS OA2 BRA OA1 OB1 BRB OB2 VS VREF TEST GND 28 2.7 Package Outline TMC2225 GND INDEX MS2 MS1 CLK STEP ENN DIR SPREAD DIAG PDN_UART VCC_IO 5VOUT Figure 2.4 TMC2225 Pinning Top View – type: HTSSOP28, 9.7x6.4mm² over pins, 0.65mm pitch 2.8 Signal Descriptions TMC2225 Pin CPO CPI VCP Number 1 2 3 VS 4, 11 OA2 5 BRA 6 OA1 OB1 7 8 BRB 9 OB2 10 VREF 12 TEST GND 13 14, 28 5VOUT 15 VCC_IO 16 PDN_UART 17 DIO (pd) DIAG SPREAD DIR 18 19 20 DO DI (pd) DI (pd) ENN 21 DI www.trinamic.com Type AI Function Charge pump capacitor output. Charge pump capacitor input. Tie to CPO using 22nF 50V capacitor. Charge pump voltage. Tie to VS using 100nF capacitor. Motor supply voltage. Provide filtering capacity near pin with shortest possible loop to GND pad. Motor coil A output 2 Sense resistor connection for coil A. Place sense resistor to GND near pin. Tie to GND when using internal sense resistor. Motor coil A output 1 Motor coil B output 1 Sense resistor connection for coil B. Place sense resistor to GND near pin. Tie to GND when using internal sense resistor. Motor coil B output 2 Analog reference voltage for current scaling or reference current for use of internal sense resistors (optional mode) Connect to GND. May alternatively be left open or connected to VREF. GND. Connect to GND plane near pin. Output of internal 5V regulator. Attach 2.2µF to 4.7µF ceramic capacitor to GND near to pin for best performance. Provide the shortest possible loop to the GND pad. 3.3V to 5V IO supply voltage for all digital pins. Power down not control input (low = automatic standstill current reduction). (internal pull down resistor) Optional UART Input/Output. Power down function can be disabled in UART mode. Diagnostic output. Hi level upon driver error. Reset by ENN=high. Chopper mode selection: Low=stealthChop, High=spreadCycle DIR input (internal pull down resistor) Enable not input. The power stage becomes switched off (all motor outputs floating) when this pin becomes driven to a high level. TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) Pin STEP Number 22 Type DI (pd) N.C. 23 CLK 24 DI MS1 MS2 INDEX 25 26 27 DI (pd) DI (pd) DO Exposed die pad - 13 Function STEP input (internal pull down resistor) Unused pin, leave open or connect to GND for compatibility to future versions. CLK input. Tie to GND using short wire for internal clock or supply external clock. Microstep resolution configuration (internal pull down resistors) MS2, MS1: 00: 1/4, 01: 1/8, 10: 1/16, 11: 1/32 Configurable index output. Provides index pulse. Connect the exposed die pad to a GND plane. Provide as many as possible vias for heat transfer to GND plane. Serves as GND pin for power drivers and analogue circuitry. BRB BRB - OB2 OB2 - - OA2 OA2 - BRA BRA 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 2.9 Package Outline TMC2220 OB1 1 36 OB1 2 35 OA1 OA1 - 3 34 - VS 4 33 VS VS 5 32 VS - 6 31 VCP - 7 30 CPI TEST 8 29 - TMC2220-TA TQFP-48 9mm x 9mm GND 9 28 CPO VCC_IO 10 27 GND PDN_UART 11 26 VREF 25 MS2 21 22 23 24 STEP INDEX CLK MS1 VCC_IO 19 ENN 20 18 5VIN 17 16 5VOUT DIR 15 SPREAD 14 - GND 12 13 DIAG Pad = GND Figure 2.5 TMC2220 Pinning Top View – type: TQFP-EP 48, 9x9mm² over pins, 0.5mm pitch 2.10 Signal Descriptions TMC2220 Pin OB1 VS TEST GND VCC_IO Number 1, 2 4, 5, 32, 33 8 9, 14, 27 10, 24 www.trinamic.com Type Function Motor coil B output 1 Motor supply voltage. Provide filtering capacity near pin with shortest possible loop to GND pad. Connect to GND. May alternatively be left open. GND. Connect to GND plane near pin. 3.3V to 5V IO supply voltage for all digital pins. TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) Pin Number Type PDN_UART 11 DIO (pd) 5VOUT 15 5VIN DIAG SPREAD DIR 16 12 17 18 DO DI (pd) DI (pd) ENN 19 DI STEP INDEX 20 21 DI (pd) DO CLK 22 DI MS1 MS2 23 25 DI (pd) DI (pd) VREF 26 AI CPO CPI VCP OA1 28 30 31 35, 36 BRA 37, 38 OA2 OB2 40, 41 44, 45 BRB 47, 48 N.C. Exposed die pad - www.trinamic.com 14 Function Power down not control input (low = automatic standstill current reduction). (internal pull down resistor) Optional UART Input/Output. Power down function can be disabled in UART mode. Output of internal 5V regulator. Attach 2.2µF to 4.7µF ceramic capacitor to GND near to pin for best performance. Provide the shortest possible loop to the GND pad. Input of 5V supply. Directly connect to 5VOUT terminal. Diagnostic output. Hi level upon driver error. Reset by ENN=high. Chopper mode selection: Low=stealthChop, High=spreadCycle DIR input (internal pull down resistor) Enable not input. The power stage becomes switched off (all motor outputs floating) when this pin becomes driven to a high level. STEP input (internal pull down resistor) Configurable index output. Provides index pulse. CLK input. Tie to GND using short wire for internal clock or supply external clock. Microstep resolution configuration (internal pull down resistors) MS2, MS1: 00: 1/4, 01: 1/8, 10: 1/16, 11: 1/32 Analog reference voltage for current scaling or reference current for use of internal sense resistors (optional mode) Charge pump capacitor output. Charge pump capacitor input. Tie to CPO using 22nF 50V capacitor. Charge pump voltage. Tie to VS using 100nF capacitor. Motor coil A output 1 Sense resistor connection for coil A. Place sense resistor to GND near pin. Tie to GND when using internal sense resistor. Motor coil A output 2 Motor coil B output 2 Sense resistor connection for coil B. Place sense resistor to GND near pin. Tie to GND when using internal sense resistor. Unused pin, leave open or connect to GND for compatibility to future versions. Connect the exposed die pad to a GND plane. Provide as many as possible vias for heat transfer to GND plane. Serves as GND pin for power drivers and analogue circuitry. TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 3 15 Sample Circuits The sample circuits show the connection of external components in different operation and supply modes. The connection of the bus interface and further digital signals is left out for clarity. STEP DIR 5V Voltage regulator Step&Dir input Analog Scaling (only TMC222x) PDN/UART B. Dwersteg, © TRINAMIC 2016 UART interface + Register Block Driver error Index pulse DIAG INDEX (not with TMC2202) opt. ext. clock 10-16MHz CLK_IN 3.3V or 5V I/O voltage VCC_IO 100µF VCP CPI Low ESR type OA1 Full Bridge A OA2 BRA stealthChop2 256 Microstep Sequencer 100n Driver Integrated Rsense N stepper motor RSA IREF Connect directly to GND plane Use low inductivity SMD type, e.g. 1206, 0.5W for RSA and RSB spreadCycle Programmable Diagnostic Outputs S OB1 Full Bridge B Trimmed CLK oscillator/ selector OB2 BRB RSB Connect directly to GND plane ENN 100n GND optional UART interface Configuration Interface 100n charge pump IREF Stand Still Current Reduction Configuration Memory (OTP) microPlyer MS2 SPREAD +VM VS VREF Configuration (GND or VCC_IO) 100n 16V TMC22xx Step Pulse Generator MS1 22n 50V DIE PAD Step and Direction motion control CPO 2.2µ 6.3V 5VOUT Place near IC with short path to die pad VREF Analog current scaling or leave open 3.1 Standard Application Circuit opt. driver enable Figure 3.1 Standard application circuit The standard application circuit uses a minimum set of additional components. Two sense resistors set the motor coil current. See chapter 8 to choose the right sense resistors. Use low ESR capacitors for filtering the power supply. The capacitors need to cope with the current ripple cause by chopper operation. A minimum capacity of 100µF near the driver is recommended for best performance. Current ripple in the supply capacitors also depends on the power supply internal resistance and cable length. VCC_IO can be supplied from 5VOUT, or from an external source, e.g. a 3.3V regulator. Basic layout hints Place sense resistors and all filter capacitors as close as possible to the related IC pins. Use a solid common GND for all GND connections, also for sense resistor GND. Connect 5VOUT filtering capacitor directly to 5VOUT and the die pad. See layout hints for more details. Low ESR electrolytic capacitors are recommended for VS filtering. 3.2 Internal RDSon Sensing For cost critical or space limited applications, sense resistors can be omitted. For internal current sensing, a reference current set by a tiny external resistor programs the output current. For calculation of the reference resistor, refer chapter 9.1. Attention Be sure to switch the IC to RDSon mode, before enabling drivers: Set otp_internalRsense = 1. www.trinamic.com STEP Step and Direction motion control DIR RREF 5V Voltage regulator Step&Dir input Configuration Interface (only TMC222x) PDN/UART B. Dwersteg, © TRINAMIC 2016 UART interface + Register Block DIAG INDEX (not with TMC2202) opt. ext. clock 10-16MHz CLK_IN 3.3V or 5V I/O voltage VCC_IO 256 Microstep Sequencer 100n 100µF charge pump IREF Low ESR type OA1 Full Bridge A OA2 BRA stealthChop2 microPlyer MS2 SPREAD Driver error +VM 100n Analog Scaling Stand Still Current Reduction Configuration Memory (OTP) MS1 Integrated Rsense Driver Programmable Diagnostic Outputs S N stepper motor Connect directly to GND plane IREF Attention: Start with ENN=high! Set GCONF.1 or OTP0.6 prior to enabling the driver! spreadCycle OB1 Full Bridge B OB2 Trimmed CLK oscillator/ selector BRB Connect directly to GND plane 100n GND ENN DIE PAD Index pulse 100n 16V VS VREF optional UART interface 22n 50V TMC22xx Step Pulse Generator Configuration (GND/open or VCC_IO) CPO VREF 5VOUT 2.2µ 6.3V VCP Place near IC with short path to die pad 16 CPI TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) opt. driver enable Figure 3.2 Application circuit using RDSon based sensing 3.3 5V Only Supply STEP DIR 5V Voltage regulator Step&Dir input Configuration Interface PDN/UART B. Dwersteg, © TRINAMIC 2016 UART interface + Register Block INDEX (not with TMC2202) opt. ext. clock 10-16MHz CLK_IN 3.3V or 5V I/O voltage VCC_IO 256 Microstep Sequencer 100n 100µF VCP CPI IREF Low ESR type OA1 Full Bridge A OA2 BRA Driver Integrated Rsense N stepper motor RSA IREF Connect directly to GND plane Use low inductivity SMD type, e.g. 1206, 0.5W for RSA and RSB spreadCycle Programmable Diagnostic Outputs S OB1 Full Bridge B Trimmed CLK oscillator/ selector OB2 BRB RSB Connect directly to GND plane ENN 100n GND Driver error 100n charge pump stealthChop2 microPlyer MS2 SPREAD (only TMC222x) Index pulse CPO Analog Scaling Stand Still Current Reduction Configuration Memory (OTP) MS1 DIAG 4.7-5.4V VS VREF optional UART interface 100n 16V TMC22xx Step Pulse Generator Configuration (GND/open or VCC_IO) 22n 50V DIE PAD Step and Direction motion control 5VOUT 10µ 6.3V VREF 10R Optional – bridges the internal 5V reference Place near IC with short path to die pad opt. driver enable Figure 3.3 5V only operation While the standard application circuit is limited to roughly 5.2 V lower supply voltage, a 5 V only application lets the IC run from a 5 V +/-5% supply. In this application, linear regulator drop must be www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 17 minimized. Therefore, the internal 5V regulator is filtered with a higher capacitance. An optional resistor bridges the internal 5V regulator by connecting 5VOUT to the external power supply. This RC filter keeps chopper ripple away from 5VOUT. With this resistor, the external supply is the reference for the absolute motor current and must not exceed 5.5V. 3.4 Configuration Pins The TMC22xx family members provide three or four configuration pins depending on the package option. These pins allow quick configuration for standalone operation. Several additional options can be set by OTP programming. In UART mode, the configuration pins can be disabled in order to set a different configuration via registers. PDN_UART: CONFIGURATION OF STANDSTILL POWER DOWN PDN_UART GND VCC_IO UART interface Current Setting Enable automatic power down in standstill periods Disable When using the UART interface, the configuration pin should be disabled via GCONF.pdn_disable = 1. Program IHOLD as desired for standstill periods. OPTIONS FOR TMC220X DEVICES, ONLY: MS1/MS2: CONFIGURATION OF MICROSTEP RESOLUTION FOR STEP INPUT (TMC220X) MS2 GND GND VCC_IO VCC_IO MS1 GND VCC_IO GND VCC_IO Microstep Setting 8 microsteps 2 microsteps (half step) 4 microsteps (quarter step) 16 microsteps OPTIONS FOR TMC222X DEVICES, ONLY: SPREAD (ONLY WITH TMC222X): SELECTION OF CHOPPER MODE SPREAD GND or Pin open / not available VCC_IO Chopper Setting stealthChop is selected. Automatic switching to spreadCycle in dependence of the step frequency can be programmed via OTP. spreadCycle operation. MS1/MS2: CONFIGURATION OF MICROSTEP RESOLUTION FOR STEP INPUT (TMC222X) MS2 GND GND VCC_IO VCC_IO MS1 GND VCC_IO GND VCC_IO Microstep Setting 4 microsteps (quarter step) 8 microsteps 16 microsteps 32 microsteps 3.5 High Motor Current When operating at a high motor current, the driver power dissipation due to MOSFET switch onresistance significantly heats up the driver. This power dissipation will significantly heat up the PCB cooling infrastructure, if operated at an increased duty cycle. This in turn leads to a further increase of driver temperature. An increase of temperature by about 100°C increases MOSFET resistance by roughly 50%. This is a typical behavior of MOSFET switches. Therefore, under high duty cycle, high load conditions, thermal characteristics have to be carefully taken into account, especially when increased environment temperatures are to be supported. Refer the thermal characteristics and the layout hints for more information. As a thumb rule, thermal properties of the PCB design become www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 18 critical for the tiny QFN 5mm x 5mm package at or above 1A RMS motor current for increased periods of time. Keep in mind that resistive power dissipation raises with the square of the motor current. On the other hand, this means that a small reduction of motor current significantly saves heat dissipation and energy. Pay special attention to good thermal properties of your PCB layout, when going for 1A RMS current or more. An effect which might be perceived at medium motor velocities and motor sine wave peak currents above roughly 1.4A peak is a slight sine distortion of the current wave when using spreadCycle. It results from an increasing negative impact of parasitic internal diode conduction, which in turn negatively influences the duration of the fast decay cycle of the spreadCycle chopper. This is, because the current measurement does not see the full coil current during this phase of the sine wave, because an increasing part of the current flows directly from the power MOSFETs’ drain to GND and does not flow through the sense resistor. This effect with most motors does not negatively influence the smoothness of operation, as it does not impact the critical current zero transition. The effect does not occur with stealthChop. 3.6 Driver Protection and EME Circuitry Some applications have to cope with ESD events caused by motor operation or external influence. Despite ESD circuitry within the driver chips, ESD events occurring during operation can cause a reset or even a destruction of the motor driver, depending on their energy. Especially plastic housings and belt drive systems tend to cause ESD events of several kV. It is best practice to avoid ESD events by attaching all conductive parts, especially the motors themselves to PCB ground, or to apply electrically conductive plastic parts. In addition, the driver can be protected up to a certain degree against ESD events or live plugging / pulling the motor, which also causes high voltages and high currents into the motor connector terminals. A simple scheme uses capacitors at the driver outputs to reduce the dV/dt caused by ESD events. Larger capacitors will bring more benefit concerning ESD suppression, but cause additional current flow in each chopper cycle, and thus increase driver power dissipation, especially at high supply voltages. The values shown are example values – they may be varied between 100pF and 1nF. The capacitors also dampen high frequency noise injected from digital parts of the application PCB circuitry and thus reduce electromagnetic emission. A more elaborate scheme uses LC filters to de-couple the driver outputs from the motor connector. Varistors in between of the coil terminals eliminate coil overvoltage caused by live plugging. Optionally protect all outputs by a varistor to GND against ESD voltage. 470pF 100V OA1 Full Bridge A OA1 OA2 S N stepper motor Full Bridge A 50Ohm @ 100MHz V1A V1 OA2 50Ohm @ 100MHz 470pF 100V BRA Driver RSA 470pF 100V S N stepper motor V1B 470pF 100V Driver 100nF 16V 470pF 100V OB1 Full Bridge B OB1 Full Bridge B OB2 50Ohm @ 100MHz V2A V2 OB2 50Ohm @ 100MHz 470pF 100V BRB RSB 100nF 16V 470pF 100V Fit varistors to supply voltage rating. SMD inductivities conduct full motor coil current. Figure 3.4 Simple ESD enhancement and more elaborate motor output protection www.trinamic.com V2B 470pF 100V Varistors V1 and V2 protect against inductive motor coil overvoltage. V1A, V1B, V2A, V2B: Optional position for varistors in case of heavy ESD events. TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 4 19 UART Single Wire Interface UART The UART single wire interface allows control of the TMC22xx with any microcontroller UART. It shares transmit and receive line like an RS485 based interface. Data transmission is secured using a cyclic redundancy check, so that increased interface distances (e.g. over cables between two PCBs) can be bridged without danger of wrong or missed commands even in the event of electro-magnetic disturbance. The automatic baud rate detection makes this interface easy to use. 4.1 Datagram Structure 4.1.1 Write Access UART WRITE ACCESS DATAGRAM STRUCTURE each byte is LSB…MSB, highest byte transmitted first 0 … 63 8 bit slave RW + 7 bit sync + reserved 32 bit data address register addr. 56…63 63 … CRC 56 55 … 24…55 data bytes 3, 2, 1, 0 (high to low byte) 24 1 23 … 16…23 register address 16 15 3 … 2 SLAVEADDR=0 8 1 7 0 6 1 5 0 8…15 Reserved (don’t cares but included in CRC) 4 1 0 0…7 CRC A sync nibble precedes each transmission to and from the TMC22xx and is embedded into the first transmitted byte, followed by an addressing byte (0 for TMC22xx). Each transmission allows a synchronization of the internal baud rate divider to the master clock. The actual baud rate is adapted and variations of the internal clock frequency are compensated. Thus, the baud rate can be freely chosen within the valid range. Each transmitted byte starts with a start bit (logic 0, low level on SWIOP) and ends with a stop bit (logic 1, high level on SWIOP). The bit time is calculated by measuring the time from the beginning of start bit (1 to 0 transition) to the end of the sync frame (1 to 0 transition from bit 2 to bit 3). All data is transmitted bytewise. The 32 bit data words are transmitted with the highest byte first. A minimum baud rate of 9000 baud is permissible, assuming 20 MHz clock (worst case for low baud rate). Maximum baud rate is fCLK/16 due to the required stability of the baud clock. The slave address SLAVEADDR is always 0 for the TMC22xx. The communication becomes reset if a pause time of longer than 63 bit times between the start bits of two successive bytes occurs. This timing is based on the last correctly received datagram. In this case, the transmission needs to be restarted after a failure recovery time of minimum 12 bit times of bus idle time. This scheme allows the master to reset communication in case of transmission errors. Any pulse on an idle data line below 16 clock cycles will be treated as a glitch and leads to a timeout of 12 bit times, for which the data line must be idle. Other errors like wrong CRC are also treated the same way. This allows a safe re-synchronization of the transmission after any error conditions. Remark, that due to this mechanism an abrupt reduction of the baud rate to less than 15 percent of the previous value is not possible. Each accepted write datagram becomes acknowledged by the receiver by incrementing an internal cyclic datagram counter (8 bit). Reading out the datagram counter allows the master to check the success of an initialization sequence or single write accesses. Read accesses do not modify the counter. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 20 The UART line must be logic high during idle state. Therefore, the power down function cannot be assigned by the pin PDN_UART in between of transmissions. In an application using the UART interface, set the desired power down function by register access and set pdn_disable in GCONF to disable the pin function. 4.1.2 Read Access UART READ ACCESS REQUEST DATAGRAM STRUCTURE each byte is LSB…MSB, highest byte transmitted first sync + reserved 8 bit slave address RW + 7 bit register address CRC 0...7 8…15 16…23 24…31 31 … CRC 24 0 23 … 16 register address 15 3 … 2 SLAVEADDR=0 8 1 7 0 6 1 5 0 4 1 0 Reserved (don’t cares but included in CRC) The read access request datagram structure is identical to the write access datagram structure, but uses a lower number of user bits. Its function is the addressing of the slave and the transmission of the desired register address for the read access. The TMC22xx responds with the same baud rate as the master uses for the read request. In order to ensure a clean bus transition from the master to the slave, the TMC22xx does not immediately send the reply to a read access, but it uses a programmable delay time after which the first reply byte becomes sent following a read request. This delay time can be set in multiples of eight bit times using SENDDELAY time setting (default=8 bit times) according to the needs of the master. UART READ ACCESS REPLY DATAGRAM STRUCTURE each byte is LSB…MSB, highest byte transmitted first 24…55 data bytes 3, 2, 1, 0 (high to low byte) 56…63 … CRC 56 55 CRC … 32 bit data 24 0 23 … 15 3 … 2 16…23 register address 0xFF 8 1 reserved (0) 7 0 6 1 5 0 8…15 4 1 0 0…7 16 sync + reserved 63 0 ...... 63 8 bit master RW + 7 bit address register addr. The read response is sent to the master using address code %11111111. The transmitter becomes switched inactive four bit times after the last bit is sent. Address %11111111 is reserved for read access replies going to the master. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 21 4.2 CRC Calculation An 8 bit CRC polynomial is used for checking both read and write access. It allows detection of up to eight single bit errors. The CRC8-ATM polynomial with an initial value of zero is applied LSB to MSB, including the sync- and addressing byte. The sync nibble is assumed to always be correct. The TMC22xx responds only to correctly transmitted datagrams containing its own slave address. It increases its datagram counter for each correctly received write access datagram. 𝐶𝑅𝐶 = 𝑥 8 + 𝑥 2 + 𝑥 1 + 𝑥 0 SERIAL CALCULATION EXAMPLE CRC = (CRC 750Hz (roughly). TSTEP shows filtered step time values when active. 9 test_mode 0: Normal operation 1: Enable analog test output on pin ENN (pull down resistor off), ENN treated as enabled. IHOLD[1..0] selects the function of DCO: 0…2: T120, DAC, VDDH Attention: Not for user, set to 0 for normal operation! TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 25 GENERAL CONFIGURATION REGISTERS (0X00…0X0F) R/W Addr n Register R+ WC 0x01 3 GSTAT R 0x02 8 IFCNT W 0x03 4 SLAVECONF W 0x04 16 OTP_PROG R 0x05 24 OTP_READ R 0x06 10 + 8 IOIN www.trinamic.com Description / bit names Bit GSTAT – Global status flags (Re-Write with ‘1’ bit to clear respective flags) 0 reset 1: Indicates that the IC has been reset since the last read access to GSTAT. All registers have been cleared to reset values. 1 drv_err 1: Indicates, that the driver has been shut down due to overtemperature or short circuit detection since the last read access. Read DRV_STATUS for details. The flag can only be cleared when all error conditions are cleared. 2 uv_cp 1: Indicates an undervoltage on the charge pump. The driver is disabled in this case. This flag is not latched and thus does not need to be cleared. Interface transmission counter. This register becomes incremented with each successful UART interface write access. Read out to check the serial transmission for lost data. Read accesses do not change the content. The counter wraps around from 255 to 0. Bit SLAVECONF 11..8 SENDDELAY for read access (time until reply is sent): 0, 1: 8 bit times 2, 3: 3*8 bit times 4, 5: 5*8 bit times 6, 7: 7*8 bit times 8, 9: 9*8 bit times 10, 11: 11*8 bit times 12, 13: 13*8 bit times 14, 15: 15*8 bit times Bit OTP_PROGRAM – OTP programming Write access programs OTP memory (one bit at a time), Read access refreshes read data from OTP after a write 2..0 OTPBIT Selection of OTP bit to be programmed to the selected byte location (n=0..7: programs bit n to a logic 1) 5..4 OTPBYTE Selection of OTP programming location (0, 1 or 2) 15..8 OTPMAGIC Set to 0xbd to enable programming. A programming time of minimum 10ms per bit is recommended (check by reading OTP_READ). Bit OTP_READ (Access to OTP memory result and update) See separate table! 7..0 OTP0 byte 0 read data 15..8 OTP1 byte 1 read data 23..16 OTP2 byte 2 read data Bit INPUT (Reads the state of all input pins available) 0 ENN (TMC220x) 1 PDN_UART (TMC222x) 2 MS1 (TMC220x), SPREAD (TMC222x) 3 MS2 (TMC220x), DIR (TMC222x) TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 26 GENERAL CONFIGURATION REGISTERS (0X00…0X0F) R/W RW Addr 0x07 n Register 5+2 FACTORY_ CONF www.trinamic.com Description / bit names 4 DIAG (TMC220x), ENN (TMC222x) 5 STEP (TMC222x) 6 PDN_UART (TMC220x), MS1 (TMC222x) 7 STEP (TMC220x), MS2 (TMC222x) 8 SEL_A: Driver type 1: TMC220x 0: TMC222x 9 DIR (TMC220x) 31.. VERSION: 0x20=first version of the IC 24 Identical numbers mean full digital compatibility. 4..0 FCLKTRIM (Reset default: OTP) 0…31: Lowest to highest clock frequency. Check at charge pump output. The frequency span is not guaranteed, but it is tested, that tuning to 12MHz internal clock is possible. The devices come preset to 12MHz clock frequency by OTP programming. 9..8 OTTRIM (Default: OTP) %00: OT=143°C, OTPW=120°C %01: OT=150°C, OTPW=120°C %10: OT=150°C, OTPW=143°C %11: OT=157°C, OTPW=143°C TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 5.1.1 27 OTP_READ – OTP configuration memory The OTP memory holds power up defaults for certain registers. All OTP memory bits are cleared to 0 by default. Programming only can set bits, clearing bits is not possible. Factory tuning of the clock frequency affects otp0.0 to otp0.4. The state of these bits therefore may differ between individual ICs. 0X05: OTP_READ – OTP MEMORY MAP Bit 23 Name otp2.7 Function otp_en_spreadCycle 22 21 otp2.6 otp2.5 OTP_IHOLD 20 19 otp2.4 otp2.3 OTP_IHOLDDELAY 18 otp2.2 otp_PWM_FREQ 17 otp2.1 otp_PWM_REG 16 otp2.0 otp_PWM_OFS 15 14 13 otp1.7 otp1.6 otp1.5 OTP_CHOPCONF8 OTP_TPWMTHRS OTP_CHOPCONF7...5 12 otp1.4 www.trinamic.com otp_pwm_autograd Comment This flag determines if the driver defaults to spreadCycle or to stealthChop. 0 Default: stealthChop (GCONF.en_spreadCycle=0) OTP 1.0 to 1.7 and 2.0 used for stealthChop spreadCycle settings: HEND=0; HSTART=5; TOFF=3 1 Default: spreadCycle (GCONF.en_spreadCycle=1) OTP 1.0 to 1.7 and 2.0 used for spreadCycle stealthChop settings: PWM_GRAD=0; TPWM_THRS=0; PWM_OFS=36; pwm_autograd=1 Reset default for standstill current IHOLD (used only if current reduction enabled, e.g. pin PDN_UART low). %00: IHOLD= 16 (53% of IRUN) %01: IHOLD= 2 ( 9% of IRUN) %10: IHOLD= 8 (28% of IRUN) %11: IHOLD= 24 (78% of IRUN) (Reset default for run current IRUN=31) Reset default for IHOLDDELAY %00: IHOLDDELAY= 1 %01: IHOLDDELAY= 2 %10: IHOLDDELAY= 4 %11: IHOLDDELAY= 8 Reset default for PWM_FREQ: 0: PWM_FREQ=%01=2/683 1: PWM_FREQ=%10=2/512 Reset default for PWM_REG: 0: PWM_REG=%1000: max. 4 increments / cycle 1: PWM_REG=%0010: max. 1 increment / cycle Depending on otp_en_spreadCycle 0 0: PWM_OFS=36 1: PWM_OFS=00 (no feed forward scaling); pwm_autograd=0 1 Reset default for CHOPCONF.8 (hend1) Depending on otp_en_spreadCycle 0 Reset default for TPWM_THRS as defined by (0..7): 0: TPWM_THRS= 0 1: TPWM_THRS= 200 2: TPWM_THRS= 300 3: TPWM_THRS= 400 4: TPWM_THRS= 500 5: TPWM_THRS= 800 6: TPWM_THRS= 1200 7: TPWM_THRS= 4000 1 Reset default for CHOPCONF.5 to CHOPCONF.7 (hstrt1, hstrt2 and hend0) Depending on otp_en_spreadCycle 0 0: pwm_autograd=1 1: pwm_autograd=0 TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 28 0X05: OTP_READ – OTP MEMORY MAP Bit Name Function OTP_CHOPCONF4 11 10 9 8 otp1.3 otp1.2 otp1.1 otp1.0 OTP_PWM_GRAD 7 otp0.7 OTP_CHOPCONF3...0 otp_TBL 6 otp0.6 otp_internalRsense 5 otp0.5 otp_OTTRIM 4 3 2 1 0 otp0.4 otp0.3 otp0.2 otp0.1 otp0.0 OTP_FCLKTRIM www.trinamic.com Comment 1 Reset default for CHOPCONF.4 (hstrt0); (pwm_autograd=1) Depending on otp_en_spreadCycle 0 Reset default for PWM_GRAD as defined by (0..15): 0: PWM_GRAD= 14 1: PWM_GRAD= 16 2: PWM_GRAD= 18 3: PWM_GRAD= 21 4: PWM_GRAD= 24 5: PWM_GRAD= 27 6: PWM_GRAD= 31 7: PWM_GRAD= 35 8: PWM_GRAD= 40 9: PWM_GRAD= 46 10: PWM_GRAD= 52 11: PWM_GRAD= 59 12: PWM_GRAD= 67 13: PWM_GRAD= 77 14: PWM_GRAD= 88 15: PWM_GRAD= 100 1 Reset default for CHOPCONF.0 to CHOPCONF.3 (TOFF) Reset default for TBL: 0: TBL=%10 1: TBL=%01 Reset default for GCONF.internal_Rsense 0: External sense resistors 1: Internal sense resistors Reset default for OTTRIM: 0: OTTRIM= %00 (143°C) 1: OTTRIM= %01 (150°C) (internal power stage temperature about 10°C above the sensor temperature limit) Reset default for FCLKTRIM 0: lowest frequency setting 31: highest frequency setting Attention: This value is pre-programmed by factory clock trimming to the default clock frequency of 12MHz and differs between individual ICs! It should not be altered. TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 29 5.2 Velocity Dependent Control VELOCITY DEPENDENT DRIVER FEATURE CONTROL REGISTER SET (0X10…0X1F) R/W Addr n Register W 0x10 5 + 5 + 4 Description / bit names Bit IHOLD_IRUN – Driver current control 4..0 IHOLD (Reset default: OTP) Standstill current (0=1/32 … 31=32/32) In combination with stealthChop mode, setting IHOLD=0 allows to choose freewheeling or coil short circuit (passive braking) for motor stand still. 12..8 IRUN (Reset default=31) Motor run current (0=1/32 … 31=32/32) IHOLD_IRUN W 0x11 8 TPOWER DOWN Hint: Choose sense resistors in a way, that normal IRUN is 16 to 31 for best microstep performance. 19..16 IHOLDDELAY (Reset default: OTP) Controls the number of clock cycles for motor power down after standstill is detected (stst=1) and TPOWERDOWN has expired. The smooth transition avoids a motor jerk upon power down. 0: instant power down 1..15: Delay per current reduction step in multiple of 2^18 clocks TPOWERDOWN (Reset default=20) Sets the delay time from stand still (stst) detection to motor current power down. Time range is about 0 to 5.6 seconds. 0…((2^8)-1) * 2^18 tCLK Attention: A minimum setting of 2 is required to allow automatic tuning of stealthChop PWM_OFFS_AUTO. Actual measured time between two 1/256 microsteps derived from the step input frequency in units of 1/fCLK. Measured value is (2^20)-1 in case of overflow or stand still. R 0x12 20 TSTEP W 0x13 20 TPWMTHRS W 0x22 24 VACTUAL www.trinamic.com The TSTEP related threshold uses a hysteresis of 1/16 of the compare value to compensate for jitter in the clock or the step frequency: (Txxx*15/16)-1 is the lower compare value for each TSTEP based comparison. This means, that the lower switching velocity equals the calculated setting, but the upper switching velocity is higher as defined by the hysteresis setting. Sets the upper velocity for stealthChop voltage PWM mode. TSTEP ≥ TPWMTHRS - stealthChop PWM mode is enabled, if configured When the velocity exceeds the limit set by TPWMTHRS, the driver switches to spreadCycle. 0: Disabled VACTUAL allows moving the motor by UART control. It gives the motor velocity in +-(2^23)-1 [µsteps / t] 0: Normal operation. Driver reacts to STEP input. /=0: Motor moves with the velocity given by VACTUAL. Step pulses can be monitored via INDEX output. The motor direction is controlled by the sign of VACTUAL. TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 30 5.3 Sequencer Registers The sequencer registers have a pure informative character and are read-only. They help for special cases like storing the last motor position before power off in battery powered applications. MICROSTEPPING CONTROL REGISTER SET (0X60…0X6B) R/W Addr n Register R 0x6A 10 MSCNT R 0x6B 9 + 9 www.trinamic.com MSCURACT Description / bit names Microstep counter. Indicates actual position in the microstep table for CUR_A. CUR_B uses an offset of 256 into the table. Reading out MSCNT allows determination of the motor position within the electrical wave. bit 8… 0: CUR_A (signed): Actual microstep current for motor phase A as read from the internal sine wave table (not scaled by current setting) bit 24… 16: CUR_B (signed): Actual microstep current for motor phase B as read from the internal sine wave table (not scaled by current setting) Range [Unit] 0…1023 +/-0...255 TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 31 5.4 Chopper Control Registers DRIVER REGISTER SET (0X6C…0X7F) R/W Addr n Register RW 0x6C 32 CHOPCONF R 0x6F 32 DRV_ STATUS RW 0x70 22 PWMCONF R R 0x71 0x72 9+8 8+8 www.trinamic.com PWM_SCALE PWM_AUTO Description / bit names Chopper and driver configuration See separate table! Driver status flags and current level read back See separate table! stealthChop PWM chopper configuration See separate table! Results of stealthChop amplitude regulator. These values can be used to monitor automatic PWM amplitude scaling (255=max. voltage). bit 7… 0 PWM_SCALE_SUM: Actual PWM duty cycle. This value is used for scaling the values CUR_A and CUR_B read from the sine wave table. bit 24… 16 PWM_SCALE_AUTO: 9 Bit signed offset added to the calculated PWM duty cycle. This is the result of the automatic amplitude regulation based on current measurement. These automatically generated values can be read out in order to determine a default / power up setting for PWM_GRAD and PWM_OFS. bit 7… 0 PWM_OFS_AUTO: Automatically determined offset value bit 23… 16 PWM_GRAD_AUTO: Automatically determined gradient value Range [Unit] Reset default= 0x10000053 Reset default= 0xC10D0024 0…255 signed -255…+255 0…255 0…255 TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 5.4.1 32 CHOPCONF – Chopper Configuration 0X6C: CHOPCONF – CHOPPER CONFIGURATION Bit 31 Name diss2vs 30 diss2g 29 dedge 28 intpol interpolation to 256 microsteps 27 26 25 24 mres3 mres2 mres1 mres0 MRES micro step resolution 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 - reserved vsense 16 15 tbl1 tbl0 sense resistor voltage based current scaling TBL blank time select 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 - reserved hend3 hend2 hend1 hend0 HEND hysteresis low value OFFSET sine wave offset 6 5 4 hstrt2 hstrt1 hstrt0 HSTRT hysteresis start value added to HEND www.trinamic.com Function Low side short protection disable short to GND protection disable enable double edge step pulses Comment 0: Short protection low side is on 1: Short protection low side is disabled 0: Short to GND protection is on 1: Short to GND protection is disabled 1: Enable step impulse at each step edge to reduce step frequency requirement. This mode is not compatible with the step filtering function (multistep_filt) 1: The actual microstep resolution (MRES) becomes extrapolated to 256 microsteps for smoothest motor operation. (Default: 1) %0000: Native 256 microstep setting. %0001 … %1000: 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, FULLSTEP Reduced microstep resolution. The resolution gives the number of microstep entries per sine quarter wave. When choosing a lower microstep resolution, the driver automatically uses microstep positions which result in a symmetrical wave. Number of microsteps per step pulse = 2^MRES (Selection by pins unless disabled by GCONF. mstep_reg_select) set to 0 0: Low sensitivity, high sense resistor voltage 1: High sensitivity, low sense resistor voltage %00 … %11: Set comparator blank time to 16, 24, 32 or 40 clocks Hint: %00 or %01 is recommended for most applications (Default: OTP) set to 0 %0000 … %1111: Hysteresis is -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, …, 12 (1/512 of this setting adds to current setting) This is the hysteresis value which becomes used for the hysteresis chopper. (Default: OTP, resp. 5 in stealthChop mode) %000 … %111: Add 1, 2, …, 8 to hysteresis low value HEND (1/512 of this setting adds to current setting) Attention: Effective HEND+HSTRT ≤ 16. Hint: Hysteresis decrement is done each 16 clocks TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 0X6C: CHOPCONF – CHOPPER CONFIGURATION Bit Name Function Comment (Default: OTP, resp. 0 in stealthChop mode) 3 2 1 0 toff3 toff2 toff1 toff0 TOFF off time and driver enable Off time setting controls duration of slow decay phase NCLK= 12 + 32*TOFF %0000: Driver disable, all bridges off %0001: 1 – use only with TBL ≥ 2 %0010 … %1111: 2 … 15 (Default: OTP, resp. 3 in stealthChop mode) www.trinamic.com 33 TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 5.4.2 34 PWMCONF – Voltage PWM Mode stealthChop 0X70: PWMCONF – VOLTAGE MODE PWM STEALTHCHOP Bit 31 30 29 28 Name PWM_LIM Function PWM automatic scale amplitude limit when switching on 27 26 25 24 PWM_REG Regulation loop gradient 23 22 21 20 freewheel1 freewheel0 reserved reserved Allows different standstill modes 19 pwm_ autograd PWM automatic gradient adaptation 18 pwm_ autoscale PWM automatic amplitude scaling 17 pwm_freq1 PWM frequency www.trinamic.com Comment Limit for PWM_SCALE_AUTO when switching back from spreadCycle to stealthChop. This value defines the upper limit for bits 7 to 4 of the automatic current control when switching back. It can be set to reduce the current jerk during mode change back to stealthChop. It does not limit PWM_GRAD or PWM_GRAD_AUTO offset. (Default = 12) User defined maximum PWM amplitude change per half wave when using pwm_autoscale=1. (1…15): 1: 0.5 increments (slowest regulation) 2: 1 increment (default with OTP2.1=1) 3: 1.5 increments 4: 2 increments … 8: 4 increments (default with OTP2.1=0) ... 15: 7.5 increments (fastest regulation) set to 0 set to 0 Stand still option when motor current setting is zero (I_HOLD=0). %00: Normal operation %01: Freewheeling %10: Coil shorted using LS drivers %11: Coil shorted using HS drivers 0 Fixed value for PWM_GRAD (PWM_GRAD_AUTO = PWM_GRAD) 1 Automatic tuning (only with pwm_autoscale=1) PWM_GRAD_AUTO is initialized with PWM_GRAD and becomes optimized automatically during motion. Preconditions 1. PWM_OFS_AUTO has been automatically initialized. This requires standstill at IRUN for >130ms in order to a) detect standstill b) wait > 128 chopper cycles at IRUN and c) regulate PWM_OFS_AUTO so that -1 < PWM_SCALE_AUTO < 1 2. Motor running and 1.5 * PWM_OFS_AUTO < PWM_SCALE_SUM < 4* PWM_OFS_AUTO and PWM_SCALE_SUM < 255. Time required for tuning PWM_GRAD_AUTO About 8 fullsteps per change of +/-1. 0 User defined feed forward PWM amplitude. The current settings IRUN and IHOLD have no influence! The resulting PWM amplitude (limited to 0…255) is: PWM_OFS * ((CS_ACTUAL+1) / 32) + PWM_GRAD * 256 / TSTEP 1 Enable automatic current control (Reset default) %00: fPWM=2/1024 fCLK TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 35 0X70: PWMCONF – VOLTAGE MODE PWM STEALTHCHOP Bit 16 Name pwm_freq0 Function selection 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 PWM_ GRAD User defined amplitude gradient 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PWM_ OFS User defined amplitude (offset) Comment %01: fPWM=2/683 fCLK %10: fPWM=2/512 fCLK %11: fPWM=2/410 fCLK Velocity dependent gradient for PWM amplitude: PWM_GRAD * 256 / TSTEP This value is added to PWM_AMPL to compensate for the velocity-dependent motor back-EMF. With automatic scaling (pwm_autoscale=1) the value is used for first initialization, only. Set PWM_GRAD to the application specific value (it can be read out from PWM_GRAD_AUTO) to speed up the automatic tuning process. An approximate value can be stored to OTP by programming OTP_PWM_GRAD. User defined PWM amplitude offset (0-255) related to full motor current (CS_ACTUAL=31) in stand still. (Reset default=36) When using automatic scaling (pwm_autoscale=1) the value is used for initialization, only. The autoscale function starts with PWM_SCALE_AUTO=PWM_OFS and finds the required offset to yield the target current automatically. PWM_OFS = 0 will disable scaling down motor current below a motor specific lower measurement threshold. This setting should only be used under certain conditions, i.e. when the power supply voltage can vary up and down by a factor of two or more. It prevents the motor going out of regulation, but it also prevents power down below the regulation limit. PWM_OFS > 0 allows automatic scaling to low PWM duty cycles even below the lower regulation threshold. This allows low (standstill) current settings based on the actual (hold) current scale (register IHOLD_IRUN). www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 5.4.3 36 DRV_STATUS – Driver Status Flags 0X6F: DRV_STATUS – DRIVER STATUS FLAGS AND CURRENT LEVEL READ BACK Bit 31 Name stst Function standstill indicator 30 stealth stealthChop indicator 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 - reserved Comment This flag indicates motor stand still in each operation mode. This occurs 2^20 clocks after the last step pulse. 1: Driver operates in stealthChop mode 0: Driver operates in spreadCycle mode Ignore these bits. - reserved Ignore these bits. CS_ ACTUAL actual motor current / smart energy current Actual current control scaling, for monitoring the function of the automatic current scaling. - reserved Ignore these bits. t157 t150 t143 t120 olb 6 ola 5 s2vsb 4 s2vsa 3 s2gb 2 s2ga 1 ot 157°C comparator 150°C comparator 143°C comparator 120°C comparator open load indicator phase B open load indicator phase A low side short indicator phase B low side short indicator phase A short to ground indicator phase B short to ground indicator phase A overtemperature flag 0 otpw 1: Temperature threshold is exceeded 1: Temperature threshold is exceeded 1: Temperature threshold is exceeded 1: Temperature threshold is exceeded 1: Open load detected on phase A or B. Hint: This is just an informative flag. The driver takes no action upon it. False detection may occur in fast motion and standstill. Check during slow motion, only. 1: Short on low-side MOSFET detected on phase A or B. The driver becomes disabled. The flags stay active, until the driver is disabled by software (TOFF=0) or by the ENN input. Flags are separate for both chopper modes. 1: Short to GND detected on phase A or B. The driver becomes disabled. The flags stay active, until the driver is disabled by software (TOFF=0) or by the ENN input. Flags are separate for both chopper modes. 1: The selected overtemperature limit has been reached. Drivers become disabled until otpw is also cleared due to cooling down of the IC. The overtemperature flag is common for both bridges. 1: The selected overtemperature pre-warning threshold is exceeded. The overtemperature pre-warning flag is common for both bridges. www.trinamic.com overtemperature prewarning flag TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 6 37 stealthChop™ stealthChop is an extremely quiet mode of operation for stepper motors. It is based on a voltage mode PWM. In case of standstill and at low velocities, the motor is absolutely noiseless. Thus, stealthChop operated stepper motor applications are very suitable for indoor or home use. The motor operates absolutely free of vibration at low velocities. With stealthChop, the motor current is applied by driving a certain effective voltage into the coil, using a voltage mode PWM. With the enhanced stealthChop2, the driver automatically adapts to the application for best performance. No more configurations are required. Optional configuration allows for tuning the setting in special cases, or for storing initial values for the automatic adaptation algorithm. For high velocity drives spreadCycle should be considered in combination with stealthChop. Figure 6.1 Motor coil sine wave current with stealthChop (measured with current probe) 6.1 Automatic Tuning stealthChop2 integrates an automatic tuning procedure (AT), which adapts the most important operating parameters to the motor automatically. This way, stealthChop2 allows high motor dynamics and supports powering down the motor to very low currents. Just two steps have to be respected by the motion controller for best results: Start with the motor in standstill, but powered with nominal run current (AT#1). Move the motor at a medium velocity, e.g. as part of a homing procedure (AT#2). Figure 6.2 shows the tuning procedure. Border conditions in for AT#1 and AT#2 are shown in the following table: AUTOMATIC TUNING TIMING AND BORDER CONDITIONS Step AT#1 Parameter PWM_ OFS_AUTO AT#2 PWM_ GRAD_AUTO www.trinamic.com Conditions - Motor in standstill and actual current scale (CS) is identical to run current (IRUN). - If standstill reduction is enabled (pin PDN_UART=0), an initial step pulse switches the drive back to run current. - Pins VS and VREF at operating level. - Motor must move at a velocity, where a significant amount of back EMF is generated and where the full run current can be reached. Conditions: - 1.5 * PWM_OFS_AUTO < PWM_SCALE_SUM < 4 * PWM_OFS_AUTO - PWM_SCALE_SUM < 255. Hint: A typical range is 60-300 RPM. Determine best conditions with the evaluation board. Duration ≤ 2^20+2*2^18 tCLK, ≤ 130ms (with internal clock) 8 fullsteps are required for a change of +/-1. For a typical motor with PWM_GRAD_AUTO optimum at 64 or less, up to 400 fullsteps are required when starting from OTP default 14. TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 38 Power Up PWM_GRAD_AUTO becomes initialized by OTP Driver Enabled? N Y Stand still N Y N AT#1 Driver Enabled? Standstill reduction enabled? Y Issue (at least) a single step pulse and stop again, to power motor to run current stealthChop2 regulates to nominal current and stores result to PWM_OFS_AUTO (Requires stand still for >130ms) PWM_ GRAD_AUTO stored in OTP? Y N AT#2 Homing Move the motor, e.g. for homing. Include a constant, medium velocity ramp segment. stealthChop2 regulates to nominal current and optimizes PWM_GRAD_AUTO (requires 8 fullsteps per change of 1, typically a few 100 fullsteps in sum) Ready stealthChop2 settings are optimized! Option with UART Store PWM_GRAD_AUTO or write to OTP for faster tuning procedure stealthChop2 keeps tuning during subsequent motion and stand still periods adapting to motor heating, supply variations, etc. Figure 6.2 stealthChop2 automatic tuning procedure Attention: Modifying VREF or the supply voltage VS invalidates the result of the automatic tuning process. Motor current regulation cannot compensate significant changes until next AT#1 phase. Automatic tuning adapts to changed conditions whenever AT#1 and AT#2 conditions are fulfilled in the later operation. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 39 6.2 stealthChop Options UART In order to match the motor current to a certain level, the effective PWM voltage becomes scaled depending on the actual motor velocity. Several additional factors influence the required voltage level to drive the motor at the target current: The motor resistance, its back EMF (i.e. directly proportional to its velocity) as well as the actual level of the supply voltage. Two modes of PWM regulation are provided: The automatic tuning mode (AT) using current feedback (pwm_autoscale = 1, pwm_autograd = 1) and a feed forward velocity controlled mode (pwm_autoscale = 0). The feed forward velocity controlled mode will not react to a change of the supply voltage or to events like a motor stall, but it provides very stable amplitude. It does not use nor require any means of current measurement. This is perfect when motor type and supply voltage are well known. Therefore we recommend the automatic mode, unless current regulation is not satisfying in the given operating conditions. It is recommended to operate in automatic tuning mode. Non-automatic mode (pwm_autoscale=0) should be taken into account only with well-known motor and operating conditions. In this case, programming via the UART interface is required. The operating parameters PWM_GRAD and PWM_OFS can be determined in automatic tuning mode initially. Hint: In non-automatic mode the power supply current directly reflects mechanical load on the motor. The stealthChop PWM frequency can be chosen in four steps in order to adapt the frequency divider to the frequency of the clock source. A setting in the range of 20-50kHz is good for most applications. It balances low current ripple and good higher velocity performance vs. dynamic power dissipation. CHOICE OF PWM FREQUENCY FOR STEALTHCHOP Clock frequency fCLK PWM_FREQ=%00 fPWM=2/1024 fCLK 18MHz 16MHz 12MHz (internal) 10MHz 8MHz 35.2kHz 31.3kHz 23.4kHz 19.5kHz 15.6kHz PWM_FREQ=%01 fPWM=2/683 fCLK (default) 52.7kHz 46.9kHz 35.1kHz 29.3kHz 23.4kHz PWM_FREQ=%10 fPWM=2/512 fCLK (OTP option) 70.3kHz 62.5kHz 46.9kHz 39.1kHz 31.2kHz PWM_FREQ=%11 fPWM=2/410 fCLK 87.8kHz 78.0kHz 58.5kHz 48.8kHz 39.0kHz Table 6.1 Choice of PWM frequency – green / light green: recommended 6.3 stealthChop Current Regulator In stealthChop voltage PWM mode, the autoscaling function (pwm_autoscale = 1, pwm_auto_grad = 1) regulates the motor current to the desired current setting. Automatic scaling is used as part of the automatic tuning process (AT), and for subsequent tracking of changes within the motor parameters. The driver measures the motor current during the chopper on time and uses a proportional regulator to regulate PWM_SCALE_AUTO in order match the motor current to the target current. PWM_REG is the proportionality coefficient for this regulator. Basically, the proportionality coefficient should be as small as possible in order to get a stable and soft regulation behavior, but it must be large enough to allow the driver to quickly react to changes caused by variation of the motor target current (e.g. change of VREF). During initial tuning step AT#2, PWM_REG also compensates for the change of motor velocity. Therefore, a high acceleration during AT#2 will require a higher setting of PWM_REG. With careful selection of homing velocity and acceleration, a minimum setting of the regulation gradient often is sufficient (PWM_REG=1). PWM_REG setting should be optimized for the fastest required acceleration and deceleration ramp (compare Figure 6.3 and Figure 6.4). The quality of the setting PWM_REG in phase AT#2 and the finished automatic tuning procedure (or non-automatic settings for PWM_OFS and PWM_GRAD) can be examined when monitoring motor current during an acceleration phase Figure 6.5. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 40 Figure 6.3 Scope shot: good setting for PWM_REG Figure 6.4 Scope shot: too small setting for PWM_REG during AT#2 Motor Current PWM scale Motor Velocity PWM reaches max. amplitude RMS current constant (IRUN) PW M_ Nominal Current (sine wave RMS) Stand still PWM scale PWM_OFS_(AUTO) ok ok O) UT (_A AD GR M_ PW GR (P AD W M_ (_A RE UT G O) du ok rin g AT #2 ok ) 255 Current may drop due to high velocity IHOLD PWM_OFS_(AUTO) ok 0 0 Figure 6.5 Successfully determined PWM_GRAD(_AUTO) and PWM_OFS(_AUTO) www.trinamic.com Time TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 41 Quick Start For a quick start, see the Quick Configuration Guide in chapter 14. 6.3.1 Lower Current Limit The stealthChop current regulator imposes a lower limit for motor current regulation. As the coil current can be measured in the shunt resistor during chopper on phase only, a minimum chopper duty cycle allowing coil current regulation is given by the blank time as set by TBL and by the chopper frequency setting. Therefore, the motor specific minimum coil current in stealthChop autoscaling mode rises with the supply voltage and with the chopper frequency. A lower blanking time allows a lower current limit. It is important for the correct determination of PWM_OFS_AUTO, that in AT#1 the run current set by the sense resistor, VREF and IRUN is well within the regulation range. Lower currents (e.g. for standstill power down) are automatically realized based on PWM_OFS_AUTO and PWM_GRAD_AUTO respectively based on PWM_OFS and PWM_GRAD with nonautomatic current scaling. The freewheeling option allows going to zero motor current. Lower motor coil current limit for stealthChop2 automatic tuning: 𝐼𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 𝑡𝐵𝐿𝐴𝑁𝐾 ∗ 𝑓𝑃𝑊𝑀 ∗ 𝑉𝑀 𝑅𝐶𝑂𝐼𝐿 With VM the motor supply voltage and RCOIL the motor coil resistance. ILower Limit can be treated as a thumb value for the minimum nominal IRUN motor current setting. EXAMPLE: A motor has a coil resistance of 5Ω, the supply voltage is 24V. With TBL=%01 and PWM_FREQ=%00, tBLANK is 24 clock cycles, fPWM is 2/(1024 clock cycles): 𝐼𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 24 𝑡𝐶𝐿𝐾 ∗ 2 24𝑉 24 24𝑉 ∗ = ∗ = 225𝑚𝐴 1024 𝑡𝐶𝐿𝐾 5Ω 512 5Ω This means, the motor target current for automatic tuning must be 225mA or more, taking into account all relevant settings. This lower current limit also applies for modification of the motor current via the analog input VREF. Attention For automatic tuning, a lower coil current limit applies. The motor current in automatic tuning phase AT#1 must exceed this lower limit. ILOWER LIMIT can be calculated or measured using a current probe. Setting the motor run-current or hold-current below the lower current limit during operation by modifying IRUN and IHOLD is possible after successful automatic tuning. The lower current limit also limits the capability of the driver to respond to changes of VREF. 6.4 Velocity Based Scaling UART Velocity based scaling scales the stealthChop amplitude based on the time between each two steps, i.e. based on TSTEP, measured in clock cycles. This concept basically does not require a current measurement, because no regulation loop is necessary. A pure velocity based scaling is available via UART programming, only, when setting pwm_autoscale = 0. The basic idea is to have a linear approximation of the voltage required to drive the target current into the motor. The stepper motor has a certain coil resistance and thus needs a certain voltage amplitude to yield a target current based on the basic formula I=U/R. With R being the coil resistance, U the supply voltage scaled by the PWM value, the current I results. The initial value for PWM_AMPL can be calculated: www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 𝑃𝑊𝑀_𝐴𝑀𝑃𝐿 = 42 374 ∗ 𝑅𝐶𝑂𝐼𝐿 ∗ 𝐼𝐶𝑂𝐼𝐿 𝑉𝑀 With VM the motor supply voltage and ICOIL the target RMS current The effective PWM voltage UPWM (1/SQRT(2) x peak value) results considering the 8 bit resolution and 248 sine wave peak for the actual PWM amplitude shown as PWM_SCALE: 𝑈𝑃𝑊𝑀 = 𝑉𝑀 ∗ 𝑃𝑊𝑀_𝑆𝐶𝐴𝐿𝐸 248 1 𝑃𝑊𝑀_𝑆𝐶𝐴𝐿𝐸 ∗ ∗ = 𝑉𝑀 ∗ 256 256 √2 374 With rising motor velocity, the motor generates an increasing back EMF voltage. The back EMF voltage is proportional to the motor velocity. It reduces the PWM voltage effective at the coil resistance and thus current decreases. The TMC22xx provides a second velocity dependent factor (PWM_GRAD) to compensate for this. The overall effective PWM amplitude (PWM_SCALE_SUM) in this mode automatically is calculated in dependence of the microstep frequency as: 𝑓𝑆𝑇𝐸𝑃 𝑓𝐶𝐿𝐾 With fSTEP being the microstep frequency for 256 microstep resolution equivalent and fCLK the clock frequency supplied to the driver or the actual internal frequency 𝑃𝑊𝑀_𝑆𝐶𝐴𝐿𝐸_𝑆𝑈𝑀 = 𝑃𝑊𝑀_𝑂𝐹𝑆 + 𝑃𝑊𝑀_𝐺𝑅𝐴𝐷 ∗ 256 ∗ As a first approximation, the back EMF subtracts from the supply voltage and thus the effective current amplitude decreases. This way, a first approximation for PWM_GRAD setting can be calculated: 𝑃𝑊𝑀_𝐺𝑅𝐴𝐷 = 𝐶𝐵𝐸𝑀𝐹 [ 𝑉 𝑓𝐶𝐿𝐾 ∗ 1.46 ] ∗ 2𝜋 ∗ 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑉𝑀 ∗ 𝑀𝑆𝑃𝑅 𝑠 CBEMF is the back EMF constant of the motor in Volts per radian/second. MSPR is the number of microsteps per rotation, e.g. 51200 = 256µsteps multiplied by 200 fullsteps for a 1.8° motor. Motor current PWM scaling (PWM_SCALE_SUM) 255 PWM reaches max. amplitude Constant motor RMS current Nominal current (e.g. sine wave RMS) AD GR _ M PW Cur r (de ent dr p en ops mo d tor s on loa d) PWM_OFS 0 0 VPWMMAX Figure 6.6 Velocity based PWM scaling (pwm_autoscale=0) www.trinamic.com Velocity TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 43 Hint The values for PWM_OFS and PWM_GRAD can easily be optimized by tracing the motor current with a current probe on the oscilloscope. Alternatively, automatic tuning determines these values and they can be read out from PWM_OFS_AUTO and PWM_GRAD_AUTO. UNDERSTANDING THE BACK EMF CONSTANT OF A MOTOR The back EMF constant is the voltage a motor generates when turned with a certain velocity. Often motor datasheets do not specify this value, as it can be deducted from motor torque and coil current rating. Within SI units, the numeric value of the back EMF constant CBEMF has the same numeric value as the numeric value of the torque constant. For example, a motor with a torque constant of 1 Nm/A would have a CBEMF of 1V/rad/s. Turning such a motor with 1 rps (1 rps = 1 revolution per second = 6.28 rad/s) generates a back EMF voltage of 6.28V. Thus, the back EMF constant can be calculated as: 𝐶𝐵𝐸𝑀𝐹 [ 𝑉 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑢𝑒 [𝑁𝑚] ]= 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠 2 ∗ 𝐼𝐶𝑂𝐼𝐿𝑁𝑂𝑀 [𝐴] ICOILNOM is the motor’s rated phase current for the specified holding torque HoldingTorque is the motor specific holding torque, i.e. the torque reached at ICOILNOM on both coils. The torque unit is [Nm] where 1Nm = 100Ncm = 1000mNm. The voltage is valid as RMS voltage per coil, thus the nominal current is multiplied by 2 in this formula, since the nominal current assumes a full step position, with two coils operating. 6.5 Combining stealthChop and spreadCycle UART OTP For applications requiring high velocity motion, spreadCycle may bring more stable operation in the upper velocity range. To combine no-noise operation with highest dynamic performance, the TMC22xx allows combining stealthChop and spreadCycle based on a velocity threshold (Figure 6.7). A velocity threshold (TPWMTHRS) can be preprogrammed to OTP to support this mode even in standalone operation. With this, stealthChop is only active at low velocities. Chopper mode stealthChop spreadCycle option option motor going to standby motor in standby motor stand still Running low speed Running high speed Running low speed TSTEP < TPWMTHRS*16/16 TSTEP > TPWMTHRS motor in standby v 0 t RMS current TRINAMIC, B. Dwersteg, 14.3.14 Figure 6.7 TPWMTHRS for optional switching to spreadCycle www.trinamic.com dI * IHOLDDELAY VACTUAL ~1/TSTEP TPOWERDOWN current I_RUN I_HOLD TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 44 As a first step, both chopper principles should be parameterized and optimized individually (spreadCycle settings may be programmed to OTP memory). In a next step, a transfer velocity has to be fixed. For example, stealthChop operation is used for precise low speed positioning, while spreadCycle shall be used for highly dynamic motion. TPWMTHRS determines the transition velocity. Read out TSTEP when moving at the desired velocity and program the resulting value to TPWMTHRS. Use a low transfer velocity to avoid a jerk at the switching point. A jerk occurs when switching at higher velocities, because the back-EMF of the motor (which rises with the velocity) causes a phase shift of up to 90° between motor voltage and motor current. So when switching at higher velocities between voltage PWM and current PWM mode, this jerk will occur with increased intensity. A high jerk may even produce a temporary overcurrent condition (depending on the motor coil resistance). At low velocities (e.g. 1 to a few 10 RPM), it can be completely neglected for most motors. Therefore, consider the switching jerk when choosing TPWMTHRS. Set TPWMTHRS zero if you want to work with stealthChop only. When enabling the stealthChop mode the first time using automatic current regulation, the motor must be at stand still in order to allow a proper current regulation. When the drive switches to stealthChop at a higher velocity, stealthChop logic stores the last current regulation setting until the motor returns to a lower velocity again. This way, the regulation has a known starting point when returning to a lower velocity, where stealthChop becomes re-enabled. Therefore, neither the velocity threshold nor the supply voltage must be considerably changed during the phase while the chopper is switched to a different mode, because otherwise the motor might lose steps or the instantaneous current might be too high or too low. A motor stall or a sudden change in the motor velocity may lead to the driver detecting a short circuit or to a state of automatic current regulation, from which it cannot recover. Clear the error flags and restart the motor from zero velocity to recover from this situation. Hint Start the motor from standstill when switching on stealthChop the first time and keep it stopped for at least 128 chopper periods to allow stealthChop to do initial standstill current control. 6.6 Flags in stealthChop UART As stealthChop uses voltage mode driving, status flags based on current measurement respond slower, respectively the driver reacts delayed to sudden changes of back EMF, like on a motor stall. A motor stall can lead to an overcurrent condition. Depending on the previous motor velocity, and on the coil resistance of the motor, it may trigger the overcurrent detection. With low velocities, where the back EMF is just a fraction of the supply voltage, there is no danger of triggering the short detection. 6.6.1 Open Load Flags In stealthChop mode, status information is different from the cycle-by-cycle regulated spreadCycle mode. OLA and OLB show if the current regulation sees that the nominal current can be reached on both coils. - A flickering OLA or OLB can result from asymmetries in the sense resistors or in the motor coils. An interrupted motor coil leads to a continuously active open load flag for the coil. One or both flags are active, if the current regulation did not succeed in scaling up to the full target current within the last few fullsteps (because no motor is attached or a high velocity exceeds the PWM limit). If desired, do an on-demand open load test using the spreadCycle chopper, as it delivers the safest result. With stealthChop, PWM_SCALE_SUM can be checked to detect the correct coil resistance. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 6.6.2 45 PWM_SCALE_SUM Informs about the Motor State Information about the motor state is available with automatic scaling by reading out PWM_SCALE_SUM. As this parameter reflects the actual voltage required to drive the target current into the motor, it depends on several factors: motor load, coil resistance, supply voltage, and current setting. Therefore, an evaluation of the PWM_SCALE_SUM value allows checking the motor operation point. When reaching the limit (255), the current regulator cannot sustain the full motor current, e.g. due to a drop in supply volage. 6.7 Freewheeling and Passive Braking UART stealthChop provides different options for motor standstill. These options can be enabled by setting the standstill current IHOLD to zero and choosing the desired option using the FREEWHEEL setting. The desired option becomes enabled after a time period specified by TPOWERDOWN and IHOLD_DELAY. Current regulation becomes frozen once the motor target current is at zero current in order to ensure a quick startup. With the freewheeling options, both freewheeling and passive braking can be realized. Passive braking is an effective eddy current motor braking, which consumes a minimum of energy, because no active current is driven into the coils. However, passive braking will allow slow turning of the motor when a continuous torque is applied. Hint Operate the motor within your application when exploring stealthChop. Motor performance often is better with a mechanical load, because it prevents the motor from stalling due mechanical oscillations which can occur without load. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 46 PARAMETERS RELATED TO STEALTHCHOP Parameter en_spread_ cycle TPWMTHRS PWM_LIM pwm_ autoscale pwm_ autograd Description General disable for use of stealthChop (register GCONF). The input SPREAD is XORed to this flag. Specifies the upper velocity for operation in stealthChop. Entry the TSTEP reading (time between two microsteps) when operating at the desired threshold velocity. Limiting value for limiting the current jerk when switching from spreadCycle to stealthChop. Reduce the value to yield a lower current jerk. Enable automatic current scaling using current measurement or use forward controlled velocity based mode. Enable automatic tuning of PWM_GRAD_AUTO Setting 1 0 0… 1048575 Comment Do not use stealthChop stealthChop enabled stealthChop is disabled if TSTEP falls TPWMTHRS 0 … 15 Upper four bits of 8 bit amplitude limit (Default=12) Forward controlled mode Automatic scaling with current regulator disable, use PWM_GRAD from register instead enable fPWM=2/1024 fCLK fPWM=2/683 fCLK fPWM=2/512 fCLK fPWM=2/410 fCLK Results in 0.5 to 7.5 steps for PWM_SCALE_AUTO regulator per fullstep PWM_OFS=0 disables linear current scaling based on current setting Reset value can be preprogrammed by OTP 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 PWM_REG User defined PWM amplitude (gradient) for 1 … 15 velocity based scaling or regulation loop gradient when pwm_autoscale=1. PWM_OFS User defined PWM amplitude (offset) for velocity 0 … 255 based scaling and initialization value for automatic tuning of PWM_OFFS_AUTO. PWM_GRAD User defined PWM amplitude (gradient) for 0 … 255 velocity based scaling and initialization value for automatic tuning of PWM_GRAD_AUTO. FREEWHEEL Stand still option when motor current setting is 0 zero (I_HOLD=0). Only available with stealthChop 1 enabled. The freewheeling option makes the 2 motor easy movable, while both coil short options 3 realize a passive brake. PWM_SCALE Read back of the actual stealthChop voltage PWM -255 … _AUTO scaling correction as determined by the current 255 regulator. PWM_SCALE Allow monitoring of the automatic tuning and 0 … 255 _AUTO determination of initial values for PWM_OFS and PWM_OFS PWM_GRAD. _AUTO TOFF General enable for the motor driver, the actual 0 value does not influence stealthChop 1 … 15 TBL Comparator blank time. This time needs to safely 0 cover the switching event and the duration of the 1 ringing on the sense resistor. Choose a setting of 2 1 or 2 for typical applications. For higher 3 capacitive loads, 3 may be required. Lower settings allow stealthChop to regulate down to lower coil current values. PWM_FREQ PWM frequency selection. Use the lowest setting giving good results. The frequency measured at each of the chopper outputs is half of the effective chopper frequency fPWM. www.trinamic.com Normal operation Freewheeling Coil short via LS drivers Coil short cia HS drivers (read only) Scaling value becomes frozen when operating in spreadCycle (read only) Driver off Driver enabled 16 tCLK 24 tCLK 32 tCLK 40 tCLK TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 7 47 spreadCycle Chopper While stealthChop is a voltage mode PWM controlled chopper, spreadCycle is a cycle-by-cycle current control. Therefore, it can react extremely fast to changes in motor velocity or motor load. spreadCycle will give better performance in medium to high velocity range for motors and applications which tend to resonance. The currents through both motor coils are controlled using choppers. The choppers work independently of each other. In Figure 7.1 the different chopper phases are shown. +VM +VM +VM ICOIL ICOIL ICOIL RSENSE On Phase: current flows in direction of target current RSENSE Fast Decay Phase: current flows in opposite direction of target current RSENSE Slow Decay Phase: current re-circulation Figure 7.1 Chopper phases Although the current could be regulated using only on phases and fast decay phases, insertion of the slow decay phase is important to reduce electrical losses and current ripple in the motor. The duration of the slow decay phase is specified in a control parameter and sets an upper limit on the chopper frequency. The current comparator can measure coil current during phases when the current flows through the sense resistor, but not during the slow decay phase, so the slow decay phase is terminated by a timer. The on phase is terminated by the comparator when the current through the coil reaches the target current. The fast decay phase may be terminated by either the comparator or another timer. When the coil current is switched, spikes at the sense resistors occur due to charging and discharging parasitic capacitances. During this time, typically one or two microseconds, the current cannot be measured. Blanking is the time when the input to the comparator is masked to block these spikes. The spreadCycle chopper mode cycles through four phases: on, slow decay, fast decay, and a second slow decay. The chopper frequency is an important parameter for a chopped motor driver. A too low frequency might generate audible noise. A higher frequency reduces current ripple in the motor, but with a too high frequency magnetic losses may rise. Also power dissipation in the driver rises with increasing frequency due to the increased influence of switching slopes causing dynamic dissipation. Therefore, a compromise needs to be found. Most motors are optimally working in a frequency range of 16 kHz to 30 kHz. The chopper frequency is influenced by a number of parameter settings as well as by the motor inductivity and supply voltage. Hint A chopper frequency in the range of 16 kHz to 30 kHz gives a good result for most motors when using spreadCycle. A higher frequency leads to increased switching losses. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 7.1 spreadCycle Settings 48 UART OTP The spreadCycle (patented) chopper algorithm is a precise and simple to use chopper mode which automatically determines the optimum length for the fast-decay phase. The spreadCycle will provide superior microstepping quality even with default settings. Several parameters are available to optimize the chopper to the application. Each chopper cycle is comprised of an on phase, a slow decay phase, a fast decay phase and a second slow decay phase (see Figure 7.3). The two slow decay phases and the two blank times per chopper cycle put an upper limit to the chopper frequency. The slow decay phases typically make up for about 30%-70% of the chopper cycle in standstill and are important for low motor and driver power dissipation. Calculation of a starting value for the slow decay time TOFF: EXAMPLE: Target Chopper frequency: 25kHz. Assumption: Two slow decay cycles make up for 50% of overall chopper cycle time 𝑡𝑂𝐹𝐹 = For the TOFF setting this means: 1 50 1 ∗ ∗ = 10µ𝑠 25𝑘𝐻𝑧 100 2 𝑇𝑂𝐹𝐹 = (𝑡𝑂𝐹𝐹 ∗ 𝑓𝐶𝐿𝐾 − 12)/32 With 12 MHz clock this gives a setting of TOFF=3.4, i.e. 3 or 4. With 16 MHz clock this gives a setting of TOFF=4.6, i.e. 4 or 5. The hysteresis start setting forces the driver to introduce a minimum amount of current ripple into the motor coils. The current ripple must be higher than the current ripple which is caused by resistive losses in the motor in order to give best microstepping results. This will allow the chopper to precisely regulate the current both for rising and for falling target current. The time required to introduce the current ripple into the motor coil also reduces the chopper frequency. Therefore, a higher hysteresis setting will lead to a lower chopper frequency. The motor inductance limits the ability of the chopper to follow a changing motor current. Further the duration of the on phase and the fast decay must be longer than the blanking time, because the current comparator is disabled during blanking. It is easiest to find the best setting by starting from a low hysteresis setting (e.g. HSTRT=0, HEND=0) and increasing HSTRT, until the motor runs smoothly at low velocity settings. This can best be checked when measuring the motor current either with a current probe or by probing the sense resistor voltages (see Figure 7.2). Checking the sine wave shape near zero transition will show a small ledge between both half waves in case the hysteresis setting is too small. At medium velocities (i.e. 100 to 400 fullsteps per second), a too low hysteresis setting will lead to increased humming and vibration of the motor. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 49 Figure 7.2 No ledges in current wave with sufficient hysteresis (magenta: current A, yellow & blue: sense resistor voltages A and B) A too high hysteresis setting will lead to reduced chopper frequency and increased chopper noise but will not yield any benefit for the wave shape. Quick Start For a quick start, see the Quick Configuration Guide in chapter 14. For detail procedure see Application Note AN001 - Parameterization of spreadCycle As experiments show, the setting is quite independent of the motor, because higher current motors typically also have a lower coil resistance. Therefore choosing a low to medium default value for the hysteresis (for example, effective hysteresis = 4) normally fits most applications. The setting can be optimized by experimenting with the motor: A too low setting will result in reduced microstep accuracy, while a too high setting will lead to more chopper noise and motor power dissipation. When measuring the sense resistor voltage in motor standstill at a medium coil current with an oscilloscope, a too low setting shows a fast decay phase not longer than the blanking time. When the fast decay time becomes slightly longer than the blanking time, the setting is optimum. You can reduce the off-time setting, if this is hard to reach. The hysteresis principle could in some cases lead to the chopper frequency becoming too low, e.g. when the coil resistance is high when compared to the supply voltage. This is avoided by splitting the hysteresis setting into a start setting (HSTRT+HEND) and an end setting (HEND). An automatic hysteresis decrementer (HDEC) interpolates between both settings, by decrementing the hysteresis value stepwise each 16 system clocks. At the beginning of each chopper cycle, the hysteresis begins with a value which is the sum of the start and the end values (HSTRT+HEND), and decrements during the cycle, until either the chopper cycle ends or the hysteresis end value (HEND) is reached. This way, the chopper frequency is stabilized at high amplitudes and low supply voltage situations, if the frequency gets too low. This avoids the frequency reaching the audible range. Hint Highest motor velocities sometimes benefit from setting TOFF to 1 or 2 and a short TBL of 1 or 0. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) I target current + hysteresis start 50 HDEC target current + hysteresis end target current target current - hysteresis end target current - hysteresis start on sd fd sd t Figure 7.3 spreadCycle chopper scheme showing coil current during a chopper cycle These parameters control spreadCycle mode: Parameter TOFF TBL HSTRT HEND Description Sets the slow decay time (off time). This setting also limits the maximum chopper frequency. For operation with stealthChop, this parameter is not used, but it is required to enable the motor. In case of operation with stealthChop only, any setting is OK. Setting this parameter to zero completely disables all driver transistors and the motor can free-wheel. Comparator blank time. This time needs to safely cover the switching event and the duration of the ringing on the sense resistor. For most applications, a setting of 1 or 2 is good. For highly capacitive loads, a setting of 2 or 3 will be required. Hysteresis start setting. This value is an offset from the hysteresis end value HEND. Setting 0 1…15 Comment chopper off off time setting NCLK= 12 + 32*TOFF (1 will work with minimum blank time of 24 clocks) 0 16 tCLK 1 24 tCLK 2 32 tCLK 3 40 tCLK 0…7 HSTRT=1…8 Hysteresis end setting. Sets the hysteresis end value 0…2 after a number of decrements. The sum HSTRT+HEND 3 must be ≤16. At a current setting of max. 30 4…15 (amplitude reduced to 240), the sum is not limited. This value adds to HEND. -3…-1: negative HEND 0: zero HEND 1…12: positive HEND Even at HSTRT=0 and HEND=0, the TMC22xx sets a minimum hysteresis via analog circuitry. EXAMPLE: A hysteresis of 4 has been chosen. You might decide to not use hysteresis decrement. In this case set: HEND=6 HSTRT=0 (sets an effective end value of 6-3=3) (sets minimum hysteresis, i.e. 1: 3+1=4) In order to take advantage of the variable hysteresis, we can set most of the value to the HSTRT, i.e. 4, and the remaining 1 to hysteresis end. The resulting configuration register values are as follows: HEND=0 HSTRT=6 www.trinamic.com (sets an effective end value of -3) (sets an effective start value of hysteresis end +7: 7-3=4) TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 8 51 Selecting Sense Resistors Set the desired maximum motor current by selecting an appropriate value for the sense resistor. The following table shows the RMS current values which can be reached using standard resistors and motor types fitting without additional motor current scaling. CHOICE OF RSENSE AND RESULTING MAX. MOTOR CURRENT RSENSE [Ω] RMS current [A] Fitting motor type VREF=2.5V (or open), (examples) IRUN=31, vsense=0 (standard) 1.00 0.23 0.82 0.27 0.75 0.30 300mA motor 0.68 0.33 400mA motor 0.50 0.44 470m 0.47 500mA motor 390m 0.56 600mA motor 330m 0.66 700mA motor 270m 0.79 800mA motor 220m 0.96 1A motor 180m 1.15 1.2A motor 150m 1.35 120m 1.64*) 100m 1.92*) 1.5A motor *) Value exceeds upper current rating, scaling down required, e.g. by reduced VREF. Sense resistors should be carefully selected. The full motor current flows through the sense resistors. Due to chopper operation the sense resistors see pulsed current from the MOSFET bridges. Therefore, a low-inductance type such as film or composition resistors is required to prevent voltage spikes causing ringing on the sense voltage inputs leading to unstable measurement results. Also, a lowinductance, low-resistance PCB layout is essential. Any common GND path for the two sense resistors must be avoided, because this would lead to coupling between the two current sense signals. A massive ground plane is best. Please also refer to layout considerations in chapter 19. The sense resistor needs to be able to conduct the peak motor coil current in motor standstill conditions, unless standby power is reduced. Under normal conditions, the sense resistor conducts less than the coil RMS current, because no current flows through the sense resistor during the slow decay phases. A 0.5W type is sufficient for most applications up to 1.2A RMS current. Attention Be sure to use a symmetrical sense resistor layout and short and straight sense resistor traces of identical length. Well matching sense resistors ensure best performance. A compact layout with massive ground plane is best to avoid parasitic resistance effects. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 9 52 Motor Current Control The basic motor current is set by the resistance of the sense resistors. Several possibilities allow scaling down motor current, e.g. to adapt for different motors, or to reduce motor current in standstill or low load situations. METHODS FOR SCALING MOTOR CURRENT Method Pin VREF voltage (chapter 9.1) Parameters VREF input scales IRUN and IHOLD. Can be disabled by GCONF.i_scale_analog Range 2.5V: 100% … 0.5V: 20% >2.5V or open: 100% 20kHz 0-2.4V for current scaling 22k 1µ R1+R2»10K Analog Scaling Fixed resistor divider to set current scale (use external reference for enhanced precision) Analog Scaling Precision current scaler Figure 9.1 Scaling the motor current using the analog input www.trinamic.com VREF BC847 VREF 100k VREF Optional digital control Analog Scaling Simple PWM based current scaler TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 55 10 Internal Sense Resistors UART OTP The TMC22xx provides the option to eliminate external sense resistors. In this mode the external sense resistors become omitted (shorted) and the internal on-resistance of the power MOSFETs is used for current measurement (see chapter 3.2). As MOSFETs are both, temperature dependent and subject to production stray, a tiny external resistor connected from +5VOUT to VREF provides a precise absolute current reference. This resistor converts the 5V voltage into a reference current. Be sure to directly attach BRA and BRB pins to GND in this mode near the IC package. The mode is enabled by setting internal_Rsense in GCONF (OTP option). COMPARING INTERNAL SENSE RESISTORS VS. SENSE RESISTORS Item Ease of use Cost Current precision Current Range Recommended Recommended chopper Internal Sense Resistors Need to set OTP parameter first (+) Save cost for sense resistors Slightly reduced 200mA RMS to 1.2A RMS External Sense Resistors (+) Default stealthChop, spreadCycle shows slightly reduced performance at >1A stealthChop or spreadCycle (+) Good 50mA to 1.4A RMS While the RDSon based measurements bring benefits concerning cost and size of the driver, it gives slightly less precise coil current regulation when compared to external sense resistors. The internal sense resistors have a certain temperature dependence, which is automatically compensated by the driver IC. However, for high current motors, a temperature gradient between the ICs internal sense resistors and the compensation circuit will lead to an initial current overshoot of some 10% during driver IC heat up. While this phenomenon shows for roughly a second, it might even be beneficial to enable increased torque during initial motor acceleration. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION A reference current into the VREF pin is used as reference for the motor current. In order to realize a certain current, a single resistor (RREF) can be connected between 5VOUT and VREF (pls. refer the table for the choice of the resistor). VREF input resistance is about 1kOhm. The resulting current into VREF is amplified 3000 times. Thus, a current of 0.5mA yields a motor current of 1.5A peak. For calculation of the reference resistor, the internal resistance of VREF needs to be considered additionally. CHOICE OF RREF FOR OPERATION WITHOUT SENSE RESISTORS RREF [Ω] 6k8 7k5 8k2 9k1 10k 12k 15k 18k 22k 27k 33k Peak current [A] (CS=31, vsense=0) 1.92 1.76 1.63 1.49 1.36 1.15 0.94 0.79 0.65 0.60 0.54 RMS current [A] (CS=31, vsense=0) 1.35 1.24 1.15 1.05 0.96 0.81 0.66 0.55 0.45 0.42 0.38 vsense=1 allows a lower peak current setting of about 55% of the value yielded with vsense=0 (as specified by VSRTH / VSRTL). www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 56 In RDSon measurement mode, connect the BRA and BRB pins to GND using the shortest possible path (i.e. lowest possible PCB resistance). RDSon based measurement gives best results when combined with stealthChop. When using spreadCycle with RDSon based current measurement, slightly asymmetric current measurement for positive currents (on phase) and negative currents (fast decay phase) may result in chopper noise. This especially occurs at high die temperature and increased motor current. Note The absolute current levels achieved with RDSon based current sensing may depend on PCB layout exactly like with external sense resistors, because trace resistance on BR pins will add to the effective sense resistance. Therefore we recommend to measure and calibrate the current setting within the application. Thumb rule RDSon based current sensing works best for motors with up to 1A RMS current. The best results are yielded with stealthChop operation in combination with RDSon based current sensing. For most precise current control and for best results with spreadCycle, it is recommended to use external 1% sense resistors rather than RDSon based current control. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 57 11 STEP/DIR Interface The STEP and DIR inputs provide a simple, standard interface compatible with many existing motion controllers. The microPlyer step pulse interpolator brings the smooth motor operation of highresolution microstepping to applications originally designed for coarser stepping. 11.1 Timing Figure 11.1 shows the timing parameters for the STEP and DIR signals, and the table below gives their specifications. Only rising edges are active. STEP and DIR are sampled and synchronized to the system clock. An internal analog filter removes glitches on the signals, such as those caused by long PCB traces. If the signal source is far from the chip, and especially if the signals are carried on cables, the signals should be filtered or differentially transmitted. +VCC_IO DIR SchmittTrigger tSH tDSU tSL tDSH STEP or DIR Input STEP 83k 0.56 VCC_IO 0.44 VCC_IO Internal Signal Active edge (DEDGE=0) Active edge (DEDGE=0) C Input filter R*C = 20ns +-30% Figure 11.1 STEP and DIR timing, Input pin filter STEP and DIR interface timing AC-Characteristics clock period is tCLK Parameter step frequency (at maximum microstep resolution) fullstep frequency STEP input minimum low time Symbol fSTEP STEP input minimum high time tSH DIR to STEP setup time DIR after STEP hold time STEP and DIR spike filtering time *) STEP and DIR sampling relative to rising CLK input tDSU tDSH Conditions fFS tSL tFILTSD tSDCLKHI Min Typ Max ½ fCLK Unit max(tFILTSD, tCLK+20) max(tFILTSD, tCLK+20) 100 ns 100 ns 20 ns ns ns fCLK/512 rising and falling edge before rising edge of CLK input 20 20 13 30 tFILTSD *) These values are valid with full input logic level swing, only. Asymmetric logic levels will increase filtering delay tFILTSD, due to an internal input RC filter. www.trinamic.com ns TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 58 11.2 Changing Resolution The TMC22xx includes an internal microstep table with 1024 sine wave entries to generate sinusoidal motor coil currents. These 1024 entries correspond to one electrical revolution or four fullsteps. The microstep resolution setting determines the step width taken within the table. Depending on the DIR input, the microstep counter is increased (DIR=0) or decreased (DIR=1) with each STEP pulse by the step width. The microstep resolution determines the increment respectively the decrement. At maximum resolution, the sequencer advances one step for each step pulse. At half resolution, it advances two steps. Increment is up to 256 steps for fullstepping. The sequencer has special provision to allow seamless switching between different microstep rates at any time. When switching to a lower microstep resolution, it calculates the nearest step within the target resolution and reads the current vector at that position. This behavior especially is important for low resolutions like fullstep and halfstep, because any failure in the step sequence would lead to asymmetrical run when comparing a motor running clockwise and counterclockwise. EXAMPLES: Fullstep: Cycles through table positions: 128, 384, 640 and 896 (45°, 135°, 225° and 315° electrical position, both coils on at identical current). The coil current in each position corresponds to the RMS-Value (0.71 * amplitude). Step size is 256 (90° electrical) Half step: The first table position is 64 (22.5° electrical), Step size is 128 (45° steps) Quarter step: The first table position is 32 (90°/8=11.25° electrical), Step size is 64 (22.5° steps) This way equidistant steps result and they are identical in both rotation directions. Some older drivers also use zero current (table entry 0, 0°) as well as full current (90°) within the step tables. This kind of stepping is avoided because it provides less torque and has a worse power dissipation in driver and motor. Step position Half step 0 Full step 0 Half step 1 Half step 2 Full step 1 Half step 3 Half step 4 Full step 2 Half step 5 Half step 6 Full step 3 Half step 7 table position 64 128 192 320 384 448 576 640 704 832 896 960 current coil A 38.3% 70.7% 92.4% 92.4% 70.7% 38.3% -38.3% -70.7% -92.4% -92.4% -70.7% -38.3% current coil B 92.4% 70.7% 38.3% -38.3% -70.7% -92.4% -92.4% -70.7% -38.3% 38.3% 70.7% 92.4% See chapter 3.4 for resolution settings available in stand-alone mode. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 59 11.3 microPlyer Step Interpolator and Stand Still Detection For each active edge on STEP, microPlyer produces microsteps at 256x resolution, as shown in Figure 11.2. It interpolates the time in between of two step impulses at the step input based on the last step interval. This way, from 2 microsteps (128 microstep to 256 microstep interpolation) up to 256 microsteps (full step input to 256 microsteps) are driven for a single step pulse. The step rate for the interpolated 2 to 256 microsteps is determined by measuring the time interval of the previous step period and dividing it into up to 256 equal parts. The maximum time between two microsteps corresponds to 220 (roughly one million system clock cycles), for an even distribution of 256 microsteps. At 12 MHz system clock frequency, this results in a minimum step input frequency of roughly 12 Hz for microPlyer operation. A lower step rate causes a standstill event to be detected. At that frequency, microsteps occur at a rate of (system clock frequency)/2 16 ~ 256 Hz. When a stand still is detected, the driver automatically begins standby current reduction if selected by pin PDN. Active edge (dedge=0) Active edge (dedge=0) Active edge (dedge=0) Active edge (dedge=0) Attention microPlyer only works perfectly with a stable STEP frequency. STEP Interpolated microstep 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Motor angle 2^20 tCLK STANDSTILL (stst) active Figure 11.2 microPlyer microstep interpolation with rising STEP frequency (Example: 16 to 256) In Figure 11.2, the first STEP cycle is long enough to set the stst bit standstill. Detection of standstill will enable the standby current reduction. This bit is cleared on the next STEP active edge. Then, the external STEP frequency increases. After one cycle at the higher rate microPlyer adapts the interpolated microstep rate to the higher frequency. During the last cycle at the slower rate, microPlyer did not generate all 16 microsteps, so there is a small jump in motor angle between the first and second cycles at the higher rate. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 60 11.4 Index Output An active INDEX output signals that the sine curve of motor coil A is at its positive zero transition. This correlates to the zero point of the microstep sequence. Usually, the cosine curve of coil B is at its maximum at the same time. Thus the index signal is active once within each electrical period, and corresponds to a defined position of the motor within a sequence of four fullsteps. The INDEX output this way allows the detection of a certain microstep pattern, and thus helps to detect a position with more precision than a stop switch can do. Current COIL A 0 COIL B Time INDEX Current Time STEPS Time Figure 11.3 Index signal at positive zero transition of the coil A sine curve Hint The index output allows precise detection of the microstep position within one electrical wave, i.e. within a range of four fullsteps. With this, homing accuracy and reproducibility can be enhanced to microstep accuracy, even when using an inexpensive home switch. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 61 12 Internal Step Pulse Generator UART The TMC22xx family integrates a high resolution step pulse generator, allowing motor motion via the UART interface. However, no velocity ramping is provided. Ramping is not required, if the target motion velocity is smaller than the start & stop frequency of the motor. For higher velocities, ramp up the frequency in small steps to accelerate the motor, and ramp down again to decelerate the motor. Figure 12.1 shows an example motion profile ramping up the motion velocity in discrete steps. Choose the ramp velocity steps considerably smaller than the maximum start velocity of the motor, because motor torque drops at higher velocity, and motor load at higher velocity typically increases. motor stop v acceleration constant velocity deceleration Th eo re t ica l pr of ile Target Velocity Stop velocity Start velocity 0 t VACTUAL Figure 12.1 Software generated motion profile PARAMETER VS. UNITS Parameter / Symbol fCLK[Hz] Unit [Hz] µstep velocity v[Hz] µsteps / s USC microstep count counts rotations per second v[rps] rotations / s TSTEP, TPWMTHRS - VACTUAL Two’s complement signed internal velocity calculation / description / comment clock frequency of the TMC22xx in [Hz] v[Hz] = VACTUAL[22xx] * ( fCLK[Hz]/2 / 2^23 ) With internal oscillator: v[Hz] = VACTUAL[22xx] * 0.715Hz microstep resolution in number of microsteps (i.e. the number of microsteps between two fullsteps – normally 256) v[rps] = v[Hz] / USC / FSC FSC: motor fullsteps per rotation, e.g. 200 TSTEP = fCLK / fSTEP The time reference for velocity threshold is referred to the actual microstep frequency of the step input respectively velocity v[Hz]. VACTUAL[22xx] = ( fCLK[Hz]/2 / 2^23 ) / v[Hz] With internal oscillator: VACTUAL[22xx] = 0.715Hz / v[Hz] Hint To monitor internal step pulse execution, program the INDEX output to provide step pulses (GCONF.index_step). It toggles upon each step. Use a timer input on your CPU to count pulses. Alternatively, regularly poll MSCNT to grasp steps done in the previous polling interval. It wraps around from 1023 to 0. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 62 13 Driver Diagnostic Flags The TMC22xx drivers supply a complete set of diagnostic and protection capabilities, like short to GND protection, short to VS protection and undervoltage detection. A detection of an open load condition allows testing if a motor coil connection is interrupted. See the DRV_STATUS table for details. 13.1 Temperature Measurement The driver integrates a four level temperature sensor (pre-warning and thermal shutdown) for diagnostics and for protection of the IC against excess heat. The thresholds can be adapted by UART or OTP programming. Heat is mainly generated by the motor driver stages, and, at increased voltage, by the internal voltage regulator. Most critical situations, where the driver MOSFETs could be overheated, are avoided by the short to GND protection. For many applications, the overtemperature pre-warning will indicate an abnormal operation situation and can be used to initiate user warning or power reduction measures like motor current reduction. The thermal shutdown is just an emergency measure and temperature rising to the shutdown level should be prevented by design. TEMPERATURE THRESHOLDS Overtemperature Setting 143°C (OTPW: 120°C) 150°C (OTPW: 120°C or 143°C) 157°C (OTPW: 143°C) Comment Default setting. This setting is safest to switch off the driver stage before the IC can be destroyed by overheating. On a large PCB, the power MOSFETs reach roughly 150°C peak temperature when the temperature detector is triggered with this setting. This is a trip typical point for overtemperature shut down. The overtemperature pre-warning threshold of 120°C gives lots of headroom to react to high driver temperature, e.g. by reducing motor current. Optional setting (OTP or UART). For small PCBs with high thermal resistance between PCB and environment, this setting provides some additional headroom. The small PCB shows less temperature difference between the MOSFETs and the sensor. Optional setting (UART). For applications, where a stop of the motor cannot be tolerated, this setting provides highest headroom, e.g. at high environment temperature ratings. Using the 143°C overtemperature pre-warning to reduce motor current ensures that the motor is not switched off by the thermal threshold. Attention Overtemperature protection cannot in all cases avoid thermal destruction motor current is exceed, e.g. by operating a motor in stealthChop with automatic tuning parameters not fitting the operating conditions, excess heat up the driver before the overtemperature sensor can react. This conduction over the IC die. of the IC. In case the rated wrong parameters, or with heat generation can quickly is due to a delay in heat After triggering the overtemperature sensor (ot flag), the driver remains switched off until the system temperature falls below the pre-warning level (otpw) to avoid continuous heating to the shutdown level. 13.2 Short Protection The TMC22xx power stages are protected against a short circuit condition by an additional measurement of the current flowing through each of the power stage MOSFETs. This is important, as most short circuit conditions result from a motor cable insulation defect, e.g. when touching the conducting parts connected to the system ground. The short detection is protected against spurious triggering, e.g. by ESD discharges, by retrying three times before switching off the motor. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 63 Once a short condition is safely detected, the corresponding driver bridge (A or B) becomes switched off, and the s2ga or s2gb flag, respectively s2vsa or s2vsb becomes set. In order to restart the motor, disable and re-enable the driver. Note, that short protection cannot protect the system and the power stages for all possible short events, as a short event is rather undefined and a complex network of external components may be involved. Therefore, short circuits should basically be avoided. 13.3 Open Load Diagnostics UART Interrupted cables are a common cause for systems failing, e.g. when connectors are not firmly plugged. The TMC22xx detects open load conditions by checking, if it can reach the desired motor coil current. This way, also undervoltage conditions, high motor velocity settings or short and overtemperature conditions may cause triggering of the open load flag, and inform the user, that motor torque may suffer. In motor stand still, open load cannot always be measured, as the coils might eventually have zero current. Open load detection is provided for system debugging. In order to safely detect an interrupted coil connection, read out the open load flags at low or nominal motor velocity operation, only. If possible, use spreadCycle for testing, as it provides the most accurate test. However, the ola and olb flags have just informative character and do not cause any action of the driver. 13.4 Diagnostic Output The diagnostic output DIAG and the index output INDEX provide important status information. An active DIAG output shows that the driver cannot work normally. The INDEX output signals the microstep counter zero position, to allow referencing (homing) a drive to a certain current pattern. The function set of the INDEX output can be modified by UART. Figure 13.1 shows the available signals and control bits. Power-on reset DIAG Charge pump undervoltage (uv_cp) drv_err Overtemperature (ot) TMC220x, only Q S R Short circuit (s2vs, s2g) over temperature (ot) Power stage disable (e.g. pin ENN) INDEX MUX Index pulse Overtemperature prewarning (otpw) Toggle upon each step GCONF.index_otpw GCONF.index_step Figure 13.1 DIAG and INDEX outputs www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 64 14 Quick Configuration Guide UART OTP This guide is meant as a practical tool to come to a first configuration. Do a minimum set of measurements and decisions for tuning the driver to determine UART settings or OTP parameters. The flow-charts concentrate on the basic function set to make a motor run smoothly. Once the motor runs, you may decide to explore additional features, e.g. freewheeling in more detail. A current probe on one motor coil is a good aid to find the best settings, but it is not a must. Current Setting stealthChop Configuration Check hardware setup and motor RMS current GCONF clear en_spreadCycle (default) Sense Resistors used? N GCONF set internal_Rsense Store to OTP 0.6 recommended Y Analog Scaling? Y GCONF set I_scale_analog (this is default) Set VREF as desired N Low Current range? Y CHOPCONF set vsense for max. 180mV at sense resistor (0R15: 1.1A peak) PWMCONF set pwm_autoscale, set pwm_autograd PWMCONF select PWM_FREQ with regard to fCLK for 2040kHz PWM frequency CHOPCONF Enable chopper using basic config., e.g.: TOFF=5, TBL=2, HSTART=4, HEND=0 Execute automatic tuning procedure AT N Set I_RUN as desired up to 31, I_HOLD 70% of I_RUN or lower Set I_HOLD_DELAY to 1 to 15 for smooth standstill current decay Set TPOWERDOWN up to 255 for delayed standstill current reduction Move the motor by slowly accelerating from 0 to VMAX operation velocity Is performance good up to VMAX? Configure Chopper to test current settings N Select a velocity threshold for switching to spreadCycle chopper and set TPWMTHRS Y SC2 Figure 14.1 Current Setting and first steps with stealthChop Hint Use the evaluation board to explore settings and to generate the required configuration datagrams. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 65 SC2 spreadCycle Configuration Try motion above TPWMTRHRS, if used GCONF set en_spreadCycle Coil current overshoot upon deceleration? Y PWMCONF decrease PWM_LIM (do not go below about 5) N Move the motor by slowly accelerating from 0 to VMAX operation velocity Go to motor stand still and check motor current at IHOLD=IRUN Stand still current too high? CHOPCONF Enable chopper using basic config.: TOFF=5, TBL=2, HSTART=0, HEND=0 Y CHOPCONF, PWMCONF decrease TBL or PWM frequency and check impact on motor motion N Optimize spreadCycle configuration if TPWMTHRS used Monitor sine wave motor coil currents with current probe at low velocity Current zero crossing smooth? N CHOPCONF increase HEND (max. 15) Y CHOPCONF decrease TOFF (min. 2), try lower / higher TBL or reduce motor current Y CHOPCONF decrease HEND and increase HSTART (max. 7) Y Move motor very slowly or try at stand still Audible Chopper noise? N Move motor at medium velocity or up to max. velocity Audible Chopper noise? Finished Figure 14.2 Tuning stealthChop and spreadCycle www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) OTP programming Determine stand still current settings (IHOLD, IHOLDDELAY) and sense resistor type (internal_Rsense) Determine chopper settings (CHOPCONF and PWMCONF) spreadCycle only mode? Y Go for otp_en_spreadCycle=1 Y Find nearest value fitting for TPWMTHRS from table OTP_TPWMTHRS N Mix spreadCylce and stealthChop? N Find nearest value fitting for PWM_GRAD initialization from table OTP_PWM_GRAD Note all OTP bits to be set to 1. Choose a bit to be programmed and write OTP byte and bit address to OTP_PROG including magic code 0xbd Wait for 10ms or longer N Are all OTP bits programmed? Y All bits set in OTP_READ? Y Finished Figure 14.3 OTP programming www.trinamic.com N Re-Program missing bits using 100ms delay time 66 TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 67 15 External Reset The chip is loaded with default values during power on via its internal power-on reset. Some of the registers are initialized from the OTP at power up. In order to reset the chip to power on defaults, any of the supply voltages monitored by internal reset circuitry (VS, +5VOUT or VCC_IO) must be cycled. As +5VOUT is the output of the internal voltage regulator, it cannot be cycled via an external source except by cycling VS. It is easiest and safest to cycle VCC_IO in order to completely reset the chip. Also, current consumed from VCC_IO is low and therefore it has simple driving requirements. Due to the input protection diodes not allowing the digital inputs to rise above VCC_IO level, all inputs must be driven low during this reset operation. When this is not possible, an input protection resistor may be used to limit current flowing into the related inputs. 16 Clock Oscillator and Input The clock is the timing reference for all functions: the chopper frequency, the blank time, the standstill power down timing, and the internal step pulse generator etc. The on-chip clock oscillator is calibrated in order to provide timing precise enough for most operation cases. USING THE INTERNAL CLOCK Directly tie the CLK input to GND near to the IC if the internal clock oscillator is to be used. The internal clock frequency is factory-trimmed to 12MHz by OTP programming. USING AN EXTERNAL CLOCK When an external clock is available, any frequency of 8 to 18MHz can be used to clock the TMC22xx. The duty cycle of the clock signal is uncritical, as long as minimum high or low input time for the pin is satisfied (refer to electrical characteristics). Make sure, that the clock source supplies clean CMOS output logic levels and steep slopes when using a high clock frequency. The external clock input is enabled with the first positive polarity seen on the CLK input. Modifying the clock frequency is an easy way to adapt the stealthChop chopper frequency or to synchronize multiple drivers. Working with a very low clock frequency down to 4 MHz can help reducing power consumption and electromagnetic emissions, but it will sacrifice some performance. Use an external clock source to synchronize multiple drivers, or to get precise motor operation with the internal pulse generator for motion. The external clock frequency selection also allows modifying the power down timing and the chopper frequency. Hint Switching off the external clock frequency would stop the chopper and could lead to an overcurrent condition. Therefore, TMC22xx has an internal timeout of 32 internal clocks. In case the external clock fails, it switches back to internal clock. www.trinamic.com TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 68 17 Absolute Maximum Ratings The maximum ratings may not be exceeded under any circumstances. Operating the circuit at or near more than one maximum rating at a time for extended periods shall be avoided by application design. Parameter Supply voltage operating with inductive load Supply and bridge voltage max. *) I/O supply voltage digital supply voltage (when using external supply) Logic input voltage VREF input voltage (Do not exceed both, VCC_IO and 5VOUT by more than 10%, as this enables a test mode) Maximum current to / from digital pins and analog low voltage I/Os 5V regulator output current (internal plus external load) 5V regulator continuous power dissipation (VVM-5V) * I5VOUT Power bridge repetitive output current Junction temperature Storage temperature ESD-Protection for interface pins (Human body model, HBM) ESD-Protection for handling (Human body model, HBM) Symbol VVS VVMAX VVIO V5VOUT VI VVREF Min -0.5 Max 39 40 5.5 5.5 VVIO+0.5 6 Unit V V V V V V IIO +/-10 mA I5VOUT P5VOUT IOx TJ TSTG VESDAP 25 0.5 2.5 150 150 4 mA W A °C °C kV 1 kV -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -50 -55 VESD *) Stray inductivity of GND and VS connections will lead to ringing of the supply voltage when driving an inductive load. This ringing results from the fast switching slopes of the driver outputs in combination with reverse recovery of the body diodes of the output driver MOSFETs. Even small trace inductivities as well as stray inductivity of sense resistors can easily generate a few volts of ringing leading to temporary voltage overshoot. This should be considered when working near the maximum voltage. 18 Electrical Characteristics 18.1 Operational Range Parameter Junction temperature Supply voltage (using internal +5V regulator) Supply voltage (using internal +5V regulator) for OTP programming Supply voltage (internal +5V regulator bridged: V5VOUT=VVS) I/O supply voltage VCC voltage when using optional external source (supplies digital logic and charge pump) RMS motor coil current per coil (value for design guideline) RMS motor coil current per coil with duty cycle limit, e.g. 1s on, 1s standby (value for design guideline) Peak output current per motor coil output (sine wave peak) using external or internal current sensing www.trinamic.com Symbol TJ VVS Min -40 5.5 6 Max 125 36 36 Unit °C V V 4.7 3.00 4.6 5.4 5.25 5.25 V V V IRMS IRMS 1.2 1.4 A A IOx 2.0 A VVS VVS VVIO VVCC TMC220X, TMC222X DATASHEET (Rev. 1.02 / 2017-MAY-16) 69 18.2 DC and Timing Characteristics DC characteristics contain the spread of values guaranteed within the specified supply voltage range unless otherwise specified. Typical values represent the average value of all parts measured at +25°C. Temperature variation also causes stray to some values. A device with typical values will not leave Min/Max range within the full temperature range. Power supply current DC-Characteristics VVS = VVSA = 24.0V Parameter Total supply current, driver disabled IVS Total supply current, operating, IVS Supply current, driver disabled, dependency on CLK frequency Internal current consumption from 5V supply on VCC pin IO supply current (typ. at 5V) Symbol IS Conditions fCLK=12MHz IS fCLK=12MHz, 35kHz chopper, no load fCLK variable, additional to IVS0 fCLK=12MHz, 35kHz chopper no load on outputs, inputs at VIO or GND Excludes pullup / pull-down resistors Motor driver section DC- and Timing-Characteristics VVS = 24.0V Parameter RDSON lowside MOSFET Symbol RONL RDSON highside MOSFET RONH slope, MOSFET turning on tSLPON slope, MOSFET turning off tSLPOFF Current sourcing, driver off IOIDLE Charge pump DC-Characteristics Parameter Charge pump output voltage Symbol VVCP-VVS Charge pump voltage threshold for undervoltage detection Charge pump frequency VVCP-VVS www.trinamic.com IVS IVCC IVIO fCP Conditions measure at 100mA, 25°C, static state measure at 100mA, 25°C, static state measured at 700mA load current (resistive load) measured at 700mA load current (resistive load) OXX pulled to GND Conditions operating, typical fchop
物料型号: - TMC2208/2 & TMC2224/0/5 系列集成电路。

器件简介: - 这些是用于两相双极步进电机的超静音电机驱动IC,能够处理高达2A峰值的线圈电流。 - 它们具有STEP/DIR接口,支持2、4、8、16或32微步的引脚设置。 - 通过microPlyer™插值实现256微步的平滑运行。 - 采用stealthChop2™技术实现静音电机操作。

引脚分配: - 根据不同型号,如TMC2208、TMC2202、TMC2224和TMC2220,数据手册提供了详细的引脚分配图和信号描述。

参数特性: - 工作电压范围:4.75至36V直流。 - 内部电源MOSFETs的低RDSon,低功耗。 - 自动待机电流降低(可选)。 - 内部感应电阻器选项(无需外部感应电阻器)。 - 被动制动和自由轮功能。 - 单线UART和OTP,用于高级配置选项。 - 集成脉冲发生器,用于独立运动。

功能详解: - 集成了stealthChop2™和spreadCycle™高度动态电机控制的斩波器。 - 通过UART接口提供详细的诊断和热管理。 - 通过内部OTP存储器进行应用特定的调整。

应用信息: - 适用于3D打印机、打印机、POS办公室自动化、纺织和缝纫机、CCTV安全、ATM、现金回收机、HVAC等多种应用。

封装信息: - 提供QFN、TQFP和HTSSOP封装选项,以适应不同的设计需求。
TMC2208-LA-T 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+17.11800
    • 10+14.58000
    • 30+12.98160
    • 100+10.95120
    • 500+10.21680


      •  国内价格
      • 1+9.69220


      •  国内价格
      • 1+9.21922
      • 10+8.43793
      • 30+8.28167


      •  国内价格
      • 1+35.72552
      • 10+24.52496
      • 25+22.56723
      • 100+20.59764
      • 250+19.98066
      • 500+19.68404
      • 2500+19.37555
      • 6000+19.06706
