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TMC222-SI 数据手册
TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 1 TMC222 – DATASHEET OB1 GND 26 GND OA2 27 24 23 22 VBAT SWI NC VCP CPP CPN TMC 222 QFN32 www.trinamic.com 8 VCP 12 13 14 15 16 NC 11 HW 10 GND 9 open VBAT TST 11 GND 12 SCL 9 10 VDD OB2 CPN CPP VBAT VBAT SDA 13 21 GND 20 14 VBAT OA1 VBAT OB1 VBAT 19 15 OB2 18 OA2 OB2 17 16 OA1 7 OA1 GND 6 HW 28 5 8 29 4 7 GND 30 17 TMC222 6 open 31 3 5 TST 32 2 4 VBAT TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG Waterloohain 5 D – 22769 Hamburg GERMANY 25 18 1 VDD GND TRINAMIC 3 SWI OB1 19 SCL OA2 20 2 GND 1 SDA GND Micro Stepping Stepper Motor Controller / Driver with Two Wire Serial Interface Top view 1 Features The TMC222 is a combined micro-stepping stepper motor motion controller and driver with RAM and OTP memory. The RAM or OTP memory is used to store motor parameters and configuration settings. The TMC222 allows up to four bit of micro stepping and a coil current of up to 800 mA. After initialization it performs all time critical tasks autonomously based on target positions and velocity parameters. Communications to a host takes place via a two wire serial interface. Together with an inexpensive micro controller the TMC222 forms a complete motion control system. The main benefits of the TMC222 are: • • • Motor driver • Controls one stepper motor with four bit micro stepping • Programmable Coil current up to 800 mA • Supply voltage range operating range 8V ... 29V • Fixed frequency PWM current control with automatic selection of fast and slow decay mode • Full step frequencies up to 1 kHz • High temperature, open circuit, short, over-current and under-voltage diagnostics Motion controller • Internal 16-bit wide position counter • Configurable speed and acceleration settings • Build-in ramp generator for autonomous positioning and speed control • On-the-fly alteration of target position • reference switch input available for read out Two wire serial interface • Transfer rates up to 350 kbps • Diagnostics and status information as well as motion parameters accessible • Field-programmable node addresses (32) Copyright © 2004-2009 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 2 TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) Life support policy TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG does not authorize or warrant any of its products for use in life support systems, without the specific written consent of TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG. Life support systems are equipment intended to support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions provided, can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury or death. © TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 2011 Information given in this data sheet is believed to be accurate and reliable. However no responsibility is assumed for the consequences of its use nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result form its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 3 Table of Contents 1 FEATURES ...................................................................................................................................... 1 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................. 5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Block Diagramm ........................................................................................................................ 5 Position Controller / Main Control ............................................................................................. 5 Stepper Motor Driver ................................................................................................................. 5 Two Wire Serial Interface.......................................................................................................... 5 Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................... 6 Pin and Signal Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 6 3 TYPICAL APPLICATION ................................................................................................................. 7 4 ORDERING INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 7 5 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 8 5.1 Position Controller and Main Controller .................................................................................... 8 5.1.1 Stepping Modes ................................................................................................................. 8 5.1.2 Velocity Ramp .................................................................................................................... 8 5.1.3 Examples for different Velocity Ramps .............................................................................. 9 5.1.4 Vmax Parameter .............................................................................................................. 10 5.1.5 Vmin Parameter ............................................................................................................... 11 5.1.6 Acceleration Parameter ................................................................................................... 11 5.1.7 Position Ranges ............................................................................................................... 12 5.1.8 Secure Position ................................................................................................................ 12 5.1.9 External Switch ................................................................................................................ 12 5.1.10 Motor Shutdown Management ......................................................................................... 13 5.1.11 Reference Search / Position initialization......................................................................... 14 5.1.12 Temperature Management .............................................................................................. 15 5.1.13 Battery Voltage Management .......................................................................................... 16 5.1.14 Internal handling of commands and flags ........................................................................ 17 5.2 RAM and OTP Memory ........................................................................................................... 19 5.2.1 RAM Registers ................................................................................................................. 19 5.2.2 Status Flags ..................................................................................................................... 20 5.2.3 OTP Memory Structure .................................................................................................... 21 5.3 Stepper Motor Driver ............................................................................................................... 21 5.3.1 Coil current shapes .......................................................................................................... 22 5.3.2 Transition Irun to Ihold ..................................................................................................... 23 5.3.3 Chopper Mechanism ........................................................................................................ 24 6 TWO-WIRE SERIAL INTERFACE................................................................................................. 25 6.1 Physical Layer ......................................................................................................................... 25 6.2 Communication on Two Wire Serial Bus Interface ................................................................. 25 6.3 Physical Address of the circuit ................................................................................................ 26 6.4 Write data to TMC222 ............................................................................................................. 26 6.5 Read data from TMC222 ........................................................................................................ 27 6.6 Timing characteristics of the serial interface ........................................................................... 28 6.7 Application Commands Overview ........................................................................................... 29 6.8 Command Description ............................................................................................................ 30 6.8.1 GetFullStatus1 ................................................................................................................. 30 6.8.2 GetFullStatus2 ................................................................................................................. 31 6.8.3 GetOTPParam ................................................................................................................. 31 6.8.4 GotoSecurePosition ......................................................................................................... 32 6.8.5 HardStop .......................................................................................................................... 32 6.8.6 ResetPosition ................................................................................................................... 32 Copyright © 2004-2009 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 4 TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 6.8.7 ResetToDefault ................................................................................................................ 33 6.8.8 RunInit .............................................................................................................................. 33 6.8.9 SetMotorParam ................................................................................................................ 34 6.8.10 SetOTPParam .................................................................................................................. 34 6.8.11 SetPosition ....................................................................................................................... 35 6.8.12 SoftStop ........................................................................................................................... 35 6.9 Positioning Task Example ....................................................................................................... 36 7 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................... 38 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8 Using the bus interface............................................................................................................ 38 General problems when getting started .................................................................................. 38 Using the device ...................................................................................................................... 39 Finding the reference position ................................................................................................. 40 PACKAGE OUTLINE ..................................................................................................................... 41 8.1 8.2 9 SOIC-20 .................................................................................................................................. 41 QFN32 ..................................................................................................................................... 42 PACKAGE THERMAL RESISTANCE ........................................................................................... 43 9.1 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 SOIC-20 Package ................................................................................................................... 43 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS .......................................................................................... 44 Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................................. 44 Operating Ranges................................................................................................................ 44 DC Parameters .................................................................................................................... 44 AC Parameters .................................................................................................................... 46 REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................................. 47 Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 5 2 General Description 2.1 Block Diagramm SWI SDA SCL HW TST Two Wire Serial Interface Decoder Position Controller DACs Main control & Registers OTP + ROM PWM regulator Y VBAT Voltage Regulator Oscillator Charge Pump VDD VCP 2.2 Reference Voltage & Thermal Monitoring CP2 CP1 Position Controller / Main Control Motor parameters, e.g. acceleration, velocity and position parameters are passed to the main control block via the serial interface. These information are stored internally in RAM or OTP memory and are accessible by the position controller. This block takes over all time critical tasks to drive a stepper motor to the desired position under abiding the desired motion parameters. The main controller gets feedback from the stepper motor driver block and is able to arrange internal actions in case of possible problems. Diagnostics information about problems and errors are transferred to the serial interface block. 2.3 Stepper Motor Driver Two H-bridges are employed to drive both windings of a bipolar stepper motor. The internal transistors can reach an output current of up to 800 mA. The PWM principle is used to force the given current through the coils. The regulation loop performs a comparison between the sensed output current and the internal reference. The PWM signals to drive the power transistors are derived from the output of the current comparator. 2.4 OA1 OA2 Sinewave table Serial Interface Controller Test PWM regulator X Two Wire Serial Interface Communication between a host and the TMC222 takes places via the two wire bi-directional serial interface. Motion instructions and diagnostics information are provided to or from the Main Control block. It is possible to connect up to 32 devices on the same bus. Slave addresses are programmable via OTP memory or an external pin. Copyright © 2004-2009 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG OB1 OB2 6 TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 2.5 Miscellaneous Besides the main blocks the TMC222 contains the following: • an internal charge pump used to drive the high side transistors. • an internal oscillator running at 4 MHz +/- 10% to clock the two wire serial interface, the positioning unit, and the main control block • internal voltage reference for precise referencing • a 5 Volts voltage regulator to supply the digital logic • protection block featuring Thermal Shutdown, Power-On-Reset, etc. GND GND 24 23 VBAT VBAT VCP CPP CPN TMC 222 QFN32 8 SDA 13 22 NC 21 GND VBAT 20 14 SWI OB2 19 VBAT VBAT OB1 11 VCP Name SOIC20 QFN32 SDA SCL VDD GND 1 2 3 4,7,14,17 TST open HW 5 6 8 8 9 10 11,14,25,26, 31,32 12 13 15 CPN CPP VCP VBAT OB2 OB1 OA2 OA1 SWI 9 10 11 12, 19 13 15 16 18 20 12 13 14 15 16 NC 11 10 HW 10 CPP 9 GND VBAT open 12 TST 9 GND OB2 CPN NC VBAT OB2 18 15 OA1 17 16 OA1 5 HW 25 4 8 26 7 GND TMC222 7 GND 27 6 OA1 17 OA2 6 28 18 TST open 29 3 5 30 2 GND 31 1 4 32 SCL 3 VDD VBAT OB1 TRINAMIC SCL SWI OA2 19 OB1 2 OA2 20 GND 1 SDA GND Pin and Signal Descriptions VDD 2.6 Top view Description SDA Serial Data input/output SCL Serial Clock input internal supply (needs external decoupling capacitor) ground, heat sink test pin (to be tied to ground in normal operation) must be left open hard-wired serial interface address bit input Hint: This is not a logic level input as usual; it needs to be connected via 1K resistor either to +VBAT or GND; 17 negative connection of external charge pump capacitor 18 positive connection of external charge pump capacitor 19 connection of external charge pump filter capacitor 3-5,20-22 battery voltage supply (Vbb) 23,24 negative end of phase B coil 27,28 positive end of phase B coil 29,30 negative end of phase A coil 1,2 positive end of phase A coil 6 reference switch input; Hint: This is not a logic level input as usual; it needs to be connected via 1K resistor either to +VBAT or GND; 7,16 internally not connected (shields when connected to ground) Table 1: TMC222 Signal Description Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 7 3 Typical Application External Switch Two wire serial Interface 1 SDA SWI 20 Connect to GND or VBAT SWI 1kΩ /1/4W 2.7 nF 2 SCL VBAT 19 3 VDD OA1 18 4 GND GND 17 5 TST OA2 16 6 open OB1 15 GND GND 14 100 nF 100 nF 1 µF Tantalum 7 Connect to GND or VBAT M VBAT 8...29 V 1kΩ /1/4W 8 HW OB2 13 9 CPN VBAT 12 10 CPP VCP 11 100 nF 2.7 nF 220 nF 16 V 220 nF 16 V 100 µF Figure 1: TMC222 Typical Application Notes : • • • • • Resistors tolerance +- 5% 2.7nF capacitors: 2.7nF is the minimum value, 10nF is the maximum value the 1µF and 100µF must have a low ESR value 100nF capacitors must be close to pins VBB and VDD 220nF capacitors must be as close as possible to pins CPN, CPP, VCP and VBB to reduce EMC radiation. 4 Ordering Information Part No. TMC222-PI20 (pre-series marking, same IC as TMC222-SI) TMC222-SI TMC222-LI Package SOIC-20 Peak Current 800 mA Temperature Range -40°C..125°C SOIC-20 QFN32 800mA 800mA -40°C..125°C -40°C..125°C Table 2: Ordering Information Copyright © 2004-2009 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 8 TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 5 Functional Description 5.1 Position Controller and Main Controller 5.1.1 Stepping Modes The TMC222 supports up to 16 micro steps per full step, which leads to smooth and low torque ripple motion of the stepping motor. Four stepping modes (micro step resolutions) are selectable by the user (see also Table 11): • • • • 5.1.2 Half step Mode 1/4 Micro stepping 1/8 Micro stepping 1/16 Micro stepping Velocity Ramp A common velocity ramp where a motor drives to a desired position is shown in the figure below. The motion consists of a acceleration phase, a phase of constant speed and a final deceleration phase. Both the acceleration and the deceleration are symmetrical. The acceleration factor can be chosen from a table with 16 entries. (Table 5: Acc Parameter on page 11). A typical motion begins with a start velocity Vmin. During acceleration phase the velocity is increased until Vmax is reached. After acceleration phase the motion is continued with velocity Vmax until the velocity has to be decreased in order to stop at the desired target position. Both velocity parameters Vmin and Vmax are programmable, whereas Vmin is a programmable ratio of Vmax. (See Table 3: Vmax Parameter on page 10 and Table 4: Vmin on page 11). The user has to take into account that Vmin is not allowed to change while a motion is ongoing. Vmax is only allowed to change under special circumstances. (See 5.1.4 Vmax Parameter on page 10). The peak current value to be fed to each coil of the stepper-motor is selectable from a table with 16 possible values. It has to be distinguished between the run current Irun and the hold current Ihold. Irun is fed through the stepper motor coils while a motion is performed, whereas Ihold is the current to hold the stepper motor before or after a motion. More details about Irun and Ihold can be found in 5.3.1. and 5.3.2. Velocity resp. acceleration parameters are accessable via the serial interface. These parameters are written via the SetMotorParam command (see 6.8.9) and read via the GetFullStatus1 command (see 6.8.1). Velocity V [FS/s] Vmax Vmin Xstart State of Motion No Movement Acceleration Phase Xtarget Constant Velocity Deceleration Phase Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG No Movement time [s] TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 5.1.3 9 Examples for different Velocity Ramps The following figures show some examples of typical motions under different conditions: Velocity V Vmax Vmin Xstart Xtarget_1 Xtarget_2 time Figure 2: Motion with change of target position Velocity V Vmax Vmin Xstart Xtarget_1 Xtarget_2 time Figure 3: Motion with change of target position while in deceleration phase Velocity V Vmax Vmin Xstart Xtarget time Figure 4: Short Motion Vmax is not reached Velocity V Vmax Vmin Xstart Xtarget_1 Xtarget_2 time Figure 5: Linear Zero crossing (change of target position in opposite direction) The motor crosses zero velocity with a linear shape. The velocity can be smaller than the programmed Vmin value during zero crossing. Linear zero crossing provides very low torque ripple to the stepper motor during crossing. Copyright © 2004-2009 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 10 5.1.4 TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) Vmax Parameter The desired maximum velocity Vmax can be chosen from the table below: Vmax index Vmax [FS/s] Vmax group 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 99 136 167 197 213 228 243 273 303 334 364 395 456 546 729 973 A B C D Half-Step Mode [half-steps/s] 197 273 334 395 425 456 486 546 607 668 729 790 912 1091 1457 1945 Stepping Mode 1/4 micro 1/8 micro stepping stepping [micro-steps/s] [micro-steps/s] 395 546 668 790 851 912 973 1091 1213 1335 1457 1579 1823 2182 2914 3891 790 1091 1335 1579 1701 1823 1945 2182 2426 2670 2914 3159 3647 4364 5829 7782 1/16 micro stepping [micro-steps/s] 1579 2182 2670 3159 3403 3647 3891 4364 4852 5341 5829 6317 7294 8728 11658 15564 Table 3: Vmax Parameter Under special circumstances it is possible to change the Vmax parameters while a motion is ongoing. All 16 entries for the Vmax parameter are divided into four groups A, B, C and D. When changing Vmax during a motion take care that the new Vmax value is within the same group. Background: The TMC222 uses an internal pre-divider for positioning calculations. Within one group the pre-divider is equal. When changing Vmax between different groups during a motion, correct positioning is not ensured anymore. Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 5.1.5 11 Vmin Parameter The minimum velocity parameter is a programmable ratio between 1/32 and 15/32 of Vmax. It is also possible to set Vmin to the same velocity as Vmax by setting Vmin index to zero. The table below shows the possible rounded values of Vmin given within unit [FS/s]. Vmax group [A...D] and Vmax index [0…15] Vmin Vmax A B C index factor 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 99 136 167 197 213 228 243 273 303 334 364 395 456 0 1 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 10 10 11 13 1 1/32 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 21 23 27 2 2/32 9 12 15 18 19 21 22 25 27 30 32 36 42 3 3/32 4 4/32 12 16 20 24 26 28 30 32 36 40 44 48 55 5 5/32 15 21 26 30 32 35 37 42 46 52 55 61 71 6 6/32 18 25 30 36 39 42 45 50 55 61 67 72 84 7 7/32 22 30 36 43 46 50 52 59 65 72 78 86 99 8 8/32 24 33 41 49 52 56 60 67 74 82 90 97 112 9 9/32 28 38 47 55 59 64 68 76 84 94 101 111 128 10 10/32 30 42 52 61 66 71 75 84 94 103 112 122 141 11 11/32 34 47 57 68 72 78 83 94 103 114 124 135 156 12 12/32 37 50 62 73 79 85 91 101 112 124 135 147 170 13 13/32 40 55 68 80 86 92 98 111 122 135 147 160 185 14 14/32 43 59 72 86 92 99 106 118 132 145 158 172 198 15 15/32 46 64 78 92 99 107 114 128 141 156 170 185 214 13 546 15 30 50 65 84 99 118 134 153 168 187 202 221 236 256 D 14 729 19 42 65 88 111 134 156 179 202 225 248 271 294 317 340 15 973 26 57 88 118 149 179 210 240 271 301 332 362 393 423 454 Table 4: Vmin values [FS/s] for all Vmin index – Vmax index combinations 5.1.6 Acceleration Parameter The acceleration parameter can be chosen from a wide range of available values as described in the table below. Please note that the acceleration parameter is not to change while a motion is ongoing. 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 99 14785 Acc index Acceleration Values in [FS/s ] dependent on Vmax Vmax [FS/s] 136 167 197 213 228 243 273 303 334 364 395 456 546 729 973 49 106 473 218 735 1004 3609 6228 8848 11409 13970 16531 19092 21886 24447 27008 29570 34925 29570 40047 Table 5: Acc Parameter Copyright © 2004-2009 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 12 TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) The amount of equivalent full steps during acceleration phase can be computed by the next equation: 2 − V min 2 Nstep = V max 2 ⋅ Acc 5.1.7 Position Ranges Position information is coded by using two’s complement format. Depending on the stepping mode (See 5.1.1) the position ranges are as listed in the following table: Stepping Mode Half-stepping 1/4 micro-stepping 1/8 micro-stepping 1/16 micro-stepping Position Range -4096…+4095 12 12 (-2 …+2 -1) -8192…+8191 13 13 (-2 …+2 -1) -16384…+16383 14 14 (-2 …+2 -1) -32768…+32767 15 15 (-2 …+2 -1) Full range excursion 8192 half-steps 13 2 16384 micro-steps 14 2 32768 micro-steps 15 2 65536 micro-steps 16 2 Table 6: Position Ranges Target positions can be programmed via serial interface by using the SetPosition command (see 6.8.11). The actual motor position can be read by the GetFullStatus2 command (see 6.8.2). 5.1.8 Secure Position The GotoSecurePosition command drives the motor to a pre-programmed secure position (see 6.8.4). The secure position is programmable by the user. Secure position is coded with 11 bits, therefore the resolution is lower than for normal positioning commands, as shown in the following table. Stepping Mode Half-stepping 1/4 micro stepping 1/8 micro stepping 1/16 micro stepping Secure Position Resolution 4 half steps th 8 micro steps (1/4 ) th 16 micro steps (1/8 ) th 32 micro steps (1/16 ) Table 7: Secure Position Resolution 5.1.9 External Switch SWI Pin SWI (see Figure 1, on page 7) will attempt to source and sink current in/from the external switch pin. This is to check whether the external switch is open or closed, resp. if the pin is connected to ground or Vbat. The status of the switch can be read by using the GetFullStatus1 command. As long as the switch is open, the flag is set to zero. The ESW flag just represents the status of the input switch. The SWI input is intended as a physical interface for a mechanical switch that requires a cleaning current for proper operation. The SWI input detects if the switch is open or connected either to ground or to Vbat. The SWI input is not a digital logic level input. The status of the switch does not automatically perform actions as latching of the actual position. Those actions have to be realized by the application software. Important Hint: The SWI is not a logic level input as usual; it needs to be connected via 1K resistor either to +VBAT or GND; Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 13 5.1.10 Motor Shutdown Management The TMC222 is set into motor shutdown mode as soon as one of the following condition occurs: • • • • The chip temperature rises above the thermal shutdown threshold Ttsd. See 5.1.12 Temperature Management on Page 15 The battery voltage drops below UV2 See 5.1.13 Battery Voltage Management on Page 16. An electrical problem occurred, e.g. short circuit, open circuit, etc. In case of such an problem flag is set to one. Chargepump failure, indicated by flag set to one. During motor shutdown the following actions are performed by the main controller: • • H-bridges are set into high impedance mode The target position register TagPos is loaded with the contents of the actual position register ActPos. The two-wire-serial-interface remains active during motor shutdown. To leave the motor shutdown state the following conditions must be true: • • Conditions which led to a motor shutdown are not active anymore A GetFullStatus1 command is performed via serial interface. Leaving the motor shutdown state initiates the following • • • H-bridges in Ihold mode Clock for the motor control digital circuitry is enabled The charge pump is active again Now the TMC222 is ready to execute any positioning command. IMPORTANT NOTE: First, a GetFullStatus1 command has to be executed after power-on to activate the TMC222. Copyright © 2004-2009 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 14 TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 5.1.11 Reference Search / Position initialization A stepper motor does not provide information about the actual position of the motor. Therefore it is recommended to perform a reference drive after power-up or if a motor shutdown happened in case of a problem. The RunInit command initiates the reference search. The RunInit command consists of a Vmin and Vmax parameter and also position information about the end of first and second motion (6.8.8 RunInit). A reference drive consists of two motions (Figure 6: RunInit): The first motion is to drive the motor into a stall position or a reference switch. The first motion is performed under compliance of the selected Vmax and Vmin parameter and the acceleration parameter specified in the RAM. The second motion has got a rectangular shape, without a acceleration phase and is to drive the motor out of the stall position or slowly towards the stall position again to compensate for the bouncing of the faster first motion to stop as close to the stall position as possible. The maximum velocity of the second motion equals to Vmin. The positions of Pos1 and Pos2 can be chosen freely (Pos1 > Pos2 or Pos1 < Pos2). After the second motion the actual position register is set to zero. Finally, the secure position will be traveled to if it is enabled (different from the most negative decimal value of –1024). Once the RunInit command is started it can not be interrupted by any other command except a condition occurs which leads to a motor shutdown (See 5.1.10 Motor Shutdown Management) or a HardStop command is received. Furthermore the master has to ensure that the target position of the first motion is not equal to the actual position of the stepper motor and that the target positions of the first and the second motion are not equal. This is very important otherwise the circuit goes into a deadlock state. Once the circuit finds itself in a deadlock state only a HardStop command followed by a GetFullStatus1 command will cause the circuit to leave the deadlock state. Velocity V [FS/s] 2nd Motion 1st Motion Vmax Vmin Pos1 Figure 6: RunInit Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG Pos2 Position X [FS] TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 15 5.1.12 Temperature Management The TMC222 provides an internal temperature monitoring. The circuit goes into shutdown mode if the temperature exceeds threshold Ttsd, furthermore two thresholds are implemented to generate a temperature pre-warning. Low Temperatur = "01" = '0' = '0' T° < Tlow T° > Tlow Normal Temp. = "00" = '0' = '0' T° < Ttw & GetFullStatus1 T° < Ttw & GetFullStatus1 T° > Ttw Thermal Warning = "10" = '1' = '0' T° > Ttw Post Thermal Warning = "00" = '1' = '0' T° < Ttw T° > Ttsd Thermal Shutdown = "11" = '1' = '1' SoftStop, if motion Motion = disabled T° > Ttsd T° < Ttsd Post Thermal Shutdown 1 = "10" = '1' = '1' Motion = disabled T° > Ttw T° < Ttw Post Thermal Shutdown 2 = "00" = '1' = '1' Motion = disabled Copyright © 2004-2009 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 16 TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 5.1.13 Battery Voltage Management The TMC222 provides an internal battery voltage monitoring. The circuit goes into shutdown mode if the battery voltage falls below threshold UV2, furthermore one threshold UV1 is implemented to generate a low voltage warning. Vbat > UV1 & GetFullStatus1 Vbat > UV1 & GetFullStatus1 Normal Voltage = '0' = '0' Motion = enabled Vbat > UV1 Vbat < UV1 Low Voltage = '0' = '0' Motion = enabled Vbat < UV2 (no Motion) Vbat < UV2 (Motion) Stop Mode 1 Stop Mode 2 = '1' = '0' Motion = disabled = '1' = '1' HardStop Motion = disabled Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 17 5.1.14 Internal handling of commands and flags The internal handling of commands and flags differs. Commands are handled with different priorities depending on the current state and the current status of internal flags, see figure below. SetPosition or GotoSecurePosition commands are ignored as long as the flag is set. Details can be found in Table 8: Priority Encoder. Note: A HardStop command is sent by the master or triggered internally in case of an electrical defect or over temperature. A description of the available commands can be found in 6.8 Command Description. A list of the internal flags can be found in 5.2.2 Status Flags. As an example: When the circuit drives the motor to its programmed target position, state “GotoPos” is entered. There are three events which can cause to leave this state: HardStop command received, SoftStop command received or target position reached. If all three events occur at the same time the HardStop command is executed since it has the highest priority. The Motion finished event (target position reached) has the lowest priority and thus will only cause transition to “Stopped” state when both other events do not occur. RunInit Thermal Shutdown HardStop Power On Reset Motion finished RunInit SoftStop HardStop Thermal Shutdown SoftStop HardStop HardStop Motion finished HardStop Thermal Shutdown GotoSecurePosition Stopped ShutDown GetFullStatus1 AND + = 0 SetPosition GotoPos Motion finished Motion finished Figure 7: Internal handling of commands and flags Copyright © 2004-2009 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG Priorities High Low 18 TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) State → Command ↓ GetFullStatus2 GetOTPParam Stopped GotoPos RunInit SoftStop HardStop ShutDown motor stopped, Ihold in coils motor motion ongoing motor decelerating motor forced to stop I²C in-frame response OTP refresh; I²C in-frame I²C in-frame response OTP refresh; I²C in-frame no influence on RAM and TagPos I²C in-frame response OTP refresh; I²C in-frame I²C in-frame response OTP refresh; I²C in-frame I²C in-frame response OTP refresh; I²C in-frame I²C in-frame response I²C in-frame response I²C in-frame response I²C in-frame response I²C in-frame response motor stopped, H-bridges in Hi-Z I²C in-frame response OTP refresh; I²C in-frame I²C in-frame response; if ( or ) = ‘1’ then → Stopped OTP refresh; OTP to RAM; AccShape reset OTP refresh; OTP to RAM; AccShape reset OTP refresh; OTP to RAM; AccShape reset (note 2) OTP refresh; OTP to RAM; AccShape reset OTP refresh; OTP to RAM; AccShape reset OTP refresh; OTP to RAM; AccShape reset RAM update RAM update RAM update RAM update RAM update RAM update GetFullStatus1 [attempt to clear and flags] ResetToDefault [ActPos and TagPos are not altered] SetMotorParam [Master takes care about proper update] TagPos and ActPos reset TagPos updated; SetPosition →GotoPos If = ‘1’ GotoSecurePosi then TagPos = SecPos; tion →GotoPos RunInit →RunInit TagPos and ActPos reset ResetPosition HardStop SoftStop HardStop TagPos updated TagPos updated If = ‘1’ If = ‘1’ then TagPos = then TagPos = SecPos SecPos →HardStop; = ‘1’ →SoftStop →HardStop; = ‘1’ →HardStop; = ‘1’ →HardStop [ ⇔ ( or or ) = ‘1’ ⇒ = ‘1’ ] Thermal shutdown [ = ‘1’ ] →Shutdown →HardStop →HardStop →Shutdown →SoftStop →SoftStop Motion finished n.a. →Stopped →Stopped →Stopped; TagPos =ActPos →Stopped; TagPos =ActPos n.a. Table 8: Priority Encoder Color code: Command ignored Transition to another state Master is responsible for proper update (see note 5) Notes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 After Power on reset, the Shutdown state is entered. The Shutdown state can only be left after a GetFullStatus1 command (so that the Master could read the flag). A RunInit sequence runs with a separate set of RAM registers. The parameters which are not specified in a RunInit command are loaded with the values stored in RAM at the moment the RunInit sequence starts. AccShape is forced to ‘1’ during second motion even if a ResetToDefault command is issued during a RunInit sequence, in which case AccShape at ‘0’ will be taken into account after the RunInit sequence. A GetFullStatus1 command will return the default parameters for Vmax and Vmin stored in RAM. Shutdown state can be left only when and flags are reset. Flags can be reset only after the master could read them via a GetFullStatus1 command, and provided the physical conditions allow for it (normal temperature, correct battery voltage and no electrical or charge pump defect). A SetMotorParam command sent while a motion is ongoing (state GotoPos) should not attempt to modify Acc and Vmin values. This can be done during a RunInit sequence since this motion uses its own parameters, the new parameters will be taken into account at the next SetPosition command. = ‘1’ when register SecPos is loaded with a value different from the most negative value (i.e. different from 0x400 = “100 0000 0000”) Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 7 19 flag allows to distinguish whether state Stopped was entered after HardStop/SoftStop or not. is set to ‘1’ when leaving state HardStop or SoftStop and is reset during first clock edge occurring in state Stopped. While in state Stopped, if ActPos ≠ TagPos there is a transition to state GotoPos. This transition has the lowest priority, meaning that , , etc. are first evaluated for possible transitions. If is active, then SetPosition and GotoSecurePosition commands are ignored (they will not modify TagPos register whatever the state) and motion to secure position is forbidden. Other commands like RunInit or ResetPosition will be executed if allowed by current state. can only be cleared by a GetFullStatus1 command. 8 9 5.2 RAM and OTP Memory Some RAM registers (e.g. Ihold, Irun) are initialized with the content of the OTP (One Time Programmable) memory. The content of RAM registers that are initialized via OTP can be changed afterwards. This allows user initialization default values, whereas the default values are one time programmable by the user. Some OTP bits are address bits of the TMC222. 5.2.1 RAM Registers Register Mnemonic Actual Position ActPos Length (bit) 16 Target Position TagPos 16 Acceleration Shape AccShape 1 Coil Peak Current Irun 4 Coil Hold Current Ihold 4 Minimum Velocity Vmin 4 Maximum Velocity Vmax 4 Shaft Shaft 1 Acceleration / Deceleration Acc 4 Secure Position SecPos 11 Stepping Mode StepMode 2 Related commands Comment GetFullStatus2 ResetPosition SetPosition GetFullStatus2 ResetPosition GetFullStatus1 SetMotorParam ResetToDefault GetFullStatus1 SetMotorParam ResetToDefault GetFullStatus1 SetMotorParam ResetToDefault GetFullStatus1 SetMotorParam ResetToDefault GetFullStatus1 SetMotorParam ResetToDefault GetFullStatus1 SetMotorParam ResetToDefault GetFullStatus1 SetMotorParam ResetToDefault Actual Position of the Stepper Motor. 16-bit signed Target Position of the Stepper Motor. 16-bit signed GetFullStatus2 ResetToDefault GetFullStatus1 GetFullStatus2 ResetToDefault Reset State 0x0000 0 = Acceleration with Acc Parameter. 1 = Velocity set to Vmin, without acceleration Coil current when motion is ongoing (Table 12: Irun / Ihold Settings) Coil current when motor stands still (Table 12: Irun / Ihold Settings) Start Velocity of the stepper motor (Table 4: Vmin ) Target Velocity of the stepper motor (Table 3: Vmax Parameter) Direction of motion Parameter for acceleration (Table 5: Acc Parameter) Target Position for GotoSecurePosition command (6.8.4 GotoSecurePosition); 11 MSBs of 16-bit position (LSBs fixed to ‘0’) Micro stepping mode (5.1.1 Stepping Modes) Copyright © 2004-2009 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG OTP Memory 20 5.2.2 TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) Status Flags The table below shows the flags which are accessable by the serial interface in order to receive information about the internal status of the TMC222. Flag Digital supply Reset Over current in coil A Over current in coil B StepLoss Mnemonic VddReset Length (bit) 1 OVC1 1 OVC2 1 StepLoss 1 SecEn 1 ElDef 1 Temperature Info Tinfo 2 Thermal Warning TW 1 Thermal Shutdown TSD 1 Motion 3 ESW 1 CPFail 1 HS 1 Secure position enabled Electrical Defect Motion Status External Switch Status Charge Pump failure Electrical flag Related Comment Command GetFullStatus1 Set to ‘1’ after power-up or after a micro-cut in the supply voltage to warn that RAM contents may have been lost. Is set to ‘0’ after GetFullStatus1 command. GetFullStatus1 Set to ‘1’ if an over current in coil #1 was detected. Is set to ‘0’ after GetFullStatus1 command. GetFullStatus1 Set to ‘1’ if an over current in coil #2 was detected. Is set to ‘0’ after GetFullStatus1 command. GetFullStatus1 Set to ‘1’ when under voltage, over current or over temperature event was detected. Is set to ‘0’ after GetFullStatus1 command. SetPosition and GotoSecurePosition commands are ignored when = 1 ‘0’ if SecPos = “100 0000 0000” Internal use ‘1’ otherwise GetFullStatus1 Set to ‘1’ if open circuit or a short was detected, ( or ). Is. Is set to ‘0’ after GetFullStatus1 command. GetFullStatus1 Indicates the chip temperature “00” = normal temperature “01 = low temperature warning “10” = high temperature warning “11” = motor shutdown GetFullStatus1 Set to one if temperature raises above 145 °C. Is set to ‘0’ after GetFullStatus1 command. GetFullStatus1 Set to one if temperature raises above 155° C. Is set to ‘0’ after GetFullStatus1 command and Tinfo = “00”. GetFullStatus1 Indicates the actual behavior of the position controller. “000”: Actual Position = Target Position; Velocity = 0 “001”: Positive Acceleration; Velocity > 0 “010”: Negative Acceleration; Velocity > 0 “011”: Acceleration = 0 Velocity = maximum pos Velocity “100”: Actual Position /= Target Position; Velocity = 0 “101”: Positive Acceleration; Velocity < 0 “110”: Positive Acceleration; Velocity < 0 “111”: Acceleration = 0 Velocity = maximum neg Velocity GetFullStatus1 Indicates the status of the external switch. ‘0’ = open ‘1’ = close GetFullStatus1 ‘0’ charge pump OK ‘1’ charge pump failure Internal use or or Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG Reset state ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ n.a. ‘0’ “00” ‘0’ ‘0’ “000” ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 5.2.3 21 OTP Memory Structure The table below shows where the OTP parameters are stored in the OTP memory. Note: If the OTP memory has not been programmed, or if the RAM has not be programmed by a SetMotorParam command, or if anyhow = ‘1’, any positioning command will be ignored, in order to avoid any consequence due to unwanted RAM content. Please check that the correct supply voltage is applied to the circuit before zapping the OTP (See: Table 21: DC Parameters Supply and Voltage regulator on page 45), otherwise the circuit will be destroyed. OTP Address 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 OTP Bit Order 4 3 7 6 5 OSC3 OSC2 TSD2 OSC1 TSD1 OSC0 TSD0 Irun3 Vmax3 SecPos10. SecPos7 Irun2 Vmax2 SecPos9 SecPos6 Irun1 Vmax1 SecPos8 SecPos5 Irun0 Vmax0 Shaft SecPos4 IREF3 BG3 AD3 Ihold3 Vmin3 Acc3 SecPos3 StepMode1 2 1 0 IREF2 BG2 AD2 Ihold2 Vmin2 Acc2 SecPos2 StepMode0 IREF1 BG1 AD1 Ihold1 Vmin1 Acc1 SecPos1 LOCKBT IREF0 BG0 AD0 Ihold0 Vmin0 Acc0 SecPos0 LOCKBG Table 9 : OTP Memory Structure Parameters stored at address 0x00 and 0x01 and bit LOCKBT are already programmed in the OTP memory at circuit delivery, they correspond to the calibration of the circuit and are just documented here as an indication. These might vary between different components. These bits (gray within Table 9 : OTP Memory Structure) should not be used after readout. Each OPT bit is at ‘0’ when not zapped. Zapping a bit will set it to ‘1’. Thus only bits having to be at ‘1’ must be zapped. Zapping of a bit already at ‘1’ is disabled, to avoid any damage of the Zener diode. It is important to note that only one single OTP byte can be programmed at the same time (see command SetOTPParam). Once OTP programming is completed, bit LOCKBG can be zapped, to disable unwanted future zapping, otherwise any OTP bit at ‘0’ could still be zapped. LOCKBT Lock bit (zapped before delivery) LOCKBG Protected byte 0x00 to 0x01 0x02 to 0x07 Table 10 : OTP Lock bits The command used to load the application parameters via the serial bus into the RAM prior to an OTP Memory programming is SetMotorParam. This allows for a functional verification before using a SetOTPParam command to program and zap separately one OTP memory byte. A GetOTPParam command issued after each SetOTPParam command allows to verify the correct byte zapping. 5.3 Stepper Motor Driver The StepMode parameter in SetMotorParam command (6.8.9 SetMotorParam on page 34) is used to select between different stepping modes. Following modes are available: StepMode parameter 00 01 10 11 Mode Half Stepping 1/4 µStepping 1/8 µStepping 1/16 µStepping Table 11: StepMode Copyright © 2004-2009 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 22 5.3.1 TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) Coil current shapes The next four figures show the current shapes fed to each coil of the motor in different stepping modes. i t Figure 8: Coil Current for Half Stepping Mode i t Figure 9: Coil Current for 1/4 Micro Stepping Mode i t Figure 10: Coil Current for 1/8 Micro Stepping Mode i t Figure 11: Coil Current for 1/16 Micro Stepping Mode Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 5.3.2 23 Transition Irun to Ihold At the end of a motor motion the actual coil currents Irun are maintained in the coils at their actual DC level for a quarter of an electrical period (two half steps) at minimum velocity. Afterwards the currents are then set to their hold values Ihold. The figure below illustrates the mechanism: i t I = Irun I = Ihold Figure 12: Transition Irun to Ihold Both currents Irun and Ihold are parameterizeable using the command SetMotorParam. 16 values are available for Irun current and 16 values for Ihold current. The table below shows the corresponding current values. Irun / Ihold setting (hexadecimal) 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 0x9 0xA 0xB 0xC 0xD 0xE 0xF Peak Current [mA] 59 71 84 100 119 141 168 200 238 283 336 400 476 566 673 800 Table 12: Irun / Ihold Settings Copyright © 2004-2009 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 24 5.3.3 TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) Chopper Mechanism The chopper frequency is fixed as specified in chapter 10.4 AC Parameters on page 46. The TMC222 uses an intelligent chopper algorithm to provide a smooth operation with low resonance. The TMC222 uses internal measurements to derive current flowing through coils. If the current is less than the desired current, the TMC222 switches a H-bridge in a way that the current will increase. Otherwise if the current is too high, the H-bridge will be switched to decrease the current. For decreasing two modes are available, slow decay and fast decay, whereas fast decay decreases the current faster than slow decay. The figure below shows the chopper behavior. Figure 13: Different Chopper Cycles with Fast and Slow Decay Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) 25 6 Two-Wire Serial Interface 6.1 Physical Layer Both SDA and SCL lines are connected to positive supply voltage via a current source or pull-up resistor (see figure below). When there is no traffic on the bus both lines are high. Analog glitch filters are implemented to suppress spikes with a length of up to 50 ns. + 5V SDA line SCL line SCL_IN SCL_IN SDA_IN SCL_OUT SDA_OUT SCL_OUT TMC222 SDA_IN SDA_OUT Master Figure 14: Two Wire Serial Interface - Physical Layer 6.2 Communication on Two Wire Serial Bus Interface Each datagram starts with a Start condition and ends with a Stop condition. Both conditions are unique and cannot be confused with data. A high to low transition on the SDA line while SCL is high indicates a Start condition. A low to high transition on the SDA line while SCL is high defines a Stop condition (see figure below). SDA SCL STOP condition START condition Figure 15: Two Wire Serial Interface - Start / Stop Conditions The SCL clock is always generated by the master. On every rising transition of the SCL line the data on SDA is valid. Data on SDA line is only allowed to change as long as SCL is low (see figure below). SDA SCL data line stable, data valid data change allowed Figure 16: Two Wire Serial Interface - Bit transfer Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 26 TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) Every byte put on the SDA line must have a length of 8 bits, where the most significant bit (MSB) is transferred first. The number of bytes that can be transmitted to the TCM222 is restricted to 8 bytes. Each byte is followed by an acknowledge bit, which is issued by the receiving node (see figure below). SDA MSB SCL 1 ACK 2 7 8 ACK 9 1 9 STOP condition START condition Figure 17: Two Wire Serial Interface - Data Transfer 6.3 Physical Address of the circuit The circuit must be provided with a physical address in order to discriminate this circuit from other ones on the serial bus. This address is coded on seven bits (two bits are internally hardwired to ‘1’), yielding the theoretical possibility of 32 different circuits on the same bus. It is a combination of four OTP memory bits (see Table 9 : OTP Memory Structure) and one hardwired address bit (pin HW). HW must either be connected to ground or Vbat. When HW is not connected and left floating correct functionality of the serial interface is not guaranteed. Pin HW uses the same principle to check whether it is connected to ground or Vbat like the SWI input (see 5.1.9 External Switch). The TMC222 supports a “general call” address. Therefore the circuit is addressable using either the physical slave address or address “000 0000”. AD6 AD5 '1' '1' AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 Physical address HW2 OTP Memory Hardwired Bit OTP_AD3 OTP_AD2 OTP_AD1 OTP_AD0 (Connect to 0 or 1) Figure 18: Two Wire Serial Interface - Physical Address resp. Address Field With un-programmed OTP address bits (OTP_AD3=o, OTP_AD2=o, OTP_AD1=o, OTP_AD0=o) and HW='0' (pin HW @ GND), the slave address resp. the address field of the TMC222 for reading is 11oooo01 (0xC1, 193) and for writing the slave address resp. the address field is 11oooo00 (0xC0, 192). The LSB of the address field selects read (='1') and write (='0'). With un-programmed OTP address bits and HW='1' (pin HW @ Vbat), the slave address resp. the address field of the TMC222 for reading is 11oooo11 (0xC3, 195) and for writing the salve address resp. the address field is 11oooo10 (0xC2, 194). Important Hint: The HW is not a logic level input as usual; it needs to be connected via 1K resistor either to +VBAT or GND; 6.4 Write data to TMC222 A complete datagram consists of the following: a Start condition, the slave address (7 bit), a read/write bit (‘0’ = write, ‘1’ = read), an acknowledge bit, a number of data bytes (8 bit) each followed by an acknowledge bit, and a Stop condition. The acknowledge bit is used to signal to the transmitter the correct reception of the preceding byte, in this case the TMC222 pulls the SDA line low. The TMC222 reads the incoming data at SDA with every rising edge of the SCL line. To finish the transmission the master has to transmit a Stop condition. Some commands for the TMC222 are supporting eight bytes of data, other commands are transmitting two bytes of data. Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) S R/W A Slave addr '0' (Write) master to slave 27 DATA DATA A A P (n Bytes + acknowledge) S: Start Condition P: Stop Condition A: Acknowledge (SDA low) A: not Acknowledge (SDA high) slave to master Figure 19: Two Wire Serial Interface - Writing Data to Slave 6.5 Read data from TMC222 When reading data from a slave two datagrams are needed. The first datagram consists of two bytes of data. The first byte consists of the slave address and the write bit. The second byte consists of the address of an internal register of the TMC222. The internal register address is stored in the circuits RAM. The second datagram consists of the slave address and the read bit. Then the master can read the data bits on the SDA line with every rising edge of the SCL line. After each byte of data the master has to acknowledge correct data reception by pulling SDA low. The last byte must not be acknowledged by the master so that the slave knows the end of transmission (see figure below). Dump Internal Address to Slave S Slave addr R/W A internal addr A DATA A P '0' (Write) Read Data from Slave S Slave addr R/W A '1' (Read) master to slave slave to master DATA A P (n Bytes + acknowledge) S: Start Condition P: Stop Condition A: Acknowledge (SDA low) A: not Acknowledge (SDA high) Figure 20: Two Wire Serial Interface - Read Data from Slave Copyright © 2004-2011 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 28 6.6 TMC222 DATASHEET (V. 1.12 / March 7, 2011) Timing characteristics of the serial interface START START STOP START SDA tf tLOW tr tSU;DAT tf tHD;STA tr tBUF SCL tHD;STA tHD;DAT tHIGH tSU;STA tSU;STO Figure 21: Definition of Timing Parameter Symbol Low level input voltage: Fixed input levels High level input voltage: Fixed input levels Pulse width of spikes which must be suppressed by the input filter Capacitance for each I/O pin SCL Clk frequency
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