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    ASMA203 - 26dBm, 50 Ohm Amplifier 1-300MHz - TriQuint Semiconductor

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ASMA203 数据手册
ASMA203 26dBm, 50 Ohm Amplifier 1-300MHz Introdu ction T he A S M A 203 i s a 50 O hm h y brid ampli f ier m odule designed f or broadband opera t ion as a c la s s A ampli f ier dri v er in applica t ion s f rom 1 t o 3 00MHz . I ts wide d y nami c range , f lexibili ty and l ow c os t m ak e i t ideal f or a broad spe ct rum o f in st rumen t a t ion , recieve r, and t ran s mi tt er appli c a t ion s. T he A S M A 203 is pa ck aged in a high disipa t ion , cerami c SO 08 s t yle package f or sur f ace moun t a ss embl y. Ceramic SOIC8 Figur e 1. Av aila ble Pac k age s Features - G old Me t ali z ed Di e - B road band O pera t ion 1-300MH z - 12 . 5 V-13 . 5 V O pera t ing Vol t ag e - > 13d B G ain @ 300MH z * Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. These are absolute stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the operational sections of the data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods can advers ely affect device reliability. Maximum Ratings SYMBOL ID PIN TJ TSOLDER TSTG RATING 325 +27 +175 +260°C for 30 Seconds -65 to +150 TC = 25°C UNITS mA d Bm °C °C °C 1 ASMA203 26dBm, 50 Ohm Amplifier 1-300MHz Electrical Specifications SYMBOL BW GP ∆ GP NF P1dB VSWR REV ISO. IP2 IP3 HP2 VD CHARACTERISTICS Frequency Range Small Signal Power Gain Gain Flatness Noise Figure (100 MHz) Power Output at 1 dB Compression Input/ Output Reverse Isolation Two Tone 2nd Order Intercept Point Two Tone 3rd Order Intercept Point Single Tone 2nd Harmonic Intercept Point Device Voltage ID = 250 mA TC = 25°C TYPICAL --13.0 ± 0.2 6.0 +27 2.0:1 2.2:1 19 +53 +41 +59 12.5 TC = 0 to 50°C MINIMUM MAXIMUM 1 12.0 300 ± 0.5 +26.0 2.5:1 2.5:1 --------13.5 UNITS MHz dB dB dB dBm -- dB dBm dBm dBm V --------11.5 2 ASMA203 26dBm, 50 Ohm Amplifier 1-300MHz OUTLINE DRAWING 3
ASMA203 价格&库存

