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    TR8 - SILICON TRIACS - Transys Electronics

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TR8 数据手册
TR8 SERIES SILICON TRIACS l l l l 8 A RMS, 70 A Peak Glass Passivated Wafer 400 V to 800 V Off-State Voltage Max IGT of 50 mA (Quadrants 1 - 3) MT1 MT2 G 1 2 3 TO-220 PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) Pin 2 is in electrical contact with the mounting base. absolute maximum ratings over operating case temperature (unless otherwise noted) RATING TR8-400-70 TR8-600-70 TR8-700-70 TR8-800-70 SYMBOL VALUE 400 600 700 800 8 70 80 ±1 2.2 0.9 -40 to +110 -40 to +125 230 UNIT Repetitive peak off-state voltage (see Note 1) VDRM V Full-cycle RMS on-state current at (or below) 85°C case temperature (see Note 2) Peak on-state surge current full-sine-wave (see Note 3) Peak on-state surge current half-sine-wave (see Note 4) Peak gate current Peak gate power dissipation at (or below) 85°C case temperature (pulse width £ 200 m s) Average gate power dissipation at (or below) 85°C case temperature (see Note 5) Operating case temperature range Storage temperature range Lead temperature 1.6 mm from case for 10 seconds IT(RMS) ITSM ITSM IGM PGM PG(AV) TC Tstg TL A A A A W W °C °C °C NOTES: 1. These values apply bidirectionally for any value of resistance between the gate and Main Terminal 1. 2. This value applies for 50-Hz full-sine-wave operation with resistive load. Above 85°C derate linearly to 110°C case temperature at the rate of 320 mA/°C . 3. This value applies for one 50-Hz full-sine-wave when the device is operating at (or below) the rated value of on-state current. Surge may be repeated after the device has returned to original thermal equilibrium. During the surge, gate control may be lost. 4. This value applies for one 50-Hz half-sine-wave when the device is operating at (or below) the rated value of on-state current. Surge may be repeated after the device has returned to original thermal equilibrium. During the surge, gate control may be lost. 5. This value applies for a maximum averaging time of 20 ms. electrical characteristics at 25°C case temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER IDRM Repetitive peak off-state current Peak gate trigger current VD = rated VDRM Vsupply = +12 V† IGTM Vsupply = +12 V† Vsupply = -12 V† Vsupply = -12 V† Vsupply = +12 V† VGTM Peak gate trigger voltage Vsupply = +12 V† Vsupply = -12 V† Vsupply = -12 V† † All voltages are with respect to Main Terminal 1. TEST CONDITIONS IG = 0 RL = 1 0 W RL = 1 0 W RL = 1 0 W RL = 1 0 W RL = 1 0 W RL = 1 0 W RL = 1 0 W RL = 1 0 W TC = 110°C tp(g) > 20 m s tp(g) > 20 m s tp(g) > 20 m s tp(g) > 20 m s tp(g) > 20 m s tp(g) > 20 m s tp(g) > 20 m s tp(g) > 20 m s 2 -12 -9 20 0.7 -0.8 -0.8 0.9 2 -2 -2 2 V MIN TYP MAX ±2 50 -50 -50 mA UNIT mA TR8 SERIES SILICON TRIACS electrical characteristics at 25°C case temperature (unless otherwise noted) (continued) PARAMETER VT M IH IL dv/dt dv/dt(c) Peak on-state voltage Holding current Latching current Critical rate of rise of off-state voltage Critical rise of commutation voltage IT M = ±12 A Vsupply = +12 V† Vsupply = -12 V† Vsupply = +12 V† Vsupply = -12 V† VDRM = Rated VDRM VDRM = Rated VDRM TEST CONDITIONS IG = 50 mA IG = 0 IG = 0 (see Note 7) IG = 0 ITRM = ±12 A TC = 110°C TC = 85°C ±5 ±100 (see Note 6) Init’ IT M = 100 mA Init’ IT M = -100 mA MIN TYP ±1.6 5 -9 MAX ±2.1 30 -30 50 -50 UNIT V mA mA V/µs V/µs † All voltages are with respect to Main Terminal 1. NOTES: 6. This parameter must be measured using pulse techniques, tp = £ 1 ms, duty cycle £ 2 %. Voltage-sensing contacts separate from the current carrying contacts are located within 3.2 mm from the device body. 7. The triacs are triggered by a 15-V (open-circuit amplitude) pulse supplied by a generator with the following characteristics: RG = 100 W , tp(g) = 20 m s, tr = £ 15 ns, f = 1 kHz. thermal characteristics PARAMETER Rq Rq JC JA MIN TYP MAX 1.8 62.5 UNIT °C/ W °C/ W Junction to case thermal resistance Junction to free air thermal resistance TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS GATE TRIGGER CURRENT vs CASE TEMPERATURE 1000 Vsupply IGTM + + + + VAA = ± 12 V VGT - Gat e Tr i g g er Vo l t ag e - V RL = 1 0 W t p(g) = 20 µs 10 GATE TRIGGER VOL TAGE vs CASE TEMPERATURE Vsu pp l y IGTM + + + + VA A = ± 12 V RL = 10 W t p (g ) = 2 0 µ s IGT - Gate Trigger Current - mA 100 10 1 1 0·1 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0·1 -60 -40 - 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TC - Case Temperature - °C TC - Cas e Tem p er at u r e - ° C Figure 1. Figure 2. TR8 SERIES SILICON TRIACS TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS HOL DING CURRENT vs CASE TEMPERATURE 1000 Vs up pl y + IH - Ho l d i n g Cu r r en t - m A 100 VAA = ± 12 V VGF - Gat e Fo r w ar d Vo l t ag e - V IG = 0 In i t i at i n g ITM = 100 m A 10 GATE FORWARD VOL TAGE vs GATE FORWARD CURRENT 1 10 0·1 1 0·1 -6 0 -4 0 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Q UA DRA NT 1 0·01 0·0001 0·001 IA = 0 TC = 25 ° C 0·01 0·1 1 TC - Cas e Tem p er at u r e - ° C IGF - Gat e Fo r w ar d Cu r r en t - A Figure 3. Figure 4. L ATCHING CURRENT vs CASE TEMPERATURE 1000 Vsup p ly IGTM + + 100 + + VA A = ± 12 V ITSM - Pea k Fu l l -Si n e-Wav e Cu r r en t - A 100 SURGE ON-STATE CURRENT vs CYCL ES OF CURRENT DURATION TC £ 85 ° C IL - L at c h i n g Cu r r en t - m A 10 No Pr i o r Dev i c e Co n d u c t i o n Gat e Co n t r o l Gu ar an t eed 10 1 -6 0 -4 0 -2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1 1 10 100 1000 Co n s ec u t i v e 50- Hz Hal f -Si n e-Wav e Cy c l es TC - Cas e Tem p er at u r e - ° C Figure 5. Figure 6. TR8 SERIE S SILICON TRIACS TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAX RMS ON-STATE CURRENT vs CASE TEMPERATURE P(av) - Max i m u m Av er ag e Po w er Di s s i p at ed - W 10 IT(RMS) - Max i m u m On -St at e Cu r r en t - A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TC - Cas e Tem p er at u r e - ° C 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 0 MAX AVERAGE POWER DISSIPATED vs RMS ON-STATE CURRENT TJ = 110 ° C Co n d u c t i o n An g l e = 360 ° Ab o v e 8 A r m s See ITSM Fi g u r e 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 IT(RMS) - RMS On -St at e Cu r r en t - A Figure 7. Figure 8. PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION VAC VAC L1 ITRM IMT2 C1 50 Hz IMT2 VMT2 DUT RG R1 IG VMT2 dv/dt 63% IG NOTE A: The gate-current pulse is furnished by a trigger circuit which presents essentially an open circuit between pulses. The pulse is timed so that the off-state-voltage duration is approximately 800 µs. 10% VDRM Figure 9. TR8 SERIES SILICON TRIACS MECHANICAL DATA TO-220 3-pin plastic flange-mount package This single-in-line package consists of a circuit mounted on a lead frame and encapsulated within a plastic compound. The compound will withstand soldering temperature with no deformation, and circuit performance characteristics will remain stable when operated in high humidity conditions. Leads require no additional cleaning or processing when used in soldered assembly. TO220 4,70 4,20 ø 3,96 3,71 10,4 10,0 2,95 2,54 6,6 6,0 15,90 14,55 1,32 1,23 see Note B see Note C 6,1 3,5 0,97 0,61 1 2 3 1,70 1,07 14,1 12,7 2,74 2,34 5,28 4,88 2,90 2,40 0,64 0,41 VERSION 1 VERSION 2 ALL LINEAR DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS NOTES: A. The centre pin is in electrical contact with the mounting tab. B. Mounting tab corner profile according to package version. C. Typical fixing hole centre stand off height according to package version. Version 1, 18.0 mm. Version 2, 17.6 mm.








  •  国内价格
  • 5+0.49301
  • 20+0.4495
  • 100+0.406
  • 500+0.3625
  • 1000+0.3422
  • 2000+0.3277


  •  国内价格
  • 5+0.3006
  • 20+0.2736
  • 100+0.2466
  • 500+0.2196
  • 1000+0.207
  • 2000+0.198


  •  国内价格
  • 5+0.43094
  • 20+0.39104
  • 100+0.35114
  • 500+0.31124
  • 1000+0.29262
  • 2000+0.27931


  •  国内价格
  • 5+0.26526
  • 20+0.24039
  • 100+0.21552
  • 500+0.19065
  • 1000+0.17905
  • 2000+0.17076


  •  国内价格
  • 5+0.41401
  • 20+0.3766
  • 100+0.33919
  • 500+0.30178
  • 1000+0.28432
  • 2000+0.27185


  •  国内价格
  • 5+0.442
  • 20+0.403
  • 100+0.364
  • 500+0.325
  • 1000+0.3068
  • 2000+0.2938


  •  国内价格
  • 5+0.37835
  • 20+0.34332
  • 100+0.30829
  • 500+0.27326
  • 1000+0.25691
  • 2000+0.24523


  •  国内价格
  • 5+0.21814
  • 20+0.21413
  • 100+0.20613


  •  国内价格
  • 5+0.21168
  • 20+0.2078
  • 100+0.20003
