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    ARS35J - 35.0 AMPS. High Current Button Rectifiers - Taiwan Semiconductor Company, Ltd

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ARS35J 数据手册
AR(S)35 SERIES 35.0 AMPS. High Current Button Rectifiers ARS AR Features P lastic material used carries Underwriters Laboratory Classification 94V-0 L ow cost construction utilizing void-free molded plastic technique L ow cost D iffused junction L ow leakage H igh surge capability H igh temperature soldering guaranteed: o 260 C for 10 seconds M echanical Data C ase: Molded plastic case T erminals: P ure tin plated, lead free., solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 P olarity: Color ring denotes cathode W eight: 0.07 ounce, 1.8 grams M ounting position: Any Dimensions in inches and (millimeters) M aximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics R ating at 25 oC a mbient temperature unless otherwise specified. Single phase, half wave, 60 Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitive load, derate current by 20% S ymbol 35A AR 35A A RS ARS 35B AR 35B T ype Number M aximum Recurrent Peak Revere Voltage M aximum RMS Voltage M aximum DC Blocking Voltage M aximum Average Forward Rectified Current @Tc = 150 oC P eak Forward Surge Current, 8.3 ms Single Half Sine-wave Superimposed on Rated o Load (JEDEC method ) at T J=150 C M aximum Instantaneous F orward V oltage @ 3 5A ARS 35D AR 35D ARS 35G AR 35G ARS 35J AR 35J ARS 35K AR 35K ARS 35M AR 35M U nits V V V A A V uA uA uS pF o V RRM V RMS V DC I(AV) IFSM VF IR Trr Cj R θJC T J, T STG 50 35 50 100 70 100 200 140 200 400 280 400 35 5 00 1 .0 5 .0 250 3 .0 3 00 600 420 600 800 560 800 1000 700 1000 M aximum DC Reverse Current @ Tc=25 C at Rated DC Blocking Voltage @ Tc=125 oC T ypical Reverse Recovery Time (Note 2) T ypical Junction Capacitance ( Note 1 ) T J=25 oC T ypical Thermal Resistance ( Note 3 ) O perating a nd S torage Temperature Range o 1 .0 -50 to +175 C/W o C N otes: 1. Measured at 1 MHz and Applied Reverse Voltage of 4.0 V D.C. 2. Reverse Recovery Test Conditions: IF=0.5A, IR=1.0A, IRR=0.25A 3. Thermal Resistance from Junction to Case, Singe Side Cooled. Version: A06 RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTIC CURVES (AR(S)35 SERIES) FIG.1- MAXIMUM FORWARD CURRENT DERATING CURVE 50 FIG.2- TYPICAL REVERSE CHARACTERISTICS 100 60 40 Tj=125 0C AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT. (A) 40 HALF SINE WAVE 60Hz RESISTIVE OR INDUCTIVE LOAD INSTANTANEOUS REVERSE CURRENT. ( A) 20 10 6 4 2 1 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 Tj=25 0C 30 20 10 0 125 135 145 155 o CASE TEMPERATURE. ( C) 165 175 600 FIG.3- MAXIMUM NON-REPETITIVE PEAK FORWARD SURGE CURRENT 8.3ms Single Half Sine Wave JEDEC Method PEAK FORWARD SURGE CURRENT. (A) 400 300 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 PERCENT OF RATED PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE. (%) 200 Tj=25 0C 100 80 60 FIG.5- TYPICAL FORWARD CHARACTERISTICS 1000 cycle 1 10 NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60Hz 100 INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD CURRENT. (A) 1000 FIG.4- TYPICAL JUNCTION CAPACITANCE 100 JUNCTION CAPACITANCE.(pF) 500 10 Tj=25 0C 1.0 100 f=1.0MHz Vsig=50mVp-p 50 1 2 10 20 5 REVERSE VOLTAGE. (V) 50 100 0.1 0.6 1.0 1.4 Tj=25 C PULSE WIDTH-300 S 2% DUTY CYCLE 0 1.8 2.2 2.6 FORWARD VOLTAGE. (V) FIG.6- REVERSE RECOVERY TIME CHARACTERISTIC AND TEST CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 50W NONINDUCTIVE 10W NONINDUCTIVE +0.5A (-) DUT (+) 50Vdc (approx) (-) PULSE GENERATOR (NOTE 2) 1W NON INDUCTIVE OSCILLOSCOPE (NOTE 1) (+) 0 -0.25A trr NOTES: 1. Rise Time=7ns max. Input Impedance= 1 megohm 22pf 2. Rise Time=10ns max. Sourse Impedance= 50 ohms -1.0A 1cm SET TIME BASE FOR 5/ 10ns/ cm Version: A06
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