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LP2950L-30-T92-K 数据手册
UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD LP2950/2951 100 mA LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATOR 1 TO-92 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The UTC LP2950/2951 are monolithic integrated voltage regulators with low dropout voltage, and low quiescent current. It includes many features that suitable for different applications. SOP-8 FEATURES * Fixed output versions, 2.5V, 3V, 3.3V, 3.6V and 5V, are available. * High accuracy output voltage. * Extremely low quiescent current and dropout voltage. * Extremely tight load and line regulation. * Current and thermal limiting. * Very low temperature coefficient. * Logic controlled shutdown and err flog available for 8 pin package. * Output voltage programmable for LP2951. DIP-8 *Pb-free plating product number: LP2950L-XX/LP2951L ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Number Normal Lead Free Plating LP2950-xx-D08-T LP2950L-xx-D08-T LP2950-xx-S08-T LP2950L-xx-S08-T LP2950-xx-S08-R LP2950L-xx-S08-R LP2950-xx-T92-B LP2950L-xx-T92-B LP2950-xx-T92-K LP2950L-xx-T92-K LP2951-D08-T LP2951L-D08-T LP2951-S08-T LP2951L-S08-T LP2951-S08-R LP2951L-S08-R Note: xx: Output Voltage Code (For LP2950 only) L P2950L-xx-S08-R (1)Packing Type (2)Package Type (3)Output Voltage Code (4)Lead Plating (1) B: Tape Box, K: Bulk, R: Tape Reel, T: Tube (2) D08: DIP-8, S08: SOP-8, T92: TO-92 (3) xx: refer to Output Voltage Code (4) L: Lead Free Plating, Blank: Pb/Sn Package DIP-8 SOP-8 SOP-8 TO-92 TO-92 DIP-8 SOP-8 SOP-8 Packing Tube Tube Tape Reel Tape Box Bulk Tube Tube Tape Reel OUTPUT VOLTAGE CODE(For LP2950) OUTPUT VOLTAGE 2.5V 3.0V 3.3V 3.6V 5.0V CODE 25 30 33 36 50 www.unisonic.com.tw Copyright © 2005 Unisonic Technologies Co., Ltd 1 of 7 QW-R102-001,J LP2950/2951 PIN CONFIGURATIONS UTC LP2950 OUTPUT 1 2 3 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 1 8 INPUT OUTPUT 1 8 INPUT SENSE 2 7 FEEDBACK NC 2 7 NC OUTPUT GND INPUT SHUTDOWN 3 4 UTC LP2951 6 5V TAP SHUTDOWN 3 4 UTC LP2950 6 NC GND 5 ERROR GND 5 ERROR TO-92 Plastic Package Bottom View SOP-8 OR DIP-8 PACKAGE FOR UTC LP2951 SOP-8 OR DIP-8 PACKAGE FOR UTC LP2950 BLOCK DIAGRAM UNREGULATED DC FEEDBACK 7 INPUT 8 OUTPUT 1 5V 150mA MAX. SENSE 182k Ω FROM CMOS OR TTL SHUT DOWN 3 ERROR AMPLIFIER 60mV 60k Ω ERROR 1.23 REF ERROR DETECTION COMPARATOR 5V TAP 2 6 1.5 μF 5 330KΩ TO CMOS OR TTL GND 4 FOR UTC LP2951 UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 2 of 7 QW-R102-001,J LP2950/2951 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS UNIT Supply Voltage VCC -0.3 ~ +30 V Feedback Voltage VFB -1.5 ~ +30 V Shutdown Voltage VSHDN -0.3 ~ +30 V Operation Junction Temperature TJ -40 ~ +125 °C Storage Temperature TSTG -65 ~ +150 °C Note: Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TJ=25°C, VIN=6V, IL=100µA, CL=1µF, unless otherwise specified.) For All Version: PARAMETER Output Voltage Output Voltage Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient Line Regulation Load Regulation Dropout Voltage Ground Current Dropout Ground Current Current Limit Output Noise (10Hz ~ 100KHz) (Bypass=0.01µF pins 7 to 1 (LP2951)) SYMBOL VOUT VOUT TEST CONDITION MIN TJ=25°C (Note 1) VOUT×0.98 -25°C≦TJ≦+85°C(Note 1) VOUT×0.98 100µA≦IL≦100mA, TJ≦TJ(max) VOUT×0.98 20 0.03 0.04 50 380 75 8 110 160 0.1 0.1 80 450 120 12 170 200 TYP MAX VOUT VOUT×1.02 VOUT VOUT×1.02 VOUT VOUT×1.02 100 0.2 0.2 150 600 140 14 200 220 430 160 100 MAX 1.25 1.27 40 UNIT V V V ppm/°C % % mV µA mA µA mA µV TcVo ΔVOUT 6V≦VIN≦30V ΔVOUT 100µA≦IL≦100 mA IL=100µA VD IL=100mA (Note 2) IL=100µA IG IL=100mA VIN=4.5V,IL=100µA ILIMIT VOUT=0 CL=1µF eN CL=200µF CL=3.3µF For UTC LP2951 8-Pin Version Only PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITION VREF Reference Voltage VREF Over temperature(Note 4) Reference Voltage Feedback pin Bias Current IFB Reference Voltage Temperature VREF(TC) Coefficient Feedback Bias Current IFB(TC) Temperature Coefficient Error Comparator Output Leakage Current IO(LEAK) VOH=30V Output Low Voltage VOL VIN=4.5V, IOL=400µA VTHU (Note 3) Upper Threshold Voltage VTHL (Note 3) Lower VHYS (Note 3) Hysteresis MIN 1.22 1.19 TYP 1.235 20 50 0.1 UNIT V V nA ppm/°C nA/°C µA mV %VO %VO mV 1 250 3.2 7.6 15 UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 3 of 7 QW-R102-001,J LP2950/2951 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Cont.) For UTC LP2951 8-Pin Version Only PARAMETER Shutdown Input Input Logic Voltage Low High SYMBOL VIL VIH TEST CONDITION LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MIN TYP MAX UNIT Regulator ON 1.3 0.70 V Regulator OFF 2.0 VSHDN=2.4V 30 50 µA Shutdown Pin Input Current ISHDN VSHDN=30V 450 600 µA VSHDN≧2V, VIN≦30V, VOUT=0 Regulator Output Current IDFF 3 10 µA Shutdown Feedback pin tied to 5V Tap. Note 1:Additional conditions for 8-pin versions are FB pin tied to 5VTAP, Output tied to Sense(VOUT=5V) and VSHDN≤0.8V. Note 2: Dropout Voltage is defined as the input to output differential at which the output voltage drops 100mV below its nominal value measured at 1V differential. Note 3: Comparator thresholds are expressed in terms of percentage value of voltage output. Note 4: VREF≤VOUT≤(VIN-1V), 2.3V≤VIN≤30V, 100µA≤IL≤100mA, TJ≤TJ(MAX) UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 4 of 7 QW-R102-001,J LP2950/2951 TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT 10 Ampere Low Dropout Regulator CURRENT LIMIT SECTION LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT +V IN=Vou t+0.5V 680Ω 0.05Ω 2N3906 470Ω UTC D65H0 4.7MΩ 8 +VIN ERROR 5 10kΩ + VOUT 100m A UTC LP2951 3 20kΩ 0.033µF 220Ω SD FB GND 4 7 R1 1% R2 4.7µF 100µF Vout 1 47Ω VOUT=1.23V*(1+R1/R2) For 5V output use internal resistors.Wire pin 6 to 7 and wire pin 2 to +VOUT Fig.1 V IN U TC UTC UTC UTC UTC LP2950-2.5 LP2950-3.0 LP2950-3.3 LP2950-3.6 LP2950-5.0 V OUT Fig.2 UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 5 of 7 QW-R102-001,J LP2950/2951 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS Dropout Characteristics 6 5 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Input Current Output Voltage (V) 4 3 2 1 0 0 RL=50Ω 1 3 4 2 Input Voltage (V) 5 6 Input Current (mA) RL=50kΩ R L= 50Ω 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Input Voltage (V) Ground Pin Current 8 120 110 Ground Pin Current Quiescent Current (mA) 100 90 80 70 60 50 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 VIN =6V I L=100µA Quiescent Current (mA) 7 V IN = 6V mA IL =100 6 5 4 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100125 150 Temperature (℃) Temperature (℃) Dropout Voltage 1.8 600 500 IL =100 mA Shutdown Threshold Voltage Shutdown Threshold Voltage (V) 100125 150 1.6 Dropout Voltage (mV) 400 300 200 ≈ 100 50 0 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 1.4 1.2 IL =100µA 1.0 0.8 0.6 Temperature (℃) -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100125 150 Temperature (℃) UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 6 of 7 QW-R102-001,J LP2950/2951 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Cont.) Short Circuit Current 500 170 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Dropout Voltage Short Circuit Current (mA) 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Temperature (℃) 400 D rop ou t Voltag e(mV) 300 200 100 T J=25℃ 0 0.1 1 10 100 Output Current (mA) U TC assum es no responsibility for equipm ent failures that result from using products at v alues that exceed, ev en m om entarily, rated v alues (such as m axim um ratings, operating condition ranges, or other param eters) listed in products specifications of any and all UTC products described or contained herein. UTC products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or system s where m alfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The inform ation presented in this docum ent does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believ ed to be accurate and reliable and m ay be changed without notice. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 7 of 7 QW-R102-001,J
LP2950L-30-T92-K 价格&库存

