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TDA2003L-TB5-T 数据手册
UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD TDA2003 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 10W CAR RADIO AUDIO AMPLIFIER  DESCRIPTION The UTC TDA2003 is a monolithic audio power amplifier integrated circuit.  FEATURES *Very Low External Component Required. *High Current Output ( up to 3 A). *Low Harmonic and Crossover Distortion. *Built-in Over Temperature Protection. *Short Circuit Protection Between all Pins.  ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Number Lead Free Halogen Free TDA2003L-TA5-T TDA2003G-TA5-T TDA2003L-TB5-T TDA2003G-TB5-T TDA2003L-TB51-T TDA2003G-TB51-T  Package Packing TO-220-5 TO-220B TO-220B1 Tube Tube Tube MARKING www.unisonic.com.tw Copyright © 2016 Unisonic Technologies Co., Ltd 1 of 10 QW-R107-002.I UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD TDA2003  PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NO. 1 2 3 4 5  LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PIN NAME Non inverting input Inverting input Ground Output Supply Voltage BLOCK DIAGRAM UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 2 of 10 QW-R107-002.I TDA2003  LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25C, unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS UNIT Peak Supply Voltage VSS 40 V DC Supply Voltage VSS 28 V Operating Supply Voltage VSS 18 V Repetitive 3.5 A Output Peak Current IO(PEAK) Non Repetitive 4.5 A Power Dissipation at TC= 90C PD 20 W Storage and Junction Temperature TSTG -40 ~ +150 C Note: Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied.  ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25C, Refer to the test circuit, VS=16V, unless otherwise specified.) PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN DC CHARACTERISTICS Supply Voltage VSS 8 Quiescent Output Voltage VOUT 6.1 Quiescent Drain Current ID AC CHARACTERISTICS RL=4Ω 5.5 THD=10%, RL=2Ω 9 Output Power POUT f=1kHz RL=3.2Ω RL=1.6Ω POUT=0.5W, RL=4Ω POUT=6W, RL=4Ω Input Sensitivity VI f=1kHz POUT=0.5W, RL=2Ω POUT=10W, RL=2Ω Input Saturation Voltage VI(RMS) 300 Frequency Response(-3dB) F POUT=1W, RL=4Ω 40 POUT=0.05 ~ 4.5W, RL=4Ω Total Harmonic Distortion THD f=1kHz POUT=0.05 ~ 7.5W, RL=2Ω Input Resistance(Pin 1) RI Open Loop, f=1kHz 70 Input Noise Current iN Input Noise Voltage eN f=1kHz Open Loop Voltage Gain Gvo f=10kHz Closed Loop Voltage Gain Gvc f=1kHz, RL=4Ω 39.3 POUT=6W, RL=4Ω Efficiency, f=1kHz η POUT=10W, RL=2Ω f=100Hz, VRUPPLE=0.5V 30 Supply Voltage Rejection SVR RG=10kΩ, RL=4Ω UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw TYP 6.9 44 MAX UNIT 18 7.7 50 V V mA 6 10 7.5 12 14 55 10 50 W mV 15000 0.15 0.15 150 60 1 80 60 40 69 65 36 mV Hz % 200 5 40.3 kΩ pA μV dB dB dB % dB 3 of 10 QW-R107-002.I TDA2003  LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TEST CIRCUIT 100nF AC Test Circuit DC Test Circuit UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 4 of 10 QW-R107-002.I TDA2003  LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT 20W Bridge Configuration Application The Values of the capacitors C3 and C4 are different to optimize the SVR (Typ. 40dB)  TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT Low Cost Bridge Configuration Application Circuit(POUT=18W) UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 5 of 10 QW-R107-002.I TDA2003  LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUILT-IN PROTECTION SYSTEMS LOAD DUMP VOLTAGE SURGE The UTC TDA2003 has a circuit which enables it to withstand a voltage pulse train, on pin 5. If the supply voltage peaks to more than 40V, then an LC filter must be inserted between the supply and pin 5, in order to assure that the pulses at pin 5 will be head within the limits. A suggested LC network. With this network, a train of pulses with amplitude up to 120V and width of 2ms can be applied at point A. This type of protection is ON when the supply voltage(pulsed or DC) exceeds 18V. For this reason the maximum operating supply voltage is 18V. SHORT CIRCUIT (AC and DC Conditions) The UTC TDA2003 can withstand a permanent short-circuit on the output for a supply voltage up to 16V. POLARITY INVERSION High current (up to 5A) can be handled by the device with no damage for a longer period than the blow-out time of a quick 1A fuse(normally connected in series with the supply). The feature is added to avoid destruction if, during fitting to the car, a mistake on connection of the supply is made. OPEN GROUND When the radio is in the ON condition and the ground is accidentally opened, a standard audio amplifier will be damaged. On the UTC TDA2003 protection diodes are included to avoid any damage. INDUCTIVE LOAD A protection diode is provide between pin 4 and pin 5(see the internal schematic diagram) to allow use of the UTC TDA2003 with inductive loads. In particular, the UTC TDA2003 can drive a coupling transformer for audio modulation. DC VOLTAGE The maximum operating DC voltage on the UTC TDA2003 is 18V. However the device can withstand a DC voltage up to 28V with no damage. This could occur during winter if two batteries were series connected to crank the engine. THERMAL SHUT-DOWN The presence of a thermal limiting circuit offers the following advantages: (1) An overload on the output (even if it is permanent),or an excessive ambient temperature can be easily withstood. (2) The heat-sink can have a smaller factor compared with that of a conventional circuit. There is no device damage in case of excessive junction temperature: all that happens is that Po ( and therefore PD) and Id are reduced. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 6 of 10 QW-R107-002.I TDA2003  LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT COMPONENTS USAGE SUGGESTION The recommended values of the components are those shown on typical application circuit Different values can be used. The following table can help the designer. COMPONENT R1 R2 RECOMMENDED PURPOSE VALUE (Gv-1)×R2 gain setting. 2.2Ω gain and SVR setting. LARGE THAN RECOMMENDED VALUE Decrease of SVR Danger of oscillation at high Frequency stability frequencies with inductive loads. Poor high frequencies Upper frequency cutoff attenuation R3 1Ω Rx 20R2 C1 2.2μF Input DC decoupling C2 C3 470μF 0.1μF Ripple rejection Supply voltage bypass C4 1000μF Supply voltage bypass C5 0.1μF Frequency stability Cx 1/(2×B×R1) Upper frequency cutoff UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw Lower bandwidth SMALLER THAN RECOMMENDED VALUE increase of drain current Danger of oscillation Noise at switch-on switch-off Decrease of SVR Danger of oscillation Higher low frequency cutoff Danger of oscillation at high frequencies with inductive loads. Larger bandwidth 7 of 10 QW-R107-002.I TDA2003  LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TYPICAL CHARACTORISTICS Quiescent output voltage vs.Supply voltage Quiescent drain current vs.Supply voltage 8 80 6 60 4 40 2 20 0 0 8 10 12 14 16 8 10 12 VS (V) 14 16 VS (V) Output power vs.load resistance Output power vs.Supply voltage Gv=40dB f=1kHz THD=10% Gv=40dB f=1kHz THD=10% 16 20 VS=16V R=1.6Ω 15 R=2Ω 10 R=3.2Ω VS=14.4V 12 8 VS=12V R=4Ω VS=8V 4 5 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 2 VS(V) 52 58 52 48 44 44 40 POUT=6W 36 36 32 32 28 24 20 10 VS=14.4V f=1kHz RL=2Ω 54 48 40 8 Gain vs. Input sensitivity VS=14.4V f=1kHz RL=4Ω 54 6 RL (Ω) Gain vs. Input sensitivity 58 4 POUT=10W 28 POUT=0.5W 24 100 1000 VI (RMS) (mV) UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 20 10 POUT=0.5W 100 1000 VI (RMS) (mV) 8 of 10 QW-R107-002.I TDA2003 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TYPICAL CHARACTORISTICS (Cont.) UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw PD (W) η (%) η (%) PD (W) SVR (dB) SVR (dB) THD (%) THD (%)  9 of 10 QW-R107-002.I TDA2003 TYPICAL CHARACTORISTICS (Cont.) Maximum allowable dissipation and ambient temperature 20 20 15 15 RL=1.6Ω 10 PD (W) PD (W) Maximum Power dissipation and supply voltage(sine wave operation) infinite heatsink 10 RL=2Ω RL=3.2Ω 5 0 RL=4Ω 0 5 10 15 20 Vs(V) 10°C/W 5 30°C/W 0 0 50 100 150 TA (°C) 200 Typical values of capacitor(Cx) for different values of frequency response 100 B=10kHz Cx (nF)  LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT B=15kHz 10 B=20kHz R2=2.2Ω 1 36 40 44 48 Gv (dB) UTC assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all UTC products described or contained herein. UTC products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 10 of 10 QW-R107-002.I
TDA2003L-TB5-T 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+1.66470
  • 10+1.53670
  • 50+1.19970
  • 100+1.17610


    •  国内价格
    • 5+2.22642
    • 50+1.74129
    • 150+1.54127
    • 500+1.29179


      •  国内价格
      • 1+1.14950


      •  国内价格
      • 1+0.99992
      • 10+0.91728
      • 30+0.90075
      • 100+0.85117


      •  国内价格
      • 1+1.39700
      • 50+1.06920
      • 1000+0.89100
