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TDA2050L-TB5-T 数据手册
UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD TDA2050 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 32W HI-FI AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER  DESCRIPTION The UTC TDA2050 is a monolithic integrated circuit with high power capability and is designed to use as an class AB audio amplifier. It can deliver typically 50W music power into 4Ω load over 1 sec at VS=22.5V, f = 1KHz. The device is most suitable for both Hi-Fi and high class TV sets on the strength of its high supply voltage and very low harmonic and crossover distortion.  FEATURES * High output power (50W Music Power IEC 268.3 Rules) * High operating supply voltage (50V) * Single or split supply operations * Very low distortion * Short circuit protection (OUT to GND) * Thermal shutdown  ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Number Lead Free TDA2050L-TA5-T TDA2050L-TB5-T Halogen Free TDA2050G-TA5-T TDA2050G-TB5-T Package Packing TO-220-5 TO-220B Tube Tube TDA2050L-TA5-T (1)Packing Type (1) T: Tube (2)Package Type (2) TA5: TO-220-5, TB5: TO-220B (3)Lead Plating (3) L: Lead Free, G: Halogen Free www.unisonic.com.tw Copyright © 2013 Unisonic Technologies Co., LTD 1 of 8 QW-R107-036.C TDA2050 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT  PIN CONFIGURATION  BLOCK DIAGRAM 5 SHORT CIRC. PROTECT. 4 VREF SHORT CIRC. PROTECT. 3 1 UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 2 2 of 8 QW-R107-036.C TDA2050  LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS UNIT Supply Voltage VS ±25 V Input Voltage VIN VS V Differential Input Voltage VIN(DIFF) ±15 V Output Peak Current (internally limited) IOUT 5 A Power Dissipation TC= 75°C PD 25 W Junction Temperature TJ +150 °C Storage Temperature TSTG -40 ~ +150 °C Note: 1. Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied.  THERMAL DATA PARAMETER Thermal Resistance junction-case  SYMBOL θJC RATINGS 3 UNIT °C/W ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Refer to the Test Circuit, VS = ±18V, TA= 25°C, f = 1 kHz, unless otherwise specified.) PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS Supply Voltage VS VS=±4.5V Quiescent Drain Current ID VS=±25V Input Bias Current Input Offset Voltage Input Offset Current IB VIN(OS) IIN(OS) D = 0.5% RMS Output Power PO D = 10% Music Power IEC268.3 RULES Total Harmonic Distortion THD Slew Rate Open Loop Voltage Gain Closed Loop Voltage Gain Power Bandwidth (-3dB) SR GV GV BW Total Input Noise eN Input Resistance (pin 1) Supply Voltage Rejection Efficiency RIN SVR η VS=±22V VS=±22V VS=±22V RL=4Ω RL=8Ω RL=8Ω, VS=±22V RL=4Ω RL=8Ω RL=8Ω, VS=±22V D=10%, T=1s, VS=±22.5V, RL=4Ω f=1kHz, PO=0.1~24W RL=4Ω f =100Hz~10kHz, PO=0.1~18W f=1kHz, PO=0.1~20W RL=8Ω, f=100Hz~10kHz, VS=±22V PO=0.1~15W 24 22 RL=4Ω, VIN=200mV Curve A B=22Hz~22kHz RS=22KΩ, f=100Hz, VRIPPLE=0.5Vrms PO=28W, RL=4Ω PO=25W, RL=8Ω, VS=±22V TYP 18 MAX ±25 50 21 90 0.4 0.5 ±15 ±200 27 18 25 35 22 32 50 0.03 UNIT V mA μA mV nA W 0.5 0.5 % 0.02 0.5 5 UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw MIN ±4.5 8 80 30 30.5 31 20 ~ 80000 4 5 10 500 45 65 67 V/μs dB dB Hz μV kΩ dB % 3 of 8 QW-R107-036.C TDA2050  LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT FOR SPLIT SUPPLY APPLICATION SUGGESTIONS +VS C5 220μF C1 1μF 1 VIN R1 22kΩ 2 5 + 4 UTC TDA2050 - R3 22kΩ 3 R4 2.2Ω RL C7 0.47μF R2 680Ω C2 22μF C3 100nF -VS C4 100nF C6 220μF Figure.1 Split Supply Typical Application Circuit The following table demonstrates the recommended values of the external components are those shown on above circuit. Different values can be used. COMPONENT PURPOSE TYPICAL R1 Input Impedance 22kΩ R2 R3 R4 C1 Feedback Resistor 680Ω 22kΩ 2.2Ω 1μF Frequency Stability Input Decoupling DC Inverting Input DC C2 Decoupling C3, C4 Supply Voltage Bypass C5, C6 Supply Voltage Bypass C7 Frequency Stability * The gain must be higher than 24dB 22μF 100nF 220μF 0.47μF UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw RECOMMENDED VALUE LARGER SMALLER Decrease of Input Increase of Input Impedance Impedance Decrease of Gain* Increase of Gain Increase of Gain Decrease of Gain* Danger of Oscillations Higher Low-frequency cut-off Increase of Switch ON/OFF Higher Low-frequency cut-off Noise Danger of Oscillations Danger of Oscillations Danger of Oscillations 4 of 8 QW-R107-036.C TDA2050  LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT(CONT.) FOR SINGLE SUPPLY APPLICATION SUGGESTIONS Figure.2 Single Supply Typical Application Circuit The following table demonstrates the recommended values of the external components are those shown on above circuit. Different values can be used. COMPONENT R1, R2, R3 R4 R5 R6 C1 C2 C3 PURPOSE Biasing Resistor Feedback Resistor Frequency Stability Non-Inverting Input Decoupling DC Supply Voltage Rejection Supply Voltage Bypass Inverting Input DC Decoupling C5 Supply Voltage Bypass C6 Frequency Stability C7 Output DC Decoupling * The gain must be higher than 24dB C4 RECOMMENDED VALUE TYPICAL LARGER SMALLER 22kΩ 680Ω Decrease of Gain* Increase of Gain 22kΩ Increase of Gain Decrease of Gain* 2.2Ω Danger of Oscillations 2.2μF 100μF Higher Low-frequency cut-off Worse Turn-off Transient Worse Turn-on Delay Danger of Oscillations Worse of Turn-off Transient 1000μF 22μF 100nF 0.47μF 1000μF Increase of Switch ON/OFF Higher Low-frequency cut-off Danger of Oscillations Danger of Oscillations Higher Low-frequency cut-off Note: If the supply voltage is lower than 40V and the load is 8Ω (or more), a lower value of C2(i.e. 22μF) can be used. C7 can be larger than 1000μF only if the supply voltage does not exceed 40V. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 5 of 8 QW-R107-036.C TDA2050 PD (W) m (%) PD (W) m (%) ID (mA) PO (W) TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Split Supply Test Circuit, unless otherwise specified) PO (W)  LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 6 of 8 QW-R107-036.C TDA2050 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT UTC assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all UTC products described or contained herein. UTC products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 7 of 8 QW-R107-036.C
1. 物料型号:TDA2050 2. 器件简介:该集成电路设计为高功率能力的单片集成电路,适用于作为AB类音频放大器使用,特别适合高保真音响和高端电视。 3. 引脚分配:文档提供了TDA2050的引脚配置图,包括正负电源输入、输入端和输出端。 4. 参数特性:包括绝对最大额定值和电气特性,如供电电压、输入电压、差分输入电压、输出峰值电流、功耗、结温和存储温度等。 5. 功能详解:文档详细描述了TDA2050的功能特性,如高输出功率、高工作电压、单电源或双电源操作、低失真、短路保护和热关机等。 6. 应用信息:提供了典型的应用电路图和建议的外部组件值,包括分立电源和单电源应用的建议。 7. 封装信息:提供了两种封装选项TO-220-5和TO-220B,以及订购信息,包括无铅和无卤素选项。
TDA2050L-TB5-T 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+1.70100
  • 10+1.63350
  • 100+1.43100
  • 500+1.39050
