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    VCC6-V - 2.5 or 3.3 volt LVDS Oscillator - Vectron International, Inc

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VCC6-V 数据手册
VCC6-L/V 2.5 or 3.3 volt LVDS Oscillator Features • 2.5 or 3.3 V LVDS • 3rd Overtone Crystal for best jitter performance • Output frequencies to 270 MHz • Low Jitter < 1 pS rms, 12kHz to 20MHz • Enable/Disable output for test and board debug • -10/70 or –40/85 °C operating temperature • Hermetically sealed ceramic SMD package • Product is compliant to RoHS directive and fully compatible with lead free assembly The VCC6 Crystal Oscillator Applications • SONET/SDH/DWDM • Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet • Storage Area Network • Digital Video • Broadband Access fo O utput Buffer / Disable Description Vectron’s VCC6 Crystal Oscillator (XO) is quartz stabilized square wave generator with a LVDS output, operating off a 2.5 or 3.3 volt supply. The VCC6 uses a 3rd overtone crystals for output frequencies < 200MHz resulting in low jitter performance, typically 0.3pS rms in the 12 kHz to 20MHz band. fo Vectron International 267 Lowell Road, Hudson NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 e-mail: vectron@vectron.com VCC6-L/V Series, 2.5 and 3.3V LVDS Crystal Oscillator Performance Characteristics Table 1. Electrical Performance P arameter Frequency Supply Voltage 1 L option Supply Voltage 1 V option Supply Current, Output Enabled Supply Current, Output Disabled Output Logic Levels Output Logic High2 Output Logic Low2 Differential Output Differential Output Error Offset Voltage Offset Error Output Leakage Current Transition Times Rise Time2 Fall Time2 Symmetry or Duty Cycle3 Operating temperature (ordering option) Stability (ordering option)4 RMS Jitter, 12kHz to 20 MHz RMS Jitter Output Enabled5 Output Disabled5 Output Enable/Disable time Package Size Symbol fO VDD VDD IDD IDD VOH VOL VOD VOS VOS Min 10 3.15 2.375 Typical 3.3 2.5 M aximum 270 3.45 2.625 60 30 1.6 454 50 1.375 50 10 600 600 55 Units MHz V mA uA V V mV mV V mV uA ps ps % °C ppm pS pS V V nS mm 0.9 247 1.125 1.43 1.10 330 1.25 tR tF SYM 45 50 -10/70 or –40/85 ±25, ±50 or ±100 0.3 2.5 0.7 0.7*VDD 0.3*VDD 400 5.0 x 7.0 x 1.5 1. A 0.01uF and a 0.1uF capacitor should be located as close to the supply as possible (to ground) is recommended. 2. Figure 1 defines these parameters. 3. Symmetry is measured defined as On Time/Period. 4. Includes calibration tolerance, operating temperature, supply voltage variations, aging (40 degreesC/10 years) and shock and vibration (not under operation). 5. Output will be enabled if enable/disable is left open. tR 80 % Vs 20 % tF On Time Period Figure 1. Output Waveform Vectron International 267 Lowell Rd, Hudson NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 e-mail: vectron@vectron.com VCC6-L/V Series, 2.5 and 3.3V LVDS Crystal Oscillator Outline Diagram, Pad Layout and Pin Out Contact Pad Plating: gold over nickel Table 2. VCC6-LCx and VCC6-VCx Pinout Pin # Symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 E/D NC GND fO Cf o V DD Function Tristate Function This pin has no internal connection and is floating. Ground Output Frequency Complementary Output Frequency Supply Voltage Table 3. VCC6-LAx and VCC6-VAx Pinout Pin # Symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 NC ED GND fO Cf o V DD Function This pin has no internal connection and is floating. Tristate Function Ground Output Frequency Complementary Output Frequency Supply Voltage Vectron International 267 Lowell Rd, Hudson NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 e-mail: vectron@vectron.com VCC6-L/V Series, 2.5 and 3.3V LVDS Crystal Oscillator Tape and Reel J F D A E C G B L I H K Table 4. Tape and Reel Dimensions (mm) Tape Dimensions Product A VCC6 16 B 7.5 C 1.5 D 4 E 8 Reel Dimensions F G H 2 21 13 I 60 J 2 K 17 L 180 # Per Reel 250 Enable/Disable Functional Description Under normal operation the Enable/Disable is left open, or set to a logic high state, the VCC6 is an oscillation mode and outputs are active. When the E/D is set to a logic low, the oscillator stops and the both the output and complementary outputs are in a high impedance state. This helps facilitate board testing and troubleshooting. Power Saving Pull-Up Resistor The E/D pull-up resistor changes in response to the input logic level; the pull-up resistor is a large value when E/D is set to a logic low, which reduces the current consumed. When E/D is open, or set to a logic high, the pull-up resistance becomes a smaller value which helps decrease the effects of external noise. Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can permanently damage the device. Functional operation is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of conditions represented in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods may adversely affect device reliability. T able 5. Absolute Maximum Ratings P arameter Symbol Power Supply VDD Enable/Disable VIN Storage Temperature Tstorage Ratings -0.5 to +7.0 -0.5 to VDD+0.5 -55/125 Unit Vdc Vdc °C Vectron International 267 Lowell Rd, Hudson NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 e-mail: vectron@vectron.com VCC6-L/V series, 2.5 and 3.3V LVDS Crystal Oscillator Reliability The VCC6 qualification tests include the following: Table 6. Environnemental Compliance P arameter Mechanical Shock Mechanical Vibration Solderability Gross and Fine Leak Resistance to Solvents Conditions MIL-STD-883 Method 2002 MIL-STD-883 Method 2007 MIL-STD-883 Method 2003 MIL-STD-883 Method 1014 MIL-STD-883 Method 2016 Handling Precautions Although ESD protection circuitry has been designed into the the VCC6, proper precautions should be taken when handling and mounting. VI employs a Human Body Model and a Charged-Device Model (CDM) for ESD susceptibility testing and design protection evaluation. ESD thresholds are dependent on the circuit parameters used to define the model. Although no industry wide standard has been adopted for the CDM, a standard HBM of resistance = 1.5kohms and capacitance = 100pF is widely used and therefore can be used for comparison purposes. Table 7. ESD Ratings M odel Human Body Model Charged Device Model M inimum 1000 1000 Conditions MIL-STD-883 Method 3115 JESD 22-C101 Suggested IR profile The VCC6 has been qualified to meet the JEDEC standard for Pb-Free assembly. The temperatures and time intervals listed are based on the Pb-Free small body requirements and parameters are listed in Table 7. The VCC6 is hermetically sealed so an aqueous wash is not an issue. Table 8. Reflow Profile Parameter PreHeat Time Ramp Up Time Above 217 C Time To Peak Temperature Time At 260 oC (max) Ramp Down o Symbol tS R UP tL t AMB-P tP R DN Value 60 sec Min, 180 sec Max 3 oC/sec Max 60 sec Min, 150 sec Max 480 sec Max 10 sec Max 6 oC/sec Max Vectron International 267 Lowell Rd, Hudson NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 e-mail: vectron@vectron.com VCC6-L/V series, 2.5 and 3.3V LVDS Crystal Oscillator Frequencies (MHz) 50.000 100.000 153.850 164.3555 180.000 74.1758 106.250 155.520 166.6667 187.500 74.250 125.000 156.250 173.3708 200.00 77.760 133.000 161.1328 173.438 212.500 80.000 136.000 162.325 175.000 Other frequencies may be available upon request. Standard frequencies are frequencies which the crystal has been designed and does not imply a stock position. Ordering Information VCC6-LCB – 125M000 Product Family Crystal Oscillator Output L: LVDS 3.3 Volts V: LVDS 2.5 Volts Enable/Disable A: E/D is on Pin 2, Pin 1 is NC C: E/D is on Pin 1, Pin 2 is NC Frequency example: 125M000= 125.000 MHz Stability Options/Temperature A: ±100ppm B: ±50ppm C: ±100ppm D: ±50ppm E: ±25ppm F: ±25ppm -10 to 70°C -10 to 70°C -40 to 85°C -40 to 85°C -10 to 70°C -40 to 85°C NOTE: Not all combinations of options are available. A ± 20ppm over -10 to 70°C, +3.3V, E/D on pin 1, VCC6-109-frequency is available. A ±20ppm over -10 to 70°C, +2.5V, E/D on pin 1, VCC6-111-frequency is available. For Additional Information, Please Contact: USA: Vectron International • 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 • Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 • Fax: 1-888-FAX-VECTRON EUROPE: Landstrasse, D-74924, Neckarbischofsheim, Germany • Tel: 49 (0) 7268 8010 • Fax: 49 (0) 7268 801281 ASIA: Vectron Asia Pacific Sales 1F~2F. No.8 Workshop No.308 Fenju Rd., WaiGaoQiao Free Trade Zone, Pudong New Area Shanghai, China 200131 •Tel: 8621 50480777 • Fax: 8621 50481881 www.vectron.com Vectron International reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and/or information contained herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information. VCC6-L (REVISION DATE: September 6 2005) Vectron International 267 Lowell Rd, Hudson NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 e-mail: vectron@vectron.com
1. 物料型号:VCC6系列,包括VCC6-L/V,具体型号如VCC6-LAx、VCC6-VAx、VCC6-LCx和VCC6-VCx。

2. 器件简介:VCC6晶体振荡器(XO)是一个石英稳定的方波发生器,具有LVDS输出,工作在2.5或3.3伏电源下。使用第三泛音晶体以获得低于200MHz的输出频率,从而实现低抖动性能,通常在12kHz至20MHz频带内的抖动为0.3ps rms。

3. 引脚分配: - VCC6-LCx和VCC6-VCx系列: - 1号引脚:E/D(三态功能) - 2号引脚:NC(无内部连接,浮动) - 3号引脚:GND(地) - 4号引脚:fo(输出频率) - 5号引脚:Cf。(互补输出频率) - 6号引脚:VDD(供电电压) - VCC6-LAx和VCC6-VAx系列: - 1号引脚:NC(无内部连接,浮动) - 2号引脚:ED(三态功能) - 3号引脚:GND(地) - 4号引脚:fo(输出频率) - 5号引脚:Cf。(互补输出频率) - 6号引脚:VDD(供电电压)

4. 参数特性:包括频率范围10MHz至270MHz、供电电压2.375V至3.45V、供电电流输出使能时高达60mA、输出逻辑电平、差分输出、偏移电压、输出泄漏电流、转换时间、对称性或占空比、工作温度范围、稳定性、RMS抖动等。

5. 功能详解:VCC6使用第三泛音晶体以获得低于200MHz的输出频率,具有低抖动性能。在正常操作下,使能/禁用引脚(E/D)保持开放或设置为逻辑高状态,振荡器处于振荡模式,输出为活动状态。当E/D设置为逻辑低时,振荡器停止,输出和互补输出都处于高阻抗状态,有助于板级测试和故障排除。

6. 应用信息:应用于SONET/SDH/DWDM、以太网、千兆以太网、存储区域网络、数字视频和宽带接入。

7. 封装信息:VCC6系列提供密封陶瓷SMD封装,尺寸为5.0x7.0x1.5mm。
VCC6-V 价格&库存

