9.9 Gbps – 11.3 Gbps High Gain Transimpedance Amplifier for TO-Can Based ROSA Applications
BENEFITS: Lowest Cost 10 Gbps ROSA Solution Designed Specifically for High Volume XFP Module Applications
S P E C I F I C AT I O N S : Transimpedance Gain 4k ohm Differential F E AT U R E S : TO-46 Can Compatible Die Size 4k ohm Differential Transimpedance Gain Low Power, 140mW typ. Photodetector Cusrrent Monitor Voltage Output Single +3.3V Power Supply Integrated Photo Detecotor Bias Circuit Low Frequency Cutoff 30kHz Overload Current 4.5mA Limiting Output 360mV Differential 3dB Bandwidth in a TO-46 Can 8GHz NOTE: All Specifications are Typical
9.9 Gbps – 11.3 Gbps High Gain Transimpedance Amplifier for TO-Can Based ROSA Applications
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The VSC7978 is a 9.9 Gbps – 11.3 Gbps high performance, low power transimpedance amplifier designed for use in TO-46 Can based Receiver Optical Sub Assemblies (ROSA) for optical communication networks; SONET/SDH (OC192/STM-64), 10G Ethernet, 10G Fiber Channel and OTN applications. The device is intended for use with a PIN photo detector or APD, and is capable of amplifying input currents of up to and greater than 3.5mAp-p with low duty-cycle distortion. The VSC7978 offers 4kohm differential transimpedance, eliminating the need for an additional postamplifier. The outputs limit to a typical differential value of 300mVp-p, increasing the dynamic range of the system by reducing the possibility of exceeding the input voltage range of the transceiver device. A space-saving filter connection is provided for a positive bias to the photo detector through a 50ohm resister to external VCCPD. The VSC7978 operates at 3.3V power supply and is offered as bare die form.
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