µ C with 4Mb ROM, 6.448Kbytes SRAM,
Push-Pull DAC and 48x32/64x32 LCD Driver v1.13
The WT5080 is a high-performance, low-cost, CMOS 8-bit single-chip microcontroller with 48x32/64x32 dot-matrix LCD driver, which is suitable for variable applications, especially when large number of LCD dots and large ROM space are needed, including edutainment toys, speech synthesizer, Chinese character pagers, databank, handheld games and talking devices. This chip has 8-bit CPU, RAM, I/Os, dual 16-bit timer/counters, interrupt controller, and a 9-bit push-pull D/A output. To be suitable for portable battery-powered applications, a power saving function is included.
u u u u u 8-bit single chip microcontroller with 48x32/64x32 LCD driver 6.448Kbytes SRAM and 512 Kbytes ROM Voltage operating range from 2.9 V to 3.2 V Built-in crystal OSC circuit and RC oscillator with maximum frequency up to 3.0 MHz 5 interrupt sources (external:1; internal:4) ; all sources have independent latches each and multiple interrupt control is available u I/O port (20 pins) 。I/O port 4 pins 。I/O port 16 pins u Watchdog Timer u Operating current 1m A/2MHz@3V; key wake-up mode is provided u RC OSC OFF and 32.768KHz X’tal ON (LCD Panel OFF): current consumption < 15 uA @3V
NOTE: LCD panel can be turned off, but 32.768KHz crystal is always ON
u Dual 16-bit timer/counters u 9-bit push-pull D/A converter u Package: Chip form or 128-pin LQFP (14mm x 14mm x 1.4mm)
偉詮電子股份有限公司 新竹市科學工業園區工業東九路 24 號 2 樓 臺灣 1 Rev. 0110090
Weltrend Semiconductor Inc. 2F, No. 24, Industry East 9th Road, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsin-chu, TAIWAN
µ C with 4Mb ROM, 6.448Kbytes SRAM,
Push-Pull DAC and 48x32/64x32 LCD Driver v1.13
PIN NAME P20~ P23 NC NC NC P10/SEG56~ P17/SEG63 P00/SEG48~ P04/SEG52 P05/SEG53~ P07/SEG55 XTLIN XTLOUT RIN NRESET NTEST SPKA SPKB VDD GND EXTINT SEG0~SEG2 SEG3~SEG40 SEG41~SEG47 COM0~COM31 VLCD BIAS1 BIAS2 BIAS3 BIAS4 Ca Cb Cc Cd PIN# 113~ 110 104 105 106 125~ 118 5~ 1 128~ 126 115 116 114 108 109 100 102
52,98,101 13,99,103,117
In/Out I/O I/O I/O
FUNCTIONS 4-bit I/O port Not connected Not connected Not connected 8-bit I/O port with latch 8-bit I/O port with latch
Input Output Input Input Input Output Output Input Input Input Output
107 55~53 51~14 12~6 92~61 58 60 57 56 59 97 95 96 94
Crystal input Crystal output ROSC input; connected to VDD through a resistor System reset signal input; low active Test pin. “H”: Normal; “L”: Test Current D/A output Current D/A output Power source Ground External interrupt input LCD segment output
Output Input Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output
LCD common output LCD voltage supply LCD bias voltage output LCD bias voltage output LCD bias voltage output LCD bias voltage output LCD pumping capacitor LCD pumping capacitor LCD pumping capacitor LCD pumping capacitor
偉詮電子股份有限公司 新竹市科學工業園區工業東九路 24 號 2 樓 臺灣 4 Rev. 0110090
Weltrend Semiconductor Inc. 2F, No. 24, Industry East 9th Road, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsin-chu, TAIWAN
µ C with 4Mb ROM, 6.448Kbytes SRAM,
Push-Pull DAC and 48x32/64x32 LCD Driver v1.13
Output High I (I/O: P1&P0) Output High I (I/O: P1&P0) Output High I (I/O: P1&P0) Output High I (I/O: P20~P23) Output Sink I*(註2) (I/O: P20~P23) ROSC Resistor CPU Clock
Iol Ioh Iol Ioh Iol RIN FCPU
230 230 230 0.9 0.7 510K 0.03 3.0
u A VDD=3.0V, Vpp=3V Vol=0.3V u A VDD=3.0V, Vpp=7V Voh=2.7V u A VDD=3.0V, Vpp=9V Vol=0.3V mA VDD=3.0V Voh=2.7V mA VDD=3.0V Vol=0.3V Ω FOSC=1.5MHz @3.0V MHz FCPU=FOSC @3.0V
偉詮電子股份有限公司 新竹市科學工業園區工業東九路 24 號 2 樓 臺灣 7 Rev. 0110090
Weltrend Semiconductor Inc. 2F, No. 24, Industry East 9th Road, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsin-chu, TAIWAN