Xilinx Design Tools:
Release Notes Guide
Vivado Design Suite and ISE
Design Suite
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
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The information disclosed to you hereunder (the “Materials”) is provided solely for the selection and use of Xilinx products. To the maximum
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© Copyright 2012 Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx, the Xilinx logo, Artix, ISE, Kintex, Spartan, Virtex, Vivado, Zynq, and other designated brands included
herein are trademarks of Xilinx in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Revision History
The following table shows the revision history for this document.
Initial Xilinx Vivado Design Suite release./ISE Design Suite device and software
Initial Xilinx release.
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: What’s New in Xilinx Design Tools
Introducing Vivado Design Suite 2012.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Key New Features In Vivado Design Suite 2012.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ISE Design Suite 14.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
ISE Design Suite 14.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Chapter 2: Important Release Information
Vivado Design Suite 2012.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
ISE Design Suite 14.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
ISE Design Suite 14.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Chapter 3: Architecture Support and Requirements
Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compatible Third-Party Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 4: Technical Support and Documentation
Known Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Support Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Customer Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Chapter 1
What’s New in Xilinx Design Tools
Introducing Vivado Design Suite 2012.2
The Xilinx® Vivado™ Design Suite is a new IP and system-centric design environment which
has been released for Public Access to all in-warranty ISE® Design Suite customers.
The following important information should be understood before beginning to use the
Vivado Design Suite.
Improved Productivity
This entirely new tool solution was architected to increase the overall productivity for
designing with the expanding portfolio of Xilinx devices. These new devices are now much
larger and come with a variety of new technology including Stacked Silicon Interconnect
Technology (SSIT), high speed I/O interfaces, hardened microprocessors and interfaces,
analog mixed signal, etc. These new silicon features and capacity have allowed designers to
move a lot more of the overall system design content into the FPGA. Designers are now
faced with increased system design integration and verification challenges that require a
different design methodology and toolset. This coupled with the increased capacity of the
new devices made it clear a new tool solution was required. The Vivado Design Suite was
developed to better address these new challenges.
Product Overview
The Vivado Design Suite is a completely new design solution created to address the design
challenges described above. It is a complete replacement for the existing Xilinx ISE Design
Suite of tools. It replaces all of the ISE point tools such as Xilinx Synthesis Tool (XST),
implementation (ngdbuild-bitgen), Core Generator™system, Timing Constraints Editor,
ISim, ChipScope™ analyzer, Xilinx Power Analyzer (XPA), FPGA Editor, PlanAhead™ design
tool, SmartXplorer, etc. All of those capabilities are now built directly into the Vivado
Integrated Design Environment (IDE) using a common data model and user interface.
The Vivado Design Suite takes advantage of a common data model used to process the
design from RTL elaboration all the way through bitstream generation. The entire design
process can be executed in memory without having to write or translate any intermediate
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Introducing Vivado Design Suite 2012.2
file formats. Having this common data model provides a lot of capabilities to analyze and
affect the in-process design at each stage of the design flow.
The entire design process can be managed push-button by using the Flow Navigator in the
Vivado IDE or controlled manually by using Tcl.
High-Level Synthesis
Engineers can quickly simulate, analyze and modify the design without being distracted
with implementation details. By starting with MATLAB®/Simulink® or untimed
C/C++/System C, one can quickly explore different system architectures, evaluating them
against key system criteria without investigating effort in writing RTL. The Vivado System
Edition extends algorithm development above RTL with Vivado High-Level Synthesis (HLS)
and System Generator for DSP.
Vivado HLS (built on AutoESL tool technology) accelerates design implementation and
verification by enabling C, C++, and SystemC specifications to be directly synthesized into
VHDL or Verilog RTL, after exploring a multitude of micro-architectures based on design
requirements. Functional simulation can be performed in C, providing an order of
magnitude of acceleration over VHDL or Verilog simulation. This provides designers and
system architects with a faster and more robust way of delivering quality designs.
Choosing Vivado Design Suite or ISE Design Suite
ISE Design Suite is an industry-proven solution for All Programmable Xilinx devices. The
Xilinx ISE Design Suite continues to bring innovations to a broad base of developers, and
extends the familiar design flow to all Xilinx FPGAs and Xilinx Zynq™-7000 projects.
The next-generation Xilinx Vivado Design Suite is a revolutionary IP and system-centric
design environment that accelerates developer productivity for dramatically faster
integration and implementation with an easy to use IP-centric design flow and up to 4x
improvement in run times. Vivado Design Suite 2012.2 supports the Xilinx 7 series FPGAs,
which include the Virtex®-7, Kintex™-7 and Artix™-7 families.
Vivado Design Suite offers better overall tool performance, especially on large designs. The
design environment provides powerful flow customization and analysis using Tcl and Xilinx
Design Constraints (XDC). Xilinx recommends customers starting a “new” design on Kintex
K410 or larger device talk to your local FAE to determine if Vivado Design Suite is right for
you. Xilinx does not recommend transitioning during the middle of a current design as
design constraints and scripts are not compatible between the two tool flows.
No Cost in 2012 for Current ISE Design Suite Warranted Seats
If you purchased the ISE Design Suite in the last 12 months then you do not need to
purchase the Vivado Design Suite during 2012. There is no additional cost for Vivado
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Key New Features In Vivado Design Suite 2012.2
Design Suite during 2012. All current, in warranty, seats of ISE Design Suite will receive an
entitlement to a copy of Vivado Design Suite beginning with the 2012.2 release.
Vivado Design Suite Licensing
For customers who generated an ISE Design Suite license for versions 13 or 14, after
February 2, 2012, your current license will also work for the Vivado Design Suite. Customers
who are still in warranty but who have generated licenses prior to February 2, 2012, will
need to regenerate their licenses in order to use Vivado Design Suite. For license
generation, go to www.xilinx.com/getlicense.
ISE Design Suite to Vivado Design Suite Edition Mapping
Table 1-1:
Edition Mapping
Pillars of Productivity
Vivado Features
ISE Design Suite License Level
WebPACK™ Logic Embedded DSP
Edition Edition Edition Edition
IP Integration and
Integrated Design
Verification and Debug
Vivado Simulator
Vivado Logic Analyzer
Vivado Serial I/O
Vivado High-Level
System Generator for
Design Exploration and
IP Generation
* The WebPACK design tools support a limited number of devices. The Webpack tool support for Vivado tools
will not begin until late 2012.
Vivado Design Suite and WebPACK Design Tools
In 2012.2, the Vivado Design Suite is not available for users with a WebPACK tool license.
The WebPACK tool access for the Vivado Design Suite is currently planned for late 2012.
Key New Features In V ivado Design Suite 2012.2
Device Support
Production support for the following devices:
Kintex-7 325T
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Key New Features In Vivado Design Suite 2012.2
Kintex-7 410T
Virtex-7 X485T
Virtex-7 HT devices are now in public access
Performance increase of ~3.5% for the -2 speed grades for Kintex-7 and Virtex-7 FPGAs
Updated Package Flight times and IBIS models for the Xilinx 7 series FPGAs
Bitstream generation enabled for all the Xilinx 7 series FPGAs
Vivado Integrated Design Environment
Vivado Simulator integration with common waveform viewer
Integration with ISE Xilinx Platform Studio
Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC) templates integrated into the source code editor
Improved constraints file management
Integrated Design Environment (IDE) prompts user for target constraint file to write
back to if changes are made in the IDE
Ability to suppress and adjust message severity and verbosity
Ability to create user-defined Design Rule Checks (DRC)
Support for Verilog structural netlists flows from third-party synthesis tools
Double-byte character support allowing Chinese characters to be present in paths and
Vivado High-Level Synthesis
High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is included in the Vivado System Edition, which supports all
the Xilinx 7 series FPGAs. A stand-alone license which supports all devices supported
by the ISE Design Suite is available, however Vivado System Edition must be installed to
access the Vivado HLS software.
Increased support for the number of math.h functions is now supported for synthesis.
A new data type hls::steam has been added to support designs with streaming data.
The synthesized RTL can now be exported as IP-XACT, Pcore and System Generator
formats, allowing the RTL to be easily imported into Vivado, EDK and System Generator.
Exporting the synthesized RTL in IP-XACT and System Generator formats is only
supported for the Xilinx 7 series FPGAs supported by Vivado Design Suite.
Xilinx WebTalk and TouchPoint features are now integrated into Vivado HLS.
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Key New Features In Vivado Design Suite 2012.2
Vivado Synthesis Tools
Support for finite state machine (FSM) optimizations
State encoding selectable with possible styles of “one-hot”, “sequential”, “Johnson”
and “gray”
RAM inference support for byte enable for all the modes of the BRAM
DSP block inference for cascading and register packing and support for n-ary adders
Support for synthesis attributes (including MARK_DEBUG)
Vivado Implementation Tools
Timing report displays annotation for net delays to show delay type: no interconnect,
estimation, or extracted route status
Multi-threaded execution enabled by default
Default of 4 maximum simultaneous threads based on CPU availability
Configurable by users as needed
Directed Routing support: ability to lock down routing for nets
Strategies available based on place and route effort levels
XDC enhanced
Support for LUT LOCK_PINS properties
XDC timing constraint equivalent for UCF FEEDBACK constraints added
Timing report support for DDR interfaces - data sheet provides timing parameters in all
corners and an optimal tap point
New reporting commands
Native bitstream support
Improved physical synthesis algorithms
set_max_delay -datapathonly now permits combinatorial logic between-from
and -to
Vivado Simulator
Breakpoint support in the source code editor
Value tool-tip in the source code editor
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Key New Features In Vivado Design Suite 2012.2
Filter names in Scopes window
Additional Tcl command support for
Adding conditions
Force commands
Write out Synopsys Activity Interchange Format file (SAIF)
Vivado IP Packager
The Vivado IP Packager is a unique design re-use feature based on the IP-XACT standard,
that provides users the ability to package IP at any stage of the design flow - RTL, netlist,
enabling the creation and deployment of system-level IP from Vivado IP Catalog. The key
features of the Vivado IP Packager include:
Package design as IP from the Vivado design tools project using the Vivado Integrated
Design Environment (IDE) or automated script based flows using Tcl
Specify synthesis, simulation, XDC constraints, HDL test bench, documentation and
example sources for IP
Create IP customization interface and specify device family support
Create zip file for distribution of packaged IP
Vivado IP Catalog
The Vivado Design Suite has an extensible IP catalog which provides a repository for Xilinx,
third-party and intra-company IP that can be shared across a design team, division, or
company in a manner that facilitates design re-use. The key features of the Vivado IP
Catalog include:
Consistent, easy access to all Xilinx IP including building blocks, wizards, connectivity,
DSP, embedded, AXI infrastructure and Video IP
Support for multiple physical locations, including shared network drives, allowing users
or organizations to leverage a consistent IP deployment environment for third-party or
internally developed IP
Instant access to IP customization and generation using the Vivado Integrated Design
Environment (IDE) or automated script based flows using Tcl
On demand delivery of optional IP output targets such as instantiation templates,
simulation models (HDL, C, or MATLAB), and HDL example designs
Integrated IP example designs that provide capability to evaluate IP directly as an
instantiated source in a Vivado design tools project
Global RTL synthesis of IP with design capability to use synthesizable RTL or behavioral
simulation models of IP for simulation
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Key New Features In Vivado Design Suite 2012.2
Capability to create a Verilog netlist by treating customized IP as top and then use
post-synthesis back-annotated structural simulation models by using write_verilog
or write_vhdl
Xilinx Documentation Navigator
To ensure access to the latest documentation, you should update the catalog in the
Documentation Navigator weekly. It is especially important to update the catalog prior to
your first use of Documentation Navigator.
Note: Additional Vivado Design Suite software documents will be made available August 8th
through September 6th, 2012.
To update the catalog:
1. Launch the Xilinx Documentation Navigator by selecting Help > Documentation and
Tutorials in the Vivado IDE.
2. In the Documentation Navigator, click the Update Catalog toolbar button.
For more information about the Documentation Navigator, see the Vivado Design Suite
User Guide: Getting Started (UG910), which is available on the Vivado Design Suite 2012.2
Documentation Page.
ChipScope Analyzer
Debug Probing Flows
HDL Instantiation
Netlist Insertion
Flows (IDE push-button, Tcl, Checkpoints, Project & Non-Project)
ILA 2.0 Core
Increased capacity and easier to use
No CONTROL port threading (No ICON core)
Compatible with Legacy IP (ICON, ILA, VIO 1.x)
Tcl scripting of IP parameterization and generation
Vivado Logic Analyzer
Integration into Vivado IDE
Significantly enhanced waveform viewer with simulator-like capabilities
Tcl scripting of run-time operations
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Key New Features In Vivado Design Suite 2012.2
Pin Planner
Export menu item from I/O ports view
Support buses with ascending, descending, and negative bit indexes
Expand selection menu item in IO ports view
System Generator for DSP
MATLAB 2012a support
Blockset Enhancements
Floating Point Natural Log
Floating/Fixed Point Abs
Interleaver/De-interleaver 7.1
Demos and Examples Updated to target Kintex-7 device
Vivado IP Generation for basic blocks including Dual Port RAM, ROM, Addressable Shift
Register, FIFO, AXI_FIFO, Accumulator, AddSub, Counter, Multiplier, CMult
Up to 10x faster Netlist generation in designs containing these blocks
Ability to inspect the Vivado IP parametrization from Vivado project generated from
Vivado HLS Block Enhancement
Enables inclusion of C/C++/SystemC source files through Vivado HLS integration
A new Median Filtering example introduced in examples/hls_filter to demonstrate
the use of this block
IP Core Details
Support SD/HD/3G-SDI uncompressed serial digital video streams in the Xilinx 7 series
Verilog support only
Core Update Details
For detailed information on core updates in 2012.2, see Vivado IP Catalog.
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.2
ISE Design Suite 14.2
Device Support
Production support for the following devices:
Kintex-7 325T
Kintex-7 410T
Virtex®-7 X485T
Performance increase of ~3.5% for the -2 speed grades for Kintex-7 and Virtex-7 FPGAs
Artix-7 FPGA family now supports bitstream generation
Partial Reconfiguration support added for Zynq-7000 EPP devices
Partial Reconfiguration
Per-frame CRC checks can be done on partial bitstreams (7 series)
PlanAhead Design Tool
Clock Planner Fly Lines - the clock tree view for physical device resources now displays
fly lines to help the user visualize physical connectivity in the device.
Pin Planner
Export menu item from I/O ports view
Improved handling of diff pairs creation
Support buses with ascending, descending, and negative bit indexes
Expand selection menu item in IO ports view
Improved rendering focus on a cell in tables and trees
Improved various views such as SSN report, IO port property editing, port rendering in
package view, and clock resources view
System Generator for DSP
MATLAB 2012a support
Blockset Enhancements
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.1
Floating Point Natural Log
Floating/Fixed Point Abs
Interleaver/De-interleaver 7.1
Demos and Examples Updated to target Kintex-7 device
IP Core Details
Connects seamlessly to Zynq Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Support SD/HD/3G-SDI uncompressed serial digital video streams in the Xilinx 7 series
Verilog support only
Core Update Details
For detailed information on core updates in 14.2, see IP Core Generator Technology.
ISE Design Suite 14.1
Device Support
Public access is now available for the following families:
Zynq™-7000 EPP (including bitstream generation)
Defense-grade 7 series FPGA and Zynq-7000 EPP
Automotive XA Zynq-7000 EPP
Virtex®-7 XT FPGA family now supports bitstream generation.
Artix™-7 FPGA GTPE2 support is now available, which includes:
SecureIP simulation models for all Xilinx-supported simulators.
7 series FPGA GT Transceiver Wizard support.
The following Artix-7 devices have been removed from the tools:
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.1
ISE® Design Suite requires users to select all IO Standards and pin-placement in their
designs prior to generating a bitstream. Please see the following Xilinx Answer Record
for more information: http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/41615.htm
PlanAhead Design Tool
More information on new features described in this chapter can be found in the
PlanAhead™ Design Tool User Guide:
The Flow Navigator now provides a more detailed view of the steps involved in the
compilation flow. This includes the ability to easily collapse and expand the list of
detailed tasks available within each design view (RTL Analysis, Synthesis,
Implementation, and Program and Debug).
The new clock resource view now displays connectivity of clocking and IO related
resources using fly lines.
Project settings now include more XPA options.
Pin Planning
The PlanAhead design tool now provides the ability to convert pin-planning projects
from an empty netlist project to a full RTL or netlist-based project. This allows you to
migrate pin planning projects to more useful projects that manage more source types.
Pin-planning support for Zynq-7000 EPP devices is now available.
Pin-planning projects can now automatically infer differential pairs by recognizing one
side of a differential standard and by providing the ability to automatically create the
other side of the differential pair.
There is an improved Simultaneous Switching Noise (SSN) reporting engine and
improved 7 series FPGA noise prediction.
There are improvements on the presentation of default IO standards.
Modelsim & Questa Advanced Simulator Integration
The PlanAhead design tool now allows you to choose Modelsim or Questa® Advanced
Simulator as the target simulator in the project settings. Simulation requires library
compilation, which can be accomplished through Tcl command compxlib. The main
advantage of this integration over ISE tools integration is the ability to have multiple
simulation filesets with their own sets of properties. This allows you to simultaneously
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.1
create and maintain multiple simulation configurations that could vary depending on
the testbench being used or other simulation properties.
Embedded Development Kit Integration
The PlanAhead design tool can now create and add Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS)
subsystems to a project through the .xmp source type. Double-clicking the .xmp
source type launches Xilinx Platform Studio to generate and customize the embedded
Integration support also includes importing and converting ISE tools projects (.xise)
that have .xmp sources embedded within them to PlanAhead design tool projects. The
PlanAhead design tool manages generated files from XPS appropriately in the
synthesis and implementation tool flows.
System Generator for DSP Integration
PlanAhead design tool can now create and add DSP subsystems to a project through
the .sgp source type. Double clicking the .sgp source type launches The MathWorks
Simulink® to generate and customize the DSP subsystem.
Integration support includes importing and converting ISE tools projects (.xise) that
have .sgp sources embedded within them to PlanAhead design tool projects.
PlanAhead design tool manages generated files from the DSP tools appropriately in the
synthesis and implementation tool flows.
IP Repository
PlanAhead design tool now allows the use of the IP repository without creating a
design. You can create an empty project and open the IP repository for browsing,
generating, and configuring an IP core. Generated sources, such as example designs,
constraint files, data sheets, and more are now viewable in the project with a special IP
Sources tab in the sources view.
Initial support for the IEEE P1735 encryption standards.
Runs Infrastructure
PlanAhead design tool can now force a run up-to-date if it has been marked stale and
the user wishes to override the tool.
Physical constraint updates do not cause the synthesis run state to go stale.
There is a new “next step” option to run to intermediate states of the ISE tools (e.g.
ngdbuild, map, par, trce).
Bitgen options are now integrated with run options in project settings.
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.1
There is now support for optional steps in the flow, as well as a mechanism to invoke
Tcl “hook” scripts for use between stages of the run flow. You can specify a Tcl script
that runs between compilation stages, you can use it for custom workarounds or
reporting purposes.
Project Infrastructure
Messages are now centralized to a common message manager, and should be visible in
the messages tabs.
PlanAhead design tool can now reset parameters and properties with the new Tcl
commands reset_param and reset_property. These commands reset the value of
the property and parameter to the built-in default, and if appropriate, to the specific
target device.
Certain invalid UCF messages are disabled for RTL elaboration.
Improved falsely reported error and critical warning conditions when parsing UCF on
RTL netlists.
Improved include file support in RTL.
Embedded Design Tools
Embedded Design improvements in 14.1 are focused on 4 main areas:
Zynq-7000 EPP support for bare-metal and Linux-based product development
MicroBlaze™ processor updates
Performance improvements
New instructions for endianess conversion
Pre-integrated IO module
Multi-processor lock-step/result-voting for tamper & single event upset detection
Additional device support
IP updates for improved system performance, configuration, and utility
Tools updates for XPS and SDK
Zynq-7000 EPP Support
14.1 ISE WebPACK™ design tools now support Zynq-7000 EPP for the Xilinx Z7010,
Z7020, Z7030 parts. Included in WebPACK design tools are the same tools as the
Embedded Edition – XPS, SDK, MicroBlaze processor, and the full embedded IP library.
XPS includes new configuration and MIO summary windows dedicated to Zynq-7000
EPP (see Embedded Tools below for further information).
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.1
Zynq-7000 EPP documents are now available on the Xilinx website and also via the
Xilinx Documentation Navigator tool which can be downloaded from
MicroBlaze Processor Updates
New Low-latency interrupt mode
The controller directly supplies the interrupt vector resulting in a reduction in latency
response by as much as 10X depending on system design.
New Swap instructions
New instructions for byte and halfword swapping help support endianness conversions
between AXI big-endian and AXI little-endian.
Additional Device Support
MicroBlaze processor has been validated across Xilinx 7 series FPGA families.
System Cache
Embedded Edition adds a new embedded system cache IP peripheral between a
MicroBlaze processor and external memory controller for AXI-based systems.
MicroBlaze processor uses this System Cache IP core as Level 2 cache resulting in lower
latency and faster performance depending on multiple system factors, design type, or
connection points.
IO Module
A new, configurable collection of general embedded processor peripherals packaged
into a single IP block for connection to the MicroBlaze processor data-side LMB bus.
This simplifies the definition, configuration and deployment of a standard
Microcontroller system and enables MicroBlaze processor MCS designs to be moved
seamlessly from Logic Edition into Embedded Edition.
Embedded IP Updates
14.1 includes IP core enhancements and additions focus on improved support for AXI,
Zynq-7000 EPP, and MicroBlaze processor.
AXI Quad SPI - Supports Execute In Place (XIP) mode and architectural improvements
for performance. This IP core continues to work in Legacy mode as default option for
existing customer.
AXI Performance Monitor - Measures bus latency of a specific master/slave
(AXI4/AXI4-Lite/AXI4-Stream) in a system, the amount of memory traffic for specific
durations, and other performance metrics.
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.1
Processing System7 - Wrapper IP for Zynq-7000 EPP, logic connection between PS and
PL to assist with adding custom or other EDK IP.
AXI System Cache - Level 2 Cache module for MicroBlaze processor when used in
between MicroBlaze processor and external memory controller.
Embedded IO Module - Common IO peripheral sub-set, introduced in MicroBlaze
processor MCS, ported to Embedded Edition for compatibility.
Embedded Tools
In ISE Design Suite 14.1, the PlanAhead design tool now supports embedded design
capture and management and is the recommended embedded design flow.
What’s New in XPS?
In 14.1, XPS has been extended to provide Zynq-7000 EPP specific tools for configuration
and first-stage bootloader generation with SDK.
The new Zynq-7000 EPP Processing System provides developers with dozens of
configuration options for memory, clocks, peripherals, DMA, IO, Interrupts and Flash
memory interfaces. XPS now includes a new configuration window which enables users
to graphically configure each parameter with guaranteed routing, voltage and
clock-correct automated selections.
14.1 includes standard Zynq-7000 EPP configurations (for the ZC702 board), to enable
developers to begin work immediately.
The new Zynq-7000 EPP MIO summary window provides an aligned, color-coded
graphic view of peripheral pin outs for faster, easier and guaranteed-correct MIO
What’s New in SDK?
14.1 now provides Xilinx SDK free of charge with all FlexLM license checks removed.
SDK can be installed from a stand-alone installer (available on the Xilinx website) or
within each ISE design tools edition installation.
Full support for Zynq-7000 EPP
SDK now provides a full tools solution for bare-metal and Linux application
development and profiling. Such tools include ARM GCC updated for bare-metal
(EABI) and Linux development, Boot Image Creator, Flash programmer for QSPI,
Device tree generator, and the remote system explorer (debug an IP-connected
target board).
SDK works with XPS to build and generate design-specific firmware including the
first stage boot loader with provision for device security, fallback boot, and
bitstream management. It will also combine, build and deploy a complete bootable
system image to the Zynq-7000 EPP target platform.
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.1
ChipScope Pro Tool and iMPACT
Zynq-7000 EPP
Indirect Quad-SPI Flash programming support via iMPACT
ChipScope Pro tool device programming and debug support
iMPACT basic and advanced programming support
Virtex-7 FPGA
IBERT 2-D Eye Scan enhancements
7 series FPGA GTH support
ChipScope Pro tool device programming and debug support
iMPACT basic and advanced programming support
Kintex-7 FPGA
IBERT 2-D Eye Scan enhancements
ChipScope Pro tool device programming and debug support
iMPACT basic and advanced programming support
Artix-7 FPGA
Core generator tool and inserter support
ChipScope Pro tool AXI Monitor now supports EDK and standard CORE Generator tool
System Generator for DSP
Device support updated to include Defense-Grade 7 Series FPGA and Automotive XA
Zynq-7000 EPP families
PlanAhead design tool integration
Integrate System Generator modules in a larger RTL design
Includes tutorial
New “Performance Tips” toolbar button which opens “High Performance Designs”
Blockset enhanced with FIFO support for embedded register in BRAM configuration
IBIS Simulation
7 series FPGA IBIS support is provided only through the PlanAhead design tool
write_ibis command
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.1
IBISWriter is not available for 7 series FPGA Families
Partial Reconfiguration
Device support updated to include the XC7VX980T, XC7A200T, and XC7A350T.
Bitstream generation for Artix-7 devices is disabled in 14.1
The list of resources that must remain static-only has been updated to include IO and
configuration components.
Intellectual Property (IP)
Device Support
Pre-production support has been added for the following families:
Defense-Grade Virtex-7Q FPGA
Defense-Grade Kintex-7Q FPGA
Defense-Grade Artix-7Q FPGA
XA Artix-7 FPGA
XA Zynq-7000 EPP
New IP Cores
SMPTE 2022 5/6 Video over IP v1.0 - provides Transmitter and Receiver cores for
broadcast applications that require bridging between Broadcast Connectivity standards
(SD/HD/3G) and 10G networks.
Ten Gigabit Ethernet 10GBASE-KR – 10G Ethernet PCS/PMA with optional Forward Error
Correction (FEC) and Auto-Negotiation (AN) for 7 series FPGA GTX and GTH
transceivers. Delivered as an optional, separately licensed configuration of the Ten
Gigabit Ethernet PCS/PMA (10GBASE-R/KR) IP core.
Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter for Digital Audio - converts stereo audio from
one sample frequency to another. The input and output sample frequencies can be
either an arbitrary fraction of each another, or the same frequency, but based on
different clocks.
Video In to AXI-4 Stream - converts common parallel clocked video signals to an
AXI4-Stream interface. This enables connection of external video sources such as a DVI
PHY to other video processing blocks that use the AXI4-Stream interface (for example
Xilinx Video IP).
AXI4-Stream to Video Out - converts AXI4-Stream interface signals to a standard
parallel video output interface with timing signals. This enables connection of video
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.1
processing blocks that use the AXI4-Stream interface (for example Xilinx Video IP) to
external video sinks such as DVI PHY.
AXI4-Stream Interconnect - a key interconnect infrastructure IP that simplifies the
process of connecting heterogenous master/slave AMBA® AXI4-Stream protocol
compliant endpoint IP. The core routes connections from one or more AXI4-Stream
master channels to one or more AXI4-Stream slave channels.
AXI Performance Monitor - measures major performance metrics for the AMBA
Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) system. Metrics supported include bus latency of a
specific master/slave (AXI4/AXI4-Lite/AXI4-Stream) in a system, and the amount of
memory traffic during specific periods of time.
Virtex-7 FPGA GTH Transceiver Support
Pre-production Virtex-7 FPGA GTH support has been added to these IP Cores:
Ten Gigabit Ethernet 10GBASE-KR
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Chapter 2
Important Release Information
Vivado Design Suite 2012.2
This section contains detailed change information including improvements relative to the
Vivado™ Design Suite Early Access 2012.1 release or ISE® Design Suite equivalent
Device Support
Xilinx recommends all customers re-run implementation through timing analysis for all
designs before generating bitstream in this version of the software.
Support for the following General ES -2 speed grade devices require patches with this
software release (see Xilinx® Answer Record 50886 at
Kintex™-7 325T, 480T, 420T and 410T
Virtex®-7 X485T and 2000T
V ivado Simulator
~2x memor y usage reduction for elaborator over ISE tools
~50x speed up for Hierarchy Browser for large designs over Vivado Design Suite 2012.1
Support for setting properties on simulation object
Properties added: array_display_limit, radiz, time_unit, trace_limit,
line_tracing, process_tracing
Vivado High-Level Synthesis
Vivado High-Level Synthesis (HLS) was previously named AutoESL and was invoked at
the command line using autoesl but is now invoked using the command
The primary Tcl commands in the design flow have been changed:
The elaborate common is no longer required.
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Vivado Design Suite 2012.2
The new command ccynth_design replaces the elaborate and autosyn
The new command cosim_design replaces the autosim command.
The new command export_design replaces the autoimpl command.
The RTL implementation step in Vivado HLS has been depreciated (Tcl command
autoimpl). This feature is now supported as the new RTL Export feature.
The RTL co-simulation feature no longer requires a SystemC/HDL co-simulation license
when using the supported third-party HDL simulators. Only the HDL license for
supported third-party HDL simulators is required.
The existing AP_STREAM macros have been deprecated. Streaming data is now
supported by the new hls::stream data type.
Memory Interface Generator
All customers must re-generate their memory controller design with MIG 7 Series Version
Pin Planner
Improved handling of diff pairs creation
Improved rendering focus on a cell in tables and trees
Improved various views such as SSN report, IO port property editing, port rendering in
package view, and clock resources view
System Generator for DSP
Improvements to Vivado and System Generator for DSP Integration
Automatic regeneration based on mdl file time stamp changes
Vivado IP Generation for basic blocks improves generation times
Vivado Synthesis Tools
System Verilog and VHDL language support enhancements
Vivado IP Catalog
Readme files included with IP provided through the Vivado IP Catalog and ISE CORE
Generator™ tools have been updated to show a running history of new feature additions.
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Vivado Design Suite 2012.2
Updates to Existing IP
7 Series Transceiver Wizard
Added several new protocol templates
Added Virtex-7 2000T and HT (GTZ) device support
Aurora 64B/66B
V7-GTH characterization updates
Hot plug detect support for the Xilinx 7 series FPGAs
Validation using KC724 board-to-board
Aurora 8B/10B
Virtex-7 GTH device support
16-bit additive scrambler/descrambler
16-bit or 32-bit CRC for user data
Hot-plug detect support for the Xilinx 7 series FPGAs
Updated test bench
Validation using KC724 board-to-board
ChipScope™ Pro IP Core
IBERT 7 Series GTH support for Virtex-7 FPGA devices
CORE Generator tool support
Analyzer support for basic measurements
IBERT 7 Series GTZ support for Virtex-7 FPGA devices (Limited Access via Virtex-7
HT GTZ lounge only)
Analyzer support for basic measurements
Clocking Wizard
Spread spectrum support added to version 4.2
Fast simulation support added to version 4.2
Distributed Memory Generator v7.2
Analyzer support for RX Margin Analysis, including 2D Eye Scan measurement
IBERT 7 Series GTP support for Artix™-7 FPGA devices
Super Logic Region (SLR) support
Example test bench support added
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.2
10 Gigabit Ethernet MAC
Added Artix device support
Added Artix device support
Added SGMII over LVDS sync support for Virtex-7 and Kintex-7 families
IP support
Added Artix device support
PCI32 and PCI64
Added Vivado Design Suite 2012.2 support
Additional IP Supporting AXI4 Interfaces
The latest versions of CORE Generator IP have been updated with Production AXI4
interface support. For more detailed AXI IP support information see
In general, the AXI4 interface is supported by the latest version of an IP, for Virtex-7,
Kintex-7, Virtex-6 and Spartan®-6 devices families. Older “Production” versions of IP
continue to support the legacy interface for the respective core on Virtex-6, Spartan-6,
Virtex-5, Virtex-4 and Spartan-3 devices families only.
For general information on AXI4 support, see http://www.xilinx.com/ipcenter/axi4.htm.
A comprehensive listing of cores that have been updated in the 2012.2 release can be
viewed at www.xilinx.com/ipcenter/coregen/updates_14_2.htm.
ISE Design Suite 14.2
Device Support
Designs targeting the following devices must be re-implemented (place and route) in
this release of the software:
All Artix-7 devices
Zynq™-7000 EPP 7z030 and 7z045
Xilinx recommends all customers re-run implementation through timing analysis for all
designs before generating bitstream in this version of the software.
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.2
Support for the following General ES -2 speed grade devices require patches with this
software release (see Xilinx Answer Record 50886 at
Kintex-7 325T, 480T, 420T and 410T
Virtex-7 X485T and 2000T
Memory Interface Generator
All customers must re-generate their memory controller design with MIG 7 Series Version
Invoking Xilinx Tools from the Command Line in Linux OS
For commands to invoke Xilinx tools in Linux OS, see Xilinx Answer Record 41265 at
IP Core Generator Technology
Updates to Existing IP
7 Series Transceiver Wizard
Added several new protocol templates
Added Zynq 7045 (GTX) device support
Aurora 64B/66B
V7-GTH characterization updates
Hot plug detect support for the Xilinx 7 series FPGAs
Validation using KC724 board-to-board
Aurora 8B/10B
Virtex-7 GTH device support
Super Logic Region (SLR) support
16-bit additive scrambler/descrambler
16-bit or 32-bit CRC for user data
Hot-plug detect support for the Xilinx 7 series FPGAs
Updated test bench
Validation using KC724 board-to-board
ChipScope Pro IP Core
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.2
IBERT 7 Series GTH support for Virtex-7 FPGA devices
IBERT 7 Series GTP support for Artix-7 FPGA devices
CORE Generator tool support
Analyzer support for basic measurements
IBERT 7 Series GTZ support for Virtex-7 FPGA devices (Limited Access via Virtex-7
HT GTZ lounge only)
Spread spectrum support added to version 3.6
Distributed Memory Generator v7.2
Analyzer support for basic measurements
Clocking Wizard
Analyzer support for RX Margin Analysis, including 2D Eye Scan measurement
Example test bench support added
IP support
Beta features for Tandem PROM/PCIe
10 Gigabit Ethernet MAC
Added Artix device support
Added Zynq device support
Added Artix device support
Added Zynq device support
Added SGMII over LVDS sync support for Virtex-7 and Kintex-7 families
AXI Ethernet
Added Zynq device support
Additional IP Supporting AXI4 Interfaces
The latest versions of CORE Generator IP have been updated with Production AXI4
interface support. For more detailed AXI IP support information see
In general, the AXI4 interface is supported by the latest version of an IP, for Zynq-7000
EPP and Virtex-7, Kintex-7, Virtex-6 and Spartan-6 devices families. Older “Production”
versions of IP continue to support the legacy interface for the respective core on
Virtex-6, Spartan-6, Virtex-5, Virtex-4 and Spartan-3 devices families only.
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.1
For general information on AXI4 support, see http://www.xilinx.com/ipcenter/axi4.htm.
A comprehensive listing of cores that have been updated in the 2012.2 release can be
viewed at www.xilinx.com/ipcenter/coregen/updates_14_2.htm.
ISE Design Suite 14.1
Updates to existing IP versions
FIFO Generator v9.1
Maximum data width increased to 4096 for AXI FIFO configurations
7 Series FPGA Transceiver Wizard (GT Wizard) v2.1
New example design module for GTX and GTH transceivers demonstrates the
initialization sequence described in UG769.
Port and Attribute settings updated to support Initial ES (IES) GTH devices
New GTX Protocol templates (simulation only): HD-SDI, 3G-SDI, 6G-SDI and PCI
Express Gen1, Gen2
New GTH Protocol templates (simulation only): XAUI, RXAUI, OTL3.4, OC48, Gigabit
Ethernet (1000BASE-X PCS/PMA), QSGMII, CPRI, PCI Express Gen1, Gen2
New GTP Protocol templates (simulation only): DisplayPort, CPRI, Gigabit Ethernet
DisplayPort v3.1
5.4Gbps Single Stream transport (SST) support for 7 series FPGA devices from
Specification version 1.2
Luminance-only mode for Gray scale video users
Parameterized Bits Per Component (BPC) to reduce memory footprint
Quad pixel-wide video clock interface
Secondary Audio (2-channel) option (separately licensed)
AXI Bus Functional Model (AXI BFM) v2.1
Added VHDL examples
Support for Synopsys VCS® and Aldec Riviera-PRO™ simulation tools
AXI4 IP & More Information
In general, the AXI4 interface is supported by the latest version of an IP for Zynq-7000 EPP
& Virtex-7, Kintex-7, Virtex-6 and Spartan®-6 FPGA device families. Older “production”
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
ISE Design Suite 14.1
versions of IP continue to support the legacy interface for the respective core on Virtex-6,
Spartan-6, Virtex-5, Virtex-4, and Spartan-3 device families only.
The latest versions of CORE Generator tool IP have been updated with Production AXI4
interface support. For more details AXI IP support information see
For general information on AXI4 support, see http://www.xilinx.com/ipcenter/axi4.htm.
For a comprehensive listing of IP cores in the 14.1 release, please see
For more information on IP New Features and Known Issues, refer to the IP Release
Notes Guide (XTP025):
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Chapter 3
Architecture Support and Requirements
Operating Systems
Xilinx only supports the following operating systems on x86 and x86-64 processor
Microsoft Windows Support
Windows XP Professional (32-bit and 64-bit), English/Japanese
Windows 7 Professional (32-bit and 64-bit), English/Japanese
Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
Linux Support
Red Hat Enterprise Workstation 5 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Red Hat Enterprise Workstation 6 (32-bit and 64-bit)
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 (32-bit and 64-bit)
The following table lists architecture support for commercial products in the ISE® Design
Suite WebPACK tool vs. all other Vivado™ Design Suite editions and ISE Design Suite
editions. For non-commercial support:
All Xilinx® Automotive devices are supported in the ISE Design Suite WebPACK tool.
Xilinx Defense-Grade FPGA devices are supported where their equivalent commercial
part sizes are supported.
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Table 3-1:
Architecture Support
ISE Design Suite
(All Other Editions)
Zynq™ Device
Zynq-7000 Device
• XC7Z010, XC7Z020, XC7Z030
Zynq-7000 Device
• All
Virtex® FPGA
Virtex-4 FPGA
• LX: XC4VLX15, XC4VLX25
• SX: XC4VSX25
• FX: XC4VFX12
Virtex-4 FPGA
• All
Virtex-5 FPGA
• LX: XC5VLX30, XC5VLX50
• SXT: None
Virtex-5 FPGA
• All
Virtex-6 FPGA
• All
Virtex-7 FPGA
• All
Virtex-6 FPGA
Virtex-7 FPGA
• None
Kintex™ FPGA
Kintex-7 FPGA
• XC7K70T, XC7K160T
Kintex-7 FPGA
• All
Artix™ FPGA
Artix-7 FPGA
• XC7A100T, XC7A200T
Artix-7 FPGA
• All
Spartan® FPGA
Spartan-3 FPGA
• XC3S50 - XC3S1500(L)
Spartan-3 FPGA
• All
Spartan-3A/-3AN/-3E FPGA
• All
Spartan-3A/-3AN/-3E FPGA
• All
Spartan-3A DSP FPGA
• XC3SD1800A
Spartan-3A DSP FPGA
• All
Spartan-6 FPGA
Spartan-6 FPGA
• All
• All
• All
CoolRunner™ XPLA3,
Vivado Design Suite Architecture Support
Vivado Design Edition and Vivado System Edition: All Artix-7, Kintex-7, and Virtex-7
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Compatible Third-Party Tools
Compatible Third-Party Tools
Table 3-2:
Compatible Third-Party Tools
Red Hat
Mentor Graphics
ModelSim SE/DE
Mentor Graphics
ModelSim PE (10.1a)
Mentor Graphics
Questa ® Advanced
Cadence Incisive®
Enterprise Simulator
(IES) (11.1)
Synopsys VCS® and
VCS MX (F-2011.12)
The MathWorks
Simulink® with
Fixed-Point Toolbox
(2011a, 2011b,
Pro (F-2012.03-SP1)
Mentor Graphics
Precision® RTL/Plus
Third-Party Tool
Windows Windows Windows- WindowsXP 32-bit XP-64 bit 7 32-bit
7 64-bit
Equivalence Checking
Conformal® (9.1)
System Requirements
This section provides information on system memory requirements, cable installation, and
other requirements and recommendations.
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
System Requirements
System Memory Recommendations
For memory recommendations for Xilinx Design Tools, see:
Operating Systems and Available Memory
The Microsoft Windows and Linux ® operating system (OS) architectures have limitations on
the maximum memory available to a Xilinx program. Users targeting the largest devices and
most complex designs may encounter this limitation. The ISE Design Suite has optimized
memory and enabled support for applications to increase RAM memory available to Xilinx
Windows XP Professional 32-bit
Xilinx applications are enabled to take advantage of the memory increase feature on
Windows 32-bit systems. You must then modify Windows setting to get access to this larger
The standard Windows OS architecture limits the maximum memory available to a Xilinx
process to 2 Gigabyte (GB). In Windows XP Professional, Microsoft created an option to
support the ability of an application to address 3 GB of RAM. Xilinx ISE tools have built-in
support for this option. To take advantage of this capability, you must also modify your
Windows XP OS to enable this feature, which requires that you modify your boot.ini file
by adding a “/3GB” entry to the end of the “startup” line.
Before enabling 3 GB support for Xilinx applications, read the Microsoft Knowledge Base
Article #328269 at http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=328269. If you upgrade your
computer to Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) and you are using the /3GB switch, Windows
may not restart without a patch from Microsoft. See the Xilinx Answer Record 17905 for
more information at http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/17905.htm.
Additionally, before making this change, read:
Microsoft Bulletin Q17193
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q171793, which contains
information on “Application Use of 4GT RAM Tuning”.
Microsoft Bulletin Q289022
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;q289022, which contains
instructions for editing your boot.ini file.
For 32-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems, the operating system can use the hugemem
kernel to allocate 4 GB to each process. More information can be found on the Red Hat
support site: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/enterprise/
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
System Requirements
Cable Installation Requirements
Platform Cable USB II and Parallel Cable IV are high-performance cables that enable Xilinx®
design tools to program and configure target hardware.
To install Platform Cable USB II, a system must have at least a USB 1.1 port. For maximum
performance, Xilinx recommends using Platform Cable USB II with a USB 2.0 port.
To install Parallel Cable IV, a system must have a parallel port connector and support
parallel port communication.
Cables are officially supported on the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the following operating
systems: Windows XP Professional, Windows-7, Red Hat Linux Enterprise, and SUSE Linux
Enterprise 11. Additional platform specific notes are as follows:
Root privileges are required.
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11: The fxload software package is required to ensure correct
Platform Cable USB II operation. The fxload package is not automatically installed on
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 distributions, and must be installed by the user or System
Linux LibUSB support: Support for Platform Cable USB II based upon the LibUSB
package is now available from the Xilinx website. See Xilinx Answer Record 29310 at:
For additional information regarding Xilinx cables, refer to the following documents:
USB Cable Installation Guide (UG344):
Platform Cable USB II Data Sheet (DS593):
Parallel Cable IV Data Sheet (DS097):
Equipment and Permissions
The following table lists related equipment, permissions, and network connections.
Table 3-3:
Equipment and Permissions Requirements
Directory permissions
Write permissions must exist for all directories containing design files to be
16-bit color VGA with a minimum recommended resolution of 1024 by 768
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
System Requirements
You must have a DVD-ROM for ISE Design Suite (if you have received a DVD,
rather than downloading from the web).
To program devices, you must have an available parallel, or USB port
appropriate for your Xilinx programming cable. Specifications for ports are
listed in the documentation for your cable.
Note: Installation of the cable driver software requires Windows XP Pro
SP1 (or later), or Windows-7. If you are not using one of these operating
systems, the cables may not work properly.
Note: X Servers/ Remote Desktop Servers, such as Exceed, ReflectionX, and XWin32, are not
Network Time Synchronization
When design files are located on a network machine, other than the machine with the
installed software, the clock settings of both machines must be set the same. These times
must be synchronized on a regular basis for continued proper functioning of the software.
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Chapter 4
Technical Support and Documentation
Known Issues
Vivado™ Design Suite Tools Known Issues can be found at the following Xilinx® Answer
Record: http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/47397.htm.
ISE® Design Suite Tools Known Issues can be found at the following Xilinx Answer Record:
Support Site
For general technical questions, visit the Xilinx Product Support and Documentation site at
http://www.xilinx.com/support/, where you can search the Answers Database or utilize
other self-support features such as:
Download Center, http://ww.xilinx.com/support/download/index.htm
Xilinx User Community Forums, http://forums.xilinx.com
Free Design Training Videos, http://www.xilinx.com/training/free-video-courses.htm
If you cannot resolve your issue using our online resources, you can contact Xilinx Technical
Support directly at http://www.xilinx.com/support/techsup/tappinfo.htm.
Customer Training
Xilinx hands-on training programs provide you with the foundational knowledge necessary
to begin designing right away. These programs target both engineers new to FPGA
technology and experienced engineers developing complex connectivity, digital signal
processing, or embedded solutions.
For more information on training courses, free on-demand training, live online training, and
upcoming events, visit the Xilinx Training website,
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
Xilinx Documentation Navigator
You can view Xilinx tool and hardware documentation in the Xilinx Documentation
Navigator or on the Xilinx website. The Documentation Navigator is integrated with the
Vivado Design Suite 2012.2, and it provides a catalog of Xilinx documentation and videos.
For more information about the Documentation Navigator, see the Vivado Design Suite
User Guide: Getting Started (UG910), which is available on the Vivado Design Suite 2012.2
Documentation Page.
Context-Sensitive Help
Context-sensitive online Help is available for most ISE Design Suite tools that are available
with a graphical user interface (GUI). From Project Navigator, select Help > Help Topics to
access the online Help or press F1.
Software Manuals
Detailed software manuals about the Xilinx Design Tools and command-line functions are
found on xilinx.com. To locate the software manuals on the website:
1. Go to the Documentation Center, http://www.xilinx.com/support.
2. Click the Design Tools tab.
3. Click the Design Tool category and version, such as Vivado design tools, or click the See
All Design Tools Documentation link.
For a glossary of technical terms used in Xilinx documentation, see:
Licenses and End User License Agreements
The third-party licenses govern the use of certain third-party technology included in and/or
distributed in connection with the Xilinx design tools. Each license applies only to the
applicable technology expressly governed by such license and not to any other technology.
You must accept the terms of the End User License Agreements (EULAs) for Xilinx design
tools and third-party products before license files can be generated.
To view the third-party license details and EULA, see
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012
To view the Xilinx design tools license details and EULA, see
Release Notes Guide
UG631 (v2012.2, v14.2) July 25, 2012