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    SL6619KG - Direct Conversion FSK Data Receiver - Zarlink Semiconductor Inc

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SL6619KG 数据手册
SL6619 Direct Conversion FSK Data Receiver Data Sheet August 2005 The SL6619 is an advanced Direct Conversion FSK Data Receiver for operation up to 450 MHz. The device integrates all functions to convert a binary FSK modulated RF signal into a demodulated data stream. Adjacent channel rejection is provided using tuneable gyrator filters. RF and audio AGC functions assist operation when large interfering signals are present and an automatic frequency control (AFC) function is provided to extend centre frequency acceptance. Ordering Information SL6619/KG/TP1N 32 Pin TQFP SL6619/KG/TP1Q 32 Pin TQFP SL6619/KG/TP2Q 32 Pin TQFP* SL6619/KG/TP2N 32 Pin TQFP* *Pb Free Matte Tin Trays Tape & Reel Tape & Reel Trays Features • Very Low Power Operation from Single Cell • Superior Sensitivity • Operation at 512, 1200 and 2400 Baud • On Chip 1 Volt Regulator • 1mm Height Miniature Package • Automatic Frequency Control Function • Programmable Post Detection Filter • AGC Detection Circuitry • Power Down Function • Battery Strength Indicator Applications • Pagers, including Credit Card, PCMCIA and Watch Pagers • Low Data Rate Receivers, e.g. Security Systems 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 IRF GND MIXIP A MIX DEC MIXIP B REG CNT VREG TPI GTH ADJ TC ADJ IAGC OP TP LIM I VBATT BRF1 BRF CNT AFC2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SL6619 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 AFC1 BATT FLAG VCC2 DATA OP BEC AFC OP VREF TPQ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I1 I2 VCC1 LOIP I GYR I LOIP Q Q1 Q2 TP32 Figure 1 Pin identification diagram (top view). See Table 1 for pin descriptions ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 255°C to1150°C Storage temperature 210°C to155°C Operating temperature 14V Maximum voltage on any pin w.r.t. any other pin, subject to the following conditions: 100, VCE = 0·1V) PTAT, voltage on pin 1 = 0·3V and 1·3V Typical temperature coefficient = 10·1mV/°C 21 21 21 25 7:9 1·0 9:7 µA µA Output logic low, pin 21 voltage = 0·3V Output logic high, pin 21 voltage = VCC 2 Preamble at 1200 baud, Df = 4kHz, pin 26 = 0V, BRF capacitor = 560pF, DATA OP pullup resistor = 200kΩ Battery Economy Power down ICC 1 Power down ICC 2 BEC input logic high BEC input logic low BEC input current BEC input current Battery Flag VBATT trigger point BATT FLAG sink current BATT FLAG sink current BATT FLAG sink current VBATT input voltage VBATT input current VBATT input current 11 22 20 20 20 20 0·5 2·0 VCC220·3V 0 21·0 21·0 10 10 VCC2 0·3 1·0 1·0 µA µA V V µA µA Pin 20 = logic low Pin 20 = logic low Powered up Powered down Powered up Powered down 28 23 23 23 28 28 28 1·04 1·0 25 21·0 21·0 1·08 1·12 1·0 2·0 1·0 1·0 V µA µA µA V µA µA Current sunk by pin 23 = 1µA Pin 28 voltage = 1·04V Pin 28 voltage = 1·12V Pin 28 voltage = 1·14V VBATT = 1·14V VBATT = 1·04V 3 SL6619 Data Sheet Electrical Characteristics (1) (Cont.) Electrical Characteristics (1) are guaranteed over the following range of operating conditions unless otherwise stated TAMB = 125°C, VCC1 = 1·3V, VCC2 = 2·7V Value Characteristic Mixers LO DC bias voltage Gain to TPI Pin Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions 12,14 3,5,8,12 38 VCC 1 42 46 V dB Gain to TPQ Match of gain to TPI and TPQ Audio AGC IAGC OP max. sink current IAGC OP leakage current AFC AFC DC current, IAFC4k5 AFC DC current AFC DC current 3,5,14, 17 3,5,8, 12,14,17 38 21 42 0 46 11 dB dB LO inputs (12, 14) driven in quadrature: 45mVrms at 450MHz, CW. Mixer inputs (3, 5) driven differentially: 0·45mVrms at 450·004MHz, CW. As gain to TPI As gain toTPI 30 30 40 1 µA µA TPI, TPQ signals limiting No signal applied 19 19 19 IAFC4k5 10·2 0·0 IAFC4k5 10·7 IAFC4k5 20·9 µA µA IAFC4k5 20·2 µA fC = fLO14·5kHz, CW fC = fLO12·5kHz, CW fC = fLO16·5kHz, CW Bit Rate Filter Control BRF CNT input logic high BRF CNT input logic low Tristate I/P current window BRF 1 output current BRF 1 output current BRF 1 output current BRF CNT input high current BRF CNT input low current 26 26 26 27 27 27 26 26 VCC2 20·3 0 20·4 3·5 1·7 0·74 27·5 27·5 VCC2 0·1 10·4 V V µA µA µA µA µA µA 2400 baud 1200 baud 512 baud Pin 26 logic high Pin 26 logic low Pin 26 logic tristate (open circuit) 17·5 17·5 4 Data Sheet Electrical Characteristics (2) SL6619 Electrical Characteristics (2) are guaranteed over the following range of operating conditions unless otherwise stated. Characteristics are tested at room temperature only and are guaranteed by characterisation test or design. TAMB = 210° C to 155°C, VCC1 = 1·4V to 2·0V, VCC2 = 2·3V to 3·2V. VCC1,VCC220·8V Value Characteristic Supply voltage, VCC 1 Supply voltage, VCC 2 Supply current, ICC 1 Supply current, ICC 2 1 volt regulator, VREG 1 volt regulator load current LNA current source, IRF Reference voltage, VREF VREF source current VREF sink current Turn-on time Turn-off time Data Amplifier DATA OP sink current DATA OP leakage current Output mark:space ratio Pin 11 22 11 22 7 7 1 18 18 18 Min. 0·95 1·9 Typ. 1·3 2·7 1·60 350 1·0 500 1·25 Max. 2·7 3·5 2·4 510 1·05 3 800 1·33 18 0·8 Units V V mA µA V mA µA V µA µA ms ms Conditions VCC125°C only Including IRF ILOAD = 3mA, external PNP(b>100, VCE = 0·1V) External PNP(hFE>100, VCE = 0·1V) PTAT, voltage on pin 1 = 0·3V and 1·3V Typical temperature coefficient = 10·1mV/°C 0·93 0·25 375 1·13 5 1 Stable data O/P when 3dB above sensitivity. CVREF = 2·2µF Fall to 10% of steady state ICC1. CVREF = 2·2 µF 21 21 21 22 7:9 1·5 9:7 µA µA Output logic low, pin 21 voltage = 0·3V Output logic high, pin 21 voltage = VCC 2 Preamble at 1200 baud, Df = 4kHz, pin 26 = 0V, BRF capacitor = 560pF, DATA OP pullup resistor = 200kΩ Battery Economy Power down ICC 1 Power down ICC 2 BEC input logic high BEC input logic low BEC input current BEC input current Battery Flag VBATT trigger point BATT FLAG sink current BATT FLAG sink current BATT FLAG sink current VBATT input voltage VBATT input current VBATT input current 11 22 20 20 20 20 0·5 2·0 VCC220·3V 0 21·0 21·0 12 12 VCC2 0·3 1·5 1·5 µA µA V V µA µA Pin 20 = logic low Pin 20 = logic low Powered up Powered down Powered up Powered down 28 23 23 23 28 28 28 1·04 2 20 21·5 21·5 1·08 1·12 2 2·0 1·5 1·5 V µA µA µA V µA µA Current sunk by pin 23 = 1µA Pin 28 voltage = 1·04V Pin 28 voltage = 1·12V Pin 28 voltage = 1·14V VBATT = 1·14V VBATT = 1·04V 5 SL6619 Data Sheet Electrical Characteristics (2) (Cont.) Electrical Characteristics (2) are guaranteed over the following range of operating conditions unless otherwise stated. Characteristics are tested at room temperature only and are guaranteed by characterisation test or design. TAMB = 210°C to 155 °C, VCC1 = 1·4V to 2·0V, VCC2 = 2·3V to 3·2V. VCC 1,VCC220·8V Value Characteristic Mixers LO DC bias voltage Gain to TPI Pin Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions 12,14 3,5,8,12 35 VCC 1 42 46 V dB Gain to TPQ Match of gain to TPI and TPQ Audio AGC IAGC OP max. sink current IAGC OP leakage current AFC AFC DC current, IAFC4k5 AFC DC current AFC DC current 3,5,14, 17 3,5,8, 12,14,17 35 21·5 42 0 46 11·5 dB dB LO inputs (12, 14) driven in quadrature: 45mVrms at 450MHz, CW. Mixer inputs (3, 5) driven differentially: 0·45mVrms at 450·004MHz, CW. As gain to TPI As gain toTPI 30 30 15 40 80 2 µA µA TPI, TPQ signals limiting No signal applied 19 19 19 IAFC4k5 10·1 0·0 IAFC4k5 10·7 IAFC4k5 20·9 µA µA IAFC4k5 20·1 µA fC = fLO14·5kHz, CW fC = fLO12·5kHz, CW fC = fLO16·5kHz, CW Bit Rate Filter Control BRF CNT input logic high BRF CNT input logic low Tristate I/P current window BRF 1 output current BRF 1 output current BRF 1 output current BRF CNT input high current BRF CNT input low current 26 26 26 27 27 27 26 26 VCC2 20·3 0 20·4 3·5 1·7 0·74 210 210 VCC2 0·1 10·4 V V µA µA µA µA µA µA 2400 baud 1200 baud 512 baud Pin 26 logic high Pin 26 logic low Pin 26 logic tristate (open circuit) 110 110 6 Data Sheet Receiver Characteristics (450MHz) SL6619 Receiver Characteristics (450MHz) are guaranteed over the following range of operating conditions unless otherwise stated. Characteristics are not tested but are guaranteed by characterisation test or design. All measurements made using the characterisation circuit Fig. 5. See Application Note AN137 for details of test method. TAMB = 210°C to 1 55°C, VCC1 = 1·04V to 2·0V, VCC2 = 2·3V to 3·2V, VCC1,VCC220·8V, carrier frequency = 450MHz, BER = 1 in 30, AFC open loop. LNA gain set such that an RF signal of273dBm at the LNA input, offset from the LO by 4kHz, gives a typical IF signal level of 300mV p-p at TPI and TPQ. LNA noise figure ,2dB Value Characteristic Sensitivity Min. Typ. 2128 2126 2123 57 55 53 Max. Units dBm dBm dBm dB dB dB Conditions 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz. LO = 215dBm 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz. LO = 215dBm. Channel spacing 25kHz 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz. LO = 215dBm. Channel spacing 25kHz 2122 2119 Intermodulation, IM3 50 48 Adjacent Channel 62·5 60 74 72 69 dB dB dB Deviation Acceptance Up Down Up Down Up Down Centre Frequency Acceptance 11·8 22·7 11·7 23 11·9 22·5 13·0 22·3 12·5 22·3 62·8 62·5 62·5 64 63·5 64 14·6 21·7 14·6 21·7 kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz, no AFC 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz, no AFC 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz, no AFC 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz, no AFC 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz, no AFC 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz, no AFC 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz, no AFC 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz, no AFC 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz, no AFC 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz. All at sensitivity 13dB or above 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz. All at sensitivity 13dB or above 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz. All at sensitivity 13dB or above 62·0 62·0 AFC Capture Range (AFC Closed Loop) 62·9 63·2 7 SL6619 Data Sheet Receiver Characteristics (280MHz) Receiver Characteristics (280MHz) are guaranteed over the following range of operating conditions unless otherwise stated. Characteristics are not tested but are guaranteed by characterisation test or design. All measurements made using the characterisation circuit Fig. 5. See Application Note AN137 for details of test method. TAMB = 210°C to 155° C, VCC1 = 1·04V to 2·0V, VCC 2 = 2·3V to 3·2V, VCC 1,VCC220·8V, carrier frequency = 280MHz, BER = 1 in 30, AFC open loop. LNA gain set such that an RF signal of273dBm at the LNA input, offset from the LO by 4kHz, gives a typical IF signal level of 300mV p-p at TPI and TPQ. LNA noise figure,2dB Value Characteristic Sensitivity 2128 2127 Intermodulation, IM3 52 49 Min. Typ. 2129 2127 2124 57 56 53·5 Max. Units dBm dBm dBm dB dB dB Conditions 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz. LO = 215dBm 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz. LO = 215dBm. Channel spacing 25kHz 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz. LO = 215dBm. Channel spacing 25kHz 2124 2121 60 57 Adjacent Channel 62·5 60 74 72 70 80 77 dB dB dB Deviation Acceptance Up Down Up Down Up Down Centre Frequency Acceptance 11·8 22·7 11·7 23·0 11·9 22·5 13·0 22·3 12·5 22·3 62·8 62·5 62·5 64 63·5 64 75 75 75 14·6 21·7 14·6 21·7 kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz dB dB dB 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz, no AFC 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz, no AFC 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz, no AFC 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz, no AFC 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz, no AFC 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz, no AFC 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz, no AFC 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz, no AFC 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz, no AFC 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz. All at sensitivity 13dB or above 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz. All at sensitivity 13dB or above 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz. All at sensitivity 13dB or above 512bps, Df = 4·5kHz 1200bps, Df = 4·0kHz 2400bps, Df = 4·5kHz. LO = 215dBm 62·0 62·0 AFC Capture Range (AFC Closed Loop) 62·9 63·2 1MHz Blocking 67 65 78 76 8 Data Sheet Operation of SL6619 Low Noise Amplifier To achieve optimum performance it is necessary to incorporate a Low Noise RF Amplifier at the front end of the receiver. This is easily biased using the on-chip voltages and current source provided. All voltages and current sources used for bias of the RF amplifier, receiver and mixers should be RF decoupled using 1nF capacitors. The receiver also requires a stable Local Oscillator at the required channel frequency. SL6619 the external AGC circuit by causing a PIN diode to conduct, reducing the signal to the RF amplifier. RF AGC The RF AGC is an automatic gain control loop that protects the mixer’s RF inputs, Pins 3 and 5, from large out of band RF signals. The loop consists of an RF received signal strength indicator which detect the signal at the inputs of the mixers. This RSSI signal is then used to control the LNA current source (pin 1). Local Oscillator The Local Oscillator signal is applied to the device in phase quadrature. This can be achieved with the use of two RC networks operating at their 23dB/45° transfer characteristic. The RC characteristics for I and Q channels are combined to give a full 90° phase differential between the LO ports of the device. Each LO port also requires an equal level of drive from the oscillator. This is achieved by forming the two RC networks into a power divider. Regulator The on-chip regulator should be used in conjunction with a suitable PNP transistor to achieve regulation. As the transistor forms part of the regulator feedback loop the transistor should exhibit the following characteristics: HFE.100 for V CE. = 0·1V If no external transistor is used, the maximum current sourcing capability of the regulator is limited to 30µA. Gyrator Filters The on-chip filters include an adjustable gyrator filter. This may be adjusted by changing the value of the resistor connected between pin 13 and GND. This allows adjustment of the filters’ cutoff frequency and allows for compensation for possible process variations. Automatic Frequency Control (Fig. 4) The Automatic Frequency Control consists of a detection circuit which gives a current output at AFC OP whose magnitude and sign is a function of the difference between the local oscillator (fLO) and carrier frequencies (fC). This output current is then filtered by an off-chip integrating capacitor. The integrator’s output voltage is used to control a voltage control crystal oscillator. This closes the AFC feedback loop giving the automatic frequency control function. For an FSK modulated incoming RF carrier, the AFC OP current’s polarity is positive, i.e.current is sourced for fLO,fC ,fLO14kHz and negative, i.e. current is sunk, for fLO.fC .fLO24kHz. The magnitude of the AFC OP current is a function of frequency offset and the transmitted data’s bit stream. If the carrier frequency, (f C), equals the local oscillator frequency, (fLO) then the magnitude of the current is zero. Audio AGC (Fig. 3) The Audio AGC consists of a current sink which is controlled by the audio (baseband) signal. It has three parameters that may be controlled by the user. These are the attack (turn on ) time, decay (duration) time and threshold level. The attack time is simply determined by the value of the external capacitor connected to TCADJ. The external capacitor is in series with an internal 100kΩ resistor and the time constant of this circuit dictates the attack time of the AGC. i.e. tATTACK = 100kΩ3C18 The decay time is determined by the external resistor connected in parallel with the capacitor CTC. The decay time is simply t DECAY = R173 C18 When a large audio (baseband) signal is incident on the input to the AGC circuit, the variable current source is turned on. This causes a voltage drop across R13. The voltage potential between VREF and the voltage on pin 31 causes a current to flow in pin 30. This charges up C18 through the 100k Ω internal resistor. As the voltage across the capacitor increases, a current source is turned on and this sinks current from pin 32. The current sink on pin 32 can be used to drive BIT RATE FILTER CONTROL The logic level on pin 26 controls the cutoff frequency of the 1st order bit rate for a given bit rate filter capacitor at pin 27. This allows the cutoff frequency to be changed between fC, 2f C and 0·43f C through the logic level on pin 26. This function is achieved by changing the value of the current in the 4f detector’s output stage. A logic zero (0V to 0·1V) on pin 26 gives a cutoff frequency of fC a logic one (VCC22 0·3V to VCC2) gives a cut off frequency of 2fC and an open circuit at pin 26 gives a cutoff frequency of 0·43fC. 9 SL6619 Data Sheet SL6619 VCC VREF15mV RF INPUT VCC1 CURRENT SOURCE 1 − + 32 − 100k 30 TO RF AMP + 31 R13 C34 R17 RDECAY C18 CTC VREF VREF Figure 3 - AGC schematic SL6619 VOLTAGE REFERENCE VCC2 18 CVREF C15 CINT 1 C30 CINT 2 TO VCXO VARACTOR DIODE AFC DETECTION CIRCUIT 0µA/5µA 19 5µA/0µA R11 C21 R15 VCC1 24 25 320k C22 Figure 4 - AFC schematic Peak deviation (kHz) 3·5 4 4·5 5 5·5 Baud rate (bps) 512, 1200, 2400 512, 1200, 2400 512, 1200, 2400 512, 1200, 2400 512, 1200, 2400 Component (Fig. 4) C22 750pF 560pF 510pF 470pF 430pF C21 2·0nF 1·5nF 1·3nF 1·2nF 1·1nF R11 15kΩ 15kΩ 15kΩ 15kΩ 15kΩ Table 2 - AFC defining components 10 VREF TP LIM I BRF CNT VCC1 VCC1 C34 R13 R17 C18 C23 C27 VCC1 C22 C21 C24 VCC1 R10 BRF1 BRF CNT AFC2 R11 GTH ADJ TC ADJ IAGC OP TP LIM I 29 24 23 22 21 VCC2 DATA OP BEC 20 19 18 17 AFC OP VREF TPQ 14 GYR I 15 Q1 16 Q2 C15 C16 C17 R15 C30 VCC1 32 IRF 1 2 3 4 BATT FLAG AFC1 R16 31 30 VBATT 28 27 26 25 VCC2 C6 C33 GND TO TR2 VCC2 C19 R9 R8 C20 VREF MIXIP A VC1 T1 C25 R2 R3 MIX DEC MIXIP B 5 6 7 8 9 I1 I2 VCC1 LOIP I 10 11 12 13 REG CNT DATA OP BEC AFC OP VREF SL6619 TR1 TR3 C26 C7 C8 VREG TPI RF IN VCC1 VREG L1 C3 TR2 FROM IRF (PIN 1) C1 C2 R1 C5 LOIP Q C4 C9 VREG C10 R14 VCC1 C12 R5 R7 VREG R12 C28 VCC1 R4 C29 C32 C11 C14 Figure 5 - SL6619 characterisation circuit (see Tables 3 and 4 for component values) R6 C13 Data Sheet SL6619 EXT LO 11 SL6619 Data Sheet Resistors Capacitors C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 12pF O/C 220nF 1nF 1nF 1nF 1nF 3·3pF 4·7nF 4·7nF 4·7pF 5·6pF 1nF 1nF 1nF 1nF 2·2µF Capacitors (cont.) C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C32 C33 C34 VC1 100nF 1nF 2·2µF 1·5nF 560pF 1nF 2·2µF 100nF 100nF 560pF 1nF 1nF 1nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 3-10pF L1 T1 Inductors 56nH 30nH 1:1, Coilcraft M1686-A Transistors TR1 TR2 TR3 Toshiba 2SC5065 Toshiba 2SC5065 FMMT589 (Zetex ZTX550) R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 4·7kΩ 4·7kΩ 2kΩ 100Ω 100Ω 100Ω 100Ω 430kΩ 220kΩ S/C 15kΩ 2kΩ 33kΩ 180kΩ 430kΩ 220kΩ 220kΩ Table 3 - Component list for 280MHz characterisation board Resistors R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 4·7kΩ 4·7kΩ 1·8kΩ 100Ω 100Ω 100Ω 100Ω 430kΩ 220kΩ S/C 15kΩ 2kΩ 33kΩ 180kΩ 430kΩ 220kΩ 220kΩ Capacitors C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 O/C O/C 1nF 1nF 1nF 1nF 1nF 3·3pF 4·7nF 4·7nF 3·9pF 3·3pF 1nF 1nF 1nF 1nF 2·2µF Capacitors (cont.) C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C32 C33 C34 VC1 100nF 1nF 2·2µF 1·5nF 560pF 1nF 2·2µF 100nF 100nF 560pF 1nF 1nF 1nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 3-10pF L1 T1 Inductors 47nH 16nH 1:1, Coilcraft Q4123-A Transistors TR1 TR2 TR3 Philips BFT25A Philips BFT25A FMMT589 (Zetex ZTX550) Table 4 - Component list for 450MHz characterisation board 12 Data Sheet TYPICAL DC PARAMETERS (FIGS. 6 TO 8) SL6619 2·00 1·80 1·60 1·40 Figure 6a - Typical ICC1 ICC1 (mA) 1·20 1·00 0·80 0·60 0·40 0·20 VCC = 3·0, 4·0 VCC = 1·3, 2·7 VCC = 1·0, 1·9 240 220 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE °C 0·45 0·40 0·35 0·30 Figure 6b - Typical I CC2 ICC2 (mA) 0·25 0·20 VCC = 3·0, 4·0 0·15 0·10 0·05 VCC = 1·3, 2·7 VCC = 1·0, 1·9 240 220 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE °C Conditions Standard Mitel characterisation board (Fig. 5) ICC1 includes IRF LNA current (typ. 500µ A) but does not include the regulator load current The Audio AGC and RF AGC are both inactive ICC2 is measured with BATTFLAG and DATAS OP high, fC = 282MHz VBATT connected to VCC 1 Figure 6 - Typical I CC1 and ICC2 v. supply and temperature 13 SL6619 Data Sheet 1·30 Figure 7a - Typical VREF 1·28 VREF (V) 1·26 1·24 VCC = 3·0, 4·0 1·22 VCC = 1·3, 2·7 VCC = 1·0, 1·9 240 220 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE °C 1·05 Figure 7b Typical VREG (load = 2·2kΩ to GND) VCC = 3·0, 4·0 VCC = 1·3, 2·7 VCC = 1·0, 1·9 1·03 VREG (V) 1·01 0·99 0·97 240 220 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE °C Conditions Standard Mitel characterisation board (Fig. 5) ICC1 includes IRF LNA current (typ. 500 µA) but does not include the regulator load current The Audio AGC and RF AGC are both inactive ICC2 is measured with BATTFLAG and DATAS OP high, fC = 282MHz VBATT connected to VCC1 Figure 7 - Typical VREF and VREG v. supply and temperature 14 Data Sheet SL6619 700 Figure 8a - Typical IRF (VIRF = 0·3V) 600 500 IRF (µA) 400 300 200 VCC = 3·0, 4·0 VCC = 1·3, 2·7 100 VCC = 1·0, 1·9 240 220 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE °C 700 Figure 8b - Typical IRF (VIRF = 1·3V) 600 500 IRF (µA) 400 300 200 VCC = 3·0, 4·0 VCC = 1·3, 2·7 100 VCC = 1·0, 1·9 240 220 0 20 40 60 80 Conditions Standard Mitel characterisation board (Fig. 5) ICC1 includes IRF LNA current (typ. 500µ A) but does not include the regulator load current The Audio AGC and RF AGC are both inactive ICC2 is measured with BATTFLAG and DATAS OP high, fC = 282MHz VBATT connected to VCC 1 Figure 8 - Typical IRF v. supply and temperature TEMPERATURE °C 15 SL6619 Data Sheet 1·1 VBATT TRIGGER VOLTAGE (V) 1·08 1·06 VCC = 3·5 VCC = 2·7 1·04 VCC = 2·3 VCC = 1·9 240 220 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE °C Conditions Standard Mitel characterisation board (Fig. 5) ICC1 includes IRF LNA current (typ. 500 µA) but does not include the regulator load current The Audio AGC and RF AGC are both inactive ICC2 is measured with BATTFLAG and DATAS OP high, fC = 282MHz VBATT connected to VCC1 Figure 9 - Typical battery flag trigger voltage (VBATTFLAG = VCC/2) v. supply and temperature TYPICAL AC PARAMETERS (FIGS. 10 TO 13) TEMPERATURE °C 240 220 0 20 40 60 80 SENSITIVITY (1 IN 30 BER) (dBm) VCC = 3·0, 4·0 2124·00 VCC = 1·3, 2·7 VCC = 1·0, 1·9 2126·00 2128·00 2130·00 Conditions 282 Mitel characterisation board (Fig. 5), f C = 282MHz 1200bps baud rate, 4kHz peak deviation frequency, BER 1 in 30 The LNA gain is set such that an RF signal of 273dBm at the LNA input, offset from the LO by 4kHz, gives a typical signal level of 300mVp-p at TPI and TPQ Figure 10 - Typical sensitivity v. supply and temperature 16 Data Sheet SL6619 60 Figure 11a - Typical IP3 58 IP3(dB) 56 54 VCC = 3·0, 4·0 52 VCC = 1·3, 2·7 VCC = 1·0, 1·9 240 220 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE °C 75 Figure 11b - Typical adjacent channel ADJACENT CHANNEL (dB) 74 73 72 VCC = 3·0, 4·0 71 VCC = 1·3, 2·7 VCC = 1·0, 1·9 240 220 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE °C Conditions 282 Mitel characterisation board (Fig. 5), fC = 282MHz 1200bps baud rate, 4kHz peak deviation frequency, BER 1 in 30 The LNA gain is set such that an RF signal of 273dBm at the LNA input, offset from the LO by 4kHz, gives a typical signal level of 300mVp-p at TPI and TPQ Figure 11 - Typical IP3 and adjacent channel v. supply and temperature 17 SL6619 Data Sheet 4·0 Figure 12a - Typical deviation acceptance UP DEVIATION ACCEPTANCE UP (kHz) 3·5 3·0 VCC = 3·0, 4·0 2·5 VCC = 1·3, 2·7 VCC = 1·0, 1·9 240 220 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE °C 2·5 Figure 12b - Typical deviation acceptance DOWN DEVIATION ACCEPTANCE DOWN (kHz) 2·4 2·3 2·2 VCC = 3·0, 4·0 2·1 VCC = 1·3, 2·7 VCC = 1·0, 1·9 240 220 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE °C Conditions 282 Mitel characterisation board (Fig. 5), fC = 282MHz 1200bps baud rate, 4kHz peak deviation frequency, BER 1 in 30 The LNA gain is set such that an RF signal of 273dBm at the LNA input, offset from the LO by 4kHz, gives a typical signal level of 300mVp-p at TPI and TPQ Figure 12 - Typical deviation acceptance v. supply and temperature 18 Data Sheet SL6619 2·7 Figure 13a - Typical centre frequency acceptance CENTRE FREQUENCY ACCEPTANCE (kHz) 2·6 2·5 VCC = 3·0, 4·0 2·4 VCC = 1·3, 2·7 VCC = 1·0, 1·9 240 220 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE °C 80 Figure 13b - Typical 1MHz blocking 1MHz BLOCKING ( dB) 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 VCC = 3·0, 4·0 VCC = 1·3, 2·7 VCC = 1·0, 1·9 240 220 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE °C Conditions 282 Mitel characterisation board (Fig. 5), fC = 282MHz 1200bps baud rate, 4kHz peak deviation frequency, BER 1 in 30 The LNA gain is set such that an RF signal of 273dBm at the LNA input, offset from the LO by 4kHz, gives a typical signal level of 300mVp-p at TPI and TPQ Figure 13 - Typical centre frequency acceptance and 1MHz blocking v. supply and temperature 19 For more information about all Zarlink products visit our Web Site at w ww.zarlink.com Information relating to products and services furnished herein by Zarlink Semiconductor Inc. or its subsidiaries (collectively “Zarlink”) is believed to be reliable. However, Zarlink assumes no liability for errors that may appear in this publication, or for liability otherwise arising from the application or use of any such information, product or service or for any infringement of patents or other intellectual property rights owned by third parties which may result from such application or use. Neither the supply of such information or purchase of product or service conveys any license, either express or implied, under patents or other intellectual property rights owned by Zarlink or licensed from third parties by Zarlink, whatsoever. Purchasers of products are also hereby notified that the use of product in certain ways or in combination with Zarlink, or non-Zarlink furnished goods or services may infringe patents or other intellectual property rights owned by Zarlink. This publication is issued to provide information only and (unless agreed by Zarlink in writing) may not be used, applied or reproduced for any purpose nor form part of any order or contract nor to be regarded as a representation relating to the products or services concerned. The products, their specifications, services and other information appearing in this publication are subject to change by Zarlink without notice. No warranty or guarantee express or implied is made regarding the capability, performance or suitability of any product or service. Information concerning possible methods of use is provided as a guide only and does not constitute any guarantee that such methods of use will be satisfactory in a specific piece of equipment. It is the user’s responsibility to fully determine the performance and suitability of any equipment using such information and to ensure that any publication or data used is up to date and has not been superseded. Manufacturing does not necessarily include testing of all functions or parameters. These products are not suitable for use in any medical products whose failure to perform may result in significant injury or death to the user. All products and materials are sold and services provided subject to Zarlink’s conditions of sale which are available on request. Purchase of Zarlink’s I2C components conveys a licence under the Philips I2C Patent rights to use these components in and I2C System, provided that the system conforms to the I2C Standard Specification as defined by Philips. Zarlink, ZL and the Zarlink Semiconductor logo are trademarks of Zarlink Semiconductor Inc. Copyright Zarlink Semiconductor Inc. All Rights Reserved. TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION - NOT FOR RESALE
1. 物料型号: - SL6619/KG/TP1N:32 Pin TQFP,散装托盘。 - SL6619/KG/TP1Q:32 Pin TQFP,卷带装。 - SL6619/KG/TP2Q:32 Pin TQFP(无铅),卷带装。 - SL6619/KG/TP2N:32 Pin TQFP(无铅),散装托盘。

2. 器件简介: - SL6619是一款高级直接转换FSK数据接收器,工作频率高达450MHz。该器件集成了所有功能,能够将二进制FSK调制的RF信号转换为解调后的数据流。

3. 引脚分配: - 文档提供了引脚识别图和引脚描述表,详细列出了每个引脚的编号、名称和功能,例如LNA电流源、地、VCC1、VCC2等。

4. 参数特性: - 供电电压:Vcc1 1.04V至2.7V,Vcc2 2.3V至3.5V。 - 供电电流:Icc1(包括IRF)260μA至460μA,Icc2 350μA至510μA。 - 1伏特调节器输出电压:1.0V±5%。 - 数据放大器DATA OP沉电流:25μA至1.0μA。

5. 功能详解: - 该器件具备超低功耗操作、高灵敏度操作、片内1伏特调节器、自动频率控制功能、可编程后检测滤波器、AGC检测电路、电源关闭功能和电池强度指示器等特点。 - 提供了RF和音频AGC功能,以协助在大干扰信号存在时操作。 - 详细的电气特性表,包括供电电压、供电电流、1伏特调节器、LNA电流源等参数。

6. 应用信息: - 应用于传呼机(包括信用卡、PCMCIA和手表式传呼机)和低数据速率接收器,例如安全系统。

7. 封装信息: - 提供了32引脚TQFP封装的详细信息,包括尺寸和引脚功能。
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