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    SP973T8 - 30MHz 8-BIT FLASH ADC (TTL/CMOS OUTPUTS) - Zarlink Semiconductor Inc

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SP973T8 数据手册
DS2465 - 2.3 SP973T8 30MHz 8-BIT FLASH ADC (TTL/CMOS OUTPUTS) The SP973T8 is a wideband, full flash analog-to-digital converter that requires no preceding sample and hold. The device contains a full 8-bit D-type latch which ensures that the 8 TTL/CMOS outputs are accurately registered and have a good data valid time at high clock speeds. Operating from a single +5 volt supply the device is capable of conversion rates well in excess of 30MHz and its wideband input allows signals with frequencies up to the Nyquist limit to be digitised with high accuracy. An internal bandgap voltage regulator gives low DC drift over a wide operating temperature range. The SP973T8 is designed for applications where power consumption and package size is at a premium. D3 D2 D1 D0 (LSB) CLK CLK OR BIAS VRB AVCC AGND 9 10 SP973T8 1 18 D4 D5 D6 D7 (MSB) DGND DVCC VRT VIN VRM DP18 Fig.1 Pin connections - top view FEATURES I I I I I I I I Flash Converter, No Sample and Hold Required Wideband Analog Input 70MHz, 3dB (Typ.) Low Power Consumption (600mW Typ.) Latched TTL/CMOS Compatible Outputs No Missing Codes - Guaranteed Designed for Wideband Operation Single 5V Supply Production Tested at 30MHz SP973T8 C DP (Commercial - Plastic DIL package) APPLICATIONS I I I I I I Studio Quality Video DBS Broadcast Video High Resolution TV Nucleonics Radar Computing Supply voltage, VCC Output Current Input Voltage, VIN Operating Temperature Storage Temperature 7V 10mA VCC 0°C to +70°C -65°C to +150°C ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ORDERING INFORMATION CLK CLK OR BIAS VRT 5 6 12 R + 13 LSB 4 3 R TTL OUTPUT STAGE 2 1 DVCC D0 VRM VIN AVCC AGND 10 11 R LATCH 256 ENCODER 8 D LATCH 8 18 17 16 TTL/CMOS OUTPUTS 8 9 MSB 15 14 D7 DGND R VRB 7 R x 256 Fig.2 Internal block diagram SP973T8 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS These characteristics are guaranteed over the following conditions (unless otherwise stated): Tamb = 25°C, VCC = +5V ± 0.25V Full temperature range = 0°C to +70°C Value Min. 100 110 475 520 1.8 150 Typ. Max. 140 130 735 680 VCC-0.7 1100 DC CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Power Supply Supply current Power dissipation Analog Input Input range Input bias current 3dB bandwidth Input capacitance Reference Ladder Ladder resistance Ladder voltage (top) Ladder voltage (bottom) Ladder offset (top) Ladder offset (bottom) Ladder temp. coeff. Clock Input Logic '1' voltage Logic '1' current Logic '0' voltage Logic '0' current Digital Outputs Logic '1' voltage Logic '0' voltage Static performance Differential non-linearity Integral non-linearity Symbol Temp. Test level Units Conditions ICC PD VIN IIN f3db CIN RD VRT VRB VRT0 VRB0 RTC VIH IIH VIL IIL VOH VOL DNL INL Full 25 Full 25 Full 25 25 25 25 Full Full 25 25 Full Full 25 Full 25 Full 25 Full 25 Full 25 Full 25 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 4 1 4 4 5 5 5 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 4 4 4 120 600 390 70 30 440 4.3 2.3 -4 +3 1.5 4.3 3.3 mA mA mW mW V µA MHz pF Ω V V mV mV Ω/°C V µA V µA V V V V LSB LSB LSB LSB A swing of 1V centred on the voltage applied to the CLK pin VIN = VRT 325 1.8 550 VCC-0.7 2.75 1.75 3.3 3.5 VCC 25 VCC-1.0 2 3.8 0.1 0.4 0.4 ±1 ±0.5 ±1 ±1 Into Standard LS TTL Load AC CHARACTERISTICS (Refer to Fig.7) Characteristic Clock min. high Clock min. low Max. conversion rate Aperture delay Output data delay Output rise time output fall time Dynamic Performance Differential non-linearity Integral non-linearity S/N ratio Effective No. of bits Bit Error Rate Symbol Temp. Test level tPW1 tPW0 tAD tD tR tF DNL INL SNR ENOB BER 25 25 Full 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 1 1 1 4 4 1 4 4 4 Value Min. 10 10 30 Typ. Max. Units ns ns MHz ns ns ns ns +1 ±2 LSB LSB dBc dBc dBc bits bits bits Conditions 50 3 7 6 8 ±0.5 ±1 44.5 44.1 43.3 7.1 7.0 6.9 1 in 109 AIN = 15MHz at FS -0.85 40.9 6.5 With FCLK = 30MHz AIN MAX = 10MHz at FS AIN MAX = 10MHz at FS AIN MAX = 1MHz at FS AIN MAX = 5MHz at FS AIN MAX = 10MHz at FS AIN MAX = 1MHz at FS AIN MAX = 5MHz at FS AIN MAX = 10MHz at FS 2 SP973T8 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DEFINITIONS Analog Bandwidth The analog input frequency at which the spectral power of the fundamental frequency, as determined by Fast Fourier Transform analysis is 3dB down on the DC level. Aperture Delay The delay between the falling edge of the CLOCK signal and the instant at which the analog input is sampled. Bit Error Rate (BER) The number of spurious code errors produced for any given input sinewave frequency. In this case it is the number of codes occuring outside the histogram cusp for a 3/4 F.S. sinewave. Differential Non-Linearity (DNL) The deviation of any code width from an ideal 1LSB step. Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) This is a measure of the dynamic performance and is calculated from the following expression. ENOB = SNR-1.76 6.02 SNR is the signal-to-noise ratio, in decibels, at the test frequency. Integral Non-Linearity (INL) The deviation of the centre of each code from a reference line which has been determined by a least squares curve fit. Output Data Delay The delay between the 50% point of the falling edge of the clock signal and the 50% point of any data output change. Reference Ladder Offset The voltage error at the ends of the resistor chain caused by the lead frame and bond wire. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) The ratio of the RMS signal amplitude to the RMS value of 'noise' which is defined as the sum of all other spectral components including harmonics but excluding DC with a full scale analog input signal. Test Levels Level 1 - 100% production tested Level 2 - 100% production tested at 25°C and sample tested at specified temperatures Level 3 - Sample tested only Level 4 - Parameter is guaranteed by design and characteristics testing Level 5 - Parameter is a typical value only PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin No. 1, 2, 3, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16, 17, 18 Function D3, D2, D1, D0 CLK CLK VRB AVCC AGND VRM VIN VRT DVCC DGND D7 D6, D5, D4 Description Output data bits 3, 2, 1, 0 Clock input pin Clock threshold level pin Bottom of reference resistor chain 5 Volt power to all circuitry except the TTL output Middle of reference resistor chain Analog input voltage pin Top of reference resistor chain 5 Volt power supply to the TTL output stage Most significant bit (output data bit 7) Output data bits 6, 5, 4 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Supply Voltage VCC Reference VRT Reference VRB AVCC to DVCC AGND to DGND Analog Input VIN +5.0V +4.3V +2.3V 0mV 0mV 2 Vp-p max THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Thermal resistance, chip-to-case θjc Thermal resistance, chip-to-ambient θjA DP 20 75 °C/W °C/W 3 SP973T8 APPLICATION NOTES Analog Input Pin (Fig.3) The analog input of the SP973T8 is connected to 256 comparators which have a combined capacitance of about 30pF. The sample/latch operation of the comparators causes the input capacitance to vary slightly as the comparator input transistors turn on/off. For this reason the input driver circuit should provide a low impedance signal to keep the harmonic distortion levels of the driver to a minimum. The maximum amplitude of the analog input is defined by the setting of the two reference voltages VRT and VRB. Optimum performance will be obtained with the input signal biased midway between VRT and VRB with a peak to peak amplitude of VRT-VRB. The SP973T8 has excellent overload tracking of input signals with amplitudes greater than VRT-VRB, and will not be damaged if the absolute maximum ratings are adhered to. AVCC +5V REF CHAIN 5V 18k 4.3V ADC PIN 12 CLAMP LEVEL FOR VIDEO APPLICATIONS 1.5k ADC INTERNAL RESISTOR CHAIN 2.45V ZN458 PRECISION REFERENCE ADC PIN 7 VRT 1.5Ω ANALOG INPUT Fig.4 Simple reference voltage generation 200µA TTL/CMOS Outputs (Fig.5) The data output levels of the SP973T8 are TTL/CMOS compatible and switch from 0V to +4V. The output circuit is capable of operation at clock frequencies in excess of 60MHz when driving into a standard LSTTL load. VRB Fig.3 One of 255 analog inputs connected to pin 11 +5V DVCC Voltage Reference Pins (Fig.4) The SP973T8 converts analog signals in the range VRB
物料型号: - 型号为SP973T8。

器件简介: - SP973T8是一款宽带、全速模拟至数字转换器(ADC),无需前采样和保持。该设备包含一个完整的8位D型锁存器,确保8个TTL/CMOS输出准确注册,并在高时钟速度下具有良好的数据有效时间。工作在单+5伏电源下,转换速率超过30MHz,宽带输入允许高达奈奎斯特极限频率的信号以高精度数字化。内部带隙电压调节器在宽工作温度范围内提供低直流漂移。

引脚分配: - 1, 2, 3, 4:D3, D2, D1, DO(输出数据位3, 2, 1, 0) - 5:CLK(时钟输入引脚) - 6:时钟阈值水平引脚 - 7:参考电阻链底部 - 8:AVcc - 9:AGND(5伏电源,除TTL输出外的所有电路) - 10:VRM(参考电阻链中点) - 11:VIN(模拟输入电压引脚) - 12:VRT(参考电阻链顶部) - 13:DVcc - 14:DGND(TTL输出阶段的5伏电源) - 15:D7(最高有效位,输出数据位7) - 16, 17, 18:D6, D5, D4(输出数据位6, 5, 4)

参数特性: - 供电电压:VCC 7V - 输出电流:10mA - 输入电压:VIN - 工作温度:0°C至+70°C - 存储温度:-65°C至+150°C - 电源电流:Icc(全温度范围4mA至140mA,25°C 1mA至130mA) - 功耗:PD(全温度范围475mW至735mW) - 模拟输入:520mW至680mW - 输入范围:VIN(全温度范围1.8V至Vcc-0.7V) - 输入偏置电流:IN(25°C 150µA至1100µA) - 3dB带宽:f3db(25°C 70MHz) - 输入电容:CIN(25°C 30pF)

功能详解: - 无需采样和保持的Flash转换器 - 70MHz的宽带模拟输入 - 低功耗(典型值600mW) - 兼容TTL/CMOS的锁存输出 - 无遗漏代码 - 为宽带操作而设计 - 单5V供电 - 生产测试30MHz

应用信息: - 适用于对功耗和封装尺寸要求高的场合,如工作室质量视频、DBS广播视频、高分辨率电视、核能雷达计算等。

封装信息: - SP973T8 C DP(商业级塑料DIL封装)
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