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OB5269CPA 数据手册
www.DataSheet.co.kr OB5269 High Voltage Green Mode PWM Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES OB5269 is a highly integrated current mode PWM control IC with high voltage start up, optimized for high performance, low standby power consumption and cost effective offline flyback converter applications. PWM switching frequency at normal operation is internally fixed and is trimmed to a tight range. At no load or light load condition, the IC operates in extended ‘burst mode’ to minimize switching loss. Very low standby power consumption and very high conversion efficiency is thus achieved. High voltage startup is implemented in OB5269, which features with short startup time and low standby current. OB5269 offers complete protection coverage with auto-recovery including Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting (OCP), over load protection (OLP), and VDD under voltage lockout (UVLO). It also provides the protections with latched shut down including over temperature protection (OTP), and over voltage (fixed or adjustable) protection (OVP). Excellent EMI performance is achieved with OnBright proprietary frequency shuffling technique. The tone energy at below 22KHZ is minimized to avoid audio noise during operation. ■ ■ c en t ia lt o ■ ■ ■ Kt e ■ ■ High Voltage Startup Power on Soft Start Reducing MOSFET Vds Stress Frequency shuffling for EMI Extended Burst Mode Control For Improved Efficiency and Minimum Standby Power Audio Noise Free Operation Fixed 65KHZ Switching Frequency Comprehensive Protection Coverage o VDD Under Voltage Lockout with Hysteresis (UVLO) o Cycle-by-cycle over current protection (OCP) o Overload Protection (OLP) with autorecovery o Over Temperature Protection (OTP) with latch shut down o VDD Over voltage Protection(OVP) with latch shut down o Adjustable OVP through external Zener id Offline AC/DC flyback converter for ■ Battery Charger ■ Power Adaptor ■ Open-frame SMPS C on f OB5269 is offered in SOP8 package. APPLICATIONS O nB rig ht TYPICAL APPLICATION ©On-Bright Electronics Confidential Preliminary Datasheet OB_DOC_DS_526902 -1- Datasheet pdf - http://www.DataSheet4U.net/ www.DataSheet.co.kr OB5269 High Voltage Green Mode PWM Controller GENERAL INFORMATION Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Value VDD DC Supply Voltage 30V High-Voltage Pin, HV -0.3 to 500 V VDD Zener Clamp VDD_Clamp+0.1V VoltageNote VDD DC Clamp Current 10 mA FB Input Voltage -0.3 to 7V CS Input Voltage -0.3 to 7V RT Input Voltage -0.3 to 7V Min/Max Operating -40 to 150 ℃ Junction Temperature TJ Min/Max Storage -55 to 160 ℃ Temperature Tstg Lead Temperature 260 ℃ (Soldering, 10secs) Note: VDD_Clamp has a nominal value of 32V. 1 FB 2 8 HV 7 NC Kt e RT c Pin Configuration The OB5269 is offered in SOP8 package, shown as below. CS 3 6 VDD GND 4 5 GATE o OB5269 lt Ordering Information Part Number Description OB5269CP SOP8, Pb-free OB5269CPA SOP8, Pb-free in Taping en t ia Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. on f id Package Dissipation Rating Package RθJA(℃/W) SOP8 150 X X X ht C OB5269 Package C:SOP8 Package Pb free P:lead-free Packing Blank:Tube A:Taping O nB rig Current Mode PWM Controller with HV Startup ©On-Bright Electronics Confidential Preliminary Datasheet OB_DOC_DS_526902 -2- Datasheet pdf - http://www.DataSheet4U.net/ www.DataSheet.co.kr OB5269 High Voltage Green Mode PWM Controller Marking Information c YWWZZZ OB5269CP Kt e S I 2 FB I 3 4 5 6 8 CS GND Gate VDD HV I P O P P lt en t RT Dual function pin. Either connected through a NTC resistor to ground for over temperature shutdown/latch control or connected through Zener to VDD for adjustable over voltage protection Feedback input pin. The PWM duty cycle is determined by voltage level into this pin and the current-sense signal at CS pin Current sense input Ground Totem-pole gate driver output for power Mosfet Power Supply Connected to the line input or bulk capacitor via resistors for startup id 1 Description on f I/O C Pin Name ia TERMINAL ASSIGNMENTS Pin Num o Y:Year Code WW:Week Code(01-52) ZZZ:Lot Code C:SOP8 Package P:Pb-free Package S:Internal Code(Optional) RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITION Min/Max 12 to 23.5 -20 to 85 ht Parameter VDD Supply Voltage Operating Ambient Temperature Unit V ℃ O nB rig Symbol VDD TA ©On-Bright Electronics Confidential Preliminary Datasheet OB_DOC_DS_526902 -3- Datasheet pdf - http://www.DataSheet4U.net/ www.DataSheet.co.kr OB5269 High Voltage Green Mode PWM Controller BLOCK DIAGRAM VDD 6 5 Soft Driver Vth_otp Latch Vth_ovp HV Logic Control 8 R Internal supply Q GATE c 1 Kt e RT CS Float Soft Start S OCP o Extended OSC Burst mode UVLO lt LDO HV star t Slope PORb Burst mode en t Clamp CS Vth ia CPL OVP 3 LEB compensation 5V PWM Comparator id Debounce R OLP 2 FB R O nB rig ht C on f 4 GND ©On-Bright Electronics Confidential Preliminary Datasheet OB_DOC_DS_526902 -4- Datasheet pdf - http://www.DataSheet4U.net/ www.DataSheet.co.kr OB5269 High Voltage Green Mode PWM Controller ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Operation Current VDD Under Voltage Lockout Enter VDD Under Voltage Lockout Exit (Recovery) Pull-up PMOS active UVLO(ON) UVLO(OFF) Vpull-up Vdd_clamp Over voltage voltage OVP(ON) protection VDD=UVLO(OFF)1V, measure leakage current into VDD VFB=3V en t id on f C FB pin short circuit current ht IFB_Short rig nB O TD_OC VTH_OC Vocp_clamping Oscillator Over Current Detection and Control Delay 1.8 2.5 mA 9.3 10.3 V 15.3 16.3 V 30 12 32 34 V V 24 26 28 V 3.9 75 80 From Over Current Occurs till the gate driver output starts to turn off Internal Current Limiting Threshold Voltage with zero duty cycle CS voltage clamper ©On-Bright Electronics uA Short FB pin to GND and measure current Power Limiting FB Threshold Voltage Power limiting Debounce TD_PL Time ZFB_IN Input Impedance Current Sense Input(CS Pin) SST Soft start time T_blanking Leading edge blanking time ZSENSE_IN Input Impedance VTH_PL 0.72 5 V 4.2 V 5 V 1.7 V/V 80 85 % 2 V 1.2 V 1.1 V 360 uA 3.7 V 88 96 mSec 17 Kohm 4 320 40 ms ns Kohm 60 nSec 0.75 0.95 Confidential uA 20 14.3 Auto release threshold voltage Vth_latch Latch release threshold Feedback Input Section(FB Pin) VFB_Open VFB Open Loop Voltage PWM input gain Δ VFB/ Δ Avcs VCS Maximum duty Max duty cycle @ cycle VDD=14V,VFB=3V,VCS=0.3V The threshold enter green Vref_green mode Vref_burst_H The threshold exit burst mode The threshold enter burst Vref_burst_L mode Vth_recovery 10 5 8.3 Ivdd=10mA FB=3V Ramp up VDD until gate clock is off Unit mA c VDD=15V, HV=500V Max 5 Kt e I_VDD_Operation Typ. 2.8 o VDD Start up Current Min 2 lt Istartup Test Conditions VDD=2V, HV=100V ia (TA = 25℃, VDD=15V, unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter IHV Supply current from HV pin HV pin leakage current after leakage startup Supply Voltage (VDD) 0.78 V V Preliminary Datasheet OB_DOC_DS_526902 -5- Datasheet pdf - http://www.DataSheet4U.net/ www.DataSheet.co.kr OB5269 High Voltage Green Mode PWM Controller △f_Temp △f_VDD F_Burst Gate driver VDD=15V, FB=3V, 60 65 +/-4 32 70 KHZ % Hz 1 % 1 22 % KHZ c Normal Oscillation Frequency Frequency jittering Shuffling frequency Frequency Temperature Stability Frequency Voltage Stability Burst Mode Switch Frequency Output low level @ VDD=15V, Io=20mA Output high level @ VOH VDD=15V, Io=20mA V_clamping Output clamp voltage Output rising time 1V ~ 10V T_r @ CL=1000pF Output falling time 10V ~ 1V T_f @ CL=1000pF Over temperature protection IRT Output current of RT pin Vth_OTP Threshold voltage for OTP Td_OTP OTP debounce time VRT_FL Voltage at floating RT pin External OVP threshold Vth_OVP voltage Td_OVP External OVP debounce time VOL 1 V 13 V 70 nS o 8 ia lt 30 95 0.95 100 1 8 2.6 nS 105 1.05 uA V Cycle V 3.6 V 8 Cycle O nB rig ht C on f id en t V Kt e FOSC △f_OSC F_shuffling ©On-Bright Electronics Confidential Preliminary Datasheet OB_DOC_DS_526902 -6- Datasheet pdf - http://www.DataSheet4U.net/ www.DataSheet.co.kr OB5269 High Voltage Green Mode PWM Controller CHARACTERIZATION PLOTS VDD = 15V, TA = 25℃ condition applies if not otherwise noted. Vth_otp(V) vs Temperature(℃ ) I_startup(uA) vs Temperature(℃ ) 12 1 Kt e Vth_otp(V) 0.99 10 0.98 8 -40 0 40 80 -40 120 80 120 lt UVLO_off(V) vs Temperature(℃ ) ia UVLO_on(V) vs Temperature(℃ ) 15.8 UVLO_off(V) en t 9.6 9.4 id 9.2 -40 0 40 on f 9 80 15.6 15.4 15.2 15 120 -40 0 Temperature(℃) rig 0.85 Fosc(KHz) 0.9 120 65.5 ht 0.95 80 Fosc(KHz) vs Temperature(℃ ) C 1 40 Temperature(℃) Vth_OC(V) vs Duty(%) 0.8 65 64.5 0.75 nB Vth_OC(V) 40 Temperature(℃) Temperature(℃) UVLO_on(V) 0 o I_startup(uA) 14 c 1.01 16 64 0.7 20 40 60 -40 80 0 40 80 120 Temperature(℃) Duty(%) O 0 ©On-Bright Electronics Confidential Preliminary Datasheet OB_DOC_DS_526902 -7- Datasheet pdf - http://www.DataSheet4U.net/ www.DataSheet.co.kr OB5269 High Voltage Green Mode PWM Controller OPERATION DESCRIPTION OB5269 is a highly integrated current mode PWM control IC optimized for high performance, low standby power consumption and cost effective offline flyback converter applications. The ‘Extended burst mode’ control greatly reduces the standby power consumption and helps the design easily to meet the international power conservation requirements. c power on sequence. As soon as VDD reaches UVLO(OFF), the CS peak voltage is gradually increased from 0V to the maximum level. Every restart up begins with a soft start. Kt e • Frequency shuffling for EMI improvement The frequency shuffling (switching frequency modulation) is implemented in OB5269. The oscillation frequency is modulated so that the tone energy is spread out. The spread spectrum minimizes the conduction band EMI and therefore eases the system design. • o Internal High Voltage Startup and Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO) OB5269 integrates HV startup circuit, and provides about 2.8mA current to charge VDD pin during power on state from HV pin. When VDD cap voltage is higher than UVLO(OFF), the charge current is switched off. At this moment, the VDD capacitor provides current to OB5269 until the auxiliary winding of the main transformer starts to provide the operation current. In general application, a 51K Ω resistor is recommended to be placed in the high voltage path to limit the current. en t ia lt • Green-Mode Operation OB5269 provides green-mode control to reduce the switching frequency in light-load and no-load conditions. VFB, which is derived from the voltage feedback loop, is taken as the reference. Once VFB is lower than the threshold voltage (Vref_green), switching frequency is continuously decreased to the minimum green-mode frequency of around 22KHz. UVLO_off on f UVLO_on t HV Current ht C 2.8mA VDD Current • Extended Burst Mode Operation At light load or zero load condition, most of the power dissipation in a switching mode power supply is from switching loss in the MOSFET, the core loss of the transformer and the loss in the snubber circuit. The magnitude of power loss is in proportion to the switching frequency. Lower switching frequency leads to the reduction on the power loss and thus conserves the energy. The switching frequency is internally adjusted at no load or light load condition. The switching frequency is reduced at light/no load condition to improve the conversion efficiency. At light load or no load condition, the FB input drops below burst mode threshold voltage (Vref_burst_L) and device enters Burst Mode control. The gate driver output switches only when FB voltage is higher than the threshold voltage (Vref_burst_H) to output an on state. Otherwise the gate drive remains at off state to minimize the switching loss and reduces the standby power consumption to the greatest extend. The switching frequency control also eliminates the audio noise at any loading conditions. id VDD t rig Operation Current Startup Current nB t Fig1 Startup current timing O • Operating Current The typical operating current of OB5269 is 1.8mA. Good efficiency is achieved with this low operating current together with the ‘Extended burst mode’ control features. • Oscillator Operation The switching frequency is internally fixed at 65KHZ. No external frequency setting components are required for PCB design simplification. • Soft Start OB5269 features an internal 4ms soft start to soften the electrical stress occurring in the power supply during startup. It is activated during the ©On-Bright Electronics Confidential Preliminary Datasheet OB_DOC_DS_526902 -8- Datasheet pdf - http://www.DataSheet4U.net/ www.DataSheet.co.kr OB5269 High Voltage Green Mode PWM Controller A good tradeoff is achieved through the built-in totem pole gate design with right output strength and dead time control. The low idle loss and good EMI system design is achieved with this dedicated control scheme. • Current Sensing and Leading Edge Blanking Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting is offered in OB5269 current mode PWM control. The switching current is detected by a sense resistor connected to the CS pin. An internal leading edge blanking circuit chops off the sensed voltage spikes due to snubber diode reverse recovery and surge gate current of power MOSFET at initial internal power MOSFET on state. The current limiting comparator is disabled and cannot turn off the internal power MOSFET during the blanking period. The PWM duty cycle is determined by the current sense input voltage and the FB input voltage. o Kt e c • Protection Controls Good power supply system reliability is achieved with auto-recovery protection features including Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting (OCP), Over Load Protection (OLP), and Under Voltage Lockout on VDD (UVLO), and latched shutdown features including over temperature protection (OTP) and VDD over voltage protection (OVP). With On-Bright proprietary technology, the OCP is line voltage compensated to achieve constant output power limit over the universal input voltage range. At overload condition when FB input voltage exceeds power limit threshold value for more than TD_PL, control circuit shuts down the converter. It restarts when VDD voltage drops below Vth_recovery. For protection with latched shut down mode, control circuit shutdowns (latch) the power MOSFET when an Over Temperature condition or Over Voltage condition is detected until VDD drops below Vth_latch , and device enters power on restart-up sequence thereafter. en t ia lt • Internal Synchronized Slope Compensation Built-in slope compensation circuit adds voltage ramp onto the current sense input voltage for PWM generation. This greatly improves the close loop stability at CCM and eliminates the subharmonic oscillation and thus reduces the output ripple voltage. O nB rig ht C on f id • Driver The power MOSFET is driven by a dedicated gate driver for power switching control. Too weak gate driver results in higher conduction and switch loss of MOSFET while too strong gate driver results the compromise of EMI. ©On-Bright Electronics Confidential Preliminary Datasheet OB_DOC_DS_526902 -9- Datasheet pdf - http://www.DataSheet4U.net/ www.DataSheet.co.kr OB5269 High Voltage Green Mode PWM Controller C on f id en t ia lt o Kt e c PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA O nB rig A A1 A2 b c D E E1 e L θ Dimensions In Millimeters Min Max 1.350 1.750 0.050 0.250 1.250 1.650 0.310 0.510 0.170 0.250 4.700 5.150 3.800 4.000 5.800 6.200 1.270 (BSC) 0.400 1.270 0º 8º ht Symbol ©On-Bright Electronics Confidential Dimensions In Inches Min Max 0.053 0.069 0.002 0.010 0.049 0.065 0.012 0.020 0.006 0.010 0.185 0.203 0.150 0.157 0.228 0.244 0.05 (BSC) 0.016 0.050 0º 8º Preliminary Datasheet OB_DOC_DS_526902 - 10 - Datasheet pdf - http://www.DataSheet4U.net/ www.DataSheet.co.kr OB5269 High Voltage Green Mode PWM Controller IMPORTANT NOTICE c RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES On-Bright Electronics Corp. reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. lt o Kt e WARRANTY INFORMATION On-Bright Electronics Corp. warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with its standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent it deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed. On-Bright Electronics Corp. assumes no liability for application assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using On-Bright’s components, data sheet and application notes. To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. en t ia LIFE SUPPORT On-Bright Electronics Corp.’s products are not designed to be used as components in devices intended to support or sustain human life. On-bright Electronics Corp. will not be held liable for any damages or claims resulting from the use of its products in medical applications. O nB rig ht C on f id MILITARY On-Bright Electronics Corp.’s products are not designed for use in military applications. On-Bright Electronics Corp. will not be held liable for any damages or claims resulting from the use of its products in military applications. ©On-Bright Electronics Confidential Preliminary Datasheet OB_DOC_DS_526902 - 11 - Datasheet pdf - http://www.DataSheet4U.net/
OB5269CPA 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+1.22773
    • 30+1.18450
    • 100+1.09804
    • 500+1.01158
    • 1000+0.96835


    •  国内价格
    • 1+1.61700
    • 100+1.29800
    • 1000+1.15500
    • 2000+1.08460
    • 4000+1.03400
