Series 2281S Battery Simulator and
Precision DC Power Supply
The Series 2281S Battery Simulator and Precision DC
Power Supply innovatively integrates battery simulation
with the functions of a high-precision power supply. The
2281S-20-6 can analyze the DC current consumption of a
device under test and generate a battery model based on
a battery charging process, and simulate a battery based
on a battery model. The 2281S-20-6 can output 120 W
with 20 V and 6 A, and sink current up to 1 A.
Key Features
A Tektronix Company
• Simulate a battery’s output during the charge and
discharge cycles
• Create, edit, import, and export battery models
• Build a library of battery models using a Source
Measure instrument as a model generator
• Display the real-time change of the SOC, Voc, and Vt
for the simulated battery
• Compute battery capacity in Amp-Hour and
Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR)
The 2281S uses linear regulation to ensure low-output
noise and superior load current measurement sensitivity.
A high resolution color thin film transistor (TFT) screen
displays a wide range of information on measurements.
Soft-key buttons and a navigation wheel combine with
the TFT display to provide an easy-to-navigate user
interface that accelerates instrument setup and operation.
In addition, built-in plotting functions allow monitoring
trends such as drift. These features provide the flexibility
required for both benchtop and automated test system
applications. In addition, the 2281S provides a list mode,
triggers, and other speed optimization functions to
minimize test time in automated testing applications.
• Program the battery SOC, Voc, capacity, and internal
resistance (ESR)
• Provide two modes of simulation–dynamic and static
• Monitor charge/discharge current and voltage
• Output up to 120 W of low noise, linear
regulated power
• Monitor load currents from 100 nA to 6 A with high
accuracy in power supply mode
• Measure voltage and current with 6½-digit resolution
Figure 1. Series 2281S startup screen.
• Sink current up to 1 A and source current up to 6 A
• Built-in graphing simplifies analyzing trends or
displaying voltage or current waveforms
• High resolution TFT display and soft-key/icon-based
user interface simplify operation
• Digital I/O for direct communication with other devices
and instruments
• GPIB, USB, and LAN interfaces
• Emulation of front panel display and controls via
your web browser simplifies automated control and
Figure 2. Battery simulator home screen.
Battery Simulation Based on a
Battery Model
In the battery simulator function of the 2281S, real battery
output performance can be simulated based on a
selected battery model. State of charge (SOC) and voltage
open circuit (Voc) can be set to any state to test a deviceunder-test’s (DUT’s) performance at various states of
the battery.
There are two modes from which to choose:
Use a Source Measure Unit to
Discharge a Battery and Create a
Battery Model
• Static: During the static simulation, Voc and SOC
stay the same.
• Dynamic: During the dynamic simulation, Voc and SOC
change according to charging and discharging as with
a real battery.
Capacity can also be reduced to accelerate the charging
and discharging process for better test efficiency.
Use a Keithley 2450 or 2460 Series SMU with a model generating test
script to discharge batteries and create battery models for the 2281S-20-6
Battery Simulator.
Determine SOC and ESR and
Create a Battery Model During
Battery Testing
In the 2281S battery test function, charge/discharge
testing on a battery can be performed. Charging current
ranges from 0 to 6 A, and the maximum discharging
current is 1 A. During charging, the sampling interval can
be set for the internal 6½-digit multimeter to sample the
charging current and voltage continuously. In this way,
the capacity of the battery and its internal resistance (ESR
value) are automatically computed.
Figure 3. Plot of Voc and ESR as a function of State of Charge (SOC).
Battery Model Parameters
Points in Simulation
101 (0% State of Charge to
100% State of Charge)
Simulated ESR Range
0 to 10 ohms
Simulated ESR Resolution
1 milliohm
Simulated ESR Offset
–100 to 100 ohms
Simulated Voc Range
0 to 20 Volts
Simulated Voc Resolution
1 mV
Simulated Capacity Range
1 mAh to 99 Ah
Simulated Capacity Resolution
1 mAh
After the test, a battery model can be generated based on
the measurement result of the battery charging process.
A battery model can be edited, created, imported, or
exported in a CSV file format.
Figure 4. Battery test display.
Series 2281S Battery Simulator and Precision DC Power Supply
Precision DC Power Supply, with
DMM-quality High Resolution, Low
Current Measurements Capability
Figure 5. Battery model table.
Easily View and Control Every
Parameter of the Battery Test and
Simulation Function
The bright, 4.3-inch TFT display shows voltage, current,
and amp-hour readings, source settings, and many
additional settings in large, easy-to-read characters. The
icon-based main menu provides all the functions users
can control and program for fast access to source setup,
measurement setup, display formats, trigger options,
and system settings. Menus are short, and menu options
are easy to find and are clearly described, enabling test
parameters to be setup quickly by using the navigation
wheel, keypad, or soft-keys. Many setup parameters, such
as voltage and current settings, can be entered directly
from the home screen. Less complex tests don’t require
access to the main menu to make adjustments – just use
soft keys on the home screen. Whether test requirements
are simple or complex, the Series 2281S supplies provide
a simple way to set up all required parameters.
Unlike conventional power supplies, Series 2281S supplies
feature up to 120 W, 20 V, and 6 A output and can also
make measurements with up to 6½ digits of resolution.
Voltage output measurements can be resolved down
to 100 µV. These supplies measure load currents from
100 nA to amps. Four load current measurement ranges
(10 A, 1 A, 100 mA, and 10 mA) support measuring a
device’s full load current, standby mode current, and
small sleep mode current with DMM-quality accuracy.
The high resolution allows discerning small changes in
load currents with confidence. It also makes it possible
to make a broad range of measurements or a single
range with excellent accuracy across both low and high
current values.
Optimized Performance for
Production Test
The 2281S-20-6 supplies are as powerful in a production
test system as they are flexible on the R&D benchtop.
They provide SCPI commands for all measurement
functions. In addition, several other features can help
minimize test time in automated systems. For example,
an external trigger input allows hardware synchronization
and control by other instruments in the test system. For
the battery test and battery simulator function, the digital
I/O can be configured as input or output. If the digital
I/O is configured as input, the measurement can be
triggered by external signals; if the digital I/O is configured
as output, the digital I/O pin will send out a signal when
the measurement is finished. Furthermore, to reduce
measurement time, reading speed can be increased by
reducing the acquisition time from 16.6 ms (or 20 ms) to
33 μs (40 μs).
Figure 6. Battery test menu.
A choice of front or rear panel terminals provides
enhanced connection flexibility. For maximum voltage
accuracy, 4-wire remote sensing ensures that the
output voltage programmed is actually the level applied
to the load. In addition, the sense lines are monitored
in order to detect any breaks in them. These features
ensure that any production problems can be quickly
identified and corrected. Series 2281S supplies can be
Figure 7. 2281S rear panel.
controlled via their built-in GPIB, USB, or LAN interfaces.
The USB interface is test and measurement system
(TMC) compliant. The LXI Core compliant LAN interface
supports controlling and monitoring a Series 2281S supply
remotely, so test engineers can always access the power
supply and view measurements, even if located on a
different continent than the test systems.
Series 2281S Battery Simulator and Precision DC Power Supply
23 °C ±5 °C with 1-hour instrument warm-up.
DC Output Ratings
0 to 20 V.
0 to 6 A.
Maximum Power
120 W.
Source Setting
±(0.02% + 3 mV).
1 mV.
Measurement2 (0.5V over-range)
±(0.02% + 2 mV).
0.1 mV.
Additional Offset at Faster Measurement Settings
5½ (0.1 PLC)
0.21 mV.
4½ (0.01 PLC)
1.44 mV.
3½ (0.002 PLC)
7.60 mV.
±(0.01% + 2 mV).
±(0.01% + 1 mV).
Output Ripple and Noise
Bandwidth 20 Hz–20 MHz